HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-13, Page 5H TYto" Patrons' Attitude. The Grano. Board of the Patrons held a meeting in Toronto, last week, for the transaction of business in eounectiot with the recent Provincial elections, �1, representative of the Globe asked Mr. J. LeckieWilson some questions as to the stand taken by the order in regard to specific points of paliey. A change in the assessment law was the point on which Mr, Wilson • seemed to lay most stress ---that change mining in the direction of bank stocks and mortgages. The existing exemption of farm stock, Mr. Wilson was willing to see abol- ished, inasmuch as the wealthier farmer, with his expensive herd, gots muck more exemption than does the poorer farmer, with his half-dozen grade cows. Neither, lie said, do ;farmers desire any special legisla- tion; what they ask is that farmers should. be treated as other classes of the community in the matter of as- sessnient. If a farmer has a farm valued at $3,000, and has a $2,000 mortgage on it, he is taxed on the whole $ 2,000; while a merchant with $,000 worth of goods, of which he - has paid for Abut $1,000 worth, is, quite properly; taxed on only that • $1,000 worth, is, quite properly, tax- ed on only that $1,000 worth. If there is to be an income tax, they • will =accept it, the farmer to pay on leis income, after deducting the ex- penses of his farm and family. By that income tax the money lenders -and bank stockholders' could be reached, Turning to the subject of the De- • partmerit of Agriculture, whieh the Ontario Government lied maintained for the farmers of the Province, Mr. Wilson expressed himself as approv- . i.ng of it.. The government, in this instance, he said, hacl done good world, and bus done .its best. We take no stock in this small tank about calves with coughs, be observed. Such talk is too small a business for politicians; there are higher subjects on which our public men should oc- cupy their time. Of Hon. Mr, Dry- , Patrons, rte said, but the order has den himself, Mr. Wilson spoke in the' made no pronouncement, and so the highest terms. He is a thoroughly members will be free to dividens honest, painstaking man, Mr. Wilson they please upon the subject. • said, and entirely competent. 0f •-•- .. .his conduct of his department, Mr. Bow tb Get a. "Sunligght ,'icturo. e Wilson had. a very good opinion; it Send 2;3"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap had been able and progressive, and, perll bearing Old words rt4Tly nodka o man"( to - though there Were points on which Lover Bros., Ltd., �3 Scott St., Toronto, he thought he cook. offer suggestions; and you will. receive by poet a pretty pia- yet, 'Leith its work as a whole, he was tura, free from advertising; and well worth abundantly satisfied. On the prin- framing. This is an easy way to decorate ci ale: of having a Ministry of Agri- .len .set rend. tltyil will cost one cent ipoat� culture, .with a practical farmer as age to send in the 'wrappers, if'you leave minister, IIr. Wilson was emphatic. the ends open. Write your address eel - The farmers represent an immense finny. rl�l1 1 WI. €. IAM TIMES, J iI e d 134 LS')4• the institutes, .and thought that the; is neeessary on 5tit sideroatcl, con, 15, latter might bo remodeled, Of the; that Peter Kuntz have one in by travelling dairy he spoke in terms. of: public eonipetitian, ----.Carried, J. the warmest approbation, saying that i Welwood----i'. Kuntz- Tlant the road it bad clone a very -great amount of; opposite lot 22, con. 12 and 1, and good all through the eQuntr y. He 'lot 29, eon, 13 and 14, needs some also indorsed the movement towards repairing, that J. J. Johnston 'line. a eroantery' system, width has receiv I Henry McKay inspect the same and ed the (xovcrnmetit'ri encouragement,, report to this council at next tneet- It is in the co-operative system that , frig. Cnrrled. II. McKay- Wrn, the future of butter -making lies, heReid—That as the.road opposite lot said. As a whole he was .deeidedly" i 25, 25th sidoroacl, eon. 1, is in need in favor of the department's agrieul- I of repair, that Joseph Welwood have tural policy, ; tliesame clone by public competition. On the subject of the appointment i --Cert t iecl, I. 1 untza---J, J. john - of county officials Mr. Wilson held! sten—That as an orphan girl is lying that if the people were intelligent.I sic1: at Mr. Breen's, having been laid enough to elect the members of Par- I up for some time, 4111d.is in indigent liainont and of the Legislature, to I circumstances, that/ Mr. Breen' be make the laws of the land, and the paid $20 tor her use.