HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-01, Page 51i)
rn?, Y IN G J AM TIMES, JUNE 1., 1894.
TURNBERRY. John McLean, assessed for lot 7, 8, John Burgess, $2.50, account Gillis=
Mr. Jacob Tennant, of Ela a, was F. S. and sawrnill reserve, o acres,. at drain. Hover by Wm. Cruickshank,
visiting friends in the township for a $150; Wm, Smith,. lots 40, 41, 42, seconded by Wm. Gommill, that this
meeting do now adjourn to meet in
few clays last week. ' 112, struck off and assessmentreduced McDonald s hall, Blucvale, on lion-
The Connell of the Township of 00; 41h 42I 112 D. S aterson ss l3luovaessed o day„June 18, 189.1, at 10 ('clock a,
''urnberry met in McDonald's hall, ray;-(,arriecl,
Bluevalo, on Monday, May 28, 1894, 1 acre., at $ lt)U; laugh #aarlrpbell, ,Jorry BURGESS, Clerk.
Members of Council all present, The asa;essecl At. F. and ter,ant,`)lots 1!: Els + r . _UI '
Reeve in the chair, The laairutes of 13, con, 6, 150 acres,at $4..00; Peter, EAST yb AWANOSII,.
last and special meetings were react, I i r18 eon, 6, struck doffs Peteon lot 12Neil losslof aohn fine two a year-old suffered colt the
approved and signed Communica-
tions wore read from the Provincial and Duncan Anderson, assessed ten-
ants lot 1, con. 0, 8a acres, at $2800;
Board of Health ra •vaccination of. Alex, Orr, lot 1, con 0,struck off
pupils in the public sch°ools and the Alex, Anersonlot '1,. struck.
generally. Also, from Domin-P
'ion Live Stools Association re petition struck off; Wm, Elliott, lot 7, con. 9,
to House of Commons respecting dog struck off; Isaac Wright, lot 17,
ocean freights on cattle. Also, from eon. 6, dog struck off; John S. Me-
Robt. Douglas re lumber, tile and Tavish, lot 2, con. 3, dog struck off;
fromN. J. Kerswell, lot 16, con. 6, dog
Also,ages petition from ThosllM rtinovernentlainancl struck off; Win. Austin, lot 32, W.T.
22 others asking to have Patrick P., dog struck off; Thos. Flukey, pt
street in W . T. Plot opened for public Dov 28, assessed struck
Thos. Gree 1 -
travel, Also, a counter petition from a,� acres, es ed o John t 28, On.ass1.
Geo. Kittson and 36 others, against s -
eel. at e F. and owner, 5 pt 11 and 12,
opening Patrick street in W T. Plot.
Also, a petition from T. C. Graham e°n 13, 191 acres, at $500; Robert
and 34 others, against John Ansley Currin, 5 pt lots 11 and 12, coli B,
being allowed to appropriate to his struck off; and assessment reduced
ower use certain public lands in W. $500; David Iiolrnes, assessed M. lf.,
• T. Plot. Reports -The Reevo re- pt owner lot 13, con 5; Thos. Holmes,
ported that he had inspected 15th lot 313t con, 5, struck off; Thos. Link-
sicleroad between lith and 8th cans, later , assessed M. F. and tenant, lot 29,
and had let job of repairs to John
F. S., W. T. P., Arch. McDonald,
Watcher at $3, and reconnnendeclpay owner; Wm. Kerr,
John I suites cassesSed r, i assess-
ment. The Deputy-Reevo reported + '
that John Marshall had repaired cul-
vert on 10th con. lino at $1, and
recommended payment. Mr. Diment
reported that, along with Mr. Mus-
grove, he had tried to let a job of
cleaning •oast Government drain on
F. C. Wright% place, but had not
been able to let it on account of
Wright• threatening to shoot any
yuan that would go on his land.
Also that JameS Parish wants ditch
dug On road ),11owance opposite his
place, and recoloimend that Parish be
granted his own statute labor for this
year to do the work. ° Also, that Mr.
