HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-18, Page 17A I
letters to San#a
Letters for North R61e delivery
will be accepted at the Expositor'
Hoelscher kids office urvt-H Friday, December 19
tight sometimes
' 1,���: f� ��� � �y �� � � fps
0 Dear Santa Claus': lego blocks, smash up derby and
We h ave tried to be good this some games. We will leave some
year but we do fight sometimes. cookies and milk and an apple for
Please try to bring some of the Rudolph.
things we want. Wendy would Love
Ili ? ke a big doll, a ken, and some
games, Jeff would like sonic more --4endy and Jeff Hoelscher
0 W Mrs Ciays'
2 H s
$z� }E Judith N iglu wants�� �,rm�.x� '
Scott bri.scoli asks
xq j,A�r5 Dear Santa Claus: sn wforXmas
and how are your reindeers?
How are you and your elves? I I hope I have been a good'boy
for you?
am fine. I would like a hockey net Dear Sa a: that away. My little brother w,
W and a hockey bag if that is too From Scott Driscoll
I hope at we have lots of snow ants an airplane.
much I Will hive a hockey net 82 North Main St., for Ch• as. M little brother'
ris y Merry Christmas Santa.
't,X only. How is Mrs, Santa Claus Seaforth Box 525•and I Mope get some new skido Judith Nigh
67 Railway St.
suits. What r ealiv want is Babv
Carter girls will leave* j�:�
an vs ab4
.cookies; carrots za;5��� r
P bear.Santa: same doll and Ice Bird. A
Another year has gone by and We will leave you a glass of
its Christmastime again.,How are milk and cookies on the kitchen
you and Mrs.Santa Claus? table and sonic carrottes for the Seaforth people who arc con- tufts etc, are now going into the
Thank you for the gifts you reindeer out under the tree. fused about how to hook their storm sewers,," mayor Cardno
brought my sister and I last year. We will try and be good girls.
house up to the sewers being said.
This year I would like a Bless Merry Christmas Santa constructed throughout town can Fill from the sewer excavations
Love' will be delivered by the contractor
you tender love doll, sonic clothes get assistance by filling out a
.and a bottle. Debbie aathy Cartel omplaint 'form at the town hall. t6166AIpeople who are willing
g to
or Betty Cardno told a a liability' form, reeve John
My.sister would also like the 99 John t., Seaforth. __s+ T1'
special n ting of council ThurFlann yreported. Reeve Flan-,
F, ann
day night engineer B'� very
nery com Wn-ed, at a previous
am of'J•F*MW,.
* Mu-e
,L, -galld. w meeting that rill from the job was
-pick -'Up the complaint fortis daily being hauled out of town.
at the clerk's; office and contact He and mayor Cardno learned
any fiouseholders who will leave at that afternoon's information
their name and address, meeting with the sewer contractor
Council will check with' the tlia%-one crew will work through
Plumbing Department of the' the winter putting in the main
Huron Countv Health Unit to see sewer lines in the north west area
Seaforth Blyth clear f eire policy if they could i6i a town wide rate of town. In bad weather they will
for us'ing the department to check work at tunnelling under the
all private drain connections as- county road, and the railway track.
A discussion on whether or not reminded the meeting that under Hulley said. Retiring FAB secretary Joan t6bv are made to the new sewers. More crews will be put oh when
McKillop township can remove a the Fire Marshall's Act, the first Pinder reported that the second pel-
On the suggestion of Hullett ovincial regulations'require the the weather gets, better. The
portion of its area from. the. chief at a fire is the chief in representative -to the FAB Milton installments on v members connections to be supervised and entire project, which will see th,
Seaforth Fire Area was postponed chirge.1' -, Dale, the board will check to see assessments to the board were the town would have to appoint a whole town serviced by sewers,
Wednesday night at the Fire Area, Mr. Phillip's said that Seaforth what they can do with the old coming in well. They were due plumbing inspector, due to be finished by October 27,
Board meeting, until the first didn't setup to fight the barn fire truck under the terms of its December, 15,' Deputy reeve Bill Dale com- 1976•
meeting in January. . because, although they arrived insurance coverage, Total 1975 assessments to the mented 'that the inspections are Councillors said that the con-
Seaforth FAB members first, they heard Blyth coming Board members were paid their board from member necessary so that, for example, struction company must have
contend that McKillop can't OPi down the road. After asking Blyth $10 a meeting stipened at the municipalities are Seaforth, cellar drains are connected to the written authorization from the
any territory out of the coverage if they needed the tanker and final meeting of the year, There $5,499.50; McKillop, $5208.47; sewers while roof drains 'are not. Ministry of the Environment
area until 1980 when the present -hearing ng, Seaforth firemen were 10 FAB meetings in 1975. Tuckersmith, $3109:36; Hullett. "Cellar 'drains have to be con- before a lot can be connected to
agreement -, among ' Seaforth; went back to town, he said. Next year they will ask the board $1244.42; and Hibbert $1664.24' n,eted to the sewers if laundry sewers. Mayor Cardno said
Hibbert, Hullett, Tuckersmith "it was, a misunderstanding secretary to pass around an
and McKillop expires. McKillop and we wanted to get together attendance form at each meeting
says it received approval from all face to face at)d iron things out so and members will sign it.