--Carriccl. reeves and county couneillorsto inake Kurtz ----IL McKay ----'that the Reeve the by-laws, they were also intern- have road repaired opposite lot 25, gent enough to select the sheriffs, eon. 1, not to exceed eleven dollars. registrars, license inspectors . and -Carried. other officers, They would not, how- Finance Report --- Andrew .Reid, ever, adopt tbo principle of a short fi0 yds. gravel, certified by pathmas- term, as in the United States, but ter, $4.30; Angus McKenzie, repair - would like to see a man appointed. ing Bill lots 30 and 31 eon, 7, $10; for good behavior,, with inspection of an official appointed by the Govern- ment. A board, consisting, say, of the warden, the comity judge, and. the inspector, might decide when an office. should be declared vacant and another election held. The Patrons are in favor of the fee sy;item, he said; it is a mistake to say they are opposed to it. They believe in the men wlio have the business with the office paying .for it. All that they, contend is that a salary should be fixed, to be paid out of the foes, and all fees coning in over the salary should go to the municipality from 1 l The salaries n liri,jg.' •r'r-r 9 8 air;n$ ,lino f'Fi� ,'".omf,•'•. '.'tip itori:`:ev;litel:a..nom` teidl o t1. ......al ''1 Y,'. t tt w,•ban right', iwi { , Y, , 'in 1/!.F Net- ter than s'.1 ea ih..: { ty ,{ lif3lil :, with les; sxpetlt.isUi s, k', a i '.: tr aptly adapting th ,y,.l s i ,- c-enct to the needs of n.'y i4 .-d ;, ,ill attest .the v .lee to hooph o tate pure liquid ' • .,;a;? in the laxative principle!: .' remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its txceliecico is due to its presenting in the form. nicab accepts b'.a and pleas- ant to tbo tante, the refreshing and truly 1), Meintosh, 100 yards gravel,. $7; beneicial properties of a perfect lax - Andrew Reid, damages in taking out alive ; effectually cleansing the system, gravel, $1; Hugh Gillies, timber for dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. culvert, :i�2.50; Wm. Harkness, cov- t l ering bridge, lot 28, 0011. 2, $14.75; : has given satisfaction to millions and I with the approval of the medical Geo. MeKee, repairing road opposite ,rofosoion, because it acts on the Kid - lot 28, eon. 2, $25; John Hardy, 11 • :;cya, Liter. and Boivole ti ithout weak=. days work, 25th sideline, con. 1, $11; ;ulna them area it is perfectly free from Geo, McKee; cutting hill, lot 25, eon. '•: ery objectionable substance. 1, sideline, $5; James McGregor, cut- Syrup or Figs is.for sale by all drug - Ong in s5e. bottles, but it is nnanu- ting hill, `25th Siclelille, con. 8, $10; f.Ltittired by the California Fig Syrup Thos. Thompson, overseeing work at Co. only,tvyosomuneisprintedenevery sink hole, $3, gravel, $7, total : 10; paekttge, elite the nam©, Syrup 'Wilt T. & H. Field, spikes,. 18c.; James and being wo11 informs , you will nob Manley, repairing sink hole, lot 24, hreept any substitute if offered. con. 12 and 1u, $33; Joseph Buel:le, - - T which they accrue. 1 .. cedar for two. culverts, $8; Wni• Strfises Come align.should' be far irly liberal; $1500 a year Harkness, repairing approach to Mr. Wilson thought a reasonable sal- bridge, lot 27, can..4 and 5, $7; Jas. • It is estimated by a competent ary far a sheriff ill a rural mttnicipal McGlynn, 45 . yards gravel, $3.15; authority that the Chicago strike is city. IAmerican Road Machine Co., 12 •costing the American Railway Union As regards prohibition, ;lir. Wilson, scrapers, $69, less $2.61, 66.39; Geo. more than $2,000 a day now. ' The said that the Patrons have not pro- I McKee lumber on railing, and work nine officers and members of the ex- no thecl upon the subject, and so lot ?•1;' con. 2, $3; Andrew Welsher, ecutive board. draw more than $50 a the Patron feel e will be. free to repairing bridge, and timber, $3.75; day from the treasury of the order. vote as they feel personally inclined Chars. Spro€als, 105 yds. gravel, $6.35; Seventy organizers now on the road rare aid $5 a day each, or 350, incl sthe question comes up. mon is a I+'raueis Clelland, culvert on bound- p k strong temperance feeling among the ary* Culross and ri'urnberry, opposite Chi- cago 14, con. 1, $4; Hamilton Ballaugh, statute labor for C. P. 1'4 ; •',;.2; Robert Lane, 3200 feet cedar, $38.40; Robt. Breen, re a sick orphan girl, at his home as per motion, -$20; Joseph Welwood, two men and two teams for two days, $8, one man one day, •w 1, overseer one clay, $L25, total, $10.25; C. P. R., freight on scrapers, $2.61. J. Welwood—J. J. Johnston —That the finance report as just read be adoptee..—Carried.. P. Kuntz— •... J. Johfiston—That on the inspec- tion of the gravel. road,if the inspect- ors think it better to have any work clone before gravelling, that they be empowered to have it clone.