Popo wants some assistance for gravel
on Howick boundary in Con. A. Also,
that Mr. Pyfe wants some gravelling
done on crossway` on sideroad opposite
his place. Mi. .Musgrove reported
that he hacl settled with Mr. Wheeler
for cedar timber for culvert at $4,
and recommended payment. Moved
by 'Win. Gemuiill, seconded by John
Musgrove, that Messrs. Orniekshanle
and Diluent be a committee to examine
Patrick street in W, T. Plot. and re-
port to next meeting of Council as to
the necessity of opening the said assessed ar. F. pt owner lots 1, 2, 8,'
street. -Carried. Moved by wm. con A; Saml. Elliott, assessed Ai. F.
Genuuill, seconded byJohn Musgrove, pt owner pt lot 23, con 8; Henry
that no action be taken at present on Allan, assessed M.•'F. pt lot 23, con 8;
• the petition presented by T. C. Gra-
ham and others in respect to public owner lot 17, con 10; David Hutton,
lances in W. T. Plot ---Carried. Moved I assessed na. F. pt owner. lot 17, eon
by Win. Gemmill, seconded by .John 10; Walter Hawking, assessed M. F.
Musgrove, .that the Pathrnastel in pt owner lot 8, con 5; Charles T.
road division No. 87 allow Wm. Homuth, assessed m. F. pt owner lot
Wright to do his statute labor on the 27, con B; Walter Green, assessed Ivy.
gravel road. -Carried. Moved by F. lot 1, 60117; Joseph Lovell, assessed
Wm. Cruickshank, sounded by Wm. M. F. pt owner lot 5, con 3;William
Gerulnill that the 1'altlmiaster in road Mitchell, assessed M. P: pt owner • lot
division No. 17 allow Gilbert Fergie19, con 10; John Hamilton,' assessed
to do his statute labor on 5th sideline,'�1 F. lot 10, con 8; John McGlynn,
con. 9. -Carried. jr., assessed m.. F.' pt owner lot W?;
11, con 0; Emanuel Stapleton, assess -
The members of the Council hay- eclat. F. ot 21, con B; Wm. Wright,
-ing subscribed members of the 1iCoure t oof Revisionof s
jr., assessed ALF. -pt owner lot • S pt
the Court was opened for business. 1, eon A; John Davidson, assessed
s tenant lot 10,con 1; Wm. Sanderson
Moved by Sohn Dimwit, seconded by ar.•Fandowner lot 22, con C.
Alex. Sanderson, assessed lot 22, con
C, struck off; Samuel French, assessed
M. F. lot 8, D. S., Blucvale; Timothy
Hewitt, assessed M. F. lot 7, D. S.,
Blucvale; . Wm. Lithgow, assessed M.
F. lot 81, D. S., Blnevaic; Wm. J.
Ross, assessed. 1st.' F. lot 11, D. S.,
Blucvale; Robert Patterson, assessed
it. F. lot 19, con 1. ' A number of
appeals being still to be !ward, were
left over to the adjourned meeting.
Moved by John Dimwit,. seconded by
Wm. 'emmill,that the Court of Revi-
Wednesday last, "While stepping
over a well the platform gave way,
allowing the colt to fall into thirty
feet of water, and before help was at
hand the animal perished; -The
Clinton News -Record says: G. Taylor,
of Kippen, has sold his prize winning
stallion. "Gulf Strohm," to Thomas
A. Powell, near Winghallr, for a
good price. Gulf Stream was drowsy
six tines, taking six first prizes, four
diplomas and a silver medal at To-
ronto. --Mrs. W u. Thorns, ofthis town-
ship is so ionsly ill, and her Many
friendsare wishing for a speedy re-
covery:. --A number of the farmers b silt
fires under their fruit trees, on Mon-
day night last, to prevent the frost
injuring the fruit. -A number in
this section have delivered their stall -
fed cattle to the buyers. The prices
are very low, four cents per pound
being the highest. It does not pay
at that figure and unless- there is a
rise, but few cattle will be fed 'the
ed M. F., lot 29, F. S., W. T. P.; .John coming winter.
