HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-20, Page 1UL
VOL. XXIII. --NO . 1171.
This month the BEAR takes stock and
there will be a lot of things that might in.
terest you. Remnants end odd lots of a
hundred and one things; they will be sold
cheery, as we want to clear them out befor
we balance our books. See them.
We have a number o ends of Carpets in
Brussels, Tapestry, All -Wools and Uoions,
suitable for small rooms. We will sell
them cheap to clear nut.
Our Grooery Stock is fresh, complete and
Cheap as ever. The 05c Tea leads the
trade, lichens° it is always the same qualit
never disuses,
See the New Duplex Washboard, the'
greatest labor-ietving device of the age.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery
of yottr goods. This store closes et seven
isettessArte's4:" •
The Only Direct Importers.
Ta BEsn, July Oth, 1894.
Marriage Licensee
Issued by FRANK Passansom, 1'o 23, Vic-
toria Ares% Wingham, Ont, No witnesses
B ES Place In?Minds' to ;
get a lidustness Edp.
c a t 1 o n, Short ha nd..4.
. etc... Is at the
• • trait Business
lege, Toronto, OM., and Stratford, Ont....
Unquespetuibly Canada's OreatestCym..
merelalScheels. Cata'oanoNfree. Men- is;
Von this paper. Shaw* hliiott, Principals 4,
-House to rent, apply to
-Mr. Jas. MoKelvie is on the dolt list
this we. also i Mr. Peter Deans.
ai4 and Brussels lacrosse
teams Will ,,,•••4 scheduled game in
Iteuesels, ed ty next.
oorbouse, of Ingersoll,
formerly of this ; lace, has resigned his
charge in • legeisol ana accepted a call to
Christ Church, ',cordon.
-After being clo ed down for about three
months, on wenn_ of some obstruction in
the well, the Salt V orks commenced opera-
tions again during he week.
-Ore Sundity, ,It y thh 15th, Mr. Mac.
nimara, a Divinitt, student, conducted the
grvices in St. Pani 3 church, in the absence
of the Rector, who vas in Kincardine.
-private eseneye.teegtisat, on mortgages
at reasonable ra,tekitlititkteii,K Apply to
Ibn Nentesios.
-The regains' uetnf Wingham
'Qouncil,Canadian Or er cf Chosen Friends,
will be held on ion*y evening, the 80th
inst. A full attends ea is specially res
--Seaforth Exposit r: Messrs. Good
Bros., of this town, imre removed their
stock of toots and shoe from Brussels and
have opened out in Wi ham. 111.tr. George
Good is attending to tie transfer. 1.-
-Goderich Signal : S. A. McLean has
Vurehased the livery bresiness of, Alex. Orr,
"Winglitki, and left Sat rday to take'port-
itfour 1 additional he
lam will find in Mi.?
enterprising resi-
hopes to hear of his
Lean noir) e a
dent and tignal
continued success,
-Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
ad?r. Wm. CasenNre shipped a couple
of cars of fine cattle o Toronto. on Mon-
day, per 0, T, R.
-Large quentitieA of binder twine a
being sold by our hareerere merchants and
other dealers in town just now.
The apple crop it is reported, will be
lea in this neighbo hood. The prospects
were splendid early in the season, but a
great deal of fruit has fallen off the trees.
-Watches'clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by gALSEY
PAEK, Meyer Block, Wingham.
-.The dry, hot, W".ather we are having
will have a tendeno . to ripen all grain
crops before they ar. matuied, if it con-
tinues. A good rail would. be welcomed
Our former town 'man, Mr. Maurice
eckwith, was a suffe-er by the fere in
Clinton, on Saturday last. Part of his
bakery was destroye-, and a large batch
of bread was damaged by water. His loss
is estimated at 8100.
-A,t the Congregat onal church, next
Sunday, Mr. R. Hop ins, pastor of the
Congregational chur h, Listowel, is
expected to preach mo wing and evening.
Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Secord aro to ex-
change pulpits for the lay.
