HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-06-01, Page 2t
THE WINGU.AM `. JMEsi JUNE 1, 1894,
and was not sure that WIVES the
' same man who ivas spelling sur clear •
life against < 1111 Phillips twelve
ood the words of his mother, the friends is , dead and Bluffed donut
lte set his feet down slowly, post -
vel • bulldog •eddy. After a wretch- olcl Blblo stories, the aspiration after and there's their stumps a-stax din
rig . • .- • c -stones. It ntltst be '
ed supper at etc odes s to found tions tb be true to his conscience, lonesome Sonic. folks say it don't
a l' Ill 11 t clvo hours P J ' 1 f u 1 rxoblltty of spirit,. the iolez1121 mesoln les to
goal1 ,
• before, But he was sorry to; hear himself at the spelling school, which, , ThesQ ktbe of rho memory caxllo feel. See it nodding its head to dou't
BY EDWARD EGGLESTON. -that Ilktnurtll had. kl cold. It seemed Drying to the absence of Hannah, and Heel{illg bock before the animal, the other trees in the woods, anti tt-iva�ltt-
,�.._,,.�.. Ito hunt, in his depressed state, that h(? , b t tl b .l ny t
of them, and there was one figure 1 was to blame for it. In fact, it seeui-
seem -
that seemed familiar to Ralph, But � ed to 11ltlt that he was to blame for €1.
Tla1t VI. 'e t her ;good- many things. Ile accrued to
CHAP could not (Ell who tt rias. \ 1 1 r
he c
h. NIGHT AT FETE Jo\PS's. could lie 1es11E1htbEt harillr, .Den thehave been committing sins in spite of
When Ralph got to Pete Jones's
he found that sinister -looking ihuli-
vldual in the net of kicking one of
Itis massy dogs out of the .Louse.
Colne in, stranger, come in. Y ori 11
' Tula this 'ere house full of brats, but
I guess. you eon kick your way
among 'em. Take a cheer. Here,
git out ! go to thunder with ) ou !
And with these mild imperatives he
boxed one of his boys over in one
direction and one of his girls over iu
the other. "I believe in trainiu' up
,children to mind when they're spoke
to," he said to Ralph apologetically.
horse,which was a sorrel with a himself. Broken nerves and sleep -
white left forefoot and a white nose, . less nights often result in a morbid
The hien noticed lido and reined up conscience. And what business had
'a little. Wily* he should have been the to wander over this very road at
'startled by the presence of these men , two o'clock in the uun'niug, and to worthy of Hannah: And then there And s y.
not tell,but an indefinable • see three galloping horsemen, one of „ calue to him a vision of the cn le lexxee a minute. Presently Slloel{y
1(11 couldesu oeclel but Kori , T
:dread react seized him.' They galloj ed on, i thein on a horst ;with a white lett dot I sell value of a till character ; how it ii*as began looking into Ralph's eyes to
l , rs know •
and he stood stills shivering with a 1 forefoot and a •hitt. nose? What , Hari, .better than su els, better than to be get a smile. "I guess that tree feels
k d g 11c ull (. hey j , 9°f
nervous fear. The cold seeilled to 1 business had he r±,atchin,, Dr. Small : a lvtilhg ' baazt the loved; better tl Ln heaven. And horn list like ole. Don't you?"
•to his 'bones. He raucous ! as be writ liolllelfrom the, bedside of a in near he had be n to missing it . And , Why, how do you f
have gotit into g me th ee lluntert
bored that the region lying on Flat , a dying patient near daylight in the �1 ilei.' certain 1 . 'was, when these 1 << Bind o' bad and lonesome, kind
lift Creek had the re- ; morning? And because he felt • to hard gash y thoughts slloulri facie, to --till it 1. He .like as if I•}vantccl to die, you -;naw.
pueek and C y ; guilty felt I roll with Mirandi• " Some scoundrels down in these I g
being infested with 1 �tulty he f it >� , ivas €ls one figh ing for a g-ieat prize ;Felt that rvay ever settee they put
thieves, of elwho y ]„
l.tiGG(1 horse -stealing and to her rein- '1{ about Hannah lie 'Cif' parts is a^1x18g111 111 with . JlllkillS
ireplieds` I€1 rah was a Run, I'll • bet 1t hoss," said Pete. I rvho feels his strGltgtll failing and is •my father into the setteear(l, and
ius,•. + ar ever since only the I u u
the day when lumen's confederate i
the excitement €i oft to ttl < tpttllcl0 eciness had "set " as work- in' to shake hands ! But it cart .
was a (hill affair, Half the evening gg
was spent ill talking in little knots. ()rs in plaster say. Ire remembered move, I think that tree -(lust a
tate story of David and Nathan, and glowed in the night."
