HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-06, Page 2THE W INGU AM TIMES, JULY 6, 1b94. it of th(irtlousdits Hopelessly HOOSIER CHOOL-#TER."'1rtt1l Se Ill never ending. f "That air woman," said 1110 weak - eyed girl, "used to holler a heap when She was brought in here But B EDWARD EGGLESTON. have gone' to see yon belt for the un- <fitvorable reports that he heard. I !�''�es, Sister Sawyer hasno family , p " s1Te� said by way of smooth- • nolle, Ralph, that you toc� will makei her slightly ruined complacency,' the friendship of Dr. Small. of d has no, family cares, and she for the sake of your poor, dead ead r of it ado tlt)se things. 3onu'tnne:; 1 er here out Matilda efor rho sake ored k she lets people iU1 ) t' tad her tO• show ;ohne emOtion e0r t •-" keep leer away from. the means' of your poor, dead lnotll snore. The ° grace, and I spoke to ort, new , But Ralph heard. no , their flavor• grace, about it the last time he bttcl;,tvileat-calk;, had lost ' here, and asked 'him to speak tot He remembered that the colt had not c so in the very and had leis. oats,, ' . "�`�'r Sawyer about! staying away yet t ,ordinances o wait on every- midst of .,hunt ;iatilda's afleeting �'o�lth( .bgdy, but, he is a qu(r *r hall, and he allusion to his mother, like a stiff- r ,supposed osed Sister necked reprobate that he was, Ralph said that he , ul1 p r oply ti Sawyer neglected user inferior orlon- Ilartsook rose abruptly from the aalees that she might to higher table, put on his #i4at, and went out ones,. Bat I don't see any sense in a toward the stabs Mrs. White, -i-• , •gospel Balling lrayeh- I (hectare, said nhigh11at(1 of ther 1 her � descending - from . f 'l ally S xlt,etillg a lower alxllii once than feed- dcsccllclln„ null gcatnip-tea to M1 ss Brown's last moral stand -plat, "I declare that baby.tib •. But hasn't elks little boy--- boy has stepped right on the threshold � ti 'Shocking, or 'vhat d ;got a.ny. mother ?" "Yes," said Ralpla just what I was goi he proceeded to t Shoeky was to se mother, and actin:11y ventured to wind up his remur is by suggesting •'s loot , er be invited to hacl�� • at S that 'ls star oyer. Sunday in Aunt Matilda 's "Bless my stars!;,' said that astound- ed saint, "fetch}a pauper here? What crazy notions you have got ! .Fetch her here of 1. rllyr she would' you call huhu ? of the back door," and she stuffed her white handkerchief into .ler "and that was pocket, and tolak clown the floor -cloth g to say." And to wipe off th' imperceptible blemish anxious left by Ralphs bootheels, And Mr. 1 how ,u his halt -blind 1 White follow.utd his nephew to the stable to req gest that he would be a little careful 'hat lie die. about any- • tblc � 1'tiol inthe o5 r -sou. ell's body* � , ,s Mr. defeat . might he .70 menu. with r, White's nomination to the judgeship of the Court, of Common .Pleas. that goin' agin him wasn't a 1hay:ill' bubiness, so hooch as some others he might mention. Ralph told best about 'Shooky's safety. I shall not write dowel: the eonversation here, Critics would v < Pap knows how to subjue 'em. Ilei say that it was a all overwrought r slapped her in the mouth every. time seem. As if all the world were as she hollered. :he dorl't make no furs now, but jist sets down that way all (lay, and keeps a-whisperin• Ralph 'understood it.' When she came in she was a victim of Mania ; but she had been beaten 'into hope- less idiocy. Indeed this state of in- curable inmbecility seemed the end 1 all ti r elect. Shut in toward which l these bare rooms, i th no treatment, - a let ' and meager 1L leo 1< 1gi' 1, �n , 11 0 exeitise, , g ' � .lent food, cases of slt�,ht derangement soon grew into cllr4nie lunacy. One young w'ol an called Phil, a - pers. 1 apparently aarently a < cud c r sweet-faced , 11 P wife, Ralph and. 1 LL t u farmer's w 1fc:, nam 1 looked at hits kindly, playing with the buttons on her coat in a childlike simplicity. Her 1)lt�e-drilling dress was sewed all over with patches of white, representing ornamental but- tons. The womanly instinct toward -, adornment had ie her taken this childish turn. "Don't 3'0n this ;, the ought to let me Ro chrome ?" slip said with a sweet- ness and a wistful; • longing, home- sick look, that toilcllecl Ralph to the heart. He loosel at her, and then at the