-In, compliance wi h the wishes of a •
large number of the re, idents, expressed
by petition, the Mayor has proclaimed
Wednesday, August f.,11, a public holi-
day for the town. Th I. O. 0. F. ex.
curs= to • Toronto t ud Kincardine
Caledonian games aro t le attractions of
the day.
• -For firet-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster . Co.
Remember.the place, one door south of
Re A Graham's grocery tore. •
-The "Merry-go-ro nd" that took up
its quarters at the r ar of the market
ground, pulled up st es and Iiifts'on
Sathrday last., The o 0 that nrriyed
on the evenitegi of th llth instant is"
here yet, and appear to be doing a
thriving trade. It is located next. to
Mr. J. H. Stephenson's shop, on Joseph-
ine street.
-Mr. S. H. Laird, ho was arrested
in Kincardine, a short irne ago, for being
implicated in the di ppearance of one
Matheson, last fall, was honorably ac-
quitted by the magi trates before whom
he appeared. The was no evidence to
implicate Laird, ex pting some remarks
uttered by him in en. The etisappear-
ance of Matheson i a profound tnystery,
though the gener belief is that bis
body is beneath th waters of the lake.
-W. S. Falcon , a youngman who
was for some time -replayed with Mr. Jei
A. King, baker, of -his town, died at the
residence of his ma her, in Goderich, on
Tuesday. ,For a yetr or more he has
been suffering fron lung trouble, and'
passed away as stet d, ' m his 25th year.
Messrs. W. T. Yates Pin& A. H. Carr were
at the foneraI, on Th rsday, ti a represen-
tatives from Court W gl*atn, Independ-
ent Order of Forester of which society
deceisAd was a membe
n Tuesday mor
residence of her brr V • •
David Gregg, S hater st:eet, there passed
to her reward, jane l'rr, aged 44 years
and .six months, The deceased accom-
panied her brother, the ate Joseph Kerr,
to California tyhen he went there, be.
tweet; four and five years egos in
search of health, and emained there
until her brother died, i Ray last, when
she brough %rental to Wingham
for interment ' 1-4r the
ding belonging to Dr. bad not bes enjoying
n the tomer of John for part of the time h
andpiagonal etreet The alarin twos& Medical treatment, Ln
out the fire brigade and it was only a few been treated by a 14leeia
tttOmente until the gee was extingeished. ed to be improjtivg co
The building is n qv destroyed 'beyond innnediatrecause Ottelea
tapirs and it would he as well if it were with whit:h.:4e ttrid, be
ing last, at the.
h l .
-Ladieg, have' your garments made by
Miss dohneton, Gregory dock, opposite
the Queen'. Hotel. Latest styles, good
*fork, always, iirst-olass tit. • .
On Thursday orning of last'week,
iasbout 1 30 o'clock, re wasnoticed in the
1d hillbburned lu
talnlym situated
a few dit,y1 Offillore' her d
--Thee. elusion 1 the season will take day Itorlib4t.",1,40 Piet
place en August Lit to Detroit; under,the went to tiek- what Watt
.` 'ter than
auspices• of the
roremeA, of Wingh
'Winghere at 1.00 a
god for three days,
05,1Mis, to Detroit,
Barbi*, on '
., and retorting
ett Monday,
Id the round
'dependent Order of remain la
nt. Train will leave that she
ra. Tiekets Ntlill be passed away
Will go by boat from deceased
11elitl, he
dune ti
- Of a *
past year she
ood health, and
d been under
terry she had
ist; and appear-
siderably. The
was erysipelas,
attacked only,
ath, On Tues.
Mrs, Greggd
causing her to
sual, and found ,
spirit having •
e before. The,
ry affeetionate
The boat vrill leave temperament ..?,0 was beloved by all
, 11th August, at p, who knew her; ng• mother, sister
• leave Detroit M.10 a. and brothers ht bli the 7mpathy of our
fith. Ticket* only $1,85 townspeople in iteilA vement. The
from Winghem to De- interment took p the wtaghata
an Weti 'toning,
-A football mate will be played on
the park here, on aturday afternoon,
between the Listo el and Wingham
tlessrs. Mitchel and Page were
iewartied the contracw of digging the
large drain at the souh side of the town,
are natlifisy at the w -rte.
