HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-05-11, Page 6i
THE WINGHAM TIME) , tY 11 1894,
9 jj °.. 11'11() :tt,orti:.il'3 Court Case.
++ ' r inir TIiF CONS 41t(SiIlil
and ilttltnle(1, "•ill !tet resp('"tin°,'
local option ill the Iliattt+r of Javan'
`, , 1`It 11 sL 11illg o"
outo-ornnis I)Ulllitli(111 contends "'les" to
ANO ('t),(Hll)I:UI:I) Fait FIN 114 LE.", t111s C111(')it•1011.
1 MIDA.Y MAY 11, 181)4.
\vii iT t)Tiii11i •1.('1,AIM
------• ; The Ontario (loverinll('tlt claim. to
8AC3iI 1AQE's BUTTONS. I sir ()livor Ill•w:lt has now tiiitl}15}I- merely seek to know exactly what
In the days el tee grandmothers of the', ly fulfilled his promise to fiuil)uit the their powers are, without pressing
roses, , , i un ettlt'd tine: t10ns regarding the any speeiai view, I
Li tt'e• awe(lt old tines of the piults, its tc,)t, ,,,,, . ,i�,l",1 ' lt` i i':!v?neiitl Tl}(? (Ellie!)(`(: (iq\'('1'lllllellt lawyers r -ri
Epos ) •..✓ •'t': '.r -'e'111 t •''•ohil>1t1o11 tt)' ,11" a Statile! a11111U:�t .Iteel:sely similar .. -••.,:.`1
The 1)u..(• little bash �t,n• lost lift, Ant) ,(t, I:t ,� •..) tl. 1 , t. t•(. 1
His beituti9Ul, t)1at:li.'eyed. DWee•Ii ' - a 1,,lv ''%lti •'P:I it' ''"1.1. 1i)r i; it am )Urltll-: t0 the Domluion counsel. They 11old i TRE
• buttal!, tlyo dt•e• ii -a• ' it' p:'t'}dre'd ill' Caw I that the Province ims no power to
lt1 a;;'1), with !l4 !!Elio ll('- I prohibit the 111t1)ltifitetitre Or in11)Ortai- , Certain laity effects and never blietora.
r •• . U Ler rOseS ' } • ( ) >s; idi*, anti Was reader to i tion or wholesale rale, hilt time the Ilea. proofs below: e
TCtfi•afeta with the },l..n lint It) !tt 1 ���,�{j���,�,�,� �'R����'� �EN�
In deur tittle Ilatty`e. garden -bed; 1 reale !!leper
et<' the little 1A:.1d Betty., shy and )'(feed at the time. The .('Ills` Quebec Loe•islature lute the right to
fru ti E
1St0 i
Proceed C ~7 neureoz 1T, e. I., MY., Jan• 15,1801.
sweet, tied will: that 11ast) •ileudlrrl'(1 came 8'1111 the I confer Utl • ltlntlielpal •COrI)!')1`a1t10ns Dr. B. 4'.Iirsneu,Co. •
When all of a set (,n sire c
wonder, ' filet that the enll:;e}lt of the Domnuon
i'oi t110liwohelur's h$t1oU iYaa lying itthd:r ((iove1'nlllt'Ilt Wes re'l'y (lE li'alltl<', and
A. reel rose -bush, 0.4:..r very feet. since that time, at the suggestion of
en sttLl h
must # l
the Dominion
oreamilto each of' the Provincial tOn-erne/w lts
Through the lavender -scented summer
an opportunity to also take part 111 that the l'r(1\`itl('ia1 Legislatures have Dr.l3. J. Iii KDALL CO.SnRLBX, Rios., I)eO 10,1893.
