The Wingham Times, 1894-07-13, Page 1l,ra,
11E. • AITINfillitATIVI
OL. .XIII. ---N O. 1170,
This month the. BEAR takes stook and
there will be a lot of things that might in-
terest you. Remnants and odd lots of a
hundred and one things ; they will be solcl
cheap, es we want to clear tlient out before
we balance our boosts. See them,
We have a number of ends of Carpets in
Brussels, Tapestry,
suitable for small rooms. We will sell
them ebeap to clear out.
Our Grocery Stook afresh, completeand
'cheap as ever. The 35e Tea leads the
trade, because it is always the same quality,
never changes.
See the New Duplex Washboard, the
greatestlabor-savingdeyioe of the age.
Shop early and secure prompt delivery
of your goods. This store closes at seven
O'clock. :J
The Only Direct Importers.
'Tree Bean, July 601, 1804.
Marriage Licenses
issued by FRANK PAT,FRSON, No 23, Vic-
toria etreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
-y Place in Granada to
get Business Ede -
BEs cataion, Shorthand, 4
etc., is at the Ceti.
tral Business Col- i
• lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont.
IJngueseionabty Canada's Greatest Com-
mercihl$chools. Cataiozucs free. Men-
= thin this paper. Shaw a hlflott, Princtpals.
;_to rent, apply to
P. Fzsnan.
111„ie.R iriii:
Gesell re shipped a car load
Monday, per G. T.
Toronto M
-e-Capt Richardsonformerly of the Sal-
vation Army here, las been stationed at
Stratford. 1
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
—By a decision of the supreme court at
Halifax, a man has right to shoot a dog
that runs out"and b ks at his horse, if he at
g ghhering and
believes the animal to e serionsly frighten- large ecessiotothe Press
ed thereby. they listened to tt vc
—The town fathers hould have all nox-
ious russets ;;rowing on the streets cut at i The brethren_ speall
.once before going to s a, and also insist on 1 of the treatment re
all persons holding p operty within the I their Luoknow brethren:
town limita doing ilk isewithout delay.
—Mr. H, J. Bean
Forest Coefederat has purchased tit
Leonia Record.
—The Clinton N w Era is thirty-nine
years old, and is on of the most ably con-
ducted journals in tario,
—In the list of promotions given last
week, the name of earl Sperling was ]eft
out, she having pas d froni third junior to
third senior.
formerly of the Mt,
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by 1•Iansin
pane, Meyer Block, Wingham.
1ttr. Peter Deans as not been enjoying
oocl health for some tithe back, and spent
last week at Gocleri 1, taking in the lake
—A "merry-go-ro
quite a stroke. of b�
the week, It is loco
1d" has been doing
iaess in town:during
a on the market, and
is nightly visited by 1ltrge crowds.
—Ladies, have your garments made liy
Miss M. Jobuston, Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good
work, always first-olass fit.
The Veterinary, urgeons of Wellington
county farmed an association last week,
and.we notice that r. J. J. Elliott, V. S.,
of Clifford, formerly t this town, has been
appointed treasurer f the association.
—At the Congre atonal church, next
Sunday, the pastor will preach morning
and evening. M ruing subject: "The
mutual relational p between Christ and
His Disciples, a its results." Evening
subject : "A Gos 1 Invitation."
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a.
m., via W. G. cSc B.; 6.85 a. m. and 8.25
p. m., via Clinton and Gtielph. Good con-
nections by all trains.
—The Guiding S ,r is the name of a now
fraternal benevol 1t society which is
to commence e operations 1r1
o P
it will admit° both men and women to
membership. `Vhot er it has Cxovernlne
sanction to do busi ail this Province o we
are not aware, but onbt it very much.
artier solicited to
that the society is et
Ontario, before in ye
_A large nurnbe
town drove over to
last, and attended
brethren.of that tc
The foot bridge ov
Salt Brook was °Inapt
It is only five feet wic
—Mrs: W. F.. Brocl
Hospital at London, c
she will have an op
the course of a' few de
the Maitland at the
ted on Wednesday,
, but is substantially
outstare went to. the
1. Wednesday, where
tttion performed in
—Private moneys to loan an mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to,
Joule NA:LLaxina.
—A. meeting of t
local Board of IIer+.ltl1
was held on Tue 'clay evening. A. coin -e:
plaint was laid bef re the Board, charging
parties living in th Kent Blockof commit-.,
ting a nuisance by . epositing filthy wawa'
at the rear of that • wilding, contrary to the.
town by-laws. he Sanitary Iuspeeter
was instructed to notify the parties to "'de
sist from cam fitting said nuisance, or
legal steps woul• be taken.
