The Wingham Times, 1894-06-22, Page 6• THE LIONS' FAST PAY. Pt captive 41nim1/0 Receive -No 'gent on Sun, dais, on1y aina, Trained animals do no like Sunday. One would uaturally SUppose that en that day, when they (lo not have to go through their Paces in the big ring in the arena, and show off to an audience rhat they can do. hut lie comfortably 312, their cages and sleep, that they would enjoy themselves very numb: better -thaI1 on any other, but such is not the ease • Sunday is medicine day. .A.ny one Who Inn:MS anything about a lion will acknowledge a once that to get one of these animals to take a nostrum is simply mit of the question. The sense 44 smell with the lion is in a very high state of development, and, no mat- ter how subtle the physician may be, medicines are hard to get down a lien's , Tut The ermine ie a one thing in 14171 in simmer. ' T moot, but it is tri animal's fur is as called the ermine turns reddish bre of the body and fl lower part"; the a as the stoat. This ohange is alists but not to . the ermine and t generally regard The fur of the and is in great r( was a intuit o state robes of ji purity, , were lined with The ermine is that it is almost throat, if not actually impossible, :Fro - .on •the question of lions, vvas foun then strew limn stroking one of his brute's manes it is to "catch •fessor Darling, who is perhaps one of fact, about the the best informed men. at present c t the dainty, fa to mark its coin "Did you ever see a lion drink?" kreaolies the pair mud is strewn, ject itself to c throngli the bars of the cage the other' day, when he turned and. said; sets, but does not drink. No one ever .-Philadelphia than smirch 0113Now the popular idea is that a lion heard of any one else ever telling about Philadelphia ' .e., lion driialting. No one ever associated drinking with the lion, yet the lions do drink, and. Sunday le dirnking day. It is the ono day of sevea that they take . <off and devote to drinldng, but at the Arrival of 'Whether or were. carried ta for the world's that many such same time it is the one day. of 8BV0Ucountry throu that they d , evote to fasting. Birtomologists Said Professor Darling: "From Satur- most destructie • day afternoon until Monday night any portatien frou lions never get one bite of food. This unusual to he • enay appear On the surface very cruel; spiders being f it may look as though they were half bunches of b starved, and to many who imagine that materials, veg.( we 'overfeed our animals it Tiasy look in bearing Mee like a horrible prevarication, but it is a New York Sun fact nevertheless. Bach lion (hiring the • given them directly after they have Siamese ins week is fed once a day. This feed is Sinished their work, never before, and it made in Eng] ,consists of a chunk of ineat weighieg, mark of a proi twenty pouuds. A French, si "After I have ended my performance from the eye a for Saturday night nay lions Wait until Mg the sight c Monday night after the peeformance The Roman before they taste meat, and all they get empty jugs il . • is milk. You know the lion belongs to make them na the cat tribe. You have often seen a Taking it yl pretty little pussy sitting over a saucer coldest hour cf cream and lapping it as elaiutily as O'clock in the ,can be imagined and seeming to enjoy it. Well, a ,lion is simply a great big cat. They all come from the same The kitche source, and they all have, instincts alike, the western .and, as a matter of protection to the of day. wasp( 'health of nay Emimals, I ' give them on monplace thi Sundatf only milk, This ads as a tonic, Holland sha and- tones up their systems. That is color; the pit why I have been. able to keep these five with it. Cri ;that 11131170 for so many years ancl work role and the I them hard (because it is hard work for WEIS the all these animals) and still have them look- stove, in whi bag- so well. hatchet with -"Would