HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-08, Page 1v '0" 404 • ING II A NI Tnri VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1166. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 8,1894. We went to tell you about our Linen 'Stook. Nowhere hi town will you find mob an assortment in Table Linens, Napkins, D. Oylies and Towels, and the value is, •right because ' the prices are right. AB- purchaaed in the Old Country and imported -direet by es, which means a great saving to you, There is nothing that delights a woman's eye as moll as fine, pretty linen. Come and Nee our and be delighted. Our Print and Challie stook is the prettiest and most complete in town and you are sure to be suited. We have a number of ends of Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, All -Wools and Unions, suitable for small rooms. We will sell them ()heap to clear out. cheat!, as ever, The 35o Tea leads the Our Grocery Steak is fresh, complete and trade, because it is always the same quality, never changes. Shop early and seoure prompt 'delivery -of your goods. This store closes at seven .o'clook. ORR & HISCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. Tent BEAn, June 7th, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by PRANK, PATERSON, No 23, Vie- t oria street, Wingh am, On b. No witnesses required. SU • 1,111''.611.1,1-.21 Mill ether's at the Oentral Redness (Amer Youge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. nqueationably Canada's Greatest Commercial School. In session the outireyear. Special circulars ror summer clussea. Write for one. siitw Ktatiphis. • 1-46eAL NEWS. le for geed butter and eggs et R. A. Gra 4,/ et:Ortieety. g of the School Beard ern !et4silay 'e4ntn next: -The fare to Go °rich on the Saturday excersions is $4.en not 85c, as stated last wee ---eWhy buy cheap goods, when yon can get blur best for the same money at Mun- shaw's ? -The frost on Tetsday night did great injury to all unprote dad vegetables. The fruit, it is thought, Lees also suffered. -We understand that Mr. Robt. Main - prize has purchased a site in Goderich and will put in an arc electric light plant in that ' town, in aeshort -Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to •• JOIN NRELANDS. 4 • ess--Messre. R. C. ruling. and Wm. Holmes, Reeve and D uty-Reeve, respec- tively, are in attend ea at the County sCounoil, which is i sessi n in Goderich this week. -Messrs. McLeser & S 1, of the. Wing - ham Saw 3fills, ha ie ced the price of • -wood to 750 per cor 1, a will deliver it to any part of the twee. -The Toronto 3rip, the great and only -cartoon paper of ianadae will be given to new subscribers tom now to the end of 1894tor one dollar .• Send along your dol- lar and enjoy.the election cartoons of the Inimitable Beergoegh. -Ladies, heVe • your garments made by Nies M. Johnston,' Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good work, always firet-elares fit. • -Geo. Hall, tret agent in the employ of Marshall & Co., Londoe; was tried in Pahneretori, the ther day, for having .violated by -lave f the town regarding 'hawkere and pecd . He was fined SIO anjdosts. -The Sacrame ee. was dispensed in dan church, las fifty new menthe. •prOfeseion ef fait •munion roll. Th raging to the new Jt of the Lord' Supper e Preetrytea. Sunday. -Upwards of , either by certificate oi , were added to the cem- e should be very encoure ranter, Rev. D. .Perrie he congregatio e were very large, bat Morning and even ag, and the sermons on both ocortsime Were earnest, vigorous and .eloq'tent, T to Ladies. The pleasant effect and perfect safety With whioh ladies May tele the California liquid laxetive, Syrup of Piga, tinder ail dededitions, makes it their faVOrite remedy. To gat the heir. vomitus attierle, look for the name Of the Verifornie Fig Syrup Co., , printed near the bettOrd of the package. -Huron June Sessio s of the Peace open at Goderich on the 12t1J instant. ss'es•-•'Rev. Mr. Molienz e, of laioknow, has been called to the ohu h in Chesley vacat- ed by the Rev. D. Peri e, of this town. -Go to Munshaw, _he leader, for all kinds of bar pins, sword handle, Corsage pins, -The