Pete Jones llacl (akin-( the afflicted . b e
" Dutchman " under his own part.- it seemed to him that he, with all Why, Shocky ?
' his abilities and ambitions and pros- "'Cause it's so crooked," no:
cutlar supervision.ore,I
it I s' pose," said Pete, " that them,' poets, was about to rob Iiud of the Shocky laughed at his owl( Gollcoit;
l' one ewe -lamb, the only thing he had "must a grooved when there was 110
air fillers whht robbed your house to rejoice in his life: In getting light so as it could see how to
dntlst a 001110 down from Jt1T1{inseRun. Hannah he would snake himself tun- grow."
They're the blas eclest set uta h z het t tan the • walked an iii si=
I ever see."
" Ya -as," said
did. Yinkilrs vel
to medder to to
tic- yiukins kno-
Shquire's intone
€lild House -break:' T
'But to seemed to the teacher that he. ;
tbhe day
were par€lir Zed by the (-earl- { " Yes," said 111'iLIltly, " Bud thinks the one with
oGc `1 \i 0iy," Said , n1 the Dark." A human soul fight- 11 kind of €L place is a pool house .
roamer- then- t0 -mild just a little be -of their leader, there have still exist- 1 so, and the, ' g
1 c 1
o -e' were spoken to. ,s ; . parts of 1 `1 Does he ?" seta Ralph. • Pete, " of 1 cool find the c cl 1 of slipping In 11 I I one of
:rose e th t ed gangs of de apE.� aloes in pa, ,
�' p'raps you'd like a bed, j� elle India -nabs -Id Illinois, and in i " I should sal.so. What's him 1 a-helpin then
scoundrels 1 file I ryas tl epsame
the ladder on trio out SSoda, Missouri, 1
'est climb up l entncs{y and the `and her 'been a aitrtin' fer a year et'' folks, I cl hal 1
side of the house. Takes up <L Dirt.h west. It is;out of these mater I he didn't thiol{ 110 was smart? Marini uearclest tree."
• thunderin' sight of room to have a border ruflianism has grown, don't like it ; lint ef Bucl and her i "So vood I,'I
stairs inside, and we sla'n't got no
finis thaten
are. you'll find a heel #n and the nine lneitabers of the Reno does, and they seem to, I don't see as , shtrctch him cle
room to sp , , , band 1Cl ri'110 were Il Ln ed two or three it's mar121' 1001 out." hunter( foliar~`
the furriest corner. Myd I etc ti al- g 1< B
ready got half of it, and you can - blood that Gln 1 being entirely iiretcliecl
take t'otller half. Ef. Pete goes to f Daniel 1 f' i that l t l have coin
smart girl." k
Ralph won(lercc
r•hethe • he cl bet
1 sure of defeat. ; sent lily* mother to the poor -house and
• rte left forefoot ` This was €1. Ilk awful Struggle . Banner to ole Miss Means s. 1 L
rb � � Is
with heave
f'lie•(bit's1in,; i'
„ ' ,,
stretch hind to
of God fought frith the image of the, I and mother up to where lathe' s
" I'd • devil. It was the same fight that 1 gone, you know ! I- wonder if God.
said Scllroeclel.
11 he bait- me my dree I Paul cleseribc d' o dramatically when ;forgets all about poor folks when
v o(l." 1 be repro looted lie spirit as contend- : their father dies and their mother
phos., so o1 o in • with the fl h. Paul also called I Bits into the poor -house? Do you
Hort, who had found g � '' � "coins so to me.