—Mr. A. Ii, it Inning, one of the most
popular and bes known men in Clinton,
died on Sunday eek. He was a pronouno
ed Liberal, and t one tiros held the posi-
tion of Presiden of the West Riding
Liberal Assoniati n. For the past four
—The regular
Presbytery will be he
therein Wingham, o
commencing at 11 a.
--The Oddfellenvs
for an oxoursion to.
of August. 'The af r
aeoonnmodatioxt firs
over the G, T. 11, e
eating of Maitland
in the Presbyterian
Tuesday next, 17th,
town are arranging
mato the early part
d the
will -s
U , and rn
-class, and it will go
erteoolars later,
—The following wipe for making an
oatmeal drink as g ven by an Engli -
paper : "Take one -a ird of a pound of fine
oatmeal, one-thirdapound of sugar, one
lemon, and pare it1F ry thin, leaving the
;unite covering as. Aa
peel this white port,'
thin, removing all
trained parts teed
making it veva: bittet . Pat all these Into behlg as full as nsua
into a paste with
at boiling water o -Great preparatib
e jug is nearly full , all week for the greet
hours; then add tion in town. '.Cents;
a of cold spring .every available place,.
use. This drink is are laying in great se+
hixlg,. ceding and and if the visitors, to•
properly provided' fora
fault of our townspeopl
years his health 1 as been anythi,lig but 1' Wken Ire4 'thug
good, that dread' disease, Consumption, Whether onpleasure bent, or business, take If things l!o against tl
on ever tri >' a bottle of Syru i of Fl cs as Don t sigh Dhn
doing its fatal worl He leaYeeti,'vifo and y 1 1' If ,your clierisiie•l'acli
two children to ni nit the lass of a kind I it ants most pleasantly and effectually on Don't cry!' Dbrat e
husband and affect ovate fu they, the. kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing Strive to loose f'at'e et
. , fever, headache and other forms of sickness. Piok your•iiint and' tr
—The people tt0 so love to do their For sale in 65o. bottles by all leading drug- Brave earth'' sorrows
l i y g n Don't nigh• Don't
shopping on Saturd y nights should pause. gists. Manufactured by the California
and think of the p or, tired olerks who Fig Syrup Co. only.
have just gone thegh the busiest day of
the week, and wl • are still on duty nand—TheSth Union Me
trying to be pleasat . Don't, for goodness Home and Foreign Mi
sake, ladies and g tlemoli, prolong the
agony, but, if you rt't possibly do your
bnying at any otlx• • time but Saturday
night, do it ae eitrl as possible then, and
give the merchant and their clerks a rest.
as.possible untouched,
o off, then Oleo very
pia; these two last -
to spoil the drink by
—A number of e Sons of Scotland, ob
town, went over Brussels, on Sunday
last,and joined lair brethren in that
place in attending nine service,.
•-;Herr Mark endelson, phrenologist,,
has been in town for a week or so,stud
is -
doing quite atra t
b r1pi
,• beads).
&o. It is several ears since 110 vittited'
Messrs. J. H. tephenson• and John
Gillespie, of town, have. each. a pair of
cranes which they aptnreci in. Turnbeeuy
a couple of weekea , They are becoming'
quite tante,
—On account of "t e 1.2th of•.11el}c•nelebee,
tion coming on•Thn •dayytlie'I'turs• is ia--
sued a day earlier tl k week, whi.•h• will ao-
eonnt for our bu•'ge of correspondence not
t fog,. in
three -p t
cold water, then: pa
them, stirring. until t
let it stand for twei
two quarts or five pie
water. It is. then Hefei
nourishixsg, thirst -gnat.
Town • , unoil.
A special ineetitig f the Town Council,
was held ou Tiiursda evening,Juiy 5th, for
the transaction of get seal bntiness, the re.-
gnlar meeting ou 22nd est., failing for want
Of a. quorum. Itfombe' : present: The Mayor
and lilessrr. Holmes Herdsmen, Green,
Moore,.Iuglle,.MeEea ,. Arseott, Gregory,
MbKinlay and Reedit) . Miinutee of last re- -
gular and subsegneot<pe, .a1rea eting were
read tsnd.acp roved. astement frotnithela
Treasurer showing th, '' different sums of
money; re•iety td by hi during the month
of Jiino and amount t credit in bank was
roadland• fiiedt The. 1 finance• Committee
reported• recommend g payment of the
following accounts,.: •wept that of Thos.
