HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-18, Page 15�.
e icioua ur y
Place the turkey breast sidg up
.. Mvwte 0"imeepwg aer"M it asenupa viol"
Income Tax Agsletrginee =- I'repr<raiitlon
I'-,. '
Sli�° ppeis know, that alay time is a
at • later date. Cooked
sandwiches, croquettes, etc. such
parr. Brush with oil or butter and
the time to think turkey„ but it' turkey may be kept for 3 to 4 dayV.
sprinkle with salt 'and pepper.
is the "in” meat for ftliday in the refrigerator, but-freezipj
aluminum foil, shiny side down,
dinnors in particular. -'Further- extends the storage time.
tucking the eges under at the
more supplies of turkoys are: Separate large slicesof meat from
31/1 cups'turkey stock or bouillon
ample this fall. Turkey is a scraps. Plain slices may be kept „
end of the roasting time, remove
poplular, economical and one month in the freezer and up
12 thin julienne strips turkey
turkey and baste with the
relatively lean meat, providing to 3 months'if covered with broth,
drippings, if desired.
12 N. Main St.
high quality protein, valuable, or sauce, or added to a casserole,
4 cups chopped cooked turkey
Telephone Seaforth, Ontario
amounts of iron and B vitamin, Leftover meat from the roast
(5191527-0301 P..O.Box 729 NOK 1WO
niacin. Food Advisory'•Services, . turkey can be skilfully incor-
Agriculture Canada tell you how porated into a' variety of
decorate mold. Chill until firm.
to serve the most juicy and appetizing and exciting dishes for
Brenda Jean, to Richard Frank
stuffing should be removed and
A 1' ' • t 1r. imaginable 4. of d
e icioua ur y
Place the turkey breast sidg up
encore . meals. These mclu e
soup, salads, . casseroles,
on a rack in a shallow, roasting
sandwiches, croquettes, etc. such
parr. Brush with oil or butter and
as "Turkey Aspic"
sprinkle with salt 'and pepper.
internal temperature . reaches
Cover the turkey loosely with
aluminum foil, shiny side down,
2 envelopes •unflavored gelatip
tucking the eges under at the
'/1 cup' water '
ends but leaving them open at the
31/1 cups'turkey stock or bouillon
sides. Roast at 3259F. Near .the
1'/1 teaspoons salt
end of the roasting time, remove
1/8 teaspoon pepper
the foil to finish browning the
12 thin julienne strips turkey
turkey and baste with the
breast meat
drippings, if desired.
5 stuffed olives, sliced
As the turkey is roasting it is
4 cups chopped cooked turkey
important to know how to '/2 cup chopped green onion
R, S. BOX 26. Personal recognize doneness. The turkey is `/. cup chopped celery
done when a meat thermometer 'A cup chopped olives
FUNERAL HOME Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laverty are placed in the center of inside Soak gelatin in 1/1 cup water.
p eased to announce the marriage thigh muscle without touching the Dissolve over boiling water and
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As Christmas chimes
ring out glad tidings
we eche, them with the
wish that joy be yours.
Ken, Grace & Debra
-To', my, sills 'relafty s' .arid m 1 • r : {
a d. e,:` . ,.
_ero n Ma ax s r 1 .
friends in SEt�FORTH and , . rg. >. t .1�axr :.,y, t i'#e y, �i �e� ,£o �!e,f �o
beyond, Kitchener, t<xtezld.. ai'py 1Hioji�lalX h11p seas # l�fallh. nt thy: "Now
"Affectionate, greetings an Sl Gt'eetings to #hely^ Ireiaiili�a , Y6ar " ell and :iPl<Ise, '
God's , blessing for a joyous neighbours and friends,eg^x5=2 it3x#
Christmas and New Year. i
From: Daphne Wood, 14 1 would like to wish all my x9,7$ ICen, Arley an0 M rsh "VT. 0,
Knavesmire Crescent, York, ,etistomers a M.erty Christmas exteit Bost W. is} ,fop:A
England. cg -23-1 and a Happy New Year. Jiro floldaX SeaSat) end t>le`. view
Coleman. og-25-.1 Year,
Season's Greetings and Best "
Wishes" for the coming year to all , F ��•��CCnp111ICC DD��•{{��''ff((° N p
our friends. —(black, Dorothy, Tt1Wl!)11[I1�11G71' ;.
