HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-18, Page 2-s, •ia.M.,u::,apn-a-v r•. en r :, , c v.. ::. ".,'."n^.m�Px, w.,..,a.v _7 --- in Years Ago nle t D MBER 24 ,1875 1 d Walker - i Edward Cash purchased;on the market, from Davi Since 1860, Serving the Community First of Tuckersmith, a hog weighing 386 pounds,'fie paidper cwt $7.50 At the close of the 'examinations in Miss McKgnzie's } 1#'tealished at SEAI:f3RTH, ONTARIO, every Ilqursdar motslir by l`iciE.i iliiOS, PUBLISHERS LTD. department of the . Public School, Seaforth, that lady was ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Publisher, presented by the children, a very handsome desk and a SLSA,ti i!'}1T1E, Editor handsome market, this year had a most DAVE ROBB. Advemsing ManAger The butchers of the . l ` Member Canadian Community magnificent display of .Christmas meat. Mr, Ewing alone had l Ontario Weekly Nesp3perAssopdadoa 6 beeves, 25 sheep and lambs , and 17 pigs. "'"� and Audit Bureau of Circtilatimn The school in Section No. 9 Tucke_00rsmith, was rte' �� exmi fined. The parents and others interested in the school Subscriptioa Rates: t!CNA was quite large. There were 100 prizes distributed. The Canada tin ad ---acro) s10.00a Year children' were examined by. James Gray, the teacher. Rev. Cameron of Kipper gave a special prize which was won by . Outside Canada (in ad. arae) 512.110 s Year Barbara Houston and the second by John, Sproat. Wm. Sproat e " the first of whicfi, was gave two special prizes for recitations, SINGLE COPIES - Z5,CFNTS EACH won by Mary Manson and the second by John Sproat. Hugh Regan of Hallett has• sold• his farm to Christopher on the Second Class Mail Registrstron Number 06% Dale for S� 100. Mr. Dale's,§pn George intends living Telephone 527412W farm. th Public School, in Mr. At the close of the exammatron n e Hick's departinenta the scholars presented .him with an SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 18, 1975 address and two handsome volumes of Shakespeare's works. The anniversary services in connection • with the Presbyterian Church took place"vhen Rev. D.J.MacDonnell n, preached to large congregations. Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, pastor, We � � d Christmas ri ;... � ,, ,, occupied the chair .for the tea meeting on, the following �,il: `1 Monday night. How merry can Christmas be in the face of current inflation, unem- ployment, strikes, sagging investments, rising crime and similar woes? That will depend largely, on our r=eWnse to the joyful aspects of the Yule season which are too often taken for granted. Maybe we should look at its traditional observances with fresh appreciation. Consider, fa instance, all the heart-warming personal encounters that go with the season, Joyful family homecomings and gatherings, parties, get-togethers with old friends, fellow -workers and variouts other groups give our spirits a needed lift. So. do Christmas cards. True, in this year of strained budgets gifts may be more modest. But they'll still be offered "with love" and that gives one an inner glow. Everywhere, too,colorful lights and decorations spread cheer and beauty. And anyone can enjoy the various plays, pageants. ballets and movies c#esigned for holiday moods. Even TV mixes in some Christmas specials for relief from the surfeit of crime shows. And ah, the glorious Christmas music! How it can inspire us with great works"performed in church and concert halls. " While carols and popular Christmas songs take a merciless beating from repetition on the -radio and shopping plaza sound systems, at least they add to our festive feeling. Above all, the ideal antidote to today's tensions and anxieties is to open mind and heart to the original Christmas message of hope and joy. (Contributed) b To the editor house sizes and. lot area (' X00 sq- ft- lot Let the government that closes hospitals collect sales tax (Editor's ?vote: --- The writer of the government centralized in Toronto is foll letter,- Arthur Carr, has been seeking to destroy the small town is asaoeiated, with, or publisher of The absolutely beyond the comprehension of a£i}tiTSion rQt�s exa. ,fat Wit; ;i?a+M foris any n. tV3tp are the,- trp g , i pars. ' Re Eras` a i ' eight Fears a -s `$ toeriiai Qe'so a ing that has been oro,. 