HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-29, Page 8TUJ �`IN 1.7i A , (_ M TOMS, , J 1,J ,1,11 E 29, 1894, cINDOO ,THAT SELL OFF AT aSCHT, SILK DELA1NES,. he newest midsummer aloriogs and printings that . Y,plonacle of styles and can ibtainea from M. Ii, Idclndoo, NEW DRESS GOODS, 21.1e new June Dress Goods are oxen i inspection ; FaI,ies are shown here bat are not shown elsewhere, nor will ltey be ; at special prices this month, NEW PARASOLS. Charming shades for waren weather, best and cheapestilere, COOL GOODS. The hot weather of this week,brougbt the people to our shop. Never was our ,stook in such esoollent condition to ,supply the summer wants. We offer many bargains in each department, at BEI4 }RAVE, :1 garden party, under the aus- pices ofTrinity Clhurcll, will be held at Mr. John Scaudrett's o►1 Friday exon- lug, 29th inst. The Blyth Brass Band will be present and enliven the proceedings with choice selections Of music. l)•essrs. S, Graeey, .f. A, Cline and the Misses Cline, of Wing- ham; D. McGill, M. Moody and others, of Myth, will assist in the programme, Refreshments will be served from 7 to 9 pan. All are in- vited, AufeuESS An,niasENTATIO --- Rqy. George Law and family be- ing about to {cave Belgrave soon, a number of their friends and well- wishers met at the Manse on Tuesday evening, the 19th inst, and presented Mr. Law with an address accompani- ed with a purse of money, The ad- dress read was as follows: REV, AND DEAR SER, ---We your friends anis well-wishers in the _ 1W'ROXETJR. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUTCTION, Catalogue sent free on appli- cation, MORRIS -FEU RQQERS - CO. LI$TOWEL.. HALS LY PARK, Agent, WIxereett, esbyter'Mu Crouch, I3elgreae, re gret that circumstances in connection with the union of Belgrave and Calvin churches, have rendered it necessary for you to resign your charge of our •chu ch. We would, • however, take this opportunity of assuring . you of our heartfelt grati- tude toi you, for your loving and • �• ��',I S' faithful discharge of the duties in the pulpit, for your sympathy with Wilat's•the use of growling, as when any of us had seasons of What's the use .of howling, affliction, and for your readiness to What's the, use of yowling, • When "the world is going wrong?" visit, comfort, and cheer us when in What's the use of sneerling, sorrow or distress. We would ex - What's the use of jeering? Men are sick of hearing The old dyspeptic song. See the flowers springing; Hear the robins singing ; See tine glad sun flinging tend to Mrs. Law also our thanks for i her willingness to lend a helping hand in all good works, but especial- ly for her services as.leader el praise 111 the church. Now, Sir, that you a, His light across the sky 1 are about to leave us, we would ask Earth's a sea of gladness— your acceptance of this gift, and I Brush away your sadness; beg you to look upon it, not as pay- , Else, in all your badness, Go, crawl away and die. Ment for -work done, but as a small token of our appreciation of the work To the of Editor the Timms. of your ministerial services `• among • DEAR Snt,—Josh Billings said when us, and as an evidence of the esteem t . , be was a boy and had not much esperi- hi which you are held, by us all. enee with atters and things, he Ince Trusting that the blessing of God i • put his finger on the business end of aI may rest upon you and yours in wasp, but he never repeated the act. whatever field you may be called to Now, Josh was quicker to learn than T. labor. Signed on behalf of the C. Graham. This Graham, through his donors. meddelsome propensities, provoked a ,LAMES FERGUSON, fight, and he got knocked out at the DAVID GEDDES, first round, so to speak, as he. never came to the scratch again ; but remain- ed dazed, silly, paralyzed, tangled in the ropes, and like a bad boy, an away calling names. No reason or argument in your style of doing things, Mr. T. O.` Perhapal hive discovered what hurts hiu?. ]1i passing Lower Town park, a few days since, I saw anutice forbidding. parties from tarring spas, injuring trees. or leaving any nuisance on the park. Now this should not prevent T. C. from using the park for recreation purposes, but he might construe it to mean that he is not to stay ar be left thereon. Yours truly, FAIRPLAY. Local vs. City Trade. Many merchants in towns and vil- lages feel very ulnen chagrined and disappointed when they see their fellow townsmen. sending daily to "the city" for dry goods, books, etc., instead of patronizing the men who are the mainstay of their town. It is exceedingly lamentable to see a conscientious, upright merchant in a small town doing liis best to give the people in his vicinity a chance to inspect a full