HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-18, Page 26it �4 1 .,., o. a •O. .. ... .. ....... ... .. .,. h ' i . r .... a -'.t., ,r i�D1''.-. • es oc..a.t rss. !t1 rrs�s,.,,,.xe w?•�f1:1`7Fehur'M.M1.,i.-r,>FM' y 1 : ..
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'I M' "' .'f" HU,RQN r;,X:POSITOR 1 !t C1~NI;13 R 17, 1975 ►+ a+N �N H►+++►+tt�n► lr+�+�atf+
kegs �r tte�tatimtw#�a ., No JO0.?oallndll
- Cand-lel r t:UCAW at Christmas ar•t
y 1 The committee df the Walton
J Recreation had a meeting on
Correspondent penny contest. Jean Bewley and Betty McCall sented by Barb Fritz and Linda McCutcheop. Hi h man, Gordon
Thursday evening at the home of DAVEEIEIMREL DECORATING 0� !!
enn y g Mr. and Mrs. Joe SteFfler. In the
Mrs. A, McCall All members on Olga Smith's gave a skit entitled, "The Great McDonald; usirig a Candle light- Murray, second high man, Tor- business period if was decided to Painting,"'l grin ,Light Carpentry,
r winning aide wore decorated Ones", closing with prayer. ing service to effectively portray rence, Dundas, low mate, Rollie
t' - g g P Y have a dance, scheduled for
The Walton church basement Christmas hats. Prizes were given Santa Claus arrived during the jt. '�O Come All Ye Faithful was Achilles. Winner of Christmas February 5th, plans were made to Floor. Sanding And • Refinishing .
was decorated in the Christmas to: Audrey Hack% ell, • Jane singing of Jingle Bells and sung. Prayer closed the devotions Cake draw, Laverne Godkin. Prior have a fifty-fifty draw. 'Each
Theme when when members of the IvlcEwin and Annie Reid. distributed the gift exchange. Mrs. Alvin McDonald chaired a to lunch, Mrs-. N. McGavin led in Industrial' Coni?nercial and Residential
g g g member to sell tickets with profits s
& .Walton Unit of the U.C,W, met Several Christmas Carols were 8th and 16th Unit very short business � period. a sing -song of Christman Carols, •'tp gQ to the park irt}provements.
for their Christmas meeting *on sung. Tickets were d fawn for The Christmas meeting of the Minutes were read by Mrs, Don accompanied at the piano by Mrs. STRATFORP
! Thursday December 11th at programs for coming year. Jean 8th and 16th utiit was held at the McDonald. There were 1`b mem- Bill Humphries, WM. rAub i !
Zp.m. Rev. Baker said grace prior ' B,ew•Icv and Phyllis Mitchell are home of Mrs. Don McDonald -on bers and one guests present. The hostesseg in charge of the Q. H:EIMPEb
Mission Band (We accept collect calls) 271-6305
to the smorgasborg meal pre- copper contest leaders for next Wednesday evening, December There was a brief discussion on evening'were: Mrs. A. McCall, 393-559p m
pared by Carol Collins side in the year. 10th. Mrs. Jim Fritz gave the Call the fowl supper. Mrs. B. Humphries, Mrs, N. ,
mild temperatures and a disa-
ahnrpt tit' r e of the warm air
to Worship followed by prayer, •„
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
McGavin and Mrs. I. Godkin. The
collects boxes
Carols t Duffs
The Christmas Carol, "It came
Institute Sponsors Euchre
The last till the New
next euchre will be decided at the
regular Institute. meeting this
The Call to Worship was
s u n
upon a Midnight was
by Jeanne McDonald the
brought periods of light snow.
bci.,w tr%t rind 1,� mid-morning
sung. Mrs. Bob McDonald read
Year was held in the community
engineer. That plan puts sewers
Recent visitors with Mr. and
the scripture from Luke 2: verses
hall on Friday, December 12th
December meeting of the Mission
Chtistmas Carols mere played
t,is rt".rir ed h, Murray Houston,
v Tom Leeming.