11au1S, r Failor? [ aLll important Cal),!' in which all of 110 right to enact prohibition at all, wlti i go dsuccessf r Ve bson twophorses and
Could the Bachelor r be a soldier a ! , , , it istltebestLSnhneutlhaveeveruscd. •
1iuL he must have surely i fairy ttxlor • then' tlrl' interested, These statements show t:.`;l( 1V tilt, Xonrstruly, Ammer neonates.
f.'rnt/enure-I bought a s leuwa bag lntso somo
power to pass by-10%VA protlibitiu,,„,, time ago with a$)avlit• iSottimforest), Iused
the sale of lis 1101` by retail in shop.; Eetidatl's Spavta oro. The $pavtn18gononow
11 npd 1 have been o11'ered 81150 for thO sumo horse.
I on}• 318,1 bit n no tv. oke so 1 0 1
n i G l
e °0 or sin
! , s 8•. u
, h S
` 'es <>f public. entertainment. 2tivor•lof C .all' ) v t e.
)IdC W len ss a Cur
and it
The Brewers' and 'Distillers' As- Xoars tl9ily, w. s. AiAnsDSN.
soci.ation, on the other bond, contend KENDA ,L'S SP1 IIIc CURE
To isoteu hie nowt with buttons of nolo- ' Tor, 111i1F. Now ON. llittl.Ue Of the Chlbe as now 1,13 for it
era. k At the &tt)13t 01 the supreme i'onrt decision. Upon the answers '!hilly
little aid Betty stood dreaming and i " ) '1'r. the judges agreed given nzueh of the future action of,
The .1 t e m 1 some months ago ,1 g n
In the hop
beau e that a sweet little eleme it `• to Put d.)Wn the ease the first on the the Doniinion I'arhttiuertt and Prov-
• cloekt:t forthe May sitting. On Tuve- i11C1It1 L(gielatures will depend.
In blue -flower buttons and primrose satin, (tat\'. 1st ilist, it thercfot•e carne up IIoL1 o vAI' , YII �
• 'With a prince's feather his fine cooker! hat Lind arguments from the 1'eapective ,•,.9
--In general
garden a - peer- 1cer• counsel, in the ease Were heard, debility, mental . depression, and '
Si auld come throughiter r nervous irritability there is no metii-
ing low. '.hese arguments were not yet, Coll Cilie 1VIliClt operates so like !I charmj
Tiley Betty planned she would curtsy eluded at the tithe of this writing 'and
their 'marina. may occupy as these famous Pills. They purify •
primly, The And say like her mother, stately and days, 1 he whole case iii all its bu-
rned : portant bearings will, no doubt, be
eRlease, sir, an' please, sir, I've found your thoroughly ventilated Clttrilla the
ballon, present hearing. It will rest then
But the Bachelor neve- came inc his button,
And she woudertd why, while she was a with the COln•t how soon a deeisive
child. judgment will be given.
—Mary �„ ,. \C nine. The Dominion Government is repre-
seul:ed in the ease by the Hon. Air.
1i01�'ICk. • l !Curran, Q. C., of Montreal, the 1)o -
The following is the report of I Itlinion Solicitor -General, it man of
1'rire 51 por Bottle.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
rCR the removal of
worms of all kinds
from children or adults,
use DR F,t19ITi'H'S
prompt reliable, s: fa and pleasant, requiring no
after medic'ne. Never falling. Lonve no bad after
effects, k'rlcO. 26 eczhts pea xlox
the blood, soothe and strengthen the.....M
nerves and system, give tone to the +j • �- -
stomach, elevate 'the spirits, and, in
fact, make the patient sensible of a
total and most delightful revolution;
in his whole system.. They may be i
croltzniendecl most unreservedly 05 the
very best fatnilymedicinein existence. i• , ,rt I,r g &�
Though so powerfully efficacious, •• 1Ii Int sr� B 1� Y"Ft)
they are singularly mild in their opera- ' 4
. 'Union School Section No. 113, Ho -wick a )midi expt:rionce unci ability. The tion, and Izliglltbe given with perfect WIN
and Turnberry, for the month of, Ontlttiu ;avermenteis represented confidence to delicate women and; . , iaT7l°.
