HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-29, Page 44 � , itl L'I Hr.lt> returns Mr, M. 'i . I AM. �� b'le'Iaeall, (�f the Seafilrth Expositor, by a small majority. Mr, McLean • will make a model < member, being fully conversant with all (taestit•n' iifla'eting the interests of the ]reoele, an:l svi11 be especially in emelt with • matters relating. to agricultural questions. �f j g A COUSOI vative Suinlnary. q . TELEGRAPH CO The Toronto World teonet.evati.'e } unlike it, foolish contemporaries on t ,. t the same side, has goo'. enough 'ems" app. •. "(915" Q I($ UM nity to concede that Sir Oliver Mtirvat hit i won the Province beyond a doubt Ingham, -- - Out ; Our contemporary says ; For the seventh successive time Mowat yesterday swept the Province rw- • . , He goes back to power with 1L - clear majority of' seven over tlhc vvhol( I }p MIST �-�— A.NN*D -- `JR�..7 G.GIS THE W I GIJAiiR TIMES, JUNE 29, 1894, 18th, followed by air large number of friends and acquaintances, The funeral service's were conducted by Rev, J. J. Noble.. May tied be with his faithful wife; in her old age. Let her put lice trust in her Saviour, who. 510110 call eonlfbr't her in her sad ahfllicticil. -ilfr• John Hardy has about completed on his farm what will be oils of the most commodious barns in the •township, ----Mrs. Crowe, sr., has moved to the town of 1'4'inglutin.— - . On Thursday of last week Miss Tenn • MeTavish, of Culross died at the residence of her brother, .Mr. John s McTavish, of Tee5ly:iter. On the • previous Tuesday she had Submitted to a severe surgical operation, and though the operation was successfully and skilfully performed, it left her • without sufficient strength to rally' from its effecti, and though every , possible care was given her death claimed her for his own. The deceas- ed was much respected by those who • knew her best, and her death is • deeply regretted by her many friends. Canadian Foresters. a •- !Opposition, p osition, anti as eleven of.' the Patrons elected are Liberals his strength is greater than at dissolution t "Never before have there been candidates of so many different coni- plcxions in the field, and surprises TIIE RESCLT. I were naturally expected, but they The people have spoken through; are not so great as had been antici- tlie ballot box, and the affairs of the I pated. The Liberals lost 8 !seats to !the Conservatives and the. Conserve - Province will be carefully~ and titres lost 8 seats to the Liberals, so efficiently looked after for the next i that horrors are easy on that score. four years 1)v Sir Oliver Mowat and The Patrons cut the Conservative into leis'golleagues. At this writing it is and the Government ranks about not !known exact" how the numbers equally-, 7 of the 1-1 seats being velli stand, but it is certain the Liberal I wrested from Liberals and 6 from •Conservatives, while 1 Patron was • Government will have a sufficiently I re-elected. • large majority to Larry on the Gov- {.ell of Sir Oliver's Ministers were eminent. Notwithstanding all the elected with the exception of Mr. Kingston, the Minister "eries" raised during the campaign, i I nbiic 11 U ks. Speake I3allatiilt •hof the people kept the plain issue fore- however, is also numbered with y the most, and left the. destinies of the siaill. Provineo in the care of the solid and ".Among the (oeservatives who • experienced Liberal Administration have Ines defeat are Mr. James that has so carefully looked after their Chuiey, of Kent, end Mr. (x. 1A'. Monk, of Carleton, the Conservative interests for the past twenty-two whip, years, The returns so far