muttering e ones, and be could South Sea Islands,. whichever it was, see no hope e of an, better' fate for her. but for being so b ind to the sorrow P -ie reach, z i n is - with the barn-likeI reit of d ` 1111.11 d<1 11in ok ti wed. i 0110 ,. hC fp rooms, returning every now and then' did not know, fol e had not reach to her question, ' Don't you think • I'the reports oftthe Boards of State. might go home 11QKv ?" Charities; thanearly all alms -houses' been called Iare very i lucl` like .this and that the Tile• wear-eyed�;irl had e y � � , away fora moment, and Ralph stood I State of New or : is not better•' in looking,into a cel] where there was (this regard than 'Indiana. And he a mall. with a gat- red plume 111 his I did not know that it is true in almost hat and strip of red flannel about jail other counties, s it was in his He stri tt (I. u r and (lows own, that "Christi n" people do not his waist. 1 • like a drill -sergeant. I think enough of heist to. look for a reel ' ocl not to forget " General Andrew Jackson," Trim in these lazar �llouses. ares and prayed " - I am ." , it, And while Mali denounced the Hannah, while Sh�cl y s mother knit he began. I eopl� don't believe , , I -• g_ t re day and night, I Society, tl eager, hungry stockings for the s o y b but I am. I had nay peach shot off' at , Dorcas S y , T' • ld 't1 new one that heart of the motile • tan, flew toward I and day aucl night site prayed and Bueny Visty, at a 1� , grooved on isn't nidi so good as the the little white sea ed boy. hoped. old one; it`s tater oil one side. That's No, I can not do t • I Call not tell why -they take advantage of me to you about that me of the poor -house? t be fit to sleep in my , " here A nt Matilda choked. The Hare though of having a pauper in her billowy ids, whose snowy whiteness was ft ghtful to any ordi- nary mortal, the bare thought of the ' contagion of th 1 poor -house taking , possession of on(� of her beds, smoth- ered her. "An,i then you know sore eyes are very (.herring." Ralph boiled a little. "Aunt Matilda, do y o think Dorcas was . afraid of sore a es ?" • and the a tater It -was shot, lawyer -uncle, lawyerlike, enjoyed a good hit. And he enjoy eel a good bit R for he never best of <11 wife athis, Aunt lltA himself. B onoe 111 n cold .as they 1 All I can tell is that this refined woman had all she could do to control 'herself in her eagerness to get out of her prison -house, Away from the blasphemies of Mowley, away from the insults of Jones, away from the sights ' alnd sounds and smells of the place, ,, huh eagerness to and, above all, ' y to the little shocky; h .act from w� 01.1slte lladbeen years. 1104 ., seemed cars <•'t s 1_ ` 1 .cl or twos. � btil lnl k f <1 to her that'sho could gladly;dic with that flaxen head upoij her btotu. And so, in spite ofd the opposition SOB, vho threatened ` s sm 'i . elle(, 5'13117 f x her with every sort Ralph wrapped Mrs drilling ill Nancy and bore the fecbl Lewisburg. And away, a sad,.. childlike- voice eried from the gratings- .of the upper window, "Good -by! good -by!" Ralph, turned and saw tri t it was Phil, poor Phil, for whom th4re was no deliver - way back Ralph 1 maledictions' on r, not for senting ive Points or the generous was a perpetual source of 1 his left, and trying to get his perplexity: to the gossips of I.ows- burg. .And limes that she h31d de- clared that Mrs. •Thompson and Shocky should not return to the poor- house there was a general outcry from the whole Committee of Inter - meddlers that sllc would. bring her- self to the poor -house before she died,1 pocket.. ► Sawyer was the ricllcst•� "Beautiful. sunshine,. isn't if?" said her - But Nancy �-al ver A WOSISll in Lewisburg, though nobody Martha.. ,, ,w'ercd 13r. d, st ckinlg • knew it, 511(1 tltougll 5110 hersolf did Yes; tis, au not once suspect it, his right foot up on the rung of the ebair lit putting this right hand How Miss Nancy 511(1 the preacher behind hien. conspired together, and how they `Mlle linOw looks like the snow d managed to bring DIL rte rnoon s have at the 7�-a"said Martha. "It "Sacra the t e a- c<Lse up At the time. Service" in 1C afternoon of snowed that way the tinlc I Was t 111011preachl r sostedt , o.. that Sunday in Levi urg, and how , ;said,?t cl not thinlrtn�,y ,I.t ,m t of