semi-annue, meeting of the Rural Deanery Chapter was held in Goderioh on Wedirscle,y. The final draft o • the Stationing Com- mittee of the Guelj h Conference places Bev. S. Sellery, B. D , in the Dublin street Methodist Church, G telph, and Rev. G. A. Gifford, Ph. D., in tlje Wingham Methodist Church. _watches, °looks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warrauted by HALSEY PARK, Meyer Block, Wingham. -Tho June session of Huron District Council of the Royal 9.'emplars of Temper- ance will be held in -he Foresters' Hall, Gregory's .Block, Witham, on Thursday, June 141h, commeno- g at 10 o'clock a. m. A lap e number of del gates is expeeted. Rev. D. Perrie le es Mlfonday next, to atteud the Genet I Assembly of the Presbyterian Ohurohj which meets in St. John, N. B, From tl ere lie will sail for the Old Country, wfiere he will spend a month or so. Rev. llr. Camercn, recently ordained, will take Jharge of the church here during Mr. Perse's absence. -Parties wishing get a snitch cow or two can be acoom nodated by Mr. D. Stewart, 1Vingham. He also keens a Dertyem bull for ser- ice. The following are delegates from the Wingham • Baalkist church, to the meeting of the Walkerton Associa- tion of Baptist Churches, which is being held at Parise •ston, on Wednesday,, Thursday and Pride., of this week: Rev's' Jas. Hamilton, Me. and Mrs. Gec. Po- cock, Misses Pocoo t, Elliott and Homuth and Messrs. W. Chapman and Alex. Kelly.. • • -Capt. Richard n, of the Wines= Corps of the Salvat Sunday ,evening Dominion Congres which opens in T and will reoeive hh other corps after The Captain is worker, and was ham. Who his known yet. n Army, farewells on eXt. He goes to the of the Salvation Army. onto on the 12th inst., appointment over some is arrival in Toronto. an energetic, earnest uite popular in Wing- nocessor will be is not -Why do you ruin your eyes by looking at the sun to see if it is near noon, when you can buy a reliable watch for 03.10, from Munabaw, the leader. -A new time tabl. came into force on the Grand, Trunkles (way on Monday last. The morning train-oe the London, Huron and Bruce division ncev leaves Wingham at '6.35, five minutes ea lier than formerly, and the afternoon tr. 'n leaves at 3 25, in- stead of 3.40, this tra n crossing with the W. G. & B. train for Kincardine at the junotionehereafter. n the W., G. & B., the mixed train going south now leaves at 7.20, five minutes earl er. -Fruit culture is noire profitable to the farmer now than hie sther crops. Brown 13ros. Co., the most ex ensive nursery house in Canada, have a yen .r.oy in this section. Write them at Torento, Ont., for their terms. -We are pleased to see that the Goderich Signal man has come mt ahead in the libel suit entered against rim by one Senior. Some time ago, the epee was tried and the jury found no damages and that each party pay their own costs. 3enior, not satisfied with the verdict, appalled and 'the case was argued the other c ay, in Toronto, on a motion to set aside the judgment entered at the trial in God rich, and to. enter jeclgment for Senior or nominal darnages or for a new trial. he motion Was dis- missed.with costs. he action arose over certaire statements ade by a correspon- denVin a comerruni Lion to the Signal. "St -On Monday a Aernoors, Mt, Nelson, of Mende street was driving along Josephine We were in err in stating last week -Mr. Geo, Powe that Dr. Towle was a delegate to fill nis this town, fell for n cepeiph conference, when, was held et residt nee in that vi ll ge, the other day, and Menzies, East lwin-male 9 heed, 10,3110 ; The Goderich, Messre. R. Mambo and J. J. was pretty severely, Homuth were he delegates and Mr, injured. A couple Honauth was in aZendauce this week. on the scaffold and injured. -yr, J. T, Gru-ow, the Liberal ()mai- date for West Hu n, and others, will ad- dress the electors 1 Wingham on Friday evening next, the 5th instant. The opposi- tion candidate • invited to take :part in the dis- cession. _ • -Mr, Walter lmith, of Brussels, was in town on Wedues lay, and gave the Tines a pleasant call. 1,a) was distributing adver- tising matter for the great Canadian Order of Foresters der onstration which is to be Iheld in that tom on the 2nd of July next. -Foe first-ol ss tailoring 'and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A.. Graham's grooery store. -A. grand °emelt will be given in the Town Hall, Wingiam, on the evening of the 21st inst., uncles. the auspices of the lacrosse club. Mr. T. H. Marks has charge of the arrangements, which is a guarantee that the enterteirment will be a oucoess, as T. H. is a host n himself. 