8.20 and Matthew 2: verses 1-12,
with I1 tables- in play. Prize
Miss Dianne Fraser nurse -in
Band on Sunday morning. Christ-
as the music prelude by the
Mrs. 1. Wilbee
Itthn y';rn het and
The carol, "0 little townf_�
Winners were high lady, Mrs. E.
training at St. Joseph's Hospital
mas Carols were sung during the
organist, on
l u tlu"rrs in the church were
Bethlehem" was sung.
Stevens, second high lady, Mrs,
London spent the weekend at the
meeting with Laura- Dennis as
Sunday morning at Duff's United
1'I''`ctl Lit ntentory of the families •
The Christmas story was pre-
Lloyd Walker, low Jady, Mrs. C.
home of her parents, Mr. and
pianist. The Lamb'•s Christmas
Church. Several other Cantly
sung during the srryicc.
i th late tits. R Marks and
on Thursday. Upon approaching
Mrs. Douglas Fraser.
Story was given. Laura Dennis
Rev. Ed Baker spoke on his
Miss I genie t)eun,s
%mm storms are expected during
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell
of Listowel visited on Sunday with
read the scripture, then Candle
large high pressure system be-
sermon, "Who, me? Sought
1 tt, Suotla S; hoot Concert at
Is M changing p
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.
Lighting depicting Jesus birth,
after?" The choir Anthem was
Uut!' wa!ton will be held
Mitchell and family. •,
tree gifts and love, _
"Advent Hymn". The offering
yt r ;i,+• lzc,t.nihcr _22, at 8p.m.
The. Maitland Valley
mapping has been sent by his
We are lad to re Girt that Mrs.
g P
Mrs. Martin Hackwell gave a
`the high sent mild air from the
on a flood plain.
Conservation Authority may not
group to the Conservation
Jim Shortreed arrived home
reading, "The Christmas Spirit"
Since the sewer system has not
w'a'nt to go ahead with mapping
Authority. Copies have been sent
Sunday' from Stratford Hospital.
followed by Nanci Bennett lead-
that would put a good
to provincial resources minister
W. J. Leeming and family
g y
were Saturday evening supper
g prayer. P ��
in in ra er. A poem, The
place like home for Christmas fire
anyone who was denied
art of Brussels on a flood Iain
Leo Bernier and Huron Bruce
pushed into the region causing
Pig's Christmas' was read. Peter
"How did you ever get to be so'
and restrict development after all.
MPP Murray Gaunt, he said.
-guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Watson Bayticld'
Bennett gave the secretary's
rain occurred Saturday morning
srrin_+s of litthts for frayed
That's what the Brussels and
"I was just like you-,'
ou ,• lady'
report followed by the treasurer's
irt,uhttu}r; and possible ' short
to appeal. to the OMB.
replied the, beggar, glancing at
area Flood plain committee thinks, '
freezing layer of warmer air into
Mr, and Mrs. Rollis Achilles
report'by Cathy McGavin.
the donation, "always giving
DEC' 9-
til E I -
after hearing the testimony of
spent a week ago Sunday at
The warmer air pushed tempera-
By Joe Simile\
MVCA resources manager Ian
Fergus visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
The mite boxes were collected
A similar weather pattern to
tare r'• thc low teens by
Deslaurier at the OMB hearing
was a serious problem.
Jerry Achilles and Debbie.
and dedicated by Jeanne
the previous week was observed.
Sure+Lt'. 1'1� . urseasonable mild
into the Brussels sewer project
Gregory Clark, infant son of
McDonald. The good attendance
The week which started with
rearla r '•..t .ik:ain eliminated
last week.
Mrs. Ed. Regele
Mr. and M.rs. Bruce Clark has
of children enjoyed a Christmas
steady cold temperatures Lind
the t,t ) s sr.t t+Iati a cumulation.