received • "Of the 48 Patron candidates in indicate that there -have • been. 50 the field 1.1 were elected. Reformers elected, 20 Conservatives, ( "The I'. P. A's. elected t3 of their 14 Patrons,' and 2 P. P. A's., and 2 avowed 5 cK•lnditlatee.", constituencies to hear from. Among those defeated on the Liberal side,' The CLors of . were Ilon. 11*m. Harty, the Minister' Fire ire tors of the Culross 1 Mutual Insurance Company met of Public Works, Hon. Thos. Mahan -1 iu Teeswa ter, May ?8th, 189.4, as per Lyne, the Speaker in the last Parlia-,motion of adjournment. Members ment and W. M. Dack, the Liberal 1011 present. R. E: Little, President tivhi, :and of the Conservatives, .1‘,11,. `its the chair. The minutes • of the last meeting were read. .7. McKague Jas. Clancy, the financial critic, Mr.—Reid—That the minutes ars just Sol. White, and Mr. G. Monk, the !rend be adopted—Carried. A. Mc - whip of the party. In another : Hague—Clark—That all applica- ti 1S Ol for • insurance be now • t � laid o b,- colulun will be faded a tabulated ,be - I giving the results as far as fore the• Directors for examination ---L. 5 Carried. Reid—J. McKag•ue--That heard from. • ii having examined eighteen appliea- _.• _.._., —. i tions for insurance and- found theta EDITORIAL NOTES.I satisfactory the President and Scere- 1 tary are hereby instructed to prepare Tyr three Hurons stand true to • ane issue policies for the salve—Car- Liberal principles. i riecl. Mr. Henry McKay made claim I for 05 for -loss of a two year old colt C=.tnaow wears well meddle people killed by lightning giving veterin- , appreciate him,at 's evidence ast o cause c of death. th. • LIP' Tory P. I'..1, its disguise in and making oath as to the alnottnt of loss, Allison—.7, McKague--That West Iluruii did not work worth a the amount of $30.97 be paid to Henry . cent. McKay for a colt killed by lightning LINTON •'uid (xoderich, where the --Carried. Mr. Alex, Smith, of Kin- I'atican i"ory-I'. I', A, candidate is loss, claimed X12 for a heifer sup- po..od to have been killed by lightn- well known, gave substantial ntajori- in,;. Clark—,J. .sera gue---That in ties against hint. :reference to the claim of Alex. Smith Tnr: "calf• with a cough" and the for damage' done by lightning • "old silver medal bull" stories got Messrs. A. McKague and R. S reith are appointed to investigate the their quietus in North Ontario, on cause of lass and report at next • Tuesday. meetill,o, of this board -- Carried. Cesium Pest= was elected IreSl•• 7Cse h Gi.ayand Geo.o. I itn lc gave dent of France, on Tuesdaylast, to notice of improvements and changes y , they are making on barns. Beiet succeed the late President • Carnot, . Clark_—T'hat the request of the For - who was assassinated last week, ; hoes L Co., re Jas. Snider derbe • 't`oicosxia is "agiih" the Ontatrfo'granted as soon as Mr. Snider pays (love t timcttt, but the Pr -evince don't It Kt,, all dues to this Ca, --Carried. Me - Government, McTiague-••-•That this board take any stock in the "protection" do now adjourn to meet again on the issues that eontributed so largely to last Saturday of June, in town hall, the Conservative majorities in that I'eeswatcr, at 2 p. nt.--Carried, cit i~. G. A. PntxoL1t, See. I�f THE Dominion House of Loot -1 Another old settler has gone to rest In the person of John Stewart, of mons on Friday, Mr, Corby, member j 1.0th concession. His death took for West Hastings, handed in his `}place on the 17th inst. at the grand resignation to Mr. Speaker, explain -;old age of 82 years and 2 niontlrs,. ing that his firm* had supplied a . He passed away fully trusting ni Ids quantity of spirits to the Government,) Saviour. 