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The Wingham Times, 1894-07-20, Page 3
11. ,Alli 0 P U. T. U. COLUMN THE WOODAM TIMES, JULY O3 i894,. Vrosb rtery of Titlrort, (A'13:V11ttl"1`{;tt 135: 'tI1L" 11'1Sali,laf 131tANCI[.) Presbytery of Huron met in Bruce - ''""4." on the 10111 inst. Rev. 1%r'. Shaer t Iii and mine .\latera' Land,,°t` Egizlondvillc, «vats appohited • „ t moderator for the next.six months. well call tiro atteutiml; of the mothers and sisters .leer, 111,1`. Martin's Course was S1S- uMththe Womulanempe- toinedoin putting a student in Bay - mice [Moo tats n day three Sharp, for one hour, at Airs Hein'* residon:e, ettt• , 1101(. for the summer, Standing ; eat Arta. All ladles aro made wolcooto, committees were appointed for the ' Ae rho Hatter hats, kindly given ON part of his. space, for our work, we calf: friends of the vaunt to year with the following COnveliois scud it£uls of httorest nn ail moral questions of the day to,auv of our mouthugs, HOMO 11'Iir"Si0118; 1111`, Martin ; State Of , leligiolMr Hamilton. Te•mperance • 1. A. Anderson; Sabbath Schools, S. TAO Tl©otiola. Acheson; Sabbath • Observance, P. 1 The electi= is over, and we begin 11us rove; Finance,, AMr. Sbaw; Super-; to realize. just where this periodical inteilcleut of Students, 1)r,. McDonald; , tornado has left us. Sir Oliver is re-' S.uptc'matie Beneficence, A. McLeann turned. to flower. Of this we aro Y. P. Christian Endevor, J. 5, Hen - glad. A change of government demon. Mr. McLean reported that would have given us an ullp!eclged 1l auchester .and Smith's Hill were 'replier and cabinet; left .our issue unwilling to have Lcoburn united again to; take its . chances upon the legislative litpro„rfu line as only one of Many, instead of a special order. - Sir Oliver's mhjoriity may not be entirely satisfactory to the party Inailagers,, but if temperance leaders consult first the interests of their re- form, the present envious rearrange- ment of the political chess board may help instead of Moder. • Ill some° sections the candidates f7laCecl 111 the field were anything but satisfactory, when viewed in the • light of a past record. Temperance was carefully tabooed on the plat- form, and choled off' in the party councils, Such situations ,were not limited to localities where temper- ance sentiment was low. Plow was this anomalous position forced upon the temperance majvity ? Surely it grew out of the lack of forethought and practical sense displayed by our inen. At that Most critical juncture, the choice of candidates, where • the Christian politicians whose duty it should .'lave been to represent - the moral' and religious forces of the community-? If the reports received with tlleni. • Mr, David Buchanan of' Hensali applied to be certified to Knox College as a first. year studen t this was granted. D. Cuthrie and W. T, Hall, Were reported as students laboring within the bounds of the Presbytery. Commissioners to the General Assembly reported their attendance at the same. The next meeting; was appointed to be held in Clinton on the second Tuesday hi - September and the Presbytery ad,' journal. • Well I{nown Logdon People Saxe. Mr. S. F. 'Glass, London Pottery Works, says :--” No testimonial can ne toe strong to express •t.he beneficial ef- feets 1 havo'sxperionced from the use of R. Stark's (Headache, Neuralgia and Liver) Powders personally and in my faintly, as they have afforded me, perfect relief from the most distressing sick headaches which frequently incapacita- ted me from doing business, I know of others who have been equally.benetitted. I consider them one of the most useful medical combinations of the day." Mr. H. 0. Patterson, of Messrs, Masur- et & Co., tvholesale groceries, says —" I have fouud Stark's Powders (for Sick • Headache, Biliousness and Liver) to of • n•t, ,?'<. sc, g is '•:�;, for infants and Children. 071-1 E 3' Do You u Know that Paregoric, Ilateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opiwa or morphine 2 Do Ton Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ? Do Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sari i:: without labeling them poisons ? Do Yon 'Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo ;;1^ •-,:eze you or your physician know of what it is composed ? ':'An Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and t_.... •,radionts is published with every bottle? • .' Toss Itnow that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuci nt.., . At has beenin use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold Can, .. . 