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The Wingham Times, 1894-06-29, Page 5
see t . • • • EAST WAWANTOSI1, The council '-net on Juno 18th, pursuant to adjournment; members all present, Minutes of last meeting react and adopted. Court of Rovi- sion resumed. ' ti'I'rir, Deacon, tenant N. pt. 33 and Nk •M-1 34, con.' 9, coin - Valued that this property• was too high assesssd; reduced $200, 'Fm. S. Currie assessed as owner of N I'3 lot 41, con. 1.3. Edwin AVightlnan, THE E 'C )' I N +1.71 HAM TIKES JUNE 29, W 940 'TURNBER1tY. bridge, $5 ; John Marshall, culvert A. " 3,50 Wm, Humphries, gravelling, elling, The ciuncil met in McDonald's hall, $32.45 ; mos. Cornell., Wright's B1ttevalo, on Monday; June 18; mom- drain, ]1 ; John Hall, do., $^1 ; 1), bers all. present. Minutes. of last €tnil:bell, do., i31 ; Jos. Yeo, do., ;1 ; meeting read and signed. Com- Relit. Jenkins, ct)1r c rt, $5 ; J. A. rnunicatiarts were read from Rat, Morton, fees and registration, 7.ti•2 ; Douglass and Mrs. Robt. Moffat, re ,Jolm 13urgess, serving notices, i 2 ; drains. Mr. Diluent reported he had `rhos. Nettorfielcl for foot bridge ou eitarniued road in Holmes' and Eif'e's ' ' certain conditions, X107. ;Moved by swamp and recommended some AMr. Gennnill, seconded by Mr. gravelling be done on the road ' to Diment, that this meeting do now to be assessed as tenant of I~: l+a lot Take it pitssable; let a job of gravel- adjourn to met in McDonald's hall, 41, con, 8. George Stewart, as own- ling 59 reds on I3 lin enealoil,uglr s to Bhsevalo, on Monday, July I:6th, er of N. 1'1. pt lot 12, con. 3, and Wm. Humphries at 55 cents per rod, ! is91, .at 10 o'clock a. m. --Carried.. Thomas Rainey, formerly owner of along with Mr, Musgrove had taken I Jens BURGESS, Clerk. i.;,4*, this property,' struck oft Names -seine mere and cleaned out Wright's F.y, lot 40, con. G, drain ; let job of- building culvert on , 1'IORRIS McLaren'~ side road 12 ft. wide and i . 7 ft. high to Ed. Ferguson's at $10; ( The Court of Revision for the year let a job of raising road mar culvert 11804 met on May 28th, according to Robt. Hogg at i;6 along with Mr.to advertisement, and the members Cruickshank had examined Patrick ( subscribed the oath required by sta- street in W. T. plot and recommend We. Changes were made in the • assessment roll a5 follows : Samuel M. P. 0.; Win. Hoolfhan, jun.. lot 40, eon, 5, M.:V.0,1 Albert Swaffield, lot 10, on. 7, M. F.; John G, Mc- Gowan, lot 39, con. 2, M. 1+'. F. S.; Wm. Keoliva, jun., lot 36, eon. 1, M. • F. 3, S.; Wm. • S, Walden, lot 36, eon. 2, M. 1'. F. S. It was then mov- It be Open for public travel Iecolil ,. �, ec by Mr. Shield, seconded by 11Ix, mend that ac job of gravelling be lotI A Snell, reduced $400 ; R. Taylor for Scott,. that the assessment roll as now .011-B line opposite lot 51, con. 1. Mr. I complained of being assessed for • 10 revise -1 and c-rreetec, be passed anti Musgrove reported he had let a job I acres too nllrcli land, acreage reduced ncl assessment reclueecl 100 Thos. the court closed for the ---sent 'year, of gravelling'Mills' crossway to , , F t per rod • I R Skelton entered owner of S., 9 con. 7, in the place of Geo. Skelton, deceased; Win, S. Skelton . entered owner of N. 17, eon. 9, and NI of S3 10, con: 8; Robert W. Skelton entered owner of NI. 16, con. 9 ; Jas. Forrest entered owner of S half 22, con. 8, in place of Donald McCallum ; Silas Jackson entef'eci tenant E pt S half 30, con. 5, in place of F. Burns. The following parties had each one dog struck oft'' :—N. Thornton, A. Bryans,. J. Robb, D. Breckenridge, D. Ritehie, Wlii. Thuell, R. Gibson, Tas. Hawthorne, A. K.' :McAllister, R. Bloomfield, Chas. Campbell, Wm. McCracken, D. Pipe and S. Love. CO.GHood and D. AMeil lejolm had Carried. After , routfile, Jabez Gilbert of g e at 58cells 1 , ' ` 1" Jermyn, N•i lot 37,. coli. 11, was job finished and recommend pay- lieard regarding action . lately taken merit.. Mr. Gemmill reported he had by the engineer in examining open .examined culvert on Government diteh to take oft' water from, his ' pro. drain on 10th con. and 1dt a job of perty, the same running through ,the covering it to John Copeland;. exam - properties of Thos. Linc: and .Tames fined approach to Linton's bridge and Perdue, lot 38, 0011. 