HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-01, Page 6r r 4,01tioaH. JO • .40 ' • „ i fellowing stations, and e IR q 1) 111 lin L") t wriliwurhety.: hew already been selected ; Ono le 1Ventworth, Mr. M. i Pettit. experimenter. Winona ; oink FalDA JUNI,: isea. Es,;ex, W. W. 'Inborn, ex. perimeatee, Leamington ; one in Simcoe, r. . C. Casten, experi. auenter, Creigiturst ; one in the Bay of (,inte District, Mr, AV. 11..Dentp- sey experimenter, Trenton, If these eueveed others will be :wronged for other the exigmieies of the future dientind .1% as they int present seem to indicate, Nie. Deyden has also in view the providing of increased ac- commodation tor students i11 an approdriation fur whieh was voted at tau recant session of' the Legislature. As regards- the live stock interests, an additional grant of $150 has been made to the DonditiOn Sheep Breeders' Association to enable that organiza- tion to meet the expenditure necessi- tated by the important work it bas hz hand. Regarding the plailtry induetry, preprations are being made to give instruction in this tkpi itment at the Agricultural College for the benefit of those who may desire it, • Build- ing's for the accommodation of poultry are now in peivess of construction. We are also informed that the report of the Ontario Poultry Association is HOW ready for distribution. It is well illustrated and contains this year some valuable information on' the sabject of poultry on the farm. It may beobtained free on applica- tion to the Department. AJ.) .41IT XIOWN. t lied I t• ',bat nothing is undone •:),1) tie; mitt. setting of the sue, Tim. fee il.nta, wortio Ay ciff beyond onr vita. ,teed brneo.Mf fritti lies dies reset ;31:q ,oeasile.:.1 nut tdweighed •,) • •• • b tri Batt been my sole en" eesesior•--- • • ..VI bat Known - Hell 1 btu it. ol)ow ewiftly. speed sway ▪ liv,i) - •::-i ti, c. eiee she liyilig day, %se e.go•s; deney's, so daugerous • elo gel Is hum.: eine wisp -light u/ to -morrow; j, 13:1:tiCki. tone's evanescent now ! I ..voatil,t -p,sre:1 sorrow- ;)•.• ' • Had1 he, eilow.: to, t the dreadful fire 113.6atr ley hi am :et illy tweet's desire, Where from zi prieng end smutmy tette d 13 .1 nil A.nd left e me,,se ,orese-te ti) remehe woind not neice the tie's ignoble bread. svouict hitye w.e.;11,3, ) tee pleesure with the pain - Hild 1 but keown. Had I bet kaowi we never can repeat Life's spriug.time freseuees or its summer heat, Nor gather second harvest from life's field, Nor aged winter ehange to youthful spring, Tu int Jif&s11owers their honey all would I would not feel one wasted moment's sting - Hari I but hewn. - Rew Departures in Agriculture. - In a recent address the Hun. John, Dryden., Provincial 'Kinkier of Agri- culture, stated. what lie considered to 'be Vie braneaes of ngrieulture to .;-• • whicii the fa emers of this Province might suecessfully turn their otten- . -tion at tne present time. These were . .. fruit growing, dairying, stock raising .. ' and' rim poultry ind ris•••ry. After • . bricaly rolewing wila.; his Depart- " mew; file nen anplished in the past, . ' heepron,ecie,1 to outli w some new ,..departures for farthe ' development along the lines he had indicated. He stated that oue direct result of the 0 , .,,. Chicago Expos'tioli had been to attraet the attena in of A:I-Tile:in 11- .• • buyers to the sup the qu 1liter of .Ontario's fra:tce , the excelleni of r6; • . ..1vhielz long. ago w m for it a front rank 111 the iiritirir macket. .l great- - ' 1v in-rseased delialti wiz t:le:'elble 41 probable ia th : nort.