April: V Mass.—Minnie Fry 27, ; by air. John i . Cartwright, Deputy young children. They contain not 11; gym . x. >sz t �
Agnes Fortune 251, 1.21a Neill 250.1 Attorney -,!fiesta! andJ. J. Maclaren „rain of nl('reury, or any other nos- V
IV Class,—Cassie Barton 119, .Jos. i 0,O., of'I'Ul'Un`C, who has given a4 10115 substance, and cannot do baton. 1 • - - '
Delicate females and all persons of
Underwood 117, Lilly l�oetune 112., great deal of stud' to the question. i ,
III Class.—Prank (=elnn1i11.lOh, Wm. I (,)ashes is represented by L. J. Can- sedentary habits will tinct these
Abram 70', Melvin Willits. It Class. i non, Assistant Attottue -General for a blessing.•
'-Waldo Weir 151, 11a1ph (ienln1i11 'that Province. Mr. Maclaren ale° Letters Going Astray.
)5; Mary Willits 92. Part I1 (,lass. ; appears for 'Manitoba, and the lion. One of the most curious features of .
• Sr. ---Bella Fortune 3:37, !nary, 1).1 Premier Blair, of New Brunswick, i5 the Postmaster -General's report is'
Gemmill 328, Henry McUltrnn 21)8. ; also present, watching the ease. The always the. statement of' ,the dead ;
Part II Class Jr.—Maggie Abram 21, other Provinces do not appear to 1)1 letter branch. It is marvellous , •to t
. Armond McIntosh 21, Minnie Abram; represented. The Brewers' nun notice some of the things that go
21. Part 1 Class --Victoria Willits; Distillers' Associations are represented astray in the mails, and finally fine!
21, Jessie Barton 21, James Master 1>y Wallace Nebitt, Q. C-, and F. their way to the dead letter office to;
18.• During the month an examine-' Sterid('::s, of Toronto. be duly recorded in next year's report.;
i tion for promotion from Part II to TIIE cr:I:::3TIONM AND CONTENTIONS. Mally'of these dead letters contain l
2nd Class was held .with the ti>11ow- i The questions agreed upon, mooch. looney and other .articles of great
I . ing result: Total marks 01)tainalI)1(3 are :..1:1)poscd to cover the W11ole value. For, the 'year ending; 29th I
1 • 1100 ; marks required to pass 301:
Bella Fortune 50(1, Mary J.:;eu}tnill ' 1. IMS a Provincial' Legislature sand two hundred and three • letters
l'' 478, Robert Underwood •112, Herbert received ab the dead letter office
jurisdiction to prohibit the sa kowithin ,
Neil 71)6, 'Willie J ilial; 3!111. Henry the Province, of spirituous, fermented containing 1,17,344.45inmOney,folty-
• W W. Mch 81y1111 3031, Rosie McGlynn of other intosieating liquors . seven letters contained bills of ex.
3:30, Jo . .Barton l:lti. To this question the contention of change amounting to $13,456.54, five
i1Tol111i1 alts ax f°11a\es : June, 18.13, there were three thou-
JOHN H:IRTLFY, ear ler. the Dominion Uovernn)ent is: "No ;
- irrespective of quantity. By retail,
'Tired, Weak. Nervous, yeit."
Meaos tmpure blued, tiled overwork or 8. Or has the Legislature such
too tench strain on bruin and h,)dy. The jurisdiction regarding such portions fifty-two contained money orders
hundred and nineteen contained
cheques to the amount of $(12,794.04,
'two hundred and sixty-eight drafts
for $49,559.41, seven' hundred and
only Nay to cline i., to- feed the nervei
on para blood, Thousands of people of the I'ru\ Ince as
to which the Can- amounting to $11,618.5:3; three hun-
rtif that the best blood lntritier the 1 tidal. 'l'empi•ralin e ;pct is not ill a - dl'C'Cl and. sixty-three has pl'On1i5C10r�'
best nerve tonic and strength builder is I tion? notes of the face value of $74,461.32,
!noel's. Snraparilla What it has douR 3, Has 1:10 Provincial Legislature five hundred and eighty-eight receipts
Cures Othfirs it will also do For you -Hood's jutis(liction °.i prolui1it the )ianufae- for .:4(1, i Ib. were enclosed, and
Nervousness, loss of t-leep, loss of fop• } ture of such l:gaors within the Prov- one I. U. 17, for 'c.) was amongst the
petite and general debility all disapp'oi1'; bleu ? articles of i lore or less value which
when Hood's Sarsaparilla is pc'ssit teuf.ly The I),nlilnion contention to this failed. to reach their destination.
