HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-18, Page 10r vrcr^ii�+ tm%r.'a%pm�r 7r�at�"'•*7'x' -
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ml." s Qf yew,round hiking t
r e n sir
i ensIc
. t
y . ` Ar. Terry l)a.nard of the in a good planting and harvesng there is a greater variance with
?icy teary Jane Charters the Long Trail of Vermont and , high bluffs and wide valleys full The water is 40 fathoms deep. (campsites and .motels nearby), Ontario Agricultural College; year, 500 bushels of corn could be' barley for delayed, .planting. He
ThP 430•mile Bruce Trail is a_ Appalachian Trail. When of small wildlife, rare flowers and A series of campsites or lists highlights to explore such as Guelph, urged early spring lost from a 200 acre plot if it took added that it Is difficult to get the
�rnigtrpogsm of Ontario. completed hikers will be able to ferns. between Noisy and Pretty three -sided shelters along the caves, and grades each section seeding in order to save dollars ten days to plant the crop. maximum yield for barley under
It' passes through the lush walk a "2,000 -mile footpath from Rivers, the escarpment reaches trail make it possible for' back- according to hiking expertise and when he addressed fanners at the Figuring from an average price the best conditions,
fruit•growing belt of Niagara, Georgian Bay to Georgia its highest elevation at 1,775 feet packers to cover the entire 'stamina required to cover it. annual meeting of the Perth for corn, this amounts to $5.20 In order to get more planting
rolling farmlands, silent woods It all started with the Bruce. above sea level. distance. Membership in the Bruce Trail County Soil and Crop per acre, As to an average year time the speaker's suggestion
l 40 flowered meadows; past A walking trail from Niagara to Before the trail heads up the Campsites range from Association costs $5 for an adult Improvement Association. for rainfall and heat units, a was to plant a variety of crops,
I r dery industrial cities and ToVermory was first proposedineast shore cliffs of the Bruce pr incial parks and MY ' or family; $2 for students. Gu ide He told the gathering that there ten-day planting period would inclusive of spring wheat and
towns; and ends up following the 1959 to the Hamilton NaturilisIs' Peninsula along Georgian Bay, it 'campgrounds to permission from books are sold to members for an is a periodSf six or eight days in amount to a loss of 2,200 bushels white beans. Switching to a
rugged, rocky shoreline of the Club by Ray Lowes, an open- follows the Beaver River Valley, a farmer to pitch a tent on his additional $4. early M ay when corn should be from the 200 acre plot, or $22.50 minimum tillage system would
$race Peninsula where it is hearth metallurgist at Stelco (The a slash in the escarpment that field. Other Sikes are available The trail can be hiked year planted and two or three• days per acre. In the event of a poor alsb save time. _
washed b G a Ba C d A '1 h s six miles in width at its from rivate commercial ventures d 1 h h l when barley should be planted to ear Dr Daynard said the ten r •
ti y eorg) n y.
The trail is a footpath, about
Steel Co. of . ana a). trai mac e
association was formed a year mouth on the Nottawasaga Bay,
and tourist lodges. One is located
roun . n t e autumn w en eaves
of deciduous trees turn red,
ensure maximum growth
y .
day planting period, which could
'.p 690 kilometres along the Niagara
Escarpment, a ridge of
later and in 1963, recruitment of
From Owen Sound the trail
shoreline along the
at Cape Crocker Indian Reserva-
tion run by Ojibway Indians as a
yellow and gold, conditions are
potential. Similar care should be
taken .with ether cereal crops, he
extend into July, would mean
total disaster, or a loss of 12,000
hugs the
Horseshoe; then winds its way at bedtime and before leaving Association, 33 Hardale Ave.,
ideal. During winter, snow-
Thunder Bay and Stratford. All
through typical Ontario farmland home ... and never decorate a' Hamilton.' Ontario. The! book
limestone rock formed 450 million
The trail was completed in 1967
blue-green waters of Georgian
provincial park.
shoeing and cross-country skiing
bushels from the 200 acres of
years ago. It 'starts beside Sir
to mark Canada's 100th birthday.
Bay, Qovering 135 miles of grey
At Tobermory, trail's end,
can be, done on sections without '
To stress this point the speaker
$120 per acre.
