HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-13, Page 66 nut5 • THE WINGRA.KT13114;$1. tft,TLY 135. 1894, PPIDAN JULY la, 189S. Dr. Wild on. Canada. Rev, Dr. Wild, in a sermon on Sunday last, on the text : The lines are fallen unto me in pieasant places, yea, I have a goodly heritage, said : "If he had known 0% 1811011 before - he was born, he said, as he knew he would have b•en born in England, an .ealgee-Saxeit and a Protestnnt. with Queen Vietoria as a ruler. All these things had very fortunately happened to him. Aral • as it citizen of Canada ho could say, "The lines. have fallen to me in pleasant plaee•i, and I hew a goodly heritage." • It was a wise thing that . • we had a. national holiday. We were the second coati's' in the world by territory, the largest by citizenship. It'lea.; a ,r.).)•1 ta foster this sentimeoa aI 08L' sebools, especially where wcs had not a standing army, in order that the loyal tire might be kept up. We would not rightly appmeiate- this sort et thing until we Well% away from home and heard • our country talked about. We were - young as a nation, and were 111 a formative state. We Were growing, and had to do things with respect to the future. If you had a growing boy, you would have to make his trousers two or three tsizetoo big, or you would have to get another pair in three weeks. And herein many people grumbled because we had to build big canals and many railways and that sort of thing. We were opening up oar heritage -a grandly • magnificent country. Our dangers were the outcome of a mixed rnee, and we would have to deal with them kindly. We were the only mitten in the World that had federated its - Pa:wit-us w'thout shedding a drop of -• 'blood." • he Surirner Death -Rate. The greatest evidence of Inc dangers Of Cholera. Merlins, Diarrhoea, and • Dysentery, is the increase in the • death rate of all the leading cities • during the 5U1fl111C9 months. Men and NV)111C11 Can not be too careful of their habits of life during the heated term, and particular attention should be paid to the diet of children. A supply of Ruhr Davis' $110Uld always be at hand, for it is the only medicine that can be relied • on at all times as safe, sm•e, and speedy. A teaspoonful will cure any ordinary ease; but in severe attacks it is occasionally necessary to bathe the sniferer's eto mach with the PAIN KILLER. All reputable druggists . sotfens the gums, allays OS pain, curewind coke. • • • f th 11111108 a all Ito'OS, young or old, Worlu. Twenty-five cents uottle. Its value ' . , • Mak:mg the Bost of Infe. . eems of Tlaieght. I lie who e'reape at Many -enjoy- The question, of how life should. be A tree often traueplanted does not mente is sure to beyoubledbymany lived in order to fultil its highest thrive: ' disappointments.. . f ‘ ., pappoiA'S, lik all 1111,1/01 tallt OHO 0). Light .is the task when many share every one or us. ilio toil. 0 indevd, 89 important is knowledge • with regard to the above. that, were 1 Children have more need of models. we to think seriously of the matter, I than of critics, we should pleasure out mw tune 111 No word, once spoken, reterneth„ lots, having a certain fixed. rule es tO ! even W uttered unwritten. honr moment. what should be done at a particular l• EllTy .puuishipg ourselves for being inferior to .our neighbors, The lives -those lives resplendent I with so many aceomphshments-of the past,- do not serve. us in every particular for guides. Why? Be- cause we have the confes.sion wrung from the greatest and best of them or form, or behaviour, like the lvjsll that very little happiness' was, even to scatter jey and not pain .around If a friend lent you his staff to -day do not expect Lim to carry you au. his back to -morrow. • • There is no beautifier of complexion • 'n long periode of life, their portion. The qiii,a;:lon then. remains, ."What eau we do 'eater for • 'Ourselves than take the Maws of the past -whether seience, art or nillitiu•y warfltrease ea one guides ?". The answer seems to us elear. We are to use our own observation, and make-, ae far as possibka the experience of today gil!le us emorrow. Nothing' grander or wiser, how- ever, resounds nlong the corridors of time than the echoes of the poets. They tell us in various -tinged verse -mortal, of course -our duty. and how to make that duty conducive to our well-being. Taking heed. to these mentors, our