you like to see the lions floor was sta drink?" he 'said, turnin.g to me and, blot of red. neyer having had "that opportunity, with horribli naturally said "Yes." By and by The big, 'brawny :keeper was called, a look of 91 ' and an. order given for some milk. The brown hair - lions when they are about to be fed graceless nu . jump over each other; rush around, and her snllen e: make a great. fuss ato get their various her old calk, pieces of beefsteak, but when the milk ed fn the red came in they seemed to look at each window. E -other with an expression of "Well, here hideous,tell it collies again!" and there Was no par- son stain al tinnier hurry as to who evo-uld first be- shudder she( gin to lap the milk, "Ali!" sle About a quart and a half of rich milk whisper. ' was set down to each of the five she knew I 1 brutes. and slowly, seemingly reluctant- with the hat ly, they got up and began to drink it. There wits a great deal of difference be- Ti tWeen the little red tongue of the pussy The lette - cat. which daintily laps up milk from a betic chart saucer, and the great rough tongue of worst sort a ' the king of beasts that went at their expressing. medicine. They seem to go at it more thoughts e as a matter or duty than as a matter of Chineee \vie taste; yet in a very few moments after ends an En the dish was put in front of them it was • gin one wit empty: Still. there was no clamoring being Mine - fOr an)7,. more, but they turned over, mentioaed looking drowsily at theirkeepers, as if to our lane , to say: "Well, we did it because we that can te : wanted to; not because you wanted us relatioa of to do it." the former "That," said Professor Darling, "is all Some argie the Medicine my animals ever get. At because of ., times I have attempted to put a small of the lett( '1. amount of sulphur in the milk, but the sounded jn animals do not take it. Too much Meat without tl 'Would completely inset the system of a , sem:i:w 1 gol . lioi n just es it woalci a man . ,' member that a lion running in the garies iP a 4' . yet, on the other liana, you inest re- One of 1 £,-Ne "I know very well that lions running --- in the jiingles do not get milk to (Milk, ' jungles has more room for exercise than allil never Writing about that marvellous color go to ride , all Very 41alien behind the bars." producer, coal tar, a writer in Long. mit anym . man's Magazine reminds us that it is (vel:a.itgvnalinrxlygalli‘sdl' Colors From Coal-tur, . only thirty-six years ago that Perkin in all seal "gathered up the fragm.ents" in coal -tar of her ini employs an industry of tWO inillions ster- ‘wv ii It 11 is tbl el efic and produced the beautiful inaliv,sevhdiyneh. Now, from the greasy inatevird was considered useless is produced nutd.- ] der, which makes coal -tar worth £100 a - ton. This coloring matter alone tow , torts, leaves twelve gallons of coal -tar, in To vheea ' itt(i '•fvoin which, are produced. .a pound afbe el: hcilgiia: ling per annum One 'tone of good, eftemencora, when distillea in gas re. of napthalene, a small vitally of xylem) is corninp eight feet .aaf benzine, a - pound of toulene, a ing purposes. Awaiting to Rowe% When ana an ol down, fa pound and a half of pheaol, six pounds , and half a pound of .anthra.cene for dye- - thee() tire SiXteOn distmet yellow colors, he buys .twelve orange, thirty rea, fifteen. blue. 1 pher get seven green and nine violet. besides a ' owing e number of browns arta an infinite mini- 1 ter has I ;bet of blendings of all gleam -New tinguieb , Otork World. doctors live Hitt . rocks fe THE WINGRAM .j1LTNE 22 1894 , itairat (tin Md• t — .'elinistee of Edus eetioe. ,A. youth of Fortelle gave his Immo The /Ape of Fortune. • I) a • 411 0 • le cendidete for wealth aod fame. ar.EV.. lita I;l'avatirftl •011010:a" A•ni' Bia . ' ----="7--- ."