HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-08, Page 8MeINDOO. ,g1 ••••••••.F.. DRESS GOODS. There's a deal of comfurt tu olks Coming here after they've gone the =undo of the other stores, saying they couldn't find just the. Dress Goods and Trimmings they want. We couldn't ask any better sign than that, DELAINES, Here :ire Lill the prettiest patterns and correct designs in the very best qualities; also, new French Chiffon Crepee- and Silk Stripes, iu the most popular shades in light and dark grounds. PARASOLS. In finest plain and changeable Silk, Stripes, Checks, Plaids and Striped Borders. ORDERED CLOTHING. Our. Business and Dress Suits have captured the town. The wise man who comes this week will fare better than he 'who waits, as we are offering some very choice bargains in the very higheit grade of clothing. We also offer a very large line of Boys' Ready -Made Clothing, at reduced prices, at M. H. McINDOO'S. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ,:f ..•' , T11E WI1'GI1Ali TIMES, JUNE 8, 1894, same. ..klso, that the names of different rooms in town hall be put on doors. The report wes adopted. By-law No, 229, a by.law exempting farm lots from tax- ation for certain expenditures- ot the town, was read three tirnes and passed. Ur. Geo. MoTavish asked permission to cut down the trees oa the street around his lot, so they woulcl.not shade the Min_ ber piled thereon, He stated that the covering was off the drain on Albert etre et. His request es to outting trees was granted, and the matter of the drain was referred to the Street Committee. Moved by. R. C. Sperling, seconded by D. McKinley, that the tariff of fees for rental of the town hall, as stated in the minutes of this council, dated April 2nd, 1893, be amended as follows : (1) That section two of saidtariff of Loeb be struck out and the following inserted in place thereof: "For exhibitions of any kind the rental shall be the seine as laid down in section one, if the owner or exhibitor be a non-resident, and $5 per night it the owner or exhibitor bo a resident," (2) That section three be struck out and the following inserted in place thereof: "For all purely local entertainments (that is, entertainmenta of a musical or literary character, in which none but residents of the town take any part), and for a lec- ture, a sermon, or an address, to be de- livered by one person unly, who may be either a resident or outsider, the rental shall be $5 per night." (3) That section four be struck out and the following in- serted in the place thereof : "Should the hall be required for any purpose which is not covered by any of the above three sections, the letting and the rental thereof shall be in the hands of the Mayor or acting Mayor." (4) The above does not in any way effect the resolution of the council passed on the llth ot January, 18S8, regarding, the rental of the tall for lectures on Soculariem, &s. All other resolution* contrary to the above are hereby rescinded. -Carried. Councillor McKinley said that he was sorry to have to complain of the officials of the town, and stated that the night- watchman was not doing his duty. He was not on the streets half or thetime, awl he thought something should be done in the matter. Moved by Win. Holmes, seconded by D. McKinlay, that $300 be placed to the credit of the School Board. -Carried. A communication was read from Mr. S. Youhill, assessor, stating that he had had extra woik on account or motion of oouncil relating to assess- ment of personal property, and asked for remuneration for extra services. -Filed. A. H. Carr banded in a letter he had re- ceived from Fairbanks' Scale Company. stating that a new scale beam would cost M. -Filed. The council then ad- journed. • -& district series lacrosse match will be played on the Wingham park, on the 21st instant, between Brussels and Wingham. The game will be called about 4 p. m. The Brussels players put up a good genie, and a keenly contested match may be expected. Sabbath School convention, ander the auspices of the Church of England in the Huron Deanery, was held in Goderich on Tuesday of this