HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-08, Page 33W; but Mis :led to keejr 3, when the out entirely, frort to rell0W y met a ;hilts • mso switches, at the East. I saw horses ;lilt way,' )11 was to see ; to ;meeting. -the Mouses, Is, and all the, Flat Creek :sept the old ;.maker, 1.1:15 :1 by Shocky, itless, to get a it to heal' Mr. 'act, few were. Igious service. its a coinii O i s, and to fine; rent sensation,.. \ tYED.) ;liner Com- • ; sonter y,clioiera nd, indeed, all • quire quick re - b( serious. - ..�.t les are common, 1 be without a 4' PAIN: Kuzma, 'cls clue, for all This "iuedicine years ago, and :cellel.lce. Ever y !cps a supply on rale is wrapped. 25c. New Big on semi-annual lig will be Iield 'Anton, on 1'17- rrup cures and re` ids in chtidren or )ld by all dealers. ;ll says W. Marl- ed harbormaster :y -care eleutoy.-Mrs. win on ns •d for over fifty for I Nett" t•aiktt•Cn While i, lc 1100the,,.the Child Ohl, Como ,tun( coni, 'alt him. Is pleas.tnt to ( vi ,.err part ofthe II',„tie, I ',alae ,.. Its is i' 1• �. t, til, . L s. 1 L,s(o(v 8 etl.; t bloc,. M. A., editor .o1mei::, has been ;eclat committee ethadist church, di;'crediting the Ivo usa.] your Yel- 1 it unequalled for rheumatism,croup use it rocumrend 'k'fll, Q,10. • factory at Tiver- 'uesday morning; for ';;1800, 31'n111(:f t has ltl a(le iftenance. of two Manitoba. .�.:., .rieeore• gyred • Ps Failed 9k—Bunches All I dw. Ma tie. 1, ?daps.: it cannot say enough tribal. For eve, years I scrofula hi my ileak s oflmecllolues which good and iWiten 1 coni - its, arilia there worn' c so•soro that l could iia Cures rh. 'When 1 had taken Ins, the soreness had niched the seeondthe tppearedl' 13raNenit tine. take I1oodrs 8arseplis buy any othbr. eliatipation by ream" �.w.,n.,Ra,ww..•.�nra.n,nwn..,M !,.pr Iia O! -q. ViiiLUEANI. (chi riE ,, 1'ptU lr: 'r11L 1\7,41111 d .01110i0:•1.) int( !d ,we nod .\,l;ire /.tu)tt ' ,fell call the at•eat]mt, of the mothers :+n(1 sisters to rho inch, Mitt Lino 1Yuutan'n 0111.t11ttn '1'etnper. aoov;'alit,Hirst`; u,err M)I(LIV at three r;.•lo••I: sharp, f.)11 OHS !vita., at Mrs kit'lun'a r.tsiclencc, i'nt• riv'k street. .tit !tikes are Made weleonnii As the hdltor has kindly given us part nI his splice, for our work, we unit friends of the etuso to Bend itsuts of interest on all moral" questions of tau day to un r eP our naenbea4. M.mak•mr s.p 4 .,I.MNYii.*soa .1.474..: J,o,.... people; are so hospitable that i1 leek for a I drink of water they always give 'Me a. clip of mills. 1 'J'hat'sso; milk 'ud do it just the same, mem in a chorus, t1. titan said, Doss, if ' yes will Como to my house I'll give yes: a (hart 0' 011111 to drink. Another, Stranger, I'd give ye twa quirts ail' a bit o' bread, t . little Frenchman, not to be oat•done, stepped in 1 EH se preach -man dome ze mine llpuie he gets all the old cow gives. It was dark; the company began to dis- Cn I1,vug:,i Pla001. perm, One man came and taking my An lidiraudiamll Suuday•sahoal mission- ;sane; said, Thank God 1 I'm going to give falls in the New fork Observer, some' my wife a, surprise party to -night and go sty home sober the first time in a long while; 1 of his otpuriaucas. FI: says : when yon pray sometimes think of me, 'Al I had heard of a community 1where • wY there were many children,au mussed and he wow off. A big stalwart guide ohurah and no Saud;ly-school or religious came up, saying, Mister, if you Blease, Z'd like two more of them tickets; eervic@ of any kind. Enough fora lois- Ill wear sionary, That ohnreh most ba found, the one in each, boot, so the priest will never eo to arause;l, au•.i the children gathered find them, and leave the other with my p for instruction in the Scrip turas. At wife when I'm away. A. young fellow nightfall the cltrtrch game into view. /Towcame up and seated himself on the porch bare and uninviting it looked! Turning in- and oommenoed singing an obscene song, to a wide -vomited. tavern nest ,to the Give mo a card for him, said ode ; he's church, I finally had my hor33. pat up, and just coxae. As it was handed him I said, the landlord met me at the dour. Taking Oh, boys, that ain't a' nice song ; T can a�tnxe for a travelling salesman, he said : , Mug you a better one, They stood about 4'11 W11at line d' yer carry? 