taken, an Strong nerves, sweet sleep, „ l;t'rl}t stock certificates, value „^'1 i
( lte•1 ieai i, -
strong body, sharp appetite. and in a
l °. a '� ' 7,
hofl'th and hal);tinesS follow the l 1 fins. a Provincial cial Ler,i.lattl)-e 1 t) v0, and ttveilty-011e other certifi-
•tIFt3 of I1nUd'B Sarsaparilla. ' jGrind 'etioo to piohil)it the itlhlp)rta-•C•tte'.s att1Ounti11,S', to $22,554.23 also
'lite strong point an°ut Hood s Satre- i tion of aucli liquors into the I'rov-
partite is that they ors' permanent. be- ,
cause they start from the solid fouudu- i i.11ce • •
til;n of purified, vilallsed and enriched i T, e Dominion contends "No" to
:1. 1#' a Provincial Legislature has
i rti(', for whom they were intend -
not jilt i5dictiuli t0 prohibit sides of ed Or returned to the sender.. In the
• The following is the report of S.; such liquors, irrespective of quantity, vast majority of cagey where: letters. S. No. 7, Morris, based upon the at-; rias. sucit Legislature juri tl:ction to were acus t() the dead letter .office
tCil(1allce andslue:-\vorl. for the proltl,it the sale by retail,aecol•%ng the reason for non-delivery Was either
Y month of April : 5th Class --Nina! to the definition of a sale by retail, that the Hart)• addressed could not
I 't v'
. t� x, found at the addre5,, given, or that
- either .t statutes inr�
- IsbistF'1', E,(Io. Itlzttatn, Annie I !ilei 1 tti'� foto in flit, Pray-
, litter, Oco, Artie. 4th Class, Senior— I inc(' at the time of Confederation, or thCrc was some fault on the part • of
Ruston McUlylnont4.tt:'chic McDonald, anyoter definition thereof ? the sender.
May McCiymont, Norman 13randon, '1'IHDominion contention is: "Yes. The Secret: of Hanoi:less,---
Mina Proctor, Lyon Findlatcl, Esther I c Parlament definer what 15 Wholesale It was .not bad generalship, it Wa.s
,Iiry(lges. 4th Class,Jnnior—llicnaoIand what s retail under regulation neuralgia that lost the battle. It
McDonald, Lucy Rattan, John : of trade ie. and commerce. wars not a bad heart, it was dyspepsia
Isbister, Willie Brandon, Lillief. ieddes, i 6. If a I !ovinia! Legislature boa a that. }n(x.de Carlyle so hard to live
Hattie Geddes. :ird (Cass---- 'elks , limited jurisdi.tion oaks a:;1t1 U•ds with. Headaches have shattered
Isbister, Louie Proctor, Catrin Bran- the prohibition Of sIles,ltas the Legis. dynasties. The headache luta been
idem, Harry 'Martin, Robert Cruick- lature ,jurisdiction to prohibit sales, responsible for the wrong order that
shanks, Leonard Ruttan, Edna T subject to the limits. provided by the lost an enipirc. Tills cure for sick or
IghcK, hat( c(,
} i. -1Class several cul cctluIS of the In; ,IC section
atla headache, ln, fu
r neuralgia
Maud Ittrt°r, :goggle ill bell, , of the (inatda Temper:o e let, r bi isrfs4 is , ark's Powders. Ill
Burt —tta Geddes, Jatnn's T.ockeridge, ; any of them (Revised .' tatutt's of ' moor woods) Stark's Powders spoil
Henry. Brandon. 1st Class --Robbie Canada, chap. 1.06, see, nt) • ha,ppine5s. .1n infallible, swift and
- fi.oliey, Whits Ishi$t(\r, Adapt Ilia-, '.l'he loinini•
olt contently)/ is ."11'03." eaiy remedy. zv cents a bbog':igllre. t 1 Average attendance .33. t r, itatd the Ontario Legislature.-.- --....
