HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-22, Page 1•
le Wee -
1111 FSS,
Wewant to tell you about our Linen
• ,
Stock. Nowhere in town will you find such
an assortment in Table Linens, Napkins,
D. Oylies and Towels, and the value is
xight� be use the prices are right. All
ppurcbastic. in the Old Country and imported
direotby is, which means a great saving to
you, There is nothing teat delights a
woman's eye as much as fine, pretty linen.
Come and see ours and be delighted, Our
Print and Challle stook isthe prettiest and
most complete in town and you are sure to
be suited..
We have a number of ends of Carpets in
Brussels, Tapestry, All -Wools and Unions,
suitable for small rooms. We will sell
them cheap to clear ont.
Our Grocery Stools is fresh, complete and
!cheap as ever. The 35e Ten blade they
trade,becauseitis always the same quidity,
—Greatre aretions see beingmade in
p 1?
town for the 12th of July celebration here.
—Mr. W. P. Broekens
this week as adelegate to
L O.G. T. from Anebor
this place. •
ire is. in Paris
Turnberre Cenn 11 minutes n
i bly row
•e voc.
1 a
3]i 'iters a nn.
this issue.
rd out of
the trend Lodge, —Don't bo a Mole an oke Monopole,
one of the best fie cigar mreuufaeturecl h
f Hope Lodge, of eke for sale at Jas. MoKclvie's.
4. —Mr. 0. Johnsto:
Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly in the store st r
repaired and fully warranted by IttesrY 7
Penis, Meyer Block, Wingham, and feed store.
--The Semi-annual
Ornngo Lodge of Nord
inthe Orange ball in
c1L , June 28th, at the
The High School
School Leaving exarail
in Wingham Public
e, ting of the County
Huron will be held
his town on Thum
our of 2 p. m.
ntrance and Public
nations will be beld
ever changes. cheel on the 28th, --1
SeetheNew Duplex Washboard, the 290 and 30th of this ondr.
;greatestlebor-saving device of the age. —Why do you ruin your eyes by looking
Shop early and secure prompt delivery 'at the sun to see if it is near noon, when
of your goods. This stare closes at seven you can boy a reliable watch for $3.10,
from Munshaw, the leader, •
The Only Direct Importers
Tars Been, June 7th, 1894, •
latarriag° Lioensos
Ieseled by FItANIC'PATEaSUN. No , Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
• required.
or Teachers and others
College, Corner Yonge
and Garrard streets, To*,n e. oniquestionably,
Canada's Greatest Commercia1Sohool, Ii,session
the OntireYeat•. tipecial circulars for Saminer classee.
"Write for one,
--Yesterday was the longest day of 1S94.
—House to rent, apply to and in a short addles
Council on the prop
Bass idling doer pot commence till organization, and ale+
Ju • ist.
Considetiable qn
being brought to tow
--Cash for good butter' and eggs at R. A.
Grantee market b ocery. •
—Mrs. Clark and
have been residing i
past two years, left o
Sound, where they pu
'Messrs. John Nee
John A. McLean an
'Woodstock . :atonal n,
of the High 'Court of
of Foresters.
For'chvich corresp
Vidette : Rev. Mr, I
Paul's church, Wingh
able and impressive
churoh on Sunday las
' el . J. T. Garrow,
a e for this riding, w
and Saturday calling
addressed e very large
hall, in the eveuing,
given elsewhere.
—Ladies, have your garments made by
'Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the (Qaeen's Hbtel. , Latest styles, good
work, always first-class fit.
ss Lizzie Clark, who
Wingham for the
Saturday for Owen
'pose taking up their
nds, D. M. Gordon,
R. Elliott are in
the annual meeting.
e Canadian Order
—The members
meet at the resides
Monday next, metes
it being a holiday,
make a note of the
has opened a tin shop
rth of P. Deans' flour,
f the W. C. T. U. will
ee of Mrs. Helm, on
4 of Monday, Jaly 24d,
Bombers will kindly
t'e eommunicetion the
e made ; The word
lave read "decla;im,'
etty," and for "mind"
uron was meeting in
ev. L. G. Wood and
sr., were present as
awl's church, this
—In T. C. Gratia
following errors we
"disclaim" should
for "pretty" r Qad "
read "minds."
—The Synod of 1
London this week:.
Mr. Crowell Willso,
delegates from St.