'Cim 'deceased was born in whereby he had violated the indepen.11812, and emigrated to Canada, its deuce of Parliament :Act. ! 1846. Ile first settled on the Dar. ;ham !toad east of the village of 'fete•, electors of Plast Miran stood , i3ervie, where he remained for nine loyally by their well -tried. and true years. From thence he removed to , Thee. Almon, , have the of Cntross where Its'. member, Mr. rhofs, ixillsotl, and have. township • ,,. :spent3 ., t,�,: returned hili with a nithjority of 302, I years. Hie wife,ufive sans ar1c1 three tlaughtel'B survive halt. which is tnly one less than he had it11t. , h deceased was favorite u lt(Yiti in;►O. Mr. (xil>Non will be once of thee' old and young. He was. et, Presley.. Olde t tnembers in the Homes having terian in religion and a Vonse•rvative Ctni; itihtmtl+l ti' rresent4'rl l':atst Intron i g remains . . y I n polities. Itis vrele, lxrrne, thief. x•871. to the Teeewiter cemetery on the •F.tiID:1X JUNE 20, 1804, THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL .HEFTING OF THE MOIL • C'OURT AT WOODSTOCK, • The fifteenth at ival meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Or- der of Foresters was held in Woodstock, last week, H. C. R., I3i;o. C. Britton, of Gananoque, in the chair. He announced his appoint- ments at the opening es follows : High messenger, Bro. A. McPher- son, Woodstock; high marshal, Bro. John Smith, Clinton; journal secre- tary, Bro. .H. H. Bailey, Ottawa; high senior beadle, Rev. Bro. C. R. Littler, Seildrk, Mau. The high court . degree was con- ferred upon a large number of dele- gates by II-.V.C.R., Bro. H. Glimmer; of Guelph. - The High Secretary's report shows that the membership has increased 2,346 during the year, and $70,000 added to the reserve fund. The society has enjoyed a most prosper- ous year, the death rate having been much below the. average. There were about 250 delegates in attendance. Eighty-eight thousand dollars have been paid out in death -claims, and, I notwithstanding this • large amount.1 paid for the support and 'assistance of the widows and orphans of deceas- ed brethren, the surplus has largoly increased, and nosy stands at the magnificent sum of $325,000. Mayor Hay delivered an address of .eve lcolilc to which Bro. Britton blade a • suitable reply, Courts Beaconsfield, No. 15, and Barton, No. 81G, . presented an address of welcome react by ex -Mayor 14I. Douglas, which was suitably replied to. - The fo11owing offlcere were for the ensuing year elected by acclamation: II.C.R•, !Bro. 0, E. Britton, Gananoque; H. V. C. R., Bro. H. Glimmer, Guelph; High Secretary, Bro. Thos,.Whfte, Brantford; High Treasurer, Bro. ,The. Neeland, Wingham; Chairman of the Medical Board, Bro. Dr. U. M; Stan- ley, Brantford; .Associate, 'Bro. Ur. Young, Ridgetown; High Auditor, Bro. T. W, Gibson, Toronto; Referee Medical Board, Dr. R. E. Mundell, Kingston; High (registrar, D, R..Ken- nedy, Montreal, High Chaplain, Rev. W. 5. McTavish, 13. D., St. George; High Senior Woodward, .G. V. Hen- dershot, Brantford; High Junior Wooctward, W. J. Malley, • Dew - onto; High Senior Beadle,` Rev. 0, le; Littler, Selkirk, Manitoba; Higlt Jun- ior Beadle, Alex. McPherson, ,Wood- stock; Conenittee, High Chief Rang- er, Britton; H. V. C. R. Glimmer; 1 Robert Elliott, Winghaln; N. D. Hen. Berson, Wthitechurel.