Faso. A. (.ti.ci:it:s0:1,'T"eacher. Jurisdiction to enact the Ili::i's(•t;tion It's all very \veli for the minister
of the act passed by': the 1.c' rh 1atitrc' to preach from the text : Remember
Tllrrt' a1.'i' now seventy-four survi- of Ontatrio in the 013rd ye>Lr of her Lot's wife, said an overworked, dis-
` ISO Of Elf.' fattlkinsPnhtelava eliai'ge, Majesty'sreign, and t'', %'"te(t, "An couraged matron,, but I wish 'he
fltr 1141 the ltlritISII ar,'Iit6 (ltt110ritle.; net to improve the Icllut/ • 1:.'t'n-t• rats,' Weida IIOW give us an encouraging
'lave: e: traced. :Li $:1i<I ;it'CtiOit 1:+ explained by the sermon upon the 'tvifet':e lot. i
-I Mood. this also.
event astray, but it i5 satisfactory to
know, .thanks to the (lead letter office,
very nearly the whole of these articles
of value were either delivered' to the
Cure u^irw'K P1.1r-'!•tDAC HE and Neuralgia
in 20 MINuras a, 0 Coated Tongue, Dirti-
ness. l3idousuess,1'ain in the Side, Consttl+atia>
Torpid Liver, Bad )heath. To stay cur, -d and
roil ate the bos.••:ls. VERY E?OE YO 'TAKE.
PR782 c S CnNrs d r DR.:2 STORES,
Carol Consurrgtlon, Cong.:1s, Croup, sore
Sold oGuarantee.Throat.
For a Larne Side, Back orChcst Shiloh'a Parous
� ;will give grt't r-11 pzffaacttion.-1O cents.
sktlii..(t;~ va r�+'17 8'6"1YADii ER#
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tonn. snvs
"shiioh•o V:
t..•.sor °SAv1m l•IY .LIFE. I
I ever 'used." Per I?Yspo-••iia Y<t1. us. Or Kidney
trouble iteaenea. Price 'Mots.
lllLi ATP
totv:.ie .e C • sw.iidI(ilfilvvl
nfreeYen (;ul ;'rrli7-V ytt)i.F4amedy. It'will
positively rch.(*..) ale, Cur •ell. Price B0 eta.
.this Jnjactne tem ,' f elo1 e: :i1 treatment is
furnishcdtr••n, %• r,t:r,itoh's Remedies
1810 Said bis a'- •1,•.,.•:• . „ ;:ivo eitisfaction.
Satire{ y Nay. DICTIONARY
tortureetitemow .
R GrandRdutator.
s Ten years were
spent revising, 100
editors- emitloyod,
, and over X300,000
ofig ended.
thouid elm this
Dictionary, rt att.
t • ewers all questions
"` 'Concerning theltis-
! tory, spelling, pro-
nunciation, and
meaning of -words.
A. %ibraJty in Itself. It alsoives
the facts often wanted concerning eminent
persons, ancient and Modern; noted soft-
ware persons and places; the countries,
cities, towns and natural features of the
globe; translation of foteigel quotations,
words,phrases, and proverbs; etc., etc., etc.
This Workisllxva1uab1e in the
honsehold, and to the teacher, scholar, pro.
i'ess(onat man, anti self-educntor,
21te Oiobe, '1'orortto, Says: -
This new dictionary's the beat took of Its kind
an the Enghah Isnfotsge. rot every fetidly, the
tnem)ters of *hien ha -e mastered the art of read.
h,g,its purehaso wRI prove aproAtable inveetmeat.
x'ho timed, zrarnl'ffotr,
llo»mayiyrta rho cheapest book in, the Working
id, cmid
should hem every school and family in amnia.
