The Wingham Times, 1894-06-08, Page 5RUT RI POr.T$.. 1YhcalAM. .W'iughanz, .k tine 7, 1804, Deans, ProtLem Dealer.. lbs 1 50 to 1 80 053to055 052 to 053 o 32 to 0 32; 035 to 040' 0 52 to 0 52 013 to 014 ••• 0 13 to 0 14 u'• 0 07 to 0 08• ,1 25 to 1 75 ,,, 000to000, hn!;hel 0 25 to 0 304 0 05 to 0 0'6, 005 to 005• 500 to5OW 4 50 to 5 50.) , per 1b old ...... . 0 Gi to 0 58' new.. .,,0 57 to 0 60 it 0'53 to 0 53 085to040 0 32 to 0 33: 053 to 055• cbushel. 0 40 to 0 50' 0 12 to 0 13 • 007to007 6 00 to 7 00•° 300 to 4004. ,ren THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAIN. _K, 100. PER LB... her meats in low proportion. • )RK SAUSAGE also on hand. spared to pay the highest price. ds of fowl. ,They must be drawn) tressed. GEO. SHAW. an, Oct. 10th, 1803. oLELLAN, LONDON, ONT.• 234 Dundas Rtreet, and EAB• S11RGEON,- t the New York Eye and Ear hospital, Graduate Course on the Eyn, Ear, Nose at the ,nyw York Post Graduate Medical I Hospital, 1892. Eyes Tested. Glasses• Fine stock of Spectacles, Lenses and ;yes. Will be at the rick House, WINGHAM,,. first THURSDAY of each • .tb, at date named below: ' t Visit. July 5th, 1894. 8 a. 'm. to 3 p. w. Charges - e. • 1ZMEN, If you want your 'RING QUITS 14 lade in the latest style, go to H. IRVIN,. opposite Bank of Hamilton, WINGHAM... G o n ftention, I have a full stook of • atches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c.,. which I invite special attention. !GAINS WILL BE GIVEN., ii"RErAIRING A SPECIALTY,. 1111 work done on the promises. M. PATTERSO N'.. Hud -Directly oppbslto the Batik of upon, Wingha►n. • i; ib .,i a rfl{JJ W1N O RAM TIMES, JUNE 8, 1894. CULROSS, competition -Carried -Moved by J. cess, Minutes of last sheeting read The canvassers for the Agrieultur- Waimea, seconded. by J. Johnston, and confirmed. Several accounts 'ilea al Society have been only fairly sue- that AS the railing and approach to were received, and ordered to be cesafnI. They will report to a meet- bridge opposite lot 27, eon. 4 and 5, ;paid. Communication from Wm. ing of the Directors to be hold in is in need of repairs, that Wm. Reid Ncthery, .calling the attention of the Teeswater on Saturday nest, ----Cell- have the salllo repaired as he thinks 1 council to the bad state of sideline l rola Starr Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., held a needful ---Carried.. Moved by Jos. 39 and 40, cons. 5 and 6, and asking grand piesiie on May 24th. A very Welwood, seconded by Jos. Johnston, , that something bo done to have the enjoyable time was spent,.: -- Mi that as the sideroad opposite lots $.0 same repaired --Filed. Applications Thos. Inglis, the Reform candidate and 31, con. 5, is in a dangerous ' of Henry Edwards, Wm, L .i enwiek for the Local Legislature, has retired state, that a giant of $20 be made to and Jas. T. Bcil for a special grant from the contest, and it is reported put the sato in a safe condition, and of money to be expended in cutting that Mr. R. Truax, of Walkerton, that Wm. Reid lot the same by public lull, sideline 36 and 37, eon. 6, re - who stood nest to Mr. Inglis in the competition --Carried, Moved by II. ecived, when it was resolved unanim- vote at the Reform convention, will McKay, seconded by Jos. Johnston, ously, that $75 be granted for. that be the standard-bearer for the Re- that as the bridge on lst sideline, purpose. Jabez Jermyn, N ?;, lot 37, KNOWLEDGE form party. con. 2, needs repairing, that J. Wel- con. 11, , was present complaining Brings comfort and imnrovoment and The council met in the town hall, wood have the same put in, a, proper that a ditelt made by order of En- tends to persm,al enjoyment, when. Teeswater, May 28th,1894,agreeable state of repair -Carried. Moved by gineer's award $ome time age was • rightly used. The many, who live bet - to motion of adjournment. Members •1-1. McKay, seeondecl by P. Kuntz, all present. Jos. Welwood, Reeve, 1 that the Clerk prepare a general by - in the chair. The minutes of last !law for the Township, at next =et - meeting were read, when it was ing of Council, to bo the , same as moved by Jos, Johnston, seconded by former by-law dealing with line Wm. Reid, that the minutes of last