'municipal councillor in his home town. and bad, and destroy something that has been held various offices, being at one time on proven priceless? the Board of -Directors of the Police` The only taossible explanation can be Giiverning Association of Ontario. that our elected represent -.Haves • have In the fiscal year spanning. Jiuly 19'4 _ through utter lethargy abandoned their 197x. the Canadian Community Newspaper dam' of decision making. preferring to set :Aws iciavon selected hirci foi'the distinctive up commissions. and listen to career civil hazour of "Citizen of the Year." He has servants and other such dreamers. lived in do, -e contact 'with Ontario allow ng there to make the rules and Government created fiascos including the enforce them. desire of the City of Toronto and the C,P_R. Ail of this must snap. and we must stop n TZ) buy ,millions of tars of gartsa•e in Atmi w right now. Not tomorrow-, or nest week not Ti+w-nship. adjtcebt to Palmerston and 'Melt election, but today. We must devise Harris -tam. He•has elo+ ericetd dw frvstra- - some system oth,-x than the overthrow of tiaras of having a horse town equipped With thegIvernment by facie. Some slstem, we a sewage ieatznerrt plant wf,tine aerated an Can work at to oDmvince those Toronto Sludge ya-nerc, seep=-ta it .uncanddmonalh based administrants that we want, and CtTiat3.-°L. r mr-ed by Queen'-, Park- and must have., our small hospitals. all of thern M ----m- ence that his small town 'spetad a preseprly existing.. and more buih and quzrrea of a minion dollars on a lagoon enlarged. .0 that have been closed s--s�ecn dL, _eaould not cperate„ and w=ould re -opened, r--f-arbish_d. and re-stafred. destroy hundreds of acres of prime farm Pre w -ay would be to hat the Government iand-) m its MC -1 sens"'ye spot. We have in lbe warkmg cif r ands c zine,! at. rssirsd, not tine seat of the Metnbez-s Queen's Park sera quite strange_ m fact. tzl3trse�, bust yery to that spelt. The clinrpletel{ irroompmbensaNk two msideam A-aDet in his trip pocket, Let us all let of scrim! row ns, CL%unt) 9• 's thc.��a9?d5 o pier G0y`eTnM`�-•nt know that A e• Rant our ta'Xe•+ dc��srs ere spent -az ora fsr-c�je._� that seem �i ," .err Where they WU do the most good for bcrrekctTane ra,y)CUk_=s. We tear! of the vast the twit peLV),e Hee is a suggesnan. zitnz•s spent to =%se-ne tb-_-/!Vsaga-ra In every stall town them are a; least EscarptnAat. Yez we ere also a rg sr..,an sryeral ai.�zaar taerchams w -bo are collening `of hos- rw, bemg dosed because costs of hundreds dollars i; sales razes. In tnost operations are auege'.ov torr high, ssmd the small towr;s them .ane raranufactrrrets who sm,* hta-phO inefficient—To resiclof are caltee2i gL amd tsavmg. the 12%, tax -to sr l ttrcl'iss this sb-olme and t=er the Rectiver Gexmer2i of Ca--aaada. Let tiers tnarssease. 1�iks file thea* returns as derna�atieit, on the Few of its, (,tar lex us be, kid) ,--etc few of date- spetiified, In eed of a1Aadimi? a urs. w m eyed• use The "natmv trawl-- and cbeque. heti appe d a nate srpitmo air -rat tfine walk f -a m Owen Stead to Si. Ca$„a3e2nes- cbeqne has been made pay -ab le to the Fye! egret_: one of ns, and even- arse n:.� and of thyvtrLL��� choice d ;s: iii as, will some da -c rase a hcu�t�l. I; 7p� 1191' Rf� T 1T,3 p (} rife kt1T 11a1 ca- Chef that base= l is 40 to %rimes away. wt= these Cbcqut s and depxestts them n a w'iil --e- have too spend a fe-w special 2cc0uM so that the use:chamr has hours each day with a faaend or Im ed orae' a camrelled cheque- Vr of posittrve tbat he Haw happy will that beef] mi -e be, =Bes has not diverted the tar moDe,% for his %nd ru-ies from borne„ tz• -h smrounitad leisonm better aerst_ bm had mi deal p zz br urtknzwm., and =,1r v ttssra-irg l;rs., in mznec mere he wants Ti to be smaragersf What added eapence ac --M -sent- Pcss3bly be has broketa same legal families aheads aaagrrdsS==fm :say: with techaiealatc. But be has c era els mflt Car rr• e5ge, imd inti loam's lase! ro rrsfrter, theft. bout f4s; sties noir addltsciasl h—zrr?s WE1 tb---e be em Our covered his