-Mr, Samuel Mc sean, of Goderich,
bas purchased the ivery lately owned
by Messrs. Rogers & 40., and has added
several horses and rig 3 to the same,
-G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m. and 11,20 a.
m„ vie W. G. & B.; 0.05 a. m. and 8.25
p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
nections by all trains.
-Minerva Enca pnient, 1. 0. 0. F.,
Wingham, has ar nged for a monster
excursion to Toro to, on Wednesday,
August 8th, aver ti Goderich, Wiarton,
Southampton, and incardine branches
of the Grand Trunl Railway. The fare
from Wingham,goo to return on Thurs-
day, has been plac d at the low rete df
82.25 from Wingh . Proportionately
low rates will be gi en from other stat -
loos. Full partlou rs will be given in
posters to be issued hortly.
• ' Pen als.
Mrs. Geo. E. King visitingsfriends in
THE GLOM US TWELFTH. sive what , lie s olt. :rff tbe )re naive ham was able to caterto th in ac dell
Y P I: g "es 7
- nature of the eranety, law it had been an 1 well.
A Great emonstration.
uuour 9,000 seorre curonuts.rn trim esx ix
'The Battle of he Boyne" was right
federated long 'before
had its Sovereign Gran
Lodges, &e., and set t
rulers of this country
different lodges the
.lonfederation, and
• Lodge, Provincial
to example to the
• Through all its
/range Order is as -
royally celebrated in Wingham, on Thurs- sist.ing to build up 1.1e country, They
believed in one flag, rile Janraloge an I tine
day of last week. he morning was dull,
school. They welcorts.e. the inhabitants of
with occasional sh were, but before ten
o'clock it cleared u ' all nations to Canada but they must be
and we had delightful
early morning p British. There was a time when the
weather during th rest of the day. From.
ple began to pour inth •IIouse of igmmons leaohooed the bills of
, the Oran Order, I 'mks to the ballot,
town by vehicles, la by nine o'olock there
was a large crowd
own, The excursion they had brought th t body to see things
trains on the Gran 1 Trunk and Canadian
Parafic Railways b ought in great numbers,
• the former brining u Os of 8,500
ipeople and the la ter 1,7- Before noon
there was such a c•owd as s never before
seen in Wingham, nd the betels and other
places of accom odation were taxed to
their utmost to fe d the i th
ing. Thanks to
townspeople, • am
mado, and. all we
who desired such.
tents did a splend
supplies of coolin
.which were in gr
warm clay. The
receiving the visit
their different hot
' Mrs. Wagner is awoJ"to her old home After dinCier, the
in Galt. . • the park near th
the procession wa
was headed by fiv
Blues in carriag
Mrs. Wilson, of Lont on, is visiting friend
in town. -
Mrs. Jas. MeLauchli is vieiting friends
in Seafath.
Miss -Dunbar, of L ndon, is a guest
of Iliss Glendenning.
Miss Maggie Vanstor
in Kincardine, this wee
Mr, H. Davis and d ughter Irene spent
Sunday at camp "net at," Kincardine.
is visiting friends
Miss Minnie Drew, ofl
of last week visiting h
Messrs. Walter Vans
and S. Sexsmith, $unda
Miss Sample, of Brus
Miss Manuchlin, Shute
Mrs. Myles Young, o
ing at Mr. P. G. Spar
Blyth, spent part
r parents in town.
ne, H. 13. Elliott
red io'Ktncardine.
ls, is the guest of
street, this week.
Blyth, was vIisit-
ing's during' the.
. Mr. Geo. Kerr, of Cre ore, was in town
this week, attending t 'e funeral of his
sister. •• v
Mr. J. B. Elliott is ho tie from the West-
ern States on a Visit b his parents • and
,21r. John White, edi or of the Exeter
Times, gave the Tines a friendly call, on
the 12th. e
Misses ale ancl FsAnkie Stewart, of
Lucknow, were visiting friends in town
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 3,13. Fesestison spent Sine
4day Rua Monday last wit e friends in Lis
towel and Atwood?
Mrs. Murray, of Sea% h, was the guest
of Mrs. Jas. MoLauoblin Shuler street, a
few days last week.