1 Jas. Fleaty, of the-Ativanoe, has Teen confined to tees house for the past couple of weeks, be we are pletesed to learn that he is now on a fair way to recoveree. He has been ailliotell witu blood poisoning` in one of his feet. .nd at one time it was thought thee it wot have to be amputa- ted. -G. T. R. treinslor Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.25 a. in. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. B; 6.35 a. m.. and 8.25 p. in., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nect' ns by all trains. -eSeranac," th standard -need trotting stallion of Messrs. H. & W. F. Dulmage, won second money in the 2.30 race at St Thomas, last week': ,1 he track was heavy, but he made the I'. s est time in the raoe, viz: 2.29. He also .won second money in the same class, at Port Heron, Mich., this week. • Si. A YEAR IN ADVANCZ Efirst provi on, fleet in importrume if ;, A of 13lyte, formerly of Vanbtone, Ter berry, 2 bead, 2,630, W. if which] have eeds to be met, the negleet •.'e, scaffold at his new Geddes, Merris 3 bead, 4,330; John af which will re It in suffering andshame. rough not dangerously Geo. Nicholson, -.'nrnberry, 8 head, 1 m :4,040; not in time, wh h every an should make ' • bricklayers who were Thor. Jamieson, East Wawanosh, 4 head, for his family,h s relation to their spiritual ell with laitn, were not 5,990; W. Jame ., East Wawanosh. 2 head, needs. To do 1 is fully you must first be a '2,720; John B. e,Gee, Rant Vnawaneele 1 Christian your elf. "Reek first tbeltinge bead,1,880; Wen Beeoroft, East Wawanosh, dem of God an( his righteousness," is the 6 bead, 8.370.; Vm. Beid, Culross, 4 head, Beviour's comnand. To train up a child! 6,190; R. Our ie, jr., East Wawanosh, 2 in the way he s ould go, hide not tbe nom - head, 2,500 ; R .ht. Currie, sr., least Wa- mandements of toci from him. The proper wenosh, 10 Nee, 13,190; , :T. Black, Blue- teaching of a fasuily their relation to God. , vale, 4 head, e890; Andrew Mitohelf, is of prime impertance in the formation ef ' Turnberry, 4 hefQ, 0,120; P. Leaver, East character- WI hout a right view of Goa. Wasvanesh, 4 he d, (5,000; John Anderson, and our relatues:to Him, there is Ito Motive East Wawanosh 2 head, 3,900; F. Ander- power to form (-noble character. We must son, East Ways 'nosh, 2 head, 2,900 ; R. have a true miswor togive aright reflection. Coulees, East ' rawanosh, 2 head, 3,320. Wbere God is -nknown as he is, men will There were in al 109 head, and their invariably mese a God after their own. aggregate weight was 152,930 pounds. The imagination. be material wants of. matt amount of money paid out by Mr. Stewart, can only be su>oliecl by material things.. on Monday, was 2(5.358. He informs us There are need of the body whiph begirt ' that he has anotl r lot, consisting of up- upon one's ent nee into life, anti 'never wards of 100 bead to ship in the course of cease until thefiny of our death.' to aka' a few- weeks. struggle to sup ly these needs thewise We- provement of c5portunftes and possibilities leaf the utmos inaporta.noe, for, "the nigbt cometh when o man can work." Row TIM TASTER TO AN CELLENT DIScOURSE ST can I make th • necessary provision? is the ANY. J'AS HAMILTON. question upoi many tongue. ',Provide) things honest n the sight of all men," is , the divine inju action. Faith in God wisely . uses the legiti nate means and opporthnie • ties placed b lore .us. The refusal err neglect tr, do his is presumption and not faith. The a: leant of provision. whi h a man should make must be settled by him- ing brethren essembl- on Sunday last at self, but the p -incite•rs laid down in Agur's rpose of attending prayer is a safmone: "G iveme neitheepover:. ty nor riches. aesedrne with the freed that is • he Baptist church. and John McLean, needful for nue lest I be full and deny Thee,. 