• fulamt, and with • this in 'view he bad roked gift Legis- . : latur.! for a 4...ant of ..41,00 1. in rink... to. place -su,.11 infO.anation on the . ..eriliject of fatit culturA ' a the p rstii-:- , . ,sfou of Mn' fanners as will enable them to take advantage of it. For this purpose it is proposed to establish Experimental Fruit Stations in differ- ent sections of the Province. It was pointed OW; that the pis jeet is of a simple, practical kind, not involving , any large expenditure and yet de- signed te supply the farmers of each •dlitriet wit •.i the varieties and methods het suited ..;,• h reliable data concerning / to their particular requirements. To begin with, four or five stations are to be organized. The intention is to Select practical men -specialists in fruit growing -as experimenters, and distribute to them from time to tine Such varieties of trees and plants as may be suited to their sections.. These they will plant upon their farmand take special care of', and in due time they will report to the Department the results •for publica- tion. The`trees and the fruit will beeome the property of' the experi- ' rnenters, who will be allowed, in addition, a -small annual fee of about • ;$1.00 cacti to Cover the extra expense. A. board of control emsistinge of the • ;ProSident awl Horticulturist • of' the • ''Ontario Agricultural College, and arm representatives of the Fruit G:rowers Association, will direet, lwith the approval of that Association, he line of work to be pursued. • li experimenter is to act in eon - unction with the director dam Pruit ewers.Association repregenting district, these two 'forming a local utive. The Horticulturist will the station* at suitable periods. nerally supervise the work and secure any information that may liable for publication in bulle. form. The Fruit Growers' As - tion has fer some time been Ing on a system Of experiments to distribution of seeds and plants, thfl eNporimenters. are to be froni among its members, gentlemen will be in a l) -tion e to the Apartment the remilti work they have hitinetl. en7 in, which will be at (nue . • Tie Superiority . Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is due to the trtutieinititai ntOOttilt of brain work and couetant woe meet in its Preperation. Try one) but its mid e»ti will be convinced or Its eliperiority. It purities the blood w lit) ,t111 roe or health, cures dyspop. tivorosti,t,B silk heedziehes and bidoesuees. It is just the medic:Me for 3 i .11. IN cats are purely vegetable, earefully prepatied from the best ingre- a tel ' Mr. Meredith and Prohibition. The editide or Mr. Meredith',s speeches is 3 j ke some pretentious house -a Queen Anne front with a Mary Ann back. Whenever Mr. Meredith says,. "1 will now be quiot frank," yon may know be is about to straddle. Ile straddled on pr.)hibitiou. The people, he admitted, badliy ;I large plebisoite majority voted for prohibition , and he •conendered it 'a duty to ()bey the mandate ; but "a case was nos before the courts for the pur- pose or ,cletermining whether the juris diction rests with the Province or whether it does not." If it is determin- ed to 'salons' to the Proyinee, then it: will 1.4) the duty of the Government in power in Ontario to bring in a bill look- ing to the c trrying into effect of prohi- bition;" but " the measure should again be submitted to the people of this, .coon - try in order that they shOeld have an opportunity of agnin