life would neces.,etrily be a happy one. St. J. Adock, one of our modern poets, gives 113 an important lesson in verse, a:4 follows; -seem ws Etre, we are ; the world's oaress, Its praise or blame Can neither curse nor bless, Fame eamiet make us greate.: than we are,- those who possess them for the cheer' And leek of fame elm never make us less." and exhiliration of mankind. Hs. There is in our manner magnetism that reathes out from us to others in a thousand ways. We must be watchful. Men's lives are ea thoroughly blended with each other as the air they breathe. Evil spreads as ready as disease. The most knowing man, in the course of the longest life, will always have much to learn and the wisest and best much to improve. Never bear more than one 'kind of trouble at a, time'. Some people bear , three kinds -all they have bad all they have now, and all they expect to have. . Innocent mirth of every description • inspires a sympathetic pleasure and works a good that is contagious. Wit, humor are among the great refresh!. ments of life, and are gifts in trust to. This lesson, told. in the grandest and clearest of language, ought to be powerful stimulus to ue as WO tread the stony waYs of life. Let only our inward purpoee be A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indication .of something wrong. The universal testi- monY given by those who - have used high 08(1 noble, and oar toil a toil •Hood's Sarsaparilla, as te its merits in : tcy‘vard true purpose, aud. it slept- restoring the appetite, and-- as a purifier', lies not to us what is the world's of the blood, constitutes the -strongest praise of blame. any medicine. Our purpose, in its own inherent loftiness, brings its own success. Hooe's PILLS cure all liver ills, bil- • If we are inwardly. great, and iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick recommendation that can be uriveci for headache. 2rie. apply our talents properly we cannot o fail. For us, in this case the call of 1. once the ladies of Edin- "Never sir!' fail!" is, hideed, no mock, auCliellee that • bons would:only -give him that poi - echo. ' tion of their silk 'dresses that brushed. Hoeeoway!s Pirr.s are admirablere the streets as they walked, he would • Adapted for the cure of diseases in- support all his Mission schools in cidental to females. At different 1 India, - periods of life women are subjected to complaints which require a peculiar medicine, .and it is now an indisput- able fact that there is none so suitable for each complaints as Holloway's PIRA They are brvaluable to fe- • • Well .XcnOW.11 /40440n VOOSO.,SRF, S, '• F. Glass, London Pottery Wierltra says :---" No- testimonial can oe too strong to express the benetioial of- feete 1 have exporieneed from the use of R. Staek's (aleadache, Neuralgia and Liver) Powders personally and ia wy family, as they .have Worded perfect relief from the most distressing sick headaches whiels frequently ineripacita- ted from doing bestows. I know of others who have been equally bonetitted. I consider thorn one of toe most useful medical combinations of the day!" • Mr. H. C. Patterson, of Messrs, Masur- et ka wholesale grotieries,. says t•-" I have tweed Stark's'Powders (tor Blair geadache, Biliousness mid Liver) to af- ford immediate aucl pernmeent relief in every cam' valuable remedy. The result has always Miss L. G. Job tram, says A moat been satisfaetory. Price 2Cie a box ; sold by all ruedieine dealers. --- Just. as moments of recreation, highly spent, will prove their value by fitting us better to perform our regular work, eo whatever is ex- traordinary•inlife, if rightly received will revive and strengthen our interest in its common daily experi- ences, which are so rich in meaning and so replete with suggestions of duty and of improvement of power, love, happiness. ror Over Fifty 'Verb's AN SCLD AND WRLI,TRIED RRIIRUY.—Mrs. Win years St.othing Syrup has been used for over fifty slow' by millions of mothers for their chilttren while Vething , with perfecksuccess. It soothes the child I have it fix' sale. 25e, priee nor large the taste. Soldby uggists in • e‘ err pai o • • • o 1 bett, and is thebest remedy for Diarrliceft. Is pleasant tet incalculable; Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow s married •or They purify the Soothing syrup, and take no other kin5. blood, regulate the secretions, correct . • Crops Cm° West. 