in sight, but certain It a poorer
'gin ' p) 'r place than Means s:
vitably lute 110 It wish was deadandteem,
d battle. The image ' clouds was a-carryin' me and Hanner
-ear: ago by -sine-- law, were re- When one is' vl'otched, there is a And Betsey this dreadful , omethlug the Old think He (1005. S
til • whole a Y it very funny, was
mains of the bad t ul Calls pleasure in t h a Rt of tittering at Adam, and I std pose Darwin would !Maybe Gocl lost track{ of my father
transported ii t call it the rel axxis of scute Wild when he come away from England
the Vest in the days o ante Ralph felt t la he nuts - 1a ve'4
� d• I?•llglish. Itnlph �
takilt' his half in the middle, and Boone. Shall I > not say that these miffed Some unknown crone, and -pool ticlnoe cr 5 " Beast. But c< 1 it what you will, and crossed over the sea, Dont 110
tryin' to make you take yourn on bands of des.ciadoes still found that some Nen>nesis was following 1 fearing that -lis silence would excite it is the battle that every hull 011 hotly on Flat Greed{ leer fer Gocl
both sides, jest kick him. among the " . desperadoes
whitey," " dirt- him. W'as Handah deceitful ? At I suspicion, trie(ly to tall:. I3iit he could doivecl soul battle
t •fight at sande joint. and I^g•ness Gori don't lacer fer Flat
In this comfortless bed "in the eater" class are he outcroppings of least, if she werit, not, he frit sure I not toll what hp. kucw, and all that i " 1 and I But I'rvoulcl though, of Ilea `'
furriest corner," Ralph found sleep 1 he said souncle�l so hollow andhypo-
f 1 1 ioeto1\l11to it.seemedthat the git , g , '
the bad Uloal sent from England in that he could supplant I3uci. But I 1 Evil, the Olcl my mother out of the poor -house
out of the question, Pete tool: three -
convict -ships? ().-gilt all Old country what right had hey to supplant Bud ? ; crstical�,that It optic him feel butlty • 1 Adam, the Flesh, the Wild Beast the and It Hamer away from Means's, .
fourths of the bed, and Hannah took ertile soil of a colony with " Did Goll heat tt1he news ? " 0:•11. (1 `tont 50 lte shut alis mouth, 1, and ured-1 Devil, }r'€Ls certain. For, was 110(the 1111(1 git
inc ]{lsb lily 1110t11C1' eVGry•
• to seri the, (�ah d i ofital:l'i on the subject of , i
• all of his thoughts. So he lay, incl such noxious seed`? Shocky, ru ming tont to meet hire.. l d*' Dor, allzeanseiol s face of Hanlia'1 on -light, you know, incl sleep on my
looked out through the cracks in the Before 11,'1 was able to move, It The Ihttchlnan' house was robbed 1 bulldogs. Ailclarvhen later he heard I he devil's side And so the battle! Hammes arm, jes like I used to afore
tl putt n5 cleClare that he'd I !Hammes
died, you see."
Ralph wanted to speak but lie
couldn't. And so Shocky, with his
eyes looking straight ahead, and as if
forgetting Ralph's presence, told oiler '
"clapboards" (as they call rough • the g` might just as; well be given up at
he heard the hoofs, of another horse last night. 1
shingles in the ale- est) at the striking upon the hard ground 111 alt Ilalpld thought° of the 'three lucre !beta boss be Ctwat`lld <LP )larOu some -
jed ib Once, for it night be lost i11 the end.
stars. For the clouds had now brak- easy ace. The rider was Dr. Small. 1 body as lana hc, madel g
he lay thus recounting
- p on horseback, auc'Hto save hi, ht. more'n they 1{e red to tell, ' But to:Ralph lying there in the
en away, As g IIe checked his home in a cool way, could not help as oeiating Dr. 5lnali it came to Vint still darkness, with his Go115cience
a miser counts the °q , up his -rine- do t if p awake as if it weir, the cls. ' of
t0' himself, a� ' stood still 't fell seconds while he � 3
that compose 1114 hoard, tl them. 1t cl Y'wi he fele ft bd t t be even wide < i
'piecesscrutinized Ralph. 1Then he -Ode on 'the sorrel hrrse ,vltii the left fol( doom, theta �ecn a ]tixlg s
c 1
C • 1 1 I
and with should
1" 0
t � t^
out 1 . � g• •loft n
in that he a c l
C 1tS t 1< staked
ter- l a 1 dct7
1 t
y 0 1 (, t 0
eh c t l
i TT1C '
rl. e g 1 rise t
c 1
1 u.
with , <
step of the road from the. time to had 1 ee ing the (•Lute e ts- gait as before. D ribie M this olverfloir of the betted' over to the lgalee 1 illy ..Il the trees.
