HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-29, Page 3a,.
....741r ' ! 7.• T";,"—
(CONDUCTSU aVI TitIf. /soar Awou.)
P/10 (all and Pante and Natdre Lanct,
• .
well tali the at,Lention, of the mothers and lusters
to the facti that the Woman's Christian Temper.
8llet1 Onion meets every Monday tkt three o'clock
sharp, for one hour, at Mrs Eleim's residence, I4at,
riek street. All ladles aro made welcome
4.8 the Halter hes kindly 10111011 114 padoi hj$
space, tor our work, WO 441( St if.111414 of the cause to
send Items of Interest on ill! moral %mittens of the
414,1" to any or our members.
The Silly Garclener.--A
1 life-- 4 t is an actual. force. Through i •
1111T: *IN GI -IAN TIMES, JUN14: 29, (894.
vhich is the real and controlling ROW tO Raase Vegetables.
follovving is said to be an Vice rarely lingers round the wash
Original Vroverbs.
prea.01. (WWII in Its deellet Sense excellent Am for growing cucumbers tub,
; does n4lt „away s int an asking) We and melons121a, small garden : Dig ,
come in tottelt with Gotland with the the, ground. up mellow and deep and A bar -room light is the wrecker's
And what is it that delays the eight or ten feet apart each way, • Some Alen can't even take the ad••
victory'? Let christian voters very slightly raised and about three vice they pay for.
clead, anal work without votes is (100(1 inany empty barrels (mithout head in diseases as it cure.
power that Makes for righteouSneee. make it pretty rich,. Then make
answer! Pyo r is werk feet in diameter. Now you need medieln& makes as By ihtta
kleetroy (in this country where the a barrel in the center
Powerful press it down into the soil so that
of each hill A Ulan Wil0 IS 1118 own doctor never
needa a patient
peeple rule). Satan's i•nost
; emissary. Ales! ti t 01
also. , Nothing but votes will Over either end) as you have hills,
131* J, liMOUGH.
• '
A gentleman who owued beituti-;
ful garden of which he was very
proud, engaged a 4, ardner to take
charge of it, being assured that the t
latter was a skilled and experienced
workman. One clay seeing the gar.
dozier at work with the pruning
knife upon a large plant he -
proached to 'watch the operation.
"I suppose," he said, "this is some 0
lit n stians • it a,en not 1 I
themselves should hinder the comity; each barrel with fertilizer from
of the kingdom, "Prepare ya the•stable, old leave, etc; am pm
was of the Lord!" ,I. pail or so of water 011 each.
to -day "the dramshop stands in i Now around the outside Of
the King's highway," and until this ^barrels
obstruction is remove plant the seeds, and whet
d it avails little Plants Como up thin them 'out se
to pray, "Thy kingdom eome." But ! they /Ire about six inches a
. ,
because of our im ,t. •
of the firm held whieh praying twatering the plants directly sin
mothers have upon God's willingness, pour water by the pailful into
the Spirit is =vine. dell w'tl. '
. )ow over. Nearly fill
the phy homeopathie doses.
r ; :
There is no such master of speech.
the as a won= in a few words,
the A. drunkard can swallow more
that money than ,a family can earn.
- Even an. allopatli prefers philoso-
If there WOM an exchange of
Y,because ; Ihroughout the summer instead of breaths, mere men aeenid seek, di..
W1Y yore°.
U101'e 1 barrels of compost and it will filter ; The worst of Cannibals is the =n-
orm upon the heart and conseienee 1 through slowly carrying a• moisture stet who feeds upon a good wife's
f the Christian citizen and ere krng and nutriment to the very roots
earthly powers and human law will 'the vines around theedge of
yield to, its divine influence. . I barrel,----Fama and Home.
are the best, cheapest, and the most! C. 1:). :Foss, Esq., C. E., S
under all circumstances they may "" S
1 ,..1‘,Et- : Central Railway -,'14.