-------•--------- 1 grant itliy wish," thegoldess Raid, a' PleIDAT ATNE 22., 1894. --- ' " llut la -tow the poth thy feet woind tread. i ANN :LIS Wi /RN- ...evweson..•,e.e.......v...7.- As, tee ,eemeet.ilevnitlit eN.eivises of '"Yrieliti$ shell pro -A false, true conliert rioas ceid Ctioese Factories. 'the 1 ThYill'.183 t:IliversitY '''''l T‘11;(1111() "And IC.aeur;: Shall make its lime with dux. _.. . . Ain:owing letter, ailleivili:appeaie ."11,,'`.1. 1 11 ,..Y . 1.r.•,-1, , 1.).1:_-•_.:141,,;‘iiitillitiiitalilt.' . e',1"he,diertiond crown thy hentlavould grasp, vett ap seui,: .i 2 111 t. 1411 IS nailer:se Sir, .. I desire to •use the . thoeiaten, • tit 4ivel.ed. il Short hut i And-imstled 1,18 (14.Ye, with common 11400- t ;lobe to address the proj irietors a . of the very largv number • l 11 . '119g.'•-; ',for flie •c1(12:11."' of TAL 1). Tie szt-k1 ; Defeats and coxes, false :friends ito found that, h:is Neel ffel in the pees by you "1,1etve, gieset :pleasure in present- Included in life's lowliest rontad. UI( tioubtiese aro still b. L, .feal, live .ing to you -for the degree of LT, D..: , Then .thiniting lie had paid its .cost, - think it Vidst' to ' eilitt1011 yoll.:fis to It le . the 1.1011. Geti. 'W. 'Ross, 1n s1,1A,eting :Ba.mourned the.greeaueseadly Jost. kind Of store hoge that you .buy l'or , our worthy Minister of Education for ! this leerpose. i()11' 11re ''`If seknix''''e 'this honor filo univereity has -0,idene„ 1 A,., tu,!..to the goddess straight •returned.:1 'SA acre is the peace ao headiy earuec . 'i\ 'L that fat hogs, no feavetf,r What , ea 41 Just appreciation of the merits of : A WVight, are at a serious discount. a gemtleueni who (1l.SerVl'8 well Of big " The digaity, tile calm conteat, • : " With simple tastes And /pleasures .blent, ' — .1 11.0t1A11(r hilt 30Ss .011 'tile ..ottlitry T1101.101 the work he hate •eil, lately in the Globes swill e41k)41. the oieanil tho )lothodist 0, shun tarn to ashes ba thy clasp." interesting to lllauV of tho r' -'.131n4 I, !brava i,)e ealaala, .tonel ,great nu- The:youth shrank' frOM the contest then, vigorions spin:it'll in preeentiug Hon. , vat soon be /cued lifeeesandy Venom, in view itor,o4. ministers oe education, ' eneanther mirsees thee erew ea. ClIC4'80..10tOrkti. ( t • •oed pork Taeleer that buys (14t 444 and accompliehed maw not have arrested e To.gain which treasui es i..1 .4_ dissatief:eetion end grumbliug ern tile puhlie attention in so great .a degree "suewerds of 0,11 imaul.?" report; the proceedings in a fnshion part of get (it 114 n re ad letatleittilleCti, .11,S SUBIC -other forms of legislation, it But she.: a Thyself the error wrotight, excent those who use it in theluniber moist intimately related -to the pro- e‘ Wno.fancied all so cheaply boupt. worthy of n dieciple of Ingersoll. ili begen by it would-be Witty des- • • • • velem of course, in 41e, depth motion of the intelligence :Alla WC11- " Tllillk'St than harterpearle for:naught?" eription of Mutely as a fat man with A. Shot That Hit. An Ameelean paper Milt:Mint Ellph Wown, of Liberty. Indiana, was tie inventor of what is known as the tpatent inside of newspapers. He had numb, a larp.:o fortune, but; becoming 'tired of the exacting nature of thy 'business, and, having some ambition in the .direetion of inore purely literary effort he sold Out, went to inahlm bougbt u large farm, which he intended developing' into a model ' 11e built a roagnfieent houso and err:impel TII/1' 1111 Ola time world. S3 a year, camole me mit e, neeemeetesesasyear.wenele housewarming, it was announced:1. yaiiiiduntistoeVitins tiefauisl Arts:F.1 8atisa,S:arbling ritre WirfTlist; that no minister should: be invited. , A deecon, a neighbor' eV Mr. lberwe, had sought him to invite his pastor. but pointing TO 11 Of Ingersoll: 114 the min hall., he ielideThat's pastor. MO aCcitis.01 CNt011a 311 111 - Vita 0011, • ts 'NV hon :M(ody weelioldiug evangel. istie eervices in 1 'hicago occurred to Mr. lirown 14) attelld One