HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-22, Page 71t
1paxttive Ant3l1141.0 Jteeela•e.\u MMTest nn sun -
dais, Only litillc..
Trained animals do not° like Sunday.
One would natal
naturally suppose that 4 i �' pp
that day, when they do not have to go
through their daces in the big ring in
the arena, and show off to an audience
what they van do, but lie comfortably
'in their Cages and sleep, that they would
:enjoy themselves very =elf better
than on any other, but such is not the
Case. •
Sunday is medicine day. Any one
wino knows anything about a lieu will
acknowledge at once that to get one of
these annuals to take a nostrum is
simply out of the question. The sense
of smell with the lion is in a very
high state of development, and, no mat-
ter how subtle the physician may be,
medicines are hard to get down a lion's
throat, if not actually impossible. Pro-
feasor Darling, who is perhaps one of
the best informed men at present
!Flie *mine.
The ermine i a queer animal.. It is ; COCOA.
one thing in winter land another tiling
in sulniuer. ° That is a strange state- The Oft times: itaerv, .101)nt
meat, but it is true, for in. winter the I. Answered.
animal's l.'s fur is as white as snow and is Of the thousands who drink cocoa few
. iti
s ob•
rwhere d+
Ys t
i ru.exactly 13 w e-
mr to itshow Il 1
Lknow i
• i In1
Called the ermine,
turns reddish brown on the upper part tamed. Froin an article i11 Goad Howse.
of the body and alight yellow . on the keening on the subject we take- the Isle•
lower part; the animal is then known lowing description: -
as the stoat, , It is a popular error that cocoa and
This change is quite familiar to natux : flee i;ocoanut are lit some way reliated-
mists but not to unscientific people, and an error which is clue to the similarity
the ermine and the stoat are, therefore, of the namesabut to no other property in
generally regarded as distinct animals, • common, Cocoa is the product of the
The fur of the ermine is much valued seeds of trees of the genus !lt eobroma•-
and is in great request. At one ter}te it signifying "roadof the gods.' The trees
was a mark of great rpyalty; and attl�es are natives of the tropical portions of t a
state robes of judges and magistrates continent, though they now grow, by
were lined with it as an, emblem of cultivation, in some of the low latitude,
purity. n _ 1 of the Easterly. hemisphere. At the time.
The ermine is so cunning in its ways of the discovery of Yucatan, it is said
that it is almost as difficult to catch as the Indians were usiug the leads as
it is to "catch a weasel asleep." In money, while in Mexico, when it .was
fact, about the only way to capture it is first visited by the Spaniards, the
to mark its course .from its home and Aztecs made tram thein a bevereg e
then strew mud in its pathway. When which they called chocolate- wliri?ce
xs xt, Vole
�l O
Genie et Thought,
Mirth is short-lived; cheerfulness
never dies.
Cumbrous ltlsury is the death f
true ho
b <
•on the question of lions, Was found tete lnoder23 name of chuc4late, lite
.stroking one of his brute's manes II the dainty, fastidious little • animal,
the bars of the cage the other ereaehes the point in its path where the first writer to state these facts was the
day, when he turned and sa,i.cl:intoe is strewn, it will lie down and sub- , Spanish explorer, Capt,, Gonzalo Per -
"Did you ever see a lion drink?" jest itself to capture and death rather nanclez de Oviedo y Valdes who wrote
Now the popular idea is that a lion than smirch one of its snow-white hairs. about the initiate of the sixteenth cen-
'eats, but sloes not drink. No one ever -Philadelphia Times, tory regarding the origin of the new
heard of any one else ever telling about beverage, whioh was at that time first
.a lion drinking. No one ever associated Arrival of Dangerous Insects. attracting attention in sorne of the
Oinking with the lion, yet the lions do Whether or not dangerous insects Enropetan countries,
drink, and Sunday is drinking day.. It were carried to Chicago with exhibits There are .several species of the genus
• is the one day of seven that they take for the world's fair, it is well established 1 Theobroma, the most valuable of which
. off and devote to drinking, but at the 'that many such creatures do reach this is the Theobroma- cacao, which is fro-
naive thele it is the one day. of sevencountry through the custom -houses. quentlyrspal:eu of as the cocoa tree, in
that they devote to fasting. I Entomologists believe that the latest and 1 distinction from other members of the
Said Professor Darling: "From Satur-•' most destructive borer is a recent i1n- ' geniis, This; tree is extensively cul-
• day afternoon until Monday night 1ny portation from Europe, and it is net tivated in the countries lying near the
lions never Fret one bite of food. This unusual to hear of numerous tropicalequator on. this continent, 'and lilts been
' enay appear on, the surface very cruel; spiders being found in newly imported 1 introduced with success into similar
it may look as though they were half ; bunches of bananas. Nearly all raw .latitudes in Asia and Africa. It usually
starved, and to many who imagine that materials, vegetables or animas, come growa to a height of souse twenty feet,
'ave overfeed our animals it may look in bearing insect eggs or living insects. i though occasionally attaining thirty ,or
like a horribleprevarication, but it is a New York Sun. 1 thirty-five feet. The trunk grows m a
straight stem to tete height of from lex
fact nevertheless. Each hon during the , Ao61on,
week is fed once a day. This feed is I tae ten feet, when it divides from.