pronouncing their will uonoerning it." . Why 'del not Mr. Meredith, while, boasting of his frankness, frankly say whether or not he was in favor of prohi- bition ? And what 14 his ulterior object in de- claring he ;rid not, accept the voice of a majority of 81,000 in Ontario in favor of prohibition, teat must have another pleb- isnite seneo ti3 and out whether the people • wasted 1 iii tins), said they wanted whim they voted is) overwhelmingly for prohihition last 'Tannery ? • Bad Drinking -Water. -Travel- lers suffer greatly from the • different. kinds of water they are compelled to drink, as nothing is.so likely to bring on an attack of Diarrhoea as change of drinking water. PERRY' DAVIS' fultrt -is the only safe, quick, and sure cure for Diarrinne, Cramps, and Cholera Morbus, and the valise of every traveller should contain a bottle of the mixture, which he can procare at any reputable drugstore, 25e. fir a large bottle. All true work is sacred; in all true work, were it but true hand labor, there is something of divine... nem, '3 go ' • i• ; - THE WINGHAM T1MES JITNE L 1894, Ocuset Thought, similtro N•01.11.111.INOQ IM 013164,-T lie is wise who lenOWB when to, hold X.4.1cg.s. his peace. Visit picturesque 3Itieltintie Island. •It • will only cost you about $12.150 from De- ; Pleasure is far sweeter as a roma- troit $10frotaTolecloi. $18 from Cleveland, tion than businoSs. for the round.m trip, ineludingmeals and a • berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travel- netil knowledge. can be acquired ing on the & 0.. floating palaces. no only by slow degreeattractions of a trip to the Afachinac region s. are unsurpassed. The island itself is a .Wil'at you dislike in another take grand romantic spot, its climate most in - i vigorating. • Two new steel possengtir care to correct in. yourself. Take gooa .eare stelunera have just been built for the of animals; let lake route, costing $300,009 earl., They are eguiPpeci with every modern them know yen are human, convenience, annunciators, bath -rooms, ete,, illuminated throughout by electricity., Truth, like the simbeani, cannot be aucl are guaranteed, to be the grandest, i soiled. by any outward touch. largest and safest steamerson fresh water. 0, single, These steamers favorably compare with To abandon a, friend for the great ocean liners in construction and error ethic:es 0111(1 heart and a weak speed. Four trips per week between ',judgment. I Toledo, Detroit, Alpence3 Mackinac, St. Ignace, Petoskey,' Chicago, "Soo," Mr - The sceret of success in life is for quette and Duluth. Daily betweeoCleve- a man to be ready for hislopportunity land and Detroit. Daily between Cleve when. it comes,a', 1 rid and Put-ia-Bay. The cabins, parlorie and staterooms of these Steamers are de. ; signed for the complete entertainment of A 13' oon Rorsemen, -One bottle humanity. under home conditions; the pal. or English Spavin Liniment eoinpletel,v atial equipment, the luxury of the ap, removed eurt) from my hurse. mice lpointinents, makes traveling on these pleasure e reetnninencliog the remedy, ! steamers thoroughly enjoyable, Send for 1113 it MAC With mysteriees eneetnees illustrated descriptive ptunplilet. Address the removal from horsed or herd, salt oe A. A. ScuArtxz, Cl, P. &- T, A., D. c, catiouied lumps, blow epario, • 91trros, e!weeny. slit -lee and spraius. (.4e0. Detroit, ,Mich. Rope, Markham, Ont. Sold at s prilfgstofe, Wingbam. in 5135 1ienrs.