iCller' in it just be < e ' th r gluwl: Dn(1 It �° 'e 'the regular of the snow at all nor of Boston, but thinking stow much better he wether r"�5s taken, have appeared had he, deft his arnns and legs at home. ' "I suppose Mr. Hairtsook rode your i.,et esburg ;� f 'evil if she left, Thomson's blue Sawyer's shawl, woman off to as they drove of sight,. "'.Lave you heard from Mr. kar sols ?" "No, 1 fal�'n"t,"" allswcrCtl Bud, re- moving his right foot ts) the floor again, becaiuse it looked so big, and trying to push his left hart(. into bis s out anee. And all tit pronounced nlent the Dorcas Societ garments to the CII.PTEIt XXIII. A CII:ARITA1LP I 5T[TUTIO\. When Ral`pil got back to Miss Nancy Sawyer's, Shocky- 'vas sitting up in bed talking to Miss Nancy and Miss Senlantha„ His cheeks were a little flushed wi 11 fever and the ex-' eitement of telling his story ; theirs were wet lvitil tears. "Ralph," whispered Miss;Nancy, as she drew 'him into the kitchen, "I want you to get a buggy o1 a sleigh, and go right over to the poor -house and fetch that boy's mother over here. It'll do me more good than any sermon I ever heard to gee that boy in his mother's arms to -morrow. We can keep the old lade over Sunday.'' Ralph was delighted, so delighted Nancy Sawyer, 1 hose plain face was "Collection for the P t r Methodists and how the w al lu-he�rtecl llcth put in dollars instead, of dimes while the Preachting Elder 'read those pas- noise to other g and C , ] • , til sages about 7a d ow"Yes,he duh • and laud stun„ bo liberal people, and 1 the emigre• hands at his side. d" "Youvery1511 . 011 wel'C This set Bud's heart a -going so that he could not say anything, .but lie . looked eloquently at Miss Hawkins, drew both feet under the chair, and rammed his hands into his pockets. Then, suddenly remembering, how awkward he must look,llo immediate- ly pulled his hands out again, and crossed his legs, There was a silence • • g icer 3ucl of a few minutes, during which T desper- ate the most es to doP '� mind lett • )1115 made 1 ate thing he could think of—to declare his love and take the consequences, "You see, Miss Hawkins," he began forgetting boats and fists in his agony, gation sang "He dies, the Friend more. lustily than. e performed this Chr stiati.. act—how all this. happened I cannot take up the reader's time to tall, But -I can assure hint that tl e nearly ,blind English woman di' 'not room with blasphemous olcl. \\owl y ainy more, and that the bine-dri1ink pauper Way lig better, frock gave i� a3 to some�th b , and that grave little Sholeky even danced. with ,delight,. and declared tltat Clod hadn't forgot, though he'd thought that He;: had. And Mrs. Matilda White rclll'ar'ked.that it was L shanile that the ollcctions for the :a < "I thought as how I'd come over here pool:. at a Methodist sacramental I to as:T', ancl"--hurt here this heart service should be ivelt to a cabman failed him. utterly---"and-'—see—you." "Pm glad to see you, Mr. Means," "And I thought I'd toll you"— Martha was sure ib was coming maw., for Bud was i11 dead earnest --"and I thought I`d just like to tell yoti, of I only l now'cl jest how to tell it right" —here Bucl got frightened, and dict not (litre close the sentence as he had intended ---``I thought as stow you might --'� like to know—or ruther I wanted to , I^� f sinners cries," ler, after having who was a meiub, England, and li'. soundly converted And Shocky sue r Of Church of c as ` not 'lever tt fn' his mother's shut nee np. But I know some thiligs. that Miss Nancy S< ting. i sure I CIIAPT vyer's tea tasted' nun W 31y head is tatter o1h one sidle, but its exceedingly good ti the pauper, who The Sunday tl all right on t other: And when I had known nothing but cold water LewisbuSg, the S plow a thing in tithe left side of my for years, and that f the bread and 15 lent in gel ea rt knowhere. were deliciol s to aipalate that l � ..sI it. can down butter Mrs ventured . ism good Miss head, that i near 11 •tmc 1 e he r that dinner, Matilda felt that a.direct reply was ,Let me tell you something' out of the had eaten poen-hoes soup for with Shocks': Inst impossible She was not a lawyer 1 o ity • 1 left side Not mit of the tater side, and coarse uoor-houue bread and vile the Sunday that 1� and so dodged the b td ' told If