—A very flattering
tendered the Wingha
triot council meeting
,lays of Temperance,
for the hospitality ext
vote of thanks was
people, at the dis-
' the Royal Temp.
old here ,last week.
uded theta by our
:,of r
meeting Co.
ua nein Court
last 1 r e
,-. t ' to1
Maitland, No, 25, . 0. F. the following
vote of thanks was unanitnoasly passed:
Dsaut Snt,—At t e last regular meeting
held by Court Mait . tnd, No. 25, C. 0. F, a
hearty vote of thank was tendered yen for
the eloquent address which you delivered
to the Forester bred en of this town, and
their earnest wish is that your labor may
be blessed while in th town. They also
wish to thank the o era of the Baptist
church for granting hem the use of argil -
church for the oceasio . Signed on behalf
of Court Maitland, No 25.
J, McLEex, Sec.
v,Iler M. A.
da last, RS. se
soil a,
B. D., closed his past
Wingham Methodist eft
Mg the church was fil
flowing to bear hisfare
it most practical diseou
"What doest thou her
some feeling referent
about to take place. if
of the people of Win
throe years passed wool
in many ways the m
years of his life. There
to mar the harnvoby th
between pastor and p
—Go to Munshaw, the leader, for all will be greatly missed
ndenoe of the Gerrie kinds of bar pins,' sword handle, Corsage than members of hie ow
where it is due.
as account of his ste
representative for tb
not to discess part
should not be broug
Legislature itny m.
county or municipal
tario Legislature was
and matters were dea
nese manner. He wa
been a Liberal, and h
man being allied to so
questions dealt with i
did not require the int
into their consideratte
present a great politic
ho, felt that good won
rel duties in the As for himself, at the
roll. In the even- ation last September, i
ed almost to over- convention be stated
ell sermon. After tend to tie himself to
e from the words; resume the light to
�" he oloeed by measure, come from wl one it may, That
to the parting eves the stand he took efol•e the Patrons
had taken any band i politics, and he
tun, and said the
as there to give loaned, and baste
toget moue
per cent„ it wo
deal•more if mort
believed in letti.
in freely and com
be benefitted.
ardship as their
past four years,
questions, Party
t into the Local
a than. into the
ounciis. The On -
business house, borrowing mono
with in a buei- again to the far
and always bad any such schem.
believed in every vouch power into
e party, bat the ernment. Some
the Legislature of the Legislatur
eduction of party 'paid too touch.
, There was at that statement.
1 awakening, and high for the sery
d come out of it. was no cause to.
lone of his nomin- et,cN. The Oppo
a letter to the has no surplus,
at he did not in- received last year
arty, but would Province was abo
ote for any good splendid Parliam
buildings for blind
Ings for unfortun
Province, and they
must be admitted
ernment has carer
affairs of the Pro
tion Ontario and
with practically
now Ontario has
$5,000,000 and Qu
tween $21,000,000
annual charge u
;51,500,000 for irate
nese, while the On
not ask a single
reeord of the Go
class legisia- it has never been
on and should act. Mr. Garrow
ood law should to Sir Oliver Mow
the past four tional lawyer, an
ber ot only one half of the Pro
vane() that was
=ages to em
y—and that was
d by unanimous
The Mowat
ys given great
in the interest of
ed out that the
ovement are not
wledge of legisla-
rience ; none of
e Legislature or
any other legisla-
head officers were
of our farmers being
their rato
on h ]r fam e
d cost thein a great
ages were taxed, kite
foreign money Come
ete,and then all would
s' 'to the Government
and lauding it out'
re, be would not favor
. It would place too
tbe hands of any gov-
ay that the tnembera
and Ministers were
here was nothing in
he pay was none too
es required, and there
orciplain ai` estravag-
tion said the Province,
t any rate the interest
from the assetsof the.
$400,000. We have
t buildings, good
hospitals and build '
to residents of the
re till paid for. It
at the Mowat (fav
fly looked after the.
nee." At Confedera
eboo both started off
o indebtedness - and
a surplus of about 1I
bee has a debt of be-
ne $23,000,000, and an t
on the Province of
est on their indebed-'
ario,Ctovernment does s!
nny in taxes. The
rnment is clean, and •
barged with a corrupt _ .N
aid a deserved tribnl;e •
t, as a great eonstitu-
for his efforts on be-.