1tnveyatarfortialeiier gnaw it tayott.
G..t a ltiextInitt Cor
Spr0nq, ffe1rl,Dtems.,tT.S•A.
del oryteancinahtltao0et
». (;. 1'A1:•1 cll2`1' 0:a.c,Yt:? °:;;!l i;,1- .tet j>1l{�(iI IIS thI1•' 11(1 l,l+fti"1:+1 )ttlrCJ itl "tcrnttfori-wnitms>teotne
IL D. C. will ones your food. to antetn1n,rnper:tmenlrtgee,
'nation. tilt 3ltih year of her Majesty's y reign •nourish you.
i11tt8tratlona, etc,
CAN 1011T11IIN A. PATENT? For a
prompt, answer and An Jto)i at opinion, write to
11I111I1' tY:;1t).. who have had nearly, arty years,
experienee in the patent business, om1ntiica.,
trona strictly confidential. A Iinudbook of ln-
forwation concerning Patents, and bow to ob,
tain them sent free..Also a catalogue Of mechan-
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
s )ectal notice in the iOcientifie American. and
outs coat to abo invvento . 'Lids before the
o with.
lissued weekly, etogantly illustrated, has by far the
argest circuiatlan of any scientific work in the
world. $3 a year. Sample eoptes sent free.
Building Edition. monthly, $2.224 year, $ingle
CoI1les,.4'5 cents. Flvorynumber contains beau..
Mill plates. in colors. and photographs of now
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secute contracts, nAddress
MUNN 13 (i0., COWYOltEr 361 Bno.iDwAY.
w rt
We are
Wing ran.
th1A t. Sxn��
t -41110)1.411m .
-dii PA11Llsktkht)
TIMES OFFICE., 4oti gen-i1NE srR E'r
subburiptlettprice, ie.140V Cl'l;•t ndsN»Rt►•
ADVi,ItTL$(Nea t&AThr•• _
1 140 o
bpays ) 1) c. ) ti tut'• 1 a me, t 1 n
Ono Column 50)) 05 144o un n yti 00
Cull " 40 nu r" an ): on 0 00•
c n:u•,rt• " •5" oil 1- "" 3 On
4 0.,
Ono uc,
_ fide •, � JO 1 R
r1 1 l I
',eget gull oilier (rental vire/ iise"uo-nts, sr: per line
for first 111881 G1911, 411.13••• per lint, jut owl,sulaoguent
I.0"31 11etinu)11uc. p., lib!' 11),• first i• suction, and
5c. per nue l'ur ouch s.lhswiuta,t nuiirtic l . Pio loe;li
nit l'•0 will int charmed tr,in than ..v.
Advertisements of Lust, l'ouu13,),riuyeil,8ittiation05.
' and 1111811108 Chariots; tt'ant,.d, not exceeding B liueR
nonpareil, t1 per month
Douses raid Furnas tor dale, het exceeding $
,e ue month
C' )l•1'NIII tt I1 10r
) $1 for filet month, 0 t.. 1 1 t t1>
These terms will he strletl, adhered to
Special rates for lural udvertistaeents, or lot
1.'ol;er periods.Adturutaowsuts and 18ta111otivett without epeoillo
'dhretiolls, will rt, resorted till avid() aim .charged.
' accordingly. 3'r..1tory tu)vertlaelin uts Mat be•
puff i),,,o)n,t
t.11uhgus rur eentoiet advert'. -meat" nu,st bo n'
7)10odil'c Ity Wedneeda) noon, in order to appear,.
that Week
7 r N •11. GC.I.1U1'T
+ � r .#1.0,41141,4 AND 1115748BHte
141)1,��trvSari _�..,�,
! L[t t1A0DO3 itL1),
wouniAN, • - - • ° wam,.
vu }ot WORLD
'fixe B. ToWLER. yl,D.0.M•,
Member College Ph>'sioians and Surgeons, Ontario
theSole Agents it i 9 .{ --,Coroner for County of Huron•-
dil0 o t office Upstairs, next to Mr blorton's office; Wing•'
ham, Ont.
