HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-07-06, Page 1HE VOL. XXIII.---NO. ,11f 9, This month the BEAR takes stook• and there will be a lot of things that might in- terest you, Reiituants and oa,d lots of a hundred and one things ; theylEvill -be sold cheap, as we want to clear theta out before we balance our hooks. Ser: them, We have a number of ends of Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, All -Wools and Unions, suitable for small rooms. We will sell them cheap to clear out, Our Grocery Stock isfresh, complete and cheap as ever. The 35e Tea leads the trade, because itisAlways the same quality, never -changes, See the 'New Duplex Washboard, the greatest labor-saving device of the ago. Shop early and secure ,.prompt delivery of your goods. This store closes at seven o'clock. ORR ca IIISCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. Tire Br nit, Jt 1, f Gbh, 1394, ...9.,.°999 Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK PATTitsoN. No 23,'Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. 11r -° r Tesm:er� rn of urs SU i } 1 at the o, Ca l Corner Yonce C0118ge, t oru0r Yonne rend Gerrard gtroets, Toronto. -Unquestionably, Canada's Greatest Commercial School. In session the entire year. Special circulat•sfor sulutner classes. Write for one. Principals. LOCAL NEWS. —House to rent, apply to P. FISHER. • Messrs. J. H. & W. F. Dulmage's trotter, Saranac, ooft first money in his o class, at Brussels, n the 2nd inst. —Misses Mathes n, Robertson, Hall and Sutherland, of the teaching staff of the. publio school, have gone to spend the holi- days at their hom —Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by Homey Point, Meyer Block, Wingham. —Attention is di eoted to the new ad- yertisements of 'X "sets D M Gordon and John. Galbraith; fri', ther columns. •=-Messts Thos r e and T F Millei, of Wroxeter, Are'assis' ing Mr H E Snell.in :opening qut his oto k of groceries, crock- ery, flIngtwiare, &o• ! —The lacrosse t' did not. go to Brus- �selsoi�Monday, th `team of that town ,declining to ;play th match on the 2nd. The match will b time, the dsite to players. —Why buy cheap goo , ,kteli you can get the best for the sam gf}Ciy'� at Mua- shaw't? played' t sortie future fixed ht the Brussels to fe?nember wben th o tier —It is illegal: to than ten inches in so doing is from $1 —Copies of the magazine A'We received at the IDt —Look for Saturday / rocker aeries. . '.acdonal• --Mr Thos J S ing \'Vingharn fri= till after the 12th. 'the Wingha+ peting at the tour Elora ou the 9th o a AlI WINGHAMVI, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 61, x894. atoll black bass of less ngth. The penalty for to 030. ountess of Aberdeen's llie 'Winkle" have been office. .I. Snel1's openiti , Glassware, and Gro- s Block, Winguam. tt, of Toronto, is visit- ds. and will remain -The third class c have been going en this week; Messrs. and MeEwctii, of Blu Firemen intend cotn- ament to be held hi August. rtifioate examinations u the public. sohooi, Manner, of Blyth, vale, being the presid- ing examiners. —Go to uns law, the leader, for all kinds of ba pi s, sword handle, Qbrsage pins. -Don't fail to vi it Wingham on the 12th, and tt+fke in the Battle' of the Boyne oelebration.0 It will b the greatest event of tliat kind that ha ever been field in Wingham. —Messrs. Good B s. axe opening out a stoclkof boots and hoes in the shop one door north of Halsted ' Scott's bank. Mr. J. B. Cummings, wh recently occupied the store, has moved his stools of books, stationery, &c., to hi store on Victoria street. —For first-olass t noting and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —Itev. G. A. Giffo d, Ph.' D., begin his pastorate of the ingham Methodist. church, on Sunday 1 st, under most favor- able eireuinstances. la oth of his discourses were interesting and ustrrotivo, and were marked for force , d eloquence. The inaugural address, aft r the regular service in the morning, was a very practical talk, and, no doubt, the stor and people will. id'trstain ing of what n • ce for the 12th g„ eir orders on bre ensure delivery. Joao GRAS.. sled the experiment ge hung in the room —Tile cool wave I day is greatlt app heat of the p et ew li'coke. –Money loan at low inter t estate. A ly to DR, be better for tip • per fs expectecl„fr the —Parti s risking July, sh; . d leave tl fore the Otl, so as t —Those who have affirm that a large spo at night or in the d hellion' a eeinvenient s -stoutly wet, wilt great the room cool ; or a window over the blin if a shower had fal fresh water sprinkle front of all the win freshen the