Mr. John Bennett is, making pre-
partitions for aha, creation of a large
driving shed. -Mr. Ed. iYightman,
we understand, has rented Mrs.
Taylor's fano, adjoining Belgrave,
and will take possession shortly. --
The ice cream social, which was held
assessed owner lot C. S., I3lucvale at Westfield, on the evening of May
at $1200; James Timmins, lot 4, C. 24th, under the auspices of the Meth -
S., Bluevale,.strnck off, an3. a3sess odist Sunday school, was a grand
relent reduced X2200 Daviel Halal success in every way. So great was
struok offPoll; Thos. Johnston, assess-
crowd, the basement of the
ed pt ownerM.h'., struck elf, lot p, church was filled to overflowing.
D. S., Bluevlale; Hugh John�,sssaa, After all had partaken to their ut-
assessed pt owner lot 5, D. 5;,,;''}31ue- most satisfaction of the many delica-
cies,vale, . m. F., struck off; D Vid Reid, an -excellent programme was
struck off roll;.,John G. Armstrong given. • Proceeds anountecl to $36.-
assessed pt ower let 5, con 10; Lyle Mr, P. W. Scott attended the Con -
Armstrong, assessed pt owner lot 5. servative convention in Goderich, 'on
con. 10; . Geo: G. Burgess, lot_ 10, C.,Wednesday.-Mrs. J. Taylor's sale
S., Bl,;revalo, assessed ;+r. F.;' Andrew of farm stock and implements, on
i'e�'11enzie, assessed m. F. pt.sowner Saturday, was well attended and
of 32, con C; John Cameron, ftssess good figures realized. -A base -ball
ed ii. F. pt owner lot 16, con 3�; club has been organized on the 6th
Alex. Cameron, assessed M. _F. pt concession, and will practice in. Har-
awner lot 12 con 19;John Dorilas's
rison's field, on Saturday evenings.--
' >, We were -visited by a rather severe
frost on Monday night, and early po-
tatoes have suffered, though it is
not thought the fruit will be injured.
-Here is something for our diary :
On Tuesday, May, 29th, 1894, we
picked ripe strawberries. in the open
Gilmour, assessed nf.:i : pt owner, lot
16, 17„ con 8; Andrew Carruthers,
assessed ,.r. F. pt owner lot. 17, 18,
con 9; Thos. Woodcock, assessed M..
F. and tenant lot 39, W. T. P., at$900;
Jennings & Co., assessed lot 4, C. 5.,
Bluevalc, M. Rance tenant, and x;1000
personal property; Joseph Leech,
Wm. Cruicksnank, that Win.MePher-
son be chairman of Revision Court.
•-Carried: The following changes
and additions were mnaclo on the
assessment roll : Wm. McPherson, lot
11, con. 7, assessment reduced $200;.
Jas: Anderson, lot 10, eon. 7, assess-
ment reduced $200; Henry Diment,
Sa lots 25, 26, 27, con. 1, assessment
reduced $200; John McKinnon, lots
29 and 30, con. 12, assessment reduced
$200; John Ansley, assessed for lots
7, 8, 9, 10, 53, 54, 55, 56, W. T.Plot,
4 acres at $200; Jas: Parish, assessed Sion be now adjourned to meet in
M. F. and owner W? lot 13, con. 6, 50 McDonald's hall, Bluevalc on Mon -
acres, at $1000; George McDenald, da June 18t 1804 at 1 o'clock
assessed M. F. and owner lots 45, 4h, y�r. -Carried.
47, 80, D. S., Bluevttle, 1 acre, at p"
$300; Charles Hunt, assessed owner Council resumed regular business.
for lots 4, 5, Junctionville, acre, at Moved by Win. Oomrnill, seconded
$50; John and Patrick Toadies, by John Musgrove, that Francis -C.
assessed M. F. ana tenants, lot Wpt 4, Wright be brought before a Magis-
eon. 12, 50 sores, at $1200; Williaam trate and bound over to keep the
Friendship, lot W pt 4, con. 12, struck - peace -Carried. M.ovecb by Win.
