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The Wingham Times, 1894-06-08, Page 4
4 THE iX I NGI JAM TIMES., JUNE SI 8941 f stock 14e1 T S1;'l' Itl:P01',`,1�. . Gam #tigu Notes, 1 ant expenditure we hovel treacle', I 1 Ulily BI'4I2ItI . in the p11eE.a of any kind of tI P excepting Litt ]ln£» \vhicll are plenti- ,rxl:c+ue'f. ' i 11 the expenditures were right The following is a report of the stand- . 1 g hoppi, 11 e adopted the ballot system t f , , and t \\E* xn r of })talose 1n S. S. No, G, 1t Y, #Ltl sea to p l 1111ltEletEllr1,1'tlj1ILIA� CliEMIST —AND-- .. �^^E�-A���vv1� that the time has come when the the Crown Lauds Department t111' Lizzie liryco should be tried in ibis;couutry. 1\ e has been far more good to the cowl- Edward Johnston, Z:3i� prept� e, I1r(,\;(l:ng fere Privy f Ann- I try in the way we have • ('1pe11(led it 'Mary Cowden, 680 ,� oil declares that we have the jtlris(iic-1 than if no such sales haft been made Andrew Mitchell, 681 • __ _+ 11 y Duncan 647 � t•. i,"'6 '�� r --ti' `() 1wC'L` ,• •' tilt, a England and pclliticialls referee are fill and in n. public. it. ' , • . . g 1. o • t for the month of May: terse largest steers were bought for Connoted ` 1. t made tltetn. sic agreed that It is tL Ierfet tly secret la( n0 11 a( (e T MARKS. DAYS PR1;SENT. tier hove done our duty. 11 a made USA shipment t0 Britain at �• •fie nit pQUild; Flour Per b 11 �' Oliver �it)1\•'Lt at Lon- IV plass Obtainable 140 1111 It le butchers' cattle. soles at about Fall Whett r Irallot —Sir < < - of the money which it wan host 1 , xbig \'V ! ate «hoelene 1Z3 14 -l1 l pretty coo(lsteel at from i•?a p y heat proper should use for the put ° III . ' Obtainable 1105 ae and pre y ,, • Otats "I have announced my conviction f ttt)8 ,3" 1 U t 1 Half -fatted and Barley 19 don. iTP tel• we l (Abs. loess. The money wEe haw0 Igo from Zora \Wade, -�T 5e "l).11.41i! U ; great experiment of prohibition money we have got from the tintber, Nornla Blackwell, 1107 Homuth, 8:,U ACT, Q. Irl. i f , Tak'GfAL H C0 tu»a, to p<1n, u(h tl la\r, . 11 1 1 l 1 ce ed:llthwat at London, opp. Brunsw;ck House• 1 "If the people wfn}t Govet•n- meat house abolished, it shall be tin ha 1q - - - Ont is their opinion and Government house will be discontinued.=' --Sir Oliver Mowat at London. of I , ottll ll: ��l ; nut•i In his speech at Oakville, Hon, lir. 2118 '20 ancnU ttte1lnuneyse•m\.,Matthew lrergnson, fi90 21 Oliver Mowat at Loudon. Hugbie Johnston, 62620 Winnie Porter, 425 • 1'2TIaF.:3\\ A l"Illi, Sen. Second class. Obtainable 390. 1atboshed.They hae Duly to in -The b nefit concert to Mr. 1 . llc- i Clara Elliott, 370 101 rank Dlliottstruct their representatives that that1Gaw, of (. uelph, ou Tueesday night of ' Freddie Elliott, 190 to 1!'.itIDAY JU\F 8, 1804. - — ---- hay. been returned to the people it1 choir of the Presbyterian church sup- { Willie Kelly, 1C' 10. I DITORIAL NOTES. 1 graut�, in aid ot'eharity, of education, plied approprifate selections oP n2llsie. i Perge Glttle,9�Ir., Txos. Ixctlas, tree Liberal of ttle. aclllnilliStratioll of justice, and •__Our foot -ball players Etre not eeryIR rah Crow, •'15' 17 in other \\•avis, and of the balance not 11.(,11 )leased with tete treatment re.- ` ha rlie Phair,14`325can(licl:rte fol South Bt ue(, has retired , a mala above or below ground. could I i Lacy hteKaguo, 198 17 g t • say that a dollar had been s x'ut eor cel, (.e.1 fit the hands of the 1lfildtllall Harry Goy,74 8frollrtlle cont(st. It is alto e�her 1 playcis, on the `2itll or \fay. It will 1 Fart 1 Sen. OUtainablo 13U. likely that another CO11ventlOit will ru tly, Nlagitie Hr�h)�es,9i 22 called alb. a atroug candidate p]aeecl e P likelS- b^ solnc filo( befi)re Tees,vatc I Francis ?