Flood .plain committee
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
been a patent in Seaforth Cont-
sing -song led by Marie McGavin
li ht snowfalls ave way ro very
g g
t)n. +r. u, :i>Ide'r lir produced
chairman Charles Thomas of Grey
Preszcator visited on Wednesday
munit Hospital.
before the went to their classes.
t♦ pute t e c aims o a mg am ,,i pigs in pathology which is a big meeting said last year's graduat- F. of A. members talked about
area,, pork producer that Huron part ()t the second and third year ing class at Guelph recommended
?y veterinarians don't know much sick animV11sbb(,ing sold through
rnirsr." he ,aid• doubling the five days spentabout pigs.salesbarnbuyer of a sick
In an environmental medicine studying pigs.Beverley Brown told a recent animal atma be out the
,ours , rhe. learn a lot about The students may spend fiveY
Huron County Federation of inc bet tws their surroundings • days visiting pig farms but they Purchase price of that animal if it
Agriculture meeting thatu�dies and also risks infecting his
;c rur�,tl u, their hh g ealth. Here study the animals much more
dusting vets often know less the prrsptt live vets learn about than that, Dr. Alkemade says, whole herd, the meeting heard.
n a farmer does about pigs. ht rel man.it t nun\ including horn Dr. Johnson doesn't 'know There i a veterinarian at all sales
She said that veterinary students r.,nLc "„ barns, Dr, where the five day figure comes and a buyer should "ask him to
have to'learn about a number of Johnson s,r.,, from but.he says he spent a lot of check the animal- if you're not
different animals in their five year fhr \(Imre; veterinarian,'who time learning shout pigs and it swig," Dr. Alkemade said.'
stint and that they actually work has h 'cri v: ith' the local clinic irks him to have people think But therewould have to be 20
with pigs only a few days in their vets at a sale to check all the
final year. "tit c lac' er aduated, says that otherwise.
Y %clean.+r. students learn to "When I think of all those animals carefully, he agrees.
Dr. Stan Alkemade of the "We have to eveball them", and
' cliagn�t,e by systems, and hours of lectures..." he says.
Seaforth Veterinary Clinic says s st,,n,s arc siniiJan any animal, Although they were angered by unfortunately some diseases are
newly graduated veterinarians rirclud r ti hunutns what'they considered errors of missed, he said.
might know less about pig Stud,i study the basic fact in the disucssion on pigs .and It's buyer beware when buying
management but certainly not sr.st .r,. s respiratory, veterinarians at the F. of A. an animal at a sale. "A lot of the
less about disease problems of r. ri,,t,,.y, ctc„ first and then meeting, bother. Alkemade and time M1 you could be buying
pigs. Two recent University of someone else's problem," he
the% cli%crec• to learn about Dr. Johnson agreed that another
Guelph grads ort his staff have spccilit aninutls. topic r(6orted from the meeting said.
` had an extensive education on ® 111M MIA =1111_
pigs, Dr. Alkemade says.
Dr. Terry Johnson, a- Bluevale
c, native who s. In \ted' r a vet e, A N K RATE FINANCING
�'. 1974, agrees. In the first place,
veterinarians study for at least six '
years "posthigh school", he says on all models - new and used
not the five' years Miss , Brown
yq claimed. 'Come To Brussels Motors
Dr. Johnson thinks he knows
how the Wingham hog producer
got her idea that new graduates
know little about pigs. She maySee Our Selection
be on a herd health program with ' A NUMBER. OF 1975 '
the university and get visits by a STATION WAGONS
i specialist from the school of Uhcvrolct impalas
Pg P 2-'74'Ford custom 500
veterinary medicine every five or Pontiac Parisienne Broughams 1913 Gran Torino A C
"» six weeks. Buick Centuries
l Herd health programs are Oldsmobile Cutlasses
preventative medicine designed Moritc Carlos TRUCKS
to "correct any problems before ' 3-73 Chev 6500 series, 366 eng. 900 x 20, '
anything gets going,", 5 spd, 18' vans or c & c
yt g g g g,"'he says. 4 Ford Galaxie 2 door hard top a c 1973 Chev half -ton p
Final year students are pick -Up
2.'74 Parisienne Broughams 1 with a c '
assigned to accompany the herd ' 1-73 Chev 1 ton pickup, V8 Auto
;i health vet and they may well be 14-4 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door H.T.
Air conditioning. 1973 Chev, '60 Series 14ft Van.
students who are more interested g
3-'73 half ton pick-up
•i;: in small animal practice than in 2.74 Maverick P• P
r pigs. "Conceivably she might ' 73 Pontiac 4 dr. H.T. 1.972 Chev 1 ton w/ duals
miss all the students who are 73 Chev Impala 4 dr. H.T.
