HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-25, Page 20F
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VAS Yy., ,� , �,, -•i-.:4,4u..:' " u� ';�;.4 ,r¢1 4 ' ! .. • F (M'� 4 } �, ., .:
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Authorityer hn{quest a
. The dis laY trailer management t
'Y 4F4 ' 1Ii. r�°%!.Mq. kl.' K I I x.i'sF�,. .„' i'.".r ,k.,! • ,f:•"_'.;x ::�, •+..•:: Jl•. # ;i,,,.
Will TCC:iYC interior ren6vats ns meeting Wiil
staff members of
he Aus ble-Ha field Co serva
during this winter in preparation t a . Y n t-
;' t • „� g , > 4<, ,, ion Authority was held discuss
for attendance at local fall fairs in s
5 t f m , £• a , t� �� t;; 1976. Presently staff members Conservation school program or
are working on arrangerpents to the future; the commissioner for
!attend the 1976 "International the White Oaks District Girl
Plou hing Match tA be at
Guides has been contacted
Walkerton, Ontario. concerning a possible, joint
Other activities carried out conservation school program;
,�,n.'. �i r 4;•'.,. i ? d9 k roa2 b v• x ''Jt'.
undetthe Conservao.p
'InformaJstudents from he� Howick and erry• Township Cenrali tion and Education program Tunb
�; �,� ` ` `'< •''+, ,;. �ga include: listing of centengial schools have constructed and
urs, r
e 4 ? kik celebrations for 1976. has been o It n donated bird 'douses to the
suggested that the Authority's Authority. These bird houses will
�wx ?” float could attend these s ectal
f, P be installed at Conservation
events again in 1976; Ares; the authority Christmas
n=.• t „ F j' �µr, , r;,`tic presentations have been made to social was eld at the Howick
the Goderich Rotary,. Bluevale Community �entr,f'. on
' "4,,.< •4i,, s ;' k.;;:' ` Women's ' Institute, W i ngham Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1975.
y.'... :. q4.` "rs. •.,, .., icy.. `aR'""°'�`
v * .. ,, ,• •., � t , , � "� ��.,,'��'�,�"? � �,1 �, R cubs and other groups; grade 7 •Registration of the Maitland .•'• ,
4 Geography classes from the Conservation Foundation is�*i4z Huron Centennial School in pending ,further action by the
R he Non Profit and Charitable
x a Brucefield visited t Wawanosh
s w a` is Valley • Conservation Area to Or anizati s Taxatiotr
observe local land forms and Department. The Authority itself
learn about conservation has applied for registration so
`, ..
that the Foundation may proceed
kf�s", - l `4 to acquire its tax exemption
status. -
�• alt s �'.t . k Through Canada Manpower,
Maitland Valley' Conservation
r k _ Authority has received $13,800:
�y •,5 �. .., t"� in Local Initiatives Program
• / Environmerital EnhancementGrants to conduct an'
BriefSSERIOUS SINGERS,— Some of the older girls in the McLeod, Lisa Newy, Elizabeth Reinink, Angelee �`.4
PS choir concentrate on their singing at Kilbarchan Andreassi and Jane Morton. (Staff Photo) ,, <<. Program during the winter of
" -� The Centennial Steppers will
last week. From left are Marion Hunt, Trac 1975-76. Four area residents have
Tracy r', be -featured on Junior Talent Hour
Cti began work as �rresult of the
�i Channel 10 artd�Channel 8 this g
• >� funds whic,J� will provide 92 man
C I • � _ weekend.���se.men be an custom of Qive us M" weeks of labour on Authority
, Mr. and Mr.s Doug Fry and son projects. Jobs to be completed
. 1-' ` IV, Shawn of Timmins were include picnic table repairs and
THE PILE,TELLS THE STORY — A lot of -front halls -Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs, painting, vandal proofing of two
exchan in Christmas ifts your news will be piled up with coats as friends visit over the D. Sills of town. —� historic' inills, construction and 1, ,Y•
g Awa for Christmas? You Christmas season. But we hope nobody has a pile Mr. and' Mrs. Br ce Walters installation, of playground
„ > 4 equipment, road clearing, fire '
entertained visitors over the quite this big. These are the coats Of the 60 children and family, Mr., and . Mrs. Jeff break construction and stead tree
Christmas is gift -giving tom. His story varies from Thust,as the years passed, holidays? Call us at The Expositor in the Seafg[th' Public School choir. They shed them Boyland and son of Hanover and removal.
time, and has been for ren- country to country, but the St. Nicholas became the pa at 527-0240 and tell us where you ' in 'the hall • while they sang for residents at" -Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and
turies. But hovv�, the chil- most poliular tradition says 'trop saint of children and were and who they were.. Joan were guests of Mrs. W.C.
dren ask, did the custom the first Santa Claus was St, the spirit of Christmas giv- Kilbarchan. (Staff Photo)
Bennett on Sunday.