neighbow*s nix-, nor iuzrisen arty highways Whew =rands. =ew=pied bS of biose tem marvearaus rules of this gaane VM7- Sa an its gZi5Z a .fig fatter $ of Ek th2t cold Moses rec+eic-e3 and pa -,---.d half a b=dred nn -les or M=e* rs4 to era- It is hard to pure a Ion of Them are so ==T pmt s? r cif the twelve of, his peers fmdmg thio am gw'lty =mn" bzs#w *-at to me 123eiT cias^-g is df say mural Misc=dnm More probable, lh bZs ben prnvem the Jars its' -$ht S=ike a medal ccinraen g berund an Kahled=tc 12= big =desr him fret his aca'snn. am had plants tz eve. h $srse large ams, 'so lei's get w-:121 rt- Fears a czrsra*nee in a raieva XL- acid =5 eretg• tyre Of each of our to -ns, whet+_= oar basFr;gal is P02 -am. inc',g =heal, SE-tep_11 u'"?. •th eaume3 '6r not- Let's cm Queues Pori Tbe V=y =M ef• t=m= ]tom- ,r. ass sales tax re°cennes W an art that uin • m ilsm s-nrgs se them- Let .las sbmv tbeam tarot we Cbv' tr 'dee tom, „ieh its ascot aw >la itls_ 'float we prefer tis= to =t= -N -t-4 ta-m� tmir Coanc l., Wr grt0=1cis. sia.t=r- tragi -is, mantic into am• tie b=an= the ani the S-gM trsazr iaratuTy1 atsits, or snbsid'img ssssaerne tz Barbs =8&er s,.="the aMp^,sr`,R,-mtV of p ab iib a book of blank pages- Let's get the =may Zt3 c+ v.- ire Vie. rzr dealer. the tzr vet druggis , the b= at bas bei i , ,�.,w. �: r , +ter 1xa2 7_ the service stali,,in opeztor. the 1 ib irazn �a h- x t pr imtm anti we pliatograpae; a2 v g best PU:e int the �g 1Z p cbegaes to thaws Rasp tals insteaZ cif the Treasurer a iia rtes o si w.rt - see s g gr! It has to Work! . �radwcrial e. why an 6 3 A tb= Carr r Pansies in December Amen by Karl Schuessler How would you like to matin for eternity' And you thought a lifetime was long enough. Probably tfiat's too lone enough for most pebple. Just take a look at the way the divorce rate soared over the last ,-ear. It increased over 21'(,. And a Statistics Canada specialist predicted a 50% jump in the nest five years. To cushion this jump. there's help on the w ay. A whole new field of pioneer work is developing. There are courses in creative divorce, group sessions for single ,parents, parents without partners. There's a directory for the divorced -- a list of all the places you can go for help and services. Toronto has rwo monthly magazines for divorcees only. How - to - films. audio tapes. And soon a 24 hours divorce hot line. A man who teachers a 'creative divorce course looks an the Thee ier side of things. He says div once can be an oppottumv. for personal growth and education. He has his own theory of multi -divorce. He's now separated from wife number two. He says it takes about three marriages before you really settle in. The first one is romantic, the second is on the rebound- And the thir,4, well maybe by then 'you finally come to yoitr senses. Good luck. fellow! Happy Ming But on second thought, I think this fellow needs more than luck. Maybe he needs Emmanuel Swedenborg- He's the 'man who thought marriages should stick, aaat just for a lifetime either. He said marriages last for eternity. So no one in his church --now- called the Swedenborgian Church- o't the«Church -of the New Jerusalem --ever walks down the aisle that lightly. When the couple says "I do", it's more than a life-long sentence. It punctuates and shakes the very gates of heaven. With this sort of everlasting comrn'3ment_ yotu in; harder. With those sort ofd rales. you keep on trying. You dan'i wake tip each morning and think -Why an earth -and heaves. did i ever marry you? You kncr w the ansa-er. The love of the Lord and your spouse comes fust, R tth this sort of conviction. vou,don't just ask whais in it for me? A recm survey showed religions women To the -Editor were more sexually satisfied in their marriages- And the survey ers concluded it wasn't because they experienced more satisfaction, but because they settled for less. Now. I'm not ready to untangle that one. But when religion emphasizes others and not self - those researchers may have concluded in the, fight direction. Now don't het the Sw*edenborgians wrong. They won't consign you to an unhappy marriage forever. If you didn't make the right choice, there's rest in sight. You can