bot, dry a , , Mr. W. H. -'Y( /Thins, is ret town having come down remains of bis sista ..has been in Winn and a half,and lil lie says he notices Wiatgham since he =Rev. L. G. Wo H.1' Gordon and on the bank of Ltd Zino? They went Ger on will epend 1 tart of the time looking ,After his business town, and Rev. Mr. Wood will come do vn on Saturdays for :his pastoral work: —Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Gra's market grocery. hal , fornter1 ' of the visiting his relatives, rem Winnipeg w;4) the r, Mrs GalbraiIle eg for ttlsout ayears s that.,.00untry well. great improvement in eft bete. d and family, and Me. family, are comp ing e Huron,. near Linear' p bit Mohday. Mr. Fraud," the old Mr. John 1teelands, For a few days las ,that he was ill, and o.decided that a little iris pains and at troubles, so it was t'Fraud" was sena nc 18.yeats of age. —Mr. R. I . Vertu has been giving con the "born fly," the placed on the ntarke beoli'thorongly tested >t1x it? /rein, botheri dAya -atter each itpplf goodnews to farmers; da o rot deal of ittoin on the cattle, a1OW arise, and rte Sheila to aitlintet for a fres min. o le bottle 1d well-known dog of tas gone to dogdoml week, it was node' d on Thursday it was hloroforiri would ease he same time end his madministered, and ore, Re was about &rabic attention to atest pest, and has a remedy which. has ma found to prevent g the cattle for ten dtion. This will be a stockmen, ad the aritilf allowed to rt. remedy is Bold at e Who has stook Send to Itim oi call at set in on Wednes- I '.Che Baptist Su day school picnic, was atedafter the extreme . held on Vic'foria S care, Lower Wing- ham, on Monday la t, and a very . enjoy bre real j able time spent. rue. 'Mr. Thos. Ore ory is removing a O —Rev E W Hut, es, formerlyof thi storehouse owned b him, and situated town, now of Ad aide, leaves on Satur- 1 uoxt to the Presby fan church property day next on a visa to England. rr on Josephene street --Mr, H. E. Srell 's opening out in Moo- i, –Ladies, have yo garments made by donaicl'e Block, thi week, a large stook of { Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite crockery, glassware red groceries. He has1 tike Queen's hotel, Latest styles, good a very fine shop, an it will be well lighted f work, always first-class fit, with two are and toincandescent lights, —,A. special meetin of the members of —Private moneys to loan' on mortgages Camp Caledonia, Son at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to held in the hall, on e tf ' Jong NLtmtans. ti o'clock, to make a —The return footba match between the Brussels on Sunday Wingham and Lowe 'Town junior clubs service with the broth was played in Lower own on Wednesday fall a tendancs is reel evening, and resulted favor of Wingham - -The partnership by one goal to none. tween Messrs, W. —The R'ev. Dr. G Garr, as millers, a.c, of the Methodist cln Ma. Hutton retiring next. Sabbath eveni milling business iu to young men, Sub in, future be carried pattern of a human 1' and hip two sons, A Carr. —Monday last was as a lioliday in town, townspeople going Godierich and Mt. F demonstrations in th appecred to have the reds went there. e the Salvation Army added to the enjoyrr --A. grand conce Ford, the new pastor •ch hero, will prowl' g, a special sermon et : "The Divine e." —Why do you ruin your at the sun to see if it is u you eau buy a reliable from Munshaw, the leaclel " —There will b3, re oiler services in the yes ar 9 WatC y looking ooh, when i for eB.10, Congregational chum a, rn., and 7 p. m., an 2.30 p. m. Preaching services. iltornittg Relationship." Bve Preciousness of our R welcome to all. —It appears it is of an evening to see swimming in the riy house of the %vn.ter that they are aiVore doing is a heavy fin if the parents of ti Chief Bullard itt pu defiance of the 1. places in the river bathe and not be the hoild resort =On Monday 1 G. M. Duffield, G and Qhas. Kneel taking in the roc' a thunderstorm ning was very sha y time. if it can be Palnerston, was teen, thud kept in keeping oth hong in the will cool the room a9 n. All know how on the pavement itt ws rand doors will This is something hot nights are upon -The annual pict School of the Congreg held last Monday, in near /hetiand. Conve to take;the friends ou to bring„ them in i track, when it w; Mr. Darroch se Kneohtel and N some distance badly shaken up next Snuday, at 11 l Sunday School et by the pastor at both •ubject ; "Brotherly ing subject : "The .deeuier." A cordial of Scotland, will be :aturday evening, at --Arrangements are as Initiator; st definite assgements to go toshape