~ oKton139, 18 in the field. I The Toronto World denounces players gi e the foot -ball players o EddieEltiott, •. i8Principal (Grant as "that tritnn2ing :1lildmay another opportunity to treat i Frankie Johnston, G6 `' Da. MaDD Th.1Ln is ex ected home ,1P 1Ste Teton G717 P and timeserving adventurer because1;1 , last week, \vas a splendid success. Emma Hawke, 1420 5 Mr. sic(=aw is a deserving iudivid-Jun. Second plass. AG tainab a 4N . nal. --The Baptist tea -meeting, last ,Jantes Kelly, r1 ChArlieI311aclt,vell,J615 week, was a very successful affair PartIlclass. Obtainable203,every way Rev, Dr. Goodspeed, ofi ��. illi® I<'oston, 253 20 Boss stated that of the ,$, t 2,000,001)Turollto, entcrtainecl the ttudicncA ` Netty lir\ ce. 24•sent by the Goveruemnt of Ontario Johnnie 1ylitchell, 2.35i P ,,for '�;()n1A teeter', gi\'lll� ate i1CCbnllt Qf'hZary MOKinbOn 19G 31 cltuing rile ld't 2i years, „57,000,000 a year's visit . in• Germany. rI'he Alice Little, 179 1 Winghanl, Juue 7,1804, by P. Deans,1'roducc i. ealer. 100 lbs.. ((•'1•1ltl1r,iitl�Zr , ,•U') b ttt 1(e. A 1it •r "'Il 1i•i a wErtU'Ste111 Il b i ( \h of 3 150 to 180 053 to 055 O52to0.5 0 32 to 0 02 to C per p l tl(, < n. .. ... , , , , 0 35 to• 052i lean beasts are not as plentiful since IP3i tree, tui, 0 13 to 01.4 the pasturage became so good. Cal- 13tttcr, rolls ... 0 13 to 0 10: i Yes are in brisk demand, at from o�;l I.}ggs psi dozen. , , ... .. , 0 07 to 0 06• to $10 each. Mr. I3orirassa. bought Wood per cont,.., ... • 1x6 to 1 75 r e. superior calves for ;;28.50, and; 1Tay p;le's-, . .. ...' 0 00 to 0 00, tl1 e more for a35. Potatoer hnshel 0 to 0 30 Mr. Brown bought four Int � 0,:t11o,•lt) 0o=xto005.P r3r0 ^r I perlb() 05 to 0 05•6'00 to 5 00,, 4 50 to 6 50) Shoeselltetfronsy:.,)to,5one1,Driest and lambs at from '',i':3 to $1. each, Dressed Hogs with an occasional very fine lamb at Beef • $4.50. Fat bogs are plentiful and sell at about 5e per pound. "Store hogs sell at from $5 to $9 each, and 0 53 to 0 6th young pigs at from p1,50 to ��3 each. ��©y Wheat 0 35 to 0 40. Toronto, June 5.—Therewero.some •Oats 0 :3x to 0 30. 00 ear loads of stuff at the yard to- leas 0 03 to 0 55• day with a good attendance of buyers. Potatoes, per bushel .. , • , , 0 40 to 0 5(y Butter 0 13 to 0 13• Prices ruled steady, with sales of Begs, per dozen :!,1: . , , 0 07 to 0 07 choice export cattle at 41,e to 4 gc HEgh .. , . , „ , • , , • • • • • • • , - • u o0 to 7 0a' per pound, and good at -Ile. But- Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00' chers' cattle were. steads, sales of the -- , best being made at 3e. to 31e ; medium at 31c to i3• c, and inferior , at tic to 3e per ib.; grass-fed stockers to $60 to h, ani calvesl� itt 143.5 $45 CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT $0 each. Sheep and lambs steady. The former sold at $4.50 to $5.50 each. Yearling lambs at :1e. to 41 STEAK 10C PER LB., and other pleats in low proportion. • Tall Wheat, old .. , , 0 55 to 0 68' Fall Wheat. new.. • ....... 0 57 to 0 60 ti A AGAIN. them as they dol 011 the •Pal p • la Ph ve 52 13 $3.75 each, Hogs are steady, with s birthday.