0r ieL ll'ORN.-0 to 12 a; n1., 1 t0 p. m., or at.
Residence, Diagonal Street,
Call and see. horn.
11. CLINE & CO,
a rosi'. 11Lo01t,
ALS I itt
.o.;i (,) , '_. rr.}•.
jlsephirte Sired -
J. A. }LAWNS!), . J. W. Soircr,
Monet Forest. I Listowel.
Deposits I'leeeivef and Interest
Money Advanced to I'ar zhel's and
Business Men,
On lone or short time, on eudorsecl notes
or collateral security. Salo notes bought
at a fair valuation. 1Xoney remitted to all
parts of Canada et reasonable charges.
Spocial Attention Given to Col
looting Accounts and Bates. •
Agents in Canada- The Siorehnnts• .Ban1.
of Canada
Oiiiee flours--F,•om 0 a. M. to fi 1" nl.
• A. E. SMITH,
• Al;o,tt,
GEORGE T OMSON, Proprietor.
P, KENNEDY, 11. D., 81. /I. P.S 0,
(Suwrssor to Dr. .1. A. \ieldrtuu.)
0 Id Med dist of western Unleersity: Late Rouse -
Loudon General 4lusprtut. "peei'tl attain
don paid to diseases of women and (Olken.
Olden-rormeri; nem:pled b) Di. Meldrua,,Corner-
of CC/ 411.1 7.119 1.141118) streets.
1)!t auAdl - • UHT
Private gad Company funds to louu At lowest tate
Interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, tow>Q.
and fare, property bought and sold
OFFICE -.Beaver Block IVisOUAa)
\Vinghem 0118
Barrister Ete.
OAice-Meyer Block, •\) Ingham.
,: :1 c t tt,
orb u
Ch eu
pu• t> .y can
he .
4.1tiST1Y.-. S. JEttudl;L. L. S., )i1r4o)AI.
Is rearru-anter a ffNr t• aas sets ofll�r><r � r,, 1lie Donee ten, Teeth extracted,
absolutely a lthetlt pith., by its uew'
process, guaruutcea pone. til safe.
DFL'Yt • '
k. In the trouser Minsk, opposite pl ori to the
Writ. H. Macdos.alci, L. 1). S.;
Will visit Ci-orrie lot tutu btu Itiondaye
of eaten mouth.•
Lumber of all kinds, • CIN ItITC1iIE,
First-class Shingles,
GENERAL t\S(1,k,\Ata! AuuENT
and Cedar Posts.
Dar load Orders a . Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any ; art of Wing.
(arOruersby Dian prwnptiy attond <o
0001105 TLil1Il e:, 1,
Box 125. a•t�i„tt.,n P. t)
T'he highest Cobh p1 i •0 , paid for ally
quantity of good
delivered fu t ur yard.
Call and get prices before abeieoi1.g of
your Timber.
�• DEANS, Jk., wlAu1tAh,
L1(>h,NIiED AOUTIt't+LRB 1011, THE count.
Saiea entente', in any Hart of the Co. Chargee.
OLINC17R1tIr;, WxNGil.u,
LiOLe •x11) AUO'i liNle5n )
r atcnT •
»t hoN ANn MONS.
All orders left at the TIMES 08(188 promptly attend
ed to. Terms reasonable,
gqllk 3 RENX5lt5UA,
Lldl}.,'<),rtip, AUCT>UJkrlt Pea COUNYIM 141110N 00
An s,'ttfss attuudatt to promptly end on the Shortes*
t,huel,edtIndurate a),d Satisfaction Guaranteed,
All necessary arrangements bun be made at the.
'melts' emus
,. • Il -rouse. U'ra
l i J. 1\10A10,
.1)3, oronw, -Member Yhyaiciahs and
Surgeons, Ontario,
custom Sawing,Pia�neng
done cheap as the cheapest add swtisfaotiou
Alt kinds of
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Leto,
Shingles, se.,
kopt constantly on band
1'tIc1cLAN do SUN.