1 other remedies for children combined ? no Toll Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of :±:ter countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr, Plteher and his assigns to use the word " +icastoria"and its formula, and that toimitate them is a state prison offense 1 Do Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this government proteccionwas because Castoria had been pgoven to be absolutely harmloas? :@Do Ton Knew that 35 average doses pf Castoria aro furnished for 35 estate, or 0110 cent a dose? ;, Do Ton Know that ;,:hon possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that, you may have unbroken rest? Wet, the—n, things are worth knowing.. They aro facts. The far.-sim4lo Jai :�s on every _istngtnre t'4 � b wrapper. •gin. Frandsen Ory for Pitcher's C sto!da. 4ptZttmr. .tv,xa.'yb T^ +"-r y ., rf t are correct, had their absence from every immeiate and permanent relief in every case."The large stables ou the • east side • the nominating Conventions not been so complete, the triumph of the most sinister element in both parties. might in several cases at least have been prevented: Too often the baser sort Struck the keynote for the march, and then insolently demand • eel that the temperance hosts fall in step. • When will our men - learn that it «will not to preach, pray and give, and then desert the cause at the • crucial moment when its 'WV • hangs trembling in the balance. rt is a grant. thing to take a fearless stand at the prayer meeting and on the platform; but- what avails it if ou nominating night these sable friends don slippers and wrapper and sit them down in their pltas<lt- parlors, contenting themselves with the fer- vently. expressed hope that the Darty manipulators will not forget them • - and their issue? Their ,opponents keep out of print, and dare not pub - Rely defend their nefarious business, - but they hie them to the caueases and conventions,.and clamor for at - tendon till they get it. Only another illustration of. the children of this world, etc. Miss L. G. Johnson, says :—" A most of Wallace street, Listowel, known as . valuabbeen satisfactory.le.reThe result has always the American. Htel Stables, when nilllonlpcost youeabolit Mackinac250 from Det Price 25c a box ; sold by all medicine I filled to their utmost capacity 'with 1 troit ;'$15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, dealers. 1 horses on the morning of the show, I for the round trip, including meals and suddenly gave way and precipitated berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travel- ing on the D. & C. floating -palaces. The their contents some six or eight feet The Lincoln Paper 11lilts at 1'Ier attractions of a trip to the Mackinac region I below their formerlevel. Fortunate- are unsurpassed. The island itself is a ritton were destroyed by fire Thurs- ' ly the floor rl'mained intact, except grand romantic spot, its climate most in - day. Loss $4'7,000. i in one or two places and thhors•es vigoratiug Two new steel passenger • 1' +steamers have just been built for the were all removed without much dam- ;upper lake route, costing $300,009 ear•'... Constipation, Headacbo,Billiousness, I e: A team or two had their legs 1 They are equipped with every ntodt :i and Bad Blood are promptly oared by aconvenience, annunciators, bath -rooms, Burdoclt.BloodBitters, which acts upou.1 a fibre or less,soratched. 1 y y the stomach. liver, bowels, and blood, curing all their diseases. SPEND YOUR OUTING CN TILL GREAT LAKES. • , A piessinto Every Houuebo1 . HOLLOWAY'SPILLS AND OIITM•E These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronottnced the heat Med• rainily use. etc.' illuminated throughoutb electricity, 1 and are gual•antceu to be the grandest, 1 largest.and safest steamers on fresh water. These steamers favorably compare wits 'Joseph Wright,. captain ca rtain of the To- For Oyer Fifty Yearn .. the great ocean liners in construction and •speed. Four trips per week between Tonto Rowing Club, even the senior As 501.5 AND W1<LL-Ta15D PEaibur.