week. A number of papers on Sunday School work were read, and, the discussions were entertaining. Several from Wingham were in attendance. -The Calgary Herald, of a recent issue, has the following reference to a former resident of Wingham: "The improvements now being made at the residence of Mr. IL W. C. Meyer, Q. C., will rank that property as one of the handsomest in the eastern suburb of Calgary. Its location on the Bow river, and the luxuriant ap- pearance of the grounds, go to show that Mr. Meyer, though only a comparatively late arrival, has evidently faith enough in the country to induce him to permanently cast in his lot amongst us." ours in Toronto. • By the recen hangs in time Can- adian Pacific Ra ay'smornin: rain leav- ing Wingham at 0 a. m. .d arriving in Toronto at 10.35, w • rd residents of our town seven hours 4 he Queen's City, as the return night am eaves Toronto at 5.25 p. m. Thi • a great oprovement on the old s ice and ou townspeople should s their apprem ion of the Comps, s arrangements by atronising the Q,iP. R. The well-known . oto of thi ompany, "All Sensible Peo. - Travel b the C. P. R," will be especial) appro- 'ate to residents in the vicinit •f the Ingham and Teeswater branches bile this train service lasts.' They Want Names. Frank S. Taggart & Co , 89 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, desire the names and addresses of a few people in eyery town who are interested in works of art, and to secure them they offer to send free, "Cupid Guides the Boat," a superbly ex- ecuted water color picture, size 10 x 18 inches, suitable for framing, and sixteen other pictures about the same size, in colors, to any one sending them at once the names and addresses of ten persons (admir- ers of fine pictures) together with five three -cent stamps to cover expense of mail- ing, etc., The regular price of these pie - tures is 81, but. they can all be secured free by any person forwarding the names Town Council. and stamps promptly. Note. -The editor The regular monthly meeting of the of this paper has already received copies of Town Council was held on Monday even- "gems of art.', above,picturesand consider them really ing last.* Present --Mayor Hanna, Reeve Sperling, Deputy -Reeve Holmes, and Councillors LiffAinhiy„'Reading, McLean, Moore,. Green, Inglis, Herdsman and The Dogs. A STORY FOX BOYS. Gregory. The minutes of last meetiug When walking along Josephine street 'ere read and approved. The Finance I yesterday, I saw a number of boys lean - Committee reported, recommending pay- ing upon the iron rod or fence that went of the following accounts : J. H. surrounds the park, and a great number Stephenson, waterworks, streets and of dogs playing in it. "What kind of an town ball„ $5.65; L. McLean, wood, exhibition is this ?" I asked one of the charity order, 81.75; D. Bell, use of boys. "Why," said he, "don't you see organ for Dairymen'e convention, $1; R. that it is a mass meeting of the town J. Blackwell, repairs for horse pourer, $5; doge." "And why are there a few'sitting Geo. Mason, stationery, $7,11; T. Miller, apart by themselves ?" 1 euquired, work on streets, $3.12; W. Holmes, re- "That large black fellow," continued the pairs, street, $1.25; W.Slieridan, work on bey, "is the Chief's dog, and he is master fifteens, 83.12; W. Holmes, repairs; water- of the ceremonies." "But why are those works, $2; Wm. Patterson, wood, charity, few not engaging themselves with the 81.25; Wingham Electric Light Co., others ?" "That collie," still persisted the lights for May, 882.68; Geo. Hughes, lad, "is a dry goods clog. and that little work on streets, $4.38; Jas, elleuty. brown one is a tannery dog. Those printing, $14; Thos. Hart, work on three or four others are a kind of mot- etreets, 03 cents; Walter Beydon, work bond truants; 1 clo not know vvhat to On streets, 81,58; P. Morden, cleaning call them." "But why are they sitting out well, 82.50; Mrs. Lang, charity, 66; so quiet and alone ?" "You see, sir," said Xerr, fixing drop curtain, foot lights, the boy, "that is on account of their &e,, $20.78; Jas. Marshall, surveying owners' not