have a respite --like the man did who buried his wife in upper New York state. (2n her gravestone he put "I Laid my w; ife .beneath this stone For her repose and for my ow -n." But don't think- You're going to Fest forever. Because you can't get into heaven unless you're mated -- if not with t rat eternal parte you starred out with on this earth. then a neyy one -- a better, the perfect one. You have to wait around in a foyer -like place for your perfect match. Then together you'll enter heaven. For no one is complete alone. A person is not wholly himself until he's joined with his other half. Swedenborg spent the last forty years of his Iife with his feet on the ground, but his head was in the clouds --m the spiritival woridHe wrote that he saw in the heavens a person in ibg distadce_ And as they neared, he' realized they were two people; For the two do become as one. just as the marriage service says And a good Swedenborgian will tell you to take a look at couples married a long time. Over the mass they do begin to think alike, act alike and even look alike. The two are one. The Swedenborgian of course admit that not all theii marriages are heavenly here on earth. But they straggle. They urs- hard. Harder. To become 'one. They go into marriage with the idea 'it's going to w'ori.Thevll work hard to make it work. And to my mind that's a refreshing and chaste attitude- h balances this divorce prune age - Large houses, lots waste resources As a kr,,'of von people sitting an Council house sizes and. lot area (' X00 sq- ft- lot are aware, a its of people are vers mncb with municipal roar QDminQn water supply. zgaitzcr your proposed and —,-tmg zoning 5.000 sq- ft. with municipal crater and b: iaa-s mgarding.)ca and houice sites, plus sorer service, 15.000 sq. ft- with no. some municipalities' 18 fm side yard for senices), a lot of land and energy could be 2 dm-ewar. Sorne municipalities have a 10 saved for future geneaatiaus. In my opinion or 12 fcow side card for a drnveAay. As.icra this is a trust. can agprezmte. if a person building a house For your imforrnauan and benefit I am and w ar,rLs a gfxagr. an that is necessary is bolding open bvizse so � deal Council for them to buy a Ire with a larger frontage. members and the general public may see As roost of co;.r kmrsar 1 buflt a two and inspect ens Imine andwill then be in a bedroom SM sq- ft- ba -ase withom better pcsimorr to furan their owar opattni- b ent_ i'iris c 3 >. - ened the local See the advertisement elsewhere m this 1T:'}aT+-5..With ffiSCh iii tape, SZPT3 c6m- paper. s de-mMe expense. I was able to obtain qty Yours truly, local coancf s ca--opera6wn and am ono t hS g in tvis -acus`. Peter E_ N alonev. Jr. At lei half the'bousees in Canada haze ia'lorzey Bmither•s Construction hely, two or less Drew. B: Cutting dvv rb Dublin DECEMBER 21, 1400 The Bachelor's ball, held in Miller's new Opera Hall in Hensall, was a social -event that had been looked forward to with much interest was conducted in a splendid manner. The music was furnished by Loridon Harpers and was all that could be desired. Miss C.V.Smith of Hensall has sold a number of pieces of her needlework to be sent to England. R:Bell of Hensall left -here for Bruce Mines where he. has secured work and intends remaining there,until spring. W. E. Hoggarth, who has been engaged in the public school at Trout Creek; returned honte this week. The Jubilee Singers and Imperial Orchestra gave an entertainment in the Methodist Church, Seaforth. These. plantation melodies were well rendered and were pleasing indeed. Robert Murdock, Brucefield, who has been ill is recovering. M.E.Dickson, of Seaforth, took part in the Greek play entitled "The retprn of Oddgressens given in the Grand Opera House in Toronto., Joseph Keating, contractor and builder, has now completed all his contracts for this year. Peter McKay, reeve of Tuckersmith, intends being a ` candidate for the County Council. Messrs. Chesney and Robb of town have disposed of their butchering business to Mr. Gilchrist of Hensall, - R. Bell of town has had a new Stable erected on the foundry a, i0i th2 aCZvr: mrd tion ^f hie horses. Y �E c The roof on the Mammo th