Muriay and Sandra Sholdice,
Walton. cg -23x1 ' The Council and offlcialss of the Towns iol
Hullett wish"to, thank all ratet� yrs tar;thelr;
Merry Christmas and a Happy co-operation in 1975 and wlsh\ overyofle a
New Year to all � my relatives, Merry Christmas and a Happy 'New 'Yeah
neighbors and friends.. — Mrs.
Joseph Thornton. cg -23x1 Greg Brandon, Tom Dulzer, Milt Dale; Joe,.
Hunking, John Jewitt
The Dales, Larry, Marg, Bobbi
and John wish friends and Clare VlnCent, Clerk,
neighbours a Merry Xmas and a
Happiest New Year. cg -23x1 George .Hoggart, Road Superintendent,
Norman Alexander, Drainage Commissioner'
Season's Greetings with best
wishes for the Holiday Season ,
and the, coming year to all my ,
friends. — Leo Hagan. cg -23x1 � top
Phones:. �f their daughter Sandra Ann to'
Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 Ray Vanyhyn which took place in
bone, registersF (85•C)., If the
turkey is stuffed, make sure the
, combine with stock. Add salt and
pepper. Chill until it just begins
4 ounces cream cheese softened
the Presbyterian,, Church on Dec,
internal temperature . reaches
to thicken. Pour 1/1 cup jelly into:
Mix flour, salt and sugar; add
Gordon &
13, 19.75 in Parry Sound. 26-33.1
165•F (709C) to destroy any
6 -cup mold and swirl mold until'
entered your mind that hors
possible bacteria in the dressing.
jelly coats sides and bottom. Chill
Douglas Elliott, R.R.4, Walton,
d'oeuvres have a role to play at
Mr. and Mrs. ' Ronald Dale,
Once the meal is served (within
until firm. Dip strips of turkey
i would like to thank Fa 'y
Paradise, Lesperi nce Trio, E�g'
Seaforth, wish to announce the
2 hours of when theturkey is
and sliced olives in jelly and
f ��
marriage <of their daughter
removed from the oven) the
decorate mold. Chill until firm.
By Appointment Only
Brenda Jean, to Richard Frank
stuffing should be removed and
Fold chopped turkey, onion,
3S0°F. Turn out, sere with r
Seaforth Office
Konarski, son of Mr, and, Mrs.
stoned separately. It may be
celery and chopped olives into
Tues Wed Thurs FriFrank
Konarski, R.R.1, Blyth.
refrigerated for 3 days or frozen
remaining jelly. Pour into mold
dance and . rovidin the lunch b f 1 the also offer lon side and roll u • chill Beat
9 to, .1 P.M. The wedding took pjace at the up to a month. and chill until setlabout 3 hours).
Thursday evenings Londeskoro United Church, Dec. To store. leftover turkey, put Unmold on lettuce, and if desired,
1t Monday only - Clinton'Office . 12 with Rev. McDonald the meat from the bones. Bones garnish with tomato wedges and
For -Appointment officiating. Attendants were Mr. may be placed in a freezer bag hard -cooked eggs. 10 to 12 JOY
and Mrs. Ray Ramrit eloo, Blyth. and frozen for making soup or servings. F "` `` TO THE
Phone 527-1240 or 482-7010 26-23x1 ? f
23-21-tf We invite engaged couplesto a stmasparty24. Cards Of Thanks visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Chr►W0�D
Clinton. Pick up a free gift and " Aq
Sincere thanks to relatives tell your friends about our Shower g Asyou experience the
neighbours andfriends for .and Bridal registry service. No I f transcendent joy of this
flowers, treats, visits, phone calls charge, no obligations. 26-21-tf m Yuletide, may your blessings
o and cards during my stay in 2' --Births hors.Seaforth Community Hospital.d oevrves
abound and bring.yoEi every
Also my -gratitude to Dr. Moyo, ERB — To Mr. and Mrs. Douglas With Christmas rapidly id fillip
Dr. Underwood, Box Ambulance P g happiness and fufillmenr.
E b R R 2 Zurich on December
Se i , staff and nurses at the
r '
9th at Seaforth Community
approaching, we are all open to
new ideas and recipes for festive
4 ounces cream cheese softened
Feeling listless? Out or
hospital for their excellent care.
All was much appreciated. — Ria
Hospital, a son. 27-23x1
entertaining. Has the thought not
Mix flour, salt and sugar; add
Gordon &
Smith. • 24-23x1
ELLIOTT — To Mr. and. Mrs.
entered your mind that hors
eggs and milk and beat until
u,,ir a tlnckti1,1,11•.
. 25.23X1
Douglas Elliott, R.R.4, Walton,
d'oeuvres have a role to play at
smooth. Stir in melted butter,'
i would like to thank Fa 'y
Paradise, Lesperi nce Trio, E�g'
on December 10th at Seaforth
the beginning of an intimate or
Pour into hot greased jelly -roll
and bake. 2$r minutes at
Community Hospital, a son.
elaborate meal?
and all who took partd
Themain function of hors
3S0°F. Turn out, sere with r
worked Sglapping- tfie- benefit
d,oeuvresis to whet the -appetite
ehicken filling. PlaceVolivesradott
dance and . rovidin the lunch b f 1 the also offer lon side and roll u • chill Beat
Y ge ore a mea , y g p.
" Mr. and Mrs.George
Your thoughtfulness was extra time for the hostess to make cream cheese and spread'on roll-:
.� Vanderheyden (nee Maria
appreciated. — Darlene last-minute, preparations and May be garnished with olive
Cou titre 24-23x1 Heynsbergen) are pleased to keep the guests bus There are slices or sprinkled with chopped
g y' announce the birth of their first P g y' P PP
We wish to thank all the men on child,. She is Carrie Diane born two groups of hors d'oeuvres: parsley. Makes one 15 -inch roll.
the two -fire trucks, Mervin Dietz' Nov. 27 at Kingston General cold and hot. The former are the To serve: slice.
with Wilfred Ahren's fire Hospital. This is the • 5th most common since the latter are,
extinguisher and anyone else who grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. almost a complete meal. MINCEMEAT BALLS
Cold hors d'oeuvres are sMeat Balls:
helped in any way to extinguish Martin Heynsbergen of R.1114,
Seaforth. 27-23x1 varied that it is almost -impossible
1 pound ground beef
T our chimney fire on December the _ to count them all. They include 1/1 cup dry bread crumbs
6th. it was all very mush +28. Deaths raw foods, canapes, fancy 1/3` cup mincemeat
appreciated. — Harry•Luella and sandwiches, salads and aspics. 1 egg
Charles Regele. 24-23x1 STRONG—At his aunt's home in The main ingredients are the Dash pepper,
Shelbourne, Ont. on Monday, following: raw vegetables such as 1'/2 -teaspoons salt
F wish to thank my family, Dec., 1. 1975 Robert Kay Strong celery, radishes, shallots, green 1/1 teaspoon curry powder
relatives, neighbors and friends of Winnipeg, Manitoba in his pepper, carrot and rutabaga 2 tablespoons oil
for gifts, cards, treats and visits ..47th year. Beloved husband of sticks, toamtoes, cucumbers, Combine meat, bread crumbs,
while I was a 'patient in St. Eva (Marshall) Strong and dear olives and pickles. Green beans, mincemeat, egg and seasonings.
Joseph's Hospital, London and father of Mrs. Butch (Wendy) mushrooms and asparagus are Shape ,in 1 -inch balls and brown
w since returning home. — Mrs. Ducharme, Winnipeg, cooked and served with a salad iq oil.
Otto Walker. Manitoba. Also surviving are dressing. All these vegetables
24-23x1 three brothers, Jack of London, may also be prepared as salads or Sauce:
Jim of Clinton, Art of Seaforth; aspics. 1 onion, chopped
two sisters Mrs. Jerry (Joyce) Fruits may also be a part of 1/1 cup chopped green pepper
.The family of Debra Coleman Hamilton of Goderich, Mrs. Pat hors d'oeuvres: cantaloupe balls, 1 cup mincemeat
would like to extend their thanks (Marie) Ryan of Dublin. Funeral frosted grapes, grapefruit 1/3 cup lemon juice
and appreciation to all their and Interment will be held in sections are excellent. Eggs are 1/3 cup water
friends and relatives who were so Winnipeg. 28-23-1 always a main attraction in the 1 teaspoon curry "powder
kind during her illness. 24-23-1 ' preparation of hors d'oeuvres, Add onion and green pepper to
CHAMBERLAIN, JESSIE either devilled or pickled, Fish meatballs and cook for 5 minutes.
MARGARET at St. Joseph's and shellfish are also appreciated Drain off excess fat. Combine
Mr. Clem wishes to Hospital, London on d.
Monday, as hors 'oeuvres as well as meat remaining ingredients and `pour
thank my frieendsnds and
neighbours December 15, 1975 Jessie and poultry, in the form of liver over meatballs. Cover and
who helped to do the ploughing Margaret (Porterfield) pate, sausages, ham or even simmer for 15 minutes.Makes
and chores and many kind acts. Chamberlain of 124 St. James St., jellied meat. ' about 40 meatballs.
Also thanks to those who sent London in her8lst year. Beloved Hot hors d'oeuvres are. usually
cards and visited me in hospital. wife of the late Edward Charles presented as mini -meat balls,
Thanks Dr. Malkus and Chamberlain and dear mother of spiced pork spareribs, hot potato
Dr. Whitman and the nurses and Marion of London and Mrs. salad, stuffed tomatoes, creole Somebody
staff of the Seaforth Community Ronald (Helen) Huras of rice and many more.
Hospital, Father Laragh, Father Stratford, dear sister of Mrs. Food Advisory Services, Wants What
Dill and the Knights of Columbus Gordon (Mernee) Miller of Agriculture Canada suggest two
A and Home Cara nurses. Wishing Auburndale Florida, Arthur hors d'oeuvre recipes: "Savory You Don't Need!
` them a Merry Christmas and Porterfield ofenton, Michigan Appetizer Roll served cold, and
Happy New Year. 24-23x1 and Dear Grandmother of Mrs. "Mincemeat Balls", from the hot SELL
]an (Gloria) Dunlap of Brights hors d'oeuvres group. Keep in
The family of the late Mrs. R. Gubve and Mrs. Earl (Pat) Famine mind however, that the purpose
(Josephine) Marks wish to thank of Cambridge also surviving are of serving hors d'oeuvres is not to Through
relatives, neighbours and friends two great grandchildren. Resting satisfy one's appetite but to
for their floral tributes, messages at the James A. Harris Funeral tantalize it. iron
of sympathy, donation to the Home, 220 St. James Street at . SAVORY APPETIZER ROLL
chapel fund and, also for their Rjchtgond, 'London where the 1/] cup flour n Expositor'
kindness and help during our funeral service -will be conducted 1/8 teaspoon salt
recent sad bereavement. A on Thursday, December 18, 1975 l '/2 teaspoons sugar Classified
special thanks to the nurses at at I p.m. by Rev. Garth C. 2 beaten eggs
Seaforth Hospital and to Dr. Nelson of Robinsen Memorial 1/4 cup milk Want Ads
Brady. Rev. Baker and the United Church. interment will 1 tablespoon melted butter
M.L.Watts Funeral Home . All follow in Maitlandbank 21/1 cups chicken salad sandwich
was very much appreciated. — Cemetery, Seaforth. Memorial
Marks F mily. 24-33x1 donations to the Ontario Heart
Foundation • are gratefully
25. In Memoriam acknowledged. . , 28- 3-1
In loving memory of Stella
Anderson who passed away
December 20, 1065,,, .
Feeling listless? Out or
O happy (tours we -once enjoyed
How sweet their memory still
Fight itl Take a walk.
But death has left a loneli ness
The world can never fill.
—Lovingly remembered by0liver
and familyand grandchildren.
u,,ir a tlnckti1,1,11•.
. 25.23X1
' Season's Greetings
The -Forge Restaurant
and Chicken Take Out
will be closed
Christmas Day -- Boxing Day
New Years Eve and Day
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As families come together in love and
warmth, we wish you and youp a most
joyYous Christmastide... hoping every
delight of the Holiday Seasoh'wil4be yours!
Next week-'
your last chance
to extend: your..
To friends, relatives and acquaintances
through the Huron Expositor's Classified
Personal Greetings.
The holiday season is at hand. Time to wish
everyone happiness , and joy.Your personal
message will be seen and, read in 3,000 homes
served by the Huron Expositor.
Before 5 P.M. Friday, December 19
Phone 527-0240
Cost for one insertion is $2.00 for 20 words or
less. Additional words 8 cents each. Second
insertion for only 1/2 price.
Bill and Wilma Jones and family SEASON'$ Greetings with best Among the many sincere good
extend Best Wishes for a Happy wishes for the Holiday Season wishes sent to you for a Merry
Holiday Season . and the New and the coming year to all oui Christmas please include ours! —
Year. friends. - The Jones, Mary and Bill Janes.
Greetin it peor in.Christmas issue which will go out
December 23rd. '
■ o
. 4