ince, in fighting its
spoke very kindly
was glad he bad teens a, He had been
t plasma three censured by some of the Conservative
gst them had been
papers of the riding fo votiog seventeen
t should prevail
n town by more aspect,
congregation, as ',pointing •
times in one day in fast r of the govern-
ment, but they do'not ay that he voted
wrong. • He then diseu sed the political
of the Patrons at some length,
had been nothing
ads among the r out that 1 y svished class
1 be sorry that he legislittion, which they •ere• condemning
He goes to the i every day. They did not allow only e
church, Guelph, few of the different el es of the people
church erre to be to join their jest tion, and did
• such an able ex- . ay their business behind closed
their elestor. 1 u0OTS. He said the
1 tion was bad legisla
ood, pastor of St..
m, preached a very
sermon in Trinity
the Liberal condi-
s in town on Friday,
t the electors. He
seting in the town
•eport of which is
-The Chosen Fri Its, at their meeting
last week, initiated tb ee caudidatbs. Mr,
oronto, was present,
I 0
f o t
m so
i ,
G. W
.The ,
congratulated the
is made since its
on the manner in
being made to in-
> purhase the John -
k. A.11 the stock
scribed. The cone -
go aprons the river
ginner t . The y
general traffic.
ntities of wool are'
•'-:Mr. Walter Gr.
seriotiely i11 with 1n
w .e
• of last 2 l4.
Y. 1 ,
—Mr. S. D: NA leve
pulpit of the Method
enornind next, and
Bluevale in the eveidt
o was taken quite
nmatiou, on Thurs-
t ; will occupy the
st blturch on Sunday
ev....T. W. Pring. of
Why buy stetg&ode, when yott "eau
get the best for the stype money et Mun-
•show's ?
—Mr. Wm. Biashi
town on Thursday of
r t
re env owerb
demonstration in ,thei
—We understand,
Gerrie, formerly of tit
town, has purchased
livery in this town.
hotel in. Gotrie, lf,
, of Brussels, was in
est 'week, air g.in g
rad for the Forestays'
town on July 2nd,
Mr; Alex. Orr, of
PA rk House, this
is "a. Rogers cC Co's
has leased his
--Vat:i�t�r�-steeless .tatioring and cheap
gents' fit Aftltieige, try Webster es Co.
Itetnemba the place, one door • south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
--The imegre ation
u hN
e ti l1c
Congr ga otel ch
pastor, Mr, Albert Sec
evening.. 'A eirogramtn
dresses tic., vias given,
were served in abunda
able time was spent by
--The editor; of tlieT
to the Paisley Caleasel
plimeuteriee to then gt
denims. p1
a n
e of
With hose reel race, 48th
Sand, Sword combat and
wb'clr the work was do
Arrangements an
corporate a company
Eton prairie for a pt
required. hasbeen at
parry will erecta bri
-at Mr. W. Chap
bridge will bo built for
f the Wingham
loomed their new
on 7.
i 1 u
of readings, Led -
and tefiesiunents
es. A most enjoy-
nes returns thanks
Society for coni -
les and concert on
weu u
Yames and sports,
Highland Pipers'
other attractions,
—Illunshaw, the leading jeweller, has
taken a full course at the, Toronto Optical
Institute, and has all the latest appliances
for testing the most deficient eyesight. All
testing free.
--One of our poi
to Listowel on Setu
match with a junio
After a very keen
n on
ltd was ishaw
p Y
was declared a dra
scored a goal. The
ably entertained by
-G. T. R. trains for , oroiita and east
leave Wingham•,a�,t 0.2., a. ni, tend 11.20 a.
to., via W. G.. & 13,; 0.135 a. tri. and 11.25
`ood con•
p, ln., via Clinton sod Guelph. Good
neetiot]s by all trains.
-=The Methodist Sun •i ty school will hold
t -
2.80node review service
'lt .1
speeded .1t 1]
Sett -
day afternoon. Thedess ns of the quarter
1 feet
f,s .a 0
rc 2f
`'ed w m
' be briefly it
vn Y
and' each les-
.. e : t
colored Crayon, revisor h ,
sett will he fill 'wed by a
by the c,. '1'. rt, making
ly >t Sacci•.; ,..t ::s.A. An
t des to t.i ; ortn t
—At the Congre,
Sunday, the paste
preach in the ettornit
Responsibility." I
A. W. Richardson,
ed to preach. A ow:
r football teams drove
day last, and played e
club of that town..
ontest,in which good
nth sides, the riietch
, each club having
joys were very hospit-
te Listowel boys.
partment has notified.
supers that in future
ents will be allowed
papers and that the
s, hatul-bills, eta., is
In future, business
ave to pay postage on
trough the mails, in
in as heretofore in
—The post office d
publishers of news
only beim fide supple
to be enclosed in new
insertion of ofrcnla
atrickly forbidden.
men and others will 1
circulars, eta, going
stead of sending th
titional church, next
Albert Secord, will
g. Subject, " Personal
the evening the Rev.