—The ,. following appeared I sales of r 7a head ; the best 'sold at The average :attendance for the month � r its the official gazette last Saturday . was 32. ii�,PPlr A. F(aln, 7'eiwher• ;r to •,•;5.10 per hundred • half -fats on Saturday. He is advertised to address several public meetings in South lIuron, next week, in the ho has asserted that "Ontario cannot afford to dismiss Sir Oliver Mowat." Principal Grant is a Conservative, 32nd Bruce Battalion of Infantry, ° 1 ' incl stores at $4 70 to $4-.75, and • interest of lir, 31. Y. McLean., the but he know, that the Province of Walkerton—No, 8 company, Tees- MORRIS. d f Isla- Ontario has been well ruled by Si water, Capt. John R.Wraith, R. S. Report of S. S. No. 7 Morris, for the • common at 4 25 to ,4.10, ..Liberal candi ate cn' till', 1Jeg rP.{E Fraser River, in British Columbia, has overflowed its banks, O:1 ;LCC Ant of tile great amount of 1'aLill and tllcusauds of families are Oliver, and he is not prepared to try second, is pe t , month of May , 5t'1 Cas 111 the rash experiment of turning out captain, Volley Read Waldo, R. S. I., ' Isbister. George Ruttan, Annie Find - the head of the best Government second, vice Wraith, resigned; to be later, George Ardc. 4th Senior,— that Canada has ever possessed.. second lieutenant (provisionally), Dustan llcClymont, Archie McDonald, A Liberal opening an attack on the . Tames Keith McDonald Gordon, gen Norman Brandon, May llcClymont, P -, tieman, vice Waldo, promoted ; No. • Cora Brandon, Lyon Findlater, Mina • llnnt would eery rraittcc1 to retire • to be r 1 '1 ' s—N 1)olninlon govetl p• ,Proctor Esther Bryd homeless. It is sidd that the land. o Company, Walkerton sec lieu-ges. 4th Class for twelve miles wide and 130 miles Probably refer to the national debt, • which now amounts to about $240, - is tenant (provisionally), John A. Hogg . Junior—John Isbister, Michael Mc-, fot is submerged. permitted to retire. i Donald Lucy Ruttan, Lillie Geddes, 000,000 net. The leader of the Op- Mn. W1,T. HsarY, of Kingston, has position i11 Ontario has to apply flim- HARRISTON'', !Hattie Geddes. St•d Class—NTellie • self he.: task of reducing the sur- Isbister, Louie Proctor, Leonard tot 1 1 3 , e been sworn in as Commissioner litari obi of : pus claimed by the Ontario io goo rn ' Th•e Iostpanecl football match 1 . Rattan Harry. MartinCarrie Bi an- I'ubtic Works in the having in io Cabinet, , , • , l between the Listowel Marlboroughs ; don, Robt. Crnickshanks, Edna • Hon, C. F. Fraser ha.vin t retired.' hent. The difference in the methods an. the H. H. S. football teams was Hughes, 011ie Bates, Kate McCrae. Hon. lir. Harty is a, gentleman of and records of the two a(1u1ini51rt1 to have Bern laved in Atwood last ° o g Proctor, ?' trans is thus fairly well illustrated. P 2nd Class—Halos I roctor Burdett, great experience in bustles,, and r habit - timed But owing to the con- Gecides,llaggie McGee, Maggie Caltnp- F government is babe make. a. Worthy successor to. lir. $ ' attitude of defence of apoloac'. Criticism of the Orta THE officials of the Bigovernment takesmatch off, The Lista\vel team, al Senior—Maud Sterling, Willie Isbms •h sof Azrtealture have reported that the tion. It is honest say the critics, but 1 ,��' sy ;� ' t of 11)UIIan cattle that is no credit to it ; every govern-, though having received a telegram ter, Robbie Golley, Andrew Case- ; , Iutnr,� Of a couple �. a 1 to this effect, went over to Atwood i more, Lillie McGee. Average attend-' •Th0nnderslgned °Dere for received in England. a se affected with mens ought to beshone-t The Dominion go tinned rain u 4111 after the time for •P I bell James Hockerid •e Jessie AIc- • i?raser, • tinily put into an rip the train leaving Harriston, \V, K. i Donald, Henry Mansel', Harry Bran- 33ritish Grain Trade, London, June 4.