-Distressing ney Wadder diseases relieved in is hones by the "Greet South American Hide ney Cure."' This great remedy 15 5 great • stapiiis) and delight to physicians on Se - twilit of its exceeding promptness- in relisy. bur part in tiro blarldn, kidneys, back rind every ;mit of the itriuitry peissag,331 in reale and. feattie. It relic yee Menden of water - Andes51.1 111 peesiiig it almost item 3diately. If yon want mdelt relisf nfA 01150thief 15 your renesiy. tl�ld at Chisholm's drug score. Never ashanied mit to know, but be ashamed not to learn. 'Use It .1*.i„ C. Pills fee chronic eft- • Stileatnerl. cures sink headache. Wfughittri, Dee.7th, 1893 • I3y as much as a man is lifted -above other- men., by so mueh ought he to be inspired, with au interest in his inferiors. The marvelous success of Hood's i Sarsaparilla is based upon the .currier stone' of absolute ' merit. Take Hood's thoughout the spring months. 1 Not a day passes over the earth,' but I. men and women of no note do tgreat I deeds, speak great words anti suffer ' rroThe TI MI64 111ill 1',I,', n1ni1V0 W01"Cir .. .. 5 1 50 noble sows. „ The Ti ii,a.s .0141 'C.,....i,to lytilute. weelth' ..... I 75 'The Tien:: and 1 oilikiii /2,11u:raiser,. weekly . .. 1 75 Bad Blood• causes Blotches, Bons, Tile Timm mil 1,,..1,,,i 511 P44 w,,olily :.. 1 75 Pimples, A bscesses, Ulcers, Sur:stela, eto. Rett,T,'„'",'":11',',1 r.'T11 1 tr,".1'l 41,. 1 O • f f : . . • kl' p I Then ‘114.1.1111 tiontre:il reinity norein and Stet 1 161'11. Burdock Blood Bitters oures Bad Blood Tiie Tiei;:4';,..nii•.T:•:;;;;1-....i.;‘,i1.)•".W:sii..1:i---.; 51) o o . to worst Scrofulous Sore.. wi:olclr, and pernilum .., . . 1 75 ' The Touts and Vie Ladles' Journal, mouthlr, I Labor is the life of life. Ease is Thet",“;'..,i 0.,..ollopolli... •. all mmgmmale,lommail..1 25 y, . . .. .. I 0055. . the way to disease. The highest life Tho This.. and The hive Stook u Inrna al nd of an organ lies in the fullest diss 1'1.11141'1MM lloinir(ill•iii, ininithly . . .. . 1 75- Th' - - - '-'-' ' -- -- 0 -..e Mike 0.51 eneee ciessatte, bi•)vceely 1 00 • ' sentiemen, weekl) , 2 75 friAt b i El) .4., %con - charge, of its functions. ;The Tim ms ..1". I the Cultivator and Country ....,,,m2”;.. , , Al. ,;-..,, Berlueed rates %our all other papers not tnehtioned c - Vt.i".. ted; P , ill, the abta e lis. Address • .1=3 .E.i..:1-\T I"C. E.1 TR. $ _ . Pewter's Extract of Wild Strawberry"5 1 a prompt, safe and sale cure that has ' • TI3INS °UWE, - Wingbam, Ont. Josephine Street ' -- ',.'ergham, Ont. been a popular favorite for over 40 years. 1 _ _____ . _ ... i 3. A. flatelltn,. • ,T, W. Scarp, --rserz-"=""onimitoimtwommoix.:-2:‘ermohteassmakmosu • Mama Forest, 1 • Listowel. 170R the removal of L worms of all kinds from children or adults, "05 DR SMITH'S GERMAN WORM . L,., LozENIGE,s, Always prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad after co'ts' Price, 25 cents per XI= • • CHEA1 READINI Our • Clubbing Rates. 1 71 -Try"' eAvEATS,TRADE MARks GOPYRIOFIT$. OAN I..OBTAIN A PATIOIT? For it proft answer 'and -an henget opinion, write to sl N O C.. IMO have had ea:R.1year year' ex, , Hence in the patent businees. Communica. Um strictly confidential. A 1 aii d Ito to Is of in. formation concerning rntente how 10 0b., van them oent free. Aloe a eatatogne of ntoehau.104441 Aetifie Oooltasgtfroe.1%takenthrongauilni8,Co. nee' Ivo apeolal notice in the sci te ti tie A merit:all. 4214 thus are Mx/light widely before the public: with. Out cost to the inventor. This splendid 'hitter, issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. 