The Wingham Times, 1894-06-22, Page 5ITS.
one 21, 1894.
uee Dealer.
, 1 50 oto 1 SO
0 33 to 0 34
, 013to014-
. 013 to 0 14
, 007 to 008
„ 1 25 to 1 75
,, 600to000,
•, 000to060
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.. 0 55 to 0 5a.
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3 00 to 4 00,
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the highest price.
hey must be drawn
Eye and Ear hospital,
e on the Eyo, Ear, Nose -
Post Graduate Hailed
Eyes Tested, Glasses
Spectacles, Lenses and
DAY of each
reed below:
illy 5th, r,8 ..�....
3 p. m. .Charges:
want your
attest style, go to
nk of Hamilton,
a full stock of
:W L ...
O r�r, 8'L.a
ite) special attention.
the on the premises.
PATI' t$O ,
y opposite the Batik of
THE vAn.nuit`1' t.1JN ARTI(1i,Ptt RB-
At a public sleeting held in Dun-
das, the other day, lir. David Me. -
Cr e), of Guelph delivered a stirring.
address, Willett ~vats listened to with
marked, attention and heartily ap-
plauded, Among other things' rte
calf} : "As iL member of the Liberal
• party for many years, and as a
farmer, I ani to a large extent in
sympathy with the platform of the
Matrons of Industry. I aim in
sympathy with them to the extent of
• e• , endorsing those planks which they,
have adopted from the Liberal party.
But I am not in. accord with the
' organ of the Patron party, the Mows-
paper known a The Canada Farmers'
San. The platform of the Patron
• party deals largely with Dominion
polities, and even the plank known as
tbo seventh (dealing with the; election
of county officials and the payment
of employees by fees) is one that
effects Dominion polities as it does
•• Provincial, There has been a good
deal of discussion cm this point, and
Patrons are not by any means a unit
in its favor. This most important
plank in the platform is the only one
in the whole list out of Harmony with
the work of the Ontario Government,
ail yet 'there are few, if*any, papers
• in the whole of Canada more bitter
against Sir Oliver Mowat and his
Government than the Patron organ.
And this is the case, ivhilo, belt re-
membered, this Ontario Government
and its able leader have for many
years been fighting for the very
principles which the Patrons are now
anxious to have adopted. •
"Sante time ago this paper , had a
series of six articles on 'Tho Cost of
• Government,' a very important sub-
ject, and one worthy of careful study
by all classes of people in Canada at
the present time, and by no class
ought that study to be more close and
".) painstaking than by the • farmers..
The articles are ably written, and
they display a wide knowledge of
public affairs, The articles begin
with this assertion : 'The cost of g.dv-
eminent is not a party question. Like'
many other questions of -importance
it is ignored by both the old parties,
r becauseboth are interested in ignor-
ing it:s What should we do for en
cont ayemeit and rewards if tLo offices
were thinned out ?' ' '
"This is false ground at the start.
The public records show it, and,
where there trine to go into Dominion
politics, the contrary is . clearly set
forth in the records of the two* old
parties of Canada. -
"Again, he says as his second stand-
point: 'It is worthy of note that in
the United States there 'is compara-
tively little complaint of the cost of
State, or, as we should say, of Pro-
vincial government. The State Le;is-
latures do their work efficiently, or,
at any rate, with praise -worthy
economy.' I appeal to anyone here
who knows the finances of the aver-
American 5t t
if this be true, I
challenge anyone to show that any
State of the American Union has for
the past twenty years been as wisely
and economically* governed as our
own Province of Ontario, This.
writer picks out a few special items
in the expenditure: of the States of
:Indiana and Michigan, and compares
these with the expenditure in Ontario.
�*` First, he takes the Ministers' salaries,
• acknowledging that the cases are not
parallel, because there is no such
thing as .as free responsible Govera-
merit in the State scheme. The men
holding the offices are not Ministers,
but simply heads of departments, and
may be dismissed by tile. Governor at
any time. They have no seats in the
House nor any voice therein. That
officials of this kind, acting for and
responsible only to. their chief, should
.he paid such salaries is our Ministers
of the Crown seems to the absurd.