in regard to the 12t1 of July celebre- xt, to attend+. divine tions to be held in, this town on Thurada'y of „ nt tin. nln.er,_ , next: week. The speaking will take place rairie,a during be delivered Thousands of to visit our town 12th, and citizens s business planes an greens, bunting, town as attractive a 1 A YEAR IN ADVANC trangers are expeoted ext Thursday, July ould decorate their homes with ever - so as to make our possible. —We were in erro ting that Mr, Austin Company was in Tee of placing an insuran Thorapson's saw mill, business there, so he w turers Insurance ater with a view • He bad other tes us. ieretofere existing Hutton an'cl John s being dissolved, root the firm. The di its. blenches will on bO' John Carr H. oad Freeman in the new park (johnstonts the ofternoon. Addresses Rev. Jas. Livingstone, Kin Jas. Thompson, Kincardine, ent Orangeman fatom BOB Besides these, it is expected clergymen will be 'Fluent 9.41 addresses. The toot bridgs completed before ti generally observed proessesen crossaberiv arge numbers of the Or. yam .1.1.vo special t Brussels, 'Clinton, en the c. p. staolug The Gospel S today evening attended, no dou ereeedintriv war Stirring itddresses Jas. Eiatnilton, of Hughes, uf Adel ai ere delivered by Iteit,,‘ e. Appropriate byrrusaq-', Dr, Chisholm obi chairman. As it ed that many wil churches, would i are held, to consist:I changing the hour Per Kincardine Repor P., Brampton; stone, of Wingham, ern Ontario. Mitchell Advocate :. that the local Mabel Davis, Messrs deliver short Davis visited friends t the salt well hom, during this wee e 12th, and. the Mr. Thos. Tipling, r oil it to tensile frie in. town. ens will be ran. rs. J. Sullivan nes re Ortaigevittn; visit to -Met -Ms in Che tat there will be Mr. John Skilling, o n that has been col r at the Thins aft "'heap rates wilt rs. W, T. 13e1.1 and were the guests of Mrs. John Neelando, a. fet members of the Rebekod Lodge of I. 0. , 4.0n.Tuesday eveuleg lust, aboot twentyl tiled the position of s hardly to boexpeois. attend these nseetingar ly after the eleso services in the, not Le well for' the whose auspices the„y r the advisability of bolding them? • 4 -61/ ` t- e and the indieotions are se places. Irussels the largest orowd in tot reference, and hund- e towe bend, as also liere„f7 many a cloy. baud, wore there and t of the day. will be given in the ; Mr. Wolter Vari- ant Sueday 5.'n town tigham, was visit - cess street. Mrs. Pulsifer, Miss Fred and Norval, d relatives in Wing - F., of Leeknow, drome town hall, Wingbarro on the eveuing of the *Lid theitsoeisters or 0 uit.e a common thing 12th. of July, when ome of the best tolent ozone of young bsys in Ontario will11 part. Amongst those the sttork end initiate r jest near the wheel- whowill assist in th entertabament, may vorks. It eatinot be be xnentioned Miss 1. Mortimer, soprano, carrent term. The w that the peealty for so Toronto ; Mr. Geo Fox, violinist, Handl- and reflected credit on Would itnot be well ton; Mr. Thos. A. I se boys woeld. asaiet Toronto, and Miss ting a stop to this orlon coraponist. This is ;ere -tho boys may goiog to the Unite 'caking the law, and cents ; reserved se o such places. procured at Willi A. Newton,' Geo. Shaw el were at Mt: Forest During the afternoon me up, and the light - driving his horse on the struck and killed and erely injured. Messrs.. ton were botO thrown the shook, and eretty local lodge were 3 surrounding lodge but they ore all right cession was fprEne aker, comedian (Irish,) r. Fox's lost appear, - season, previous to States, 'I'ickets 25 Aftersthe lodge woe, were eatertained, etre io. abundance. A. ah en. ly,f, The officers of • currant term are : —G. T. R. trellis or Toronto and east G Mrs Sheffield ; p. m., via Clinton s and Guelph. Good con7 enshire; W., Miss nections by all trains. R. S. N. Go Mrs. Id —On Sunday afte noon last, Rev E W Beck ; L. S. V. G., Hughes, of Adelai e, formerly of this V. G., Mrs. Dodd ; town, preached in t Paul's church, to G., T. J. Elliott , the Orangemen. he members of the hied by members of —The following, and a very fine pro- Chicago Record of at the Orange Hall, marriage of the nie dentist, of this town e church, beaded by Jerome and Lieut. Band. The naembers Of the Illinois naval e and visitors from last evening at 7.30 - her points, wore silk the bride's parents, d a splendid appear- Jerome, 3431 South dless to say that the .western window o Hughes was an earnest where the ceremony t rt, and was greatly ap- in palms. The rtbb —Paunshaw, le lett ng jeweller, has taken a full cou se at t e Toronto Optical Institute, and