'silently or slipped away into the darkness I represent the air -line to heaven. ! as 1 sang ; Oh, I see;travelin' preacher, hey? 'Tis so sweet to trust in .]esus, ' Yes, something like that. I'm a Sunday Just ro take him at his word, 01x001 man. Just to rest upon his promise; 9 Just t0 know, Thus saith tile Lord. Wall, yo'vo lost yer beanie's mightily ; ltain'1 no Sunday-skules roan' vera. The young man I had seen handing oat No? What is that church fur, .up on the money so freely gave a sob as lie rose from hill 2 , behind a post and started away. 1 palled 1 him back. Sober now, he came and took' Jest fer ornament an' funerals; don't a seat by my silo. Olt, what a poor minor -1 hey no use fer cnroh, My p es rota these parts. ••able fool T am 1 Oh, mother 1 aI Any children boat here ? t �. Ye'r right, stranger, the wap is is #1.111 OV I was well brought up, but I got to tlriniting. Do yo',1 know where tri; reor brolteu•lteart- 1 uln ; bat ;xray, •luu'i go inter the bar•romtt i � od .ttutIler i5 tem, sir ? She ie .lip in my- it's full o' the boys, au' they's a mite bit frisky; been MIM' up , pretty well on room, kneeling by my chair, praying for i cider, lies miserable boy ; and she trusted me se fully when T. pledged my honor I would`; • Nothing stronger than oidar . Well'; they ain't nothin'iil snake a man keep straight this tinie. 1 had money to'' woes nor cider when the it too much. gu and buy cnttle; but do yogi know, sir, Y g it's all ,gono—gone, I don't know hew or T prefer to go in where the men are. 1 THE• ' WIN U AA ' 1M� S, ;JUNE 8, MC . L likiilYik.ILdmtt111Yli .1, 11. G lil.I}Ii,.,I1aa,i1 for effantS and Children. tl HER ' Ii :fir u K. n O W that Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do 'You 31Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ? Do You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sc without labeling them poisons ? Do You Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo givi • ; •; Aces you or your physician know of what it is composed ? Re Ton 3irtow that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and t... t ;;odionts is published with every bottle/ r ',ta Ton Know that Cactoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel 1 It has been in. use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold that. ...:i other remedies for children combined ? u"lllo'ion Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of nyder countries; have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " l)nstoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 1 Do You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protectionwas because Oastoria•had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Ton Knows that a`$5 avcrago doses of CastorIa are furnished for 35 cents, or p.m cent a dose ? Do Ton Miaow that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Vt o17s�t}se�, thitz +� r r re worth knowing They are facts. the Gat •.:113 re...E'?1jx.: 51 DO hi' - is oiix every l.GG�zi%11. Yclxapper. hiSklre .� wy fov (Pitcher's Castoria. �naaxxt�z��',•s;ry �, 6.'1nxrJ •s.«.,•„na;.`•,` ;3•r,,, {t*,7ar r^"'uilir�'' S.tr.,Rtk'11. tlb:N3iG5t P.�;xeetGt :,a,+.YP.r+:zr ;'..(i.{::::. , .