Mbonea which. was- matins 011ie Commit;
Jelin Dickson, salary $25;. ,T.13S Ferguson,
salary, $75;• J. B,Fe . son, postage, $2.50;
106.25; Thos Irwin,
bade salary, $15 ; .,las,
51. P. Fisher, P. O..
n Electric Light Co,,
8 ;. Jae. pl Long, re -
50) cents; A. Ross,
eynolds , • Co., charity.
line•' Co., supplies for
u plies for. hall, $3.78,
$8.75, total. $41,15 ;
q, Chief, June 26611,
s applies, g.5.75 ; J. H.
a„ $L;: S'tmuttb aC Pethick,
IL:. McKay, lettering
B:. Ciimmin:,s,' oiling
'Leetnne,ele; ea: W.
hos. 11.. Ross, do. $3;
nn streets, $4.60, Mr.
ordered to be paid
McKinley dissenting;
adopted and all the
to paid. Moved by •
by Wm. Moore, that
receive $4.50, three
ty—.Carried. Moved
nded by I), iteeTCin-
n •;1 to
,n of this Go nc
f`t e e
"nova', it t
P o s
d to t1t>�r;t1 e Mayor
for reply.' to the
d by Wni. Bolires,
that tl.e Maths: .en
ea have power to
oh repairs as he
all the teamerey-
tiers for the drain
melt by the chair-
ks Committee; and
for the work alone,
t $1.7.5 and $2 ear
fitchell . and Wm.
er root. Tee latter
lug of the tile from
es required. One
rem Jas. A. 'Cline,
d 42 cents per foot'
g for 'Tile only.
conded by R. Ara-
bs drain be placed
dining all that in the hands of the eha' :man of the Public
and can only be Works Committee; wit pewee to aerostat
laxly conditioned. toaccept any tender t at to him is setts -
and joiner (as all factory—Carried. Mov dby D. lefeliinlay;
arable muscular seconded by U. Reedit) - thatilte•caretaker
e been compelled of the hall do not alio)" any versos to teks
the time wearing possession of the Oper• itonse for eonoerts,.
most prominent plays, or 'any other rpose until ale re -
of this city and ceives the treasurer's eeeipt for tha.psy-
erect, and often ment of the rent of he Opera House for
my sufferings. such concerts, play: eta, and that 100
orn have been slips be printed and eft in the hands of
n one long round Treasurer showing ie rental fees for the
ety, loss of time, had, and the condi ions relating to the
boot six months advance payment of r it therefor, and that.
of your great the Treasurer shell ail or hand to each;
f Rupture cases• person applying for s' d hall otte of said.
steel gave ole, I slips referring to the •ental thereof—Cara
ng of support, vied. 1). Meliinlay s ggested that owners
me, and has so of "whirlie-go-rounds' should' be compelled
ally- I am now to pay a license for • e privilege of using.
• Previous to titer in the town, as. eh were mere catch -
'tie my shoe, no penny amusements a d the owners were
on, if I got all, ,transient residents ar paid no taxes. The
are coming out. matter was laid over or preparation of by.
ve suffered with law. The matter o+ allowing tenirorary
ut in the face of stands on the streets and town I,iroperty
flee has heldme on the conafnl, 12th o July was left in the
sing the hardest hands of the char. nen of the t'ttblio
go i carried a Works Committee tett the chairman of the
pain a two story p,ropeety Committee and the Chief was
" I Bever could inetruoted not to al w non•resitlettts to do
tgbeforew about a trading business 'n the town without j
rower all, I have their puyieg; the tr talent traders' licereese
r your appliance The Connell then a, jnurnell. rYtti
1 of which I feel ,
o Have Bean goiilg•on, Jos..Bullar.t, salai v,
etii•oI Jiii•'•celebrw--• salary, 571.26';. Jets, 1
ave 11.431 erected in•' Plenty,. printing, $1.
rel i he irate!-lt•"•nertel drawer, 42; Win„ i
'plies of"provi'sions, li{,lits for lune,. $02.