given thein directly after they have Siamese instruments of torture are' numerous branches. The - fruit of ;the
finished their work, never before, and it made m England, 'and bear the trade , tree ripenswice a year, and snag bo
'consists of a chunk of meat weighing, nark of a prominent Birmingham firm. ; compared to' a cucumber in shape •lbetug
twenty pounds. A French surgeon removed abullet six to ten inches in length, red oft side
"After I have ended my performance ' from the eye of a child without destroy- ; most exposed to the sun, and yullrow else -
Saturday night my lions wait until ing the sight of the optic. where. The rind is hard and warty,
Monday night after the performance The Roman architects used to put ' enclosing a sweetish, pleasan}tly flavored
before they taste meat, and all they get empty jugs in the walls of theatres to pulp, embedded., in whigle are about
• is milk. You know the lion belongs to make their more resonant. twenty beans, the size otelarge ;almonds:
the cat tribe. You have often seen a Taking it year in and year out the each, of which is inclo bd i11 a thin, retie
• pretty little pussy sitting over a saucer coldest hour of each twenty-four is a dish•brown scale o: skin, which when
ul `ntily as o'ciock in the morning. broken and sepaeafed 'fr•orn the inner
Ca g•Iu2lnwssiouistia, ` I bean or kernel,, lins teal' cocoa shells of
it. Well, a . lion is simply a great big deserted. Through commerce, 'Which are often used in
g ration of aver •, guild and
Ile Is truly polite who says and
does kind things in a kine way.
Authors should not so much make
us read as make us think.
The wise and active conquer diffi-
culties by daring to attempt them,
Forgetfulness' and carelessness are
the by -ways that lead to failure,
The discreet man will not forget
whenladies are absent that gentlemen
t be resect,
A Good Appetite •
Always accompanies good health, and an
absence of appetite is an indication of
something wrong. The loss of a rational
desire for food is soon followed by lack
of strength, for when the supply of fuel
is cut oil' the fire burns low. •The system
gets into a low state, and is liable to
severe attacks of disease. The universal
testimony given by those who have used
Hood's Sarsaparilla,as to its great merits
in restoring!•andsharpening the appetite,
in promoting healthy action of the diges-
tive organs, and as a purifier of the
blood, constitutes the strongest recom-
mendation that can be urged for any
medicine. Those who bave never used
Hood's Sarsaparilla should surely do so
this season..
of cream and Lapp g' rt as dal
n be imagined and seeming to enjoy
J. oat. They all come from the same The kitchen was the peel beverage
source, and they all have, instincts alike, the western window the last reel light the pied beverage. The tree attains its
'j and, as a hatter of protection to the of day was•ponring,nialciug.all the corn- full/vigor and produotivenees when
health of my animals, 1 give them on monplace things lurid and fearful. The seven or eight years old. and will yield.