fences, &e. -Carried. Moved by meeting of council as just read be WinReid,' seconded by P Kuntz, insuffieient in its present shape to ter than others and enjoy life mote, with carry off' the water- forced into it, less. expenditure, by Piero promptly and requesting that -the Engineer be adapting the Vorld':s best products to called on to come and investigate this the needs of physical being, will attest matter, and have the same rectified. the value to. health of the pure liquid Resolved, that the reeve, deputy -reeve laxative prinoilal�s eribr as<d in the and councillors each be allowed at remedy, Syrup of Pb.ax ado tcd�Carried. The council then that as the 25th sideline con. 8, is in least $100 as, ordinary expenditure in Its eaeei.onee 1J dao ifs prosepnting p rin the form most acceptaVa and leas - met as a Court of Revision and ap- a bad state of travel, that H, McKay their several districts for ,repairing ant tothe.tasto,the refreshing and truly peal, The oath was subscribed to expend $15 in improving the. same, roads_ and bridges, &e., throughout beneficial properties of a perfect lax - also have culvert opposite lot 27, eon, the township for the present year, ative •, effectually cleansing the system, 6 and 7, put in a proper state of A letter was received from N. T. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers repaii-Carried. Moved by . H. Ritchie, C. E., Kincardine, making :.nd permanently curing constipation. McKay, seconded by Win. Reid, that some explanations regarding leis .:t has given satisfaction to millions and the Reeve order twelve scrapers from application received at last Council not with the approval of the medical tl;e Ainerican Road Co., price $5.75 meeting for the office of Township :profession, because it acts on the Kid- clelivered in Teeswater, that the Engineer • also another application ';°ys, Livor and Bowels without weak- anda. >rang them and it is perfectly frac from Clerk give thele to the parties who from James Marshall, 0. I+1,, holy- very objeotk n,a tioi suhatai,ce. Have applied for them, andafter they rood, to hand. It was moved. by Mr. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug - have been provided to give them to McGowan, seconded by Dir. Shiell, gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- )eats . who have none - Carried. that James Marshall be appointed factored by the California Fig Syrup Moved by H. McKay, seconded by J. Township Engineer in place of Wm. Co. only, whose name is printed on every Johnston, that the pathmaster Klein. Stuart, Wino -ham and that a, by-lawund�beenalso well informed q u will nott have the culvert opposite lot 2, cons., 12 and 13, repaired and that Mr. Kuntz certify to the same --Carried, Moved by H. McKay, seconded by P. Kuntz that as the Legislature has lk by the members, when the following appeals were laid on the table and ° considered: Samuel Smith, com- plained of being assessed too high on lot 13, con. 13, reduced $200. Appeal of Mr. Joseph- Moir against Alex. Gor- don and 11T. 5. McKay, for being too high assessed, no action taken as the •assessment appears to be all right. Geo. Pennel complained of being too high assessed, no action taken ,as the assessment is less than last year. Peter Fryfogle, assessment reduced $250, to the same as last year. 'Moved bv. H. McKay, seconded by • P. Kuntz, that as all the appeals be- fore this Court have been eonsiderecl and, decisions given, that the ahem- -tions in roll be made accordingly and the Court now closed -Carried. The ' council then resumed its regular business: Moved by H. McKay, seconded by Wm. Reid, that lir. Welwood - have a tile eulvert put in -' opposite lot 14, con. 1, Huron or Turnberry to pay half -Carried. Moved by I. McKay, seconded. by Wm. Reid; that a grant not to exceed $10 be given to gravel the fifth sIde- • road, 13th and 14th concessions, on • condition• that the Patlhmaster have the sane graded up by statute labor; the Pathmaster to expend the amount, ...� o if necessary, a ineluding the cost of gravel, and that Peter Kuntz certify o , . , to the work -Carried. Moved- by J. Welwood, seconded by Jos. Johnston, 'that as the culvert on the sideroacl at lots 7 and 8, con. 9, is broken clown, Mr. McIKay' have the . sante put in Proper repair -Carried. Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by II. McKay, that acs the 25th sideroacl, concessions 1 and 2, needs repairing,that a grant of $10 be made, to be -spent under the supervision of John Hardie, path- • master, Jos. Welwood, Reeve, to certify to the work -Carried. Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by II. McKay, that $10 bo granted on coli. A, let 31, if Carrick grunt the same amount for gravelling the same, Peter Kuntz to superintend the work -Carried. Moved by H. McKay, seconded by Wm. Reid, that as many parties owning land through whiter the river runs have the stream obstructed by jams of timber contrary to statute, that the Clerk notify all parties hav- ing timber in the river to have the same removed according• to by-law, 1; not latter than the first of August, 1894, as we want the river cleared so as to save the bridges at freshets - Carried. Moved by Peter Kuntz, seconded. by Jos. Johnston, that $10 be granted, if Carrick do the same, to repair con. A, at lot 20, that Peter Kuntz attend to tine same -Carried. Moved . by Wm, Reid, seconded by Jos, Johnston, that Wm. Welwood all present. .After having severally and you will receive by post a pretty plc• and Jos. Johnston. have both sink sttbseiibetl to the declaration regitfr-'ture,free from advertising, and well worth holes on telt 12t1r colt. put ander eel bystatute, tl f 11 ' g appeals g This y way to decorate be read and passed at 'this meeting srcerzt any substitute if offered. ratifying his appointment-Carricd. _ Horace Grain was appointed path- The Cheese Industry. master for road division No. 65 itl- steacl of his father, Henry Grain, The following cireular has b given township council power to pass, deceased. Wire for fencing purposes addressed to the salesmen and patrons by-law preventing any obstructions being in the meantime greatly re- of cheese factories in Western On - being phtced upon roads, and as seine deiced in price, it was deemed ad- tario person has obstructed the road op- visible to reduce the township grant Western Ontario has always held polite. lot 26, con. 2, that the clerk notify the owner of said lot, of the obstruction and if be put it there, that he have it removed without tie - lay, as it is an.injnry to the road and the council has no right to make out- lets for any individual where he may desire and this council had already provided an outlet from said lots -Car- ried Financial report -.Accounts 1pass- ed:-Robert Frazer, 2 days L. L. C. P. R,, $2 ; Wm. Heatherly, one-half day shoveling snow on gravel road, 50e • Nell McKay, repairing bridge lot 27, con 4 and 5, $1; James Don- �aldSon, repairing railing, removing trees, lots 15 and 16, coo. 10, $2.50 ; Telephone office; Teeswater, J. J. Hiscocks, 95e; D. A. Ireland, salary as assessor, $60; James Couch, cul- vert 30th sidereal, con: 9, $5 ; An- drew Ross, removing stones from G. road, $2 ; Gillies & Martin,for t road seraper, $7. Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by J. J. Johnston,. that the finance report as just read be adopt- ed -Carried; Moved by J. Wel- wood, seconded by J. J. Johnston, that this council do "now, adjourn to meet again on the 27th clay of June, 1894, in the town hall, Teeswater. at the hour of 10 o'clock,;, a.m.-Car- ried. . • OHAS. Biixmox, Clerk. EA WAWANOSH. Mr. Salntiel McBurney, sr., of this township, received a . very severe stroke of paralysis, on Monday night last, ailcl it is very doubtful if he will recover. Mr. i%lcBtirney is an old and highly respected resident of the township, and it is hoped that be may be able to pull through, he being a strong, robust man. The council met on May 28, as a court of revision and appeal; members from 15e. to 10e. per rod for the pur- the.first place as a producer of the pose of encouraging the building of finest quality of Canadian cheese. wire fences along the public high- This, however, is an age of advance - ways throughout the township to ment and keen competition, and the prevent the accumulation of snow dairy districts of Eastern Ontario drifts