Vinglialn are• not pairing•lawn reowot
not. bethe. stationery, $5.05.;: I
ord er,. $1; Jas. A. t
W: W., $15:62;.
supplies for street
Thos. Moore; nasi
;ll; M.Leandr•S•n
. Stephenson,. suppli
supplies,. $1.25 ;:
dhors int hall; $2;:
booth, Ontario•
Last Warning. it?eUatcr, do,.$3.;.
All who are owing. Wm. Ridtl' by meteor)) Chas. 3larber,. work
ting of the Woman's account, wilt pay the sane to Jahn\Tee- • Moore's account a
lienar Society was lands at once -or be pu�tfn count b' the Council,. M
Y Y for collectible.•The report vvaa. tit
Jul w.„. Rxnr4. V:. S.. :,: n
accounts o1.de14 to
People.. Geo. Green, see ec
Il,avilig 6hr miaforr` aid lir. WitLi e
lti 1•Ieruiia ai'gl ptan•e,.i menthe rent, as aha
ser who lrerettofor'a• by W n•.. Holmes,. ' seg
rds relief decided'. liy, that as the petit
v ru•11ar7<lset� inn
het 1n
5 to' Covernan7ent fes
now an op ortunity , ei1 re : i
1? Uftiue uc t b 1g pl
g relief at your own write the Governmen
our columns it will same.—Carried. Mov
Mead of "Rupture," seconded by R. Arseot
Hernia Specialist, of of the Street Commit
en in business in tbist expend, money for
d wha, for over 27 thinks required, us:n
tis time exeluszvely to possible --Car; ied. T
tiire,wldibe in Exeter, were laid before the
ay mod 1<: edtteeday, ratan cat t le Palsiie W
nd Wi.nghom•Queen's read There were tw
ly 26th, when 1te teeny out f1'ssm Than Moore.
harges Our Physic- rod, au i one from S.
vited to call in and Page at $L15and $1.50
b of their patients) did not ineludethe dra
at instruments the the station to the pl
the following testi- forr both work and tile
this office, which as at 87 j ten is per foot a
speaks for itself, and one from A. You
pessary : Moved by Jas. Inglis,
en ruptured about Cott, that the letting of;
e—Mr. Geo. Ma • on was at London this
, funeral of his
e fu
'n l
It attending g.
who,died in that ity on Sunday evening
ie following notice ;n
from the
of Monday : "The
est night of Mr. John
oemed olcL resident of
his 73rd year. For
en in a feeble condi-
dy, and lately was
rnlytio strokes. He
•ly hotel -keepers of
the city, hotel for
es a widow and two
uron County and,
z. Ile was an es.
skin St. Methodist
last.4,,We take t
1 be certain
cin should
e to lir.
titled to do business in London Free Pre
ting their money, • death took place
of the Orangemen of Mason, a highly es
Lucknow on Sunday London. He was 11
livine service with the over a year be has
p• There was a very tion of mind and b
they marched in pro- helpless, owing to p
terian church, where was among the e
y eloquent and ap- London, having kept
y the Rev. A. McKay. years. Deceased lea
in the highest terms children, George, of
ived at the hands of lairs. (Rev.) Saunders
teemed member of the
—Over 00 feet of glass, ne
—For first•class. tailoring and cheap I of cola fra.. a, 50,000 tomato
gents' furnish P gs, try Webster & Co. ones, don't b • scrubs), 10,
Remember the lace, one door south of 1 nificent cabb • e, best ca
R. A Graham's grocery store. country, lovel erani
—A townsman w s cited before W. P. large verbenas a . as
Brockenshire, J. P., d Mayor Hanna, on ( strains of pansies.
Tuesday, charged
•salting and abusive 1
xteighbor. The char
fine of $1 and costa
--"Pen and Sunni
title of a very tasty 1
2 . R. It contains
tone engravings of th
that road, including
.sand 'Islands, Rapid
Montreal, Qttobee a
-New England. The
one and to intending t
—Why do you ruin
at the sun to see Hit
you can bny a rel
from Munsbaw, the 1
--Look oast for nn
person importune
promptly for the map, the canvasser Black, Turnberry, ti h
requests stint to sig a certificate that the I ria, last Wawanesh
ageht has visited as place, takeh the j McQuillan, Culross, 8
statistics of the pr ducts, etc., ,and the 1 —We call the utter
certificate turns o t to be an order for the 1 once more to the blacl
map -at a price far it ' exoess of the value le anted serosa #lel
If any greenies ate a::ght in this section it one affected `tree : m�
will be the men w o say they are too poor � spread the disease th
to take it paper. ° i tiorhood. As soon as
—NA/foghorn ha one of the oldest Odd -1 disease show in an r o
fellows in Ontario in the person of Mr. S. that is affected shou
i3. Webb. Mr., N bb is 14 years of ago, burned, and if any ti
and 53 years age h was made an Chid- affected they should
fellow in Ne r lit State. The old gentle• burned at the earner
men is halo and li arty acid iti,i+o' proud No man aught to wa
of.his connection fth the Order Week after he finds that hie
Were lati, when t Oddfellotvs d costed for the only way to des
110 graver: of . their eceased brethren, Mr. destroy then by fire,
'tbb marched. wit .them to the cemetery . worst disease that gro
Alia took pert ire t nerexrlonies, acid ap• have to contend withto
they a'i,hiiicT, not gra&1`e''ef
ie pared none the wo
;,j _ WO.