having paid the taxes for drama, &c., $12. The report of the Pi- them. the Chien( dog won't allow them mace, Committee was adopted. The to play." Property Committee reported, recom• I "Look 1 look 1" shouts a bright little Mending that the parties referred to by boy, his eyes sparkling with animation; the caretaker in his report to the council "yort is our Dandy, the little fellow with at its last meetinp.. he severely rept j the tip of white on the end of his tail, mewled, and that the enretaker have full That dog is my dog. Hurrah I hurrah 1 ,cjwer to pro.4.eute parties in future. lie has tipped over tile druggiat's large 'Tae Coremittee also recommended that yellow jumbo. My see how he runs. w floor be laid tm the town weigh 1 tell you, sir," continued the boy, "if my ,tscidee, and a new gate be procured for Papa would not pay the tax for Deady, MUSICAL r,;.*XCELLENCE,, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS- FEU - ROGERS - GO. LESTOWEL. HALSEY PARK, Agent, Wixon,ust, Inormannomme • 0- 'J JANA MUTH 4: SON STILL LEAD THE TRADE MERCHANT TAILORING AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS. In T -1.111:11S we have the4most nobby to be found. 131,..1•1i our stock is complete. Note a few of our prices: Men's Plough Boots, from $1.00 up. Ladies' Fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1.00 up. Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, from 05cts, up, and all other goods in that line equally low. 1 would take my express waggon and go to the 'sawmill yards and gather kin- dling wood and sell it in town and pay it OUR STOCK OF myself." Here spoke nature's true nobleman, a grand type not of profes- sional, but of vital honesty. °There is an old school book in oar house," tem- tinued the lad. "that my Mamma, when she wns a little girl,long ago in Eughind, used to read in sehool. It toile us ale great tenni who said that he lied ulwaYs some hopes of a man so long us be would blush." Moral -There aro very small hopes of any person, who, without a blush, would either walk or drive around this or any other village or town, follow-, ed by a dog for which he refuses to pay the taxes. -Cott. To tho Editor ot the Timm: DEAR. Sitz, --1 have erten remarked and am still of the opinion that the Canadian Governments inflict a great wrong ou the Canadian people, by assisting a certain class of immigrants to our shores. But there is this in it, although we suffer. it is a relief to Soule of the slums iu the Old Country, This is how it occurs to me, while rending the epistle of a derenet peclagogee who resides iu Lower Winginm, v,kli ap peered in the Winghato Togas of June tho 1st. Fie says that yon are alwnys ready to eh roniele iujustiee, r'a be tries his hand t it,. • This man prdessee to he acquainted watt the aueient kings of Britain, but ho surely is not acquainted with modern affairs.. kIls history of Victoria Square is fal:c and very mis. leading, which imy perecia caul see by looking that way. if be had stated that the grounds Were elorent in at one time and the people Isssl to pny ten or Mem) cents to get on the said greuuds, an more than ten -years ago Mr. Ansley bought the possess:on aad threw it open to the -public, •then he would have told' the truth But, Alas ! Alas ! it's not there. lie -bus the audacity to uritieizo the Council of In ruherry and the Reeve. Now, if T. O. had only a teut h -part of. the intelligence and munlinees of Reeve McPherson, he would not be meddling with matters that he does not under- stand. But I understand why it hurts him. He has had his covetous eyes towards the lano, and has in the past appropriated some of the timber, but now his chances are nil. He had better attend to his insects at home, a work more suitable for a person of his calibre. Yours, &c., FAmPLAy. BRUSSELS. ' Mr. F. S. Scott, of this place, has been appointed returning officer for East Huron for the coining election for the Local Legislature, -Banners, bunting, etc., are being prepared for the great Foresters' demonstration on July 2nd. -A ' lacrosse match, be- tween Harriston and Brussels clubs, 5,'scopr_ 1 12asmon-At