'Winnipeg,from Jlluly 5. parts - Information,ahl SnS13,elided ftills'31(mE) give tone to In thH e artley poisoning case at gleaned aof the Prov- Brantford'Police Court Friday last, ince by the best authorities show thnist appioac o1 aisorui at 11011011 should be met with appropriate Manitoba's growing erop has seldom 11011011 of these Pills ; whilst taking been hi better condition at this time them no restriction need be placed of the year, Early sown grain suf- over the patient. They contain noth- fered during May for want of rain, ing which can possibly prove injuri- bat during June nearly all the dis- ous to the system. They act by tricts had heavy showers. Late sown purifying. the blood and regulating wheat and barley is quite as well every organ. advanced as that sown a month earlier. Peesident Mi aw, of the the Crown withdrew the charge of murder against Henry Ling. Ling repeated the evidence he had given at the Coroner's inquest, and Magis- trate Woodyatt Committed Mrs. Hart- ley for trial. • Relief in six hours. -Distressing Kid - Inv' and Bladder -diseases relieved 10 six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great Spanish Pr id e. surprise and delight to physicians on ac-' Winnipe,g Grain Exchauge, is now in! . e is the birthright of almost count of its exeeeding promptness in reliev- the western part of the PrPrid ovince in -1 nag pain 'in the bladder, kidney, back and speeting the crops, and sends back , every ' I" , 1111(11.8101)101a one of the race may take up the ocettpa- highly gratifying news tel his firni. a holcl and the wheat will be i golf of a beggar does not shut him out too firm • In some districts drought had taken i from the possession of it. An Ameri- i can traveller relates that, in .alighting short, but in others the straw is a at a hotel in Granada, Ile saw admit 1 good length and shows every likeli- at the door put out his hand toward hoed of turning out well under the threslier, him. The traveller, supposed the man was the porter of the. hotel, and of- fered him his valise. The man step- ped back, tossed his head, and frown- ed scornfully, Caramba ! he exclaimed. Do you take me for a porter ? I would have you understand that I ani no porter. Indeed? Then may I ask you, senor, what yott are ? I am a beggar, sir, and ask you for alms, reports are also good. The dry spell did not last long enough to hurt the life of the plant, and the color of the wheat in most instances is extraor- dinarily good, showing that the plant ie strong. and full of growth. The peculiarity of this season in the Northwest has been an exceptionally -warm June, with the result that the wheat has headed out a good deal owner than ever known before, and erop varies a good deal.. In some districts the straw is quite as long as desireble, while in others the crop is even, thiek and healthy -looking to a degree, but on the short side: Barley calloused lumps, blood epayin, splints, s en sprains. Gao. A Moon to Rorsernen.-01m bottle of English Spaviri Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse, t take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it ac sa with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or wrlI te a good trop and hay light. toaros sweetie, srile d ' 1.11.41••••••va. • Ilaina'llarmeis Markham, Ont Sold at eeople ,quickly recognise merit, Chisholm's Drugstore, Wingbana his is the reason the sales of Hood's parilla are continually increasing, t liorse shJe 'without nails has " 00 top." been invented, It is held to the hoof by clamps, and can be put on child Saidonother, X have learn - !ma taken off in less than a minut0. be happy, not caring about but by trying to make P110 horseshoers' union vs it will happy," f; every - never come into praetieal use. vim es every part of the urinary passages rit male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and mire this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug store. At,a recent meeting of the Boards of Health of the Canadian counties bordering on Michigan a resolution was passed to the effect that every Health Board in the Province should take measures to secure a general vaccination of the people. When Baby was sietc, we gave iter Castorta. then sho was a Child, sho cried tar emit:mitt, Nihon she 'became Miss, she clung to Castoria, , 'When site had Children, she gave thenteastorta. A Marvelous MeLqcf:Er9,r3 