—The hark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the grain trade, says :' English wheats slave fallen 1Od and foreign wheats (id. California wheat has been quoted at 22s per quarter, hard Manitoba at 23e*Cd and Duluth at 23s Od. Corn has been steady, American selling at 16s lid, and oats, barley and beans have been weak. To -day English wheats are depressed, with few buyers. Foreign wheats are pressed for sale at a decline.of 6d and flour is inert. The best English flour is selling at 29s and American at 23s. Corn is dull, the round kernel having Snyder, the referee, declared the lost 3d. Peas and beans are quiet. tiy1 Board o t the form of detrac- , don, Jennie McDonald. lst 'Class good lithe, 1l ill bo deliv contagious pku=-•o-pneunioniil. That "There is not 2L year that legislation the match by default. They seem F. A. CL:>.RKs ox, Teacher bushol. menus that the embargo 11.i11 not be coulee be stopped without detriment to be determined not to play our 1 - . and lined up, thus' thinking to claim ' ance .4.4. rounding villages and 11 removed fro in Canadian cattle goingg to the public interest. But the pr'in- boys another match. Evidently they 1 • MR. J. T. (Arnow, the Liberal is that all the principal affairs may lbateh played here three weeks ago,1 eab�iicl:tte has been holding very; be examined into—that every act of for in that snatch the advantage of • i the lhwernment shall be subjected our team could be easily seen from successful meetings in different parts . to discussion, to investigation and to the continued shots on the Listowel of this Riding, and the prospects are 1 enquiry of every kind. It is a gene- goal. The boys are just waiting for i bright for his re-election. He will 1 ral audit of the affairs of the Govern- favorable weather and are quite con - address meetings in Belgrave, on the - incest and the country that takes ficlent of a favorable result Glenfarw roP. 0. into In land will pal p al o'e of meeting once a year are afraid of our team since the ; 11tH; Winghatn, 15th; hoovers, 13th; )lace then, and I say it is well that The Nile, 20th,.and Belfast,- the 21st tilos audit should be taken. You instants. • THE election of Mr. rrl1os. i Sibson, the Liberal Candidate in East Hum, by an overwhelming majority, is a foregelie conclusion. He is holding meetings through the Riding, and is everywhere Illeeting with the most cordial reception and assurances of supp)rt. Mr. Milne, his opponent, has not held any public meetings yet, as far as we can learn. Tun chauge in the marriage act passed at the late session of the Ontario Legislature requires ally person applying for license under,the. age of 18 years, to produce a written certificate of consent to the proposed Crisp "Arguments" at Ottawa. - (From the Montreal witness.) Mr. Foster has brought down another batch of tariff changes. The protected manufacturers, who have succeeded in producing the proper arguments in quantities satisfactory to the Government, like the little birds sung of by Lord Tennyson, — -- "have their will." Go to Ottawa and see the Government and get what r lfiEST 11 AWANOSH • might tis well say a bank inspection you want ; the elections are coming The Council met on Saturday, • might take place every two years. \I �(l C •t f R < on. It is to be hoped that the eyes av : ,t , as a our o evasion ant • The government has no interest in f costes bust fol g tress, The minutes! of the farmers are open to what has resisting biennial sessions. If I ac- been pin on at Ottawfti:this session. ceded to that proposal, why, we of former meeting were read and The protectionist Coxevites have had approved. The Council was con- : • P world be