Seaforth Expositor :'M s Reynolds, of
is visiting M and Mks. W.
Somerville, at present.
Misses Emir's:and Kat Brignall have
gone on a month's visit to their parents
and friends in Port Elgin. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wells, rmerly of Wing -
re visiting her
ham, now of Manitoba,
mother, Mrs. Clendennin
21r. Burns, merehant,
over with the Orangemen
favored the Truss with a
Mr. W. H. -Patterson,
senting Toronto Saturda
caller at the.TIMES office,
Miss Lizzie Wilson, si
ing friends in town f
Bayfield, was
n the 12th, and
• all.
Toronto, repro -
•Night, was a
n the'lfith.
to has been visit -
r Some time past,
retailed to her borne in Jondoc, on Friday
Lacknow Sentioslet , Ira. T. Bell ante
daughter Neltia;. Aststisigliani, are this
guests Of Mrs. tf.t4“.- ibintbah, of this
vill4 •
Mralitit, M. Gray &dr Mrs. Gray, of Sea-
Aortle, Itild Mr. N:11. Yar ig and Mrs. Yomig,
of 1314.110yere guests of +fr. V. G. Sperling,
dating ths week.
Mr. ard Mrs. Xs. latiagan and son
LOTUS and daughter III of Hanover, were
reutiWing acqualotanec in town for it few
days during the week, dr. Flatiagan bas
dote well in business in HaneVer,
Mr. Itebt. Stark, X. 0. C. Is., the weir
known °timid, was in -wven last week, in
the interest of The It. Sark hiedieine Co.
Stark's Powders, the a iehrated Mire for
hesdaehtt, biliousnes an sick stomach,have
vity large 0.44.
mmense ga, er-
the forethought of our
le provision had been
furnished with meals
Most of the 'numerous
trade and had ample
and refreshing driolts;
at demand on such a
orenoon was spent in
rs and escorting them to
Is by the local lodge.
rangemen assembled at
G. T. R. station, where
formed. The procession
lodges of Lady True
, followed by several
lodges of 'Drone oung Britons and up-
wards of sixty odges of Orangemen,
interspersed with f ur brass bands. The
march was dow Josephine street to
Victoria street, t nce to the beautiful
grounds of 'Mrs. Vra: Johnstoti, on the
'south bank of th Maitland River. At
the footbridge, a hi k occurred, and most
of the Orangemen id not cross oft their
way. to the grounds, but proceeded by way
of Lower Winghan The procession was
a long one and pr sented a very fine
appearance with the banners of the lodges
floating in the bre e. • Arrived at the
grounds; the seating a mmodation. which
had been provided, an which was thought
to be sufficient, was so n all taken up and
thousands had to be sot seed with seats on
the ground. On the pl tform were a large
number of prominent members of the
Order. Mr. John Moon y, County blaster
of North Huron, occupi 1 the chair.
Mayor Hanna welcom d the Orangemen
and visitors to Winghan in a neat speech.
Rev. L. G. Wood, rec r of St. Paul's
church, a this place, wa the next speaker.
He said ho was not e member of the
Orange Order, but he w fully in sym-
pathy with the objects • the society, and
would join it wore lie 1
Minister, and taken as st
Catholicism as Oreug
hoped the Order would g
He had no sympathy w
Protestantism is in dan
demonstration here to -
Protestantism is not in d
men were true to thei
of an Anglican
ng oaths against
en take. He
on and prospel.
th the 'cry that
er. This large
y showed that
nger. If Orange -
constitution and
the professions they missile, all would be
well and Protestantism vould never be in
danger in this glorious 1 nd..In as far as
he could, he extended t the Orangemen
the•freedorn of the town.
Rev, Dr. Gifford, pasto of the Winghanf
Methodist Church, was text introduced by
the chairman. He said he joined with
previous speakers in extending the freedom
of the town to the Orange Tether:in. He was
pleased to see such a lar ea and representa-
tive gathering. No coo :try in the world
could produce a more int • igent and repre-
sentative body of people t hesawbefore
him. He was proud of the country in
Which we live, and the g which floats
Over' us. The Orange 3 iety has a, glor-
1,101usnerhe and history. • t had had some
the: hem men in, the d land enrolled
amengst its utembere.. . he Order was
ifOrtned in the Warsaw nd defenco of
'truth nral' liberty. If th itiembers,only
live up to the high stand d Medicated by
the constitution of the 0 der, the Society
will be of great benefit in he country.