i for supper, rd that w r to 'semect that even eventful Sunday a woman, 1 glorified by her i eller n a counter- But be slid not to to the poor -house mind ye. wrou t a o y molasses , witho& was <<j question by making until he hadn't locked Me up fer nothing. change for three 3' tirs But I can saw ; 'Jones is a thief ! He sells the not tellyou how itas the n aclor(�d Miss '? trtha in the poor -house, and Pete Jones, the I bodies of the dead paupers, and then ing to. Miss Nancy :Sawyer, , s his secret heart, b t, like many other 1 who was still sells the empty coffins back to the poor English lady tt, in speechless County Conurssioileh,p . giants, while br ve enough to face country agin. But that a'n't all---" 'ecstasy, rocking i the old splint- and fight ch�agon he was a cow*arch Just then the weak -eyed girl came i bottomed rocking -c lair , in the fire- in «tllc presence. o the woman that he light, while she pros ed to her bosom loved. Let us li for hinl.for it. The with all the might ; f her enfeebled loved who love a avoman tltulym 1Lrms the form of the little Shocky, reverences her rofoundly and feel who half-solpbecl,auc� half -sang, over ?bashed in Iter. resence. The man and over again, "GO ho'u'r forgot who is never aba bled in the presence us, niothef God ha n t forgot us.'of womanhood, be man who• tells his love Without tremor,is a' shallow egotist. Bud's Was not fine. But it was deep1aturo true and imanly.To hien MarthaHawkins was t.e chief of womenWhat was he that he should aspireo possess her? Anct yet ort that Sunty, with his crippled i aril carefully bund up, with his Wonderful Resul s From Taking . cleanest shirt, in d with his heavy Hood's S = •sapari ia., . boots freshly oil raccoon, he start fields white with' of Squire Hawk but I you ses "just like h q immediately. He. waited the 1 charge' • Bill Jones th Superintendent of Bill 11 1 He hid le ng --that we It .< I tell you,--that—the—that olarG. —all of u5•—think_ that•--I---that w e aregoing to have a spcllin`-school at Ralph. spent 111 I < ndaiy that Shocks- a Chewsday night.' "I'm real glad t o ear it,"said the r aly paradise, the blandbutdisappoint 4 Martha. " \i' e Thompson spent old Mowlev used to have spellin •-wheals at the ad of . , r • h;t eoulcl not East.is M, t Miss But .I 31 S 1 :iss ,'holey' thought remember that they had thein "to vetl ll;a5 5150 an , with 13ud Means, Besting.' Hard as it is fol• a )ashful loan to talk; it; is still more difficult for hila to close tllc conversation, Most men like to leave a favor'tble impression, and a bashful elan �s always waiting with the forlorn hope ' that some favorable turn in. tic • talk may let hila out without ab alute discomfiture.. And'so Bud staycd;a long time, and how hgever clic. It away he never could tell. (To BE CO1:TIIU1;D.) ,n •.:i,.a,. "It seems to me, Ralph, 'that you have picked up some very low associates. And you go around at night, I am told. Yon get over here by daylight, and I hear that you have made common cause with a lame soldier who acts as a spy for °thiieves, and that your running about of night is likely to get you into trouble." Ralph was hit this time. "I sup- pose," he said, "that you've been listening to some of Henry Small's lies." • "'Why, Ralph, how you talk! The worst sign of all is that you abuse such a young elan as . Dr. Small, the most exemplary Christian young pian in the county. And he is a great friend of yours, for when he was here last week he clicl not say a wore. against you, but looked so . sorry when your being in trouble was mentioned. Didn't he, Mr. White?" .. Mr. White, as in duty bound, said yes, but he said yes in a cool, lawyer - like way, which sheaved that lie did not take quite so much stock in Dr. Small as his wife c1id. This was a comfort to Ralph, who sat picturing to himself the silent flattery which. Dr. Small's eyes paid to his Aunt Matilda, and the quiet cxpresgion of his face • is • r5s flit across pain thatwould Pahl when Ralph's name WSS mentioned. And never until that moment had Hartsook understood how masterful Small's artifices were. He had. ,' Mrs. managed to elevate himself' In White's estimation and to destroy Ralph at the, same time, arid. had managed to do both by a contraction r . ) UwS el r of t110 eyebrows But the silence was