- F. •7. Jameson, Teterboro; W..7. Cameron,, Toronto, and R. Dowling, Harriston. The KR - Iit, ., felt meeting. will be It cI bd at Hamilton. Reptiles of High Court officers', svhielt • were very eneour- aiging and satisfactory, were read. They showed the Order to be in a most prosperous Condition. At pres- entthere arc , Members in good again lower than that of Tait year. The sum of $70,4 03.09 has been carried to the reserve fend, being: 9„8,887,05 greater than that of the pr'evions year. Tito high secretary's report, from which some of the above facts have been culled, shows that the surplus reserve now amounts to a grand total of $328,247,50 to the credit of the insuranee fund. Cheese meettece. Ingersoll, Ont., June 27.----Offoring to -day, 1,580 boxes, last part of June. make. Sales: 150 boxes at 9c; 980 boxes sit 9 1-16e Market brisk. Woodstock, June 27,- -At the cheese board to -day 2,110 boxes were boarded, Middle of June make; 951 boxes were sold at 9 1-16c. Nepanee, :June 27,-495 boxes white and 815 boxes colored cheese were boarded to -day; 855 were sold at Pictan, Juni. 27 ---At the cheese board to -day eleven factories offered 890 boxes, Sales : 630 boxes at 9e, 170 boxes at 9 1-1Gc, 50 boxes at 8te. ' r Live Stock markets. East Buffalo, June -26.—Cattle— No 26.--Cattle-- N o fr eslt receipts ; 4 loads over and unsold; prospects fair for good handy stock, Hogs—Receipts, 7 cars and over ; market fairly active nd firm for good light and inediuu1;''grades ; pigs in good demand ; yorliiers, dull and slow sales, medium and heavy, x'5,80 to $5,85 ; yorkers, $5,25 ; pigs and light weights, u 5 ,135r to $5,371.1 roughs, $-1.25 to $4.70 ; stags, X3,15 to x$,'13,60. Sheep-- 'o :Fresh receipts ; market full and no sales ; only good lambs 1n (leimlild. liritisil, Grain Trade, London, ,June 25. --The Mark Lane Express, le Us weekly review of trade, says ; English wheat has advanced 7d. Foreign wheat, though the supplies have been large, shag been firm. ; California, 24s a qr. and No. 2 red winter, 22s. Flour has been stronger and corn steady, but •barky and oats Have been neglected. To -day English wheats are a turn dearer through scarcity, and the de- mand is slight. American wheats have advanced 3d. Round corn is uiichangecl, but fiat is (id clearer, Barley, oats and flour are dull. • Jas, 1 . I'omeuville, bookkeeper for the San Life Insurance Company, • Montreal, stole $1,568 from his em- ployers recently and went to Chicago. He was followed, returned, pleaded guilty and was sentenced Monday morning to four years in the peniten- tiary. TEE SUCCE SFUL CANDIDATES. • also on hand. 11tARIIIST IMPORTS. w1t10u.ta. Wingham, June' 28, 1804.. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer, Flour per 100 lbs , • • • ., 1 50 to 1 80 50 to 1 G5 Fall Wheat .,.....,. 0 ') Spring Wheat .............. 0 52 to 0 53 Oats .............. ......„ 0 33 to 11 34 Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Peas. •Y ....... 0 52 to 0 :24Butter, tub.. , , ...g, ..... • 0 13 to 0 4 •Butter,ho'l1s .,..,..018to0 F,ggs per dozen 0 07 to 0 003 Wood per cord. , ....... , 1 25 to 1. 7a ,Eay per ton.... .. (3 00 to (3 00 Potatoes, per bushel q 00 to 0 00 Tallow, per lb 0 05 .to 0 05 Dried Apples, per lb 0 0; to 0 0u Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 00 Beof 4 50 to 5 50 CLINTDN. . , Fall Wheat, old 9 Y0 55 to 0 58 Fall Wheat, new.. 0 67 to 0 00 Spring Wheat 0 53 to 0 58 Barley .. .. , .. • 0 35 to 0 40 Pats 0 32 to 0 33 Peas 0 53 to 0 55 Potatoes, per bushel0 40 to 0 50 Butter 0 12 Los:. 0 113Eggs, per dozen.....•0070007May 800700 Cordwood 0 00 to 4 00 Cal SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAiN. STEAK,100. PER LB, and other meats in low proportion. PORK SAUSAGE TEa BATTLE aVR �N� MV7AT RETERN3 ;4Gk1� „ Constituency. Ottawa.. Cxford Oxford imoos aronto' ietoria irk agrk aA Liberal, Conservative. Patrons. Addington,.:. Algoma E..........