independent of JUL' I egisla PP t' 1 t Court of Revision the it all their own way. If the farmers • tare for two whole years. This is a s i u c as <,by , members taking the usual oath. I or laborers flocked to Ottawa as the very undesirable would state of things, aloe, The only appeal entered was by protected manufacturers have been ' whale it would be in our interests, Edwin Gaunt, owner of lot \ ..i 17, . doing, there would probably be raised that we should be so independent, con. 12, who ppealed on' the ground 1 the cry that they were intimidating : of 'l 1, e: g out not have the. ever year of too high assessment ill comparison the Government and the Legislature, , of 'liming our be a comfort—we omfo pts year with others. Mr. Gaunt not being and that they ought to be sent to ' ' (.It 14 814 alai tree oftduty. \()ulUililt\' os- preselit to push itis case, the appeal Prison. That i ithat was es who done to (was dismissed. Moved by Mr. Gib- the othery is not merely to think of what is con- soil seconded by lir. Dul'nin that Washington, but then they were not , venient for us, but \what is.Yn the the assessment to be p t< (hurled. The Treasurer's report for said one indignant Coxeyite, gone PORK SAUSAGE also on band. ] am prepared to pay the bxgbest price• 'for all kinds of fowl. :They must be drawnn fa and well dreese . GBO. SHAW. Winghatn, Oct. 10th, 1893. DR. McLELLAN, LONDON, GNT.. 1 134 Dundas Street, EYE and EAR' STJRGEON- I radu•tte of the New York Eye and Ear •hospital, G SR89. Post Graduate Course on the F.)•e, Enr, Noe and Throat at the New York Post Graduate Medieat ' Sohool and Hospital, 1893. Eves Tested. Qlosaes• Applied Fina stock of 8peotaeles, Lenses and 1 surtlflcial Eves, ,fill be at the Brunswick House, WINGHA.NL,,, The tirst THURSDAY of each • montb, at date named below: Next Visit. July 5th, 1894. le, say quantity of 1 Hours 8 a. 'm. to 3 p. m. Charges. to any of the stir, r moderate. am, at 121 cents per 1) FRASETR, Lot 4, con. 7, Turnberry. House and Three Lots for Sale. I offer foresee, n nice frame cottage, conttlning 7 roo,ns, closets, dm, with hard and soft water, situ- ated on the corner of Patrice: an( 1 Carlton streets, halo• There are three-fifths of tui acre of land attached to the dwelling, and they will bo sold with it or separately. For full:particnlars, apply to the owner, fust apposite. D. MoKINLAY. Here 1 aim Again with Another Holstein Bull. An A 1 pedigreed Holstein Bull, aged 13 months. is offered for sale. Is good size, weighing hetween seven and eight hundred pounds. ao,isterad In Canadian Ilolsteh+ Frostan (lord Boot:, JAS. ELLIOT, Bluer, a 1'. 0. tl s t llnow adopted— ted— protected manufacturers. "Had we," - public interest and to do what the public interest requires. Our only April was read. It showed receipts to Washington for the purpose of 1'1'8,013 for doing so was a sense of public dui Sit Oliver :Mowat at he Inamtained \1e would have been P y'-` leaving $410.106 of a balance on > $519.75 a11,i expenditure $108.80, demanding that the protective tariff;• <nl c, marriage, of father; or if he is not I.ot1(lon. alive, of }bother ; or if she ie not living, of guardian. If the parents ,1 '•Take our prisons and reforma- are not nliwe, or if they do not live ties, our various institutions for the in the province, or if no guardian is blind, the deaf and the insane. We appointed, it isIeleft,to the discretion bright have thrown all that expendi- of the Ismer of Licenses to grant a tore upon the municipalities, We .. lic:snse. No license be issued to mightmighthave calls 1 upon eachneuili- alt-• pWt'.40n