in the winter season. A by-law and Quebec, being nearer the sea - was read and passed confirming this board, are in a position to give better .ehange. Moved ° by Mr. Scott, so- weights to shippers than the Western coned by Mr. McGowan, that the districts, and in consequence the Treasurer be authorized to borrow British dealer prefers to send his from the Bank .of Hamilton, $500, to meect the current expenditure - Carried. Debentures were ordered to be signed for payment of the following accounts, viz: John McLean, moving jam from bridge on creek, sideline 39 anc140, con. 8, $3 ; Jas. Vint, 11 rods wire fence 1�T - lot 38, con. 4, $1,65 ; Richard Leishman, 73 rods wire fence lot 3`) con' 9 i$11 93• orders to Eastern buyers to be filled, as the cheese do not show the shrink- age in weights that the cheese from Western Ontario do on their arrival in the British market. In view of the fact that three of the Dairy Boards of Trade west of Toronto have already agreed to the wishes of the buyers in this regard, and in order that all the factories in the NEW TART£' means no trouble, NE`;' ;�OLICY: ineans new prices. Having for some time studied the interests of the consumer, and realiz. ing the burdens they have borne under the old policy of long credits, and knowing full well that the snap who pays cash helps to pay for the credit account, and for the man who never pays, 1 will,Ptherefore, give you by the adoption of the G. A. SSS TrEl , and will give you goods cheaper than any other man in Wingham. I ge direct to the manufacturers and buy for I am, thererefore, in a position to give you many lines of goods below WHOLESALEPRICES, Give me a trial and I will convince you of the fact that "CASH IS KING." All kinds of' Produce taken same as Cash. Dress and Mantle snaking, on the.premises. All Mantle Goods'- bought here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Joseph McBurney, repairing ]till,sicle- Western district may reap the advan- line 33 and 34, con. 10, $2.50; John tages that will eventually follow the Cowan, 50 rods tidis'e fence Si- lot 38, general adoption of such regulations; con. 1, $9; Messrs. Patterson. & Park- the cheese buyers of Western Ontario er, filling up washout sideline 36 and have deemed it advisable . to enter 37, con. 2, $3; B. H. Taylor, for into the following agreement govern - plank the weights of cheese : 'and filling uphole at bridge, ing a o. creek, cons. 6 an7, $1,25; Wm. I Listowel, May 17th, 1894. Carr, treasurer,postages, commissions, We, the undersigned cheese buyers two journeys, &c., 1893, $10.93; Jno. Anderson, sen., services as atssessgr and postages 1891, 50; George Mason, Wingham, half ream foolscap paper, $1• R Elliott "'.Panes" office .operating ill Western Ontario, hereby agree that we wilt buy cheese in the district West of 'Toronto upon the following conditions only as to weight : "That all eheese shall weigh Wingham, printing minutes, &c, of at the time of delivery at the railway 1893, and advertising court of revi- station or other points of delivery, Sion 1804, $1G.75; Jas. Fleuty, Ad- up beano at half a pound per box vance office, Wingham, printing as, more than the weight marked on the sessment schedules and notices to con • box, and that no fractions of a pound tractors, 1891, „5.50; Jas. Muiray. shall be marked on the box." Co., Exeter, repairing read scraper, 1893, $4. Council then adjourned till Monday, 18th June next. P. PonTEr;yn1I.n, Clerk. Row to Get a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- per beating the words "Why Does a Wo- man .Look Old- Sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros:, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, `� t c 0r 50111C 1C 0 OVV11t a Oa fit . `' 1s ie an eas ' repair as they are not fit for travel-- against assesssntents were heard your !tomo. The soap is the best in the cCarried. Moved by Wm. Reid, viz t -Giles Jenkins, E 47 lot 40, eon. market and it Will only cost cue cent post - seconded. by H. McKay that a rant 1, complained that he was too high ate to send fn the wrappers, if you leave , g 1 b the Duds open. bvrito ,your acidross caro - not to exceed ,$15 be made to make assessed on his real estate ; assessment frilly. passing places opposite lots 9, 10 and confirmed. Wm. Helps, tenant lot 11, eon. 6, to be superintended by 37, con. 4, assessment too high ; re- HOWICK. John Hill, pathmaster,and that Henry ducted $100. Wln. Paton, tenant lot The following is the report of Un. McKay certify to the same -Carried. 