P 1971 Chev 3/4 ton, pickup, V8 auto
i interested in T. Marquis 2 door H
large animals and 10-2 Mercury Marq,,
g '69 Chev /: ton pick up
swine," Dr. Johnson says. 1472 Chevrolet 4 dr. H.T. 6 cylinder auto '
rl 19"1 Chevrolet im ala 4 dr. H.T.
fq He says that interested ' P 1968 Chev 50, 16' stake
students could and do opt to 1911 Ford Galaxie 4 dr. H.T. Number of 71-74 C%eV' & Ford vans
spend extra time studying swine, 1970 C'hcvr olet Belair 4dr. Sedan y
• • Students at the veterinary
college spend at least two or three MERRY CHRISTMAS from
,,x, idonths learning about swine
•,ri diseases, Dr. Johnson says, with
1 , every morning and
clihics in the aftenon. BRUSSELS M
lig diseases are titost easily "THE HOME OE BETTER USED CARS"
dtagiitosed through ,•post nfottotris PHONE 887.6173 BRUSSELS, ONTARiiO OPEN EVERY EVENING
1 atid:'thetdt6fe pathology courses
for �+etneatly 1eto ifi' 611 � NOW, NOW jM
I '
Put the Merry Back in Christmas
with a Memory Preserver from
PENTAX- The world's most popular SLR
Easy to operate* Rugged* Reliable
` * Budget Priced* All the Wanted Features*
Is There A Photographer
On Your List?
a `
We have a complete .line Of...
Film * Popular Cameras
Projectors * Dark Room
Accessories* Binoculars
its �
mild temperatures and a disa-
ahnrpt tit' r e of the warm air
Township said it appears from
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
ppearance of the snow.
rc,u!tin n ,t r,:r m d•Uccrmber
Mr. Deslaurier's "sworn
McCallum and family:
Low pressure systems moving
:r..n,.r 7'u1w icrshowers•
testimony" that MVCA is in
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Powell
eastward south, of the region
I'. n.per,itwi.s dropped to
favour of the sewer system
of R.R., Seaforth visited with
brought periods of light snow.
bci.,w tr%t rind 1,� mid-morning
proposed by the village's
Miss Joy Hey.
Temperatures remained fairly
on 9thnai,t`
engineer. That plan puts sewers
Recent visitors with Mr. and
constant falling to a few degrees
:.1 he crtenticd outlook indicates
on what MVCA wants to call a
Mrs..Edward Regele were Mr.
below freezing during the night
, that the' ,-,Ili air r+ill keep a firm
flood plain Mr. Thomas said.
and Mrs. Paul McCallum, Mr.
and 5ising to near freezing during
i,rip or the area for most of the
The sewer plan would also have
and Mrs. Clarence Dennis of
the day.
week. icmperattires will be be-
the sewage pumping system
Moncrief and Mr. and Mrs.
Colder air that was rapidly
low normal fur much of the weeklocated
in the proposed flood
Stanley Preszcator of Crediton.
approaching the area failed to
%%ith a t•.arr.iing trend by the
Mr.Walter Clark of #4, Walton
penetrate into southern Ontario
wee•kenii. 1-i:;ht ,nor+fall accumu-
plain. Sewers will be connected
is visiting'his sons Mr. and Mrs'.
on Thursday. Upon approaching
larion, a;c hkck but no major
to all buildable lots, according to
Leonard Clark and Mr. and Mrs.
the warm waters of the Atlantic a
%mm storms are expected during
testimony at the hearing, Mr. Th
Ken Clark of Montreal.
large high pressure system be-
the per0d.
omas said, and he couldn't
came stationary off the south-
•ro &t,on, further weather.
imagine MV•CA seeing tax" money
eastern U.S. coast. The clockwise
intormat:,on p!case call me at
spent improving lots that couldn't
circulation around the center of
35,. 1060, �
ed because they were developed
`the high sent mild air from the
on a flood plain.