Winghem, Dee. 7th, 1898,
ila.eaAvM • • •
Money to Loan on Notre.
:gots Lis6otiuted
1411A 'I ICS
Ipenny adv1nel d un Iim'ip,11708'it 311 pat t'snt vtfttt
pr(vtieIto el l*syruu at Elio ei,d et any your. 1V'oteb
1011109o09nt1 colluded,
113o:wet lltoek Wini(haon, Ont.
itels'itb McI'Nit3OO.
.1. ]Novel Experiment 1
Life in the peon SY
7Jtango1--Soule Peen
J'ltysicpl Conditions,
The peculiar physic
'deep seas says Sidney
I?'autllt, elf the Deep Sea
:stated to be these; It
-so far as actual snail,
the temperature is 4
-above -freezing point,
-enormous, there islittl
-of the water, the botto
,ft, uniform fine soft
no plant life. All
'conditions0 O
Itxm A we caneapp
us rfi
wee know, the cies
•seas is loot an extra%
absence moveen
ale fine softof mudmare ei
• •can aappxociate;
is fliret greater than
:realize” dily At e. depth
tho pressure is, rollghI,
and a half tons per squ
to s, ies
-pressuayreseveral exertedt
by the
piston of our momst p
•OI•, to put the platter 1
pressure per square inc
-of every animal that Ii•
-of the Atlantic acoan 1
. five times greater than
will drive a railway tra
A most beautiful exp
trate the enormous for
,was made during the v
•Challenger. I give the
:in the words of the late
"Mr. Buchanan herrn
.at both ends a thick
.air. several inches in le
:ped this sealed tube in
-ed it, so wrapped up, f
tube, which was one
_protect the deep-sea thf
»sent down withthe so
This copper tubo was c
:ing loosely and with h
'topper bottom of the 11
:holes bored through it.
•had free access to the i
when it was lowered i
.the tube was necess
;with that object in v
:in its ordinary use
freely reach the coutail
The copper case con
,glass tube was sent d
:two thoueaed fathom
.again. It was then 1
per wall of the case
:benthet inwardglasstube oppositelay,
been crumpledeinwa_
lently squeezed. The
within its flannel wr
•whon withdrawn, redu
der, like snow almost
pend wab that the
when Sinking to gra
depths, had held out
pressure, but this at la
,great for the glass to s
, It is only reasonabl
the ability to sustaii
• 'pressure can only be a
after generations of g
from shallow waters.
.are brought up by the
depths pf the ocean a
and distorted b
e t
'diminution of pressur
to the surface, and it
. " 'table that shallow•w
'be similarly I killed al
shape were they sudd
• very deep water. Th
these enormous dept
qusnce of the enormo
to a curious form Of.
chasing their prey or
son, they, rise to a con
above the floor of the
their swimming
'considerably expan
specific gravity
Up to a certain
t cies of their bodie
.the tendency to float
able the fish to regain
''of life at the bottom;
limit the muscles are
t l to drive the body di
fish, becotnrng in01e
ed as it goes, is gra<
1 Gong and involuuta
•surface of the se
fish, then, are ex
ger that no other
world are subject t.
tumbling upward.
do occasionally oecu
the fact that sotne fis
l ithown to be true de
'discovered dead and
'face of the ocean ion
4ern investigations WE
A Word to
False learning is r
and scattered to the
law. Its wheel re
humble and the pro
,of the `Sye, is forth
-trine of the Heart,"
1 hist repeat in pride:
t!rehear.last.», they who i
garnered, low con
salt IB To (1tYlCtkiy
stove when the coot
Novel', it will prove
1 of1 The odor of -onio
front an iron pot 0
with soap and ashes
C,ba1 111
Japanese suet is
D8'ndactnl,t i'..L atst
we are (it t.•tvl,i.,g
ing�yi�)1Ft11Il t•. 1.1111
(t13t1t1sh (J}rr . p
i `w01•'i t' by 8.164; l.Vt11