p g foot awl muzzle. white and he recall• -
Hannah in the hollow t0 I{til 1 ed the sog
n: r gainjnature which he knew to tpe °.nevi- " It Was real -Dori in Mr. ?'earson to
the fence. Then be imagined a I 1
111 lead a��su Pers' itious horror of and be had heard
a� of the —Y
Henry Small. And shuddering with lifting of a latch. Arid it really scem-
thief over the ed to -lint that in knowing what he THE STRUGG :D I\ TAD D.1RK.
the pleasttre of helping her over, and cold, he crept like(tion he retraced the ground to file fenc, ppast the tree,ithrough the pas-
boielder tree at the spring, and re- fere, back to Se Jones's, never
peated to himself the conversation once thinking of th°e eyes that look
until he came to tllp part in which ed out of the window at 111eans's.
she said that only time and God could Climbing the lacldz, he got into bed.
help her, What did she mean . What
and shook as with the ague. He
- was the hidden part of her life? tried to reason himself out of file
What was the connection between , it 111 t u 1„
her and Shocky ? •
t part he meehani- sifted in upon
table aS soon as the voice of con- take me, wasn't it ? Else I'd a been
science became blunted, that betook- bound out till I was twenty-one,
did. lie was in some sense guilty of It was a long,; lonesome, feat ful I ed about for Help. He did not at maybe, to some mean man like Ole
the robbery. < night that the sc �ot-master passed, • firer think of Gy d ; but there came Means. And I a'n't but seven. And
lying with nerve on edge and eyes into his thought the memory of a it Woulcl take ole fourteen years to
ITAP'Pi."!; VII. �' ed in travel -worn Gall can peasant, hungry git twenty -on e, me,
I never could
O wide aper in that �corltfol ticss U
0\1I\ous RD\I.IRK OF MR. J0\'DS. " furriest corner " 'qf the loft of Pete 1 sleepy,' 1Peary, tempted, tired, like live with rev • nether again after
,Tones's house, slliriering with cold, i other men, bu having a strange, Homier gets don ]ler time. 'Cause,
The school-mastelis mind was like 1 1' ; 1'glht snoi'v that was fallin divine victory n Him by which you see, Ramie 11 be through in
was vanquished at three more year,, and I'll be ten and
remembered how able to work, alio we'll get a little
of Ralph Hartsoo]r • went back and t a hand to every-' place about as big as Granny Sand-
ofraised. Were tls?e robbers breaking With another he as {ed himself, what many things, and; for the first hour i helpless one, bow Inc was the Helper ers's, and—" tt
traveled the same 'rand, over ,the into the house below ? He heard a shall I clo about the, robbery ? And Ral h felt sure that Pete rvoulcl cut of every weak one. And out of the -Ralph dict nottlhear another Ward
with the third 1)0 debated about Bud his Ilroat before Morning. 'depths of his soul he cried to the of what Shocky said that afternoon.
and Hannah. Fol? Bucl was not ' I Hel er, and found comfort. Not. For there, right before them, was.
present. and it was clear that he was
And you, frieucl Callow, who have , victory, but, what is better, strength. Granny Sander 's log cabin, with its
angry, and there was a storm brew- blunted your palate by swallowing And so, without a thought of the row of lofty sunflower stalks, now
in In. fact, it seemed to Ralph the Cayenne popper of the penny 'niceties of theo peal ell tinctiorts, dead and dry, i1 front, with itsrain-
At Iasi he got up, drew on his still and finally; slumbered, only that there was a storm Urerving all dreaclfuls, you ivislT lne to xuake this without dreamin that it WAS the be- water barrel by Ithenside of the loin •
clothes, and sat down on the top of . awakening when the place in which round the sky. For Vete JoiieS was night exciting by a hand-to-hand
ginning Of €L religious expCr1C11CC, lie (100r, and its rill llParrel by the fence. .