filld CAVEATURADEMARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN k PATENT ? gor a prom.rit answer and un nonest opinion, write to eqpielNriNeuedise tiu`ttlh,,eorphaotelnierewhariodiensesa.rleyotlifutnymyieligert tons strietiy confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and bow to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue a inecatui- ical and sclentifie books sent free. Vatents talceu through Nunn Co, reedyo tRVIrt°tigliTlittbZeel;r211701CW12:;ifg- 0. cast 4. the inventor. This srilendid loaner, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated.has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the , t of winter, nature craves the ..groesest -;•being of •the qpie ot this peat heet-producing Provinee. Even at this bour wheu! • The Ferris Wheel. a Short neels, tee. illeantnne the evaieselist bewail an impressive ser- --chunks of animals that tfee.•unproti- hroughthe..air on evel.'N' 1111.11a, I THEN ""ILE 111011 011 the Prodign1 Son, Deeerib-• TAIgg.0, IT IIONVN-- • -table iis ,faedia's and unea,taefinitery 110 11(41 hee'itate to Affirm ...that the v •1:1:t4 HIST°RY VITICAM. , 41flt4. 1414i large, member of store pip= tan ADM tin SllaftS a political strife .are nava. inillg g with greet eethoe the Intlier's -when fat. . Therefore it will lie e AV,i8- 1 meastutes adopted ,during his term -of 1 .--___. welcome, '11 3)4(14 whited. straight at ,dom op. \0.0 part to make v.:seleetieu ;.tsffiee .have ineretised the ,effielenev ' Allg ,CIONN'll • the Ferliti Wheel of the Preliminary work. limiclent to tak- Mr. Brown in the gallery lead exT elldnied. with inipeeeionid. earnest - when buyines, inflexibly refusing . the 'sof,till. our iI1StitlItiOlIS of learning— Plaisance is in progress. rents. discribed. above, aid ahooeing ,. from the primary 'sehool to the upi-131.ktwaY lICSB. : . Sinner, that father is your Clod? • • long, rangy, growing shotes. • 1 aiersity., in tha...radaninistration of his ' Tilis'e°11ststs a Pradqg fldse w°1k' .ancl hoisting apparatus, Startled es if addressed by 11 414141, 'We would also like to centime yea important department he lias dis- enghlee ;against making your hogs too fat, played. intelligent patriotisin ° and .Sallie•dttY next week, the big wheel • Ili 04144 al'Orlcdel•encil mid tablet, end .ancl, in cloing..so we fire advistug you tjudieial f.a.irneiis. , The persistent twill turu :for the last time in Chicago. turning to il Man itt siins beside him, Ter your own pod, as experimenteat .0 aseasilts on his achninetrtioan. bevel At that time SCI 411 Ferris Wheel he mid ; the, various esegicultural stations de- amen SO triumphantly met and. re- . C°111/allY officials will ricle areund on ' I.s tha t• so -% monstrate that after the tudinal leis polled th.vt; th.oy are new citst aside— the .struts that are, still in place. Some will simply hold to tlae ten -inch ' Yes, itie all too trite, NVIls the reply', attained a cereain point of fatness the lilee bullete tha•t have. been ila,ttened and the convicted. unbeliever was! e food given does not produce the same .rtigaluat a gestealte 11TE—e11d are of iron boffins., while others, 1110r,0 tilllia, prevniled upoe to ewer the enquiry I u to tile r'aii and S60 them, 41.111011/It of liesile, as before. We f -"A; no farther use. to .their Authors. I will. be ,tiesl on. l'oom, where he yieltled his henrt and ewe that..yousehoulcl Min to turn. out. • eni not a prophet, vet I ,confidently . 'It will take ten weeks to take the life as a :Twilling' Pr(eil'el‘l latest designs and secure contracts, .Address mune a co.. NEw Yottu, 361 BRoArriyAy. _ 117 mip THE evaAn EST is the Made [GYM -114 PULa.1(11114,Ii- • EYE1117 FiIII)Al: 31,01ININo. --Al TIM-- • TIMES oFFICE, JOSF.:PiliNit STREET W IN UTIAM, ONTARIO. Subscription mice,S9. pier 3:Cr 4.. m ea% /.11014 .---- ADVERTISINO EATEs ; - - - linnet! i 1 -Yr. 1 (fle. 1 3 lee. i 1 in One Column 1 t:•;60 00 1 440 tie 4 i2,9 iiii 40 op Half " . 