Brantford, is expeot-
iol welcome to all.
—A sec under
C. T. U. was given
on Monday evening I
evening was spent b
freshments were s
gramme was given.
-=T e Fire Una
have given neiioe tit
the rates' ori certain
Kincardine. The i
about'as they were+
he auspices
at Mrs. W. Button's,
st. A.most enjoyable
those present. Re-
eved and a short pro-
rwriters' AesociatiOri
t they intend to raise
classes of risks in
!se will place thein
before they put in the
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf . • ' Jou Ni ea. ns,
--In the Maitland lacrosse district the
competing teams sta as follows in gauzes
played r '.
PLACE - PLAYED. wot1. L V 1.
. Wingham, , .. 1
'Brussels— ... 1 • 1 0
Listowel'.. • . 1
—Over 1000 eeet of glass, nearly Y
of cold frames, 50,000�tomato plants (gretia
ones, don't buy scrubs), 10,000 celery,. mag-
nificent cabbage, best cauliflowers to the
country, lovely geraniums and fuchsins,
large verbenas nod asters, see them, best
strains of pansies, Given away l six neav ball Contest. between
peach tomato plants while they last.
Also elites of trailing plants to every dollar lacrosse matches in
purchaser. Conte, sidewalk nearly all the of
way from town. South side of the .,
bridge. Follow the poplaare mateed, B
river bank a few
yards from
he bridge and w
ater fight ;
hletfames, &c.G
ill find the Iron T3ridgeGreenhouses. concert with Aos Clio: and Reny Rich
ou w
0 1
Harriston 1 0 1
—The Rev. A. W, :'ohardson, of Brant-
ford, -. who is to pr ash to the Weenie
Lodge.at Luckuow • Smeary meriting
next, 15 expected to pi. eh in the Congre•
gationel eb irch on Su day eveping. All
are: cordially invited t attend. '•.
—The Midsnmme departmental ex-
nn 7
�' way J ,
occur t
is v
aminatfons will o Y
entrance examination in oral reading,
drawing and commer° el course in High,
Public and Separate • hoots, June 28 en.
trance for Collegiate t nstituta ; Public
!wheal leaving ; kinder' rten et Hamilton,
Toronto, Ottawa aid IC ngston; July 3rd,
tbe High school Prit ry junior Leaving
and University Matric lotion and Scholar-
ship exatr'imttions; Jul 12th, Senior Leav-
ing and Honor Matrieu • tion examinations.
Canadian Order of Fore
On Monday, July 2
t r s' D
Dlstttct Fates e
• t cls.
held at Tilt as
patriotie longe by se
by numerous bonds,
speeches by High Cou
be an excellent progra
ho nes many warm fr
people generally, who wi
is compelled to leave.
Dublin street Methodist
and the members of tha
congratulated on flavin
ponent of .the Word for
Rev: Mr. Monad
Ont., was the guest
McIntyre, for a few d
Mr. Jas. Jerome is
town at present.
Mr. J. A. Halsted,
town a couple of day
Mitehell Advocate .. Mr. 11. Davis, Wing -
ham, was in town o er Sunday last. /
Mr. John Moho on, of Listowel, was.
visiting his soil in- aw, Jr'. W. Patterson,
jeweler, this and p+ 't of last week
Mr. Alex. Ingli spent Sunday with
ftyiends in Kincardi e.
ev, Robb. Patte son and bride, of Nee.
'awe, were guests f Mr. A. Tipling, Blue.
vale road, a few da s last week,. , •
Mr. Frank Ken dy, of Toronto, was
` nds in town for some y
visiting free
Mr. and tars. Be k were visiting friends
in Clifford last week
Mr. Jas. Found, o
in town.
Rev, Mr. Thompso
a day or so itt town t
Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
friends in Listowel.
Found, b
f V
�rs.T`o d
I ,
her daughter, Mrs,
this week.