FAB members more than a year that there won't be someone McKillop' s reeve Campbell A v s a b l e faces -cut backs -
ago to have the northern part of without fire protection some recommended this as the best
its township covered by the Blyth time," chief Bowes said. "We way to eliminate confusion about
Fire Department. The Ausable-Bayfield than new development. e)Cpenses,
don'.t want politics involved in our who attended what meeting. Conservation Authority Was Another wav of dealing with Mr. Amos said a number of
Fire board members accepted a two fire departments. - "Not its spending rcstra'�nts, he said, is by, projects likely will have to be
motion by, one of Seaforth's enough conversation between the urged Wednesday to redefine
representatives, Kilbar'chan goals and objectives in "a soul- acquiring easements to new postponed from 1976 to 1977.
councillor two departments is what it boils searching exercise" in 1976 to properties rather than outright if A usable- Bayfield is
George Hildebrand, that a whole down to," chief Bowes said. cope with anticipated provincial purchase. permitted a '10 -per -cent spending
meeting be devoted to the Both departments agreed -that Notes funding cutbacks. He said pnrchAe of easements increase, he said, that same -
discussion in January when the there was nothing they could do (By Mabel Turnbull)
.board has its new secretary to save the barn when they Birthday pgreetings to Mr. Roger Martin, the authority's "would serve not only to protect percentage will be passed along
treasurer, Ernie Williams, retired arrived at the fire. James McDonald, Brucefield who resources manager,- told the key areas but also would stretch in levies. " to member
Seaforth town clerk. The - Blyth chief said the recently celebrated his 80th organization's year-end meeting limited funds much further.." municipalities. i
Blyth fire chief Irvine Bowes misunderst anding could have birthday. it may be necessary to delay In its proposed 1976 budget, The authority endorsed major
and deputy chief. Jim Howson beeh avoided if Seaforth hada Recent visitors with Miss major portigns of the planned the Ausable-Bayfield authority 1976" projects - including:
land acquisition program beyond plans to spend about $700,000 - contribution to the $70,000
were at the meeting to discuss radio ' equipped fire truck. Turnbull were nieces Miss Gillian next year an increase of more than 10 per reconstruction of the Walker
tit _McKillop_ reeve Allan When Myth goes to ' -a fire with Turnbull, Ottawa, Marilyn Hillis, He said the program will be one cent from 1975. Drain at Grand Bend, $12,000;
Campbell called "a misunder- Wingham, they have things "all Tillsonburg and Jennifer Hillis, of the first casualties if the Bill Amos of McGillivray purchase of 77 acres of land in
standing over the Williamson prearranged by rad' . It's an Ingersoll. Vickie Gordon (five,
Etre. " A barn belonging to Ken invaluable tool, I'll te' his board years) Seaforth and Kelley Grant, authority is forced to economize Township, chairman of the Stephen Township, $20,000;
because of provincial restraints. authority's administrative updating of a 1967 erosion control
Williamson on the Grey McKillop right no ' w. Vk Exepd,)two years. These y oung "I The land acquisition program committee, said the province will study in Grand Bend, $5,000;
boundary was destroyed by fire Fire area board members visitors were starry-eyed in is where the crunch in funding reveal its support for the 32- acquisition of two part lots in the
on October 7. Both Seaforth and agreed to provide insurance on expectation of Christmas. will be most severe," he told member municipality authority in vill'age of Zurich, $8,000.
Blyth Attended the fire. , the old 1947 fire truck that Kelley is a niece of Mrs. Mary authority members. "We should early January In the proposed $700,000
The Blyth firemen and firemen use for parades. Seaforth Lgngstaff. Vickie gave us a
$eaforth's deputy chief Tom fire fighters will provide preview of dances she had continue to seek valley lands but He said a preliminary budget- budget, administration will cost
•perhaps some of tbeYn should be review conducted last week with $169,010; maintenance, $53,800;
Phillips, who was in charge of the maintenance for the vehicle. learned at school. She also had mothballed until they can be the conservation autorities branch conservation area development,
Seaforth brigade at the fire, got Firemen have thought of using some original movements which developed." of the Ontario ministry of natural $111,200; land acquisition,
things sorted oijt and agreed that the old truck As stand-by she very enthusiastically did for He suggested the authority also -resources indicates funding will $1,89,200, plantings, signs,
they'd both go to fires anywhere equipment or to fill up swimming us. It takes children to make concentrate on adding to its 2,400 be reduced to both capital renovations $9,000y, water control
in McKillop if called. Chief Bowes pools, Seaforth fire chief Don Christmas. acres by enlarger rather projects and administrative projects $166,000.
L. . .. . .