Sundtfer only milk. This aces as a tonic, Holland shades were dyed with the a satisfactory crop for perhaps twenty
and tones up their sjstems. That is color; the piffle board floor was bathed years or more. The average yield of a
why I have been. able to keep these five with it. Crimson played upon the bar- + tree is from•twenty to thirty pounds of
.that I have for so many years and work rels and the pans. Weird and dreadful dried beans in a year.
them hard (because it is hard work for was the all-pervading hue. By the ; . The ripened pods are'. gathered twice a
these animals) and still have them look- stove, in which there was no upon fire,
l Th1a year, and after being picked molfrol the
• for
ing so well hatchet with reddish spots1 tree are allowed to lie and fern
"Would you like to see the lions floor was
stained nears by with ye ld some five or six clays, being kept in
i drink?" he said, turning to 1ne,' and blot of r 3 y q g ' n vessels Iley are it en openeed in d s hand,
on the
never having had that opportunity, 1 with horrible in *sten ground.
naturally said "Yes." By and by a girl entered, a girl with the seeds bre removed from the pulp and
The bi<r,'brawny :keeper was call 1 a look of sullen endurance. Her red-• dried either by the sun or artificially-.
To be. at work, to do things for the
world, to turn the current of things
about us by our wills -that is a joy
of which the, idle man knows no more
than the adder knows of the eagle's
trin111pllaut flight into the upper
he brown hair was gathered in a coarse, There is another method, not so agree
and, an order given for some milk. T
lions When they are about to be fed graceless mass.. The reddish -brown of able in contemplation, but which is said BoonA. to Fl orsemen.-One bottle
1 other; h around and her sullen eyes matclied her hair and to yield. an even better quality of cocoa. of English Spavin Liniment completely
make a gr:ea • its .light fallen
lump over each o ner; u s n In that case the fruit is burin In the horse. I take
1 t f s to et their various her old calico hewn, She stood envelop-
°I A - �•..rr
®ids Ege
_ C
`i Vra+Y 'p�` L.)
C q sus
,.' o
E:WARy / .•� ,,�1 I,
Oasiaclian Fttelilc to 1,w'gr.
virilia MTh I' awl. ,iepart as idles', t
LrAttu; arAM*
:8' . ie...,,. ., Par Tomato ...i.:'il,a. in,
lie: p IA ,,
':Sep.in.... „.... .1'er;'ecawates...... .. „:un
1 :#'t N, III „ Ilial) t.
::a''1=:eealea- 70 T'WT7 XV' 'PT • .2" "
.0110l'. AT 1,11111'%1 LOAMY 6r'1(1ittA,(
Cf. .4 114.1'ulnu'r 1011.0 114
:1., Totanto, OA'.(' m
:12a a.
Ur:, • „ .. ., heli' ,.
lt::,.; R. In, tithed lir raln14 stns t:, Ip. in
t0:411 .t to. " mixed tor 4hi ardino• 11.20 a to
3:57 it. oh for lilln,iail•u '{ i p. n1
1O.' 7 .1 ing i7 p. an
11:00 :t t,, , London, Clinton, me:, ia•1J-'
5t0111, 1e
,i cy•y. 1
TN( t.l'nisat ogees, 1'n„n•l,ir'tii. Plotters, Bil
A. I!,mu,cheats es, we„ \i•., t•uruti'V inth0best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and enshort
ttutlet,. Aprlr i,r alttlrom
' T11,1(14 0111co-. +'TSngitain.
Relief in six hours. -Distressing. Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved .in six
flours by tile "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise) and delight to physicians on ac-
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages in male
anc,1 female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief aid cure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
Cure SiCK HEAOAW-1E and Neuralgia
in 20 MINUTES, at.o Cciatcd Tongue, Dizri-
ness,l3iliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath., To stay cured and
regulate the Bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE.
CLEMMH tJri-i DEV. Coi;I:x, Co
ConnIssloN11t is 1I. • C. J., Ere.
`Vnoxurrn, y ONT.