b Is all i latest appliances tional ohurch, wa itself with glory thi r. Wilson's grove, by carrying off a fir noes were on hand and the 011 , silver in the morning and competition. l• The the evening. The easily won them i heavy shower after dit ner interfered some- seconds; Hespeler be what with the day's getting quite wet ; h the grounds, except dry, and several othei noon. Racing, tugs o playing, Om., were p very pleasant and en3 by all. —A. number of the hers of the Rebekah cemetery, on Friday and decdrated the gr hers and deemed wi ceremony was an im witnessed by hundre betook themselves to the ceremony was o reforrne i and morel ladies were cenve account of someinis soeieties, in town di service. We hope t as “decoration day" cutoli year by a large If it were held a MU saY about the middl Weald be a, mote and proceeded to the Fife and Dru of the town lod hats, and presen ire Brigade crowned anee. It is ne week, at Guelph, sermon of Rev and fvecond prize and eloquent elf etjoyment, several minuie and 13^ 3-5 se ever, very few left York tnird, time 1.15 : r a short time to get and ladder tace, Heap came in the after. sesonds; Winghath, 2 war, swinging; ball- arid Little York 3rd rticipated in, and a, The races were reg able time was spent governed by the usue, ard was given for the drilled etnipany, and nembers of the I. O. =led by the Mem- were easy winners. odge, repaired teethe amounted to 8110 an vening of last week, valued at $35. Wc rd es at deceased tnem- es of members. The essive one, and was g of' citizens who had he cemetery. After r, the procession was d book to town. The tl itt carriages. On nderstanding,the other net take part in the is will not occur again, is looked, forWarcl to umber of our citizens. later in the season, of August, there supply of Wiles Travelling. Dr'it buggy was Vacua. on pleasure bent, or business, take Orne,1111d rtp pre oh every trip a bottle of For%) of rigs, its horse contibued Experienhe h Proved it. it mitt; most pleasantly and effectually on top of the bugg A, triumph in medicine wasattained when the kidneys, liver and bewols, preventing 'store, and the experience proved that Scott's Emulsion fever, hesdache and other forms a eiekneeo. stables, ba,ving would not only stop the progress of Pei. sale in 650. bottles by all leading drag. attached. to it. monary Consumption, but by itscontinued gists. Monufoctured by the California was a new one se health 'ma vigor °mild befullv restored, Fig Sikilp Co. only. Mr, Ca& of M over" to tow an& ivette Lodge a fre– es took charge op couple of Gaudio e of:doers for the Desisting at the st. loses Jennie and M have been teaching Minnesota, are home fo Clioton, is visiting so ne on an extended. Teeswater, was a -this week. son, of Toronto., Bell's wont, Mrs. days duriltg the gie Cargill, who chool at Duluth, the holidays. rk AVOS well clout: To Raptured Sople. be Luoknoweieterst Those of our readero having the misfor- losed, the visitoito tune to be afflicted with Hernffi (Rupture,) berries and ereasia, ; espeoially severe cases who heretofore. uemade were berv,l !found all efforts towards relief deeided rt time was spent ie ' fail:Ores, etrul 'moots. having chilareo this condition, have now oil opportunity rattily Offered of gettieg relief at your own dem., By reference to our columns -it be noticed under the head of "Itupture,7 thot J. Y.Egan, the Hernia. Specialist, of Toronto, • o has been iu business in that eity over 2:1 years and who, for ov.er 27 years, has devoted his time exclusively •,o the treatment of Reptnre,will be in Easter, july 24th and 25th, and Winghatto.Queeo s Hotel. Thursday. July 2lith, when he may he Cousulted tree of ohmage. Our Physilo ions ore corclffilly invited to call in and. inspect (in the interest of their patients) some of the- grandest instruments the world ever saw. Read. the following testi. mony, just received by this office. which as a sample testimony speaks for itself, further comment is nimecesetury Delo Sot,s-I have been roptured about. 