Popular Grove will be played here on Thursday orFarm, Morris, on May 23rd, by Rev. R. this week. -Four cars of export eat- Henderson, Auburn, Mr. Alex. Scott, of tle were shipped from here last week E. Wawanosh, to Miss Grace D. Taylor, by Messrs. Snell & l3aker. , Morris. - DIED. WROXETER. HOUsTON-In Clinton, on May 25th, On Friday last, Mr. Frank Wright, Ella ,Teezie, eldest daughter of Mr. j of Turnberry, was summoned to IntituHteo,ungstoodn,P154inaorsipte . al of Collegia appear before Mr. Robt. Miller, J. P., SAGE -1n Wrexeter, on May 27th, Al - on Monday, charged with threatening len E. Sage, aged 15 years, one month to shoot a couple of Turnberry Coun- and four days. eillors, who went to his place a short time ago to let a contract of cleaning, October 25, ISO out a Government drain on his farm. My health was completely restored by Wright failed to appear. for trial, CAMPBEIVe SKREI Con limit Ott. 3 and the Magistrate issued a warrant bottle t taken in a2 days increased My for his arrest for contempt of Court. weight by S8 Ibe. HENRY ZIVBAN, This was placed in the hands of Prop. Renovo Co. . place,' and he,aceompanied by Messrs, Mistreat. Constable John Brethour, of this A. Paulin, W Hooper and C. Sim- mons, drove to Wright's place, and found him splitting rails. As soon 24. Concession 9, Turnberry, the latter Strayed on the promises of the undeprtrutroietdmarLeoht spotted, 3=14 as he saw them, he took his axe and tiine;3f etrIvo nvoetti,ir r .01 da and them away. a ;i'iNfverfitt4 ran to the house. They follovved requested to prove property, pay sxponsos and take him and Constable Brethour soon had ALFRED ELLfOwinTiaTh,am v. 0. his man in charge, and with the turnberty, May 18, 1804. assistance of the others, he was 1,„„...--."-- placed in the rig and brought here. I mower,. Wright resisted all be eovid, and was Reaper assisted by his wife. For a time it looked as if Constable Brethour Binder, would not escape uninjured, as \Separator, Wright flourished the axe around and Engine quite promisenously. The trial com- menced about .2 p. m. and lasted till near 10 p. m., when Wright was found guilty and sentenced to fifteen days imprisonment in Goderich Jail with hard labor. Wright was taken to Goderich on Tuesdayby Constablei THE WINCHAM FOUNDRY. Brethour. It. J. BLACKWELL,. Prop. VALISES AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which must satisfy all. Itg'Boot and Shoe repairing done as usual. MORRIS. A quiet wedding took place ,at the residence of Mrs. Robt. Taylor, near Belgrave, on Wednesday, May 23rd, when her eldest daughter, ',Miss Grace, was. united. In marriage to Alex. Scott7- of East Wawanosh. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth. Miss Taylor will be greatly missed in the vicinity of .Belgrave, especially by the Presby- terian congregation, in whose.inter- ests she servecl as organist and choir leader for a considerable length of time. -The following is the amend- ment to the 100 foot bridge question of interest to Morris ratepayers as passed by the last session of the Local Legislature :-37 Vie. chap, 50, sec. 14. Assented to 5th May, 1894. Sec. 533 A of the said Act is repealed ; but such repeal shall not effect the costs heretofore incurred in any arbitration, action, suit or pro- ceeding now pending, but the ques- tion of costs ulay be adjudicated upon and determined as if this had not been 'passed; nor shall sueh re- peal effect any contract or agreement heretofore made or entered into be- tween any county and one or more of the minor municipalities thereof relating to the construction or -Main-. townie.