Major Bennett, of Toro to, was the next
speaker. He said he es ie in the.stead of
Hon. Clarke Wallace, th Sovereign Greed.
Master, 'Whose Parliatne ary duties Would
:not permit_ of Mill at ;ending. lie 'was
pleased indeed to see :Nadi it magnificent
gathering. It was the 1. rgest gathering of
the kindbe had ever' a tended outside of
Toronto), and showed that the Omtge
institution was a. prosperous 9.041 pregres•
differently. The Ore
think that Anything
" excite or annoy thei
fellow citizens. They
children of both Prote
i attend school togethe
I assimilated. The on]
done ie to have one sc
ge Order did not
shonlo be none to
Roman Catholic
wanted to see the
tants and Catholics
and the people
way this can be
01 for all.
A. P. Campbell, ex . P. P, of Bramp-
ton, was then introclu.sad by the chairman.
He said this was a gl:ious day for Wing
ham, and a glorious day for the cause
which we ail love sr much. He had at-
tended demonstratia s in other places for
the past number of y),ars, but he must say
that this was the nost -magnificent and
best managed demos stration he had ever
attended eutside of the city of Toronto.
Talk of the Orange ijrder ever being sup-
planted by any othe organization or sys-
tem. This splendid ssemblage shows that
such will never be lie case. There is no
day so dear to the 1 arts of the people as
the 12th of July, lid no day when the
ladies will turn out a they do ou that day.
Any society that h s the good opinion of
the ladies will he a rand success. Two
hundred and four yeirs ago, on the banks
of the Boyne, in Irekncl, a battle was
fought which gave u civil, and religious
liberty. That victor! carried these prin-
ciples to the four 'emseeers of the globe,
Had we lived in 'the e rly days we would
know what civil an 1 religious liberty
meant. The liberty b worship in their
own ay was gained, csa we should prize
it highly and transmit it to our posterity
the same as we received t. There are parts
of our •Dominion to -da in which a man
dare not wear an oran • lily or bit of
orange ribbon, or on th Sabbath march
to elinich without being toned. In Mon-
treal r1.1`1/,•' n‘• fifties Opt ;is the case.
In Weston' Ontario Prn atante are in the
great majority, and su h won't' not be
tolerated. We mist he e the undauuted
courage of our fevered) s to carry out
these things we wish. here must be no.
surrender of our rights a d privileges. We
live in a glorious land. 'here is no land
in which the people enj y more blessings
and privileges than this We have all the
elements to make a gr s.t and wealthy
country. The speaker then spoke of the
great wealth of the diffe ent provinces, and
gave Commercial Unio.., Reciprocity and
any "looking to Washir gton" a slap in the
face, and closed a ver good speech by
saying that the °rang: society had made
a commencement in de great battle for
those things which t-ey thought were in
the best interests of he people -one flag,
one language and one school -and ,would.
not cease agitating u tit those laws were
on the statute books. '
Mr, Weismiller, the lately defeated Coo-
servative 'candidate tie South Huron, de_
livered a short addr as, and the meeting
was brought to a ole by singing " God
Save the Queen," aft s a vote of thanks to
the speakers had beet moved by Rev. W.'
W. Leech, seconded by Mr. H. Perkins,
and earried unani(no
The people then n isle their way back
to town, where sup pAr was. partaken of,
and then it was a hu tie and a rush to get
to the trains. By eight o'clock in the even-
ing the great majmity of the immense
crowd had left tone , either by train or in
rigs, and were it r: it for the arches and
other decorations, o 'e 'would hardly know
that a monster de. tonstratioa had been
,held in town during he day.
The fife and drun- bands were greatly
The Yoortg Brithe I looked well in their
light clothing.