11; 110 action tak- recommend that it be raised. Mr. en. George Irwin, lot 39, . con. 10, Cruickshank reported having let a was present complaining that Hairy jolt of building culvert' on 10th con. Deacon wanted to stop up road allow- to ,John Marshall at $0.50 ; work anee on blind Rue, con. 10. It was, done and recommend payment. - • the unanimous Op11I1011 Ot the council The adjourned meeting Of Court that -this road as at present constitut- of. Revision was opened for business, eel, being township property should -when the • following changes were be kept open. r1 special grant of $40 made in assessment roll : Robert J. Was appropriated for Cuttino. hill on ' Evans, assessment struck off; ;James sideline 33. and 34, eon. 8. Another Fraser, assessment raised $300; R. grant to"pay for ditching and other- C. Sparling, assessed tenant pt lot each one bitch strict: off and ono af Wm. wise repairing hill at lot 42, con: 8 24, coni; 8, at $700 ; Robt. McIudoo, dog Isliister, dsccondecl motion 1Geo �I�irkbtl and r), near Bel'gr€tve, was asked for reduced $700; Wm..Mainprize, M. I . , and allowed; Councillor Scott to at- , and' T., lots 230, 231, W. T. plot, at the Court of to meet Revision. was on the113ad- tend, to this and use his own discrc • X200 ; Wm. J. Jacklin, dog off; I . Jagain tion in the matter. Applications for Campbell, reduced $200; Geo. Me- June next at 10 o'clock a. m. 'the office of collector of taxes tor the Kenzie, reduced $3755, James - Carr, Council business was then proceecl- current year in place of John Taylor, M. F. 0., pk. lots 33 unci 34, W, T. e with, nd foliowss we C cord ton • ' deceased; were 'received from Charles plot, at i$375 • Alex. Day M. I± . 0. paid Campbell, Marnoch, $60; Gregor Me. 'lots 39 and 40, W. T. plot; James keep of Fisher, 61: Thos. Proctor, �• ' +' 05 T. lot • repairing hill, $10. J. (Tolley , cedar Gowan, Blyth, $60 and m. Wight- i Cummings, M. 1.., lot , W.p ; man, Belgrave, $58. Moved by Mr. Tom K. Powell, reduced $200 ; Alex. Shiell seconded by Mr. Roberton, Cameron, M. F., lot 168, W. T. plot ; that Charles Campbell be • appointed Robt. King, M. ,F., lot 3, 1+'. S., W. T. collector, salary $60; and that lie ` plot; - James Poole, M. F. and T., pk furnish good aiid sufficient security to. lot 30,.. W. Z. plot at 5$350; WM. the amount of $8000 for the clue per. Chrr,, reduced $350; 1.ieh. AA #Iliacer formance of the same. Moved in reduced $200 ; Geo.. Scott, reduced atnendtnentgby* Mr. McGowan. Sec- $200 ; Robt. Weir, rediieed $300 ; ouded by Air. Scott, that Gregor Me- John Al'eBarnie, reduced 4200 ; Alex. Gowan beappointecl collector. Motion Porter, dog off; Lee Orvis, dog off; carried by mote of the reeve. Peter John McCrcight, M.`I+'., pt owner lots Mason was appointed, pathnlaster Mil- 2S and 29, con. B; Edwin Smith, M. stead of Ilugh °McBurney for road di- F., pt owner Block B, W. T.; plot ; Robt. Mitchell, M. F. and T. lot 30, W. T. plot ; Mrs., Griffin, lot, 34; F. S., W. T. plot ; Robt. J. Barton, .M. F. and T., lots 238 and 239, at $250 ; vision No. 76, on sideline 30 -.and 31,' coif. 0 and 10. The following de- bentures were signed and issued viz: Robert Johnston, sen., 8 clays shovel- ling gravel, Division No. 10, 1894, W• A. Flack, struck off ; Jas. Wylie, $3; Win. Daer, filling up washout, rediteecl$100. Moved by Mr. Diluent, sideline 33 and 34, con. 1, $3; David I seconded by AIr. Cruickshank, that Taylor, . refund of statute labor for I the Court of Revision be now closed 1893, $1.... bless-~. J. Cook, J. JL and that the assessment roll as now Hoover,. Benj. Witmer and Wallace , revised and corrected be the roll for zTackson, lumber fol° clulver'ts,7.41. 