Whenever Given . a Fair Trial •. Hood's Proves its Merit. '., ha .fel1tv''.:13. letter is from Mr. J. Alchle uang,* t't surveyer,. No. 13 She,* i•treet, Montreal, Canada: i.C. T. 11008 64 Co., Lowell, Blass.: " Gentlemen: —I have been taking neeti'S Sarsaparilla for It'o111 sit:tits arri . am gIdI I.) say that It has clone 1.',0 a.great 80:11 of &total. _.;tat May my weight was 1.1:1 pounds, but since rsapaz1thia I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla it has in- creased to 103. •X think Hood's Earsaparina Is a marvellous medicine atul mu very inueli pleased with it." J. ALCMS CRIAVSSR. HOOPS pals euro liver ills, constimstion, biliousness. Jataullee, sick headache, lnatestlen. L'OR the removal of worms of all kinds from children or adults, use Du. SMITH'S GERMAN WORM LOzE NO ES. Always prompt reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no after mecjicine. Ncvcr failing. Leaven° bad after effects. Price, 26 csY3th lifer Box WEBSTZR'S INTERNATIONAIt • Mir Ne w. DICTIONARY Ira= What does the word cheerfulness imply ? 11 means a pare heart, a contented spirit ; it means a kind and loving disposition, it means humanity and charity; it means a generous appreciation of others and a' modest ()pillion of self, Heart biseate Relieved 131 80 Mszutos.—Ail castle of organic or 'in ThesuOceasoroitho "Unabildgod." ' Ten years wore spent revising, 100 editors employed, and oressow) Os expended. / itlogg' R 00 Zverybody :$ should owa 1.1.1s • Meth:Mary. 11 an- i swers MI -questions concerning the his, 0 tory, apollinc, pro, q nimeiatioa, and •=e meaning of Wortl.i. ±:t .t Iiibrary in Itself. tt alsogives 4 the fact S often -wanted cenderning ctninem w persons, ancient and modern ; notea Ilea- 1 Mous persons and places; the countries. oi squotations, .1?' cities, towns, and natural features (11! the globe; tranlatiOn of foreign t $ words,pbrases, and proverbs; etc.., etc., 01,,. 5 This 'Work Is Thvaluablo lame household, and tO the teacher, scholar, rg fessional man, and selftodaeator. Tho Wolk% Xoriktifo, says:— 'fhb runt, dictionary is the Imst book of its hind in inn laurage. For 6,,ery lannly. nal fiat,Ita narehase williweve lirolliable veot meat. 1311;r4:—• J t may wee be pronounced the hest worlting bona'$ and the dimmest book in lis' woo•i, and shot:lit be in every aeheel and family in Iravoi,o0r130.Ote,g-ollor:9holvit to you. 0.4: 0. MorriainO. Pirbilfthers 4.5:1,01necfidi CV"To IlDvt.bi+.101)holO, pathetie heart disease relieved. in 00 I* griunis leorintst;niiicient menThara whIelt ulint Innatilred the sorl bainuteo and tittlekly cured, by T)r J.? jottimo• ' • • Okra, • f inghaar. navioa a, Sad. at. Cliiisholttea brag. arottrmiou-, t,, • .-.444.M.%446.4,4S.V.A.4.016 cAVEATURADE MARKs COPYRIGHTS. OAN I OBTAIN A PATENT R, or prompt answer and an honest opinion, vrite to MUNN Ar VD.. who have had nearly fifty years. experience in the patout, business. Communica.. strictly confidential. A 11404111nel: of In. formation concerning tent,, and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also u catalogue of mechan- ical and setentifie books sent free, 'Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ApOcial notice in the 140i ell lIc American, and time are brousiit widely 'eater° the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, 10,1100wsee3kly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tho largest circulation Or any scientific work in the Duildi Edition. monthly, V...50 a year. Single flogs. with plans, enabling uilders to show tue cc? estifilerr;eigrydl'algiocgaroPille4 latest designs and secure cont meta, Address MUNN & CO,. ZSEW YORK', 361 alleanway. THE evelan it: the ET TYGLE a (le E WIAL 311 We are the Sole Agents in Wingham. Call and see them, J. A. CLINE & 00, Brkea, Wingham. HALSTED ill SCOTT • P =TO lR S. Josephine Street • -• OBt, J. A. ItAtergn, J w. SCOTT, 11011116 Forest. I Listowel. 4 — • Deposits Received and •Interest allowed Money Advanced to Farmens and • ' Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Salo notes bought at a fair valuation. IVoney remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting aaeounfs and I otes. agents in Canada-- The rilerehants' Bank of Canada Mee nours-Erom 0 a. ni. to 11. 01. A. E: SMITH, Agent. