HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-25, Page 14777 7 "A ow th r 4 k, C "J A Sit IOWA* I , I I,y . zY ­011,�, Since 1860, Serving the Community Firstq The Steel - of Titi,!nidi ich" W_4 wh . . .... .0y sow by public 44 104 by J. P. oxine wo. purOased by W Olished at SEAFORTq, 6NTARIO, every Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS.'PUBLISHERS LTD. Logan of.Spoforth for WQ0. '5f It was with pleAsure we record the Incident which to9k ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Publisher z", place at the residence of,. A. Dewar. Old Tuckgrsmjth: has SUSAN WHITE. Editor darned for herself a prominent place in tko, politics 9f0the DAVE ROBB. Advertising ManagerCounty. On Me evening in question a few of them met pt the Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association Inspectors and presented him with an address, read by Mr. - Ontario Weekly Nespaper Association W, Sellars and also a handsome butter cup and knife, presented and Audit Bureau of Circulation I�Z by Mr. Cameron. R the Mr.Seegmiller of Zurich has bought from R. Brown Subscription Rates: +,c4kA - building latelyw o ned'by Mr.Witmer as a planing mill and is Cpnada (in advance) $10.00 a Year flitting it up for a cheese factory. One day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Busbee of Hay Township Outside Canada (in advance) $12.00 a Year -on business. One of the children was I r went to Bayfield n playing, when she ,was seized with a -pain in knee. On the 'a 0, M SiNGLE COPIES — 25 CENTS EACH 5 0 fihYF.I Z second day the knee started to swell and after taking her to ?C74 1. IVA I flesh and who. Second Class MqiI Registration Number 0696 the doctor found that a needle was in the fle Telephone 527-0240' brought out the needle which was about 2 inches long. James Watt.of Hullett sold his farm to James Torrance of 2 ,f0. 51 Grey Twp. for $9,000. The farm contains 150 acres. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 25, 1975 The services in connection with the formal opening of Caven Presbyterian Church at. Winthrop were attended with much success. Rev. Dr. Caven of Knox College-, Toronto, preached at both. The tea meeting was also successful. Rev. x' r11 A.Sc'btt of Egmondville and Rev., Goldsmith of Seaforth IV' delivered interesting addresses. 4 DECEMBER 25, 1925 On Tuesday afternoon, S.S.No-. 7 Tuckcrsmith, held their Andt came to pass annual Christmas program and tree. After this, Miss A. i: Thompson read an address and Miss Mary Broadfoot and Peace Harold Nicholson presented Miss A. McNaughton with an ivory mantel clock and other small presents. Geo. Diegel of Dublin died on Thursday. 11 was 53 years since be came to the village and opened a store and made harness. Luke 2:1 -10 And there were in the same country On On evening, SO of the ratepayers of S -S -No. 2 And it came to pass In those days shepherds • abiding in the fields, McKillop met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Little, where that there went out a decree from keeping watch over their flock by Sugar and Spice the pupils presented the teacher Miss Elva Little with an ivory Ceasar Augustus, that all the world night. And lo, the angel of the Lord set and a number of the ratepayers gave her some ivory as 0 should be taxed. (And this taxing was came upon them, and the glory of the by Bill Smiley well. John McElroy was chairman after which Hogg Bros. gave a musical selection. Mrs. B.C.Rising read an address. first. 'made when Cyrenius was Lord' shone, round about them: and they were finally raised after inuch sweat W.O.G6odwin, choir ' r leader ofthe United Church, Hensall governor' of Syria.) And all went to be they were sore afraid. And the angel There is something terribly wrong round and his wife as organist were presented with a floor lamp and -taxed, 'every one into his own city. said unto them, "Fear not: for our house this year, as Christmas Zooms. I and Many 'maledictions, it was like an address. behold I bring you good tidings of have a disturbing feeli ng that a catastro- standing in the presence of a man with two Mr. and Mrs.A. Bolton of Hensall celebrated their golden And Joseph also went up from ' m phy is in the offing. wall eyes, one pointing west, the other wedding anniversary. Galilee• , out of the city of Nazareth, great joy, which shall be to all people. What bothers me is that everything is east. In the recent presentation . of awards given by the into Judea, unto the city of David, For unto you is born this day in the going too welh Two weeks in advance, the My wife used to leave the house when I Remington and Underwood companies to the pupils of the which is called Bethlehem (because, city of David, a Saviour, which Is turkey was ordered, special, fresh -killed, was putting up the tree. It was better that Clinton school - ofCommetce, Miss Elaine Lowery was he was of the house and lineage of Christ the Lord. And this shall be a not one of