53 a year. sample sows eent free. Building 1,t10 !Mon. monthly, Mao year. Single copies, t14 cents. Every number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of now Pare sd eWS tabu sP andlans'a ee rubel I enognbt Pal el dt tr 8 AI% showe t MUNN Co... Nkw Yeas, 301 Bno.anWAT. • Rite - • - • - - • le • • Til elan is the •• •_ •• t A t 1'4)12111)1 Z. In' CO ' -18 , FRIDAY MOIINING . -- AT 211E.- • TIMES OFFICE, JOOEPHINk $TREET* .S‘INUI1A111, ONTARIO, Subscription, pritio,i 1.cr z, eat, ,ao ;0:SUMO • Al) V EitTls:Nti RATER: hliace I 13r. I 0 um. I a me, i 1 re one ceimen see es 1 tee el) •1 1 eas iie se 00 • nen 0 11'e .. 4i i » eil 3'). On 5 004 1.11.141 1'01 '. a. 11'1 1 )) 11). I 7 ea . ' 4 5) tin, (ma, i 05 011 i a oti 1 5 00 1 00, Legal and (.1 11. ) (.3814-, 1 ;JAI %'(, 11 44,,tin411t...., 4:s, per line for arst insertion, met :11•. 1' lino throne,: oilbeequeatt insertion, Lookl !intim, 101. pt. line tor first i . t station'end- 54., 1144 1111,' In i• uh oh 1111 bvta iirmil, install( 1 , No 10eall 11)1140 Will be On. mud le.a t1e0 2514 A•LiVdetiSMIlltillttl 01 1.0...11i,FI.111,11,005yed,Situageas,. 1011.1 i$111,111t/1th 0111.111!014 4,1WIWI: not 0i0eeding 8 111104 11111111114Vii, 51 pet, 1111nttil liewoo and harms 101 sole, ecii uxeceolng 8 Si. tor dist ID0141, 0(0... 1 et sulp-cii Rent WO:At* Them: 61.1 me will he 8411411) sidierco TO Special l'at1.11 for kcal atit ertisideuito, or 101 longer periods. Ads ortitannente and 10(1.1 14,16111 ‘•itliout opeeffic . 1 • directions, will , 1.1 inserted 111/ forbid and charged :Accordingly. Trim .40ty tat% ertiawnents moot be^ paiti in ad vane, 51.1(5J, I: )711:514.,r,i, o )15o e.oldsurntnoistvbepeart;. nnuenn r AND rununnia B kilitaLL (1 111kn made INTKE 4,3 I RIO. We are ihe Soie Agents in Wingharn. Gall and see -them. :I. A. CLINE & CO, STONE Bova, 1Vingbam.EVANSTONE., . mACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. a/mm.04 • ONTARIO., • W13. TOW LER, Member College Physicians aild Surgeons, Ontario- -.Coroner for County of Huron -- Office Tip -stairs, next to Alr Morton's oflice, Wing. - hail, (mt. mmo, ee es. - to 12 n. in., 14,0 p. m., or at, Residence, Diagonal Street. oij KRIC(814tMici')ci.Y•oLoll'r1,tonOrk. 1.1)A .pitld()Ynill.). G Id'Med.tItot of Wuitorn University: LIMO HOLW111. 1413011 fit London General_ tiesuitei, special often - non paid to diseases of women children. • ' Otlice-loormirl 4 occupied 11) Dr, bieldruni,Corner of Centre and Patriel streets, Wotan:tie • • For •Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- , rantum, Cramps, Oolie, Diart•hma, 14's- entery and Summer Complaint, D. The love of reading enables a man to exchange the wearisome hours of' life, which come to every one, for hours of delight. Heart Dis.ease Relieved m 30 OftEeS Or °Minn.: or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in -30 minutes and quickly enred, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's. Drug- , store, Wingham. • To despond is to be ungrateful before -hand.' Be not looking for evil. Often thou drainost the -gall of . fear while evil is passing thy dwell- 1' . • Bheninatism Cured in a day. -South American Rheumatic Care of Rheumatism . and Neuralgia radically ouree in 1 to 8 days., • Its action on the systerxi is remarkable and ' mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease immediately disappears. The first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. . More hearts pine away in secret anguish for the want of kindness than . POWDERS for any other calamity in life. 6 I 1 iTTosamifirtif,..APol'ald 4,nolgl;',:ptiggr. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all dis- ! . ness, Biliousness, rain !tithe Side.,Constipation, eases of the blood from a °minion Pimple Torpid Liver,.Bad. Breath. To stay cured and ' regu,ate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE. to the worst Scrofulous Sores or Ulcers. 1 - PRICE 2CENTS AT DRUG STORES. Skin Diseases, Boils, Blotches and all 6 Blood Humors cannot resist its healing , . - T. FE. OORNY UNDERTAKER, WINGHAM, ONT. 44\ powers. towaroiacywfaitiver,..v., wertolowswira,v,, • • A false report does not last long, 3 VrEBSIWR'S and the life one loads is always the best apology of that whieh one has INTRR1VATIONAL.' led. zwireziNft.. DICTIONAR1" : Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- "4.1;jgg',721,g,';':f. . berry cures Diarrhosa,Dysentery,Cramps, -•77333eueeeesor et th 2 ,,..„,...--- 1 "Unabrielgt:41.,, :".• Colic, Cholera Morbus,Cholera Infantum • eefees, --- , f Ohlirtiii a---- • Telt ' Tearri rove e spent 1; editors ci and. over elxieiai, expended, g, Zirery7JoiT'• should own Vier 1"L, Dictionary, It un- ";fr •swers all que1004 • concerning Om ide- i, tory, ripening, 110-nuneiation, and meaning of words. ., A Zibrary in Itself. D51200035 ' the facts often wanted concerning-end:a:et persone, ancient and modern; noted nett. dons persona and Diodes; the countries, k cities, towns, and natural featuree of ibo globe; translation of foreign qttotatious, words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., etc., e t • This 'Work is Invaluable in no household, atid•to the teacher, Seholar, pro- fessfonal Man, and Self-educatOt. and all looseness cf the bowels. Never travel without it. Price 85c. Truth is a better watchword tha.n Freedom; but there is a better one still, whieh is Justice. Gentlemene-I have used your Yel- low 01.1 and have found it unequalled for lett roe, sprains, scalds, rheninatiem,croup and colds- All who use it recommend it. Mrs. Hight, Montreal, Que. To be a gentlernan is to be honest, to be gentle, to be generous, to be brave, to be Wise; and, possessing all these qualities, to exercise. theni in the most graeeftil outward man - nee. Deposits Received and Interest allowed, • ONT •• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private 5,nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate hitt:rent. No commisoion charged. Mortgagee, towpa and farm prowl.) tannin and siad OPPICF.-Beaver Blook WINGI1A.111 J. A. MORTON ' BARRISTER, , IT inwhaul thlt Money Aavanced to Fanners and E. L. moicrNsoN, Bubiness Men, Barrister Etc. On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought , SOLICITOR To Banc OF neetrx•Tost. MONEY E,tP ict a fair valuetion. Money remitted to all parts of Canada et reasonable 'charged. 0' atee-meyer mock, Wingham. LOAN'. Special Attention Given to Col- . ... . • leeting Accounts and Notos. agents. in Canada', Tho Merchants' Bank of Canada 01114e nnurs-Frorn a. ni. to 5 p. ni, A. E. SMITH, • Agent. DENTISTRY. -.J. 9, JE60111E, L. D. 6.,roniatme. is manufacturin , erst.olaas sets or 41 4' . irtt*6 . . Lt•-!) teeili as chumj am they catt be made • in the Dominion. Teeth extractedi absolutely without pain, by his new process, gum:aut.:en perte tly Hare. , OFFICE": Di the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. Wm. £'L Macdonald, L. D. S.,. DEN'TIST. ZETLAND SiW MILL Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays OFFICE, MACOUNALD's BLOCK. GEORGE iflOMSON Proprietor. of each nionth. Lumber of all kinds, TcHN RacniE, First-class Shingles, '-' OBNERAL (NSURANCB AGENT and Cedar Posts. 