HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-18, Page 3x,
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h1S'�' t•'1c•may'/� S•MM ` '", : I �ja , s
by, Svsa>rt White ,
a r uo .�1f�IS
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At Ch ri sfe>t
" ARTHt�R'lVa •UAA.
There are a lot of us "Christ, When he piclis up the mail, he The wish for peace on earth and 26� IVIaW St.► Eater - • f
m;as Freaks" around. We're carefully reads the flyers and junk , goodwill to all people should be a Y -
people who love the Christmas advertising first and only gives year round one. It isn't, but as Bus. 235-01 ; O 'Res, 2
season, and play our carol records the Christmas cards a quick glance long as there's Christmas, there's
over and over, ignoring the if he's feeling especially jolly. hope. v
groans of those we iive,with. Meanwhile..) can hardly wait to
We're the ones who like to have get my hands on good old Claire's
Christmas cakes and cookies card from Seattle.
around and gorge ourselves on Okay, I said; I'll write all the
them. We love the Christmas cards and I'll sign my name only.
season, the snow and the kids'and That didn't bother him at all, May P '� �" '�'�ho�. for
Santa rAns. he get twinges of guilt after y
Wrapping presents is some,' Christmas when all those good
thing we like doing and we spend old friends write, call and wire
t weQ' the Holiday Season f
A lot of time•on it. We like to write • to enquire ie've • finally split _ f '
Christmas cards too ... we'd lose up! 1 once had a friend who
touch with good friend if it found all the joy and fun of the BiCICtICS, browns, silver., g41d
wasn't for that once a yearletter ' Christmas -season hard to take.
at Christmas time. She ate liver -and ¢aeon for her A complete selection of dress i
It's frustrating to someone who Christmas. dinner. She said that:. f -
really likes Christmas to have we've made Christmas a phony
someone else who isn't much
time...full of goodwill for each ?f ':r>
== y�... shoes in the newest styles
excited by it all in their family. • , other that is promoted by (liquid) " " y
My hu§band say's he doesn't Christmas cheer and evaporates
want -to send any Christmas cards the morning after. Maybe she's PRICED FROM
when he's pressed to write a few right, but I don't want to believe
lines on a card to his family or it. ' 2.95 t0 27.95
friends /
HP board decides y
By Joyce — A Black Leather ,& Suede Banda! '
No' cost of Jiving
llow-ance because # ';+1ia;
• .
f _ • . � aguidefines a , .
A CO -Of wof,wage EFFORT — The whole family got involved hen Mr. and-Mrs.Dan Regier g {
of Kirkton cut their Christmas tree at a cut your own place in Hullett Township on , l .�; Smyths have
the weekend. Mother picked"out the free, son Dale cut it down and father hoisted it (B. Wilma Oke)typists in the various schools. The A complete stock
o is shoulder to Carry it to the car. (Staff Photo) increase, retro -active to Sepptem- of slippers for th6
Due to the anti-inflation guide- her 1, 1975 will raise their %rages a -`:`. family. Warm &. *•
lines a cost of living allowance to $3.6.1 Per hour, cosy for Christmas
PP'sget new a ointments' cannot be considered this term for • Board chairman, David 7`eahen ' giving.pp the elementary teachers under of Stratford, informed'the mem the jurisdiction of the Huron hers that he and John Vintar,
Perth Count ^oman Catholic Director of Education, would be }`
Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron- about low food costs and the position as agricultural critic,' y *• r .y> s. '
1 g ,,
Middlesex, has been appointed farmer just can't be expected to Mr. Gaunt said, "i stilmave a Separate School Board. attending a special meeting in
Stratford trustee Howard Toronto on December 18, called
agricultural critic by the take on aIJ the risks involved, they great interest and concern with
provincial Liberal party, replacing need to be guaranteed a stablized respect to the farmer' and Shantz,. chairman of the person- by the Minister of Education
Murray Gaunt, MPP for Huron- price," he,said. agriculture. 1 shall help Mr. nal committee, told the board Thomas Wells.
Bruce. Mr. Riddell will be responsible ' Riddell whenever he ,asks me." members at a meeting in Dublin Mr. Teahen said that the
p Mr. Gaunt has been appointed for legislation in any agricultural Mr.Gaunt -was the agricultural Monday night that his committee meeting is to be attended by LAST Minute Suggestion Luggage * Attache cases
chairman of the Liberal caucus. matters • and any matters in critic for the Liberals for 10 years, had discussed with the salary board chairman and Direelors of �t
As a -graduate of Guelph agricultural expenditures. with one year in between' as negotiating committee of the Education across Canada but that * Gift Cerfifkate-Good any time
University in. Animal H usbandry Before being made agricultural ministry of transportation and Ontario English Catholic Teach- neither he nor Mr. Vintar had
er's Association v Huron and been given any indication as to SMYTH'S-SHOE • STORE
and a Dashwood area farmer. Mr. critic, Mr.- Riddell' was environ- communic'ations critic. Perth, the 'directive attached to what the meeting d about.
Riddell h as had a great deal of .mental critic for the party for the .,
experience in farmers needs and past one and one `half years. You're the 1975-76 agreement signed The inaugural meeting will be
their problems. W. Gaunt is also pleased with last May. held on January 5, 1976. 'MITCHELL Open'tiunineDecemberl$,'19,22,23! 0348-995.1
''A main priority with the party his new appointment. As' n V ted He said the two committees
is the preservation of agricultural chairman of the Liberal caucas, He
no further action can
land. WAD. canit. allow,prime one, �Mv.Gaunr will, be'responsibl.e' for The CtLjstmas cake draw spun- . be taken to explore the feasibility W in.Cash
and two land to be used for making sure that• they mem•bc+rs sored by the SDHS Girls 'i'rum.pet of a cost of lung' allowance
industry..•�{3halt antkfiorti,doxi�to'�lCddstif i�dhat1is'eiom%g; up 76 the Band Auxilliary will be held called for in the directive, in he, (Continued from Page 1)
mix", Mr. Riddell said, house. He will als4ct as a liaison Friday night at Hildebrand Paint present agreement. coupons are available„ from
"We are also discussing a farm between the caucus and members and Paper. Proceeds from the An increase of 33 cents per participating merchants. The
income' insurance ' plan. The of the party. draw will help finance the band's hour, the maximum allowable final draw 'will be held on
farmer can't afford to take all the When asked whgther he would trip to Florida to play in the under the wage guidelines, was Christmas eve for. $400. in�
risks. The government is talkin> be helping Mr. Riddell in his new "Edison Pageant of Lights Parade. approved for, the office clerk• vouchers.
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