those frozen, eviscerated, straw- way. awarded the Remington silver medal, whose record was 45 David), to be taxed with Mary his sign Unto you: Ye shall find the babe tasting, morgue -like, pallid blobs we This time, she came hom6 after two words per minute. usually pick up at the last minute. hours ready to help me decorate our The deafth of W.H.Soole, pioneer resident of Seaforth. He espoused wife, being great with child. wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying Christmas cards were dispatched, on handsome Spruce. She gave a shriek the was in his 73rd y I ear. And so it was, that while they were in a manger.',' And suddenly there time (after those rotten posties ended their moment she ' entered the house. She Mr. Lawder T. Delaney passed away at his home on John there, the days were accomplished was with the angel a multitude of the strike just a little too soon). thought it was on -fire. Clouds of blue Street. He was. the accountant in the A.G.Van Egniond that she could be delivered. And she • heavenly host praising God and Christmas gifts were actual(}' bought and smoke were pouring out of the living room. Woollen Mill. wrapped 'almost a week in advance, instead She heard the sound of weeping. Her heart Word was received here last week of the death of Miss brought forth her first-born son, and saying "Glory to God in the highest of that mad lurch through the stores on almost -stopped: Jessie Th ompson. For many years she was a well known laid him in a manger; because there and on earth peace, good will toward Christmas Eve, snatching up broken toys, She rushed in, fighting her way through resid6nt of Seaforth. was no room for them in the Inn. men.' soiled sweaters and.otherjunk a drunken the bluu�air. In the corner, the fine, busy John Lamo .2LYho has been on the staff of the Dominion lumberjack wouldn't buy, and bundling it Spruce was lying on it side. There was no Bank has been transferred to the Baden Branch of the bank. into last second wrappings that. were too sign of me. Mrs. West of town has purchased the residence of skimpy. She started' to get sore. "Has he Mrs.Mason in Egmondville. We even knew two weeks in advance actually -had the gall to get into the Mike McLaughlin of Manley has returned from Detroit and Christmas- challenge who was going to be here for' Christmas. Christmas spirit already?" thinks farming is ahead of city 'life. Many a time and oft, our kids have come Then she heard the choked sobs, The death. occurred at his home in Ingersoll pain and rage. She of John Herbert popping in from hundreds of miles away as mingled with moans of ' Lightowler, formerly of Seaforth. late as Christmas ' morning, without looked at the tree at one end. A number of boys met at the residence of C.A.Barber to and celebration warning. organize a Tuxis Squatq. The officers were as follows: Pretor This year, it's just Pokey and his mom And there I was. Under it. Face T I . 1. I I 11�_ thumb M.,,S,a.vqug�;_Deputy R., Willis; Comptors W. and dad. the old Battle Ax6vand your truly. scratched and bleeding'. One Barber;, -.,Sillery., 'Grandad - is g6lhk to Ali this one out.gt mashed flat by�tthe hammer, A chunk torn Christmas, 1975, comes to a world 'Unlike most of. the mystic religions home, alone. 'Son' Hugh won't behere. off. the knuc]kles �WUA­the sc�rewdfiv'er H. Glenn Hays, lawyer and crown attorney for Huron that wants "peace on earth, good will that are flowering . today in the midstHe'll be dining on roast llama in the slipped. An expression of utter despair on County has been appointed a. King's Council, it' 'was highlands of Oara uay, if he's not in jail. the tattered countenance. to men." But the desires of,muc6 of of our disillusion. Christmas faith 9 announced on -Saturday. We even have a plum pudding all ready. That was the year nobody was coming Mr. Hays was born in Seforth, and received his education the world, including our own strife- proves that God does act in human 'You see what I mean'? It is not only all for the holidays until after Christmas. I in both schools in Seaforth and attended Osgoode'Hall, torn an(t uncertain Canada, stem history in unexpected ways and calls wrong for the Smileys. It is virtually finally got off the floor, stood the beast up Tor6nto. more from weariness than from love. on a -community to join his action. fiightening'. It has never happened before. in the corner, and took a hockey stick to it. The Third Annual Christmas service combining Northside This world expects more from the As,realists we know that the home It's got to be the calm before the storm. That was the year the tree never was United, First Presbyterian and St. Thomas AnglicanChurches flights of Henry Kissinger and th I e of a friend or relative is bricks and Something eerie is going to happen.. Even put up". Never decorated. When my was held in Northside Church. It was an all -mate choir. my wife is beSomjng convinced we're going