A. fair estimate p aces the number of
visitors in town at ,
The Lady True
e.nt part in the
The four bras
fifers and drum
.1 It Was an inane
The members of the L
dine and Wingham Lodges
their silk bath.
And the celebration pa
an accident or anything
xnony of the meeting.
foixty-seven Orange ani Young Briton.
lodges, Me True Blue lochkesand four brass
bands were in the prooessi n.
The decorations, flags, g3.• On many 91 •N
the business places of to, ,n, added =ter.
Tally to the beauty of the own.
The railway emnprinies did their part
well, furnishing splendid accommodation,
and giving ample time', in Ninghano,
To the local committee 's due the credit
to a large extent, for ing the celebra,-
tion the marked success t at it was.
Our citizens vied with each other In
beautifying and decoratin the town and
deserve credit for their e rts in that line.
, Mr, John Moonily, Co
North Huron, makes a rnt
a large gathering like 11
know, Kin:oars
ooked well with
1 off witheatt
mar the har-
kzity Mester fcCr
del chairman for
t held on the
Not only North Hum- but West Brnee,
North Wellington, South Huron and South
Grey Orangemen were 1 irgely represented •
in the procession.
The tweaking of a, bra ie in the footbridge, I
caused a little exciterne it for a few too, •
meuts, but the cool beft:if'ainpug. the erotic/
soon had the bridge rep .ired,agein.
Five arches spanned JOsephine street,
and they were all nicel; decitedwith flags. • .1
and wood carvings 01 "Mug William" I
crossing the Boyne, &c, made by Mr. B. •
Bloomfield, of Morris. •
ix THE 411E•
During the afterp "..me of the young.
er portion of thesfs,s '-srsstoyed thews 11 es
in the park, wher.• e of games a '1
football and a. genie & Adresse were play-
ed, The first matcl was between ilia
junior football clubs of Listowel and 2.4
Whigliens and -after very excititig and '
keen contest, it'wes 11 dared a draw, each
club having scored tw goals.
The lacrosse mate between- Harriston
' and Wingham was t ten*called on. This
was a well-coutested natch, and resulted in
favorpof Whighani b kb score .of two goods
to none. be tytetlent boys were not
able to put ou 0,114,.tylayers, as some of
them were ()thee,: seligsged, and their
places had to be tiefe I bylspbstitutes.. This •
was one of the diti qt. tNeriag. genies, acid
by al,n,ing it Wing Jim is placid well. in,
aha Lewd fur the dis iu1slLio,xsbi,
The senior foot bt 11.nleteh betweetrTees-.
water and N'N high, 11 was the, last event of •
the day, aim prey.. an eery , victory .for
Wingham, by a s re of foot, seals to none.
The visitors did .11 t seem toll"in • "
the saying es
Whether on pleas
on every trip a b
it acts most plc
the kidneys, liver
fever, headache a
For sale in 05e. b
gists. Manufac
Fig Syrup Co. on
-Seaforth Ex
well known thro
who usually tit
re bent, or business, take•
tle of Syrup of Vigs,
autly a.td effeetuaily on ,
and. lamas, preventing
d other forms of sieenese.
ttles by all beading ,drug-
red by the Ordifornies
alter': Mr. James
hout this county, sad •
de Seafortir his heath
quarters, died a f: NV days rep at the House
of Refuge in Sti ithroy. Mr. Gray was
well educated a id of a quiet and gentle.
manly dispositic-1, andswas a most 4611%1
and competent •ccountant. But for his
unsteady habits le might Lave occupied a
high position in _tab business and social
-The concert .!iven in the towu hall, on.
the evening of tli 12th intt., was riot as
Wdll stand
audience, Mr. ioe. Fox full th
his reputatione0aiscCottrells,it Mr. T. os.oA.ollde:
1 singer, takes a, 11 a .earal°
hi short 14.
still there was' been
as ieing the leadinY atiRtaifted
d lad to
a ticir sized and appreciative.
respond to sevetat
kefror, tt'stho
g violinist
• tittle he has been
selections could
and no doubt w
Mortimer has a el
, fine preseneo, si
I greatly appreciat
welcomekby 11
00. she again visit n
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