the ladder, Iookin clown over'the he slept was full of the smoke of fry evidently angry at the thought of contest between Ralph a11C1 lL •robbed. found what he ntfeded help. Ancl In this cabin lived alone the old and
• ld 11 b tt r
a foolfsll terror tha tip bins, but ancient Gaul—divided into (-liceeverything evil
he could not. parts. With onethe r�tgge( patch ernes
' the • mind' p quilt that covere 1 him. Nerves his coming. He
Hours Trent on and still t Half an hour lager he heard alatch early performed Itis school. duties. He had reached o
broken by sleep; essness imagine
fence, past the box -elder, up to the soft tread upon >3lie floor. Should he
inexplicable part of the .conversation, rise and give the; alarm? Something
and stood bewildered with the salve restrainer. him. ;lie reflected that a
pu77ling questions about the bound robber would be sue to stumble
girl's life • over some of the ':brats." So he lay
if there
You irou i ce i e e'
-'bine-gross pasture which lay on the ino. grease from thpproom below. having been watched, and it was were a trap p door. There's nothing the Helper gave
• border between the land - of Jones At breakfast Pate Jones scowled. fair to suppose that +.Dr. Small was b I
and the land of Means. The earth He was evidently € ngl y about some- 11.4 in 2n- better humor than usu€ll Iso convenient as a trap-door, unless • CHAT
Bs beloved sleep. shriveled hag whose hideousness
gave her a reputation for almost
was white with moonlight, He could thin He treaterla Ralph with a And so, between Bud's jealousy and 1 rt 3e,` suUterianeau passage. nc ,CER IX supernatural dOCti knowledge. She was
gt ou cl like something- of that sort just HAS GOD FORIOTTD\ SAOCIF ? at once d0etre8S a cl newspaper. She
not sleep. -Why not walk ? It might rudeness not to be overlooked, as if revenge and the suspicion rued i went- l .' g • collected and clsss initiated medicinal
enable him to sleep. And once deter- he intended to bhang on a quarrel. ment of the men enraged in the rob -1 here. It's so pleasant to have one's Pop wants to Ss -now ef you would herbs and personal gossip, She was
mined on walking, be did not heli- Hartsook kept cool, I and wished he berg at " the Dutchman's " (as the 1 -lair stand on end, you know, When spend to harry red Sunday at out in every regard in�Clispensablc to the
'tate a moment as to the direction he 'could drive from histmind all 'tem- only German in thi whole region I one is safe from danger to one's self. house? said oneof Squire .Hawkins's intellectual life of'the neighborhood.
should walk. The blue grass pas- Dry of the past night: Why should was called) Ralph's etched nerves 1 But if you }vont each individual hair girls, on the every next evening, In the (natter of hfr medical skill we
tune (was it not like unto the garden men on horseback Dave any signfs- lead cause for tremor.. At o210 loo to bristle 1%1th loc(a Struggle in which was Fri 'ty. The old Squire cannot express inn opinion, for her
of Eden?) lay right before hirn. The tante to him? .He 'vas trying to re- moot he would resolve to stave Ilan the Dark you 'can buy trap doors was thoughtful' hough to remember "garbs" are not to be found in the
box -elder stood just in. sight. To and things in this rvay, and from a nail at all costs. In the • next his and subterranean passages dirt cheap , ,
j g gthat Ralph wean(' not find it very pharmacopoeia of geienee.
spring over the fence and take the general desire to ke ' on good terms conscience would question the right- at the next neivs'lstancl. But it w€�sl pleasant " boarding out " all the time What tool: MA's breath ivas to
he was entitled to spend at Pete find Dr. Small's Rim, faultless horse
Jones's. Tor it't view of the fact standing at the deor•. What dict
that Mr. Pete Jones sent seven . chit- Henry Small ware to visit this okl
drew to the school, the " master " in quack for ?
Flat Creek district was bound to (To I3D .00NTI:It11 n.)
