HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-06, Page 8Tint t.` W1 "+l :al.4 . tit '1r ES,, JULY 6. 1894, • tT Tp00o "1014104y at a bine when. tltraueands Irons *a"' 1allputs of the Provinoeand .akaeining%tates are present to inspect their prodaicticna, 1 The people of Ontario have always shown /fin _ p p tf �* �pp the highest appreciation far the Western 40'�'_' � HAT SELL OFF A,T , Fair; and we feel that in wishing thein a Mt prosperous future we but express the senti- 1 stents of every one in this section of tete `Province, - PRENOR SILK 12ELA1NES , Promotion Exa>uinatious. ' The following are the promotion. lists of Conlpri,ing thq newest midsummer the pupils of the Pubtie School. Where ,novelties, its ca,orings and printings that marks are given, such pupils were examin- ed toucia the vgry;pinnacle of styles and can en all the subjects o£ the eurriculum for 41:47 o'otained from id.. I4, Mclndoo. that class. 'Where no marks are given the pupils remain in the same book, but past NEW DRESS GOODS. ion to 040010T department. .Ina few cases, where pupils have not made the required ▪ The now June Dress Goods are open 1 number of marks these will be considered 'for inspection ; Fl,bries are shown here that are not shown elsewhere, nor will they be ; at special prices this month, NEW PARASOLS. Charming shades for tvartn weather, best and cheapest here. When school opens. All pupils promoted should be present at the opening of the school term --the last Monday in August. The promotion to the first department is the entrance examination, the results of which, will not be known until about the end of the present month. Thea answer papers of many of the pupils were very COOL GOODS. creditable, showing neat workand thought- ful study: The hot weather of this week brought }Ile"' THIRD. TO SECOND niminTizica. the people to our shop, Never was our Were promoted to fourth book at the stock in such,' excellent condition to beginning of the present year r Jennie McGillivary, Clara Coad, Lenna supply the summer wants. We offer Hill, Maggie Tibbs, Gladys. Bell, Mabel many bargains in each, department, at Mitchell, Lottie Currie, Mary Burgess, Frankie McKenzie, Annie Ellis, Dave Dinsley, Robert Willson, Andrew Gray, Fred Diamond, Dave Graham, Arthur Hutton, Bert Chapman, Willie Kerr, i Harry Halliday, G. Lamont. M. N. WINDOWS. What isit all About.'t In erasing of your paper, Mr. Editor, there be, Though' most things there is clear enough, ,A few that's dark to rare. Just one:I'd like to mention, 'Lis them letters that is writ, By some fellers in the Lower Town, Who seem riled up a bit. There's T. C. G., they call him, I'1l•not give his name in fall, While F. P. tries to hoist him, As if F. P. was a ball. Now, what it's all about, Sir, T can't well understand, 'Though it seems as if some fellow Were a grabbing up some land. Well, all as 1 can say, Sir, If so be that that's the case, He's as much cheek on his conscience As is natural to his face. And the people round the place there, If tbe're willing to submit, Havn't got the pluck, 1 reckon, Is stowed in their moral kit. I seed that Reeve McPherson Was axed on some pretence, And gave in his permission For the building of a fence. Then, why don't Reeve McPherson Step forward like a man, And to fix right his error, Say he'll do wbate'er he can. It seems to me a reeve, Sir, o If he's worthy of the name, Should be like Caesar's wife, Sir, . 