"Indiana and Michigan may ' be
eornpared with Ontario, as the po-
pulation is much the saute as ours,
though their areas are =eh less, the
larger area.. entailing the greater
expenditure: India a ---Area, 86,350
square rlliles ; population, 1800,
2,192,404; number of representatives,
150, of whom 50 are in the State
Senate. 'Michigan—Area, 58,015
stlttarc miles; population, 1890,
2,093,889; number of representatives,
182, of:. whom 32 aro in the State
Senate. Ontario ---Area, 197,000
.tiles; population, 1891, 2,113,•175;
representatives, 92. No Provincial
Senate. er
"Indiana ---Cost for civil goveri'
itlent, ineluding State officer:'; and
boards, ronnntissionc'rs and prfhtirig,
•' $234,504.76. liehigaa,u-- Ingha11g'
salaries of Judges (not given scparn- t
tely), • $430,890. t Ontario - Civil J
government, etc,, $}?41,261.68,. Iat• 1
(liana raised from direct taxes for
year ending Oct. 31, 1893, *3,6'90,-
012,03, 01' Marc thein $1.70 for .every
lean; woman and child in Ontario,
"This amount very nearly' equals
the total ea penditure of Ontario for
1898, which was `11,907,145.32, in-
cluding public buildings, asylums,
railways. and public works. This is
less than the expenditure, of either
1892 and 1891; Indiana's total pay-
ments for all purposes for the • year
was $6,719,059,72, cxeeeding the
total ,receipts by y$110,212.71, In-
diana's State debt is $8„490,615.t2;
Ontario's surplus, $6,185,480.49.
And this is one of the States specially
seleetecl as an example from the whole
Union, and.held up as a pattern for
the. Patrons of Ontario. The State
debt of Michigan increased largely
from 1880 to 1890,
"Michigan's cost of civil govern-
ment, including Judk,es,is very- much
higher than in Ontario; but the total
expenditure ie less, boitig $3,470,-
461.65 ; but this amount does not
include any 'Amen ts for public works
and public buildings, cast in
Ontario last year $591,064,20. This,
deducted"front the total expenditure
of Ontario, gives all amount tinsel"
less than that of Michigan, These
States are the best that can be select-
ed. Have they been managed in the
past in the way in which Ontario bas.
been managed ? By no Means. The
direct tax levied by Michigan in 1893
was :51,272,736; the whole revenue,
$2,7'75,991..57 ; total expenditure,
• 3',470,451.6r, ; exeeeding revenue by
$094,460.08 int: one year.
"These are 'tho•Stato Legislatures
that do their work efficiently, or at
any rate with a praisewortliyeconomy.'
These aro to be oar examples. The
brightest are,
in a eountry, of
which, tho writer in The Sun says :
'In the century that has elapsecisince
the establi'sbment of republican in-
stitutions in the 'United States the
only successful attempt to leepadown
the cost of government has been^that
made i,I.connection With State govern-
ment." Yet this able writer builds
upon this a series of six , papers, to
show how mulch better these things
are managed in the United States.
"Could not Ontario get along with
fewer than' 91 Provincial law -makers?
Would ".not 70 suffice ? Certainly,
if thereby the efficiency of the public
servid was not reduced, we would be
much better with' one-half of the 92
of the present House. These demo,
mini States, however, have not
erred inthat direction. As already
stated, Indiana, with less titan one-
fifth of the area of Ontario, has 100
nrciubers in the House and 50 in the
Senate, 150 in all. Michigan, with
less than one-third of the .area of
Ontario; has 132 ; also 100 in the
House and 82 bathe Senate. If we
can go to the United States and learn
n useful us in our county
gesso s to t
here, we should so learn them; but
that is a very different thing from
seeking to displace the best Provin-
cial Government that has. ever been
on the.Anleriean continent by such
means and such dodges as those
adopted 1.)y the favored contributor
in The Earners' Sun,. Every citizen
and every fiirrner should be interest-
ed in the good "govcrniilent- of his
Country. %Ve want afrce and united
Canada, well and faithfully governed,
We have had 'under the rule of the
Mowat Administration a good Govern
intent in Ontario. We may not agree,
with their every act. They have no
doubt made mistakes—we are all
liable to do that—but they have been
few and unimportant eoinparecl with
the great mass of 'good and careful
work done, Sir Oliver Mowat left
the bench in 1872, to -bee -eine Premier
of Ontario. Since their something
over $70,000,000 have passed through
the hands of his Government, and
not one dollar has ben shown to have
been corruptly extended. -
"Sir Oliver Mowat has proved him-
imself a cautious, careful Premier ---an
able than ---always seeking the . best
interests of Ontario. Bram the far-
mers of Ontario to 'put at the present
time his Government in danger of
defeat wottld be nowise isn(1 uitgi'ate-
fal. This is not a time to throw
overboard old and tried veterans,wfo
have served well and faithfully in the
Government of the Prrovitteo, and
pat the administration of our affairs
into the harries of new, untried and
inexperienced mired; some of whohhl
have not shown themselves able to
manage atownship successfully. I
ask yoit to Vote in favor of the sup-
porters of our tried, true maid trusty
Premier, Sir Oliver Mowat,"
A. union picnie of x' 1'`ititecllurch and
°%etlatad Publie Schools wits, held on
the banks of the Maitland, itt Zetland,
on Saturday, ,!mite lath, A large
from toeh
ch, '�1r•
r •,
Mint, Langside, Bluovrlo .and the
surroun`cling country were present
and ali seemed to have an enjoyable
time, Jas. MeT envie, of Winghanr,
supplied the visitors with all
necessary 'refreshments in the res-
taurant line, and the ladies of
the twee aeetions did their part in
providing viands for sueh a large
crowd, At about six o'clock in the
evening the foot -ball teams of White-
church, and Langshie lined up to play
a thatch,, To look at the two teams
a spectator weak have conoludecl,
that 1Vhiteehureh wasn't in it,. ars
the Iaangside players were much
heavier. But the old adage-- 'too -
boas goods are done up in small par -
eels "' must be true for in less than
ten minntes Wlaitechatreh seored one
goal and doubtless would have scor-
ed several mord, had their opponents
not played areal defence game. Mr.