'ONTARIO, DEANS, Ja., iVING11A51, TUB COUNTY -ham. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any rail of Wing" .fiLlfl.ENSED AUCTIONEER FOR OP LIMON. itr'Ordershy moll promptly attend 00 Inc s 1-fettr t 0 Got a "Muilight" Piotttre. • • .. 1116ml:era Of which 11550 Mastered them! 01' reilil. '• in the English imseage. For iwery loudly, the The lobe, Torattio, says : - Thu new dictionary is tho best book of Ity Ithut•$ r mows - • s . • . • einem°, Lever Bros.. Ltd., 43 Scott $t., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty plc. per beating the words "Why Does a Wo. man Look 0111 Sooner The i a men") to Itynaywell borrow:41mM tho best 'working ill,- I Send 1.6"Stmlight" Soap wrappers (wrap - Mho Mimes, Ranzifton, says:- . tIOnaly and Oat cheapest book 111 the world, imil 0' 11)1081• l be In every se,hool and family tit Camila, ing,Itapurehaso win prove aprolltable lute:atm mt. e S clone cheap as the 011001)055 end satisfaction • and SHINGLE CUTTING guaranteed -- ; oivi ttey to Loan on Notes. 1 - . - --, tare, free from advertising, and well worth IraveybitrPoOlaeller phow it ii5yott. et All kinds of 11....,....1,...., . framing. This is on easy way to decorate , a. & a .4forriam Co. theendsopon. Write your address market and it wilt only cost one cent post- age to seed hi the wrappers, if you 10.1/0 care. er‘:% slAr4laed62/4012; DITERSTAllON ',I.J '0 ti,4,,uc' DICZONfiff / eenteeetieeptsinempairee. " sprinefterd,efassett.S..4. m 1 . , for free 110'1.0)00m WEBSTEAS '' eof notigh and Dressed I.umber, Lath, , 47. Nte:soxtAitisetiotunEttEs 0 kept coustantly on hand Shingles, tte., lifer/BAN & SOX. I and accounts colluded, noitir, Dtolta)00. your home. The semi is the hest in the Pubtigiters, r p1151100 of paying at the shil Of any yeato Noses i Haney advatiod on erotic:tees At Al pet cent with, Ilitiotrationt et ' 1 ileavol Mock Wititclueu, (Mt: Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges, Moderato. -.01113071-1102E5.-...T:-Vill:g51118.-:1);N1'P:(1 JOHN 61.11t1CIE, WINGIIAII, ON, • ; 10CSI LOG,. ticeNsen seamen:en von THE COUNTIES Or ed to:Turms reasonable, All orders left at the TIMSti tau promptly attend. 13111t.017:33 BRUCE. , The higle st Cash priee paid for any j AMES' HENDERSON, quantity of good 1 LIONNIIND AlleTIONNER COUNthifs !JIMA AMP HARD AHD SOF WOOD LOGS All sales attmided to flulitoZtly Red on the Shortest. . your Timber, Call and get prices before diRpositig 01 ::::;ireenA, ° cieliver‘d in our yard. All necessary artaligenionts can be Wide 1lt the ChargeS Iblode;ate and Satitifeetien Guaranteed. bUS orn awing amIng B. Toronto, member- coneee Physicians an& Surgeons, Ontat • 17,1111-11 .."- ‘ONg .A Co t of a UeW1 *case 3whic Volvi 'thou the I only but tram 'then "the ( -Uwe give mon •so la supI ,who :the 1 the love 1 Br its • inter its port •city :resii .'to 1 ,43iY13X e 'ring • kno" he e -the: t Tap( lona gi , city' , of • of' CO • reas the.; 'that sem b 'cher •iact itact thin 4ine • tblac that anon mor lierf tun holi or111751 and rent whi mer. to it ' of tl f. be c Tap• i.ate • !tow nun thei Tap Ito ,t4t 1,of t :plac ;Tam ;-,.este ran • cou bei rat) I It t- 1755 fao to:AS 71.6 fiel Onn • in if 3 ts abi the she thE f an' t be . we (5111 tei 1ph thi 14‘ t cri • I.sie ,1 CO 1.ph •IeV • ith 'eh • hi sib - to !'w 'al 4ti !PI :6