Isaac Brock's monument at
Since then club members have
rock bluffs and green valleys with
hikers can take a water -taxi from
stiles. Summer hikes are advised
shoed figures to illustrate how,
The speaker explained. that
Queenston on the Niagara River,
and ends at Tobermory at the tip
continued to maintain and
improve Stelco transferred
rare ferns such as heart's tongue
and walking fern.
Little Tub Harbor to Flowerpot
Island, a continuation of the
to carry plenty of drinking water
their legs from
Think for C h m
the Brdee Peninsula.
ji '-and
Bluff, 300 feet
escarpment. The island, shaped
and protect
m et r i e
r i st a s
Mr. Lowes, to the company's
At Malcolm
s. ratchy plants.
An -estimated 100,000 persons
o for a walk on the trail (or
public relations department so he
full-time for the
above Colpov Bay. look down.
like a flowerpot, is a national park
with more hiking trails leading to
Spring hiking requires water-
I g g q
Do you have a fe usiastic
Chri ift list?
because w will no longer see
could work
proof boots; in May and June
cooks on your as
volumes such as 113. and '/a cup.,
connecting• footpaths) in a year
caves in the limestone cliffs.
brie lots of insect repellent for
g P
Why not ive them a set of the
y g
If the liquid measuring cup is
and more than 7,000 are members
White blazes on fence posts,
Many people cannot look
Four other trails are connected
blackflies and mosquitoes.
new metric measuring cups and
marked on one side in millilitres
of 11 Bruce Trail Clubs across the
trees, stiles and rocks mark the
forward to h appy reunions with
to the Bruce Trail. They include
' Hiking t the -north end of the
and on the other side in ounces,
"trail beginning at Queenston's
their families at Christmastime.
the Ganaraska (from Port Hope to
trail demands good, turdy boots
Some manufacturers have
the millilitre markings should be
Long-range plans in Ontario
monument to Sir Isaac Brock, the
Prison inmates, the elderly in
Glen Huron)_ Credit Valley
that cover ankles. Because
rhade available metric cups and
closer to the top of the -cup than
call for a network of trails around
general who died a her o's death
nursing homes, the sick in
Footpath (Norval to Georgetown);
rattlesnakes are -found in this
spoons that are not accurate for
the ounce markings. This is
' the Great . Lakes which Henry
in the War of 1812. Nearby is a
hospitals and other institutions.
Guelph Radial Line (Limehouse to
area, it's also wise to carry a
'use with the new metric recipes.
because the 250 ml measure is
Graupner, spokesman for the
memorial to Laura Secord *est
Salvation Army personnel are
Guelph'): and Speed River Trail,
snakebite kit.
When buying the metric cups
y g P
slightly larger than the 8 ounce
Federation of Ontario Hiking
known today for her candy and ice
extra busy at Christmastime
which follows the .S Speed River.
Most of the Brine Trail (like all
and spoons, check for the
Trail Associations calls, "more
cream). It was Laura Secord who
makingsure that those who are so
Eventually the Voyageur Trail
trails it the province) is A private
following features.
Measuring spoons will come in
than a dream".
led a cow awayfrom her house
often forgotten, are remembered
from Espanola to Sault Ste Marie
land w;th access allowed by the
In a set of dry measuring cups,
sets of five marked 1, 2, 5 and 15
The federation, formed in 1974,
and set out on a desperate 20 -mile
during this special time of the
w ill he accessible front the
landowners. Travel on the trail is
•there should be three cups
an 25 millilitres. Be sure that,
represents 10 trail associations in
hike to warn Lt. James Fitz
end of the Bruce Trail.
bN foot only. Use of motorized
labelled 50, 125 and 250 millilitres
these are the volumes printed on
the rovihee -- the Bruce, Thames
Valley to St. Marys;.
Gibbon the Americans were
s * * * * *
Hikers will able to take ferry
equipment and horseback riding
(ml). Cups marked wit any other
P it y
the spoons.
tannin ana ack.
P g
t'i•onn Tobernnoryr• to Manitoulin
n i
arc prohibite.
volume are probably same
Wh ile you're in the store, why
Grand Valley (Elora to Brantford)
As a result FitzGibbon won the
Have yourself a MerrLittle
Islan(. hike across the island and
For more information contact
size as our present cups but
not ick u a set of metric
Voyageur (Sault Ste Marie to
Expanola)•, QuintejHastings
Battle of Beaver Dams in 1812.