'Bove suspicion as of blame. I heard about this Caesar From my gall who teaches school, And from all as I can gather This •same Cmsar was no fool. And l'd say to Reeve McPherson. Not to try to do his wust, ' As the judgment day is coming, On January fust. tlt And as for that there scribbler, Who signs himself Fair Play, Let him stop his wretched blather, 'Lill he's something good to say. Yours truly, RASTIOIIS. Western Fair, London. As usual at this time each year, the . Western Fair Office staff are busily engaged lin mailing Prize Lists and other advertising Matter throughout the Province, in connec- tion with their great Live Stock and Agri- cultural Exhibition, which they hold in London, September 13th to 22nd, tins year. The Secretary writes us that he will be pleased to mail Priie Lists to any who may Rave been overlooked, on receiving their ,address. Thousands have been sent out, but still there ate more to follow. Oa ex- • aminieg there you will And the Directorate have had their eyes open to the continual advaneenlent of this Great Fair, and have anade several additions, alter`u,tions, and amendments to tile last year's list,some of them very important to breeders, and, agriculturalists, and others of a lesser' magnitude. All of the Live Stook Depart- *lents have received some new sections, and. t increase of prizes, which will no doubt be received kindly by intending exhibitors. The Poatltry Exhibit has been changed from "Pair„" to "Single .Birds," which is alse keeping up with the times. The Agrtcul- • tural, Horticultural, and Dairy Depart - Mott have been earefuilyarranged, and Several very important changes have been tade,which will tend to better the excellent lays of past years. The lVianufactur- end Mechant5' Display in the other fitments Iirve n!wave been abreast the times in newness' of style sea' flit inventions, end there* is every •isscli- eh of improvement, as they Anti it a, I. noisal benefit to make a good exhibit at C alis business centra of tits West, and par. A FAoM TitiB» X10 FOonTH DOOR, The number to,pass into the secon department will depend on the numbe passing the entrance. ....To pass 887. , Bert Ross 596, Harry Hessicn 562, Anni Smith 554, Ella Kinsmen 408, Edgar M Guire 483, Scott Gordon 468, Grace Marti 468, M. Burkholder 469,. Annie Smith 40 Peter Fisher 462, • Olive Moore . 459, Jo Stuart 454, Nellie Ross 449, Maud Wels 444, John Reacting .440, Laurie Reynold 431, Ethel Bray 428, Maggie Renders° 422, Maggie Young 4t8, Anna Jobb 41 Milton Beemer 415, Fred Rush 409, Harr Parker 397, Maggie Bisbee 392. MUSICAL 1EXCRI.LENCEt ARTISTIC DESIGN. PVIRA,BLE CONSTRUCTION.. Catalogue sent free on pp1i cation. MORRIS T FEiUD - ROGERS - CO, • •LISTOW E1,. HALSEY PARK, Agent, WI GHAM. Stiles, J. Gannett, L. Hogg, C. Carr, C. Laird, F. Cody, L. Herr,- M, Monk, trr. Mollwain, E. .King, H. Jerome, .E. Mc- Donald, P. Wynn, Geo, Moir, Joe Borman, L, Grey. Fno]I 8TII TO ITH DLPARTAIENT. From 1st part to 2nd part 1st book. John Dawson, Griffin Hiscooks, Willie Jobb, Fred Patterson, Iiurville Griffin, Bert Kling, Janet' Murray, Annie Rodgers, Nellie iIliott, Laura Herr, Essie Huffman, Eva Simmons. To go into 7th clepartment,but remain in part first. Roy Seyffert, Henry Watson, Laura Ferguson, Pearl Moore, Alex, Montgomery, Nelson Fralick, Angus McGregor, Fletcher Wellwood,'Esther Morden. HA.RRISTON. Great excitement prevailed in this a i town last Thursday evening, caused lby the football 'match between the Ayr boys, champions of . the central e district, and our High School team, c- i champions of the Maitland district. 