1894--Cai'i'ied. Jas. Armstrong, 41 rods ''wire . fence, i Council resumed regular business. lot 29, con. 6, $4. John Marwood; digging ditch lot 30, con. 6'md 7, $(i. Richard Leishman, digging drain across road allowance lot 82, cons. 8 and' 0, $6.50. George Robertson, re - Moved• by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by Mr. (iDhuont, • that the reeve and deputy -reeve be .a committee to let it job of digging and putting tile in Government drain on 8th eon. line pairing culvert sideline 33 and 31, near Gilnmour's on Saturday, June con,12, 6'1. Win. Paton, cedar cul- 30th, at 1 o'clock p. ni.,, and that the verb sideline 39 and 40, con. 14, Clerk be instructed to attend'at time $2.25. George (,Quinn and Andre* of letting the work with profile Auld; funeral expenses of the late Carried. Moved ,by Mr. Gemmill, George Coates, $25. , Messrs. Clegg, seconded by Mr. Cruickshank, that Hayes and Gledhill, services as arbi- Mr. Diluent let a job of cutting brush trators re new union school, East and West Waivanosh, - East Wawanosh .:tare, $13. John Gillespie,-- White- church, 28 yards gravel per Thomas Campbell, epathmaster, x;;1.40. Wm. l opposite lot 14, con. 1 --Carried. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mrs Diment, that Messrs. Gem - mill and Musgrove let a job of rais- in, approach to Linton's bridge— Carried, Moved. by Mr. Dimwit, seconded by Dir. Crnicksbanlc, that the bond given by the parties interest- ed in the foot bridge on the site of the old Graham bridge be aceeptccl aiid filed—Carried. Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by Air, Cr'uicic- 1 nk that Air, Musgrove let a JUL) and putting in culvert on gravel road, $30: Wm. Fiudlater, lumber and culvert, $4:75; .Jno. Ansley, plans and specifications of bridge, $8.50 ; Duff & Stewart, culvert on centre sideline, $7.58 ; J. Jackson, culverts, $10; Jas. Irwin, assessment notices, X2.50; Misses Exford, charity, $7.50 ; Jas. Shurrie, repairing road, $7 ; D. M, Gordon, remission of statute labor tax, $14 ; Alex. ' Clark,. repairing culvert, $1 ; Jno. Watson, Assessor's salary, 80. Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded by Geo. Kirkby, that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to borrow $1,000 to meet current expenditure—Carried. W. kT. Clo€tkey asked to be allowed to bring on the Engineer in reference to a proposed drain in his locality. After hearing the parties it was Moved by Thomas Code,seeonded by Geo. Kirkby,that the said request be granted ---Carried. Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded by Thos. Code, that Jas. Bowman be instructed to loth job of placing 100 yards of gravel on centre sideline, con. 2— Carried. The Council then adjourned to sleet again after Court of Revision on the 30th June next. Wm. CL:ctuc, Clerk. on 13 line --Carried. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded 1)y Mr. Cr'uiek- position in the head office of the shank, that Mr. Diment let a job of company. Mr. Stewart has been gravelling on Morris boundary ' line presented by tho company's local agents in the northern part of the province with a valuable Fold headed cane, suitably inscribed as a token of their esteem. --•At the family resi- dence, lot 38, coil. 1, Kinloss, Mrs. Margaret Gillies,. beloved wife of Mr. John Gillies, passed away at the comparatively early lige of 54 years. Deceased was under the doctor's care for about three months, but although: all that medical skill and kind attend: twee could do was done, death, the great conqueror, calve on June 18tH, '751r1�:r i',rr(ri J.