The Wingham Times, 1894-07-06, Page 5Fores 7' enonsli tIQU.
LARGE A`rTT•,NIat T('Ti ASA tirl', OCEssiett ,
The fifth Annual: I)istr•iet Celebra-
tion under the auspices of that: Cana-
dian Order of Foresters was held in
Brussels on Monday of this week and
attracted a'large number of sight-
seers. Paisley, Cargill, Pinkerton,
Walkerton, ''Mildmay, Harriston,
Palmerston, tistowel, Atwood, Ethel,
Bluevale, . Wingham, Whiteelnurch,
, Lucknow, Ripley, Kincardine, Tiver-
ton, Teeswsttor, Belmor•e, Turnberry,
Wroxeter, Gerrie, Fordwiein, Oran -
brook; Walton, Seaforth, Blyth,
Auburn, St, Helens,-Belgray.e and
other- Courts. being well represented.
Brussels•had on its holiday dress
and looked very neat with the many
banners proclaiming a royal welcome
to the visitors, flags, rows of _ever-
greens, &e., and the auspicious open-
ing of. the day as to weather was of
a most satisfactory 'character. All
the trains were loaded clown and
,earriecl their hundreds of passengers
without any accident.
'The local committee had an ex-
eolierit programme outlined which
began on Victoria, Park at 9 a. in. by
a football contest between Brussels
and, 'Ripley. It was expected the
snatch ;would be a closely contested
one, but the visitors were compelled
to guard their goal so closely that the
play was very largely in that vicinity,
In the hour and a half the home
dian institutions.. (lira is a National
Society, he said, aarnd hence we cele-
brate on Dominion Day. Our object
is to advertise the Order and thereby
induce people to 'take advantage of
Brussels was the centre of attrac- l
tion for both young and old of this
township, on the 2nd. --Fall wheat is
bac'.ly lodged this year, owing to the
its sick benefits. and insurance and rc�eernt heavy ra; s.••--Youill Bros;
neoc dfui wile oin ath e broad instances Supply
nne the finished haying oc he Sample farm,
death. During Retie last week. They are hustlers, ---A,
removed by
its HighchiefRanger he had issued
picnic was held in Bosnian'-
grove (Browntowwn), on Saturday
afternoon of last w.cek,----. goodly
number of farmers have started hay-
ing It is a very light crop this
*ear -.•---Jas. Hunter had a horse killed
as as legacy to the ri�tti ves of a de- by lightning,. a few days ago, It
ceased brother, ri' e1 laws . aro ad. ,vas insured m the Ilowick Company.
inainistei ed fairly and justly and the
—Jas. Ross, teacher in S. 5, No, ti..
Society is fortified in ,Every ay left on Friday evening for his home
possible. Thele is a Reserve Fund in Allendale, on his DOW Brantford
of $120 000 in the banks to meet,w wheels—On Friday. of last week, the
emergencies or the iiiereasin� death pupils of Barrie% school .had their
rate when it may cense, �5 per annual pie-nic.. A very enjoyable
cent. on the thousand has been the time was spent. ---Miss Violet Bone,
ratio but it will not always continue of encsToronto,. spent the 1st with her.
at that hence the great benefit of thio parents on the and line. She was
reserve. The C. 0. F. is one of. the :tceomparr;ecl by her friend, MissAnnie Whylie.--A public school
greatest benefieiary societies of the examination was hold in S, 5, No. 6,
da and has a bright prospeet before on Thursday of last week, • The
it. He congratulated the District pupils were put through their
and Brussels.Court on hoped
"facings"•by visiting teachers Black;
the Demonstration and l op to again
have the pleasure of meeting g the Ross and McCall, + and eenducted
brethren, themselves in a very creditable
lir: Blasllill •then • called upon W.
manner, both as to themselves incl
H. Kerr, Reeve for a fewv words of their teacher, lir. Kneitch.
Miss Kinney, teacher of S. S. No.
welcome. 8, held a very successful picnic on
The chairman returned thanks to te 30th June, in lIr. Bosman's bush,
the many members of the Order when a very large erowd of people
present for their attendance and in- attended; the order of the day was
vitecl them to the concert In the swinging, games, &e., and good
cheques for $253,00(:) in benefits to
members of • the Order or their.
farnilios, The two chief objeets of
the C, 0. F. were to :a d those W119
are sick and -provide $1,000 or $2,000
Brings comfort sold improvement and
tend,; to personal o juynlcut when
rightly used, The mea,v, who live bet-
ter than others and eujuy- life more,' with
loss expenditure, by more promptly
adapting L•he .worlds s he products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles anfor:.cacl in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its axce1l0013o is clue to i'hi presenting
in the form most aeeeptab'a and pleas-
ant to the taate, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties. of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling coeds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
has given satisfaction to millions and
net with the approval of the medical
,rofcssion, because it acts on the Kid-
%eys, Livor and Bowes without weak-
ning then, end it is pc.rfeet'y free from
eery objsett o .ab;o Hubst ..cs.