40 00 I PO 00 It 00 pp . .. Quarter " 20 00 I le 01 I 7 00 4 o. One Dieh 1 5 00 I 11 00 2 00 ' 1 00 - .. . . ........ ...,, ._,.. _ Legal and other casual etivertisements. Se. per line for first insertion, ai ni 3c. per line forme ii subsequent .4,, insertion. . Lonal notices 10c. pe, lioe for Orst it =Oen and 5e, eor line for each sobsequent intentiti . No Ilopal notice will be eharged less than 15e. ' . Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed, Situations, -,, and Business Chauees Wanterloot exceeding 14 linets 1 noilliatail, Si per moeth' Douses and Porno; for Salo, not exceeding 8 i 81 for IBA month, 50e. per subsequent nututh • IThese terms will be strietly adhered to Speeial rates for local advertisements, or fot . lenger periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific. , directions, w111 ne helorted till forbid and charged 1 accordingly. Tear .i.ory advertiainneuts roust be - I I i 7 pa,i, ,u advance'. I , Changes for contract miverti: 'vents must he ri. the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appeat 1 that week . It. ELLIOTT FROVEINTOR AND FETBLINIIERt • MACDONALD, , CENTRE STREET. woRLD w..., \AT B. TOWLER, Member College Physicians Ind Surgeons, Ontario- -Coroner for County of Huron - Office ilp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's 'Milne, Wing. ham, Ont. I OITICE II OCRS. -0 to 12a. m.; 1 to p, °rut.: 1 Residence, Diagonal Street. We are the Sole Agents in Wingham. J. A. CLINE ez CO, three hogs for wle where beretegure .1 tl b wheel te,pieces. The ear teas wee Fether et spiri. canyine• the 70 -ton - 1(5 Dice smooth, ilong, what eve used 4\ 4114 by the build. of tape the Mille Will Le asEd f°1° axle. The materiel willbbe taken in the journelistie Was stroug, °Wean half -fat hegs, and you. will , of George W. Ross will he •ratefull five tulles .of 30 cars each to New .11nd he becalm'. P1. 1'41 that this reeeive better prices and obtain za, cherished in the hearts .ofliteounts..yY- 1 1 .1 used for carrying the K?.eipp ,gien Mr: Brewn l ----------------------, t first . votthave turned out only two. Give V1414 mien; of 1a. o seams,. preps use save. • men swept STON g BLOM', °swam_ 1:)-.12. KENNEDY, M. M. 1:8 0. (Successor to Dr, J. A, Meldruin.) G, Id Medalist of Western University; Lite House, durgeon in London General Hospital. Special edam tion paid to diseases of women ,and children, Office-Porinerl Ocettpled by Dr; Meltituni,Corner of Centre and Patriel streets. Osr WiNenAm • . to eligiaevene'elistie service, but wingh am .. ne VANSTONE, lilts the thed in which he could best York dtss. There are 3,000 tons of SerVC 1)1'4 Meeter As a resiilt he is in. now. editor of the well-known Rain's of tinilvr is needed fonthe false work. firetiefeln The National Provisioner, iftlitinfielise end wisely disc:barged the better return forethe food given. men of all parties, eie one es, o matal in the wheel, and 500,000 feet The ' following extract froni ; spite of opposition and detraction ' ' • HALSTED &SC TT H i\T rea_i _ ilorn. pnblished -1\.TOVi," York, conbrme , duties -or a gressit, true't." • • .1 ; Taking the wheel down will be more whet eve have written: "The differ -1 dangerous than. puttine i up. Onlv ence between leieh and American; Let the Women Speak. . one life was loet in erecting the big s b , and the superiority of the 1 Mrs- el,- Sampson, 208 Benabagton attraction. ' Josephine Street - Plghatn, ant, J. A. IIALsvse, IJ. W. Seger, Th ex: ense of takine.; down moss- Mount Fo rest. Listnwel. former is not a matter of 'cure' and St. East, Boston, svrites:i -"I had. been ' e p aeon 'cut; but of 'breed: :and. °feed: The I afflicted with .dvspepsia fOr the last Mg and rebuilding the wheel will ' ruling breed in Ireland is the York- four yell rs, wiks ' SO bad that I did not be $150,000. In New York is is to be j • shire White—very !uncouth looking !claire to eat as it caused me ternible 'placed at Thirty-seventh street Broad- I auimal34, With keg, flat, deep I pain. Hearing of IC I). C'. I produe way. Old Vienna will be reproduced i sides, shoulders and hams, end coarse i ed a package. It gave me almost around it. Here the wheel had I long neeksi heads atlea legs. 