�..44 +.. + lnYa Brings ce:'.:°' "1 is 11, rn• fau f; tends to L :•rs 'uul ca ;•,, : a.._i, �; is=*u rightly us'(. ":ho a ]: ; ii..a t,;;t, for than others ..ci .:l . :noir. less expenditure, by 'on.,ropr 'ptly adapting the 'v'oi•lt;' .11r.-1: products to the needs of pi.ysic 1 *nein;;, veil;. atteav the vain to health. of tho pure liquid laxative p1 iu c j.1:> :. tho remedy, Syrup e. i':,,a. • Its o cel]e::tlae t•.::•..-0:ononting in tho form most 1ccopt;tu'3 and pleas- ' ant to the taste, the refreshing au cl truly beneficial properties of o p,afeet lax- ative; effectually cleansing tho system, dispelling coleus, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. ;t has given satisfaction to millions and not with tho approval of the medical rofession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver azul Bowels without weak - oiling thein and ib is perfectly free from very object ,•.:able substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in Vic, bottlers, but it is manu- factured by the Ca:ifer„ia Fig Syrup Co, only, whoa,31:0110 is 11•ir ted on evory package, &so the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well' informed, you will not aecspt any substitute if offered. KINLOSS. T. J. Stewart, formerly deputy - WEST WAWANOSH. , Airs. Hannah .tames, the subject of NES ARIF means 110 trouble. oLI means new prices. 1lavirig for some time studied the interests of the consurn lug the burdens they have borne' under the Old policy of long knowing full wall that the man Who pays cash helps to pay 1 account, and for tile man who never pays, I will, therefore, gi' IFD.FICYTIEP3r11 40) by the adoption of the and will give you goods cheaper than any other plan in Wingham. I direct to the manufacturers and buy for P0'7 CAS I ani, therereforc, in a position to give you many lines of goods below WHOLESALE PRICES. (:live me a I:rial and I will convince you of the fact that 6G"OAS. IS KIo" All kinds of Produce taken same as Cash. Dress and Mantle making, on�the premises. All Macitle Goods bought here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty. MACDONALD BLOCK. O. cI TYRE, . WINGHAM. MOM TO PREVENT SUNBURN You should buy one - of our Fancy Sunshades. WE ARE COMPELLED to admit that we inade a mistake in buying too many ,for this season's business. But the price was so law that we could not resist thein. this notice, was born ill the county of 400 c i 1 �- rr Norfolk, England, in 1818, and came to Canada in 1836. Sl1e was married the surplus we have reduced them exactly one half of the regular price. to her now sorrowing husband in 1839 and lived in the townships of Hope and Clarke for over twenty- five years, removing to the township, of West Wawanosh, County Huron, some fifteen or sixteen years ago, where she died in the triumph of faith on the 15th ult. She leaves two sons, Air. Walter James, Port Perry, and Mr. Fred: James, Lake View, Mich., also two daughters, Mrs. Moses Robinson, Port Hope, and Mrs. R. G. Ellis, Lucknow, with twelve grand- children and three great grand -child- ren to mourn her departure. All the children were present at the funeral, which was largely attended by sympathizing friends and neighbors. reeve of Kinloss, general agent of the,. Sawyer Massey Company, has been appointed to a responsible Carr,. 