True politeness is the spirit of'
benevolence showing itself in a refin-
de way. It is the expression of good- 1
will and kindness, It promotes bout 1'
beauty in' the mall who possesses. it I
and happines.4 in those who are about
removed a curb ,mm my
f beefsteak, but when the milk ed fn the red
nth mysterious promp
g through the ground till the pulp has decayed, when
Uent u on the r let £411(1 the i'O(1L1Ct i$ pleasure In recommending the remedy,
came in they e d to look at each window. Her eyes were d tli the seeds are slug, o P
other with an e
it comes again! t
titular hurry as to who would first be- sh;?cAlc�e�;,shook she. murmlaired, in a sibilant 1 �vttenIt •,t caries ,weeny, ettfies and sprains. GEO.
gin to lap the milk. that
snot 1 ab'tuall-known ac yeaaccustomed aROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold at
About a quart and a half of rich five she new I tried to open the tomato can , Chisholm', Drugstore, Wingham.
was set down to each of the to wearing evening dress sometimes find
brutes, and slowly, seemingly reluctant- with the hatchets" '. I difficulty in disposing,of their hands to To keep cheese from molding or ;
lea they god upand began to drink it. 1 their entire satisfaction'; indeed, it takes
g elle Curious Letter Q , a "blooded" Iran to know what to do from drying, wrap it in a cloth
'There was a great deal of difference be-sThe letter Q is a superfluous alpha- with his hands and to be able to forget damped with Vinegar, and keep it in I
daintily lads up milk floor l 1 t i and it is a
fi 30
lues$ in
T■ fres n vy'( §.i a'tT tL Hsi
C.auital, e1,'250,0u0. Beet, '0l 0,000.
Presidci•t (t ,'rrAny'.
vice-Preci,ietit---A. (1'. 11ausAv.
irt•v 1•aour4K. W; O, 1 l len, aa'nt Siesos. 31 P, A,'T
a' n'', A. t . Lul'. (Torootoy.
1.ashier--.l. TtJR �BCGr.-
savings Bank-•-Heur1.1ttto 3; Strewth"n10 to
1. 1I ipnsits nt sr tool upwards removed and interest
:Fl)oeial 7.sotzodaits also reedited at aurreot
rams. of interest.
7Jr:Z.fte of mat Itrtta4iu and the United . States
bautcl,t and sold
D. WILLSON, Aoatrx.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
seelne sold as cacao terre. of "Well, here hideous, tell-tale hatchet an e'cr3in- '. the removal from horses of bard, soft or
" inti there was no par- son stain oil the floor: A convulsive Hands ,are a Drawback. calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints,
tathe red tongue o re pus f then. The man with his hands behind a covered dish.
a betfc character -a nondescript of the
or helping curious fact Heart Disease Relievedin
me king of hey se that wont at thole expressing.thoughts writing than one of the one may see in various parts of the town Minutes. -All caeca of organic Or Sym- 1
as a matt They seem to go at it matter
of thong g pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 I
a matter of duty than as a hatter after ends se word signs woulclbe,aIt teb� announcing dress sifts for Salo or to hire utas and Sickly cured, v Ter. 30
asanis displaying the figure of alna111t1 min Q 1
taste; yet in a very few moments ends an Eng;Jut word andc evening dress, the lean is almost always new's Cure. Sold 13t Chisholtn's Drug=
the dish was pester front no them it wasg bin one wiathe tao of the letter Tia represented with one or both hands be- w., ". "'•"- - II,'' as 1
empty: Still, there was clamoring being invariably followed bythe Inst-store,-iiingham.d, ,..,. V - .,,I
any, mora; but they turned over, mentioned letter it all words belonging
li g hind his back; even upon these painted ..... ..It has. --bean foumd i.. 1VT --v
for y language. canvases. while the man's face is bold, i already '
looking drowsily at their. keepers, as if to that Ca dell the "Why" of3theepeculiar his hands are shy. This seems almost a Zealand, that where 'a temperance
w say: o; not, we did it u wan to we pity. It may be that the painters ars CandldatC has _)cell 111 the fields
, towanted to; not because yell wanted ns the foci of the letters Q and U, or why ' modecl by a subtle sympathy with the
to do it." So lodger was given its curious name.
„ Professor"is all Some argue that its Baine was applied; generality of mankind, or by the fact the women's vote hasbeengiven
"That," said Darling, g' that the human hand is a pretty difficult to hila. karst' ''.) n...: ,t•
the Medicine my animals ever get. At because of the tail
itsoriginal Q. vI en • r topaint;but it seems as though, -"Y
times I have sulphur
inattempted to put a stale of the djusst as it is tb-da was made ; b thing p Two years ad
amount of sill Thur in the milk, but the sounded J y' both for art's sake and for the ublic in -
ago I had a base attach I
I it, Too much ineat without the cue, the character much re• ( stritction, they shelled give to the man or bilionsne?s and took one bottle of
animals do not take pound-, on canvas the appearance and the bear. gurdoek Blood Bitters, and can truly
'would just
CS WO ld a the system of a, L. -New
the English sigh forf trained society man "--New recommend it to anyone suffering; from 1
Zion just as it would a man. £, New York Times. .'