1 °cession was formed and say who i . the Lord, or least I be poor hed two deep to the and. steal, and use profanely the name ef the opening services, my God." U eon this foundation prieseiple .; Hamilton, preach - appropriate sermon ng for one's own, 'n I Tine'. 5:8, "Bid is own, and specially ouse, he hath denied It is God who than an infidel.), cousidereth th nopsis of the dis- whose chief air themselves. xt this morning is a of this year this -Mansharw, the leading jeweller, bas taken a full course at the Toronto Optical Institute, and has all the latest appliances for testing the moat deficient eyesight. All testing free. -In this county, Examinations, the write: 182 Primer, Junior Leaving, or Leaving, or First el 315 in all. $1,550 w of these examined sent to the Educed fbr the examining o balance, $612, was looal expenses for p In East Huron 365 have applied to write on the Entrance tminations, and 145 on the Public School L eying. at the Metre:muter Rowing numbers will , or Third Class; 93 econd Claes; 19 Senior ss ; 21. Matriculant.; ; re collected as the fees e, of which $988 was Department, to pay the papers, and the retained to pay the siding, paper, ink, eto. . Last 'laming. All who are owing Wm. Ridd by note or account, will pay the same to John Nee- Ifaoirnicsolaltecontiocen.or they will be put in court Wet. Rmn, V. S. Pers nals. Mr. Thos. Nash, editor of the Gorrie Vidette, was in town on Wednesday. Mr. Crowell Wilson, jr.,'of Owen Sound, is ome on a visit. 6$4 1r, John Neelands., High Treasurer of the Canadian Orderi of Foresters, is in Brantford this week - attending the annual audit of the amount ' Mr. Adam Anderson, of Toronto, was visiting his parents n we this town, during the past week. He i now travelling for Messrs. J. J. Fella & Co., merchant tailors, Toronto, a d his territory is from 'emcee North Bay to Victoria, B. 0JHe will leave on his next rip on the 20th inst. His many friends ere pleased to see hirn looking so well. - A. grand cele ration will be held in Mt. Forest on the econd of July, when over $600 will lie iven in prizes for horse races, bicycle races variety races, grand lacrosse matches, o. The Tistss acknow- ledges the receipt (if a press badge from the offident comm tee who have Marge of the day's sports. "-The Wild • W Wingham last Fri patronage. It w side shows, desery public. 11 18. said are attached to th t Show whioh visited ay did not receive much i s a conglomeration of ng of but little from the that the gamblers who • outfit did quite a thriv- ing trade, cepturir e several avaricious ire a divicteals, who w where the "pea" Miss Maggie McLauchlin, who has hasl charge of a large linery establishment in leittoon, Georgia...Per the past few months, returned home on la•turday evening last. Mr Morton, of Brampton, was the guest of his son, Mr. J. A Morton, town, last week.. 'I Miss Kate Fisher, of Paisley, was visit. j ing relations in to All, this,%week. Mr. and Mrs. . Dever, of Detroit, have been Visiting- riends ill town. Mr. and Mrs. J Timmins, of Toronto, are visiting friend in town this week. Mrs. Briefman, .1 Kincardine, is visiting relations in town. . Mr. John Beall ur, of Wroxeter, was in town on bneiness, n Tuesday. Teeswater New : Miss C. Farquharson, a former teacher the Teeswater Public School, but new Wingham, spent Sature day and Sunday town. Gorrie Vidett : Mr. Win. Birch, of Wingham, was i town this week visiting friends. Seaforth Exp sitor : Miss May Cline, who has been pending a couple of weeks with friends in aforth, left for her home n Wingham ye erday. Mrs. R. Smith on has returned to her ome in Lend • ,• after a visit of three months with h r daughter, Mrs. Rich. Arscott. Her andson, Master Gordon, ocompanied her Clinton New Record : Miss Snell, of Winghern, is the guest of Mrs. W. Foster, Albert Street... hief Bullard,of Wingbam, was in town on nday. He was as mum s though he Wer a member of the secret ervioe. e sure they could tell as. Served them. right, is the general verd t. • 1 -0,n Wednesda- laet, our