HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-25, Page 5,•. i. .•. : .. .i. :,.. ... : .,:'., r ;'.•ya . ., ,..
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y talk to a �axlt, un1t rou' Pf '. ,
safety.precautlotts are t►eglFtt<d• chloride, ,
y�y �Ynfi,�'fPtt,Pr of of the lieu e� tllett Patel' .
y . Such precautions. shoniti head the All trees shpnld be removed buy the" esh , ' ere t' c
List of, every sensible f0�ltiy s from the,hotnc as spgw,as possible Christmas Tree yq.n can Q.b#alfa,° •�'
preparations trop Christmas,, he after the Christmas celebrations. a r
says, and store it outdoors or in an * a
Christmas season Briggs unlicked garage. until you are t
Ri �i iii a i �r r The Fire Chief urges the public • 'Z oafs to Choo Safety "
ready to decorate it. Then cut one �,•
to exercise special carts t1. the "Chrl`stmas brings temptations or two inches diagonally from the
14 He was born almost two thousand years setting up and decoration of to many parents, while, visiting, buts before setting it up indoors in
ago. He wasn't born in a hos ital; he Christmas trees, and .draws with nei hbours or com letin
g P g compWing water. Replenish water regularly. 1!`1
wasn't even born in a house, attention to the following last 'r►iinute shopping, to leave gemember•that if a tree has dried
When the time came for his birth, his important points: small children unattended for; it
out beyond its moisture recovery , ., •• ;j
p parents were travelling. They stgpped of 'If plans call for a natural tree it short periods," says Fire Chief limit, it will continue Ftp dry out,
an Inn, but it was fpll. He was born in the He called himself the son of God, should be bought fresh dad Hulley• even when standingla 'water.
stable behind the inn: His mother laid him Some people praised him, but others green, and kept outdoors or in an "At the ' same time, Even at maximum moisture
cursed sed
h� wrapping m ca decorations, trees And ra
ilio decorat on a ci
w' sweet-smelling him a i ,
in a rnan a filled with sweet -s e 1 n hay. liar, PP g
g r f; m g Y g ,and a unheated garage before being brio an increased threat of content, a tree will burn if flame F • .� , �� Al +
A star shone directlyabove the stable, blasphemer. They sentenced him to death.. brought into the home for paper g is applied all, around the base g
One of his disciples g fire danger unless constant care is PP Salina Za!d�!!s
brighter than any star had shone before. p es betrayed him; another decorating.Then, one,. or, two g Keep discarded gift wr appings
The light frightened shepherds, who were denied three times that he knew him. inches should be cut diagonally exercised." away from the base of the tree, in, his park'
tendingtheir sheep on . a nearby hillside.. Bearing the sins of all men, he died on a be set up butt,
the a tree should
g g g g filled .>k
P Y The Fire Chief urges all parents, and make the Christmas tree area a
But an angel reassured them telling them cross
g g P to ,rete nize the fire dao er of a no -smoking zone. 7. " '� o
not to be afraid. On'the third da after his crucifixion, he which should be maintained this season , and not to leave Use only non-flammable .4 ,
Three wise men followed'the star. They rose atom the sepulcher and joined his above the level of the cut. small children alone in the home ornaments and trim on •the tree.' v; ovelflowin
knelt beside the manger and gave to the heavenly Father. Once again his disciples even for a moment,rHe points out Do not decorate met allic artificial s z
babygifts of old, frankincense and myrrh. g P Check strings of electric lights s x with Joy,.
g g Y believed in him. They spreab his doctrine that thp-Criminal Code of Canada trees with strings of electric y �
He was raised in a land of sand and olive and continued his work with renewed carefully for worn insulation, forbids such action which lights, but illuminate by flood -
and este, and
trees.As he grew., he learned the broken plugs or loose bulb p
g strength. endangers the life of health of any light if desired. Some plastic
carpenters' trade from his father. When he Now, people around the world read )lis sockets. Only CSA- approved g Y y
lighting sets and only non-flam- child under the age of ten ears. trees, made from . styrene Contentment
became a grown man, however, he left his story. •iihey praise him in many different g g y Parents are further reminded materials are flammable and may
home and travelled around the country. tongues, but they are all familiar with him. mable• decorations should be that under certain conditions a burn violently. Never use candies 1 for all,
Soon he became famous. used. Declare the tree a no- Christmas tree can bei nited b a to decorate an tree.
Hes oke to multitudes of people and Christmas is the season in which they smoking area and keep matches g Y Y Happy holidays
P P P commemorate his birth.The celebrations single match to burn furiously. to Never leave small children
taught them with parables. The mothers out of the hands of children• charred wood in a few second's. alone at Christmas (or at an
g P differ from country to country; 'each is Y and thanks.