Messrs. D. Calder
dayed with friends in
Blyth Standard:
ham, was visiting in
A. Linklater, of Wit
visiting friends her
day... Thos. Dodds,
town oil Sunday,.M
Win hath is. the g
Mrs. Jas, Ma/Lent:
nt: o ing tam, wa no Il r
visiting A2rs. Mason is week, I prdsent. In tits fart.
or be
ls. new
'en, of Waterdo]vn, I be for all. Darin
f his cousin, Mr. G,'• years, he could renew
yn last week. ' exclusively farmers gr': battles for Provii cisl rights and the
',siting his parents in brought, before the t preservation of i. a Vast territory. He
` farmers •liability for also referred to t+h charges of the:Ope
of Mt. Forest, was in. ployees in case of itj position hat too. many eggs, pickles,
./last week. ? remedied as they Liss.= anchorysangeel,ic�,,acrecoasurned in the.
and e
consent of the Hou:: hospitals ofiy"he;. • rovtnce, n pointed
Government has alw+ out that these 100 alone are maintain -
attention to all matter= ed at a great deal es �vpeuditure than
the farmers. He polo similar institution: i -23*I r parts of the
leaders of the Patron
American tontine, t T'Li i�overitolent
men who have any:kn was most anxiou- o do jueeice to all
tion from practical exp classes. He point :• rat that the Catho-
thelia were'erer int lies were receiving 1 reetpreponderanee
occupied positions t• of offices in the g It of the Gd'vertimnent.
tive bodies. ;ill of th = was not true, as • i a 'shown by a return
naw aspirants for
facie, snowing con brought clown at last session of the
elusively that their g lit, interest for the Legislature. As t Catholic charitable•
farmers was to get heir influence to institutions recei ing aid, all• aid to
place them into posi ions of honor and hospitals was give under the Charities
litisal movements Aid Act, passed s .. a timne'ago, and the
her secret political grants are made a the rate of 20 eente
certain to fall into per day for each patient treated, itse
and wirepuliors, :natter whether.is a Protestant or
ored that the Pat- Catholic hospital. There could not
otion they, or those surely be anything wrong 10 makttag the
odge tweeting, had, grants in that wa All changes made
officers and fees, of in the Separate S. ool law had been
with the appval ofMr, e
ng said now, he did made w
who had judicial and his followers, d had been made to
eater], The Judge, snake the schools , oro efficient, While
torney, Master in other parts of our unictpal institutions
all have jedicial were making pro ese, it could not be
tositions should not expected that no obi nges would be made
but as at present. in the Taw relating o Separate'Scbools•
it be elected. The All this ory that the ltlosvat Goverttrent
r officers might be is pundering to the' Catholics is clap-'
id salary, but. he traps, Itir. Garrow +losed his address by
work as well as at referring to the ex :ciente he had had
anti method, a per- in the County 0oun 11 and Legislature. '
returned to the • His opponent was a young man, a
i eein
tno ea er e
to n
d -had t
men and p
law 1YFIS so a � Patron, a
thought he
e ho
has been returned � any legislative trod g
is county. Con]-; should serve an ap renticeeltik before
ut the assessment 1 aspiring to be a me' her of parliament.
nent law that is 1 So fur be bad not b+en able to meet hie
tll seems to be a I opponent, as he had ot been invited to
is being amended i his (Mr, Connolly's) • eetings :tad Mr:
Legislature with ! Connolly tailed to ap ear or be represent'
1'tttrons complain 1 ed tit the speaker's • eetings. Mr. t3ar
tore or
-only than!.the also f
tins t Y 1seing
stn row closed
st and
hoped. his
• ll nthe a
n l
them, while! ort r p
id on t their su p
d no
l h ha t
farm i5 t►sacssed coarse had been sen t,?at e
those wits 'no tont!
'forfeited their good pinion, Tho tthair-
money raised by tnttr, both before , Garrow cotnnlene- .
nd country goes • ed Speaking and let he stow, invited any
anti is used for i one who night be • present in Mr: Cots.
of ono cent of it pelf, s interest to t
The uttttt with end said they wo
til gets the same time to address tb'
tae H 1
• n•tor d. e
air u atld$
1, R res a
can bo nor injus• would bo pleased
is ' t be a k
t meatmight tthat to
mortgages. It his course has b-
o anything d as toll
to d a g' isite
Y satisfied, q
ey loaner would ed. The meeting was thou..