1I, Ferrian, of Langside, filled the
position of referee with impartiality
to either teams.
At the recent University examin-
ations in Toronto, Mr. John Bower-
ing of this village, and Mr. J. K.
Coiling, son of the Bev.' J. S. Colling,
received the degree. of B A.—On
1 B. A. O
Saurclay, Jeune 23rd, the Orange
society will attend the Presbyterian
church in a body; at .3We* p. m.—
Rev. A McKay preached the annual
temperance serinonuncler the auspices
of the W. C. T. U., on Stmday'after-
noon last.—The old Presbyterian
church is now used as a blacksmith
shop by Mr. Geo. Northcote.—On
Sunday, June 23rd, St. John's 'Day,
the members of the Masonic Society.
of the village, and visiting broilers,
will attend divine service in the
Methodist church, at 11 o'cloek when
a special sermon will be preached to
then by the Rev. Dr; Richardson, of
Brantford, The Masons will march
in a body from their lodge room to
the church.—lir. John lttcMillan, M.
I'. for South }lumen, will address a
meeting of the electors in the town
Ball, on Friday evening, 22nd inst.
Thee meeting will be xs ;;tint one in
the interest of Mr. Garrow, candi-
date for West Huron;, and Mr. Truax,
candidate for South Bruce. -
(Intended for last issue.)
Fortune's. Livery for a first-class
rig.—Elections are the order of the
day.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaffer,
of Milverton, spent Sunday with Mr.
Fred Schafer, merchant tailor, of this
place, ---Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robinson
spent a few claims in Goderieh, last
week.—Mr. W. H. Farrow, Veter-
inary T
ina.ry student, spent Sunday 111 Myth.
---Dominion Day will be celebrated
stere on June 30th. A big .tired is
,expected. —Mr. John Gibson, junior,
lass secured a position in a grist mill.
in Kent, and left on Monday. We
wish John suceess.—Rev. Mr. Caner=
on, of Toronto,; preached iv. Presby-
terian eliureh on Sunday last. .
Rev. Ed: A. Shaw and wife ei -
portenced ° a pleasant surprise last
Friday evening, June the 15th, prior
to their departure to their new field,
Belgrave. A number of 'the mem-
bers and adherents of the congrega-
tion of' the Wroxeter, appointment,
.let in the parsonage and presented
them with fine large crayon portraits
of themseives,beaittifitlly executed by
a Torento• firm, accompanied by a
kindly and exquisitely worded ad-
dress. Mr, Shaw replied suitably,
acknowledging the gifts on 'behalf of
his wife and Himself, After the
presentation a lunch was served. A
pleasant and social evening liras. en-
joyed • by all. The following is a
copy of the address :---
• Wiotcter, June 15th, 1894,
I)earl�estor,--�"4�'e'tlte friends of the
Methodist ehurch, 'Wroxeter, have
,;withered here to express our regret'
at your departure from among us.
For the past three years you and
Alas, Shaw have labored faithfully to'
advance our church and the spiritual
well being of its people. We wish
to present you and Mrs. Shaw with
these pictures as a token of our ro
gard for you. Keep theta in rerticrtt-
brance of the dtiya spent hi, our midst
linty God go wits you and prosper
yea itt your labor of love.
• Signed in behalf of the ehttrclr,
• . SA -OMI Bax
means 110 trouble.
C,1sass1yaT s -,i .1i sass
IBrings Com ' - a':4' in:tiro' ery:WI: la
toeas to r ta.t witon
, rightly Mel- ''its; n,+li,obet,
Iter than others and enjoy i fo sac: 0, with
less of Bonn,- .,. ,, by i;v;:.; z tnlatly
!adapting the t•rorbi's ur :i; produst•n tf)
the needs of phn si„a1 !,iia g, will attest
the value to rot" Ir of Kha pure Iiquid
laxative p:..,^t;;' ^4> in the
roi:tc,:ll>, C' �,:fr'''is..