growing pain- ful and Ralph thought to break it and turn the current of talk White's himself by asking after Mrs. �� lute s "Where is Walter ?" "0h.1 Walter's doing well. He "i rn • ksao three weeks down to Gllftr Wenty etft to study medicine with Henry Small. somewhat chuck tfp, ride court -house: Theft he dro the village and. presently up to the Ye out of village, hitched his horse to the poor' -'louse fence, and l General Jackson allect out : "That took a, survey of the outside. Forty a'n.'t all. I'll - tell the rest another 5 hogs, nearly rely for slaughter, .tinge. And that a4n't out of the tater wallowed in, a pejl in front • of the sidle, you can depet;�d on that. That's forlorn and dila t tdatecl house ; for though the comm sioners allowed a claim for repairs at every meeting, the repairs were] never made, and it would not do -Ito scrutinize Mr. Jones's bills tooclosely unless you gave up all hop of renomination to office.. One cruns effect of political aspirations in I,00pole County, was to shut the eyes�.�that they could not see, to close rho ears that they could not hear, and to" destroy the sense of smell. But Ralph, not being a poli- tician, smelled t„be hog pen without and the stench fvithin,and saw every -body that came in her way. And by where the trajisp rent fraud, and heard the echo f Jones's cruelty. A weak-eyecl1 girl admitted him, and as he dick lit wish to make his business knowi}•y at once, he affected a sort of idle interest in the place, and asked to be allowed to look round. The weak -eyed. girl watched hint. He found that all the women with in were persons ` l tivetlt 'Tell elall, Cell Y 1 obliged to sleep :.in one room, which, owing to the hill -slope, was partly under ground, and which had but half a window foil light, and no ventf- latien, except th chance draft from that declared I a Jones ad the door, Jon the women with children must stay there—"he warn't goin' to have brats a-runnhl' over. the whole house." Here were vicious women and good •c tivctett hildren,crowded with 1 their women, 0 like chickens in it coop for market. And there were, is usual in such places, helpless, kr, ode women with illegitimate c1lfTcire t. Of course this room ryas the sc ne of perpetual quarreling and oc lsional fighting. In the quarters lcvoted to the in- s fond of the doctor,and sane, people slight • clettlelited and St seems ,11 I , , ,(itx!tc)r is suck an excellent Ivan, raving maniacs vte e in the same know, and I have strong hopes ,1 while there were also those will see the error of his, utter wrecks wllicl sat in heaps on by t Warne his ,association with; the floor, mumbling and stuttering 5.11. 1 suppose he wo'ald unintelligible word, the whole cur - back, and, as Ralph moved away, out of the left side on that side !" But Ralph begat he should find Hai "Don't go in t acre:" cried the weak -eyed girl, as Ralph was open- ing a door. "Ole 1 owley's in there, and she'll cuss you. ' "011 ! well, if th< 's all, her curses wont't hunt," said 1 artsook, pushing county -seat villages ill Indiana. If open the door. But the volley of I may be permi6ted to express 'lay blasphemy" and vile language that he candid and charitable opinion of trie. received made him stagger. The olcl . difference betwjen the two women, I hag paced the floor, abusing every- shall have to Use the old ,Quaker locution, and say that Miss Sawyer was a 3Ietlii}clist and likewise a Christian, Mrs. Z'Vttite was a Metho- dist, but I fea.i she was not likewise. As to the first part of this asser- tion, there was no roma to doubt Miss Nancy's piety. She could get happy Sound as a nett to wonder where aah's mother. CHA] THE GO TER Xyl., IU SAX RITAII.. The Methodic chu#cll to which Mrs. Matilda, White and Miss Nancy Sawyer belongedh was the leading one in Lewisburg, as it was in most the window, in the same room,feeling the light that struggleed through the dusty glass upon her 'face, sat a sorrowful, intelligent Englishwoman. Ralph noticed at once that she was English, and in a few moments he discovered that her sight was defee tive. Could it be that Hannah's mother was the room -plate of this loathsome Great re, whose profanity Enid. obscenity ice not intermit for "a moment _ Happily thei weak -eyed girl had not dared to b 'ave the curses of ;Bowley. Ralph stepped forward to '' the window, and. hompson ?" aI11e, sir," she said, rp the woman b greeted her, f "Is this Mrs. r} "That is my - turning her face toward Ralph,. who - the 'contrast butremark COttl(. not between the thor&igli refinement of her 115111101' and , unshaped pauper- ing. "I sale your da "Did you see lit3 There n a arcs l.h.lc w<s voice and an agitate er coarse, scant, rock of blue drill - ghter yesterday." boy ?