"I know very well that lions running
in the jungles do not get milk to drink,
�' yet, on the other blind, you must re-
' member that a lion running in the
jungles lids more room for exercise than
$.lion behind the bars."
Colors, 1•`rontCoal-tltr.� •
Writing about that marvellous color
producer, coal tar, a writer in Long-
man's Magazine reminds us that it is
'only thirty-six years ago that Perkin
"gathered up the fragments" in coal -tar
and produced the beautiful mauve dye.
Now, from the greasy material which
was considered useless is produced mad-
der, wbich snakes coal•tar worth 2100 to
ton. This coloring matter' alone slow
employs an industry of two millions ster-
ling per annum. One 'tone of good.
cannel -coal. 'when distilled in gas re.
, torts, leaves twelve gallons of coal -tar,
'• from which, are produced• a pound
';Of benzine; a' pound of toulene, a
pound and a half of 1)hellol, six pounds
n It of xylene
Of napthalene, a small fettle t y y
and half a pound of ,anthracene for dye-
ing purposes. According to Roscoe,
;there are sixteen. distinct yellow colors,
• twelve orange. thirty red, fifteen. `blue.
seven green and nine violet. besides to
manlier of browns and an infinite num
,ber of ,blendings of all shades, -New
GV -
cat, which is 1.
saucer, and. the great rough tongue of worst sort and of no more real value in his back is a •lmi rar gure;
1 1 ii r to express our that upon the signs which
ltlg, O a `
York Sun. this. complaiat. stirs Chas. Brown, o•
One of the Queen's Eccentricities. tel ionto. •{
• lf(rntes
One of the English Queens i e va• . Belgian :aittrriage Galt .
garies is a dislike for the smell of furs; In Belgium itis the custom
to ins
he never wears them herself,, which is g
certificates of marriages in the form of other stains from White cloth, and I
Ripe tomatoes will remove ink and
all very well. But neither will she per- little hooks with paper covers. These also from the hands.
mit anyone else to wear thele when I hooka, which are often prgcluced in
driving with her. Asan invitation to 1 course of late proceedings, a and are taken 1 Pour boiling water over coffee, tea i
go to ride with her is equivalentittle to a dirty I and fruit stains before putting table-
vagar and, and as another little greenly its evidence, etre apt to become Anel
for an open cAra nage I ting s'etLl`ec1' The burgomaster of elites' .cloths into the stub. ,
vagary is a fondness1 I sels. has therefore, hit upon a new plan. `
all seasons, ne unhappy recipients ei ' th a• charge will be glade for I cols Bleed
in lT(.ucefot g,
of her efore start feel a making.surtheir : the books, which will be neatly bound I can highly s praise Buwol a .Blood
rC starting en a pleasuie.dl eve d silt -eel rod. They will Bitters. MY Y p these wills veto 111 morocco end c g cl a '.n sleeplosnestr, and all
.,• ., '. b ' 1
with tliefr spveielgn` be sntrleth}tu ;lucre thaal ae 1n(�i t, t dills
sate. A summary of Belgian law on the lfu dos k Blood Blttera Georgia Hattnes,
An Australian 'Plan.
, 'y given in them for the
married state. 1 g,
rt- mass
' 1 0 . a
"Gospel hate among Cart." a r and , u
I Ca Ll
Push , p it es t:
lI' 9 CO
The Glospe• r
use Uf'voung pl ,
able chapel lighted by electricity, and ; of other miscellaneous 11110 a 1(11,1ll etre
moved about by three glen or a horse, I directions for the feedingand care of fin-
is coming; into use in et wide and
151\ tants. There are also placed for .inter ing and ail. It lvlll
eight feet long, four feet wide and the flames and bnthdays of the thilclren o yvitlt so11p suds tat 5
feet high, Tt is carpeted and has chairs the authorities eon I b 1
and an organ, while one gide can bo let
a c g �r. ,11.,.1 a
Ent i 1L 1 ,
disappeared after using; two bottles ok
Wood Point, Sackville, N. B.