35, con. 11, assessment too high ; re- S. S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry, Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by IL doted $200. The following names for the month of May :---5th class. - i McKay, that a grant of $10 be made on the 30th sidereal, con, 7, and that Mr. Reid let the same by public corn= r:i ' petition ---Carried. Moved by Jos. Johnston, seconded by Jos. 'Welwood, that the Deputy -Reeve,. McKay, ex- pend $100 under bis and Jos. John- ston's supervision, in opening up on. 14, from west end ofv bridge, lot 0.; Edward J. Haines, lot 28, on. 0, Geminill 162, Bella ]!fortune 116. '25, through swamp -Carried. Moved M. P. 0, Several dogs were added Herbert Neill 110. 'fart 2nd - by II. McKay, seconded by Wm. to the roll, and some struck"oft', when Minnie ?'brant 22, Armond McIntosh Reid, that e grant not to exceed $25 the court vas closed, to be reopened 21, Howard Hooey 20. Part lst- 1 were on application added to the roll : Minnie Fry 228, Ella Neill 217, Ruby Robert Stonehouse, lot 40, con. 7, M. Crittenden 210. 4th class -Lilly Far- r.; Jonathan Beckett, lot 41, con. 7, tone 47, Joseph Underwood 47, M. P.; Isaac Wilson, (13elgrave) lot Bella Underwood 46. 8rd class -- 42, con. 8, ;1t: ]!":; Win. I. Mason, Frank Gemmill 200, Geo, Greenaway lot 42, con, 5, 111. F. T.; Robert D. 178, Willie Abram 170. 2nd sen. - Mason, lot 42, con 5, M. P. F. S.; Waldo Weir :3.57, Maty Willits 265, Andrew Shiell lot 34, con. 13, M. F, Ralph Gemntill 258. 2nd jr.-Mary be made to gravel, part o£ the 11th again on Monday, 18th June hest. Jessie Marton 22,, Edna, McIntosh 22, Cert., from first sfclrroact to tow,dine, Connell then resumed for the traits. ,Vittoria Willits 21. • and that Peter Kuntz let -the same by action of ordinary n utt ieipal bull. JOHN I ATt1`L1lrr.'eadier. G. MCI N TYRE, MACDONALD BLOCK. WINGHAM. re ou rowing any Corn this season ? If so, we can supply you with the best 111E:0 Ca) .k41 PkT • in the country. We have in stock the following varieties of Ensilage and Fodder Corn : RED COB, MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET, RURAL THOROUGHBRED, MAMMOTH CUBAN, LONGFELLOW, GOLDEN BEAUTY, COMPTON'S EARLY, LEAMING, PRIDE OF TIIE NORTH. Several other standard kinds are coming in. We have made. arange. ments with one of the largest and most reliable shippers in Canada for the handling of their Seed Corn. By this arrangement we are able to furnish specially selected Seed Corn at a very small advance on the cost of ordinary Elevator Feed Corn. Past experience has proven that Elevator Corn is dear at any price for seeding purposes. Get the best Corn for seed. T. Ballantyne & Sons, Stratford ; - W. P. IIibbard,. Stratford ; Hodgson Bros., London; 0. W. Riley, Inger- soll ; J. L. Grant & Co., Ingersoll; T. W. .Brill, Guelph ; John W. Cooke, Ingersoll ; 9'. Winders, Ingersoll ; R. A. Sitnister, 'Ingersoll ; George Irately, Brantford; L. R. Richardson, Strathroy ; J. A. Leitch, Glencoe. Loss of Flesh Is one of the first signs of poor health. Coughs, Colds, "Weak Lungs, Diseased Blood follow. Scott'Ammoommismars Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver 011 cures all of these 'weakness- es. `)lake It in time to ager' 11111eSS if you oat, Physicians • the world over' endorse it. Don't bo deeelred by Substitutes!L Boat 8 Bootl., L'.a .rtn6. A11Deusi stn, Sia, ltti El ME 1»' .FIL AE GEM M08 on hand. WINGHAM. T Has proved by its enormous sale that it is • The hest value for the Consumer 1.1g1-16HT i`: of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it. is they who have proved its value. It brings them Less labor, greater comfort. � �iDi17;anted. ANY QLTAN'I'I'I'Y.. Have a complete stock of LANKETS, SHEETINGS, YARNS, &c., for the Wool Trade. CARDING AND SPINNING done on short notice. Eesileeti u,,ll ly yours, CMO., V..