range of the season's novelties, and then when they have fully inspected his stook, got a gen- eral idea of what they ought to buy, they send for samples from "the city" and finally order from there. We do not proelaim that " to the boat victor belong the spoils," but we do maintain that the people of a town are following their own best interests when they patronize their home trade, Every store in a town pays a certain amount of rent, taxes, gas bills, etc., and the wages of employer and em- ployee will amount to a snug sum every year. Another store occupied 'week, the following ofiie,ers were increases the price of real estate, sleeted ; 0. C. T., J. D. Andrews, Itamilton ;. Grand Seeretary, F. 5. Spence, Toronto ; Viec Templar, Julia, Ratierts, Paris ; Councillor, W. P. I3rockensltre, Wingham. ; Superin- tendent of Juveniles, J. F, Wfls.on, Toronto ; 'Treasurer, W. R. Keys, .Paisley; Auditors, W. J. Turnbull, Brantford and D. A,13oeton, Toronto; Grand Representatives, D. Dawson, Kincardine; Geo. Spence, ''Pronto; Rev. W. Ii. lvtadlll, .4Vatford ; W. J. Turnbull, Brantford ; D. Rose, To. • ronto; D. Murriock, Luckno\v. The next session will be 1reld. in Toronto. ALBERT COLE, Elders, The Rev. gentleman then in a feeling and appropriate address,' thanked the numerous, intelligent, and respectable gathering of friends at the Manse that evening for their kindness in presenting 111m with the address and money, reviewed at some length the pleasant and social rela- tions that until lately had always existed between them as pastor and people for upwards of ten years back, and concluded by again thanking them , for their esteem and good wishes, hoping that prosperity- both rosperityboth temporal and spiritual might attend them all whilst journeying through the present world. A. pithy and spirited address was then given by Mr. George Hood (chairman of the meeting,) another. by Mr. John Young, and vocal and. instrnlmental music by Mr. C. and the Misses Mc- Clelland. A plentiful supply of ex- cellent provisions provided by the ladies was distributed around, then followed more music by some of the younger people and others, general social conversation by the older ones, when at a seasonable hour, and after heartily singing- "Auld Lang Syne," all quietly dispersed, well pleased with the success of the entertainment; giving Mr- and Mrs. Law and .young daughter a hearty good-bye, and wishing them every success and hap- piness wherever their lot may be cast in the future. I. 0. G. T. Officers. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ontario of the Independent Order of Good. Templars, held Iit Paris, last Another store and one or two .louses occupied mean Less taxes on other property. Another store occupied and competing for trade means an increased numnber of visitors, rural and civic, and an increased circula- tion of money in this and a, dozen erent ways. he merchants of a town are its kboze. Take tIlemn out of any m1 and in three months it will be set dead its the proverbial "door nail." They are time step of the town,and give 3tltactivity a n4lir:'. : l; re1ants talk up town; they draw nranulfaeturcrs it; they t w reeiylentrs; theyinvest ey in 1e; they help it in a thousand `i4s ss--."rotrf the * A son was born to the I.)ukc and Du" .Q0944, Duchosas of York at t0 o'clock tt- ti,) lnrdn,y e'ramh g. Mr Neilson, the popular and pains- taking principal of our public school, has been re-engaged for next year at an. ,increased salary. - ;ttr. Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., has been 'returned again by a good majority. Mr, G. should be congratulated, after all the abuse he received from his opponents. We aro sorry to • know that our P. I. and P. P, A's. have to wear crape for four years more,—Mr, John A, Barnard returned from Woodstock, on -Saturday, where he was attending the High Court of 0. O. I'. ---The 0. 0. F. are going to Brussels on Mon- day, to the District Demonstration,— Mr. R. W. `McDonald, of Goderich, formerly of this place, is visiting G.Mr.S1 E intown.-----Rev. Shaw a\ friends. tow 1. leaves for his new appointment moi Belgrave, this week. We wish him every success. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw have a host of friends in this town, who will always be pleased to hear from them. The `Misses Cowan took in the races at Harriston, last week. —Rev. lir. Kippen, of Claremont, occupied the pulpit of the Presby- terian church, on Sunday last. The rev. gentleman is a very forcible speaker,—Mr. S. B. licKelvie is doing a rushing business at the wool. Sam is a Mistier. The Village council met on the 19th of June; present at the opening, Messrs. Saunders. Bray and Wilson. Minutes read and confirmed. The following accounts were handed in and passed, viz :--Geo. Barnard, work on Fralick st,40ets; L. Barnard, gravel, X1.50 ; Henry Willits, con- tract for gravelling $90. A by-law was introduced, i•cad three tunes, and passed, appointing W. Lawrie collector of statute. labor and poll tax. Thos. Hemphill entered and took his seat. On motion by T. Hemphill, seconded by J. Bray, Messrs Lame and Lane were ordered a debenture for $50, part pay on lumber. Thos. Rea entered and took hisseat. A petition from C. W. Simmons and four others in favor of altering the boon-. clary ofsehool section No 14, by aliowihig Wm. Casemore out of said section. On motion by John Bray, seconded by Thos. Rae; no action was taken. On motion by W.Wilson, seconded by T. Hemphill, the council adjourned to meet on the third. Tuesday of July, or' at the call of they Reeve. J. COWAN, Clerk. JJ. HOMUTH STILL LEAD THE TRADE ' ERCHANT TAILORING AND CENTS' FUR ISHINCS. Ill T5 we have the most nobby . to bo found, • Alen's Piougli Boots, OUR STOCK OF., Archbishop Peelle died at St. Boniface Friday morning. W. Chambers, of Dawn Mills, Ont., 107 years of age, is tab oldest man in Cana da. President Oa1•not of France was mortally stabbed at Lyons Sunday evening by a 21 -year-old Italian Anarchist named Casrio Santo. The Rev. J. T. Kerrin, at present incumbent at I4tyfield, has ' accepted.: the rectorship of Mitchell, and will shortly move there. • 1 I3iddulph township, near Luean, on Friday evening, a farmer named Ed. Bowers shot a young rtnan named Cain. Bowers claims it was acciden- tal. He was arrested. Rev, F. 11 Roy has been appointed by the bishop of Huron as incumbent of Ilensall and Staffa, in place of the Rev. I';, Softley,.,jun., who has taken leave of absence on account of sick - ROSS. Miss Anna' Ross, daughter of that late Rev, John Koss, ilrueefield, has won the gold medal at Uloligny Col- lege, Ottawa. prise Il!oss also won the special prize in Botany. This is the second one oft the dance family who has attained to similar honor at the sante school. our stock is: complete, Note a few of our prices; from ,$1.00 up. Ladies' Pine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1,00 up, Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, from 65ets, up; and all other goods hi that line equally -low, VALISES AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. 'Boot and Shoe repairing done as usual. J. J. HOMUTH 84 SON,, WINGHAM,_: J. 13. Miller, formerly .of the vil- lage of 'Tiverton, was arrested at Kincardine Monday lnorniug by Chief Constable Huffman, charged with a breach of the Charlton Act. Miller is a married man 35 years of age, and was formerly head master of the Tiverton public school.' Ile left the village suddenly some months a ;•o, malts was rumored that he had ruined one of his girl pupils, aged 16. A Boon to Horsemen.—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removocl.a•curb from my horse. I take pleasure',in recoimmending the remedy, as It acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, carros, sweetly, stifles and sprains. GEO. Rona, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold at Chisholm's Drugstore, Wingham. In$erest in the ease of , Angus Matheson, who mysteriously disap- peared from -Ripley last November, has been revived by- the: arrest of S. I3. Laird, a well-known resident of Kincardine, on a charge of murder. The warrant was issuedby Magistrate Barker upon information sworn to by, Dan Matheson, brother of the missing pian. Laird appeared before the magistrate and was remanded till the 27th, bail in $1,000 being accepted. <No evidence was taken. Lairdtakes his arrest coolly, figuring on getting back at somebody for • damages. As far, as is known, the arrest was made on account of Laird when in Lucknow on May 24, with some friends, mak- ing a criminating statement in a jocular manner. Kincardine people ridicule the idea of Laird being im- plicated in the . alleged crime in any way. BURN. n Pi.avrr—At Lower Winghatil, on tire 25th inst., the wife of 1M 7r. John Tervit; a Sona, fnmcs—Tit Wingham, on Juno 2,3rd, the wife of Mr. Freeman Carr; a daughter. SCAHDR TT• ---In Belgrave, on June 23rd, the wife of ?1r. Scandrett; a daughter. 11MAi61tsE;D. 'Nr1T1:i1.F1Eln —WILSON—In Wingham, on the 20,1 ins,., at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. S. Sellery, M. A., B. D., Mr. James Netterfleld to Miss Martha Wilson. 'i',nay—Ttrolurson.---At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, Hullett, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Higley, Mr, A. II. Tierney, of Blyth, to Miss Margaret, second daughter of Mrs. Thotzipso , gravel road, '13rs13i;E---Hosivr w.