—Carriccl. means no trouble. W1OLTCY means new prices. Having for some time studied the interests of the consumer, and r- ing the burdens they have borne under the old policy of long credits, and knowing full well that the main who pays cash helps to pay for the c.r•edit aseanut, and for the roan tvlto never pays, I will, therefore, give you, /� ' by the adoption 01' the C 141 M and will give you goods cheaper than any other man in. Bingham, T go direct to the inattufaeturers and buy for .---�. PCT CASA. I am, tltererefore, in a position to give you many lines of goods below their expenses will double that sum. The rent. of the headquarters in -i- and the compeusatioil of a score or more of clerks, stenographers ,and typewriter operators will add tine. so . amount of property, he said, and orf �: CL LROSS them depends, directly or indirectly, • tl the welfare of the whole community; surely such an interest demands a minister, and a practical minister, and not a professional man, and when Mr. Meredith moved that the Department of Agaietilture be .abol- ished, and handed, over to some minor official under the Minister of Education or some other minister, Mr. Wilson said, it was a farce, and he showed he was not in touch with the farming community. And I am not surprised, for Mr. Meredith is, of course, a professional awn. Mr. Wilson approved of the Ontar- io Agrieultural College at Guelph; it has done good work, and he hoped. to see the principle extended. Speak- ing as an eastern mean, he would like to see a model farm established some- where in the eastern counties. There and ex - is ar different clinf.ayte there, a periinents carried on in the Guelph climate might not give the same re- sults hi the St. Lawrence district. s One suggestion he would make would be that, inasmuch as the Guelph farm has every year a sale of steels, seed, grain, etc.; and inasmuch as it is a very long way for a magi to go from near Brockville or Cornwall to The council met in to town hall, P. Kuntz—H. McKay --That a grant Teeswater, as per motion. of adjourn of $5 be made to complete contract meet. Members all . 'present. The on 30th sideroad, eon. 5, and that reeve in the chair. It was moved by Win.Reid attend to the salve; also P. Mintz; and seconded by J. ,I. have a railing built opposite lots 20 Joh11ston that in"the absence of the and 21, eon. "6.—Carried. H. Me - township clerk, Peter Clark act as Kay ---Y. Kuntz—That this council clerk pro tem until Mr. Button re- do uow adjourn to meet again on turns froniWalierton.—Carried. H. Saturday, the 4th day of August, McNay — Win. Reid -a- That the 1894, at the hour of 10, o'clock, a.m. minutes of the Court of Revision be —Carried. Cii.rs. BUTTON', Clerk. amended by adcling•the word "to" be- ___.--_._ , fore the sum ` 250, to show that the The Mac Vherrell. Case. assessment was lnacle the same as The Met that William Walter last year, that being. according to the yl Tito ler cell is yet alive and still motion, a•reduction of �,*50, instead of $250, and that the minutes as amend- confined in Brampton. jail has pro - ed be adopteds -Carried. The min- ba•bly slipped the minds of most pee- utes of last meeting of council were pie. But such is the case. The con- clues have all been collected. the union then read. Wm.. 1leid—J. J. John- mutation of MacWherrell's sentence bas a fund od the chstrwill finee�thceey son --That the initiates of last meet- is until the,first day of October. The .p ing of council as just read be adopt- Brampton Assizes will open on Sep- seventy days. 11 al5 eel.:---Cay,rried. H. 11.[cIiar----l', Kuntz 1 torilbcl 1,>, with Chief Armour Robert Coleman, a highly respected --That a tile culvertbeput iii at judge. ,Walker will then be: tri cl citizen of ;eaforth, tired suctclenly last the tutn our the new road lot 9 con. I for the murder of Mrs, Williams' twee.: of Heart failure and I3tight's 8, .and that the• timbers of that cul- .is altogether likely that liaeWherrell dlisok o vert be used on the other .culvert on will be placed in the box with lum „,�,,,�.,®_, the d that is broken clown and tried for the sacro • offence, Sit` -. road toal t day whether or not the. c and man will b WHOLESALE PRICES. Give me a trial and I will convince you of the fact that "CASH IS KING." All kinds of Produce taken same as Cash. All Mantle Goods bought Dress and Mantle snaking, on the premises. eut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty. MACDONALD BLOCK. G. • MCI TYRE, WINGrHAM., TO PREVENT SUNBURN You should buy one of our Fancy Sunshades. WE ARE COM'' ELLE]) to admit that we, made a mistake in buying too many for this season's business. Bttt the price was so low that we could not resist them. Pi -Inca) oalurr the surplus we have reduced them exactly one half of the regular Flee. They are all new goods for this season's trade. COME AND BUY for 75e worth $1.50 for " $1.00 " • $2.00 " a „;1.25 " $2:50 . " u " $1.50 " $3.00 A PARASOL 88c worth $1.75 $1.11 `` $2.25 x+1.38 " x;2.7.5 $1.63 " $3:25 it goes through the rvholc assortment. If you doubt these prices call $200 dollars more to the daily ex and investigate for yourself. 