Brings comfort and improvement .and
tends O. per.,..:.x11 au j+.y:neat 'When
rightly used. Th,, slimly, who live bet-
ter than otl,era and :, i.,3.life more, with
less a :penslitur:,, by zaoro promptly
adapting tlis v eris9's best products to
the needs of physic;tl being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles ,:.,braced in the
remedy, Syrup of pm,,
, its excel:once is dm; to its presenting
' in the form moat acceptab'a and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
.sod permanently curing constipation.
;t has given satisfaction to millions and
:ret with the approval of the medical
)rofession, because it acts on the Kid,
•.eys, Liver and Bowellswithout-weak-
ping thein and ib is perfectly free from
very objectin•.ahle subst'u.co.
Syrup of Frgs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, bet it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, . you will not
accent any substitute if offered.
. The daily papers of Monday, con-
tained the following, which refers to
a nephew of Mr. Jas. Mulvey, of this
pence : Mr. Frank 'Mulvey, a son of
ex -Mayor Stewart Mulvey, and one
of Winnipeg's most promising and
popular young lawyers, while out
canoeing on the Red river on Friday,
was upset and drowned. The body
was recovered five hours afterwards.
Mrs. Thos. Walker, 6th line, en-
tered into rest on Tuesday evening
after a severe battle with a, cancer in
the breast. She was the daughter of
the late Alexander Broadfoot, of
Tuekersmith, being born in . that
township. About 33 years ago she
Was united in marriage to the late
Thomas Walker and with her hus-
band located on lot 23, 6th line,
Morris. Mr. Walker died 19 years
ago. Three sons and four daughters
survive the mother and will hold in
fond memory her many loving acts
toward them in the years past and
gone. Mrs. Walker - was a very
healthy woman up to 14 months ago
when a cancer asserted itself and
despite the best medical attendance
and remedies slie gradually failed
until death relieved her of all suffer-
ing. The deceased was a most
worthy person and Was most highly
esteemed for her many excellent
,qualities of head and heart, • She
was :a worthy and faithful member of
off and assessment reduced to $1200; (,ennnill, seconded bv.• JohnMusgrove, the Presbyterian church for many
years and her demise will be univer-
I , 1 ff lI y 11s ' 1 l 13 hill &ally regretted- The remains were
War. Findlay}* and Chas. Manson, lot that $10 be expended gravelling
333 W T. ', hotel strut c o ; rs. cross�va in Mi swam i and 1i
Burney, assessed owner for lot 333, ---Carried. Mottd by John Musgrove• interred in the Brussels cemetery on
W T P 1 slue, at$200; D. Ui'oves, seconded by John Diluent that 25 numbly last.
lot 151 tar T. P. struck 8ff and lot be expended in repairing n rule -
152 entered; Rob't lletncloo, assessed Carried. The following. Accounts BRUSSELS,
for park lot 69, W. T, P., 5 acres, at were passed and orders on Treasurer The \v03lell titetMt y has been sold
$150; Win. Austin; lots 244, 245,2.46, issued : James Meaty, $4.50, print- to Messrs Howe & Co., who will put
257, ')58, 251), W. T. P., struck off, ing; John Waatcher, $3, repairing It in operaltion,atonco.-J .TIto big Fu -
and assessment.reduced to $200; Jas. roads; John Marshall, $1, repairing esters demonstration on the 2nd of
Watson, assessed M. F. and owner for culvert; henry Wheeler, $4, cedar July promises to be a groat success.
lot VI, F. 5., W. T. 1',, 1.5 acre, at for culvert; Geo. Venue, $1.59, The matter is ill the laaa,lda of efficient
$200. Sarni. Lookerfdge, lot '27, F'` S., building culvert; Wm. Honker, $, committees, and the pi`ograamme will
BMW rut off and lot 28, I+ . 13,, entered; repairing culvert on Mdr r is boundary; be arranged shortly.