Syrup of Pigs Ss fur alt by all drug-
gists in 1755, 'helps, but it is mann-
featured •by ;',•n C,r:ifnr da Fig Syrup
Co. only, wl:csuname is printed on every
pack:,ge, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
Among the prominent lucre -hers of programme of singing; readings, .and Mein;; v, rl1 i t0forme<T, you will not
team won a :gents to 0 and had they recitations vocal and instrumental "ol,t any :ubr .:.ate cyred.
if :%
we -noticed: Past
played their usual game it might bH,O • Chief Ranger w TowvcJ. Nee music.--'1'he -stone school will be;
have been double this number. b ; renovated cltiriue the vacation. The
10 o'clock saw the' `Beavers," of lands, High Treasurer ; H. D. Hen- east end will be rebuilt, lir ° Gal
Seaforth, and the "Dropshots," of derson and R. Elliott, members of the higher• of Belgo ias the'contract.
Executive, . D. M. Gordon; Past H. C. T
Lucknof line up'for all exhibition Cha .lain H. P. ha usan District lli. 1'. A. Clarkson, teacher of No.
,match of Canada's .ona.l game— Seei otary-Treasurer ; p IRew J. J. ' , for the past year and a half, has
lacrosse. It was entered into with resi„necl his situation, with the in -
' the usual enthusiasm, but the South -
erners were too expert for their op -
•Noble, • District Chaplain ; C• tendon of attending the Normal
School the next term. Mr. Clarkson
holds a -first class . nonprofessional
certigcate, and is an efficient teacher.
Itis many. friends in this vicinity wish
him every isuccess.—On Monday last
Mr. John Curry, of this township,
while shingling on a 'barn of Mr.
Love's, near Sunshine, fell. a distance
of about forty feet on a pile of stones
and was killed. No one, saw him
fall, he as was working alone: The
deceased fell 'off a scaffold in Wing
ham this spring' and was injiirecl,
Washburn, District Deputy II, C. R.;
ponents : and before an hour had H. licEww ino and W. G. Strong,
or o'anizei s.
elapse& had 3 goals to their credit. Tlie concert in the Town Hall in
The grounds were too small to pro -
the evening was a marked3ucecss
perly play the game and an tlnseem- ,
ly jangle followed • the stoppingof and drew an immense audir nce.
the hall by, one of the spectators,
Notwithstanding. the extra seating
which resulted oted in the Luclnowites procured, ninny were compelled to
leaving the Park. stand., Mr, Towe presided as chair -
After dinner heavy rain hail gild man and gave a brief intre-cindery
t wind storm set in thatthreatened to speech on the C. 0; F. The 'pro
• completely knoek out the balance of I gramme was an uss excellent one, seldom
the programme, but in the course of equalled in Brussels. lI>s.;. Black
an hour olcl Soli shone out and the (Agues Knox) in her readings ably
afternoon was all that eoiilcl be sustained the high 'reputation she has
• after'CCl. wen both in Canada and Europe.
About 1..30the Foresters' procession "The Lioness" was probably her best
took place, -with W. F. Vanstone, H. effort on Monday evening. Mrs.
Black Will always have a welcome
here. 1-1. W. Rich, ofgoronto, made
his first appearance before a Brussels
audience. From "Ju-Jah," to "Boys
of . the old school," with. the repeated
Iii,carriages were,tlre visiting High encores so vociferously demanded,
Court officers, followed 1)y 11a1r1C1reC1S Mr. Rich proved himself master of
of Z t ofliers , 1ollot and ail moved .the situation and did'his part so well
toward the Park.. ()nee more rain in costume, gesture and song that his
set in and the crowed made for the future visits will be warmly •welconi-
J;` nearest shelter, and the "Maple Leaf " ed: The orchestra, II: L. ,el c tion,
chorus nisch the s acech makine Svgs conductor, contributed five selections
declared off. 1 " its No. 1 style and well deserved the
A`seeond lacrosse match was to compliment bestowed upon them by
have been played between the Luck -
•now anti,Seafor tar clubs but the former
were drafting in two Winghaim play-
crs and Seaforth kicked and once
ipiore what was counted on being a
friendly game ended in a chin -wagg-
ing bee to the di,gust of 'both Coin-
r mittee and spectators. Both the
.tw,s above mentioned clubs put up a good
game -and many were disappointed at
not witnessing the afternoon hatch.
.The athletic sports were called and
the ficicl cleared to the eompetitors.