11' The match, played on the agricultu- 3, ral grounds, commenced at 0.45, l[r. e Snyder, of Mouli ,Yorest, acting as h referee. The b: t11 was no sooner s 'kicked off than the left or " pony " wing.of Ayr made a splendid rush 6' on goal, but the ball was excellently kicked. out br Repel Cook, . Frani that tine until the close of the match our teals had •tlac' game all to them- °. selves. Dulinkfirst-half time iiimn- erous shots went on the Ayr goal, but only one went through. Half tiilie was now called, the game stand- s ing• -1 too 0 in favor of farriston, t Again the ball was- kicked off and directly to the Ayr goal it went. By a skilful pass from 1). Smith to A. \[unns;he•ball was sent through the Y Ayr goal a Second time: During the r nest eight 'Minutes two more goals ' were,3Corccl by Harriston; one by A. - I Tboinson arid. the other by J. Wilson, JUNIOR III TO SENIOR III. From fourth to third department. T pass 375. Ethel Musgrove 625, gm umy Sills 605 Maggie Smith 587, Sadie Green 559, Nelli Murray 656, Lena Shaw 552, Mend Forbe 548, Amelia McGillivary 547,, Jessie Gannet 533, George Ireland 524, Alice Park 51r, Arthur Angus 516, Lena Robertson 510 Ada Roderus 509, Vida Hiscocks 496, Ros Coventry 489, Emma Pattison 4887, Ma Smith 484, Lorne Jerome 482, Melvin Ker 481, Alex. Gouts 481, Edna. Button 475 Jeff. Diamond 474, Lottie Bisbee 470, Job: Young 466, Russell Wilson 463, 011ie Jen kine 458, Willie Field 449, Eddie Rembly- 444, Helena Allen 443, Carl Burkholder 442, Fergus Beemer 436, Jennie Murray 431, May Pattison 427; Willie Aikens 426, Harris Coad 424, StellarWaite 423, Charlie Moore 415, Grace Wade 396, Willie Rogers 392, Bina Casemore 339, Walter Bell 375. • FIETH TO FOUIiTII DgPAnTxENT. ' Second to third book. To pass 227. George Grey, 385, Eva Graeey 375, Trena Fraliek 357, Charlie McManus 355, Agatha' Carrick 346, Charlie Wightman 343, Jessie Hamilton 343, Herbert Walsh 338 Morris Ross 832, Nellie Hesston 324, Jennie Mc- Hinley 315, Winfred Gillespie 814, Gracie Newton 804, Donald Stewart 297, Erskine Russell 284, Albert Doubleday 281, Abbie Smith 281, Mary Wallace 274, Willie Daw- son 273, Lizzie Barber 270, John Damian 298, Roy Forster 267, Mary McKenzie 264, Willie Carter 264, Tom King 264, Pearl Snell 262, Kingsley Wade- 261, Arlie Hill 24 Gerance Haines 247, Nellie Bradley '1,24„2x."Luella Elliott 286, Earnest Button 227, recommended, Percy Snell 214. 8'8Qei SrXTU TO ,t'1FTIt DEPARTMENT. '.Co ietriain in second book. Laura 7dpinutb, Tana Young, Jennie Lee, Ada I{itg, iszk ilchrhst, Mary Marlowe, Etta Currie,'A.1ifis Sutherland,Chester Davie, Adelor Brisbois, Lora Flanagan, Newman WelIwood, Fred. Coad,Lily Melvin, James McGillivary, Robert Morden, Olive Main - prize, Harry Stiles, John Doubleday, Bella Taylor, Lily Sherk, Kate McGregor, Willie Lediet, May Robertson, Lizzie. Little, Mabel Gillespie, Fanny Mortimer, Mabel Walsh,, Gertie Wellwood, Mabel Roe, 'rank klitehell, Gordon Griffin, Peter Deans, Devid Davidson, Ruby Burkholder, Edith 13serner.. Flnoit /matt 7tr . o 2tm EoerC. " To remain in 6th: depaakttnent, To peas 175. Annie Gray 2451, dtoy Tagus 289, Maud ,Banns 237, Willie 1;todetKls 221, arab Saint 2011, .Robbie Ferguson 206, Bert Holmes. 2(14, Stewart :Button 202, George Elliott 201," Willis Coutts 194, Charlie Bell 190, Russel Greig 18 , Edgar Hondo - on 179, recommended, , art 170. mom 41cvait rrt rry To remain aiti in pa y' ` t►u , McTatish, Gea artwright, Z. a e , , Harris* ,Watiaoe, J, , y i3iadley, S. assisted by D. Smith. Sharp playing went on for a few minutes more,. wvhen• Harriston again scored. The Ayr players: ivt,re now getting des- perate. They brought all the for- wards back, except two, to play de- fence. The splendid combination of the Ary players, for which