-*Parwell.. Algoma '-w Brant N Brant 8 Brockville,,.. Bruce N Bruce S.. ...... Bruce 0 Cardwell.. Carleton Duffelin............ Dundas... , .. • . Derham E.. ..... Durham W....... Elgin 1 ,..... Elgin W Essex N Essex S Frontenac.,.. Glengarry. , ....... Grenville,.....,.... Grey N......... , Grey C. , .. , ... Greyecbnie s Haldimand,, Galton.. ...... E[amilton........ Hamilton W Hastings W.. g.. , Hastings E.... .... Hastings N. • ... Huron E .......... Huron S Huron W , , ... • [lent E Kent W ,,,,, Kingston, . .... J ambter< E...... �ambton W.... , ... Janark N.. . • ...... Lanark S. . „ Lennox....'.. , , ... seeds 4ncoln.:..... • Condon • .. fidcllesex E , . „ .. Middlesex N..... , Middlesex W. lonck.•. iuskoka, • . , .... .. [ipissing........ , forfolk S..... (oriel kN...... ,. forthumberland E.... forthumberland W,. 1t a •i t i o N ... Ontario S.......... ,.., N I ... , • S.... • . arry yS nd eel erth N.... erth 5....r..• eterborougo E.. eterborough W.:*Stratton rowers rinee•Edward - enfrew N ......... enfrew 8•.•.•,,,,. 188011 ....... 6 . E., .. ...Y.. Ill 400 W.. aiooeC........ . Orrnont• . Y 44 oronto 1.....,.• „ otonto W.-..,.. .. X. ....... . r(ntto 8....... .... L...,.....• etoria W.... , . , , aterlos lei ;-•,,.. . , aterloo S.. .... .. eltaltd ti ,+ ltl 1 t ellington ,It'i} ellilgtou "Vii., , eittwartif w3 .. f, entwy�orth N...i.; {g Y, „,,.. aati, 1Y.'rY.... ..„,,..., ICIIIr4•a .s .. Halliday .. .. *Oonmeo .... *Wood.... *Hardy.. ... *Dana 11?oCannell. , .. *Truax„ . Duck... Mohr • ..: , Loekhaet .. - Dance . . , *Maenish.. ,. *McKee.. • . , *Balfour.. *Macpherson Buchanan., ..*Bush.. . *Cleland .. Hartman , Rorke.. aK ,, Baxter.. ,. Husband .. . *Middleton ., *Gibson, .... . *Biggar..... Vermilyea... *Gibson.. ... *McLean .. .. , . * G arrow *Ferguson *Pardo.:.. Harty... • McCormick , tek McKenzie • Caldwell—. Clark. ,.. , Symington , • - , , Hobbs .. .... , . Jackson. • , .. , , *Taylor *Ross.. *Harcourt . Cockburn . *Loughrin . , . *Charlton *Carpenter °. Webb,. *field , 'Mitchell *� to *Chapple .. *Dryden t*Bronson i O Keefe *,12owett.. *Malay .. .' .Shur o. *Smith .. -. ,. McPherson .. Ballantyne . , *Blezard, . .. .. , *Evanturpl • , . ........,.. *flare• • . , (Dowling .'t Tierney ..,- i *Campbell ) *Itobillard • . Harvey.. ... 4, ...... *Paten,.. ,.,. itlaek... , .4 1/4 - Lindsey.6 ,.• Tait .... *6 *Maxtor Moss. , ... • . • *Howland *Carne'gie,... *ilfclCay .. ,, *Robertson .. .. *Moore. . , *(German.. ., *Mullis ' [ ri *Craig'., ,... , ,• Hampton Atkin. ••., t�tVre$�'.. . .. ViIlBaii.. *I,'latt., Y . •t y*.#fliebardson.. Ryal'rousa Ll{iill, ..... *.pmt *MIMS" .. .. Hutchinson *acid, Hearst. , , . . Savage.,,,... „Kitchen.. . , .. Jelly.. S2clntosh.. , .. *Little.. , . .. Monk. , ,.... Barr.. ... , *Whitney .... *Follis, .. *Reid *Brower , . ...Ford. McColl.... . . White r:.. - Gallagher.. , .,. ... Reid.... ... . , *Kerns.. • . , , .. *Wood.. Weismiller .. i - - , Clancy .. *Smythe *Preston .. *Matheson... *Meacham ... , . *Beatty.. ... *E(iscott .. . , *Meredith . , , - ; .. . , Leitch......, *Langford .. 0. . ..,..... , .. *Willoughby., , . Glendenning. , Miller. , . • ... • (McVeity..., IDuroeher , Beast _ Crawford . *Magwoocl . .... ........ ...* Lancaster, , . . Winch.... . Gibson.... .. Saw .. , . • • •....•.664 •••• • Lytler... *Miseainpbell + Duff. ., Thompson...• Fulton, .. • . *Ryerson•, .. Y.....,,.....• *Crawford 6• .,,Y....,,,.•• • . .. . , . Bryans.... + . Campbell , . ........ Otterbein„ . „ ... Sipes..... McCleary.. . 