Gulf of Mexico northward. The
Since the sewer system has not
effect was to block the southward
There's no place like home for
been approved by the OMB, Mr.
progression of the arctic air.
the liolida,, s' ... and there's no
Thomas said he imagined that
"Here's a penny, young man,"
By the weekend warmer air
place like home for Christmas fire
anyone who was denied
said the kindly little old lady.
pushed into the region causing
ha-ards, Keep • that tree butt
severance ,or a building permit
"How did you ever get to be so'
a temperatures to, rise. Freezing
imnwrscd m �r titer ... check those
because . of,,. the,.. .god plain
destitute'' _ _
rain occurred Saturday morning
srrin_+s of litthts for frayed
regulations would have the right
"I was just like you-,'
ou ,• lady'
when rain fell from the above
irt,uhttu}r; and possible ' short
to appeal. to the OMB.
replied the, beggar, glancing at
freezing layer of warmer air into
.ircuus '• t lcak''aw•ay discarded
Mr. Thomas aletter asking
the donation, "always giving
the below freezing layer of air.
t ft. wrappin;ts promptly.,,and
for clarification on what appears
away vast sums of money to•the
The warmer air pushed tempera-
don't sntt,k', near
to be a n ew policy on flood plain
poor and needy."
Vets spigs
the learn lots about
Two Seaforth veterinarians
,%% lies ht cyplains, "We see a lot
The story the Huron F. of A.
was a serious problem.
1 f W• h
t♦ pute t e c aims o a mg am ,,i pigs in pathology which is a big meeting said last year's graduat- F. of A. members talked about
area,, pork producer that Huron part ()t the second and third year ing class at Guelph recommended
?y veterinarians don't know much sick animV11sbb(,ing sold through
rnirsr." he ,aid• doubling the five days spentabout pigs.salesbarnbuyer of a sick
In an environmental medicine studying pigs.Beverley Brown told a recent animal atma be out the
,ours , rhe. learn a lot about The students may spend fiveY
Huron County Federation of inc bet tws their surroundings • days visiting pig farms but they Purchase price of that animal if it
Agriculture meeting thatu�dies and also risks infecting his
;c rur�,tl u, their hh g ealth. Here study the animals much more
dusting vets often know less the prrsptt live vets learn about than that, Dr. Alkemade says, whole herd, the meeting heard.
n a farmer does about pigs. ht rel man.it t nun\ including horn Dr. Johnson doesn't 'know There i a veterinarian at all sales
She said that veterinary students r.,nLc "„ barns, Dr, where the five day figure comes and a buyer should "ask him to
have to'learn about a number of Johnson s,r.,, from but.he says he spent a lot of check the animal- if you're not
different animals in their five year fhr \(Imre; veterinarian,'who time learning shout pigs and it swig," Dr. Alkemade said.'
stint and that they actually work has h 'cri v: ith' the local clinic irks him to have people think But therewould have to be 20
with pigs only a few days in their vets at a sale to check all the
final year. "tit c lac' er aduated, says that otherwise.
Y %clean.+r. students learn to "When I think of all those animals carefully, he agrees.
Dr. Stan Alkemade of the "We have to eveball them", and
' cliagn�t,e by systems, and hours of lectures..." he says.
Seaforth Veterinary Clinic says s st,,n,s arc siniiJan any animal, Although they were angered by unfortunately some diseases are
newly graduated veterinarians rirclud r ti hunutns what'they considered errors of missed, he said.
might know less about pig Stud,i study the basic fact in the disucssion on pigs .and It's buyer beware when buying
management but certainly not sr.st .r,. s respiratory, veterinarians at the F. of A. an animal at a sale. "A lot of the
less about disease problems of r. ri,,t,,.y, ctc„ first and then meeting, bother. Alkemade and time M1 you could be buying
pigs. Two recent University of someone else's problem," he
the% cli%crec• to learn about Dr. Johnson agreed that another
Guelph grads ort his staff have spccilit aninutls. topic r(6orted from the meeting said.
` had an extensive education on ® 111M MIA =1111_
pigs, Dr. Alkemade says.