Intended for ast issue.)
Mr: Geo. E. Dane, of Hamilton;
spent Sunday with friends in town. -
Mrs. Alex. Thomson, of Fergus, is
home on a visit at present. ---Mr. and
Mrs. Chevis, of Clifford, spent last
Sunday with friends in town. -Miss
Maggie Miller is visiting with friends
in Wingham this week. -Mrs. F. W.
Borden, of Wingham, is visiting with
her parents here at present. -Mrs.
Jno. Bray is very ill this week, suffer-
ing from an attack of inflammation
of the lungs. We hope soon to bear
of her speedy recovery.-,rir. Andrew
Fortune, of adlverton, spent last
Sunday in town.
Mr. Wm. Pugh and family, of Al-
goma,, have returned to Blucvale to
live in Mr. W. Sellars' house. -Mr.
Geo. Burgess has gone to Prince Ed-
ward Island to make cheese. -Mrs.
Helm, of Wingham, wag visiting her
sister, Mrs. W. Rutherford, of this
village, on the Queen's birthday. -
Messrs. A. McEwen and Frank Scott
spent the 24th in Seaforth.-Mrs.
McKenzie, of Culross, and Mrs. Link -
later, of Wingham, were visiting Mrs.
Rutherford, last week. -Court Doug-
las, No. 27, 0. 0. F., will march phi a
body from their hall to the Meth-
odist church, on Sunday next, at 2.30
p.m., when • Rev. J. W. Pring will
preach a sermon to them. The mem-
bers of the society will occupy the
centre pews. -It is a relief to the
residents of Bluevalc that the G. T.
R. has started carrying freight again.
Previously it was quite an impedi-
ment to business. -Mr. James Tim-
mins, of `1'0, onto, is improving his
house on his farm here by putting up
a verandah in front of it. -Mr. Sam
Scott has a long nosed pig in the per s
at the cheese factory which draws
dozens of people curious to see it.
Some were expecting to see a. pig
with a nose half as long as a .roc
handle, but they were sadly disap-
pointed. The pig has a remarkably
long nose, however.
should be rich to insure
health. Poor blood means
Anaemia; diseased blood
means Scrofula.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
enriches the blood; cures
Aneemia, Scrofula, Coughs,
Colds, Weak Lungs, and
Wasting Diseases. Physicians,
the world over, endorser it.
poet be deceived by Substitutes!
Siam 41loVm*,L`e+l,erilfe, 110tuatriatB.,ioe.&$1.
means 710 trouble.
0I C
means new prices,
Having for some time studied the interests of the consumer, and realiz-
ing the burdens they have borne under the old policy of long credits, and
knowing full well that the roan who pays cash helps to pay for the credit
account, mid for the man who never
��pa.; s, I will, therefore, give you
.x'.""23 ori. .La x
1)y the adoption of the
and will give you goods cheaper than any other plan in Wingham. I go
direct to the manufacturers and buy for
I am, thcrerefore, in a position to give you many lines of goods below
Give inc a ,:vial and I will convince you of the fact that
" A 3H . IS KING"
All kinds of Produce taken sante as Cash.
Dress and Mantle making, on the premises. All Mantle Goods bought
here cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty,
&re You
any Corn this season ? If so, we can supply you with the best
in the country. We have in stock the -following varieties of
Ensilage and Fodder Corn :
Several other standard kinds are coming in. We have made .arange
rents with one of the largest and most reliable shippers in Canada for the
handling of their Seed Corn. By this arrangement we are able to furnish,
specially selected Seed Corn at a very small advance on the cost of ordinary
Elevator Fced Corn. Past experience has proven that Elevator Corn is dear.
at any price for seeding purposes. Get the best Corn for seed.
on hand.
7E% ® 'W
\OU will find
that it will do
what no other
soap can do, and .
will please you every
It is Easy, Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
Have a complete stock of
YARNS, &o.,
for the Wool Trade.
done on short notice.
iteil.letlnlly yourAt
GM CO. Mi..