'When.; immediate relief. one paeleage 3,000 electrie lights.; in. New York dreesiel with their lees& and legs oft :, cured me. I have not becu so well the number will be doubled. Thee they look much better„. and one de- i for a number of years. 1 cheerfulle: old Ferris Wheel Company goes out eided adeautage wh"iele they have! I recommend it, and feel justified in ' of existence and a new company, over the ..emerican is *eat they eut !saving that dvspeptiee who can (set . eomposed of New York men,has. been leant eudehroughout the fat the lean I 1 this medicine 'have no excuse '7•or formed. Superintendent L. V. Rice THE I MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY 'has char e of the removal. FOR MAN OR BEAST. • Cannata bacon is at this time , Divine. tee fair the wheel went , Certain in Its effects and never blisters. . . Read proofs below: uned a cloud in Ireland„ because of Roundabout Call.taround 10,000 times and carried 9 i$ Much More evenly divided. t suttermr". " • The jar g,est KENDALL S SPAM CURE its over fatless, also . beeteese there ! Teem is a good story about a tele 2,0004000 passengers. • 1OINT, L.L, MY., Jan. 15, 1894. :have been so many converted- intos!, graPh operator who once worked the • .single load WM carried Oct. 19, when: Dr. B. I KEND,1.3Lf a bae011 that are too light. We ought 1 1 1 wires ; 11 ti sane .ae Duxburv, Masse at 12.30 o'clock 1,768 people were, in: tbriteextriltiseees a 91endid bey.horse SO/119 KCIldRiffIS SpaVlaig.11.ThrgIttlyllpuS go 9 now rl. I used to have. nothing under 160 or over i 1 cable office. The operator is ilow '44 the ears. The largest clay's business and I havo been offered $150 Tor tneisamennorse. I only had him nine weeks, so I got $120 for using 200 lbs to briag the highest Price -1 pr t' ' ac 1.01110' physician in Cambridge, te'as ()et. 10, when 38,000 people $2 vvorth of Kendall's Spavin Cure. - Yours truly, W. S. MARSDEN. There is a mistaken idea abroad. that i mass, °.' I were carried. Oct. 9, 10 and 11 the English people are in a state 1 One night while on duty in the , there were 114,000 passengers, . the KEIMALL'S SPAIN CURE SHELBY, Mien., Dec. 16, 1892. • largest average of any three clays.— ne B. J'. KENDALL co. Chicago Tribune. ' e bordering on starvation and recline. I Duxbury office, he fell asleep hie ing meat and. gran fromall the food , key. The sleep was a sound one, producing eonetries in the world, i The. New York operator - Called. till In a sense this is true, but. like. most out of patience, when he sent a Ines - half -truths is more dangerous than etip to Boston requesting. the chief an utter .falsehood. It is true that i operator in charge to tell Duxbury Great Britain does not raise enough i to answer New York. Thee sleeper, for her own consumption, but her however, WaS ilS deaf to Bosten's "Di, ports are open to the whole world, i Di;" as to the impatient characters and the whole world unloads its sues- ;flashed on from ,New York: plus on to them, henee everything m In the cable -room next the sleeping the shape of food is at very low ; operator was the cable artist. The prices. Before the writer lies a letter i room was dark and he was watching from a London dealer who states :1 the minor for the tiny specks that hi "We are suffering front au over -sup -1 those days went to make -up a Ines- A Terrible Case of Suffering. The dreadful suffering, of a man with Cholei'a illorbus was painfully illus- trated in New York it few days ago, when an individual from. the rural districts who had been filling himself