daughter and family arrivipd a couple of ' Special music was sung by James T. Scott, Jas, A. Stewart manoeuvres of Pierre Trudeau than mortar, wood and nails. It is a to get it in the groin, or some other �aays after Christmas, it was still leaning from the flights and singing of angels. functional place, ornamented alid vulnerable spot. there in the corner. directed the choir with Mrs.Stewart as organist. Mrs, Margaret White, well known resident of town will What then are we -to make of often filled wtih comfort, but still a What has convinced me that the roof is "What happened to the tree,, Dad?" she mark her 91st birthday New Year's Day. going to fall in, the final piece of evidence, queried in horrified disbelief. Christmas this year? functional place that has no real Reeve Beuerman of McKillop and Reeve 'Arthur Nicholson To -many it is but a pleaA§qt legend feeling. But all that is changed and., is the Christmas tree. Ah ... I it was too dry; needles were of Tuckersmith, received acclamation. in their townships on 01 , Not only was it purchased two weeks in falling off. Decided to take it down, throw it Friday. '9from the takes � on meaning when we realize that takes us for a day or tw advance, but it's a beauty, a blue Spruce out," Brusquely. daily drudgery of trying to make ends thatRogs McLellan of Sarnia who has been sailing on the a loved one or an old friend lives about 10 feet high, that even looks like a ."Needles? It hasn't even any branches Imperial oil boat spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. A. meet -- a chance to forget how there. The silent walls speak a, Christmas tree. You know; it has branches left! McLellan in Egmondville. powerless many of us have langu�ge of love. all around, instead of just one side. Oh well, this year it's going to be Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, rector of St.Thomas Anglican Church become. To others, who treasure the Something like, that happens to This is ridiculous on all counts. My different. Usually we have two trees, one Sehforth, died suddenly at his'home in Gravenhurst. He usual tree is bought the day before small and one big. This year, just one, was in his 64th year. celebration' of human experience, human history when we remember Christmas. It is one of the last four trees on because of'Pokey. I figure that if we mount b h i shifts, i d h 24 i d ' i I & The death of Alexander McKellar, at his home in Hibbert Christmas is a bonus -- an extra that Jesus Christ lived here. The a lot that held 30. t scoverewith snow a -our guar, n ss, we just mgt e 0 Township, caused wide -spread regret. He was born in occasion, even an extra reason for cosmos consists of matter and energy, and ' ice. It is either eight feet tall and one able to prevent him from trying to climb it. Hibbert 90 years ago. celebration. as always�. People and communities foot wide, or it is hump -backed, or it is one And my son-in-law claims to be an artist. Santa Clays distributed 15.00 stockings at the local tree • But Christmas, , as Christians continue to act with mixed motives. half of a pair of Christmas tree Siamese 'So the tree is' ready, and your faithful after which the children attended the theatre. twins, totally devoid of anything on the correspondent is going to sit in a big chair, Mrs. Mac Lamond of Cromartand her son Malcolm are understand it, , is neither an idle Possibly peace among nations Is a side you're not looking - at. reading the Lives of the Saints, while the" y lelgend nor' a happy plus. It is 4, little more likely because of Christ, I have had trees as• bandy-legged as a artist not only erects the tree, but spending a ffwdays in Rochester where he is undetgoing challenge to our human existence. I't but we cannot be certain of that. 'Yet cowboy. I have had huge White Pines, so decorates it. treatment. is an uplifting of our h' vast I had to cut a couple of saw -logs off the All is golden, for once. And yet .., and uman when we remember that Christ lived existence. It calls for celebration, I not here, the walls and ramparts of the bottom to get them into the hous6. One yet, I have this sense of unease. Things are i O year I had a tree with so few branch son t too golden. A lump of lead is going to come To the editor because we, need a party but because world speak 'a different language. that I had to drill holes in thetrt k, and out of somewhere " and get me right Christmas in reality upsets the life we We can say and believe then that insert branches hes from another tre�to make between the eyes. have designed and changes the we are about to enter "the year of., our it look less skeletal. And may you, too_ all of you, have a Lha when Merry, rather I have to Open house had trees sc�croc_ the reason for celebrating- Lord 1976.' (Contributed) er than a'hairy, Christmas. was a success A native son goes home To the Editor., Our 800 sq. ft.. model home OPEN w HOUSE in Dublin as held December 