Don't clean brass with acids. Lyse
putty powder and. sweet oil ; wash ,
of fere marriage, to au i insure rig hues,.
, sideretely affording ,Pelee fpr twelve ,
e will e �d free of charge. One of
�.... " renes r add.
The a tad 11 the two councillors Wait in favoY of c
When a simpleton wants tog i well, ing;' directions for obtaining tt divorce.
1e buys something "to ttil.e, a plitloso his suggestion
1 '- t+• "to do;" and it is
thin ,
. e,
to a n
eat• ...-.�..--..
' owing to the circumstance that the,
- ter has been in a utinor'ity almost minis-
' r l tlble in all nations a21(l ages, that
tillgu>s )
down, forming a platform, such d;Lltries To peed. persons
+ b ratite t
•r,w. ri leen to ult.
Molle" t.,..... t 1144 not to bit a
lines doNrzt, VI is discretion
'it• Careful u t...... t'sitt ", iliist
t td&vi.
doctors aro princes instead'. of pati��l�ers;
lit'dt filth glntltlonlell. instettel of cracking l ra book for the toaolter,
rocks for the turnpike. ook f or -�yhte
be thrown upon one's own re -1
'ccs is to be. cast in the very lap
of fortune; for our facilities then 1111-
\V1%it ft needless to say 1 a st g� dermo a development and display an
was not.... .. -_ energy of which they were previous -
An Ytligttrttlfttl `.teacher. } IV unsure •tilde,
Little Boy -They won't ever get 11e to 1 '
give. another leu cents toward, a present of.
t wrong?
i Whore 11 1lettong e. Little lloy-We got the prineipal to se. .
MI when.,,. There is a great deal of poetry iu leer tree for her, afore 11e pleknil out one
is tau to be , nat-ire-and eve shofalit he all the better ( that was just crowded full of information, 1
inti t off if the poetasters Would onlyleave it's abd olio's been teaching it to us ever since,
'thete,•-Aoil ervilJei ,YotmsaL
UDA(B Vieille Ale LSE All
est ttuglt syrup. Wast aati i ae cy
In nide. old • ttrl _glst5
C (Neal.leal'^T;^N 'u'
er.1 ataaressre
c, 7 °r'i i°'!S •fit-.rn �{
V E' ' tea T . B L
Emissions,Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet,
Scture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by
g' -You can Deposit the Money in Your Bank or with Your Pastmaster
to be paid us after you aro CURED under a written Guarantees
Serf Abuse, Excesses and Blood Diseases have wrecked the lives of thousands of young men
and s-adle aged men. i .farm, maworkshop, ate bhe een indiscreet, bewthe are of the Suture.
Mid,pdl ag have its you
gr. Young man, y
Middle aged once, yon •are growing prematurely weak and old, both s;eaunlly and phyalgal ly.
Consult us before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. ce nfidentiat,
W. S. COLLINS. W.• S. Collins, of Saginaw, Speaks. W. S. COLLINS.
"I am 20. At 15 I learned a bad habit which 1 contin
XL nod till 10. I then became "one of the boys" and le a -
y gay life. Exposure prodaced . yphilis. I bee: ornrv-
,, sitA,,,` e ous and despondent; no ambition; memory p y
ata . ., red, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose,' ebone
paint; weak back; varicocele;,dreams and Losses at
1e1 , 'i'.'1 night; week parte;' deposit in urine etc. I spent hug-
s drods of dollars without help, and was contemplating
suicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy &
'� Kergan's New Method Treatment. Thank GodI
J ' a tried it. la two months I was cured. This was pix
years ago, and never had a return. Was married two 0
0 ' years ago and all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy & Ker- AirrBia rn1 GATM'T
11EFOB»Tnzv tiTM'T gan before giving up hope.
S. A. TONTON., Seminal Weakness, impotency and E. A. TONTON,
Varicocele Cured.
"When I consulted Drs. Konn0ds & Keratin, I had
little hope. I was surprised. Their now Method Treat -
meat improved me the first week. Emissions ceased,
nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in
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mentally. Family Doctors said I was going into
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