The wir:ne,rs in each event were as
. *Rows: Boys' race uncles 12 years,
Geo. McKay, Percy Watt, Frank
Lowe; 100 yard race, open, John
Smith, John White ; Girl's race,
Jennie Kelly, Ethel Kendall, Larva
I3ryclges ; Old man's race, Geo. Jack-
son, James Sharp; fl legged race,
Henry & Payne, McBain & Dingwall;
Jockey r agree, McBain & Dingwall,
Rankin & White ; 200 yard race, J.
•' "White, J. Smith; Standing 'high jump,
J. McBain, J. 1)itngwall ; Running
high jump, 3, McBain, J. Dingwall;
. Etta ping hop, step and jnnnp, .r, Me-
. Barin, J. White ; Stanching jump, J.
11ie13airn, J. Dingwall ; Running
juinnp, J. Mel3ain, J. Dingwall.
Past High Chief Ranger Towe, of
• tendon, was Called %poll at 4 o'neloek
to address the congregated Foresters.
After referring to the pleasure it
gave hila to be present at the demon-
stration he reverted to the 'Order
Tinder whose auspices the celebration
was held. 15 years ago the C. 0. F. Mr. Wnr. McIntosh, fireman on the crease, an acljonarnment was made to
was organized and its great sllceess G T, R., Stratford, died Saturday.. the church, where .a good program-
Droved very elearl;tw that Catnadiitn He wvas at sort of Mr, Wm. McIntosh. me Was presented. Proceeds =emit -
people believe in supporting Cana* of Goder'ieh, and WAS lAtriedd there.' 62,78..
• * .
J' Morden, S. I'1u n .and Silas Jack-
son as•mtlnshalls mounted on white
chargers. �� ingham, Kincardine;
4 Manchester and Listowel Bands sup-
plied the music during the march.
Mrs, Newton and -family, of Wing -
ham, were visiting Mrs. Smith for a
few days. They rettu led home on
Wednesday 'morning. — Lawday
Young, Lou Ouimette and Maud
Fair were in Clinton last week try-
ing for the high school entrance. --
Mr. D. McFadyen was renewing old
acquaintances around here last week,
r -Our school teach-
• heel is closed and th
are away spending. their
days, ---The trustees of S. S. -No, 8,
have engaged Mr. John McFadyen
for another year.—Haying is ,,fairly
the chairman. Mrs. Leppard, of started and the farmers will be busy
Toronto, as accompanist to .air. Rich, I now for a while.—Fall wheat is com-
did her part faultlessly. It was well, inr.t. in early 'this y ear.--llrs. D.
Roberts was visiting her :father, Mr.
A. Woodman: She returned to her
home in Ripley on Tuesday evening.
---.S. 0. E. lodge will elect in the
Foresters' hall to -night. District
Deputy, •l3ro. Thos. Jackson, of . Min-
ton, will be present. There are four
candidates for,initiation. Ice cream
and other refreshments will be serve
on to 11 • p. m. before the National
Anthem brought the concert-, to a
close. --Brussels Post.
The cherryseason is at hand.—
The,apple crop is very light. What
few there are are earl.,; ---Mr. Jas.
Crowston is giving' some of his build-
ings a new roof, --Picnics are still ed. at the close of .the meeting:—lir.
booming; The event of the season John Lear, a station agent on the C.
will take place on Monday evening, P, E., and his wife, have been visit -
July 9th, in Treleaven's lawn, when lug around here. They' left on Tires
strawberries, ice cream, &c., will be day evening. --Miss Crisp is staying
served. A good programme will also at home now. —Harry Cade has gone
be rendered. Among the cpectect to Clinton to work at house carport-
partiei'pants Will be Misses McLean tering for a time.—The pie-nic held
and Fisher, of' Wingba,n• in Brigham's grove, in connection
with the Methodist Sunday school, gumption. from Depleted
was a. very pleasant affair. The ` Blood to Anaemia; from
weather in in the morning was not very,
promising and about noon there was eased Blood to Scrofula,froxn
a slight sprinkling of i€.lin, but not Loss of Flesh to Illness.
Mr. Messer has sold the last half
of the June elicese, for 0i °cents a
pound. ---Some person ' or persons
Andrew Buchanan, Robert Fair
and Edward Parkinson, convicted at
the County Court of assaulting and
robbing old Peter Powers near Poole
over a year ago, have been at Strat-
ford sentenced by His Honor Judge
Woods. Buchanaui, wlio was less
implicated than the rest, was given
five months in the county jail athard.
labor. Fair, on accotmt of having
a wife.and family of small children
dependent upon him, was given 23
months in the Centrail prison. Parkin-
son got the heaviest sentence. I -Ie
has an unsavory record; 'and the
judge gave. him four years in the
Kingston penitentiary.