they have been so long noted, was entirely broken by our half -backs. Darkness, however, now carne on and only this prevented our boys from again scor- ing, for they were bombarding the Ayr goal in a terrific manner. Time being called, - playing was stopped, the game standing 5 to 0 in favor of Harriston. Seldom, before, if ever, in this town did such excitement pre- vail among the spectators, audit was with great dif-icultytheY were kept' off the field. Another. match will. be played soon between these two teams, which will decide who are the inter- mediate champions of Western On Olio. Our boys feel pleased with their success, and well they may be, for the Ayr team is an old profession al one, having won the cup for the last three years ,and in all ,their matches never before were beaten. The I1arriston players were :Goal, Buggin; backs, R. Cool and W. Hartley: half -backs, R. Douglas,. W. =J yfe, J.. Young; forwards, J. Wilson, D. Si W. Johnston, A. Mums and A..•.. holnson, " • TURNBER1.Y. - The fine wain weather and rains aro bringing onthee'rops wonderfully well, which, from all appearances, look as though there would be a bountiful harvest; and judging' from the smiling faces of the farming community, they are very hopett'iti of the future. ---We are a lithe inclined to boast of our township as being a very enriching one for the farmer, there being so many fine buildings and so many new ones going up. There are from twelve to fifteen new. houses and barns being built within a limit of front; one to three miles. from Winghain.--The teaehers and pupils are novo enjoying the freedom 'of the holidays, and the children are J. HOMUTH STILLLEAD THE 'TRADE MERCHANT TAILORING AND GENTS' In 1.A.TS we leave the most,nobby to be found, FURNISHINGS. �� _ i� �►.. /~ ► .cam c� ,___T t, Our stock is complete. Note a few of our prices: 11[en's Plough Boots, from $1.00 up. Ladles' Fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1,00 ttp. Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, from, 65cts.. up, and all other goods in that line egtlally°low. OUR STOOK OP VALISE'S AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. 1 Boot and.Shoe repairing done as usual. U. J. H O. M UTH & fSO'N, WINGHAX roaming over the fields in. search . of its strawberry fruit and potato bugs, the latter being much the More plentiful.-l:Iiiott Bros. are •- now burning a Min .of brick. They ex - poet. it will turn out • well, as their new machine snakes them nearly equal to the pressed brick that we read of. -The Turnberry football team are now enjoying the honor of defeating the Bluevale team by 2 goals to 0. They expect to play a game with Wroxeter on Saturday evening next, in Fraser's field on the Gth.--Mr. Sam. Elliott is getting to be a hustler on his bicycle, having rode to Walkerton, a distance of 26 miles, in one • hour and thirty-five Minutes. . The following ' is • a report of the standing of pupils in - S. S. No. 6, Turnberry, for the month of June: 4th class -Obtainable 200 marks. Ennio Wheelens, 145,, 3rd class - Obtainable 950 marks. Norma Blackwell 168, Lizzie Bryce 705, "Lura Wade 763, Ida Homuth 7700, Winnie .I of ter 740;. May Duncan 61 2,. Edward;.Johnston 542, john Foxton 509, Mary CoWden 453, Iughie Johnston 453, Matthew Ferguson. 431, Aggie Cowden 313, Andrew Mitchell 309. Sen. second class -Obtainable 425. Emma Hawk 273, Clara El- liott 236, Frank Elliott 219, Freddie Elliott 195. Jr. second class. Ob- tainable 195. Taves Kelly 129, Charlie Blackwell 89. Part 2nd class. Obtainable 250. Mary Mc- Kinnon 220; Netty Bryce 202, Sarah Crow 199, Johnnie -Mitchell 0.94, Charlie Phair 188, Lucy Mcl'igue 153, Willie Forton 148, Harry Goy 111, Alice Little 104,. George Little 50, Willie. Kelly. The average- at- tendance for the mont4 was '37. HATTIE A. Ruta, Teacher, • BORN. B8ATos.