" I keep IC. D. C. constan
popular remedies at'all seasons„ and
be used with safety and . with ,, , on band. I should net know how
certainty of doing good. Eruptions,th.";;eret on without it. For many ye
rashes, and all descriptions of skin have suffered :with indigestion a
diseases, sores, ulcerations and burns fga lei.eclaittynofa_the stoman. I tried
ns remedies but found
new variety of flower you are so
eaarefully cultivating ?"
"Oh, no sir, replied the gardener,
"this is a noxious weed and I amdo-
ing my best to destroy it."
- "Why, then, do you not pull it up
by •tite root asked the owner.
"That plan," replied the gardendr,
"is not practical. It has been tried
in Maine, Kansas and other places,
and it is found the • roots cannot be
perfectly got rid of. The weed re-
appears hero and there, do what you
will. So I have adopted what is
called the regulation and control
system,. Since the weed cannot be
exterminated, I am content to keep
it within bounds,"
• • "Well,' all I have to say is, you are
ar fool," replied the gentlemau angri-
la, and I have no further use
you in my garden, There is el
one thing to be clone with weeds, a
that is to, absolutely root them on
"Then," said the 'gardener,
put on his coat tedepart„ "how 0011
it that you oppose the prohibition
the liquor tame weed, and favor the
• system of regulation by • license?"
And as he departed lie observed that
his employer was'deeply im-
mersed in thought..
• Moral—Social weeds require the
sante trEatMent that common sense for WUCCIS th9 vegetable
ee heart,
up in bristlewhat he
When a man turns hog' he more
than mak
'leeks hams.
A blackmailing sheet is the only
tly place in 'which to advertise for a lost
to 'reputation.
ars Some folks make tile painful mis-
nd take of thinking they can't get the
a clirt off without taking the skin with
no it
are °sandy benefited and ultimately
cured, by these healing, soothing, and
pnrifying medicaments. The •Oint-
thorough relief till I tried K. D, C. •
I have recommended it to man,
meat . tibbect - upon the abdomen • others, and Like hagia. "It :dialers acted like
in every case with ,bene- ne-iaio, I had scarcely e'er any need to
elieekS .all tendency' to irritation ' in 1 Mal 'results. . • 1 have also found it an gi ve the second - dose of Dr. Fowler's
.the bowels, and. averts .diarrlicea and ; excellent corrective 111 0880 ofsunnuer Extract of 1,"Vild Strawberry for summerother d:sorders of the intestines I coraptain'' t.. • complaints," Mrs. Walter GoVenlock,
Ethel, On t.
frequently pe•revailinthrouab. the I- __a_
gadding a Room. or Flies
summer incl fruit 80850115. Heat l• : • , 1 . She. (after the proposal) : You must
for lumps, blotches., pimples, inflaimna- I. Flies are the pest and worry of all give Me time.. He : To -consider
ily dons, of the skin, muscular '
palm, :tidy housekeepers, and how to rid a She ; No ; to break off my last efiga-
t," glalldS Call be. effectively overcome to many. WhiS is quite
be by using Holloway's remedies accord- compfished by taking advantage of
easilY ac'" 1 a'0.Makirnf:talt my.awaerrese badly swollen that 1
ies ing to the instructions accompanyiiig
of every packet. •
files, habit of flying to the window OIL and to my d astonishment it gave
shoes. 1 -got Yellow
, or place from whin light is admitted instant relief, an two bottles complete]
ncl neuralgic affections, and enlarged ament.