—Mrs. win Toledo, Detroit, Alpena,•) Mackinac, St. sculling race•in the Bedford, England years St.othhie Syrup has been used for' over fifty slow' hymillions of motlora for their Whim while iG laen> Petoskey, Ch.11 icago, "S00 " MCI - regatta Thursday,• PI--LiI.f ' • ru Purity the blood, correct all disorders of the 1,15'131x, STuti AC II, VII ls1r1- Eli, 1 ( 1 El Nina inraluablu la all cotnplai,lts incidental to females of all ogre. MI 0,11N7111.104,1:33 TI Is the only reliable remedy for bad' cgs, sores, uleeva, anal old wounds. 1'bri bR0NCIIi' l$, ii0 TIIRoATS, CUUOIIS, eloLDS, GOUT, 1tF i;i'AIATISAI, OLA11ULAit ,s111:H1,LINGS AND ALL i DISEASES IT 11AS NO NUM,. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 1;:i8, Oxford Street, Loudt'rn, and sold by all 31011041e 'Vendors. throughout the world. 1 s-Petr:Iasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, Londou, they are spurious. teetltblr• with perfect sti0aess. It soothes the child (plate and Duluth. Daily 2,between Cleve - A, t e fens the gonia, allays all pain, cures wind colic. land and.and.lrt Detroit. Daily between Cleve - 'Some people laugh to show their ,til',uissthebSNdebuef , f1,or 1 atin etorisliactntltho hind and Put -in -Bay. The cabins, parlors . 1 1 pretty teeth.. Yee use of Ivory, White worm '1'wanty(h': cents a nettle. Its mine is and staterooms of these steamers are do Tooth Powder makes people laugh more incalculable. Be sore :Ind ask for airs. tViuslow s signed for the complete entertainment of than ever. It's so nice. Price `35c.` Soothing; syrup, and take no other kind. humanity under home conditions; the pal. Sold by druggists. o • Ex -Mayor Dunnet, .of Belleville, left an estate valued at $76;000, and his life was insured for i;i40,000. Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South American 7titeamatic Cure of Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 clays. Fortunately the ease is not hope- Its cyst i oluon thte system at once tis kebleat and ; 20,000. At the tnneM o is c ea.�i. of a buggy, fracturing three of her less. a,,The clear heaths that have .es- of tllo diseasoinimecliately disappears. The+ his tail was 21 feet lour„ mane, 171. ribs, by a runaway accident, while feet,, and forelock. 1? feet. Ile had•• ,,. her dau�•hter, Airs. T. A. atiil equipment, the luxury of the ap. pointments, makes traveling on these Lines, the king of exhibition horses lli st�ntecthoroughly ldeserrpt v( enjoyable. un p let. Send 9 d ess died at his,- owners' stable at St. A. A. Sen i'rz, G, P, cC T. ei., D, Sc C. Stephen, N. B., June 10th, Charles Detroit, Mich. H. and, Herbert Eaton. purchased • Mrs. Cllamney, wife of 1Ir. John hint inOregon four years ago for Cllalnney, of the 2nd eon. of Wallace $7 000 and he netted them over y • L' • 1 41, had the misfortune to be thrown out poused\this nineteenth century Anna- first nose greatly benefits. 7n cell gedd°n cannot longcontinue to make warranted at Ohisholm's drugstore. been exhibited all over the States Ballantyne; near the Roth brewery so seliou, .a mistake. We look for a and Candela,, and was to start July Listowel a few days ago. The old tactical I vance ill our ranks that Never hold anyone but the ttton 1st for a tour of•()ntario. ma ' more than make *for the LOSS- 'or the hand in order to. be held Out, lady is doing as well. as can be • ex- 3tfor, if people are unwilling . £o hear peered. . • es incurred *our June election. A p ' Dear Sres.-1 have used Yellow Oil friorvth of iry•�,,' Oftell for you,•you haclbetter bold y lr tongue for two or three years, and think it has �`l that t len.. no equal for croup. Mrs. J. S. 'O'Brien, a5 O 011 S 1 , march more than t growth in -111111- ..• Huntsville, Ont. bees. ---M. I:.. T.y�n` T. C. T. U. De- i, De..r sirs,—I was Wieling very much Tf' pa.rtnlent of the Home nutt'd• from diarrhoea, an 'pould het nothing Tuesday rtwo young men �► to cure me. A fribtgd told me of Dr. ` 3 morning • Fowler's Extract,jdf Wild Strawberry, I who were driving their girls home, 'Sing, in beer Cti s aLfew dose, The idea that liquor or some other form, isoncluFir e if ,,// throwing the oceupants out. The not necessary to heti h is much The Caua .a Colored Cotton Co. s good' r lady bad her ankle badly hurt while ! more general in England thinn it is mills m aimiltotl Have shut clown for the'young man had his spine injured. • in Canada, but it is fast c ?ing. out two mo is, owing to the depression th was taken 1101110 but his injur d. even there. Archdeacon ]�'a t at', ill ill bush his reeent able paper ill the ..teal-' porary Review, eouibats thea idea I will this platter -of -fact logic: "Tkere are :32,000 prisoners in the "Uuil Kingdom, and tlloiltrll• the mnljorit Grebe completely cured me. started racing on Main street, Lis; Mesita, Man. - towel, ,and one of the horses ran away cl CSS. dart Disease Relieved in 30 utas.