Headn north the trail follows
Christmas. .r. but keep'it safe
from the fire dangers of the
"cr the bridge on the north shore
t F 1 L
the Canadian Government Of ��
of Tourism, 150 Kent St eet,
pts ted with the equivalent metric
volume. These will not be useful
measures for ourself. Then
you'll be ready when metric
(north from Belleville), Rideau
ancient shores of post -glacial season`:'.keep the tree fresh and o -~Fano a.
Essential to exploring the
Ottawa, ontario K1A OH6 with the .new metric recipes recipes. are available.
— - --
(Kingston to Ottawa); plus four
hook into
Lake Iroquois around the western green by standing it in water
Bruce is The. Bruce Trail Guide.
trails that now the
end of Lake Ontario. throughout its stay indoors, Keep
o available for $6 to
Bruce Trail.
It skirts exurbia -- the city cigarettes and matches at a safe non-
Two other trail associations are
stem fr m the Bruce Trail
sprawl of Toronto and the Golden distance. Switch the tree lights bff
in the embryonic . stage,, at
Horseshoe; then winds its way at bedtime and before leaving Association, 33 Hardale Ave.,
Thunder Bay and Stratford. All
through typical Ontario farmland home ... and never decorate a' Hamilton.' Ontario. The! book
being built and extended by
to theBlue Mountat an area of tree witcandles.:>:,:;•>::•.:.::.:.:.•i:,.:
s, detailed tells
;:<•::>:...::• <::::::..:.:•::.:;<..i;.:...;:.:,::..:.:: •::::. :.:..;<...,:.r•,•.,..:•::r::..:..<::<...:.......:.... •: ..: •.i:::.;•,..:i:>:.;s; .:.:.:.:�:•.:...:::are r�r:.:-:.<::.:..i.:.•::>:r:r.:::..:>•::.::
here to bur food, where to st a '
.:.: :.... ..•.} :.
r •{r{ii;.• it •:•
.iii•<::: <�'•;:::;�^s;�. .., .
Also in the future is a link -up
we'th the Fingerer Lakes Trail in
York state which hooksinto
l ,
Want to sa hank ou to our customers
food is
Surprisingly enoygb, mince pie
is perhaps org,14W, 'ti it 4 M4I t
symbolic Christmas foods. At
first, it was made in an oblong
shape to represent the manger at
Bethlehem. The lattice 4 was
created as a symbol oF' the
hayrack in,the stable. The apples
signified growth and fertility with
the New Year, and Oriental spices
were reminiscent of the gifts of
the wise men. Today's mince
pies may have more novelty in
ingredients than the original ones
but they are still a tradition. Food
Advisory Services, Agriculture
Canada -suggests a "Cranberry
Mincem/at Pie" that ---may be
served' with ice cream, whipped
cream or foamy sauce. On your
best silver, decked with holly, it is
truly a sweet symbol of
Cranberry Mincemeat Pie
1 cup raisins
i/4 cup boiling water
1/4 ciip orange juice _
I tablespoon lemon 'juice
1 tablespoon cornstarch
PA cups cranberries
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1 teaspoon grated lepton rind
1 tablespoon chopped mixed peel
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cloves
'/4 teaspoon cinnamon
3/h cup brown sugar
I cup chopped apples
Pa!Ary for 2 -crust. 9 -inch pie
1 tablespoon butter
Bring raisins, water, orange
and lemon juice and 'coriistarch to
a boil. Add cranberries an d&1
continue cooking until sl$ins begin
`r to pop (2 to 3 minutes). Add next
8 ingredients and cool. Line pie
plate with -half the pastry, Pour in
filling and dot with butter. Cover
with pastry, Seal edges and cut
steam vents. Bake 10 minutes at
450°F; turn oven control to 350°F
and continue baking until pie is
co golden brown (25 to 30 minutes).
6 servings.
Free Eadmatc
3274192 523.4521
and wish them Merry Christmas?
If you haven't been coltitacted• by the Huron Expositor,
contact us for Christmas and New Years greetings ads.
For your greetings ad, phone 'Liz' at 527-0240
-tilt 4.11TID1.1.
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area? The Expositor is as good .as a letter .from home .. �.
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