room of flies is an unsolved problem g
• Our Importunity. •
\VIiitc-ribboners with the eine
nee of twenty years hobbit' the
know full well „ that prayer for t
overthrow of the liquor traffic is. not
• in any sense an effort to overcome
• Gocl's reluctance, but that it is a tak-
ing hold. of His willingness. They
know that they ask according to His
• • will, for the -petition is in harmony
.• • with the purpose for which the only
Begotten came into the world—the
salvation of men._ Christ tame to de-
stroy the works of the devil, of which
this day it allay be truly said the
• liquor traffic is the chief. The same
-• spirit which inspired the Crusaders is
.manifest .to -day in the persistency
with which. the W. C. T. U. wages
• war against the rum power. Itis God
working in the Christian motherhoca
of our land and °Pother lands to evil
anci to accomplish this, darken all e6urea me. Mrs. W. G. iVIcKay, Berwick,
,The Champion Stalnp-Lieker. the windows With a heavy shade or Int
woman in a Philadelphia publishing of the shades, over )vhich is firmly sued for divorce, is• an admirable
Her name is Ada Crawford fore -hole in one , •Sdulptor Park, who has just been
any material, cutting' a
house, and she can lick 3,000 stamps pinned a sheet, of the common trans- artist, but he cannot make a model
an hour and keep it up for days at parent fly paper, and., if possible have ' of a husband.
a time. It is not as ,sponge this located0 at one of the east, south 1
teeth. The use of Ivory White Tooth
heti .be but a shert time ere the flies in . ever. a , • Re°P e "gh more than
the loom will be sticking to this druggists.
does it with a dainty lick of • It'o so nice. Price 25e. Sold by
tollgate. She had felt not the slightest
1.- ill effects from the proceeding, and has paper in this effort to 136 near the'
Fitzgoober was considerably • put
light. This is far easier and more
m e• '
„,one so far as to assert that her appe- : out the othernight when he went to
he tite &fisher iftrade isslaekand therm cleanly' than placing 'paper' about
or a damper, or a roller that
s,ie or west windows, from which the ome people laugh to show their
ItSeS to moisten the gum but site most light may be obtained. It will P •(.1 ' •
are no stamps to lick ! Miss Crawford the room for them to accidentally father.:
, ea on ns girl. How? By hr
has been at this sort of work for four light upon, or killing . them with ,
years. Now, accOrding to her MI poisoned liquid, or pyrethrum powder.
figures, she can stamp 24,000 eirve; A Be Ti to R-0—rsernett.—One bottle
lopes a day. Allowing for slack of Bugh°sh Spavin Linimegt completely
days, we might say that she Works removed 8 curb from . my Norse. I take
at this pace 200 days in a year, a pleasure in recommending the remedy, [
?ebullition whin brings the number. b
,:taseit acts with mysterious promptness in
of stamps hp to 4,800,000. In four calloruesilelvlaUnnTsm blood
essofavliianrcl,sslt tor
years, . 19,200,030 postage stamps carros, sweenY, sixties andi4railiati.1411E0s., 1
Will' have passed gum down over her ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold at I
dainty tongue, equal to more thani makes me tired to see that
Chishohn's Drugstore, Winghain. It
the total number of letters •sent • The 1110011 is not so email after all. wheel go round, said lazy Lumpkin
through the Norwegian postoffice in It's surface is fully as great as that to his friend. If it wasn't tired it
a year. - of Africa and Australia combined. , wouldn't go round, answered the.
When Baby 'was s;..:.:, we ore her Citstorts.
When she was a C111..i, s'ao Dried for Castorla,
IThon she became,. ,51"..e, she c:nag 14 Ca4oria,
When she had Children, sae
1 • During the last fifty years more • •
and to do of His own good pleasure
• We are impelled forward by a "Jewel
not of oursehes, yet a power tha
Tirod, Weak, Nervous,
than 9,000,000 people have emigrated
Means impure blood, addoverwork or from England, of
only way tocure is to feed the nery
' .whorn 10, por cent,
• toe. much strain on brain and body. The have returned.