How Is Get "-toy's .:lt" Picture.
Send l;i"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing • the words "Why Does a Wo-
man Look Oltl Sooner ''Than a man") to
Lever Eros., Ltd., 13 Mott St.,, Toronto,
and you wilt receive by post a pretty pic-
ture, free from aoivertiai,n:, and well worth
framing. Thi• is an easy way to decorate
your home. That an ••• is the best in the
market and 1; «•ilr u.iiy cost one cent post-
age to send in t1taa wrappers, if you leave
the ends open.• Write your address care-
Prof. Cryan;, of .the Experimental
Farm, has returned from a trip to
Grimsby and St. Cather•ines. He
states that in that 4iistrict they are
good to have a very peach
crop, and prospects for grapes are
quite encouraging: 'Owing to heavy
rains ,great many apples have
dropped, and the crop will . conse- inueln smaller than expec-
ted in the earlier part of the. season.
At Fornlosat, on Monday James
Anstett, in company with some others
proceeded to fire off a cannon in
celebration of Dominion Day. An
explosion resulted and a piece of the
cannon weighing 25 pounds struck
Mr. Anstett on the jaw, almost sever-
ing. the head from the body, causing
instant death. Deceased was 48
years of age and, was one of the most
prominent And re•:peered men in the
Only a Step
from iliPeak Lungs to Con-.
Means no trouble.
• means new prices.
im ei
Having for some time studied the interests of the consumer, and realiz-
ing- the burdens they have borne under the old policy of long credits, and
knowing full well that the+ man who pays cash helps to pay for the credit
account, and for the lean who never pays, I will, thcrefbi'e, give you
1:3° 4Drir 1F1 ola "11
by the adoption of the
�----• SASH SYS'" .,
and will give you goods cheaper than any other man in Wingham.. I go
direct to the manufacturers and buy for
I am, thererefore, in a position to give you ninny lines of goods below
Give me a trial and I will convince you of the fact that
•All kinds of Produce taken same as Cash.
Dress and Mantle making, on the premises. All Mantle Goods bought
here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty.
You should buy one of our Fancy Sunshades.
to admit that we made a mistake in buying too many for this season's
business. But the price.was so low that we
could not resist them.
the surplus we have reduced them exactly one half of the regular price.
They are all new goods for this season's trade.
placed a plank upright in a hole in, enough to interfere wwritli the enjoy
the railway bridge before the ten ; ment of those present. Swinging
o'clock tl'ltin went, over it on Saw- 1 and games of different kinds were in-
day night. No harm was done as dulgecl in, and all seemed to enjoy
the engine broke the plank. A
detective was here on Tuesday . in-
vestigatingthe inattet•.—Air. Uilyard
Leech, of Manitoba, is visiting his
uncle, Mr. Joseph . Leech, of this
place, - •stirs. i.'l1o111AS Stewart spetn
as few day this week visiting her
sister, Mrs. Garry Wray, of Alma.
themselves to their hearts' content.
This was onto of the best pie-nies held
here for some tinne. - }I. Mill, of the
lith con. Hullett, had a cow killed
by lightning, on Monday. --The
strawberry festival given by the
Presbyterians, on Monday, was a,
splendid succe s. After all had par-
taken freely of strawberries and lee
the Crea1n of Cod-liver Oil,
prevents this step from being
taken and restores Realt1U
Physicians, the World overseft-
dorse it.
beet be deceived Ir Substitute*!
boat, k Wen% B4110114, Allx1>l9iltpUtY, Uou, btf14
for 75e worth $1.50
$1.00 " $2.00
" $1.25 " $2.50
" $1.50 " $3.00
for 88e worth $1.75
" $1.11 " $2.25
" $1.38 " $2.75
" $1.63 " $3.25
and so it goes through the whole assortment. If you doubt these prices tall
and investigate for yourself. 14 cent Print for 9e. Delaines .fpr
25e. Summer Corsets 50e. Best Lisle Thread Gloves
15e per pair. 2 pair Stainless Black Hose 25c. ,
• These are only a few of our money makers.
CALL _g�T17 S`. E .
the others.. We have not space enough to enumerate them here. •
I'® I L4I_ 1ST
Dried and Smoked heats always on hand.
1 n GHAM.
fir :�RMDT
Has proved
by its
sale that it is
The best value for
the Consumer
of any soap in the market.
Millions of women throughout the
world can vouch for this, as it
is they who have proved its
value. It brings them less
labor, greater comfort.
, --
Have a cenplete stook of
. a YARNS, &o.,
, for. the Wool Trade.
done on short noti.
Respeeti ally yours,