-a,�u�.A..c;..,.,'ai a. C wds �oW:r£•�4s Well you preachers is fiat a little to tvlieraa my ;tat, lay • coat, my shoes, my much in making impressions and inoul- r =, I honor, all. gone. Yes, my hope, too ; only eating gospel truth. reckless. for stand la chacr t9 of �attin %other is still.praying for me. T can't - go y,42.:1) fhi pupated. • , Then the Provincial Secretary gave All this time sounds of the wildest hilar- past a drinking place; ilio smell of liquor ; After us a very edifying address on "Eye minded people." He said that of till the senses the eye was the moat acute, heuce • ity came from the bar -room, mingled with°W 11108 out and compels ire to go In• oaths and angry voices. As l entered the the first glass it's all up with me. 013, sir, room, blue with the fumes of tobacco and why don't yon stop the accursed traffic in liquor, I knew something inure than cider 81018? Why don't Christian men vote against licensing these gates to hell? If was Vsing sold. A. handsome young fel- : " low with one shoe, no hat or coat, -his the temth ptation were only removed. oxis- clothing torn and his face reddened with ; ands 0£ mothers' sons could be saved. ,God drink, was giving away money. `fhelp tae, poor fool that I am. 1 The landlord was very sour, and would • . Y 'taHelp aets. dselves, gent; men ; plenty long as I I hardly treat me civilly for interfering with A n seated in a attar was mildly I ro-his legitimate (?) business. An old Man testing. No, boys! 'bliged to yer, I m � told loo of his owls life; once superintendent fns a ticik now; nuttier glass An I don't, of a flourishing school in the desolated get home 't all ; wife's sick, pr. ruisecl to be' church, and promised to help in starting home two o'eloslt: a. ..1 another. Irl this we succeeded. Whether with a clrealful o.,til a x11441 sprung for- � it ilea =scntinuld or not I know .not. This the necessity of keeping the eye, grate of the pupil. 13e showed very clearly the groat benefit of teaching by object lessons and pictures. The most nnruly Might be controlled if we succeeded in keeping their eye. Tho evening session opened witln sin, follow.ed by ing led by the union choir. . r. . prayer by the Rev. J. Mills. - Rev. J. Miles, pastor of the church us well as member of the Association, ex- tended to the audience'a lend!), and Blessing :to. Every I .ouseboi:d. , HOLLOWAY'S PIAL ANL; u SENT 1 These remedies have stood site test of fifty years experience, and are p :011"mtd tIs 1(91 '4 Cdtclri88 kr 1•4,1011) use, it was thought that if a full report of the schools were published it might, be an inducement to secure those who in the past have been delignuent.-Lucknow Sentinel. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla do not be induced to buy any sub- stitute article. Take Hood's and only Hood's. Do you enjoy football? he asked of the mtan who sat next him at the gauze. Somewhat. Are you a player, No. I'ni a sergeon. Heart Disease Relieved In 30 Minn-cos.—All cams oforganic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quieirly mired, by Dr. Ag- 'new's Cure. Sui.i at 011isholm's Drug- store, Winghann. - No mall awakes to find himself ward, pulling a heavy revolver, and say- I have learned, however, as reads the littlehearty welcome. He said though 'we famous unless he has worked pretty ixig, of yer dant chink 'long xnt I'll born easel: When tempted, afflicted, troubled 1 might, 11@ elm wbtst d;acoaraged mil^1t hard for it the day before. Ye' I sick, in health, rich, poor, oppressed, for -1 we same to compare our work with what 1 Others caught the seated lean by tl a sakes, anal I trust when dying,under all we had hoard through the day 1 what a l :Burdock Blood Fsittea ibises all die- collar, and two held him up, the revolver y i Subbath school teacher ought to do it eases of the blood from a cnnttn 01 Ail p circumstances, always "look'to Jesus." : g : to the worst Scrofulous Mores or 'Ulcers. was held close to the back of his head,- - 111•as for us to renew our i onbecration to Skin Diseases, Bails, Blotches and • allwhiled fourth loan poured a Lull tumbler A Bung tU Iiorsielnen. t -One bottle God and hi,s service, improving every. Blood uIutuur,,, cannot resist its healing of 1• ,icor dolts; the reluctant man's throat ; of a nu b tfrom my horse. 