*th using grossly in-
nguage to a female
was proven and a
s imposed. bridge. Fol
river bank
ht 'Sketches" is the you will '
ok issued by the G.
any beautiful half -
scenery teethed by
iagara Falls, Thou
of St. Lawrence,
the mountains of
crit is a very rich
deists is invaluable. I follows : Charles Pro
2,520 pounds ; John
sour eyes' by looking bona, 4,530; M, Cass
. near noon, when
able watch for $3.10, Head, 4,070; J. Louth
ase, rr
"peddlers. If the
doesn't subscribe
red peach tomato
Also slips of trail'
purchaser. Co
way from tow
e, s
w the pe
few yards Iron
d the Iron Bridg
T. C. Ghana
y as much
lents (grand
celery, meg-
'flowers in the
s and fuchsias,
s, see them, best
van away 1 six now
ants while they last.
lents to every dollar
alk nearly all the
side of the iron
r trees up the
the bridge and
Ou Friday last,
town, shipped four
port cattle, per . G.
The cattle were eons
Scott, of Galt, and
'X6,040; Jas. Stewart,
W. McCrlteken, i�Ipt,
John Geddes, Moriis,
fr. D. Stewart, of
r loads of prime ex -
R'., to Montreal.
tried to Mr. John
lei• weights were as
Morris, two head,
eillits, T'urnberry, 4
I, ]3aet Wewanosh, 3
Turnberry,11 head,
mel are valley.
ntled skein.;
an�h at palm;
held in the 'Congregt tional church, July
eliding. After de -
which several ladies Te leupttta
nl r
Those of t read
rerations took art,
7. os
b p
meeting were read `l tune to besafttictedi w
ith, representing especially severe c
n read an interest- found alt efforts, to
'1 •e
fat ut s
also 110Yt•j--
dand ala s
showing forth the this condition, nave
hen followed a • rarely offered of gear
door. Byreference
and train rite
s n p ,
Mrs. Mainprize, be noticed under th
5th. Mrs. Ritchie
votioual exercises, in
from the different con
the minutes of the las
and adopted. Mrs. S
the Baptist Society, th
g b y Miss 1fcL
ing letter
:a Y
letter from Miss Priest,
great work 1n India.
Misses ]=Iu i
duet by a gg
which was well rendere
representative of tet
society, gave a carefully
showing the going forth
arias and how their men
have increased, but what
is still to be done for t
(Dr.) Towler then gave
work the Methodist Ch
ing in the different missi
the usefulness of the Ca
Society in sending
establishing schools. Mi
a reeitntion, showing w
Three children then 'gsry
the routes of three :stems
aid in spreading the gosp
representative of the Pr
read a paper by Mrs.'we shou
of our missions and m
duty to the local soviet
also our duty to the
collection was then
$2.65. The meeting th
by the Rev. Mr. Seco
—0e Monday mort ing last, Mr. Jas.
Gray, of the 1st co cession of Morris,
about three miles from ingham, commit-
ted suicide, by cuttin his tbroat with a
rhea. It appears that e had been acting
strangely for a clay or tw before be com-
mitted the deed, but notl g was thought of
it, as he was oe a ner us and excitable
disposition. ' Chi Monde morning, be got
up early, between fou and five o'clock,
and Mrs. Gray asked h to bring up the
cows, and he replied t at he had to go to
the barn. She then a ed him to let oat .