— • Lt the Methodist parsonage; Walton, on the 34th inst„ by Rev. T. Wesley Cosens,Ebenezer Bisbee, of Wingham,. to Miss Adeline Harney, of McKillop. Botoutt—Iisin rroir.,-••At the reai- dence of the bride's parents, on June 20th by•Rev. W. G. Rielly, John Bolger, of Morris, to Miss Maggie, eldest daugh- ter of Henry Ilalnilton, of McKillop,, ii?rronmt.—sro re ---At the Manse, Greed 'Bend, on 'June 16th, by Rev. S. Sellery,13..D., Mr. David Mitchell, to Miss Mary Ann Scott, both of McGilliv- ray. DIE]u. 3AnuaAITIn—In Winnipeg, on uno th, Annie E. Galbraith, relict of Stephen W. Galbraith. late of the Wing - ham Ti ei s, and daughter of Mr. Samuel Youhill, of this town, in her 37th year. Si'i wART--In Culross, on the )7th init., John Stewart, aged 82 years and 2 months, Mn3.'Avrsit.—In, Teeewater, on the 14th Inst., Tana MoTavisl 28 years and 11 months. titlMvecllr,---I>a +a,r A the 17th duet., Alice}._. ^ 'OR .: Mr. jamas Newton, PLUTIP CHEEKS, , A deerskin, and le: the other indications of good Health will quickly follow the . use of Campbell's famous . , . . . Skrei Cod Liver OiM. It is pure and almost tasteless. spribegbogibtruWISsW Here I am Again -with Another Holstein Buil. An A 1 pealgretd 1ioistetu Bull, aged 14 months, is offered for salt. Is good site, weighing between seven and eight hundred pounds. Registered in Canadian Holstein Frosian Herd Book, JAS. ELLIOT, l3lueva a 1' 0. 6=9 ..4.44..ccargenCt POWDERS. Core SICK HEACACHA and Neuralgia in e D i• 'l- �o mrrn,urr-,•s alto CoatedTo Tongue, D � ness, Biliousness, t'ui,t in the Side, Constipation,, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured. and regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAkE. PRICE 25 01.-mrS JIT CRUG STORES, !IME FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, any quantity of good lime, Will be delivered to any of the Fur• rounding villages and Wingham, at 121 cents per bushel. D. FRASSI . Lot 4, sou. 7, Turnborry. Olenfarrow P. 0. House and Three lots for Sale. I offer for sale, a Moe frame cottage, containbtg 1' romps, closets, &o., with hard and soft 'eater, situ- ated on the corner of Patrick and Carlini; streets, Wingham. There aro three-fifths of an acro of land attached to the dwelling, and they will be sold with it or sel,arately. For fall:particulars, apply to the owner, must opposite. D. Mee NLAY. Mower, Reaper, Binder, Separator, and Engine REPAIRS THE WCNGHAM FOUNDRY. R. J. I3LACKWILL, Prop. ....00mmmono.........n...,....-.nil,allegratoratm —:,,—.--' FUTURE PROSPECTS. Will wheat be worth two dollars a bushel within two years • ? We de not claim to be able to answer the.question, but one who should be regarded as' good authority on the subject, namely, Mr. Vanl-lorne, of railway fame, has spoken quite freely on this question. But tliere de questions of daily experience of which we earn speak lwitlb; absolute certainty, and of spine 'of there ewe -twill have some - '1;4114 t0 say stere .t.st. There aro,so,many people engaged in the Mercantile business or trade hi this country., and the struggle for plisse . and patronage is so great and peIsisteilt;;that profits in many lines Are wiped out.. . I-toW, then, can a trade: :be 'dgne that Will give to the merchant a livin,* profit, and at the samlme tiinq ecure to his customers the very best value offered in any mnar'r:t We answer: Import gooc'h, shiest from the manufacturers or from'the fields of production, and ti'e have adopted this course. OUR ORDER. FOR FAX AND Wm nn MANTLES AND WRAPS WAS PLACED WITH ONE OP THE BEST BERLIN, 'GERMANY, MANU- FACTURERS TWO MONTHS AGO. Our customers can rely on getting the very latest TEXTURES and NEWEST STYLES, at the LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE. OUR ItrroRTATION ORDER for TEAS was also PLACID TWO ,1LONTES AGO and will BE I'ICaED AND I'ACEED TO OUR ESPECIAL ORDER AND SHIPPED DIRECT PROM THE GARDEN. WHERE GROWN, TOb THE TOWN OP WINE.nA,lr. Our Dress Goods, and many important, lines hi Dry Goods, we imported this spring, and our customers understand what that means to thein. We sell the best Boots and Shoes, Deady -Made Clothing. Our Tailoring Department has especial attention. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, &e. Tho purest Groceries, at correet.,prices, is the rule of our house. D.111. GORDON, The Anchor Ilouse, Wingham. HARNESS AND G Raving b'bught out the Ambler Iiarnese Business and started le his old atan ani prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a .harness shot such as LIGIIT and TItAC.K. FIARNESS, NETS,hDUSTERS, WIIIPS, CURRY COMBS, • I3R TSIIES,. SWEAT .COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &c., tic, 1 make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction, Gus m rt trrial and 1 win use you. right. • vughlAut.