with all sorts of good. but indiges- tible. things Wil:S struck down on Broadway and heti to be carried into ithotelevhere two doctors worked with him for over an hour before he was out of danger. A teaspoonful or two of` Plumy 43 4) PAM -KILLER, and ply in all kinds of meats, not only I sage. To lum the Morse alpha hog product but imported beef and was all Greek, so the sleeper slept a flannel cloth saturated with the medicine and applied' to his stomach, would have relieved him almost in- stantly. Get 25e. New Big Bottle. The total number of lives reported at Chicago as lost through the bet severe storm on the lakes recently is twenty-six, and the number of hike craft, mainly schooners, known to have been sunk is twenty-eight. • Some people laugh to show their teeth. The use of Ivory 'White Tooth Powder makes people laugh niOte that ever. It's SO idea. Price 25e. Sold by druggists., In Australia no nowspapere are mutton, which is selling very, very Me cheap. Danish is cheap enotigh, and It Seeing no other way out of the good Canadian bacon has not smash- i muddle and thiuking the operator ed prejudice enough yet for buyers asleep, New York called Canso in to take in on it near platform to Irish i Nova seotee, and addressed it =s- and Danish." : sage to the cable operator at Duxbury. In view of the above faets we ; Tee meow, rem t again urge you, to study. your owp. I Go into the other rooiit and wake interests by feeding; onl;'t such anee , up the operator. Inals as we have described above. Canso 5(4141- 1± to Heart's Content in We will not pretend it is your 111-: Newfoundland I Heart's, Content terest We are anxious about, Net lve rushed it across to London; thence to do say that in this regard your in- Dover, and across the Channel, to tereste and those of the packers will , Calais aed to Brest. Brest kept it be furthered by the coarse recom-: moving on to Miquelon., and Miquelon 1 • gave the cable operator at Duebnier Mended. I Tins Wee 1)S'. 11 CO. (Ltd.) I. tt unique surprise. The sleeper Was published nor railroad trains run on. the Sabbath. Telegraph office', lire 'Poronto•; then aroused. abolit eleven minutes -i. closed, and all businese is suspended. Theusauas of new patrons have taken !round of the 'cablegram. Ile tried Dear Sirs. -I was suffering very =eh kletving been taken by the gram Nirs-I have used your Kendall'e Spavin Cure with good success for Curbs on. two horses and 14 18 the best Liniment I have ever used. Hood's alarseparilla this season nnd 0.1.41 , to explahi mattere by telling New realize ite benefit in blood purified Th4. singer's Work is a picture The story didn't impress the officials Fainted on ttir. as being truthful, and in a, day or two there was a vacancy in Dux= tor iwraediate relief after eating ram N. D. C. bury. strength restored. York that ho was out of adjustment. Yours truly. AUGUST FREDERIC= Pr1e9 in per Bottle. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Mr. 23. J. IrElirDA.LL COMPANY, ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT. WeBSTER' S INTERNATIONAi .4 Ewer eriMe.r. ty New. DICTIONAR Y' breast th A Gran iEducator. from diarrlitea, end could get nothing to cure me. A friend told me of Dr. lvowler's Extract of Wild Strawberty, and a few doses completely tured me. Time. le:Groben), lltelitn, Men, IL D. C. th.e household remedy for' stomach .troutdee. Thesueeesserefihe "Unabridged." Ten yew% Vere spent revising, 100 editors employed, and ever FA00,00e .1 expended. Zvorybody e Should Own. this Dictionary. It an- swers all questions concerning the his, tory, spelling, pro- nunciation, anti meaning a words. A. Xdbra.ry in it,self. It also gives Ole facts often wanted concerning eminent 1 persons, ancient and modern; noted ficti- tious persona and places; the countries, cities, tOwnS, and natural features of the globe; trantilation of foreign quotations, 1 words, parases, and