,n the money usual way.
emolument. Such p
Gorrie, spent Sunday as the Patrons and
societies were atmos
of Iiineardine,speut • the hands of heeler
is week. 1 and' it was to be clef
wan Sundayed with • rons had taken the
at their last Grand
tr h
'appointment o
" o
iaturray, 1 which so much is be
• not think any office
rad D. McNay, sun_ i functions should be
iseA. dine. 1 County f'rotvn A
Ise A. Dey, of Wing• I Chancery and Sheri
own this week.,&Iiss functions, and their
ham, who •has been
returned Home Tues- I be filled by election
,1 Wingham, was in E The Registrar !nig
ss 0. McDonald, of fees of these first fo
st of Miss Mason.. ; funded and them p
els' Demonstration. g � f W' 1 s did tiot tl 'u! it won]
d, the mammoth
tration will be
Last arning, flan of the
or the
b note • n shale
dditian to Canadian All who aro owing 1•Vtu. Ridd ycount), and
col. children, music account, will pay the same to John Nee; I ed uwards of $40,000
lands at once or they will be put in court
and procession and for collection. `to the trertsury vi t
t officers, there will Wet. limn, V. S. 1 ptnint is also made al,
nme of sports. • Foot W b law '1'o get an nese•
russels!!ancl Ripley; Ing in ing am, , fair an z'q►tittihle tit
last Mr, J. �.
hfcllttte "'leavers," g idate for this most difficult task. 1
pshots,v of Ltreknow, every session of the
cry good audience
ussels vs. Niirgltari►; •d r• the extreme that end in vide. Th
Mr, Oarrow's Me
On Friday even
Garrow, the Liberal
Riding, addressed a
a1 co
town 1
' the to ,
he i
chair, and on t p
e tin
men is
rt.ir u
e was called to the • that the
hat is t
what p
'thhim a
earn w
s mortgage
Mg. to attend.
railway Hanna, Mr• the rainier m g
date were • Nle or a ,
the oandr , Y
Write rt
. mo
to d the l at nt
lave not aprogralnme. J. A. Halsted, ot M 1 crest, aunt.Iirtttteo nn it. '1'h
A. Morton, C. Drilla and others of town. II 19
! taxes both
;te los, introduced
lienee, into the local t:renseri
1Lica1 hut' men
ural ! ,
opening roniarks,
T. 0. Gnxn1if, as leaders in the eve
' bte s8
, auc�
nvtati000 o in the baseball Ci
pvitafion is ox• will leave Goder
e to this review Splenald inttaic
the *eatery for tt
—The prografntn
'the fleet of .July at
a s sport
lees a d y p
former years. A
start on the arriv
1 til
tl le
' Pawed to
and in the afternoc
bail with
io evening,
in tl ,
The o
for t1►e' celebration of
ecounty town, prom -
of L1 tb
that Y
rales procession will
1 of the morning train
10 Square
Cal 1
rs t
s]o t q
l and
lnorbsso, baseball
I th
e races of
' 1 of a
Is n
ated' unions of Gorrie
a lu
lot a
i hon
lit fine la tl
tests, A special train ode concert. ltodu
1] after the fireworks.- and a SG cent adrift
1 day. Drop a bard to tT
pragretmrLe, 1 tory for .pregrallte.
Yates. Everybody
the Secretary if you,
The best day's :►sli
be held in1Clinton
morning g
societies, soldiers,
also a
takingpart, ,
i two 1
rates, bicycle races
till Ili
gtorch p
grand g
ration Tiomitiible bay.
rt in the co.inty will
n ,July grid. In the
Mr. Cline, in a few
Mr. Garrow to the a
Mr. Garrow, in hi
a National parade, Made tome COltlplitni
+ etc. Win ham and its pe
ar. ds .iii ice, , g
, b 1?
_ amew
Was one o.
L -Irl W
in h
ase11 a 1. B
ba m to
in the b
l s foot ons towns L
matC 1C
•ossa ,
`Vaboe fight, and a showed energy
esaion and Fromm. as good business for
C relic and rI
s of t
r n railwa p
fare o
as p
, attests,
. � e of its
oft, Write the erecta car i
to flatter the people
ntary references to 100010 the Prov ince
r w
tin Ills I►iU
the i,
to 3+
that. 1. T
ht t
the most prosper- beneRta ala the 'rem
ty, and its people„ on his shins, itt:tl Ther
1..a. Uevo
tt . be as
Coe. He
.glib in the erantion t because they did trot ti
t its a
be It
lett tt
; rvo g
' aa'dt
' In n
ba Id
t 6 of the kind', as the 1110
lie did not wish
butmurtglvecredit only raise the inter
eats nit the plattoPtri '
lel be given amp •'',
meeting, but no cistV
Mr. Cl•
nswer any gees ' t_
1 7 t7
c that elft w
n su h •may
:=dotes we#rrlral�a �,n^i
a trail[ r n i4. tiir «, i