Dr. Terry Johnson, a- Bluevale
c, native who s. In \ted' r a vet e, A N K RATE FINANCING
�'. 1974, agrees. In the first place,
veterinarians study for at least six '
years "posthigh school", he says on all models - new and used
not the five' years Miss , Brown
yq claimed. 'Come To Brussels Motors
Dr. Johnson thinks he knows
how the Wingham hog producer
got her idea that new graduates
know little about pigs. She maySee Our Selection
be on a herd health program with ' A NUMBER. OF 1975 '
the university and get visits by a STATION WAGONS
i specialist from the school of Uhcvrolct impalas
Pg P 2-'74'Ford custom 500
veterinary medicine every five or Pontiac Parisienne Broughams 1913 Gran Torino A C
"» six weeks. Buick Centuries
l Herd health programs are Oldsmobile Cutlasses
preventative medicine designed Moritc Carlos TRUCKS
to "correct any problems before ' 3-73 Chev 6500 series, 366 eng. 900 x 20, '
anything gets going,", 5 spd, 18' vans or c & c
yt g g g g,"'he says. 4 Ford Galaxie 2 door hard top a c 1973 Chev half -ton p
Final year students are pick -Up
2.'74 Parisienne Broughams 1 with a c '
assigned to accompany the herd ' 1-73 Chev 1 ton pickup, V8 Auto
;i health vet and they may well be 14-4 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door H.T.
Air conditioning. 1973 Chev, '60 Series 14ft Van.
students who are more interested g
3-'73 half ton pick-up
•i;: in small animal practice than in 2.74 Maverick P• P
r pigs. "Conceivably she might ' 73 Pontiac 4 dr. H.T. 1.972 Chev 1 ton w/ duals
miss all the students who are 73 Chev Impala 4 dr. H.T.
P 1971 Chev 3/4 ton, pickup, V8 auto
i interested in T. Marquis 2 door H
large animals and 10-2 Mercury Marq,,
g '69 Chev /: ton pick up
swine," Dr. Johnson says. 1472 Chevrolet 4 dr. H.T. 6 cylinder auto '
rl 19"1 Chevrolet im ala 4 dr. H.T.
fq He says that interested ' P 1968 Chev 50, 16' stake
students could and do opt to 1911 Ford Galaxie 4 dr. H.T. Number of 71-74 C%eV' & Ford vans
spend extra time studying swine, 1970 C'hcvr olet Belair 4dr. Sedan y
• • Students at the veterinary
college spend at least two or three MERRY CHRISTMAS from
,,x, idonths learning about swine
•,ri diseases, Dr. Johnson says, with
1 , every morning and
clihics in the aftenon. BRUSSELS M
lig diseases are titost easily "THE HOME OE BETTER USED CARS"
dtagiitosed through ,•post nfottotris PHONE 887.6173 BRUSSELS, ONTARiiO OPEN EVERY EVENING
1 atid:'thetdt6fe pathology courses
for �+etneatly 1eto ifi' 611 � NOW, NOW jM
I '
Put the Merry Back in Christmas
with a Memory Preserver from
PENTAX- The world's most popular SLR
Easy to operate* Rugged* Reliable
` * Budget Priced* All the Wanted Features*
Is There A Photographer
On Your List?
a `
We have a complete .line Of...
Film * Popular Cameras
Projectors * Dark Room
Accessories* Binoculars
its �
Camera. Centre
For' The Professional & Amateur
112 Square Goderich 524-7924
Professional Photographer & Service Technician on Stag ',,
Seaforth Public Utility Commission
effective January 1, 1976
These rates will be applied on all bilis issued on and after January 1, 19,76,
Flat rate 15.00 per month 57.50 per month
Flat'rate. $er month $7.50 per month
Metered rate 1 st 8.000 gal'. at $1.,20 per month $1.80 per month
2nd 8000 gal. at 51.00 per month $1.50 per month
Balance gal. at $.80 per month $1.20 per month
Service Charge $1.40 per month $2.10 per month
Minimum Bill $5.00 per month $7.50 per month
COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS with Sprinkler Systems ---
Flat rate of $15 per month plus flat rate or metered rate
for regular consumption per month a
Flat rate $10.00 per month $15r00 per month
Metered rate 1 st 8000 gal.. at $2.40 per month $3.60 per month
2n'd 8000 gal. at $2.00 per month $3.00 per month
Balance gal. at $1.60 per month $2.40 per month
Service Charge 52.80 per month $4.20 per month
Minimum Bill $10.00 per month 515.00 per month
` All water consumption (metered rates) as of Februdry 1, 1976
will be calculated in cubic meters. '
Sea -forth Public Utilities' Commission
Chairman Dr. R. Whitman
Commissioners Mayor E. Cardno
Edmund Daly
Manager W. A. Scott
0 l %
# "s -4