° of any' particular bridge or • bridges, but such Contract or agree- ment shall remain as though this Act had not been passed. . „Eons. WIIXTOOK —Ill Culross, on May 12, the wife of Mr. Wm. Whytock ; a son. Serroneson-In Gorrie, on May 25th, the wife of Mr. C. H. Sanciersen; daughter. HARRIED. STRAY HEIFERS. REPAIRS AT - J. J. HOMUTH c9c SON, WINGHAM. FUTURE PROSPECTS. Will wheat be worth two dollars a bushel wain two years? We do not claim to be able to 'answer the question, but one who should be regarded as good authority on the subject, namely, Mr. VanHorne, of railway faille, has spoken quite freely on this question. But there are questions of daily experience of which we can speak with absolute certainty, and of some of them we will have some. thing to say here : . ist. There are so many people engaged in the Mercantile business or trade in this country, (Ind tbe struggle. for place and patronage is so great and persistent, that profits in Many lines aro wiped. out. How, then, can a trade be done that will give to the merchant a living profit, and at the same time secure to his customers the very best value offered in any market? . We answer : Import good i direct from the manufacturers or froin the fields of production, and we have adopted this course. OUR. ORDER FOR FALL AND WINTER MANTLES AND WRAPS WAS PLACED WITH ,ONE OF THE BEST BERLIN, GERMANY, MANU- FACTURERS TWO MONTHS AGO . Our ettstorners can rely on getting the very latest •TEXTURES and NEWEST STYLES, at the LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE. • OUR IMPORTATION ORDER for TEAS was SISO PLACED TWO MONTHS AGO and will BE PICKED AND PACKED TO OUR ESPEOIALi ORDER AND SHIPPED DIRECT FROM THE GARDENS WHERE GROWN TO THE Towx OF WINGHAM. Our Dress Goods, and many important lines in Dry Goods, we imported this spring, and our customers understand; what that means to them. We sell the best Boots and Shoes, Ready -Made Clothing. Our Tailoring Department has special attention. Hats, Caps, Shirts,' Collars, Ties, &c. The purest Groceries, at correct prices, is the rule of our house. D. M. GORDON, • The.Anehor House, Wingham. WALL p • I have just received a large consignment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLINDS, &c. 0 R. In all the latest designs'and styles. Also, a large stock of School Books, Scribblers, Exercise Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Stationery, &c. 0900••••••••••••••••• Prices as Low as the Lowest. ALEX. ROSS. The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. 1-1ARNESS &ND COLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler Hamm Business and started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the publio with everything usually kept in a harness shop such es HEAVY, ramp and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS,ipRRY COMBS, • ilUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &c &c • I make all my own Collars a-nd guarantee eatiefaation, Give me a trial and 1 will use you right. . ITIVW1:001\1*, winsham, 6 • ''• fl*s. ' • VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1167. eWe want to tell you about our Linen I -Remember M4 Gar t• Btook. Nowhere in town will you and such 40 -Mr. J. B. Curia lags 00tethe we hall to-ni ht. D. Oylies and Towels, end the value 4 right because the prices are right. All rid purohased in the Old Country and impertecl s an assortulent in Table Linens, Napkins, ,10 etrseete,ndeeon teStree during gSthiuler. Print and Ohallie stock is the prettiest and We have a number of ends of Carpets in esent , direct by us, which means a great saving to you. There is nothing that delights a t woman's eye as much az fine, pretty linen. Come and see ours and be delighted. Our most complete in town and you are sure to, )14 , be suited. Brussels, Tapestry, All -Wools and Unions, suitable for small rooms. We will sell them cheap to clear out. Our Grocery Stock is fresh, complete and cheap as ever. The 35o Tea leads the trade, because it is always the same quality, /lever changes, .