block in St. Josepbjs completed and the carpenter will work on the interior during the winter. Robert Cowan, of lowal has, been in this vicinity purchasing thoroughbred Durham cattle, left for home on Thursday. Mr. • Cowan is a cousin of James Cowan of McKillop. DECEMBER 18,1925 R.A.Brown, manager of the StAndard Bank at Dublin, has been appointed manager of the Standard Banf Uxbridge. He will be succeeded here by P.F.Benn J. Bennett and J. Carter; Alma, each,disposed of a fine horse this past week. We learn of the death of Paul Kinney of Winthrop. He was 94 years of age. John Hartman of Zurich has sold his fafin to his son Cbas. Hartman. Mrs. Cecil Simpson and daughter, Miss May, had a close, call from asphyxiation owing to a defective furnace. Mrs.Louis Atkinson,. formerly Agnes Hughes, passed away at her home in town., A happy event occurred at the final meeting of the Tuckersmith. Council when the council presented James V. Ryan with a beautiful pipe and leather case as a mark of appreciation for the manner in which he performed his duties as caretaker. On the same evening McKiIlop Council presented him with a package of choice tobacco and a fox of Cigars. The death occurred at her home on Goderich Street of Caroline Harriet Robertson, widow of the late M.Y.McLean. Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Chesney and Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie left on Tuesday for Florida. They intei* making the trip by motor. • . R.Y.Mctean of Montreal was here attending the funeral .of his mother, Mrs. M,Y.McLean. W. Faulkner of town has joined the staff of. the Dominion Bank. • , Peter Kerr of Toronto was here attending the funeral of the late James Aitcheson. Earl- Van Egmond of Egmond-.ille spent a few days, in Hamilton. Dr. Robinson of Stratford has leased the office formerly used in - connection with the garage on North Main Street from Walter Murray. . DECEMBER 15, 1950 - James T. Scott, fust war veteran, was elected President of Canadian Legion 156. Other officers included, 1st rice: Edmund Daly; 2nd vice L.R.Beattie; secretary, B.J,Duncan; Treasurer, Lloyd Hoggarth; Sergeant at arms, K.G-PoweU; Entertainment W.R.Smith. Property. Jas. A. Munn;,house, R,S.McDonald, Membership, J.L.Hotham; Special Events, T.Beattie, sick and visiting, Fred Cooper; sports, G,S.Kruse; Trustee, C-y.Sills. ,, Dr. Ross Hous on, who has been associated in partnership with Dr, M .W.Stapleton has returned and has purchased a practice in Galt.' A fire of potentially disastrous results, was averted by the quick actions of the Seaforth Fire Brigade, when a car belonging to Jake Broome was being repaired in M. E_ Clark's garage. Fire and smoke began pouring from the vehicle., It was immediately pulled from the ,building and the -fire extinguished. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keyes of Egmondville celebrated the 57th anniversary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs -Gifford Crich.guckersmith marked the S(?tli anniversary of their wedding, Provincial Constable Jas. Sutherland of Harriston has been posted to the Seaforth Detachtitent of the Provincial Police. James Earl Sproat of Hensall passed away at his late residence. He was in his 60th year, The teacher and pupils of S,S,No.10 McKillop pri sgeated their annual Christmas concert to a good attendance in the schoolhouse. Rev. Livingstone presided, The teacher is Miss CM Mr. and Mrs, James Finalyson are now settled in their home in Egmondville. The contractors were Norman McLean and Lorne Southweek: Seaforth Public School held their annual cat.01 service in Northside Church. The service was under the direction of Miss M.E-Turobull and the etgan'ist, Mrs. James Stewart. lire cover design for the program was done by Sheila McFadden, while the church arms decorated by Grade 8 pupils - MM Wm- Shannon, %vorthy tuattr'on of the local ch ap#er of .the Eastem Styr presided over the atecting, follovre by a Christmas party, Mrs, M&Smith and Mrs.C.Reitb were in charge of the program; Mrs, Frank Klikq sang a snack, Mrs.B.3F,Chrishe and latus, Hilmar Snell conducted a musical contest and Bbbby Reith and Ruth Ann Oyler _InS, A 0 a 0 1 �I >! 0 4I