lacrosse team went to Listowel, and els,yed their first a game in the distri, series with the club of s that toivn. It wa thought that the clubs were pretty evenly saying goes, the Li in it" with the ngham boys, the match • e resetting in four reight goals in favor of Listov el not being able to score at all. There wail fine workdone on both sides, and the Lie'.owel team, after losing a couple of goals tried hard to retrieve 11 of no avail. The first t. Stuart, in 4 minutes; H. Carr, in 5 minutes; uart, in 12 mieutes,a,nd Iter Vanstone, in 14 e returned on the 10.07 re Met at the station by dmirets, and received matched, but, as the owel players were "not, 1 0 their position. but goal was won by A the second by the third by Art. S the fourth W minutes. The bo p, train, and w a large crowd of • street with a me./ orse wagon loaded with their congratulati ng. cord wood,wheet 11 e horse became frigbtee. -Over 1000 feet of glass, nearly as much ed at mornething when near Mr. J. W. of cold frames, 50,000 tomato plants (grand Inglis' blacksmitl shop, and ran away, I okr. throwing Mr. Nel on out in front of Sweets' reiorucnritnryt ei.obvtgye,goisteagiti uciann81 floleivm u ciindabse hotel, Some pa fee pinked the old gentle -1 large verbenas and asters, see them, Ilea stetting of pantie& Given away! six new num up and put him hi a buggy which weal standing at the Golley drove TLS' pretty baa cut .n thither a few ut iter nieely. The 1 •ray Mr, and wage,ug • t rultae veld WOOS of ltd ru C.111,dose hotel 1„„e, e„e se lei ler pease on o, se ns wne they as e" ---" I Also slips of trailing plents to every &Mar e1eHe received purclmer. Come, eidewallt nearly all the %his head, and I way from town. South trice of the iron eee 'seeing along bridge. Follow the poplar trees up the eve te 6,„.„. river bank it few yards from the bridge and iiX"'''r" yen will find rho Iron Bridge Greenhouse& inc the : T, C. Munk.% • Lower Whitehall, Experience has Fovea it. A triumph in medicine wasattained when xperienoe proved that Soott's Emulsion would not.only stop the progress of Pul- monary Consumption, but by its condoned use health and vigor could be fully restored. Large Ship- trent of Cattle. Monday last, edr. D. Stewart, of t town, shipped six est loads of very ne cattle to Montrert- for export-'' he cattle were eonsigne! to Mr. Johnle t, of Galt, and went by the G. T. R., at cl will leave Montreal to-dase for the Old 0 ntry. Some of the animal were greeal above the average, is otab a ccuple o steers delivered by Mr. JohnAnderson CANADIA1 FORESTERS. The. first Sunda, set aside by the 'Ex the Canadian Order for offering thanks favors. conferred up about a; hundred m land, Not 25, and visi el in their Court .re 10.30 a. in., for the divine worship in Bros. A. H. Musgrov were marshals, the p and the brethren ma Baptist church. Afte the pastor, the Rev. J ed re very practical an on the duty of provi from the words found if any provide not for for those of his own the faith, and is woes We can only give a course: The words of sur general jerecept requi make provision for th mit Ripon thorn. Som ones are children ai parents who are the itt his second letter incidentally remarks another subject, that vide for their Mildew.. Christ deuonneed I ministering to he sick, supporting the widow, educatin' the orphans of -deceased the Pharisees of his c my, for setting MA' le brothers, watchh_44 by the sick bed day and • through their traditi ms the divmdly ap- night while they and kindly rendering ' pointed support of 1 elpless fathers and. „e ,the het office • n' affection when dead. mothers by the ch ldren. Cicero, Roman statesman Brethren, be fait .ful to your sacred duties nd orator, who lived arscrobligations, a d may the blessing of 106 B. C., taught, " God attend your wing ministrations. A ery man ought to take care of his own farnily." This has been the common ex:trine of heathen is by faithfulness a ne, you can. truly obey tee Divine Iniunct n to provide for yotite Moralists in all, ages. But Christ taught own, and perform the saered atiazoloroki that the Christian shieuld he 111 every virtue vows made before he consecrated alter