or: oinate? Nicholas, a bishop in Asia ing. Old paintings and stat -
With gold, frankincense Minor in the fifth century. ues show him on horseback
and" myrrh —these wee the As legend has it, the bish- in his bishop's robes, deliV- ROYAL
gifts of the Magi," the',wise �. op determindd to help three Bring gifts to good -children Children., etorta n at Le�gion, party,men who followed the daughters of a poor man by on the eve of his feast day,
Christmas star to find an In- providing them with dow- December 6th. Last Sundav Dec. 21st, Branch accordiah solo "Little Drummer . The Ladies Auxiliary served the have just one more week to get in
�\fant King. When• they reach- ries so 'they could get mar- The story of St. Nicholas • 156 held their annual party for the Boy", Stephen Ungarian followed adults, coffee and cooties. I I on the Early Bird Campaign. The HOTEL
ed Bethlehem, they, , gave ried. was brought to America by children. President George Hays with a guitar solo. Next on 'the' , Santa Claus accompanied by draw for prizes will be held at the
ther 'treasures to the Hcily Secretly, the good saint the Dutch, and gradually welcomed the children and their program was a recitation by president George Hays, Pres. General Dinner meeting on
hild.. crept to the roof','of the fam- evolved into the -white- parents and was master of Louise Nolan. Allyson Scott then Barbara Scott, 1st Vice president Thursday January 15th 1976. MITCHELL
Their offerings were the ily home to throw a bag of bearded, red -suited symbol ceremonies for the p'vogram.. closed the program by singing Tom Wilbee, Past president
st Christmas gifts — the gold flown the chimney each of Christmas we know to- As in past years the children "Littl'e *Red Riding Hood's Gordon Scott ands. John Baker
rtof a warm tradition Christmas' Eve., for three day. provided the entertainment. Christmas Tree". then visited the Seaforth Com- SEAFORTH In The
that flourishes to this day. years until all the girls were Opening the program was Allyson 'The • president of the Ladies munity Hospital where -they gave
Because the wise men wed• . It alw.a�ys Happen3 in Scott singtng "I'd like to -hitch a uxtliary,, Barbara. Scott carnations to all tjte 'pafienfs'and : ' Crown 'Rooil'7I J)
brought gifts to the manger, The story s at of ktic December ... Christaajas'tr s riderwith Santa Claus;"'" Maiq�r nite,' the chitdfet'€`'•s Christ- candy to -the c9ildren. Santa Claus
third Christmas ° decorations ... gift u�ppi>s ... Ann and Linda Delon followed.
the tradition of Christmas ,'t a father g .ma'pa�then led the little ones then' had to leave for the North
giving is a hallowed one. for
waited "on the roof and they all add up to greater home, with a duet, "Suite owflake",
g g i*n a sing -song of Christmas songs Pole, and the representatives of
tare danger. This is the time to and "Rudol h". Next on the 4 vDIAMONDS
They gave from their hearts, caught the bishop in the act take the utmost care to make sure p and carols, after a while the, the Legion went• on to visit' FINE CHINA I
in and wonder, as the of tossing the old down the program was June'Rivers with a singing suddenly stopped and the Kilbarchan Nursing Home and Friday
J� g g that holiday'fun will not turn into •
most thou htful gifts are chimney. Although St. Nish- recitation, "Not Scared"- after children started to cheer as the the Manor, where, they gave out
g g y family tragedy, Watch small which Mary Ann DeJong sang 'robust fi u0c of Santa. Claus carnations and sand' 'to *all the
still given today. olas wanted his gifts to children more carefully at this g y and
be anonymous, the rateful . "Away in a Manger',, Andrea . appeared in the doorway. residents.
The legend of Santa Claus y g eason than at any other time Santa Claus talked to man of A reminder to all members, you g - •• Muir then entertained with "How
-also contributes to our man told• everyone of the and never, never leave them y y Saturday'
saint's generosity, do we play with Christmas Toys". the children and then gave out - - •
Christmas gifGgiving cus- g . y• unattended. n. Charlene DeJong then gave an gifts of Candy Trpit and, Nuts. i'A
December 26
Music by SPUD GRANT 10-1
Early -bird-draw at, 11 o'clock V�
•••••••4p•••••••••••••••00000- -oBAYFIELDROAD'
(} Saforth ° r—
• Friday & Saturday
• U Fri. & Sat. Centennial Lounge
• Cavaliers The Squires
• Next Week
,Chris Bim- 9t
• • r{
o Licensed under L.C.B.O. New Years
Eve Party
Smorgasbord la.m.
* .
'� • ' from 6 to 9
$6.00 per person
$3.00 for children
In the Beverage Room ' Music/by the
Howard Smith Orches ci" r Honk
_ y Tonk
/ Noise makers hats, balloons. Round
Moke your reservations °earl ers
advance tickets
' -
Hotel limitedquantify
. E YOU Se 0rt1 availableMerry UlmoUnas
. lyrr�'�-a-�c:;,u,��-�.�,�y'��,y.-��..-x.t... :,��.,<�...y:�c.<,r: •_.... a.,�,:.,.....K.� ,..... .. ..,. �...,...,+e.,r•. ,.._._ - ..-.. ..,_...,�., ..,,,,.. _—