---tn Fordyce, on the 4th inst., the wife of .Nt. neaten -, a.daughter.' Sztept:-In least Wawanosh, On June 80th, the wife of 24r. Snell, wn. ee DYIClu. kOt .-1n Culross, on June 20th, John Henry Roane, auad 80 years, 2 months, and 0 days. rl� DEMILL 001 O$KAW An Institution ere are admitted 18 years. 1000* has • none but boarcjn eon running about Employs very Efficient Staff of Ten Teachers. . SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SOLO, • embracing a full course yetuly,•inelud- ing all the English branches, Sciences, Preach. and German, Classics-, Music Drawing, Crayon Portrait, Oil Paii Bing:, Ornamental branches, with Vocal and Illocution, in nlassiiis, at remarkably low rates, This institution draws, students from'. Toronto, Montreal; Ottawa and the towts and cities from Canada, as well -as iron, New York, Chicago and otltartries train the United States. Pot particulars address,: MISS D. i.. ectetary, OShaws, • • CAMPBELL'S QUININE W1Ni; --- CURES: Dyspepsia, low spirits, loss ofappetite, painful digestion, malaria, and gives tone and vigour to the whole system, .Se sure you gel C4ifPBELL'S. Here ! am Again with Another Holstein Buil. An A 1 pedigreed Holstein agcd"i., month& is offered for sale. Is good size, weighing between seven and eight 'hundred pounds. Registered in Canadian holstein Woman 1. erd-f:ook.. JAS; El,L10T, l;lueva el' 0, i i Reaper, r �S } Binder, ! 'woo 8 E'01�1'604! si 4• �'��., c I „ `fru Separator, and, Ervine ikEPAIRS -AT- LIME FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, any quantityof good lune. Will be delivered to any of the sur- rounding villages and Wingham, at 12} cents per • bushel. - lllonfarrow 1', 0. D. FRASER, - Lot 4, cop. 7, Turnberry, 0000000.000., House and Three lots for Sale, 1 offer for sale, a nice frame cottage, containing 7 rooms, closets, lite., with hard and soft water, situ. aced on the corner of Patrick and Carling streets, winghatn. There are three-fifths of an acre of land attached to the dwelling, and they will bp sold with • it or separately. For full:particulars, apply to the owner, just opposite. D. lsi1INLA.It`: Cure S1CK HEADACNE and 'Neuralgia in EO MINUTES, also Coated Tongue Dizri- I nese, Siliousnets, Pain in the Side, Constipation Torpid e bowel Breath. TostaycuO Ad E, 155 W1NC AM FOUNDRY,. nd regulate the bowels. 'MTV NICE TO TAKE. PRICE 25 CENTS AT DRUG STORES, R. J. BLA.CKW {'LL, Prop. D. M.GORDON. See our - - MEN'S WOOL. 'SUITS, well made and, splendid fits, °®3e f you prefer it we -will Ingle up FINE TWEED ,l and guarantee and w+cil manship, s ' St:e . . Our large trade in B30QTS ..A -1\1" -TD SIIOMS is conclusive evidence that our prices are the lowest. Our beautiful, . FRAGRANT TEAS ,insure peace, happiness and comfort in the Home. Please do notlorget that we lead in • BIG VALUE IN SUGARS. • D. M. GORDON, The Anchor House, Wingham„ A R ES .AND GOLLA-R Having bought out the Ambler harness Eu8lnes9 and StartedItt .hlLr -o ' stand, ant prepared to furnish the pubiic with everything uatistlly kept in a. lbbtflhrt shop such:.11r .: HEAVY, LIGHT an '` RAM 1-IARN SS, NETS, DU !AIN; WIT , (TIM ;G1i 13S , 13Rt1''Sll,l:S, 8W11AT COLLARS, ltli i1TI5, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e,, &c. ;4, make all any own Collars and guarantee isatisfaction. - .i rvli icae a trial and 1 will use you right. Wingha,nt •