1 t ke ' opportunity to better fit; ourselves for lowers. • " ,. tha4they all let go of him,. and the pocr! pleasure In recommending the remedy,' cl.lristian w'Or'k. He closed by quotiug a-7ustico nt'x(1 Tor.ordSlty aro r'0 int•I fellow fell in a senseless heap on the floor. tis it 110t13 with mysterious promptness in soft or . couple of verses of that beautiful hymn 1tt.Lteiv ;lilt^,'1t .t', .t that neither can Another man drew his pistol and said, �thllloused lualmrps,n horseslspavin,(!splints, : of Miss Havergidl's,uamely : 1luttfi:ch 1t'u91 w'th(rit the other. Don't 'low no feller ter draw bead.01 my earros, sweeny, stitles and sprains. GEO. ""011 1 . teach, me Lord, that I may teach, Dr. Fowler .r't met f . •1\ iir1 Straw - mate. It's mean ter snake feller. drink 'liana, learner, .Markham, Ont. Sold at The precious things, thou dost impart." berry cor•'1. !Dias rh(a,Dy;;entely.Cral:nps, when he's got nuff, Come outside. • I kin Cnisholm's Drugstore, Wingham. Rev.- It S. G. Anderson, of St. Hel• ens, Colic, Ch„11' fi,irbns.tlllolar•a Infantum lick the hull pack o' ye. - inial all leeeeo"",' (1' 1111, t 'mels. ;;ever showed by the very interesting paper travel wi'h,wt it. i.'rtr•, -i •. There was a. )dad rush for the door UNION SABBATH SCHOOi, wale's he road, that h@ had 1ve 1 his opening into the entrance hallway. 1 fear= ASSOCIATION.b i) t` , e t : '. "t r 03 p ) )l• ly 121111 ed bloodshed; the moo were so awry and subject "Education vs. Crautmie " con- ' fai:;.tFull tr rhe 1t T•t•4a IOW 1)13f.x•0 von. drunken, many of thein armed with pistols ANNUAL MEETING IN LUCK- siderable thought. He said more than It iii t > f utfil•tlt(, claim of to -day. race and knowledge were necessn.ry to and murderotls hunting knives. I had T.EIEIR bee�ilently lifting my heart in prayer, • Lor ;'lielp 110 to help these mon. My vest pocket was quickly relieved of 1 its store of " Look to Jesus' cards. Hold- ing them in my hands I stepped quickly 1 put'hi advance of most of the crowd, and as the men scrambled otit dco:s held out the bright colored hits of pasteboard. Gen- tlemen, I have tickets here for eacjx of you. Some took me for a quack doctor, others for a showman, and they eagerly took the Dards, seeming to forget all about the de- sire to fight. Wci,pens were quietly put awl, and they clustered around.: One �,tborfousl' spelled out L•O-O•Ii T=0 J•E S U -S, theli putting his finis up to - mine he said sneeringly, " Do you do it, Mister l" Yes,. I replied ; It's the only -way to live, boys, and there in the door of the low tavern I preached Christ to as motley a crowd of men as I ever saw. 'Their faces relagect and eyes Moistened as children I asked them to provide theirfor] if, they cared nothing for the Bible them:, eelvle is One old man said, yer bit it ther, itrtiii'er; 111e little suis ig w(tt11 e)t' its A big, brawny fellow now crowded tap and said, Boss, don't ye never take a glass of beer on the sly ? y t beer tastes. lnw N0,1 don'tknow r1 tet ,interlocutor,if o 0 q.hotl, replied my y drink no beer, wluat's made ye so fat -1 Yo is as fat as I, and 1 rlrinits lots of beer. The crowd laughed, then laughed louder til cheered as I said, 011 I drink milk. b y know up stere in the mountains' the a• make a good teacher. A great deal of SPEND TOUR OUTING- O- TBE GREATThe third annual convention of Kin- common sense, method and tact is re- LARES. ass, Huron, Ashfield, West Wawanosh quired. Cramming a child with know and Lucknow was held on Monday' last ledge is not education: To educate is to Visit pictur(sque Mackinac Island. It will only cost you about $12.50 from De- n the St.Peter'sEpiscopal eh ureb,Luck- draw out little by little so that thedntld troit; $15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, now. can understand, followed by prayer and for the round trip, including meals and The first seasiou 10.30 a. in. faith will bring the desired result.• berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travel - The the D. & C. floating palaces. The with devotional e. y Rev. J. Mr. Day's very racy and eloquent ad- attractions of strip to the 11ackinaorc, ion Miles. 