spend 'two weeks in that comfortable •
pati( down the hill and over the with his host he wen
brook was as quickly done as dccid- offer his services in
ed inion. To stand again under the the stock,
to the stable to fulness of the conclusion. Then he indeed, a real ant terrible Strugg
ielping to feed would make up'his. Mind to tell all in the Dark " that Ralph fought out
ha knew about the, robbery. But if i at Pete Jones's. i 1
boss -elder, to climb again over the Don't want no sift handed help 1 he told his suspicions libout Small no- When he had Vanquished his fears
farther fence, and to walk down the was all he got in rern for his well- body Would believe tn. And if he of personal violence by reminding
road toward the school -house was' so meant offer. But just as he turned told about Pete Jot ales, he really , himself that it would be folly for
easy and so delightful that it was to leave the stable bo saw what made could tell only enough to bring von. � Jones to commit -Murder in his ' own
done without thought. For Ralph him tremble again. x There was the ' geance 'upon himself. And how house, the questiph of Bud and Han -
vassals .alt eager man ---when he saw no same sorrel horse ry th a white Ieft could the explain Phis own walk nah took the uppe most place in his
wrong in anything that proposed it- forefoot and a whitelnose. through the pasture, and down the thoughts. And as�the image of Han -
self, be was wont to follow his im-
pulse without deliberation. And this
keeping' company with. the stars and
To shake off his ntt� rvousness, Ralph road ? What businetss had he . being nah spelling again t the master came
started to school lhefore the tune.. out of bed . at ,trio o'clocki in the up to hint, as jhe memory of the
But, plague upon plagues'. Mirandy morning ? The circumstantial evi- walk, the talk, .the bol. -elder tree,
the memory of a delightful walk, Means, who had se t him leave I'ete•1 demo was quite s strong against and all the 1est4 took possession of
were so much better than the coin- Jones's, started just in time to join 1 him as against the man on the -horse flim, it seemed to T1alph that his very
nmonplace Flat Creek life that he him where he came into the big with the white left forefoot anti the life depended upot,4 his securing her
threw rew ldnseIf into his night e� ur-read,
Ralphwas not ina good whitenose, Suspicion1 len mightlt fastend
love. He would ld `slut his teeth like
don1 • bulkk
with enthusiasm. humor his wakeful night, and on h#rhls('If. And then what would the taws of
At last be stood in the little hollow to be thus dogged by Mirandy did be the effect on his prospects ? On muscles should not
resolution and -lie s
�ar•liere 110 had joined Hannah. It not help the matte •. So he found the people at Lewisburg . On Hatt- Ic
T? g
was the 'very spot at which Shocky, himself speaking ,elabbedly to the nab . It 4s astonishing how much It was cast' to persuade himself
too, had met him a few mornings be- daughter of the leading trustee, in I instruction and comfort there is in a that this was right.. Hannah ought
fore. He leaned against the tree and spite of himself. h ( bulldog. This slender school -diaster, not to throw . herself away on Bud
Wad again to solve the puzzte of " Ilaimer's got( a bad cold this 1 who had been -all his lift repressing Means, Men of some culture always
rtaannah's troubles. For that she had naornill' front bean' out last night, j the animal a21(1 developing the finer play thhir conceit off against their
troubles he did not doubt. Neither and she can't conte to spellire-school 1 nature, (IOW f0an1(1 a, need of just consciences. '1'() a man of literary
6 L he doubt that he could help Iter to -night," began 1liiritndy, in her 1 what the bullclhg had. And so, with habits it usually seeing to be a great
e maid discover whatttlrey were. host simpering voice. 1 the thought of how his friend the boon that he confer:( on a woman
he lead no clue. In tllr' midst of Ralph had forgottenthat there ryas 1 d., ,M would fight in a desperate strait, when the gives her his love. Reason-
(+ heard •d th(, thud of to lie ening s Ilooh. 111r. (1 erllli to talo hold of his 1 rug•=thats Ralph pit had fixed his rrsolil-
' hoofs coming down the road. seemed to ltitit an 3 e since the or•tlto-((liffichtlties as Bull took hold of Chet tion, and if; the night had been short -
that tnc,l..e1Lt he had not felt graphical conflict f the past night. raeex i. Moral questions he post -1 ea', or sleep possible, the color of his
i , shrank
back ' r r ' ''. ) , : r ` easeful d(` `Hlti h, it or life might hove been ' r'"eP
o�+rn Intl(1'z1(ss. Ile, Iuattlti 1h13 remark of :tti4artrlyrs #cit upon txti((1 f)I CI t But f j gl I ti , e(.n c,h.tn„ 1.