1i .... Park... .,. ,..... *'l.lidil(er , . .. • iehoIson .... ., ....,i�'r...4e.f.. John.; ..f .Y •..... • , • ,, *Moxaughton Valens:. .. *McDonald ..� Jeffs. ..... 1 *Kidd.. *Dynes ..... . Fox.— . , .. , , Wintermute Dodson.. .. *Haycock... � Scott., , Metcalfe.:.. , *Gamey. ,• eNi t iVI CI ol *Senn , , . f 1 *11zcLaren ... Milne.. , .... . Connolly .. • . Darling.. - . ” Groves... Ferguson . Briscoe..... , 'Wilson. Thompson.. , , *Shore... , , Alexander• Crawford .. . I Cruse . Dalton.. .Y ,• Ewing...,, . . , ( 1 Horsman .. . Nancekivllle .. . .•..... .. ...:. . ... MoNelll ... , �•. D Cross. „ *Ca'ven.. ,. VS • • • .. . • .. •. C+ Lawson.. ...... *Currie.. .. Coutts .....'.Y , *.Bennett 60 .4 y Ai • , • • • • • + .... • • • Thurston ., , .. . • • , tilt , . :,,.,.. Y 61 'ti a ii 4 .. ,4. • . . .. Y• , ... . , fa . Y rat* , Y 61 +• •rra,*.•.......... 4,.• Y.• I,„ , I' P P P P 11 It 18 099 b R standing and 542 under temporary 8. suspension,. making a total of 18,644, q; New members to ethc number of, fi 4,041 were initiated into the Order, being 111 over any previous record; 147 nett' courts have been instituted T during tl,c year, being 1,3. in excess V of any previous year itltimhistory of Tv thio Order, 'There are now 510 mute in existcthee throughout Canada, shy W follows: 1n Quebec 04,NewtV e1 I3rtltis wiek 1, Manitoba t12, North West IV 'Cet'ritorie3 10, British Columbia 8,'V Nota Scotia 2, and Ontario 3(ilt, V The death claims presented during y' the teed year ttttntbered 88, invuly y ing the payment of $88,000: The rtenth rates, ,1.77 leer 11)0 members, is 'rhos° marked thus (*) have ltc 27 'Cnn.ervativee,15 Patrons and Independent. Hopkins (P. P.A)., Campbel1...... ,. I am prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn and well dressed. GEO,'SHAW.. Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1893. DR. McLELLAN, LONDON, ONT. 234 Dundas Street, EYE and VAR , SURGEON,. '4 Gradulte of the New York t)•o and Ear hospital, 1889. Post Graduate Coarse en the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat nt the New York Post Graduate Medical School and 1:Iospital, 1892. Eyes Tested. Glasses Applied. Fine stook -of S iectacles, Lenses and surtYttefal Eves, Will be at the Brunswick House, WINGIL&M, The first THURSDAY oP each month, at date named below: 4nchanan(p.1", A.) Next Visit,. July 5111, X894. Hours 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Charges . • • moderate. IcGillivary.. with (P. P. A.) .. fancoek (P.P,A.).. raham ... aggerty........ •.. MoCallum(P.P.A.) Gard (P. P. A.) . . re 44 ournier. • .. , , . . .` Mcrntyre,.... Biok- Y, .66 aeidson. , .... . lected. As will bo seen, there are 50 T.iblak'rnle 1?, A's. sleeted. ' 1• MEN,-�—� If you want your SPRING SUITS' made in the latest style, go to G. H. I RVI N 4, opposite Bank of Hamilton, WINGUAM. Special 2 • I have a full stook of Watches, Clocks, Jewel to whioh T invite, special attention. BARGAINS WILL BE C ll rItEPAIIt NSPECIALTY, 1.\ (� A SI I�CI'AT,TY, and all work done onittheeprcmtissyess.. LyF . PAT.1.ERSO . H ll otl,DWinghatia rte slats + , f(�i*�I ,I I ,H I !lw•p AF 141.. Ir'M'9T�W1.4*Ir „r. Lam..-..: .,.—.