—All cases of organic or sym- KEN®ALL'S 1, ;SPAVIN CURET y. will be slow. The driver of the other rig passed on at it gallop and never stopped to inquire as to damages. mthetio heart disease relieved in 30- • utes and quickly cured, by •Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Ohlsholte's Drug' Relief in six hour's,—Distressing Rid - of them have been inebriates, or`attstore, Winghatu. ney and Bladder diseases relieved 1n six n hours by the "Great South American Iicl- leaS$r1011-abstanlc is,n0 alcohol is r,lr 11. r tttreal City Council has nay Ctire." This great remedy is a great �. 1 he 11f0 1 tlletndnriil ` tllcirso sojourn 111 )t]So f01 • g , , • sni' rise and delight to pbysioians on ac- $ J l ,d' 4°6'je(1 to lam .°x..5,000torrsClc1 ti p promptness 1n1eIiev years together, and yet pt 1:ionCr fOrlll , count of its exceeding 1 • • p cstab�%ahnlent of a military school ill a �t r,.- in pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and lived. bodies in the country,,, coo -1 that city., ogle of the healthiest and mos lonei . stoutly leave prison great.9'ilitln ovcd I 4.• <, - saint' 1S C(,yqtl'tll-y true the over (t0O y { rb d`t do d teetly dale to your remedy. Sold at Chisholln's drug 1 J L 1 should O Cary at Kingston". title lOOkin at be allowed to cent ue, as in its debility Y the system is odpe(ii y liable to serious In the House of CO1llm0ns on them is at once Struck with the Itt t1 ks of '11ness, d' S p ill T1 l lll:r. Tal tic r efelled ser in health enol appeal t'llce." Phe 1 Tlla' 'r'ired Feeling Y every part of the urinary passages itt male. and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost lmmediatel '. If you want gniale relief arcl cure this is Is a clangorous e n I i i• store. prisoners ill our Catpadlan 1'ettiten- depleted or in, put blood It ti t tirod s arse ar ri , , ]te111thy appeal'tt 'co of nearly every is •the re iedy fer seali eondition, and Thursday ` 1 p' Y • i man. Many O t1lCllt were illsslplltetl a1 0 far that Wealttiess fete prevails at charges against a number of tiuebee and disease but they b 1'arllaralenl thy. e ° e or fife'. Judges. Sir John Thompson replied, 1 rv11Cn, they entered, the Chanf�e 0f season, 011131 t "soberbut deferred nunouneing the eouvse Tinto by tint of ocri's pir.I:s'are PurelS' vegetable,• , and wonderfully heal-- eatel.tiny �prelpared from the et Ingre• rvhiclx the itovelnttletlt rr ott.tt take in digtits, 25e. • the matter. MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY TH E FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE BLUsPOINT, L. X. N.Y„ Jan. 19, 1894. Dr. It J. ICENDALL Co. (3enth:men- a bought a splendid bay horse some dime egowith a ppuvin, igotuhn torts8. I used ICondahl's Spavhs euro. Tho $pnvin is gond Hort+ and I have boon offered $hsO `for the same horse. 1 only had btm nine wegks, so I got $120 for using $2 worth of Sendall's Spavin Cure. Yours truty, Cure*, KENDALL'S SPAVIN. CURE SIHILt3Y, MTon.,Dee.16,1893. Dr. 13. J. IZEND ALL CO. Sirs—I have used Your Kendall's Spavin Cute with good success for Curbs on two horses and it Is the best Liniment I have ever used. Yours truly, Au0Us5 FREtenuest. tenet dl pet Bottle. , Por Sale by all Druggists, or address Z3 II1XDAY,Z CO1L?AXY, ' taoSBURaH i'ALL*, VT. s. MAnsosN tl • Severe Pain in Shoulder 2.Years Cured by"The D.&L:' lenihoi Plaster. My wife was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to the hart ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried a "D.& L." Menthol Piaster, it did its work. r and owing to chis cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by the here, giving equal satisfaction. J. li. SUTHERLAND Druggist, River John, N.S. Sold Everywhere, 25C, each, FOR t1' -TE LEST V L CSE IN t BRED li W �-'g. •i 1 y R C LO-,5,.HI, . GO TO HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, 2 SHIRTS, CUFFS, &c. Cheap for K.ASH. AT B S' D HEAP RE D11 Our Clubbing Rates. The Tunas and Tomtits (=lobi, week! r . .. .