under 14 years, nor will cipality to pay its share of the ex- mos x- au selereTmanbe allowedtoeelebrate penditure, but, having money on the i marriage ceremony in such a ; hand, having the means at our cont- cil ;e. This act conies in force July 1 mand, we were anxious to save the 1s% 1 S9.1. hand --filed. An account from \\'m. received with open alms.,, POWDERS Cure SiCK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINurs9 also Coated TongueDirti- ness, niltohsness, Pain in the Side, Cohatipation Torpid Liver Bad Breath. To stay cured nnc regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE. PRIOR 25 CENTS AT DRUG STORES. HYMN, --a- If you want your PRING SUITS: made in the latest style, go to G. H. IRVIN,. opposite Bank of Hamilton, WINGHAIVI... 1a u \%atson for board and,attendance oil Live Stools Malkats. i ( �+� 1 s�5 the late James Barron, was presented T A is •,+jhl4ub,l ;; , and left with the Reeve for settle- East Buffalo, N. Y., June 4.—Cattle motet. An account from Wm. Cun- —Ten ears on sale: choice heavy i woomSHINMILIS • ,15c llhngliam claiming. damages for stock 26C higher falx flesh stock a buggy broken owing' to ,defective to 20c better ; choice to prime ex- _--- road was placed on file. Moved by porters, $4.26 to $4.60 , good but road, 'lir seconded by Mr ixibson chers $335 to $415 • stockers and that a. sum not exceeding $600 be feeders, $3.15 to $3.60 latter for good - the general appropriation for roads boned feeders ; milch cows,. fresh, $38 to $42 ; good forward springers, $35 to $37.50. Sheep and lambs ---Fifty cars on sale ; active ; 10e to 160 higher t most all offering were sheep. • Hogs ---One hundred cars; bulk of good stook sold a* $4.715 to $4.85 ; most of the geed weights at $4.80. Montreal, Que,,Junc4.—There were about 375 head of butchers' cattle, 250 calves, 350 sheep and lambs and 50 lean hogs and small pegs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to- day. lyses s well re - butchers day. I1nA presented and trade was fairly good, ,with scarcely any material difference j municipalities from such expenditure, for this year—Carried. The conl- 1 and, of course, our doing so has mittec appointed to let job of build- sil;L(xkA‘'h. !swollen the amount we have, Expend- ing shed at the township hall, reported Dr. T. Agnew, of tills place, has' ed. But it was the right thing to that no satisfactory tender had been lwen visiting friends in Forest, a1111 do. The public have received the received. It was resolved that fresh P trkiult.—lev. JAI. Dyke, of this! benefit of it. The municipalities tenders be asked for and the same ?lore, gores to Elmira,, according to have been relieved, and the people , committee authorized to let the job. the first draft of the Stationing (loll- j have felt the expenditure less than The following. check were issued ; ntittee of the Guelph Conference, they w.)uld have done if all this A, A. Wilson, salary as Assessor, $00; while was published last week, and expenditure had been thrown upon , James ;McCluskey, 35 rods gravelling, Rev. Robt. II. Hall vows here. --At the municipalities. The sante way coli. 13, $17.50; Stephen Medd, re- ef late meeting of Knox 'church, here, • in the matter of education. We pairing bridge between 24 and 25, 1 ra1olution 4,f MI./hence was ousel- , expend several hundred thousand eon. 4, $1. Connell adjourned to I ly pass 'd to M:';. Folin Taylor, dollars upon education. T11is Gov- meet on Saturday', June 23rd, 4 4 one the death of her husband, who ernment has spent millions upon o'clock. killed a short time ago. education. I male no apology for R. K. infamy Glerk. The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &C., on hand, which will bo sold at veryclose prises to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $ 1.10 per g square. Wood Mts. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying, as we will not be undersold. . 1InL1 41.N Le SON, Wingbam, June 76, 18013. I have a full stock of Watches, Clocks Jewelry, &c.,. to which I invite special attention. BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN., "REPAIRIRG A SPECIALTY, , mid all work done on the premises. M. PATTERSON.. l urns— Directly opposites the Bank or Hamilton, Wingham. • ,: .'c,. .Ili A. '-vs•,. ',i:-0 �+f,d ,.y1M• i ,yl, i�,, . 41. t. • CULROSS.^ � 1 competition—Curti '110 CflllvaSSOVS for resp Agrieultur- (( Welwood, seconde( al Society hate been only fairly sue -1 that as the railing They will report to a lUdet- cu�aftil. 1 pbridge opposite lot ing of the Directors to be hold in is in need of repai Teeswater ole. Saturday next, --Cul- have the sante rep. rocs Star Lodge, I, 0. (x, T., held a needful—Carried. grand picnic on May 2.411, A very Welwood, seconde' enjoyable time was spent. M1'.. that as the si(leroa Thos. Inglis, the Reform candidate and 31, Aon. 5, is for the Local Legislature, has retired state, that a grant from the contest, and it is reported put the saltie in fL that lir, R, Truax, of Walkerton, 1 that Wln. Reid let who stood next to lir, Inglis in the conlpotition—C€tr1 vote at tete Reform convention, will `McKay, seconded be -the standard-bearer for the Re- I that as the bridg. form party. con. 2, needs repo The council Islet in the town hall, wood have the sal Teeswater, flay 281b, 18J4,agreeable state of repair—( to motion of adjournment. Members H. McKay, ween( all present. Jos. Welwood, Reeve, i that the Clerk pr. in the chair. The minutes of last !law for the Town meeting were read, when it was ing of Connell, to moved by Jos. Johnston, seconded by former by-law Wm. Reicl, that the minutes of last fences, &c:—Cal meeting of council as just read be Win. Reids secou adopted ;Carried. The council then that as the 25th i met as a Court of Revision and ap- a bad state of tri peal, The oath was subscribed to expend $15 in it - by the members, when the following also have culvert appeals were laid on the table and 6 and 7, put in considered: Sarnuel Smith, coli- repair—Carried. plains of being assessed too high on lot McKay, seconder 13, con. 13, reduced $200. Appeal of the Reeve order Mr. Joseph. Moir against Alex. Gor- the Ainerican Rc and ler S. licK2 for bell too delivered in Tee Clerk give thein -have applied for have been provic beats , who has Moved by H. li'( Johnston, that tl have the culvert 12 and 13, re Kuntz certify to Moved by ll,. Mc 'Kuntz, that ai given township • by-law prevellti being placed up person has obs posite. lot 26, notify the ovine obstruction am that he have it lay, as -it is an,i the council has lets for any incl desire and thi provided an out vied. Financial rE ed :—Robert P,R.,$2; Wit day shoveling 50e; Neil Me) lot 27, con 4 ar aldson repair P trees, lots 15 a Telephone off Hiscocks, 950: as assessor, $6( vert •30th sit drew ROSS, re road, $2 ; Giili scraper, $7. - 3 seconded by J finance report ed—carried.' wood, seconde that this mum meet again 011 1894, in the to the hour of ried. C EA'� Mr. Samuel township, rec stroke of pari last, and it is recover. Mr. and highly r( township, am be able to pu strong, rebus The coffin. donMcKay, g high assessed, no action taken as the assessment appears . to be all right. Goo. Pelmet -complained of being too high assessed, no action taken as the • assessment is less than last year. Peter Fryfogle, assessment reduced $250, to the same as last year. 