t pure blood. Thousands of people certif lkheumatism Cured in day.—Son tit ' '11
es on•
. 1 Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It
about $12.50 from De -
American 1Theumatio Cure of Rhemnatisin. i troit ; $15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland,
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 clays. for the round trip, including laicals and
Its action on the system is remarkable and ' berths. Avoid theheat and dust by travel
nlYaterlone. It removes at once the , cause ing on the D. & 0. floating palaces: The
of -the disease immediately disappearS. The i attractions of a trip to the Mackinac region
first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.1 are unsurpassed. The island itself is a
Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. 1 grand romantie spot its climate most in -
operates i11. evely heart touched by that
the 'heeds of humanity. Before Hood
Of"Mbrist can reign as King, before for ot
God's purpose in man and for Man cares
can be fulfilled, this monster antiquity
must be driven from the fade of the
earth, the wOrld mustcarth, be freed from
the subtle bondage of a legalized
evil. • •
the best blood purifier, the. best o. ony cost you
tonic and strength builder is
's Sarsaparilla. What it, has clone
hors it will also do for you—Hood's
Seeing then that the drink trail°
is foreordained to destruetion, why is
it neeessary to keep on praying about
it ? Seeing we appeal not to an un-
just but to a just Judge to avenge
us of our adversary, why need we
-(1)e so importunate .? This question
is asked by one who is heart end
soul with us, but who thinks we
"pray too much." Our prayer, our
demand, spoken in the name of
Christ, to whom is given "all power
Iti heaven and ea,rth," is the
medium throtigh which we take bold
• of and apply that power. It the
lever which sets hi model) those
forces which bring the fulfilment of
aepur heart's desire. 4
Bemuse WO do not understand the
laws of spiritual dynanties, that isms
reason why we should hesitate to
pply them. The child does not
Understand the laws of electricity,
• Yet by the simple pressing of a button
he is able to flood the room with light
or set in motion ponderous machinery,
And so we speak advisedly. of the
"power of prayer," III the spiritual
HOon'S PILLS cure constipation by
restoring peristaltic action ot the alimen- A man always wants somethino.. vigorating. Two new steel passenger
• for his dinner that is not on the table. upper lake route costing $800,0031 eneL.
taffy canal. • '
b steamers have just :been built for the
Sate Busi• ness hotheds. Thcy equipp'eci 'with Miery modern
Jillson says that under the laws oonaonietloo, annunciators, bath -rooms,
Settle often ; have short accounts. against gambling a bookmaker's : ere., illuminated throughout by electricity,
• Social calls are: best aciaPtlDBted to contracts are not binding. and are yaranteed to be ilio grandest,
the soeial ditto. . • largest an safest stemners on fresh wetr.
eart isease elieved 30 TheSe steamets favorably compare wii]i
• Treat all with respeet, confide in admattes..—All eases of Orgasi io sYln- I. lin wreat ocean liners in construction
'1-Taml a phibe for everythine' and minutes and quickly mired, by, Ag- Toledo, Detroit, pout? Mackinac, St.
few, wrong 110 man. • pathetic heart disease relieved in 30i 3p;,Pci, Four WE per week between
everytlfing in its place. new's Ohre. SoId at Chisholm a rug- Igimee, Petoskey, Ohleago, "Boo," Mar -
store, Whigham.
13usiness men, in business hours, queue and Duluth. Daily 'between Cleve-
Yott Will miss it if you undertake ' hintl "ad Detroit. Daily between Cleve -
attend only to business matters, land and•Put-fn-Bay. 'the parlors
'Bogus generally dress well. Tilt to measure a man's i ell,,Ion by the and staterooms of these steamers arc ao
rich are generally plain inen. I length of his faeo. I -signal for the cotnpleto entettamme t ol
bnimmity- under 110010 conditions; the pal.
Because a friend is polite, do not ! Now that is stew bad, aithe coOk atial equipment, the luxtiry of the rip.
think his time is valueless. • , said when his assistant allowed the peintments, makes traveling on IlieSe
I Itttrated descriptive' panirdet. .d.ddress
sutured for rXtvolv0
osrsters burin
,Ser thoroughly eajoyable. Send for
Mr, Geo, 11. WilliaMs the eXtensive TWo yettra ago I had il bio. attack P, A
writes seffetea very serateb, iron; Burdock Blood Bitters, and oan truly I
..11) A. ,Socitistrz, G. ., D. .
marinfaetUrer of fruit baLkete, ,ytoroja et bilioesness and .tOok one bottle Of ' etrea, Ch.