� ..,- _.. .......a..... -...o..... . EAST WAWA. nSIL The council. met on Juno 181 pursuant to adjournment; mcmb( all present, Minutes of last meth read and adopted. Court of Be. Sion resumed• • Wen Deacon, tens - N. pt. 38 and Nal Wjj 34, eon. 9, ea plaincd that this property. waset high nssesssd; reduced 000, 1V1 • J.. Currie assessed as owner of N lot 41, eon. 13, Edwin Wight= to be assessed as tenant of I,2 IJP l 41, eon. 8. George Stewart, as ow tr of N. E. p1 lot 42, con, 8, at Thomas Rainey, formerly owner this property,. struck off, Nam, I added : L, F. N ether y, lot 40, eon. M, F. 0.; Win. Houlihan, jun,. lot 4 eon, .5, M..1?.0.; Albert Swafiiel lot 40, con.. 7, M, 1?.; John G. Di (Iowan, lot 39, eon. 2, M. F. 1?. Win. Keoliva, jun., lot 30, con. 1, F. F, S.; Wm. • 5, 'Walden, lot 3 eon. 2, M. V. F. S. It was then me eh; by Itlr. Sidon, seconded by 111 Scott,. that the assessment roll as n revised and corrected be passed, al the court closed f'or the present 'yet, ---Carried,. After routine, ;Jab Jermyn, N lot 37,. con. 11, w • liea d regarding action . lately tak by the engineer in examining op ditch to take off' water from this • pr perty, the same running through . t properties of Thos. Lind and , Tair • Perdue, lot 38, coil, 11; no action t en. George Irwin, lot 39, con. 1 was present complaining that Hen Deacon wanted to stop up road elle ailee on blind line, con. 10. It yr • the unanimous opinion.of of the couu that this road as at present eonstit ed, being township property shot be kept open. 11 special grant of - Was appropriated for cutting hill sideline .83. and 34, coil. 8. Anoti grant to`pay for ditching and oth wise repairing hill .at lot 42, con and 0, near Belgrave, was asked and allowed, Cuaneillor Scott to , tend to this and use his own disc tion in the matter. Applfgatious the affhce of colleetor of taxes for current year in place of John Tay deceased; were received from Cha ;Campbell; Marnoel:i, $60; Gregor , 'Gowan, Blyth,;$G0; and Wm. 1Vi 'man, Belgrave, $58. Moved by Shiell, seconded by Mr. Roberta • that-Char>les Campbell- be tippet"' colieetor, salary $00, and that - furnish good and sufficient securit ' the amount of $8000 for the duej fortnaitco of the same. Moves amendment?by Mr, McGowan. onded by Mr. Scott, that Gregor Gowan be appointed colleetor. Mo • carried by -Vote of the reeve. P Mason was appointed, pa:thniastei stead of Hugh °McBurney for road • vision No. 76, on sideline Wand, con. 9 and 10. The following bentures were signed and issuecla Robert Johnston, sen., 3 days the ling gravel, Division No, 10, 1 $3; Win. Darer, filling up wash sideline 33 and 34, eon. 1, y,3; D Ta lot. refill d ' y 1 of statute label 1893, SI • Messrs. J. Cook, J Hoover, Benj. Winner end Waf. Tackson, lumber for enlverts, t Jas. At mstrong, 41 rods 'wire. fe • lot 20, con. 6, 84. John Dlarw digging •dlteh lot 30, con. O and 7 Riohard Leishman, digging d across road allowance lot 82, eon and 11, $6.50. George Robertson pairing culvert sideline 33 and con. 12, $1. 1V1u. Patoll8 cedar vert sideline 39 aiid 40, con $2.25. George Quinn and Alit Auld funeral expenses Of the • p George Coates, ti 25. , :Messrs. 0 -Hayes and Gledhill, services as trators re now union school, East West Wateanosh • East Waw - share, 043, John Gillespie; W church, 28. yards -gravel per Th Cempbell, spatllnhaster, $1.10. Carr,. 65 ynrds•gravel, per Joh Hoover, pathmaster, tS3.25. council then adjourned till Thtur 9th arty of August next. • P. Poitri uiilxiin, Ole The man who stole it hors rig from Adam Hays livery in forth, last October, was cartel other day its Durham., where h been trying to dispose of anoth fit seine!' he had appropriated, the third so far as known, the s being taken, from Gravenhur the Inst„one froth • Sarnia. It his name ne as ) y� t Irtt 1J ` 1, Ct t 1Vilsol 1 i, li several aliases, and is evide 'confirmed thief unci aough 11 ease,. ` see,; He W118 brought before Tones on _Motidaty of last we: found guilty. Ile Was sente one year and 11 months to the( Prison. Mr. Hays' horse was ill Muskoka,• but ti'& rig it etil �8'• A