33 years, my sufferings during all that time have been intense and can only be appreciated by those similarly condition*" My business as carpenter and joiner (as, know) demonds considerable ni exertion, frequently I have been to quit work, although a. th trusses made by t a the meeting brae themselves splendid, livette Lodge for the a) •uich we take trom the uno 28th, refers to the : "Miss Clara Bullen reserve were married lock at the home of Park avenue. The the drawing•room, k place, was banked girls were Calla he bride and dough- ridemaid, and Miss y were dressed in li full skirts, shirred necks outlined with Jerotne, dressed in se reel race was —Over 1000 feet of glass, nearfy as much 1 minute and 9 2.5 of cold frames, 50,000 tomato plants (grand i ,pnes, don't buy scrubs), 10,000 celery, mag- onds, a,nd Little country, lovely gut -whims and fuchsias, -5. In the hock large verbenas ana asters; see them, best ei took let in 50 strams of pansies. Given- roVay I six new d in 51 seconds, red peach tomato plants while they last. Alsoslips of trolling plants to every dollar 52 2-5 seconds. purchaser. Come, sidewalk nearly all the evening, of the sucees a large crowd was at t band, to meet them. marched down stree were made on the w band played a num Mayor lianifiNove tory, unci 'the liklAeSii all feeling that the Wi proven their supe ation races, and way from town.. South side of the iron rates. The tank- bridge. Follow the poplar trees up the river bank a few yards from the bridge sod best dressed and with yellow ribbons. Wingttam boys yon will find the Iton Bridge Greenhouses. T. C. Gnonoto Misa Eugenie Elliott The caeh ptizes Lower Winghom. silk covered with whi flowers were tied witl the tankard is —On Wednesday Robinson, cousiu of ter of Mrs. Jereme's - Bessie Adams. Th white -dotted swiss, wi baby waists, low roup morguerites. Robbie black velvet, carrted sotin cushion. The bri Gertrude Merimee They wore white to short sleeves sod can me westing ost prominent makers, such as C ie of this city mod. the ring on a white others. I could not stand erect, and. often emaids Were Misses had to lie down to relieve my sufferings. al Alice Coolidge. All the trusses I have worn heve been. iss, cut low, with s utter failures. It has been ono long round of misery and mental anxiety, loss of time, The maid of honor, and physicial torture. About six months -wore white chino, thank God, I heard of your great e chiffon ana her ago' The suceess in the treatment of Rupture YAM; fternoon, a horse be. white ribbon. The application yoU adjusted gave, me, I Golley, of Morris, bride entered alone. Her gown was of cm well remembeo, a feeling of Support, josephine street for ivoy white satin, trit 'used with chiffon Dna never before experienced by me, aaht Wows ots. tied in Swarts; pearls, traine. ller bouquet was of continued to the present day. am how me means broke its white bride roses an 1 she wore a tulffi veil. comparatively o new man. Previous to e, the bride's parents, this I could not stoop to tie my shoe, no Jerome wore, it mixed matter what truss I had on, if I got oll e triminea with Toronto, without tity Rupture coming out. ments To acid. to the dillitulty" have suffered with .elvet. Her Orlin violent cough for years, but in the facie of he master of ceremonies, all this, sour grond appliance lets held me vale, followed the groom, sseure all the time withe doing the hardest. , Mr. Herbert Kocher - 'work Only two ditys ago tarried a fatty in front of the trio end tile Rev, puteythe bundle of green shingles up on 5. two story as mother, Wore phi or dare attempt sueli a thing before without a "badge." I toner toad -as received in the longing to Mr. Vim made things lively ot a few minutes. It of the.hoys, and e station, with the ri their arrival, hotel shed, and by a , headed ,by the bridle tufd come out o vying torches,and north, along the we Several' stops street, the buggy u y down, and the in front of the 13eat their grand vie - n, soon dispersed, 01Am:firemen bad buggy the horse re in collision with buggy, which w 1 wheels of the bugg pole in front of M shop company. W theshed and started t side of Josephine etting at the crossing r Block. The horse red, leaving the hind to keep the telegraph . Geo. Shaw's hotelier th the balance of the south along Josephine listanee, where it came r. Tatnlytt's horse atid s standing there. The erturned, and one wheel -y badly. The runaway tg mad Career, leaving the in front of Mr. T. Stiles' ran inte Sweats' hotel Park avenue. illy one shaft a the beggy naval reserve We understand the buggy form. A num his spring and belonged to ma Philadelph Mr. and Mrs. ;Yero entered the drum after tlie bride. M gray and old hi ducheSse lace and were diamonds. Lieut. Arthur D and his best nut sperger, met the Milligan read tit sperger, the gm and blee chains ornaments. Th night for a trip, nesdaye after ible silk, with diamond tlangtr of my life. To crOwit all, lam.) ud grootil kit lot worn'and continue to wear you applianci lid win bc et 1.„1,, \yea. with great comfort, for sof whim I feel ; igust 1, at 3431 South Very truly yours, he officers of the. Illinois aunt . peels, agt, 2b6 West Qua* Tot onto,