$.1 50 The Tim ea and Toronto F:wpi:e. weekle . . 1 75 The Tams tool London Advertiser,wit 103:,., 1 75 The TIMES and London Free P cos w «.,illy.. ,1 75 Tho Timms and Slnntrenl herald, weekly 1 60 The TIMER and Montreal Witness, weekly 1 00 The Tunis and Toronto Daily World 2 50 The TIMEsand Montreal Family 1 Jerald and Star weekly, and premium, .-,, 1 75 The Tomand The Ladies' Journal, monthly, Toronto 1 25 The Tunes and Cosmopolitan Magna, tie, num ately, , Now York 2 25 The Tulwi and The Live Stock Journal and TTonschold Companion monthly 1 . 1 t The TAU% and Farmers' Antnerte, 01 weekiy 1 00 The Timm and the Cult's -atilt mid Country coalman, vcnkli 2 75 Reduced rates with all other papers net mettioned in the 'ions e list, Address Tn114s Oxricil. \\•inhant, Ont. USEPER.R HeLa*"��� i' � • FO11 ALL s DAV I Si q4e BOWEL o`f• A�TROiIBIES,� KG.o N:/ IL SPOTS AND BLEMISHES, CAUSED B BAD BELE 10 CURED By LOIt m Z0 ruLISTON. 1 •. , DEAR Slns,--I am thankful to B.B.B. because I am to -day strong and well through its wonderful blood oleansing powers. I was troubled with scrofulous spots and blemishes all over my body and was advised to try Burdook Blood Bitters. I took one bottle, with great benefit, and can positively say that before I had taken half of the second bottle I was PERPEDTLY CURED. I tin so pleased to be strong and healthy again by the use of B.D.B. and I can strongly recommend it to every- body. Loninizo Pm:tit res, Sydney A3iues, C.B. CUES WERE A ELSE All . Rest Cough 'sires. 'rnatiss Good. ado itltin'o. goldbyl3rugglets. 1.11:10 .113::"/ 1-, Ott the removal of worms of all kinds frofadhiidren or adults, vac Co. t3MII'1"t't3 -GERMAN wOW M X,.OZENGEs, ys prompt, reliable, safe ant:pleasant, requiring nay after medicine. Never failing, Leave, no bad aft,* eliecta. Brloet 25 motto vo,,tot .-e r^yyyy�lya?/uyuiLbbSt`lvi^Y6dbtl/MLL•YtMVYM•� WEBSTRR'S I.NT I'i �a � NA. T IO NAI, Entirely herr'. DICTIONARY .4',mut. :Vale 75,nes.-•••-•--• .1G arr'Lducator• T/teswc ssol•0/01te r— —a+*`- "7inabridged." lou'`''''' "•• Ten years were, "i spent rooming, 100 sal;{„li ;” editors employed, ?'},.era' : • r; and over M800,000 s, expended. ty Everybody t 1Ji should own this cl Dictionary. it I l an- swers 1,11 cuestle-AR B l_aii coneernin the Lis tory, spelling, nug, pro nunciation, and nE meaning of v:ords. A. Library in Itself. It also gleet (liefaeta often wanted concerning eminent persons, ancient and modern; noted iietti- tions persons, and places •; the countries, cities, towns, and natural features of the globe; translation of foreign quotations, words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., etc., etc, This Work is Invaluable inSte s household, and to the teacher, scholar; pro- fessional man, and self -educator. %5N Tho GIobe, Toronto, says:— This new dknonnry is the best book of its kind in the English tangaage. For every family. the tnenUtats of which have mastered the het of read. nitwits purchase will prove aprofitable investment T'11e Vines, Hamilton, says,— It may welt be prononmced the best working db•- ilonat'y and the cheapest book in the tomo. and should be in every school nndfainily in a anntbl. Have your Bookseller show it to you. G. 4 C. Merriam Go. Publishers, Spr•ingftelcl,Mrrds., U.S.A. Cigr•Do not hey cheap ilhoto- ara hie reprints of ancient editions. i ':tentl for fro!, e' 1 rroapectus ontandnsapeelnken pages, iaustratluns, OW. ,/alt lCrrc• s• - s WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY DEPII1LL COLLEGE Osi1EA'WA. An Institution where none but boar& ors are admitted; has been runningabout 18 years. Employs a very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLD, embracing a full course yearly, includ- ing all the English bran(1hes, Sciences, French and German, °lassies, Musts y Drawing, Crayon Portrait, 011 painting: Ornatnental branches, with Vocal and Elocution, in curtsies, at remarkably low rates. 'his institution draws students from. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and tilt towns and cities from. Canada, as well an from blew York, Chicago and iother cities from the *United States. For particulars address, MISS D. AY fltYla), Seet'etat 'ala