1 dress on "Childhood,' the battle ground aro unsurpassed. The island itself is a A goodly nittnber workers met of the Kingdoms" was -exceedingly in- grand omantic spot, its climate most in- +' spiring to all Cla•ri Alan workers. Ho vigorating. Two new stool passenger to take part in the lesson" earn- p g 1 steamers have just boon built for tete ducted by Mr. Alfredeneral Sec- emphasized the very great importance of upper lake route, costing $300,009 eat L. e concentrated effort for the edam- They are equipped 'with every modern man; Y P Punt) the blood, correct nil -d;sorders of the LIVER, caohl . t 1 . 1. ' 1 1 ' ' . ' ! 1 ' 1 r invaluable in all complaints Incidental to irunks of ail a, •s. ,.1...-7.;:t••.S^'J Q-L�# .L.t..i:L'.i �.,J,:.:. 111 ' Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, And aid mei ods,• Fon ilii i l((`, C1I1'1lS 5(:110 Tun -tans, O()CG1is, rt1Li1S, GOUT,itrst'alATi:i51, (iI ftltt• 1..114 $U 1.1 , 1>(b OAP. ' AL's, SKIN DISE VVE$ 11 11AS IVU EqUAL. Manufactured only ut 744, New 4)04, rd. i.t 1,• :...,, 4.S14411. 1,;cert,. London. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. Itis 'Purohasors should look to the Label on the Bouts awl 1'ot., l,'' the uc]i,ress is net 533'Oxford Street, Loudon, they are spurious. opened :or Bees 1) of S. S. "normal 1 Day, G School Pro very help engaged regret is pp were not more present to ire benefxtecl, aoeo of training the child for God . and Toledo, Detroit, ,Alpena? Mackinac, St. and oar Lima longer to listen to one d lin iv 't wo�I I not belong Xgitace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," Mer. rotary of Sabbath vinelal As., "mor convenience, annunciators, bath -rooms, sociation tion of children though l 1d t etc., illuminated Y h he wotl no throughoutb electricity, think for a moment of doing less for the and are guaranteed to be the grandest, This session was fel and in- u liftin of humanity. Ile held that largest and safest steamers on fresh water. structive to those in training g p` These steamers favorably compare with here prevention was better titan cure and the young All we thatt • that if we felt as wo should the import- speed. Four tris per week between the great ocean liners in construction and who is capable of giving soh practical aero aeoorc (; 1 , tette and Duluth. Daily betwcenCleve- before we could "1 ail with joy the 1 nd and Detroit. Daily between Cleve - The Millen&urn." ' land and Putin-13ay. The cabins, parlors. The afternoon sosslan opened with de- � and staterooms of these steamers arc de� votiona] ecercises byRev. J. Tisanes. All present felt that Mr. Day was fully signed for tore complete steamers at xt (y1. After reading the minutes of last con• qualified for the work in which he is humanity under home conditions; the pal. vention, and reports of Sabbath Schools, • ebgtlgstd• His great, sympathy in child ,tial' equipment, the ,luxury of the ap. a ver" concise re ort of the Provincial Ilife. his ability and willingness to help' peintnlents, makes traveling on these y p steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for g Convention was iven by 1♦ir. It. D. Cam• I .workers, his ready wit and humor which illustrated deserip jive pan; hlet. Address and Instructive . . D. et C. atm. We .gathered many thoughts that i are always interesting A. A. SCtYANTZ, G. P. = A•, Will be11e1liful as; well asgaiuing a general 1 add ttluoh to niake.itim a very attractive, Detroit, Mich. - - idea of what that convention,was"as mats t and edifying speaker. We very tate];. 44 Prince I ossfb]e in the time alloted Mr, Caniet'on. 1 regret that we have not (Wore spac8 ill JohnJohn13x11, al441 i, ( f the I1 p Mr. ' � the �best report of- whi4h 16 give a� fuller short � ni the hdwttrcl itihtllll :''ut•lllcl,ll Legislature Day pronounced it t le - .. Very able ad,lresses dalirerel. We died suddenly or hearttlltieils0 Sunday convention he ;fad heard g;tren. M•r.:i'. Y , • ,tr. cvel illi Taylor, of Ashfield, ispoke'on the great Casinos do ahem at all justice. `!'h(1 1, importanoe of good rnusio at it had done (Agars of last year wore re-elected I+nd Begotlo D raAiop3ut:110m IsIt. D. 0. M Perry Davis' PAIN -KR LLER Buy NO OTHER MEDICINE ON EARTH Isco ie,fi acioudiaii Big 25 C. Cholera, Cramps, Chills, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Bottle Morbus, Cholera Infantum and all Bowel. ComplaYate, FOR r-5..