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-ela.ss Shingles, • and Cedar Posts. Car load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any r art of Wing - ham. , fworders by mail promptly attend co 01(01100 THOMSON, • Box 123. Wingham P. 0 INGHAM SAW MILLS The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, eic., on hand, waieh will be sold at very close pricee to Meat the sego!) enients of the hard tines. . First Class Shingles, $1.10 per Square. . `• Wood Mots. per Cord, ,delivered, tiverything else:equelly low. Come rind see us before buying, as we Will not be eudersold. • liftetAVIAX tt SON. 'Wirialsam, limo TO, 1898. irdirlillPird CS • EIMY11I -11-08rlrAl101)-11NING 7 --`AT 180— TIMES OFFICE„JPREPrinkm STREET WING13.61% ONTARIO. sulisoriptionpriee,S4P0year, in advance — . ..— sygee 1 1 yr, 1 010' i 3 mo. I 1 2r, Ono ootoloo ' soo oo 320 00 1 520 Ifil *13 ee. 1 bait i* ADVERTISING tiaras: -- arter !* 50o 00 le 00 7 00 400 0000 530 0000 122 0000 .__LO qu000,` 021,1Q 11. ;0141V1and 01 ior casual advertisements; se per line . for ant insertion, 5114 0, ,liiindev ItIonre fliorr401111011118071biosene,uao:dti, 15101:cocr, en71111111.1390 1.107 norivenivrtignhineet; ititurogicid,01Eiebs,sotnlinanndO, 9021C).011beiAl tient blsmete,tra::;tuontli°0;81: antisusinesschauces Wan ted, '(lot axecothpg 8 Iiisio- deIlop:41,1r8oeis4 i,58111.ptisavoso llolftthrsale, no excending 8 ffi. 301 AISt luOnth, 60o. per subsequent month These ttruie will be strieuy adhered to special rates for keal advertisements, or foi longer periods. Advertisements and local notiees without speeise directions, vill he inserted tin forbid and Charged accordingly. Trautoory advertisements must be P51(litaticelvtaonr 0incontract atirerticmients must be n, nu salvo 14' wednesday noon, in order to appsas that week R, ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR. AND PUBLISMIIR DR MACDONALD, ORNTR1.: ST1IEBT. W IN 0 LOtie • • - • ON T ARM. — W13, TOWLER, M,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario --Coroner for County of Huron - Office Pp -stairs, next to Alr Morton's oleo, Wing. ham, Ont. Orsioe 11 to 12 a. M., 1 to r. re.. or at Residence, Diagonal Street. T aexaeov, sr. a, se C. P.S. 0. . (Successor to DO. Meldrum.) 0,,ld Med dist of Western University! Late House. Sumo= in London General tiospital. Rpeetal atten. Mon paid to diseases of 110(9014 and children. 00100—Formerly occupied by Dr:Meldrurn,Corner. of Centre and Patric) streets. 11, MEAN • • ONT R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private und Company funds to loan at lowest rate intermit. No commission charged. Mortgages, town • and farm prepuce nought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block WINGIIASI J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, lo, \\Ingham Ont E. L. DICI(TNSON, Bakirister *Eic. SOLICITOR TO RANI: OF RAIIII.TON. MONEY TO LOAS. otfice-Meyer,Block, Wingham. DENTISTRY. -J. S. JEttOME, L. D. S.,WntonAtt, • is manufacturtng ilrst•class sets of teeth as„ cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfe, tly safe. OFFICE 111 the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Boum 4aisiiiik 64 Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.; • DENTIST. °Fame, MACDONALD's stock, Will visit Game 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, 'GENERAL INWEANCE AGENT ONTARIO . , WISEMAN, pDEANS, Ja., WhimnAte, LIANSED AUCTIONEER POE THE CODNiY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of tha Co..charges Moderate. JOHN CUle.PIE, WXNonAst, 03310., LIOnlianD AtIOTTONUER FOR ma COORTYBS BORON AND minen. All orders left at the TIMED office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable, JAMES ItENDEBSON, LICENSED A tiorlOSSan FOR COUNTMS 11131203' AND Eaves. All sales attended to promptly and en the Shortest Notice. Charges Itoderateanci Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the Tonne office WiNolIAM ONt 1)R. J. IticAS//, •31,, B. Toronto, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. nitrARAvm IVIottep to Lean ott Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE APESIc Money advanced on IVfortgages at 5 pm cosi with privilege et pitying a Oa and at an' year. Nous And -"assents collected• . 110/17.4 Molt4000. Osiver bleak Wintham, Out. / 4711!"Mirrarir1117 • %1ST8BY GLASS WO ' flAWER$ IN GLASS THATARE M •FAQTURSO BY EXPERT$ late 014 Pirm in tile world Wide Preserved the Middle Ages in Keeping Their 'Indium!' Processe• s tuslet t °ill atm . In hof the middle ages :all trades or handicrafts had ,anysteries, and a workman wh I taught all. the processes of the war ,to take a solemn. oath not to bets •43ecret.