tick and nervous headeolies arid bilious- recommend it to anyone suffering front
ness foroVer twolve Y'SarEt InIct had tried this complaiut. Mrs' °hint Brown, To. I What frightful ordeal was it that
al • the 'advertised pills, .nowdets, and t°'itc4 I turned young Itiggleby'e halrovhito?
other triedibines, hut obtatued very little A tea -kettle can sing when, ib is • Olt, ha fell in love with a deaf a
relief; until about two years ageel began merely lilted with water, But man dumb girl and tile to propose to
have beee a different man and nOW sot, prowl man, is no tea -kettle.
to -use fs' tarkie Powders told Billet) then her,
iwye aa eadache. If I heve tory m.
te one th t way Stark's rewdersuive mu Gong' (ka'r:' I e°°Icett
bymeatatt, rag', pride, 2504,11 box; those muffins myself" this morning.'
sold by all medicine dealers, George; eat them if they kill met ,
**O`.1 tRiit for ot.har auras; *5 Z. c. Ville tone and regniate
rve• l spent for ttei bowtle.
leb's Remedy- for Catarrh le the
Ilea, *West to 11s, end 011.6aPela,
CAT/N. R R E-1
AIM by dr moat by kosn,
AV. natal temoanktroo, tra.
A BleSSilig to Every Houtob.o1C,
These remedies have stood the test of nay years experience, end are pronounced the 1., nt
Patully mu,
Pont) the blood, correct all disorders ot the IMP., nom 1 t 2, 1112 Z.? 1t
!available III ell complaints incidental to females of ull eiteS.
is the only reliableremedy for bad Jet, sores, ulcers, and old wounds.. Pop. Iwo
THROATS, coons, "OLDS, GOUT, ItiUMAT1101, .1;1:ADO...AU SWR1,14Nfet,
DIS2i4558. IT Hots NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 75, NOY Oxiord, Late 5:13, °sto1.
ol SO
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world,
f4-'•ite'Piqobftsforif 011oUld 100IC to the Label on the Boxes and Pot. If the ailress
on Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
Cheap for KASE
• • THE OXFORD'. •
That will Sum
... Equally . • .
Die 011111:1PI
without w
Makes and Burns its Own Gas
From Common Coal oil
Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents..
Has the Largest Oven.
Is Everybody's
Cook Stove.
See it.
0 • 11 t
.---FOR HATA Hr --
war "D 8:
.11:: MENTHOL PLASTgFt uarr.
Our Clubbing Rates,
The Touts and torouto Globe. weekly ..... ...$ 1 lid
The Teem and Toronto Umpire. weekl,s" 1 75
The Tnua and London Advertiser, woodyI is
The Timms and London Free Ness, wceltly1 MI
The Terse and Montreal Herald, weekly 1 50
The Tome and Montreal Wittrefor, weekly 1 80
'The Touts and Toronto Daily World .0 50
TheTouts and Montreal Family Herald and Star
»moldy, and 'premium. ..... ...... Vi
The Totes and The Ladies' Journal, mohtlitY,
TArotlto1 tra
. 'rho and Cosmopolitan Magazineononthly,
Now York • .. 25
Tho Timis and The . and
nonsobeid Voitmatilon, monthly. .. 1 Ta
the terns nd Moaners* Advocate, hi.veclay 1 110
The Toms eta the coutvat,,m, mut Country
Gentleman, weelth 55
Itedueed rates with an eiherattpers not -mentioned
hi the above list,
Trttos Orricr,.
GUitEti. sv
V .1
ant thankful to
beetis 1 atrt to -day strong ana wett
through it wonderful blood eleatising
owers. I was troulilea with seroftilons
spots and bleraishea all over my body
and WW1 advised to try Itordoek Blood
Bitters. X took one bottle, with, greet
arid etin ppOitiVAY flay that
before 1 bad taken half 6£ the etend
bottle 1 was
Ain So pleased to be strong and
healthy again by the title BB.Bad
can strongly retommend it to every-
body. Loewe Miasmic
sotto Mutes, US.