° See the New' Duplex Washboard, the greatest labor-saving device of the age. Shop early and secure prompt delivery of your goods. This store closes at seven o'clock. IP° -Go to Munshaw, th kinds of bar pins,'sword pins On Saturday lafter McLeod, of the Bazc of Crowell Willscn, jr. rod on their bicycles. -Mr. W. P. Bro en next week to attend he I. 0.0, T., as deleg te Lodge, of this town. -Why do you ruin y at the sun to see if it is you can buy a relia: Horn Munshaw, the lead -The Lucknow Se ti "what we may expec ," set-to between sever tl tion of Wingham anll of the fair sex in our to ("Messrs. John Nersli John A. McLean ' ai d tend the annual um- it of the Canadian Ord a will be hold in Woockt (ewes ;A ,,es iveeests'es:" ORR & HISCOCKS, The Only Direct Importeis, Tee Bean, June 7th, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by Farm PATERSON, No 23, zo torte street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. SU at the OentralBusiness For Toticeirs and others 'Canada's Greatest Commercial School. qCuoersnteiro nYabire otol1eg.e_un, and Gerrard S,r0ets, Ter0Cn In sessi the entire year. itnecial circulars for summer Origins, Write for one. SHAW 8 ELLIOTT, Principals.8 ESS 10 LOCAL NEWS. -Political meeting n town hall to -night. -Those loud in th r complaints about the wet, cold weathe a week or so ago. .are now complaining o the heat. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A. Gratisiere market grocery. ev. S. Sellery, i4 D., will close his pastorate in the WInghans Methodist church, next Sunday. -Ensign Fraser, c. Palmerston, con - acted open air servicos and services in the barracks.here, for the Salvation Army, on Thursday evening of 1 .st week. -Why buy cheap goods, when you can get the best for the. same money at Man - show's ? -Private moneys tc at reasonable rate of i tf -The eturning °LS election in Huron a • Huron -Finlay S. Brussels. West Hut: Sheriff, Godericli. Dixon,,Deputy Regii Mr. Roland Go filling a position in general store, in Ca fourteen months, r night last. He ta, father's store in tot Anchor House will' obliging satesman. -Ladies, have y. Miss M. Johnston, I the Queen's Hote work, always first -c 1 -The auto tan' satin; of the High Court of Justice will take Alice at Gcderioh, without jury, before M Mahon, J., on Mon - clay, November -12th. Macdonald : rrived home from Ottawa on Saturday last. He is looking as if the worries of .poi -tical life do not sit beavily on him. Four aighte this week he is assisting Mr. M, Y. itcLean, the Liberal candidate in South Hirean. 1 s -For first-class tailoring and cheep gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. .-'' s .., --On Thorsday of last week, Mr. With. Aliannett, of town, agen for the _celebrated Prost & Wood implements, made quite an extensive delivera . iese implements dire becoming very po ular among our farmers, and Mr. Gannett's bus less is increasing yearly. • .-About fifteen n Maccabees of this on Sunday last, to that place in alt There were about tents in Listowel, 1 Brussels all being service was held ir and Rev. Mr. C preached a very p sermon. The the highest terms they were treated bees. -On Thursday ham Dramatic Thos. Marks, will drama, "Among Town Hall, unl Maple Leaf Lac Some three year produced in tow' and 11 was greatl the pleashre of o ing, some specie Mr. Marks. B ters : David Murray. 'Larry Devine.. Hon. Bruce 13 Clarence Hunt' Peter Paragrap on the othethand, yo: make a few wild Mother Cary. fiaence in yourself an your powers and Miss r strike out strongly, y .0 will sueceed. If, -In learning to sw in, if you have con - will sink. Biddy Dean.. Movements' and tilop, you So 11 10 in advertising. It's the man who knows what be pins to do and doer; it Bess Starbrigl that getis eitytte adVe tieing world. The admire -G. T. It. teeing for 'Toronto and east cents, with re leave Wingham 0,,25 m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & R.; 6.35 et. m. and 3.25 seat tiekets, p. nisei% Clinton and Guelph. Good con- InS.Wbielltisamofs; notions by all trains. sm -A. couple of MON 4re in town a few -over sne at nights during the past ek selling electric of old freallc belts. One of them was uite a donde, and inzfisent)ane'tlabi large crowds nightly enjoyed ea his smigs, and country, en Punch and Judy exhibi lone, which were given on the market. They were inter- eporsed with a lecturq on the 'curative qualities o* the eleetri4 belts, delivered by the other gentleman. Ihev Ea quite a number of biota in towh. --Wetaliessclooke and jewelry promptly repaired endfully warranted by Must Pox, Meyer Block, Wingham, Scud. ..A Cie large verben strains of pi red peach t Also slips oi purchaser, way from bridge. re rivet bank you will fin