20 & 21 as was advertised in yout last week's r .Dec. 20 was a disaster. Old man 150 papecotlandrevisi.te d years later winter dealt us a severe snow storm and it wasn't fit for even the most hardy of souls James R. Scott, well known Seaforth childhood. It goes back to the family Bible since Seaforth is a Mackenzie clan name). exhausted. It took my ancestors six weeks in to be out. author , achieved a long held ambition last which I still have. To my grandfather's Bums Night and St. Andrew's Day were crowded quarters and often miserable But Dec. 21 under cold bright sunny summer when he visited Scotland and the elaborate scrapbook of clippings about Robert unofficial days of remembrance for all the weather to get t6 Quebec City, then the skies we had a deluge of interested citizen communities* from which his ancestors had urns and Sir Walter Scott. Particularly to Sir Scots. interminable journey up the St. Lawrence, (a rot. 150) to view our home. come to Huron early in the last century. In this alter. I have Scott blood in my veins from So it was in both -my blood and in my across Lake Ontario to Burlington, the There was not one objector to this type of two part sends he describes his impressions of Eo branch ' es of the Clan — the Scotts of upbringing. Before I went to school I could say Dundas Road to Galt, the trail through thick housing, in fact it was just the opposite, Scotland as he found it on his visit and tells of 'Buccleugh (The Roxburgh Scotts) and the "How are you?" and "Very well thanks " in forest to Guelph then west to these Odits..'All nothing but compliments. the pebple he' met. Scotts of vlAr-den, — Sir Walter's branch. And Gaelic and I can still say it even though I can't this to find what? Nothing but virgin forest The only disappointing part of our Mr. Scott is the author of "The Settlement back to other things — to Mrs. Sclater, Mr. spell'it. which they still h ad the strength and the will $10,000.00 Open House project was that of of HuronCounty as weft as a number of other Sclater, Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Murray and For a long, long tinic I had no urgent desire to conquer. There is only one *conclusion: our all the municipalities issued personal histories and political articles. He resides in scores of other elderly patients who revisited to go back to Scotland but the old saying forebeaters were of sturdier stock and had invitations only McKill6p Township sent a Seaforth. grandfather's office, all pioneers who had "blood will tell" finally got me in its grip. Half Strongej motivation than almost all of us have delegation. Councils and a lot of people brought with them and still spoke "the braid a lifetime of reading Scottish literature and today. % that elect them try the blues when they see Scotts" as well as many of them who still had studyifig the clan and regimental histories, This leads to question number two — why the price of a new home, say for example in the Gaelic" (property pronounced Gallic, not learning the tartans. how the Scottish dress, stronger, why better motivated? Here the Seaforth, skyrocket to $40,000 and more in Gaylic). evolved, the stormy history of clan against answer is, to be found in scotland itself. the past few years. (By James Scott) Apart from the fact that my early home dan, of the shifting of loyalties. attitude to I travelled 1800 miles by car through I see a bleak future for our young people environment was almost literally transplanted the, Sassenacb (the English), the much Scotland, from a few miles from the English and people *on fixed incomes and little Well not quite a century and a half -ago — Scottish there was the town itself. From its over -rated difference between Highlander and border up through the Highlands to Strath chance of ever owning a home, unless 1,42 yea'r's to be exact-- but surely thki's cloy, beginning -Seaforth has been a happy Lowlander, all these provoked questions Peffer. We went through the Border country, something is done to get out type of dh6ughV amalgam of many ta$es, but Scotsmen were in which maybe, just thaybe, could be answered the mid-,Flighlands, the Highla#ds. We wound housing on the market. % our s Out Why make what in essence was a kind of the majority both in the town and surrounding in -Scotland itself. way. (I don't think there is a straight road 'Your I country. The biggest church was the First. the journey — six hours flying tine in Scotland) through the overpowering gloom Peter E. Maloney, Jr.: Jilgilthgi$61 Maloney Bros. Const. Ltd., .1 , -0: — a great place tot a massacre The answer to that lies in Seatbrib and in Presbyterian Kirk, the iown band wore the kilt from Toronto International to Prestwick plus a of Glen Coe WfiAt Uifte. tddt,of so many things — early (Ma6kenzie tartan as was right and proper five-hour difference in tine — left' me (Continuod on Page 3.) Dublin, Ont. 4 .... ..... . .......... . .... .. . ..... ..