Its cneclle vio is deo t., :.s pre:tanting
in the fir= rric•;:', a.cocpttcli 3 and pleas-
ant to the tate, the refreshing and truly
beneltainl propertica of a perfect lax-
ative,; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling cods, be„dachas and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
t has given satisfaction to ntillionsnd
net with the spl,ovnl of the medical
?rofessiotr, because it acts on the Kid-
noys, Liver and Bowels without Svettk-
:ning thein and ib is perfectly free from.
'very objectao':ablo substance.
• Syrup of Firs is'for sale by all drug-
gists in 75e. bottles, but it is mann-
faeturod: by the California rig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
Wept any substitute if oflerod.
One of the events of the season is
to be held on June 28th, at the resit
clence of Mr. E. Cooper, in connect-
ion with Mayne church. An excel-
lent time in every way is expected,
as -a musical treat is in store. Pro-
gram and games provided and a
hearty invitation is extended to all.
A. young man from our amidst Who
teaches not far from your town is in
the habit, we understand, of starting
homeward, Conundrum mow itt:—
Why does he not reach there ?—A
Political meeting in the interests of
W. Milne, patron candidate, will be
held in S. S. No. 11; on Thursday
eve. A crowded l Y
, is- exposed
as the speakers, Messrs. Howard and
Spotton are very popular young
How to Get a "Sunlight" Picture.
Send 25"Snuli;Yht" Soap wrappers (wrap'
per bearing the word "Why Does a Wo-
man Look 01 l Sooner Than a man") to
Lever Bros„ Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
and you will receive by post a pretty pie -
tare, free from advertising, and well worth
framing. This is an easy way to decorate
your home. The soap is the best in the
market and it will only cost otie,cent post-
age to send in the wrappers, if you leave
the ends open. write your address care-
Mr. N. McLaughlin is attending
the annual meeting of the High
Court of the Canadian Order of For-
esters, in. Woodstock, this week.
Mrs. Geo. Boiie passed away on Sat-
urday, the Oth inst., at the age of 92
years. She had been very feeble all
-last winter and peacefully slept her-
self away on the above date. Dc -
ceased was born in Norfold, England
where she raised a family and buried
her first husband. About 20 years'
ago she carne to this country and
lived with her daughter, Mrs. Jas.
Sharpin, until 1878, when site was
married to Mr. George Done. Her
remains were interred in the Gorrie
cemetery, Mr. Bone has the; sympa-
thy of all in his bereavement.
Do You Cough?
It is a sure sign of weakness,
'You need more than a tellies
You need
the Cretans of Cod-liver Oil:
and I ypophosphites,not oihiy
' to cure the Cough but to gine
your s rsten't react strength.
Physicians,the world over
endorse it.,
Don't be deceived by S bstitatit1
Seat .tteaxaaYtilariClt,wlarirltta s+lw As
means new prices,
Having for conte tillte;,';bodied the interests of the consutner, and realiz-
ing the burdens they have borne under the old policy of long credits, and
knowing full well that the man wlto pays cash helps to pay for the eredit
account, and
� the= Man
�p�neegv�e$/ry9�pays, I will, ther•�eejff orgJeJy,� give you
+niF. �+t Y"' � {ii. •At ,1 } Baan-'"
by the Adoption of the
and will give you goods cheaper than any other naan in Winghatn. I
direct to the manufacturers and buy for
I ani, therereforc, in a position to give you .tarty lines of goods below
Give me a trial and I will convince you of the fact that
c"C fi SR- IS KING."
4.11 kinds of Produce taken same as Cash.
Dress ancl Mantle leaking, on the premises. All Mantle Goods bought
here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty,
Are ou r wing
any Corn this season ? If so, we can supply you with the best •
in the country. We have in stock the following varieties of
Ensilage and Fodder Corn :
Several other standard kings are comin• in. We have made arange-
ments with one of the largest and most reliable strippers in Canada for ,the
handling of their Seed Corn. By this arrangement we are able to furnish
specially selected Seed Corn at a very small advance on the cost of ordinary
Elevator Feed Corn. Past experience has proven that Elevator Corn is dear
at any price for seeding purposes. Get the best Corn for seed.
on panel.
WIxexlt sr,
Have a complete stock of
i�E.i: a.JL'JP11�/ GS,
YARNS, &c.,
for the Wool 'trade,
done ori short nett*.
Etespeettully yours,