65 yards gravel, per John F.I. Hoover, pat piaster, x;:3.25. The council then adjeuriced till Thursday, 9th day of August next. P. PoiiTEi FI1'D, Clerk. The man who stole a horse and rig from Adain Hays livery in Sea - forth, last Oetober, was caught the other (lay itt Durham, where he ha,d been trying to dispose of another out. fit which lie hacl ;appropriated, being the third so far as known, the second being taken from Gravcnhurst and the last„one from' Sarnia. He gave his imine as Robert Wilson, but had several aliases, and is evidently a confirmed thief and a ;rough looking case, He was brought before Judge Torus on Monday of last week and found guilty. Ile was sentenced- to one year and 1 t months in the Central Prison. Mr. Hays' horse was found itt Mnskoka,.'but titf rig is still miss - How to Get a "Sunlight” Picture. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why Does a +Yo - man Look Olcl Sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 4:l Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty pic- ture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost one cent post- age to send in the wrappers, if you leav the ends open. Write your address care - fully. 9 BLYTII. Regular sitting of the 12th Division Court was held before His honor Judge Doyle, in Industry hall ou Monday. —On Friday our base ball team drove to Auburn to play a game of base ball with Auburn team. The game at the finish was B1ythi 10, Au- burn 0. --Rev. Mr. Hughes, a former rector of Wingham, is to preach in. Trinity Church, Blyth, on Sunday morning next.—Rev. Bro. T. E. Hig- ley intends preaching(' the annual sermon to the members of L. 0. L. No. 953, in Trinity church on Sun- day, the 8th inst. of gravelling on 13 line at 5th side- Deceased was an old resident of line—Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment Kinloss and was most highly esteem - seconded by Mr. Cruickshank, that ed by her neighbors and a large 00 be expended itt gravelling on 25th sideline, eon.11 and 12 ---Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr.. Cruickshank, that a by-law be passed at next meeting of eouneil opening Patrick street, W. T. plot— Carried. Tho following ' a_ecowlts'The Meclieal • Connell decided ori were passed and 'orders on treasurer !Saturday that it had not the power issued; (Albert ?orbic, gravelling, ; to deal with physicians who contract $18.3•1; Thos. Bolt, repairing bridge, , to do lodge doctoring at so much per ' *2.50 ; John Mei'iwen, repairer head. circle of friends and acquaintances, as was evidenced by the large con- course' that followed the remains to Kinloss Cemetery on Tuesday after- noon following. Pale Faces show Depleted Blood, poor nourishment, everything bad. They are signs of Anaemia. Scott!s Emulsion. the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, en-' riches the bloody purifies the Steib, ourea' Ant;mla, builds up the system. Piiysidians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substituted Scott &Sowso, rliilar Mils. dtiri#ngg(Mte BO& &$i. They are all new goods for this season's trade. COME AND BUY A PARASOL for 88e worth. $1.75 " $;11.11 $2.25 $1.38 $2.75 " $1.63 " $3.25 °for 75e worth $1.50 " $1.00 " $2.00 „ $1.25 " $2.50 " $1.50 " $3.00 and so it goes through the whole assortment. If you doubt these prices.•call and investigate for yourself. 12?> cent Print for 9c. Delaines for 25e. Summer Corsets 50e. Best Lisle Thread Gloves • 15e per pair. 2 pair Stainless Black Hose 25c. These are only a few.of our money makers. CALL _�i.I fJJ SEE the others. We have not space enough to enumerate them here. Fr. Jo II L�►J, Dried and Smoked Meats always on hand. WixoiraM, OM'TLETASH-DA NOTHER ' Y A G0 DY WITHOUT USING yOU will find that it will do what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash with this soap. ANY QUANTITY. Have a complete stock of BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, m, for the Wool Trade. CARDING ©©D � NilGAND SPINNIN /`''1il done on short itoti re. Respeetiully yours, GEO. ;.. I,`