�1 BE$T EATS IN CI ..� �• -; GO TO Cs't1.'•i, et it'•'PiT .lux g CAPS, COLLARS, 1,y "- a+ -rr 4-5• y 0474 Cheap for ✓c rel S L r1T &c,. �'@�'�/�''+�✓�" a✓:^rv"+� r;` � !^tsr'G.%^'..�"�'''t.''~t�✓' 40.'1.7,.'' .«'tv✓,,: ` r "" v, 01HE CEA OH E tu. That will burn C9)°nr�} ;MOOD p ROM iiJ '-L ai 7 Ca}t3L .. Cqualiy Well... r��e otFopo����1��n Has the Largest Oven. IS A FARrI1R'S STOVE IS Everybody's Cook Stove. See it. t. • THE OXFORD--• 011, GAS COOK STOVEwithantvxioSla Makes and Burns Its Own Gas From Common Coal Oil. NO DIRT, NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. t�:OooI% a Family Danner for Two Cents.. '`•r' 1„.l^•1',.'f 717 ''i ,���,TS'6 •-q`if•i ''f it• `r�;1 y',t�l 1' ' •J 1 "1 1 J i .,J°jLJ .i: i. iJ,1.1.1N.: -111 U 7th ,, J;.ill l 4.1 1 4444 :Y'4.�“74::11 e✓T�va,,Y./,Z' "'3.'C,'•i•:u '.aV"'✓'•:b''K ,t%.''ate, f•; tt:r '..• :-41.. wr� . Z.1.-. FOR SALE BY— p /� �� D. SUTHERLAND, HERLAND, WINGIT AM, ONT... CHEAP HEADING 1 Our Clubbing Rates. The Tn,ss and Toronto rIlobe, weakly $ 1 50 TheTntas and Toronto, Empire, weekly 1 75 Tho Tunis and London Advertiser, weekly3. 75 The Timm and London Free press, weekly1 75 Tho Timms and Montreal Herald, weekly 1 80 The Times and Montreal witness, weekly 1 60 The Tisst aid Toronto Daily world 4 4 44.... 2 60 ThoTiatiaeand Montreal 1'anily Herald and Star 1 75 weekly, and premium' Thb Tntns and Tho Ladies' Journal, monthly, 1 25 Toronto Tho Tansy and Cosmopolitan lrngn.nc,monchl' , 2 2b Mea' York The Times and T....... o T,h•o Stools Jnnrnal and trnnaehol9 Companion, monthly•...., . 1 YG The TOMS WW1 farmers' Aerolate, bi•weoltly 1 UO Tim Ttsiss nitd the Cutt'intor and Country 2 fit; Gentleman, wealth. , 4 4 4 4 . , .. Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned In the above List. Address For t.,e._�.. �. Sciatic E. Neth ra Tiles Orrick, Winghant, Ont. W"RBSTTR'S, INTERNA2'IONAI , .::,titre&N€s. DICTIONARY etbreaseoft/te Time ._! CraadEdueator, ghosucee sorof tlss "Unabridged.” Ten years were spent :revising, 106 editors employed, and over 000,000 expended. .E'very'body should own . 'thin Dictionary. It 'an, merit all i)tlettier% concerning the his- tory, spelling, pro. ininelation, and moaning of words. A Zibrary in Itself. It Mao gives the facts often wanted concerning eminent t persons, ancient and modem; no.ed ilei;• tions persons and places, the entmtries( rides, towns, and natural features of the globe; translation of foreign quotations, words, phrases, and proverbs; ere., etc., etc - This Work i.3 Invaluable to the ticusehalt'., and to the teacher, sehoiar, pro. fessionnlman, and self-educator- ?y; elf-ednoator"- e' ' /axe drlo7i , ''i'oronio, flays• This uetyrpi:tlonery rs the 14.11 ,imt' *'f t't 1••,, 1 The Y n tai 1.(.h Lai au r , r in m K 41 ' i'u t1. a 1. Y Y I n ,.'r adv •, , h r:l sof 'lila! It tl , n f i d t w.t l t wait. 'tn M "r4 1t to e 4444 I L `C'lrttltt ly } Drove • .;. ✓ lu i , int i i 1 estr tn..._• f„ t L n t `'�j• Tilts Times, Irtuni1:os+, says;- f reeanay4ltbeimntnnneedihehest wetkihrhili•• t twelionm5 anti 1)40 rli1apeet boos In Vie weld, dun( 3104411 bolo I.:W*0,110otSod tamay ut(':,taubt. IH APPLICATION pains or THE Ba °e1V'IEN�yT11 �aIlaa...1 IYJG0 (1 ri AS 1 „1'4)14 l(nu.•.,et 1,3,:•1M', 1'1.'WILLfiSP.I;L lit PAIN M MAGIC; y,,s rj: ltV leas=cyesis:lttloltsi373ershoir•itt%pea. C, 1Ct , bi`c1lhita L'o, a, itvViis7trts, r "ll •t ti ri t x :t. S i t i . ;its � ... J1.. >r 7 r , 1 ky tn,,.M.•vr•},,w+r„'r,llrti 1 ,tkis.2tT25 ^,!-,,, 44 u`a,ue:rnt : `l' ttJ?lTttiN.'iL. ]Ili"'!W0V.4V ,.,,E r.,,..... ,• • . T..601.14 ,