„ �r her ulousn ess 11 It in her manner 'Like a Miracle consumppidp--Low Condition 1 with the fat of the d hopefully through snow to the house. as, When he start- ed his spirits wee high, ;brit they descended, exactly in proportion to his proximity tot the object of his lover He tbougllit himself not dressed well enough. }lei wished his shoulders were not so squ<•'e, and his arms not + 'who had a better so stout. He w sed that he had in class-meetin • (for zNh to court in 1 -kin: in eu ii nice, right?), and ci �ld ,witness la good words. Ancii 50, by recounting experience in; the quarterly feast. But it isnotupon thesegrouuds lits own deficiencies, he succeeded in 11 • o inion of TsXiss Nancy, making himself teak, and awkward, base r Dat It ewer the Pharisees the same? and generally . „0oocl-for-nothing, by 'ed up between.the chocks to the Squire's • h never drealmed<that she lead any the time he wall ;hettrows of dead boll right to speak 5f "Christian I erfec- front door,to to tion" (which,as Mrs. Partington said s tr `remaining d 1115 CCllOnt of total depray.lty, is an excellent tloctrine if it is lived up to) ; but Miss Martha when a woman's heart is full of de-'ing lover most vont affections 'and good • })urposes, only convinced Hiss Ii malt, � at N J Toronto, Ont. Four years ago while in the'old country er Hannah was sent away a very low condition e lungs and bowels, and art. The trip across the seemed to make her feel Then she began to t ks she was unable to gt worse for Elie months send s and lower part of body, tbed had tb be propped tysicratts P lyp as Past All Help nd her to the !Home for' aid as long as I entad bold lid not go, Wo then began England ), my dough at which took all from the hospital, i )ngth. tvlth consumption of weak action of the h eccivect her perspir-water to this countr; raeiottsly, but this . better for 'a while. Slid more than' ever ' worse, and for l ei oi[ the beer, she eV liporior being. If asd the lie sat opt P slighted!' P ' bit,o a to upwith pillows. 1' ' had sir steer lint a s is , ids she n•• ha �, vheil 11CL ' >;e that a i 1 'still Cl l .that b 110 was a . , �' liberal ani. devises head CC 1 7lnlel e( when are . , tit poor and awaken his cont ativeness, his bash- Said She ate alit• a s open to e p y and wanted Ito t o • ha e might disappeared. 111. ess an d fuln of love g' always busywith aeths. , i , y . I InclfablesP But 1 self-denial, anti when her .feet are It was in vial that Martha enqull � my hand n stash s , ed about his art and complimented I y n 1 EOOd fd 00111 only think 1 is clumsy hands, tnd1 strop w s aro C red sill. g, a a using his monosyllables, tsl lslla sue h an one ltloi o 4 , a7 �v why leas no trouble vi t 1110 � ' 1 1.46110 t tien, �. , i ever eager to run upon errands of 1ne1'cy, why, if there be anything I his courage. I worthyof being called Christian I of his big feet, Perfection . h11 crfec- his toga . He answered r11 to givettor moan I el fectlon iii this world of p 1k illi tl < which diselossd the Eotion she strove does not possess it. S hat need of handkerchief t gen y , ad 1 1 'ex-.>erinees in vacuo "Is your aria imroving?" asked b** nrsteless hi i1r vain to conceal:Ior only uric 'analyitlg lel 1 ngnothi ahoto ' ..w formled to fraud crit the state of her soul i' t i4fiss Ilawkins, P „ hMen wont, r(lav before 13111 r7a1s lead 1�'tthat Slrcek wod. be bound out slow Miss Nancy managedto live "Yes, I think it is, saidl Bud, lood,s pill o(t ymil Saturday, itlld th, she would find' caul her slender income 5t)rl be so hastily crossing his light leg aver faerfeattyliarmtes aa" 1 s. r a 1 ra1•i CureS. arsaparilla, She is getting id sday- i out doors ever d y y. ( her throat and no oengb, s to be althight a ain9 She etite, We regard her cure a miracle," W. WrAT1, so Wale, Toronto, Ontario, ate purely vegetable and 13o14by*all dctiggiste, 25o: