HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-22, Page 4o__E. WILt�iAi�S THE WINGHAM TIMES, c1131022,_.1894. . available far arty and all sides who 1400; (5) that the expenses J 8p;au�4' old leo of the whole- It iccalill Thatsystem rllvohvcs a net lois to the hisi lie has been of . of refuge committee, 1 The tlrlttal brant of �^`?f> to cad' der it one luau 11tTorontoA t ,,.. stltutes. of :�'1(ll);()()E]^a year all(1 1111 pals' 1'ilii price. for 111s annexation Maid, of the Farnals' and Teachers' Iii - country known c is drawing late chiefly A motion by Mes,rh, l londf'oot ari 1 , • i 00. ler annwll for lite writings. s. , ,,•Young m (Colborne) to ii. strikeout clause :> aLetrort on elle motion to .L;1 pension , i for ' l'.SS than two hears The �ty, ll Canadian, is ()rte i ofof the Education committee's 2• No onli 'st tion uo ill rev= f� 1 1 the Mali, service. the heic'ty, .11C rd may be well January report and refer ,the platter distribute d,3 Horticulturalagstthe socr ecus- :,letlit lt, tl 1 Patron esti!- for the Catholic Record to understand btallcl!buses was amended to grant tl • I Ltt It• t' �, Have therein back to to committee for Thisic all JL. Cil --AND- lkt;, t'uaaol,r.v, lc• < . siret as last list the ' °• does not appeal teal ,; field , reconsideration and report, wits sen for thin ricln1,�, 11 Y lY them cal in elle sic , puttee '1v110 Tec munended $`20 to each society holding at fall (lidatc only 1 . to tlhu ca111 , , to care for any support from 11 aria- if some of tliellr still caul tlleniselw"es y T r >i' I'ar , (llo action, and also no action on , s ' •Ilk: has not held a C"onservatrves then Conservative )stilton from S. S. No, Igo, v a£ halo electors, ----- , , • „• ' owvn all(! We (lanbt very means something quite c11ifC'tei1t)R10111 Mullett and Last atlCl int c tui int , did. in the last campaign, g West Wawa- runes! if one-tenth of the electors what , it c 1( Nosh, have ever seers 111111• A The P. P. A. is away ,0 1'Onlilio 8 o'clock of the town., , electorate > in . , 1 has broken <Lww ay s party tr Te irl9ts■ ild• TELEGRAPH '.1p. tall who ix•111 treat the t,leotoratc which , ort leas rt. + slavery and rt will support no calx!!- The !louse of Industry committee O f � Brunst ick House that ww'ay is not deserving of slip!>a , .that Mr. date who !las not pledged hunsc;lf to ;again laid over, and t • Tr 1s currently reportedcarts' out its platform to the very fo thacted w forthwith on examine and report �� Connolly,thePatron candidate ni 1 tt coin - his Seaford' property i a 1 offer from D. D. 7lf , t? ai yll, - is < c P e e- , • lie ti�'iison for lis ] U a member of the P. phi lit have happened tot • Tile council then adjourned until this riding,Zti hat g A. -i goodly 'number of the Patron richest Prow apse in the 1)ortliiilon if a. 1n• next day. ' ' candidates ('em to be allied to that 'any easy going politican had had I 1, QLTrTrI DAY—FRIDAY. C x�1� call . � � society. How a man can scree the � charge of its strong box.? What 1 P. 1'.:1's. at the , . was for a gang • We The report of Education committee I Patrons and the Z plunder ti er limits ! e time, it is hard to see. The j have timber lints worth ten mill;! an arrears Colle Collegiate Institutes and ball! , I`ItIUA JUNE 23, lsy1. Grand Presiclerlt of the Patrons re - ions; we could stand a debt of twenty 1 Scaforth 5 1 a P. axle! says they millions as easily as Quebec. ;read and adopted, It recommended :--- -- I' ,udiates the . P • A s., or thirty ih , y lticl have that the claims be not entertained, , can have no connection with such a A political of easy � latus would The P. P.:1's., oil the other lavished these millions oil heelers and! as they had found them unfounded. society. the first hand, say their platform must receive hangers-on, who, in return, would bl The County some Property and lni • �' • candidate ';�'„(:,. ll voting him a got recommend enthusiastically y i? provements in County buildings.— Does let this thought throw some � Adopted. light on what we have escaped, and ! committee approved on what we owe to the 111811 who has I The Special g box. for f the Prisoners' Aid been in b 2.) years ?--(PrincipalfAssociation, < < h Huron Co J associations. show, r .l 33 The acceptance of Fraser & f IY!ARK.la7.' Bl�]PO1tTS. YIINdliAll. Wingliani, ,June 21, 1804. , Corroded, by P. 'Deans, Produce Dealer. r per 100 lbs., ........ 1 00,10 1 ea Flour 0 53 to 0 55• Tall SVlleat...,,•,•".•,•• 052x0058 Spring Wheat •.... ••. 0 33 to 0 34 Oats,. , "' . 0 35 to 0 40 Pease....... .... 0 52 to 0 52' Bess ., ... 0 13 to 0 14 Butter, tub, • ...... • , 0 13 too 14 ilutter,rolls-, •, 0 0,7 to 000 Woodier cod. , .A.e. • • ... 1 25 to 1 75 i 0• tor 0 or ton .......... .... 000 Hay P or bushel,...,,,, 0 00 to 0 0 Potatoes, p 0 05 to 0 05 91DITU1i.I;3I, 1 s 'S. did ate. for t:=ar1OW and honest goy- . •THE Advance is condemning Dr. I T berry, bvlawv for street cro , Constituency. Liberal.' Consorva • �ent. Macdonald for delivering a' few ad- •in ' i (2) the appropriation of $3,000 (r1`Tti11 0 for Mr• dresses i1. South limon for Mr, 1\I. for boundary lines; no action on rho Addington... •....... Hallida� y •• field ,LXnERAras, every vote cant I I Bos Aroma E • • . I'E'arweil.. .. • . Hearst. . candidate, i5 a Y. 1IcI.ean, .the Liberal candidate• motion for repel nifof' bylaw o held Algoma W ...:..... , Conntea..... • savage.. Eitel Connolly, .lie Patron c government r () p ySVood. the best ,over there is nothing new in that, ars the . 187`k ; 4 a nBrant S............ Hardy w one• to displace • not s peak I by county on Grand Bund bridge+Brant N • • •' .' ...... Dana.. .. . Jelly. had. Editor of the AcKancc can 1 contract. i Brockville, ...aNau hton. Ontario .1 ,aMcCannel!.... McIntosh..I b 11t< liowitT has been of the Doctor in 1e other way butt10 f A stlpp1ementary report 1000111- .Bruce N , , ...... Valens • . , rein OLIVER.r lE man elhw• But ,vita 1 the • • , . Truax• ,, McDonald . • -ears and fault-finding Doctor ; mended the county assuming ruce C::. ....... . , rUacic.. replier at 'Ontario for - y i wish to point out is; that the bridges in Wingha.nh and Blyth on ,18- ardlvoti. , , .....'.. Itobinaon • Zlttlo. Jeffs. , . .: that trill.(: the affairs of the � is onl doing what several members I b roved of motions to Carleteti.:.......... Bohr• • • • -• oak• • _ , ••.• . id .. . M Kidd <axr ally and many gravel road, app ..,...... Marr.. • Dynes tut cd in a minion •Couseet gullyride Stephen, ' Dufferin.. •I' Barr.. • . Fox I'rvvrnce have been conducted of the iDo I examine the b g 1 p members of the Hoose of Commonsg Dundas... , .• • • , careful ante- Band assist manner. Sup- , • doing and McPhee bride Colborne, with Dundas. E.. .... Whitey ... • Garrow and in continuing' on that stele of the politics ale b, DanLocce ..rt .. • .!aril er • , Ford...... sucporh Gf a view to havilg them rebuilt. purl 1. i...., • Dance Brower.. : uCi nzanaigement of the Province's and wefo condemns ale Doctor forLockhart • . , • , Brower . • sspeaking for ;4Ir. McLean, it also .con- r The report was amended byl� S, EElgin v... ; . 'White .... .: SVintermuta . affairs. t I !lig out clause 3 < Rases N ..... ....... McKee.. , Dodson.... • • No. 9 of 1874, by striking off all • Esser S Balfour. . Gallagher. Haycock Tat first Manitoba crap report of de11i11s its poIitrcal fl ietlkl,• bridges mentioned therein, the motion. Fronterlac..... , ... • M 1 the year was published Thursday in I Campaign. Notes. I g I o It shows a total wheat ” to apply to any bridges added to Glengarry • . • • • Winnipeg. eo.;Mr. J• T. Gamow has proved him- county list since the bylaw was passed •Cretan ''` p 'self a good, faithful representative of save that all bridges over 20 feet Grey C.;.....:..:: axartman:. ..(Ixorke.,acreage elf 1,01g,It1'J, and of all crop: • t2cIieolime .1 I „"" "),3tt k. being air increase over fist' ti good government. As a farmer's Froin Aulberly to (;grape! Bend on the Grey S............ S Baxter. ,d a 1 a ldlm . . the H rna.. -farmer Ike ri'1r111C d Cthe f< assumed .. ;year of 3co, ai' acres. X111 corTesp son lie •iS ateg17a1MCd with lake Shore -shall be assHalton, . • .: Ba te' d clvlits, report seasonable weather for li wants. Having fence, he and par" ; alllleticlrilent to take effect Jane 1, i Hamilton E Husband .. • • I setsctrXi and excellent condition of ; lhalneutary experience, he wvoulcl go 18 95. , Hamilton SV Biggar- gThe rinanee committees report Hastings SS', :» • • . bb • . ostromM crops; •Ito Toronto familiar with legislation, i judgment, Hastings E. ...:Sermllyea.. ,. 9 .` liras reach and adopted. It reeom- Wood.. SIR: . L. 1�Xciaxsos, the' Conserv and in a11positi of relot• 18111eto I e > Hastings N ei mi .... ... • . ve earlclyd� tv ill Fast Huron, has on all i mended : y Huron S .:.... , .„lc: vat!on. bean ttters i before the people ae- 11IcLean...:.• Weismlller , on account I 1 p (1) P15 .Hent of the following Huron S.. •- • • • •.' •row .G at •on �V. I and; t funeral I3ui t�'ltde re(l his resignation, { of• Huron for a number 011 of years, tit , counts : J. Brophy & Son, funel Bent Ferguson • . asks for support on his own of • -11;a , expenses Mrs. Brindley and Win. . • . , .....: Clancy ..... ]Tont SST. • . Smythe and those of the government of •1Xr. i Black;l$2;, John Walker, repairs to Iiingaton• I tarty..... y ,t *22.50 Wright Lainbtor, E .. McCortnick liowat• tlrt 11011 t alio j il', •„ i aMcKenzie • . . Caldwell ...... .Presto's ... . Clark.. •.,. •• Matheson.. (Symington Meacham.. Beatty.. Hiscott. .. ter's tender for county stationery. 4. -No action on the claim of Goch erichl I'ublie sehool board. This clause was amended to allow th elailil for 1891 .)3 and first quarter of 189, at r 5 per room, a. total of :rr 195. The report was then adopted. ;ziatley .. ...... •' !oats....... 0 • to 0 3s.; Oit motion of Messrs. Either and ............ • ' . n 5a3 to 0 55', Cook, the Finance coinntittee were i Peas, . , . • • • • • • • ' 0 40 to 0510' instructed to report some plan for I ? °tarres, per bushel. • 0 12 to 0 3• paying sterling debentures t . Bugs, per dozen . , :: 0 12 to 0 13 $202,700 which Will gnat-, (t 00 to 7 0s. a1110August Nay••. '•''•''' s 3 00 to 4 000 1110 1, 1SOG Cordwood.,..,..... _ Y ^`(. Council then adjourned Until 3 i . _ ____-_--•__ 3 o'clock p, in. ! whom their support. Tru: electors of W ingham had no 'iI Connolly, the electors of Clinton, Gode is Tallow, per lb.... ... 0 .- to OaQS Dried Apples, per lb. ... • • • 5 005 to 5 -00 Dressed flogs..........•• 5 00 to 5 00 Beef . ..... ............ elaws01. Fall Wheat, old ........ .•••. 0 5557 to 0 GS Fall Wheat, new. • • . , 0 53 to 0 60 Spring 'Wheat 0 35 to 0 40• The 1"�(111aliiatlOn • - committee's from 1893 except to rise Seaford! . some ,$','38.000 ill its ass1eluetions !CUTS DOWNTHE PRICE OF MEAT* skirmish began to Secure townships, which grewinto 1 report ww'Ls read proposing; no change Ea SHAW I AGAIN. 111 various oww , a eoilfusioll of motions and amend i STEAK -i (1( T o merits beyond the ability' of any one Ji'jA , 1 V v PER voice i11 the selection of r. ' b charge of our strong ( +the petition a Giant to follow clearly: Then these were , and other moats in low proportion. the Patron candidate; neither had ) I �.ncl that of the Dominion 11 and I t s all upset by a iuotion • to adopt the Blyth pot can Mr. Connolly n Live Stock Lssocla lap PORK SAUSAGE County Council. f - Executive eons •Lssysslllent of 1893, .and after that The report o the ,axe - (CO\TX�yUED o'N PAGE 8•) I Imittee was then discussed in COM- pect support from those who had no Titian DAY—THURSDAY. also on hand• ti sttindarcl voice in his selection as < 3 o'clock p, til• bearer ? • It is true that the £ariiiers THE FIELD E L ` I am prepared to pay the highest price. Finance Committee, including (MC ! CANDIDATES � �t'� , for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn, form seven -tenths of the population t� number of accounts were sent to .and well caressed. ' w the the other ,but that is no reason I Morris GEO. SHAW. why other three tenths should not 32 on account of township of It d gaf odisp u e• • The fo11o'avb'g is. a complete list of the candidates in the field for election The Road and Bridge committee to the , i a 1 i; (1) a lova.! .�— reported, recoinmenclin pp • 5- • five. Patrons. I dependent ofTurn berry { of have a voice in the selection of a can -32 o fLegislativeAssembly on Tuesday next :— why n,�ha,n Oct 10th, 1x303. ate. 4 . DR, MOOELIAN, LONDON, ONS;: •t S4 Dundas Street, f Kitchen .... EYE and EAR SURGEON,• Hopkins (P. P.A) . , Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear hospital, and Throat tt iaduatethe New York Yost Grae on the duatte Medical School and hospital, 1892. Eyes Tested Glasses •, • • 1 Applied. Fine stock of Spectacles, Lenses and • surtiliciul El es. Will be at the I Brunswick House, WINGHAM,..• The first THURSDAY of each Campbell....... • month, at date named below: Buchanan , •, Bush. , ... , . Cleland.. Reid.... .. . 'Macpherson Next Visit, July 5th, 1894.--.., Hours 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. .Charges.: Buchauan. • , moderate. DloGillivary.. .•I Seat letcalfe... .. • .. n111111211\111 Gamey. McNichol - enn...•....I z . Smith (P.P A.) P.P. A. . ll co ak ) $a ( • Graham.: 1 cLareil • . Haggerty...... . 1Milne. • . • , . • . I Connolly .. ,•i...•.....» Darling Pardo. ... P •I of pressure of business and outer !reasons. The contest will now be , d between Mr. Thos. (Tx C of the the ' Says the Canada Piesbytetiau. It illartill teaminc ``-'•?5 ;Saunders & Lambton Sv.... antrue represent:Ai the of the riding, f Lauark N • • . • • • • • iillle the patron can- !has Long been the pride and boast os Co �31'i 7 ; H b �I�. Watson bile! A. Lanark S. • • . • • -' : • andte. Wm. ,n 1 Lennon.. , .. , . . icltlte Presbyterians that ligase co never , Bin !lain, flowers, $5 each;- Jamieson d -I 1)0011 any such thing a8Ch corporate Reid, repairs at .jail, $35.98 ; Exeter Leeds •. i1z,�Co` -xcaa, , the Patron caned! ; vote in the Presbyterian Church: Our , Advocate, 3, T1) West tiVativanosli, Lincoln.. to devotes a teat deal of time ; people take an active, olio -neat incl burial James Barrow, r $1.5 °; John .14idcllesex E . , .:. ` date, • >, b YN.. • � 'til fob o. ices .I les Y w•e n r 7 D dd is , Ti - bE,l e• � , 0 1� - a , we" Ce. condemning the Nationald119 dial , ttlutte.ltlal • and, • but they do so Ansley, postage, , » iu' and has had little to { !tart in public affairs,, ; Ansle , ossa ; J. E. Tom, do, $4.88;obMiddlesex W .:. • . . Da1111ial1 t,5 , post Wilson, drugs, `1�8 ; D. oK. r- 1iddlese , • . j . 011 C}jitario's affairs. Why docs y and have alwray tclonTn F ev�� lutes- ,;x,70' A. B. C 'i is1 .:.. • tt �tt, Strachan, repairs, „ 1 N p n bre do this• Only e to try alpullt the I not , Presbyterians. merit b e pairs, Graham, X15 ; ;Toho Norfo]k S.. • . , ' •eves of Liberal Patrons ons �. ever, of the l'('CCtit aLttael+S upon I T111- hell, funeral •• „• D] orfclk N ......... : t too ni aver' tI't hall, repairs Grands.ra Bendy , rd„ n • talelln believe he 1110 left the ; cipahl Grant 1» a. sectio!! of that most of Post,nellam Northumberland E •. n1ak been at'' S0 ;13rttssel5 2 i �1 i >' Northumberland W , alwaerv� been Party, to which he has i the In public men have be' Times 4 ; 1 p. s $2 ,burial lira. Ontario N . , } allied, p ... 1 rio S o• d uta 11 attacked. printing ., tta ,•. • Y ].1t U .. lrlrx. a , always � i- I tncicct axil arc now being 1IcGlnty, Vii,) Exeter Times, p n . . x IMoGallum (P,P.A.) IGurd (P: P.A..).... Groves • Ferguson . • . • Briscoe Wilson Thompson Hobbs . • • . • Meredith • • .. Shore (P. P. A.). . Jadkson, • • . - • • • " Alexander Taylor .... . h • .: Leito Ross.. . Crawford .. Harcourt .. , • • Cockburn ... • Langford Tonrnier....., Loughlin .. . L • e Charlton •.. , ... , Webb.... .. Willoughby • Field........ Mitchell . • . Chapple., .... Glendenning., Dryden..... • Miller:. • ... • . . (Mc'V sit • (Bronson.. . Y r oohs 'Dur *O'Keefe .. .. Mowat .. . r.....,.., McKay..., . .. ....,.. Sharpe.. • . . • Beatty. . • . ith .... Smith . McNeill-,, Ballantyne • x3lezard... , . , Lancaster.. • Stratton Winch,. Evamturel.. Gibson.... .. Shaw...... c l 1 En Y a Lsociety, nt ilei .. TEE Thursday of T()10 I by a recently formed secret $137.95; Fraser & Porter, stationery, Ottawa �,,�,y,,,.. Tittlladay' conferred the Ikon -fare Presbyterians, it may become t�e� $7 4.23; Winglatm Advance, „ 3, Win. Orford N . • , .. • : : oei *ashy •r His Ex- Y . . raLrr degree �i •J. L. D. ' ccuary far 11(slt5 teriaua to revise, ltd)reatll, regains to court house, Oxford S. ° •. •. • ntln y •r So (r I r,bribe r e Grant 1 chard $2• Signal, Pal y e tcv Lord -Aberdeen,. Ilis honor • their ii'mtoric policy. a bra e simply t2 )O, Blyth 1 School, $2,li eep Peel ..:. ° .. • .. . Il •Kirkpatrick.i rs chat vet with „ �r3.76 Industria , Perth . • • . ' ltlenalxlt - Governor iof because he had the manliness to' say of P. Barrett, $10.85; Seaford' Sun, Pertlt S...:.. • •..... an G. 0 hogs, Minister of I:ctltca. °� that he supported Sir. Oliver Mowat's $25.50; D. C. &rade n, supplies to Peterboroubh 7f1,. ,. )f - • for 11lulocl;,, [,), C.., I t , n • ' h°• his , a r care Peterborough SV.. , thou, tc(,Chttarc c l Y • , Government and for giving Court htluse •x:..10, rp. Stephen, 1 . M 1'.. President London, of the Patton, y , ' people I ' , d w' (2).040 That Wm. Fresco I d rd . • ; F. L. Iyattott, • reasons for thinking that other ole president and ran I)i N 1 should do rho. If Principal Grant h Williams,C. Laged 80, It �•clelitof Princeton University, taken. 'L bribe ill his capacity I.eocl 82• both of Codvtleh, an had Cruse ••. Dalton.. , Ewing. of C. �111aaL' , „ata Prince . wa • t Umlverslt • L .and Rachel lice- Renfrew N ..... as d J • f principal of 1 Queen's then the whole Joseph Hewitt, 'J2, and Mary Hewitt, Ltenfrew Thompson. irltrocltteect resit Presbyterian church a.rr, participators 78 colli of l slrorne, be !pads County R,,asell............ Brix Jo11rh I `n tlic Ilattse of I ill the bribe. If the principal has wards, at $36 cath for the two former cameos 1'1 • • • . ..... Trills f eSVr.•...,,, Cert The r and q. � .< report ' , Samos C...11 . .. • it' libeled with him. vast A supplementary report rceom- Stormont......... . of this •t d. , - h'oret : of the I lasl)ytcilal)s t henclecl 1' that folIowwln� be p<1 � 7.oronto I.,•11••, • Om franchise 1 a" 10 e 1031 for the two latter. Bunco y sclary.'1tc basis of I b libeled the whole church has , (lt3thl(1113 1 !ilii 1)... rr ficial f atrcliises is adopted,' roi,.. 1 < li ( lr T1 3 ) ns `t In J L ta t `vr , y ( o0 Are, trustedloll on r .•tstCmedicalexamination, r officers tlto 1`l � To C t .,1 fitxa v . 1)e revising ,sally. R • C •I ., Vett Dtrrltittion I towilhc(, m< y I)1. Hunter, The Premie1 uitiOunc» the ' thinit 'about it, 11s Toronto N... , ° Y .Tart. , ..w , , . ed illttcittcd. b h , i spy w1 ' John Butler, $32.40; Star, . 6.43; Toronto S ... • • • • ..moss, .. . , , rob11)10 that 1110x11(1 r(- ; , ,,, aacls the 1'. I', A , tlteit opposition 'Thomas ' V' (i.tltr,rald„ surveyeng, V ictorfa E , .. , ..... .. , ( It was p tails r�» O that Can , . <, that Ito w........{Mahe,,...... o After this year's would The' r lite brig; etest cAlhtlllrltlr tit t 1 G 3•>, r (); I,xI)osetot, .BC); (2) S'ictorioo N .. , • , . • • f 1lal,ertaon (Mgt` ! general election, rile i be 1tid to Presby ia as pttbhc action be taken at present all claim . Watev . .. - . .,1llio et • 11 COS before, b Waterloos.. it is (,, Itl!eted will be revised 1 mem. '.i'hr presbyterial/ oi,,thin t of Morris township ; (3) that warden Waterloo , German.. ... • r . , T year. 1 never was guilty of doing, anything and treasurer have power to borrow oww SVeilin halt ,3 blutrie ... , .. their approval. ( ( to meet etlrfo'ttt expenditure Wellington h.. .« ., t;uL1g... �',rtlt+t v ) News (Independent Col t(> w`til tri pl ...( the , ,, raise :7 500 this wAingtou we... IA:11, • . „ • • '4ir. 11c14k`(lilcn's' resolution since thE1 rvinoval of the t'#ttron and thy, trE.astlrel tat ,beutures • i; , Wentworth '8, • •. 'I lute)1 ,. ,... at3ve ' fir 11 l�.ct tet !!tett telling d( Y () SV ntwor0 N Richardson .• Bill. Davis.... • ... Crawford Magwood .. Hors.< 'man ........ man (McIntyre.. ., .. lB ick - Barr.,.. . (Dowling 1.. ) Tierney 1Calnpbell.. lbobillard Harvey.. ..• Patau... • Mack.... • • • • • • .Cross....••IDDIVidS0111 wV'ilsbn., ,,,. .... Cavan.. 40,41....•. Lytler Miscanlpbeli Duff, Thompson., .. Fulton.. Ryerson,. Crawford . •• Matter .< . •• Howland . • • . Carnegie....., x3ryans... artg tlleflwlition of the stilt-; paper, the Suit, to 1 oront0, . 1. - yk'at , a .. ti(na. system was voted clown ward Farrar has been employed as estimated receipts, $:3,800 and ex- Yank i] ..... y editorial writer on the pfa.per. :iI'r. lxin(Iitttrey $30,210 requiring a gate York W onf to a be reg party who is of 11 mills to rls()� 1)(1111110e of : 36.- York ..... «... • , is be regre>tte�tk, Farrar it a clever writer, 066644 44.61..6 Lawson.. , . • . Currie - Coutts 11 . • + Bennetts. •••• McCleary, Hampton , Nilson., .. ., Nicholson ,... R-yckniac .. 8t,?ohn....., Ittttehinsoll +. Cassldyv.....v•,. Armstrong,...... . If you want your iuiti SUITS'. made in the latest style, go to G. I N . ,..........6,114..• opposite Bank of Hamilton, WIN GUAM. d pectal tt r Y tOR0 I have a full stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, , 8&c.,. to which I invite special attention. Thurston . +BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN. Otterboin.r .. Gardlnor.... •,., Slipes .. I , • ... .b.....• :.......,... EV -IMPAIRING A SPECIALTY, iar y Park. r .. • ......... , • ..... • • • and all work done on the premises. Tucker ...,..,. ,11,, ... .. 44.11....... ..............•.. .1 M. PATTERSON. Stand—Directly oppoette the Bank of E1tlaiitgn, Winghani, q'e ,:,OST QV t OljN:fi,Na1ISNT, 1,'ARJr1:It`h' 1 LJ AR'rI("I,rrl VI111'EC>. Ata public meeting held in 1) clan, the other (lay, Mr, David C,'ae, of Guelph delivered al, stare address, which was listened to tit marked attention and heartily plaude(l. Among other things' sai(3 : "As 0 member of the Lilx party for many years, and au farmer, I ant to 0 large extent sympathy with the platform of Patrons of Industry, I aim sympathy with them to the exteu endorsing those planks which t have adopted from the Liberal pa But I am not in accord• wi,tlt organ of the Patron party, the n( paper known as The Canada Fara Sun. The platform of the Pa • party deals largely -with Donli politics, and even the plank know tbo seventh (dealing with the elec of county officials and the payi of employees by fees) is 011e effeets Dominion politics as it Provincial. There has been a ; dean of drseussion en this point, Patrons are not 1)j' any 111ea112 a in its favor. This most impol plank in the platform is the an13 in the whole list out of harmony. the work of the Ontario Governi and yet'tltere are few, if -any, pi in the whole of Canada more 1 against Sir Oliver Mowat and Government than the Patron o And this is the ease, While, be -f membered, this Ontario Govern and its able loader have for h years been fighting for the principles which the Patrons arc anxious to have adopted. "Some time ago this paper ,11 series of six articles on `Tho Cc •Government;' a very important ject, and one worthy of careful by .all classes of people in Can: the present time, and by no ought that study to be more Clo painstaking than by the • fa' The articles are ably .written they display a wide knowled public affairs. The articles with this assertion: 'The cost c eminent is not a party question many other questions of 'ilnl)e it is ightoied by both the old ' because both 'are interested 111 Rig it: What should we do f courageinent and rewards if' tic were thinned out?' ' • "This is false ground at the The public records show it where there time to go into 1)1 politics, the contrary is . Ileal forth . in the records of the t parties- of Canada. • • "Again, he says as his sec0111 point 'It is worthy of note • ,•. ' •• the United Statc,s there 1S cc tively little complaint of the • State, or, as we should say, vilnoial govermllent. The Stat latures do their work Olden 4 -- at any rate, with praise economy.' I appeal l . <l tos.l w who knows the finances of t age American State if this be challenge anyone to show tl State of the American Union the past twenty years been a and economically governed own Province of .Ontario, writer picks out a few sped, lit the expenditure of the :Indialia and Michigan, and c r tut e In these with the expenditure • First, he takes the Ministers' acknowledging that the case parallel, because there is thing as a free responsible ment in the State scheme. holding the offices are not but simply heads of departln • may be dismisseddismissedby t11C (rC They . any time. they !lave no se House nor any voice there' officials of this "kind, acting ,y responsible only to. then chi .be paid such salaries its out of the Crown semis to me "Indiana and Michigan compared with Ontario, as pulatiott is mhlch the same though their areas are Ince larger area entailing th expenditure I Indiana -•--•AT square miles; populate( '2,192,404; number of rept( 150, of whom 50 are in Senate. 11liehig all ---Arra? square utiles ; populaitic 2,093,880 ; number of repri 182, of•. whom 82 are its Senate. Ontario—Area, smiles; population, 1801, representatives, !J2. tiro Senate. "Indiana—Cost for el rnent, includin • State c boards, eonlmission01's 10 ' $284,504.70. Michigan