Cite felled-(.',iner. Tits horsemen his ear like an (,011 from the dfatant 1 the present he set his teeth togeth(+t• 1 But some eine along in tu• teams
g and all Bud's
prevail over his
meditations h healbe another )1 C It et reed„ , , a plc
Place, sleeping in a preoccupied bell, ,,
in the " ftlydest corner," with insuffi-
cient cover, udder an insufficient
roof, and eating.' floating islands of
salt pork fished ut of oceans of hot
lard. Ralph was riot slew to accept
the relief offerecl� by the hospitable
justice of the peiace, whose principal
business seemed- to be the adjustment
of the pieces of,/which he was com-
posed. And it ' Shocky travelled the
2•Ll .lh took advantage at
load I<
the opportunity, to tall: with him. The
master could ;not dismiss Hannah
wholly from hid mind. He would at
least read the mystery of her life, if
Shocky could be prevailed on to fur-
nish the clue, 'I
I can old tree!" said Shocky,
c` gt 1, Crooked "t :i
pointing to < � a e and gnarled .
hin standing by itself in the middle 1
of a field. or when the elm, natur-
- ally the most .graceful of trees, once
gets a " bad et," It tan grow to be'
This the roost deformed. 7 Els solltaz y i
tree bad not a single straight 111111).1
Why' clo you say " Door old tree?"
asked Ralph.
" Cause itis lonesome. All lte old
galloping. 'l'llere were three past. He 11€((1 live a. lifetime ,ince,' its a chiperate, Intralcg fashion, and hours name the memory of Iris child-
. Cortaro in rte sheets and never blisters.
ILea proofsbolow:
13L1, Oi21T, L. 1., 11. l i5U8 .
Ce,berg--(e,epplondidhayIlnr,,9omolvitha$p1t vtn. Iggtllll1*i oI 6vu Cnn'. Tlio ong noWvoiii1ered $1110orthesame holrlo.d1mT,t pweeks, soIgot5120forusingof Kendall�a Spavin OueoYourerul ,w1len y.ALL S SPAVIN CNNK
1ir.13. J'. lh'i nA 'ed°,�natnrr, Iftg� , Ded.18, IBeB.
stye .i have used yi♦ur rebsthIN Sp'avlu Curo
t6lt11 ood success for Onrhe on two horse, and
Isle thio litstidnfroont I have aver used.
Yours truly, Jltlovs, F8 t1SID1titO14
Prl.e N1 tor Itottla,
>i'orSarariy all Drngglati, or adtlrs,s
]. ,i: iYIC1Vt77)�'3 1Jty7il ,dl.1V'rj,
We.11 41411 11,.. pyre
-tn1he 1.ler, that 11
a1u'tl 01,10,1 mcwty.
sharp, (.m .1110 heir,
3k'I: All lad
As (.'.o Editor held
apace, for our work,
send items of torero:
dar to 4111' of oar ill
Beer Drinks]
During the
our Royal Co:
action. minister
a reputation as
•dccideclly in
beer drinking
these 'gontlemo:
have certainly
without giving
study to very
.icer dr€Lillket
and helpless as
some of them
druftk at all, b
• doing tliemsely
serious injury.
portant conside
observers overs
Germany is
a'peer clrinkin
country, paid tri
of pointin;
his wife and
, gather round
till. In the beer 1101
' stow and social
• and brawls and
of such customs
come noverthole
Recently Dr. ]
German physk
lecture bolero
Society of Munil
• of the best bee:
Germany, in i'
significant tans
Bellinger, of the
the prevalence c
adefinite natt
organs caused
drinking of bee]
or kidney is the
Munk-.. '1'1115
injures the grog
manner•. I)r. 1:
-the children of
tent. Were 80L1n
drinke3;s only
sound. -
, "It (beer cit•
*everywhere and
alarming extent.
arced into count
the only inevita
be the thorough
human race, if t1
before it is too
contended that
alcohol than eitl
it is nevertheless
of them, while i
value stand. in.
trice.. A great
ethical sense, is t
0€1.1180 of whim is
the increase of C
beer saloon has
and foeus of soca,
So much for
where the beer
purest and best.
from their own
and profe isional
testimony is Wort
Spam mere t11e03
Tried and
I have used w.
K. D. C. and hay
a great many of
whom speak ver`
all wino suffer frc
heartily recomim
and Publishing
Ea al
A really polite
tonlplhllCntary ih
-remarks. •
Such it d •
man, r
stowing upon a 1,
nie11ts, LSkecl her
large and appea
which •lra(t just e
Wight him only
'livered flippantly
keep l.lim in my
my a(lnlire1'8.
Ah, ze poor an
Frenchman, to (l!
Youth's Compal
D. C. Pallet
it. the