brought their little children to sit on his unique.Through the years, some traditions Do not allow discarded gift Care must be taken to keep buts other time), The employment of a
lap. They called him a preacher and a have changed; but he remains at the heart wrappings to accumulate under of natural trees immersed' in reliable babysitter is the best ;
teaoher. of each remembrance. the tree. Dispose of them as soon Fater and to ensure that the tree assurance of freedom from worry
M He cleansed the lepers; he gave sight to He isn't Santa Claus. The gift he gives as the gifts are opened. Even a itself -does not obstruct access to a if you plan to get together with
the blind, hearing to the deaf and speech to can't be seen, yet it is the most precious green tree will'burn if ignited by door or window. Families are also friends, in your home or theirs.` / y
the dumb; he made the lame to walk. They anyone receives. burning paper around the base. tirged to review their home Set up Christmas trees indoors
called him a healer. fire -escape plans for quick exit in just before Christmas, and
His birth, life, crucifixion and P P
He calmed an angry. sea and walked on resurrection are vital to all mankind. Set up the tree away from h eat an emergency. remove them as soon as possible v
the water. Hefed five thousand people with sources such as fire laces, TV A '>-'
P p Does the star atop your Christmas tree P `
five loaves and two fishes. he raised the sets or radiators. Do not allow it
remind you of the one that shone, above the
dead. They called him a miracle maker. stable in Bethlehem so long ago• On to block, access; to doors or f 1
Twelve men left their homes and their Chrrs#mas Day, do you think of the babe in Windows in thp,�4vent of fire, ,
jobs to follow him: some of them were the manger? Switch off,tree lights at bedtime
fishermen, and one was a tax collector. or when leaving the house.
He is what Christmas is all about. 1 I ;
They became' -his disciples and called him Remember Him? Fire Chief Hulley points out
"Master." that tests have proved that the
lot„��yy .• safest tree is a tree with its butt
i•. 0, - %1jam • • • ••'• ""•� Set in water. However, if a tree
•��� �V ` has dried out before it is set up, it
cannot regain its safe moisture J i i
l level. A dry tree can be ignited by % j /� d
a single match, to burn violently %� Rb N DRI SCOL L
Today's Health %i
to a charred state ''In a' few
a seconds.
Good o s t u �r a means not serous firer hazard es can be
p s M etallic
ae r
trees r conductors •�.,.
d ctors of c
n electricity,
t t :'a..•: rf . r
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a d should
n b ;.�:. ' ,..rc:�z:, �. •;,s.,::.. rr::
not aY...
$}r, c ! .:r . +�'., ..r.;: J:..�:. ,,r: +f,!: �W`.+, •..fps
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n of lights, uilluminated
hts b •.;:>' '':' s:�.. .
:«,. r x
letting tummy .:
:\sf;�' ::f4i : /:., is •: /.
rr rj,
ih2;:' :r•.
.ori(...... `/.`f;� •, ii i •1•
sides is better for posture than —�� �'' � •� �-<<rtf:<�;�, h;; - •,.,;:>`
You dont have to be a model, a chairs with sagging back -support, r:u<;::>.:t' o !�'t ;• - _ - ®`
P sleeping face -down. ;; �'•�>•:<Y€ra ,.,�-”
sentry or an accomplished or sleeping on mattresses soft as n �. z ff p ,yf
f For those who haven't acquired BATTERY BLUES' a f " �
horseback rider to appreciate the marshmallows.
(or been forced to acquire) good
importance of good posture. Eve�e Avoid disappointments
Walking with the head held posture early in life, a ir\im figure, .%r .M
since human beings, learned to on .Christmas morning and •
stand on two legs instead of four, high, stretching the spine by sensible exercise, change of stock up on batteries for - iid t
�! `J
:he way we stood (or walked or sat arms up reaching exercises, anstance, and proper support when those toys that require;
�! �J
m lay down) has had a great
swimming, are all helpful. But sitting or lying down are all them and are not included
gearing on our, general well- e greatestg y
the kindness you can do helpful. Worth Putting in the paekagin
� g
3eing. for your spine -- and as a result, back into. -
Most good and badfor posture -- is to keep trim. The
_e7iildhh� its of
vesture are formed • in ood, :Pot belly, with its lack of muscle „
U d it h � - -
ind are difficult to change in later
tone, angs out an pu s t e
spine forward in an accentuated
A ?ears when the spine becomes
ess flexible.
arch causing not only unattractive
So parents can do their children
Posture but also such problems as
I lasting favor by encouraging
low -back pain.•
hem to walk tall (no matter what
People whose movements are
-eight the children may be), and
restricted at work are especially
o stand or sit properly. Working
susceptible to postural problems:
ranched over a desk, or slumping
secretaries , using' chairs with
a sofa watching TV should be
inadequate back support,
M ctively discouraged.
assembly line workers, bus or
When the children spend time
truck drivers, store clerks.
front of the television set they
Changing jobs may have to be
hould so. either 'sitting up
the answer if the work becomes
too painful, but those who are on
traight in a chair with their feet
tat on the floor; or, if their feet
'their feet all day should get off
on't yet reach the floor, sitting
them now and again; sedentary
n it Indian -style with their legs
workers should try to move about
• tossed in front of them.
occasionally. And drivers should
Even though prevention is far
try to get the best possible
e isier than cure where posture is
seating, to vary their driving
mcerned, there are steps adults
position as much as they can, and
intake to ensure that the spine
to stop from time to time to
As as much help and support as
exercise, the neck and limos.
Orthopedic specialists also
To start with, avoid sitting on
advise that sleeping on back or
We want to express deep aPPreciationfor the patronage. you have gin us,
To you and yours, our fondest Christmas greetings l
The Nfanagement & Staff of
ijonna rry CUMIR (\igIf Joe YCLUCr4IC
John Verwey Gard Vivian Ralph 'Watson
Elgin Young