12X• cent Print for 9c. 'Delaines for pencleast .. The, union is also paying 25e. Summer Corsets 50c. Best Lisle Thread Gloves at least $500 a day for telegraph 15c per pair.._ 2 pair Stainless Black Hose 25c. These are only a few of our money makers. CAZL _•�1T73 S M the others. We have not space enough to enumerate then ,hes. . Pro c M�S Dried and Smoked Meats always on hand. .1VIxGHAai. to11s on messages. sent to the leaders on various parts of the tied up lines. At least x500 a day should be added for incidental expenses, the feeding of delayed passengers in the West and South-west, cost of stationery and supplies,. etc. This is a daily expense that is .fret from the Chicago headquarters, and is exclusive of what is being paid by the local Unions 111 various parts of the country. The actual cost of the strike to the order is, however, but a Mere trifle when compared to what it is costing the men who are out of work. Five clays ago it was estimated that the . strikers were losing $150,000 a day in wages, and that sum will increase rapidly as more men are called from ' lr .lit. to 1 e their employment. President Delia has not yet doubt- ed the financial ability of the union to carry on the strike, but there is a limit to the fends at his command. The order bas an annual income of about $140,000. This is derived from the members in the form of Yearly elites of $1 each. If these re; Same road , Physicians, and that a grant of $15 be made to John Tl1.dnlpson will say on Wednes- condemned improve said so as make i ,. be given another trial incl passable in. the fall of the year, Lri his counsel has every hope of a favor- able reply. The crown have much new testimony, which they believe t Waller. n an inter- view n r= view they wee d not say .. to exact rm buy there, the extra expense giving j that Henry McKay have the same the fanners near Guelph an advan• ! done by competition.._.- Carried. W1 . Tltit a to :e meltKinloss, • the world over, endorse sty babies and children like the tags, he thought it would be a good I P. Kuntz—J. °tweed- t` will comic I to taste of ft. Weak mothers thin for the department, on alter the boundary between Culross elle. nate •ear•_, to 1 ti stock to opposite lot 35, con. 9, needs 1 tl e x uct respond readily to its nour- y nature of tlic evidence. A Govern• fishing powers, some point in the cast and auction it l repairing, that the stmt et $15 be ! ntent detective did say, however, that Govern - off there, thus giving the eastern I(inlossl to repair the same, previa-1.g;moui the would show that Walker ; vas I 5�� �+ ` farmers at. chance. ��•rauts tlic sante amount y' �s a7 present in the house tit the tiled, of As regards the Farmers' Instittt- and that Win. Acid attend to sane. ie trder end. also trace his foot -1 tes, Mr. Wilson r —Carried. II % 1a L 1 }Zuntz-- their usefulness a.t pa, o g Peter extent dleparted. , The Patron lod es I to be paid to i �e M tet of repaizie ring. have, to a large extent, taken their I he completes 1 P 1 y „ ace,1Ito said. (rood work, liar lrcen',culvert, opposite lot 27, 0011, 6 and 7, done n the past bythenl,andPresident and passed by the party etz tine.tlr candidates. Vancouver elle. ;derv` is ' Mills he regarded as having been 1 fob. — Carried. I . of of the lee- Johnston—That Tltat the heave and Pc-), 'Westminster cities And then mainlandobonesr and lungd tissue/ flesh,solid lid very useful, while manyrel pity Reeve iiiS set and report on theI torn. districts on the lower ttu`ers sant out were very efficient. p y p 't • to •t1'd eight straight Opposition the very essence of nourishment. Vit. aid which the Government now giw;es Tari-•-'�Vnl. 'Reid That a s vas inclined. to think r -- Carried . 1. e a y4 . . t t a 1st e 1 That a cheque be issued for $130,l steps batt. to Toronto. dismommullmemear 11 In the. British Columbia. Provincial I elections on Satnrdpy, Vancouver • Island returned fotirteen Government i the Cream of Cod-liver 011, the life of the blood , the He agreed, too, that the Patron ` state of gravel road+ •at, next+' candidates, g '�hds itttc;rior dlect►otls Donit d80E�led b)rGbSt�iBS lodne:4could not accept the money ting of council+~ Car lied, II. > -.. t a culvert will take place this week, a S6ofCItoirWl,,bltisalilu..ltlDEukkiatd.ltio !1 OES YOUR IFE HER OWN ASH1NC a• 1 F she does, see that , the washis Easy made and A Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the, terrors of wash -day. I Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. Kms/ NIed. ANY QLTA,NTITY. Have a complete stock of BLANKETS, SHEETING'S? i YARNS, &iCr,. far` the Wool Trade. ARDING AND SPINNING done on shortnotice. Eespectitifly yours, +J'Vii. 5. •