- It is very different now. ',visit the great factories the pro ••or foreman will show you how th plicated machinery •works;-pape books are crowded with articles 0 • Variens processes, Still, some of the secrets of ban xeraain. One of the most interes :these is the wonderful art of the kas, which no other worker in gl • been able to learn or in any way ',tate, The work is so unique and 1 ful that you will be interested in h cf the exquisite and marvelous r saver. if all the processes of utanipi •;must remain a mystery, 7.,eopo • !Rudolph Blaschke -father and so fv cfrom Bohemia, a country famous l:workin glass. The father is tipv er/0 years old, but both he and I are active ftrld' skilled. workers. • long time they worked in glass, • models of sea creatures for mi and. colleges. About seven ye they began making the works for they are now so famous. not or most exact reproductions in 1 flowers in their natpral size, so ' that the rich red cactus blossoi Sat and velvety, and our yellow I shows its satiny - sheen, and th 4 white anemone trembles and lf • its slender stalk, but also all the scopio parts of the flower-aln • ,visible to the naked eye -on such riffled scale that a student may time study these hidden things plant world without a lens or i'MeTn. The Blaschkas live near D They have there a. fine colle• ( tropicaiplaats-orchids being I alty, Rudolph Blaschka, the s. • made several journeys to South to obtain rare specimens of thes , plants pf vivid colors, spotti , streaked with scarlet and .go. green, or marked. with silver a • traceries and powdered with - dust. Besides the tropical co • there is a large " garden " of V c all weeds and wild. flowers, Blaschkfis' handicraft shows u • exquisite arrangements in our c roadside flowers. The Blaschke. work is espeoi teresting and fine in its models orehids-those velvety, flutter blossoms of the tropics that so • tully mimic insect life m their shapes. It was, in fact, the ax of the golden butterfly orchid, antermallike petals and w just poised for flight, at a Aower show that started orchid. in England. The spider and bee often deceive the eye at first glal a branch. of the moth orchid grows on the limestone rocks • Philippine Islands. looks like a c • downy, spotted Moths about ajlike enes o thee pureOther st r‘avilhgit9 dove a • orchids, the lizard orchid and t flower. Some. are veritable clo Aesters of the forest world, wi gated petals like " odd, waggi . and tongues thrust out in der growing apparently on their midair, as if engaged in a c trapeze act. Owing to the fin( cal garden and greenhouses bridge a visitor to the Blasch . has a rare opportunity of co • - the living flowers and their in reproduction in crystalline text eft -oh other. He will find ti modern glassworkers of Bohm not only ingenuity , and man skill, but a wonderful artistic i welL . Oleantures That Tumble llpi It is oiily reasonable to sup • the ability to sustain an e pressure can. only be acquire( pals after generations of migrations from shallow.Avater writer in the Popular Science : • Those forms that are broug' the dredge from the depths of I are usually killed and dist the enormous and rapid dimi pressure in their journey to th( . and it is extremely probable I ' low water forms would be killed and crushed out of sit. . they suddenly plunged into I water. The fish that live at ti ' mous depths are, in coesequen enotnions pressure, liable to I form of accidents If, in chas prey or for any other reason, to a considerable distance floor of the ocean, the gases swimming bladder become om 'expanded and their specific grs greatly reduced. 'Op to a cer the muscles of their bodies car act the tendency to float up enable the fish to regain i • sphere of life at the bottom; b tnat limit the muscles are 7 enough to drive the body d and the fish, becoming mote distended. as it goes, is gradus 'on its long and involuntary j the surface of the sea. Th Ash, then, are expoSed to a di no other animals in the vvoth , jeot to-ntitnety, that of - tuft ;Ward/ That ;itch accidents siontilly rw(la. is evidenced b that soli., tish, which are nOw be tsue do'i. see forms,were dead ane I.e.,: pg ou the sttaft ocean long nufore oar modern tout were commonest .• sios....440 .;