proverbs - etc., ete., eto. This Work is Invaitiable in the household, and to the teacher, schOlat pro- / fessional matt, and self-edecator. ---- k The Glebe, Termite) 844370 :- 1 atas new dictionary is the best bOok of Us kind in the English IERMIttge, For AV' frantlY, the inember3 of 11111e13 have mastered the art of read- ing',Its purchase will prove aprodtable investment. The 2'11116S, HaMilie)li; says: - It, may well be pronouneed the best working die., Ramey and the cheapest hook In the world, and shot:Mho 131 10.8)1 school and family in Canada. RaVe your Pooksettor ahoy Ii (0 7044. to. & 0, .tretrianz Co. • Pubwaters, Sprtalfirk101os.,t7.8.A. ...., eg,,nn noi Irey eietipplude. 9, mann,ound rs of ancient 1.edit lona. ., r:ricittilfigolirigir"111 ,li. istastratiose, etc. - • Deposits Received and 9:nterest allowed. Money Advanced to Farm eni and Business A./.1e=n, Ou long or short ou ondorscid notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money'retnitted to all parts of Canada e reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and N otes. Agents in Canada- The Merchants' Dank of Canada oniett neurs-From 11 11. tn. 10 h p. itt A. E. SMITH, Agent. W M. H. Macdonald, L. D. S. DENTIST. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ete., Private %nil Company fonds to loan it lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgnges, town, and farm propert3 bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Bloolc Wrxotime J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, )4e, Wingliam Ont E. la DICKINSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF MOULTON. MONEY TO. LOAN. 1 Office -Moyer Block, Wingham. • DENTISTRY. -J. S. JEROME, 11.11. 80%qm/usu.. , Is manufacturing first-class sets of -7-a4-K3(a4!. teeth as cheap as tiew ean be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his now process, guaranteed perk, tly safe. ' OFFICE : In the Beaver Sleek, opposite- the Brunswick House. flee • --a• ZETLANp 'SAW MILL I GEORGE Iii0iViSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-elass Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any r.nrt of Wing. haallaa:Oreers by mall promptly adult co 0E0110I: TROSISON, Box 125. Wingham P. 0 WINGHIN SIM MILLS The undersign8c3 in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they hews a very large stock of UHABER„ SHINGLES, LATH, BURELS, WOOD, &c., on hand, waich will be sold at very close orieee to meet the requirements of the hard times, - OFFICE, MACbONALD'S BLOCK., Will visit porrie 1st and 3rd Mondays, of each month. . JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ONTARIO' • DEANS, Je„ Wisetim,t, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTV OF HURON. Sales attended M any part of the Co. Charges, Moderate, JOHN CURBIB, Wrxemar, 05117,, LICENSED AtIOTIONEEll FOIL 17I114 COuNTIES ON" BBRON AND Minos. All orders left at the Totes office promptlyattend ed to, Terins reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, Lieslitise .AncrtONXsa iiNallt00010nla ±14144051 AD N All sales attended to promptly and oh the Shortest.. Notice. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be Made at the - Tams' °thee 'Wiseman( the• DII. J. McASII, I M, E. Toronto, Member College Physicians slid ,. Surgeons, Ontario, IFirst Class Shingles, $1,10 per limanAvs Square. Matey to Low). on Notes. Woogifints. per Cord. delivered. Note Discounted ONTARIO Everything elselequally low. Come and see us before buying, es ive will not be u ndersold. MclireeN ft SON. Winghs.m, June 7th, 180% AV 11EASOINTAEL1 IcAVES Molloy edvancei en Mortgages at Bine cent with Privilege of mete at the end of any year. Ife44i and aCcounts co ec e nOirr. &tater »leek 'Mitcham, Ont, •S• et boot* Att. . gone- t. n4 101 not to hit a nelei when . There he's doe e, diaerartion Villnla US to be 1:1 at kre 4Card 11 1 IL t. .1 I, iiirthighlatrwu,n he hail oft tr tb 7. &WA.