the geese, atid he re ed that be would, Pere
and weet out. Som little time after, a Mrs. W. F. Brooke
young man who is 1 rking at Mr. Gray's, mother, in Dreyten,
got up, and seeieg t at the cows were not Mr. John E. Davi
at the milking pla spendiug a few day
look for Mr. ' Gray
enNir Mr, Gray lyin
prepared paper,
medical mission-
ers and support
great work there
Toronto, who bas b
oity over 22 years
years, has devoted
the armament of Re
e Master. Mrs. Central Hotel, Tees
a paper on the July 24th and gath,
eh has been do-
ians are cordially I
inspect (in the inter
some of the grand
world ever saw. Re
mony, just received b
further comment is u
st years, nay sufferin
time have been intense,
appreciated by those sr
know). demands consi
exertion, frequently h
to quit work, although a
trusses made by the
mekers, such as Math
others. I could tot stet
had to lie down to relie
All the trusses I home
utter failures. It has be
of misery and mental an.
and phelsicial torture..
a,gl.e, thank God, I beer
sucnits in the treatment
The application yoe Eiaj
can well remember, n. fee
never before experieneed
continued to the present
eomparatively a new in
this I could not stoop t
matter what truss ha
Toronto, without niv lin
TO mad tie the difiloultyI 1
a violent cough for years,
all this, your grand appl
secure all the time while
work. Only two days
bundle of green shingles
or dare attempt such a th
danger of roy life. Te
worn and continue 0 w
with great comfort, for
deeply indebted to your
Very truly yours,
Call and be fitted, or
Hernia Speeialist, 20
n fields, and also
Wan Missionary
issioneries and
et children, do.
a description of
and how they
sbyterian society,
rant, of (Mille,
have a knowledge
sionaries, and our
aken, amounting to
n closed with prayer
went to the barn to
On going ' into the
was yet quite dark, he
in, 'one of the stalls,
d shook him, awl asked
le house, eucl was hotri.
he was deed, Ms throat
from ear to ear. Th -
come informed of what
ineseenger sett to
ceemp anima by Chief
o Ble. Gray's and in-
laid paciaaa Was
tnianquest, as it wa
deoeased came to Ilie
nd. The =or with
otrmatted was laying
e remains, and also a
g, thwdeceased
vith him to end his
t 'successful with the
in otrnfortable
not known that any,
nri to cause mental
is a Wife and four
hate the sympathy of
Itsioil in their gra t
torris, 7 !lead, 8,880; and took hold of a
is, 4 head, 5,020 ; Mtn to come icito t
head, 2,620 ; Robt. fled to fiaa that
ad, 10,260 ; R. Cur- being out alinost
2 head, 2,800; E. household were at
lead, 10,080. had ocoarred,
ghttm, end Dr
tion of our readers Win
ed. Dr, Towler,
knot, The disease
by the winds, and n..n.itliagr:it,edarztoetrItg,
y in a short time
se first signs of the Vile evident that fl
hard, every,branch. death by bis own
be cut off ana whioh the deed vett
e or trees aro badly on the straw near t
be c ut down and rope about six. feet 1
possible mewed, had evidently taken
a day, or at hour, life in case he was 11
'eses are diseased, rator. Mr. Gray we.
oy the spores is to oulnstances, and it
lack knot is 'tiling Was worrYing
ere of stone fruits aberration- Ha 1
1 the midwest, and small children, wh
erts to subdue and the *hole iseighh
°gather, trouble.
I ultimately destroy it a
town, during the wee
Mrs. Pomeroy, of
friends in Winghatn.
Moods in town.
ilr. 301111 Rath'
Ititehie end Dottie
last with frieeds in
Miss Ella Deans ,1
under the parental i
Miss Stewart, of
auntaMrs. Wm. Jo
to Montreal and t
The trip wag mad
Mr. Itrank 'Usti
friends in town,
last with friends
with friends in
Maggie IdleLaneb
ing relatiVes And
Musenls Pas
*Ingham, were
a few days' last week.
of Godmith, was
with his parents ni
London, is visiting
Ripley, is visiting
ana Misses Mary
Iliott spent Sunday
spenaing the holidays
etroit, is visiting her
'Phut, in towo.
for health ana business
1, ef Detroit, is yisiting
id family spent Sunday
. Miss Emma Me-
ghatn, spent few days
'n, of Winghain, it visit.
lends in town.
L. Hembly aria tams, of
newing old friendships
kilinl treatment., Experience net Proved. it.
34 Tisrauley St. ',experience proved that Soott's Brentsien,
Toronto. Would not only stop the progress of rels,
stit health ata vigor could befullv ros