superior to the heeal en. Thus we learn "Liberty, Benovel ce and emceed." that it becomes a ere red and imperative duty to provide for or e's own family Any man who becomes a ought to feel that no in general be so gre t as the duty to meet you will not use any other. Pelee 25cs the real wombs of hi. wife and children. box, at all drug stores. Nor is this duty co 'freed to the period of his own life. Any .houghtful man who is Salmmirs growingold will begi I deeply to feel ,evenif he world. Itistant care for Sprains and OHS is the best Family L did not so recognize wheu youilger, that he Bruises. Beware of imitation& Ask 'ore Salmon's English White Oils. ought when dying, • to leave behind him time adequate prossision for those whom Dr. King's "Worm Polerdere,.. he bas supported No doubt many are safe and sure. 2.m. a box. • ' younger man, whet ogled to face death, finds no earthly tl tight so painful es that will Ohre tht won't v‘ad. hundreds 0ncs ! testimonials teetiey to ite rut:rite. Mo of leaving a youti wife and little' without that pro isiou for the future g B 1 Ten does not do all that willpositivelyrefneded if Heath& which he migh have &ma had lie claimed i acted more wisel . Many men spend Ring'seee.- „ I Di all their ea' eings n each :year's life, when ree4ri.s Con.".eunateimme rse* It they might eesily rave made provision for make the blood pare iirti keep -% the years of their wn probable infirmity, Ceres dyspepsitsat.eilIntlit,ifttiewenig,esotf; Ishirttltivrfeettisht or for the needs of those who might servivo r end liver trent) n bottle, six bate* nut duty commanded in I beat. Pve ry? one in June having been utive Committee of of Foresters, as a day o the Almighty for their organization, • bees of Court Malt - the ()mediae- Order of Foresters is built.' They do not p onose supplying an amount that will necessarily . cause any to forget God, at the ti -me time itis sufficient to. 4 keep from pov rty, crime and profanity. "Blessed is be wino poor." Here is a,society is helping the poor to help ring the first three months society has renderedare- 'ng Christians to Instance to wit' s and orphans to the se naturally depend- amount of $27,5 0, and they had a balance times the depeudent on hand on the :let of March last, for t4te • sometimes it ie the satne mission, o 5,817,689 How beanti- elpless ones, Paul °I 1011' benign is dee object of this institution. • o the Corinthians, It is, indeed, evc rthy of &religion whioh professes to humanize and bless the world. ' while writing about It isrthe nand -mead of the Church of Guist, &rents ought to peo- Williams Little Damlell usband and father, Pills will cure Headache, Hiliouereesee' arthly obligation can Sour Stomach, etc. Try thera once ands f East them. The impel Wewenosh, which nt iglied nso pounds, our text should rec eive the preverbal and and a peir,of two -yes -old 'Steers. .elivered - careful attention of every emscientioes Wrillitan"' ilieltat naltdentelle by Hr. 'Wm. J. John ;ton, of Mori q, which ' man. The ,ohl rarity of the meld, soul r.Mo. tipped the beater a • 8370 pout Is. The even of many wit bear thenome of t1,i-is. 1. Salmoursi V.tiglish Wlit following are the wei slits: R. Hi g, Blue- then, is a poor le etcy to leepuettlt to it On& vale, 12 steers, 17,69 pounds;• . Lewis, delicate woman and lrelmese ehildren. 1 Dess itengsfe 'Worm epet toeeeterel, 1 Turnberry, 7 head, ,050 ; W. •Iornutb, Family ties and 1 leatmelape HIV SO' ttilider I -.. „ Turnberry, 2 head, ..e., 30; P. Po* er, Bles. and precious, an their irdineuces et) far I -itentikneitl's Healing Mt SAUL ., _ _ vale road, 7 head, 0,880; Win, Prager, reaeliing, that the wisest forethought and_ . liorris, 8 head, 4.280 ; J. M :Imams, provision is,absolsitely necessary to their Dr. Mites Mttlital 1,1 Blnevalo read, 4 1-stas. 3,280 ; Wm. J. highest itevdoprnr.it and noblest.end. Mau ell'. tkre all reliable reedieines end :Johnston, Morris, . , head, 8,8 i1 Inane is a r OMpleX ls.in .. consisting of hotly rteel eirmeere finale ifs e Aixtii,f"4.4„., 4,„„ • ‘Vright, Tontine*, heed, 4,68 ; Sand etoule-materialen immaterial parts -each 6-0.-e-or-vi-oxiCy2-iLeitind-e-dr,-----.-