'Moved by II. McKay, seconded by P. Kuntz, that as all the appeals be- fore this Court have been considered and, deeisions given, that the altera- tions in roll be made accordingly and the Court now closed—Carried. The council then resumed its regular business. Moved -by H. McKay, seconded by Win. Reid, that ler. Welwood - have a tile culvert put in opposite lot 14, con. 1, Huron or Turnberry to pay half—Carried. Moved by H. McKay, seconded. by Wen. Reid; that a grant not to exceed $10 be given to gravel the fifth side- . load, 13th and 14th Concessions, on condition:that the Pathmaster have the sante graded up by statute labor; the Pathmaster to expend the amount, if necessary, •inclining the cost •of A gravel, and that Peter Kuntz certify to the work—Carried. Moved by J. Welwood, seconded by Jos. Johnston, that as the culvert on the sideroacl at lots 7 and 8, con. 9, is broken,down, 111 put in same Mr, i1lcKay have the. s Proper repair—Carried, Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by H. McKay, that tis the 25th sideroacl, concessions 1 and 2, needs repairing,that-a grant of $10 be made, to be 'spent under the supervision of JohnHardie, path - master, Jos. Welwood, Reeve, to certify to• the work—Carried. Moved by P. Kuntz, seconded by H. McKay, that $10 be granted on coli. A, lot 31, if Carrick grant the same amouut- for gravelling the same, Peter Kuntz to :superintend the work—Carried. Moved by II. McKay, seconded by • Win. Reid, • that as many parties owning land through which the river runs have the stream obstructed by jams of timber contrary to statute, that the Clerk notify all parties hav- ing- timber in the river to have the same removed according to by-law, i .N•.•not later than the first of August, 1894, as we want the river cleared so as to save the bridges at freshets—. Carried. Moved by Peter Kuntz, seconded. by Jos. Johnston, that $10 be granted, if Carrick do the salve, ' to repair con. A, at lot 29, that Peter Kuntz attend to the same—Carried. Moved . by Wm. Reid, seconded by court of reels Jos. Johnston, that Wm. Welwood all present. and Jos. Johnston have both sink - subscribed ti holes on the 12th con. put under some ecl by statist. • repair as they' are not fit for travel— - against ass. Carried. Moved by Wm. Reid, viz; ---Giles , seconded. by H. McKay, that a grant 1, conlplainc not to exceed $15 be made to make assessed on 1 passing places opposite lots 9, 10 anc. confirmed. 11, con. 0, to be superintended by 37, con. 4, • John Hill, pathmaster,and that Henry ducal. $100. McKay certify to the sante—Carried, cf 5, con. 1f,,. Moved. by P. Kuntz, seconded by H. daces $200 McKay, that tt grant of $10 be Meade • were oil ape on tate 30tH sidoroad, con. 7, and that Robert Ston Mr. Reid: let the salve by public cony I• ;; Jonatha r: petition ---Carried. Moved by Jos. at: F. Tsaas Johnston, seconded by Jos. Welwood, 42, con. 8 that the Deputy -sleeve, McKay, ex- lot 42,. con pend $I00 tinder his anc. Jos. Jolles- Mason, lot stop's supervision, in ol)en%ing 111 Andrew Sh cols. i4, frons west 0111 of bridge, lot '04 Edwari 25, through swamp --Carried. Moved M, y', 0, 1 by II. Melray, seconded by '�(V•nl. , to the roll, Reit, that a grant not .to exceed $25 the course • be made to gravel, part of the 11th again ort eon,, from first skkiroacl to tow;llina�, • Council r , tend that POter Iruutz settles solos by action of :'i '