HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-11, Page 11m •, 0 I i ri. ' P.! �� n ��''�►'}�%� /T.1..1^I" H�-r0��.�, TO;`"#011,�•, r;lTJ",o.+q'`. '.tl. .,'!ATA ` `. :�.1.'� .""•'9l^-•� X�4��1 r ehter �1"ll Y Fires ide rf�f9 , Mr. and Mrs. $atrt Phillips entertained the Fireside Group of - First Church on Tuesday evenir}g.` There were 26 present. Geo. Hays presided over the business pa l the meeting and Miss Bess: 1 Grieve read the scripture lesson, /F s followed by prayer by Rev. E. G. Nelson. * r' The minuters were read and Miss Peg Grieve. gave the treasurer's. h report. The nominating convener JohnV . r F Patterson. gave his report. .KikcheanAld. - t P esident Geo. Hays; First Vice f James and Jean Keyes; todog, wv it tohighk. 4K buy one Secretary Pearl McFarlane; yn, Treasurer Peg Grieve; Social i[ RIPConvener • Bess Grieve; pianists, 4K KITCHENAID TOP-LOADING,PORTABLES' Fwl, - f, w , �. Miss P. Grieve and Mrs. W. kitchens be - Brown. * The dishwasher for small or narrow PADDLES UP — — The Maitland was frozen so the Cowan's huge hand made canoes. That's Mr.Cowan Christmas- carols were sung. / cause It opens up; not out. Takes a minimum of ' The next meeting will be at the *floor s Co.aYour choice of colors. r canoe took to Main St. A lot of Brussels'area kids had at the back of the canoe. (Photo by Langlols) a ride in the Santa Claus parade in one of Greg home of Mr. and Mrs. * KITCHENAID FRONT -LOADING PORTABLES F. R.Cosford. Dorothy Scott, Viola Lawson * Big, roomy racks roll all the way Out for easy load- �« and Mrs. James Keyes conducted * Ing. Handy work surface top. Convertible, models Communit Band entertains a t Huronview contests, read a humorous * can be built in anytime. Your Choice Of cOlbrs. reading and guessing games. Clair Campbell, and Geo. Hays * .-.....- werez the judges. Thirty-four Community Band piano; Scotch dancing by Sylvia Brenda Pullman and Lisa The Band closed the concert Santa Claus appeared and gave members and variety • concert Wilson, Angelea Andreassi and Beuttenmiller favoured with a with their regimental march, out the Christmas gifts to each talent gave a Xmas concert, at 2 Mary Lyn Glew to bag pipe and step dance to violin music of Hospitality, Jingle Bells and a- member. p,m. Dec. 7 in the auditorium of drum by Peter and Charlie Nelson Howe; A quintette of vocal,chorusof We Wish You a Lunch was served to close the " Huronview, Clinton. Malcolm; Sy Ivia Wilson then Band and Huronia Chorus Merry Christmas as a finale. evening. * rj After opening with National gave a club swinging exhibition. members rendered several A social half hour was enjoyed * ' Anthem and Maple Leaf, the Geo. Wilson Jr., member of the appropriate vocal selections by all the group. band under the direction of Dr. band, played the Jews Harp. accompanied by Mrs. Alice This concludes the 1975 season Choir Charles Toll played Col Bogey Two,pupils of Mrs. O. Storey, Tiernan of Dashwood. for the band. and several stiring 'marches __7 interspersed with ChristmasF; First Ladies A i d Christmas •Carols. Doug Stewart conducted the party audience in carol singing and Has Christmas s meeting contributed � (Danny Boy) The senior choir of First accompanied by Miss Marjorie Papple of Egmondville. The Christmas meeting of the R.K.McFarlane. Various items of Scott; Group leaders, Mrs. W. Presbyterian Church held their The following numbers were Ladies Aid of First Church was business were discussed. 57 calls Coleman, Mrs. Harold., Agar; Christmas choir party at the home then given to an enthusiastic held on Tuesday afternoon. There were made. Mrs,, R.S.Habkirk, Miss Alice of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, audience: Vocal Duets - Debbie were 25 ladies present. Mrs. Ed. The Penny collection was' Reid; Mrs. R.E.McMillan and Jarvis Street, on Sunday evening and Janice Rose members of the Andrews presided and a received by Ethel Mackay. The Mrs, Walter McClure; Literary starting with a pot luck supper. band with Miss Papple on the Christmas hymn was sung with nominating committee brought in - Mrs. W.R.Kerslake. They had an exchange, of gifts and Your dealer is also headquar- Mrs. Crouch at the piano.. Mrs. the following report: . Past A duet by Mrs. R.E.McMillan Christmas Carols were sung. Rev. ,k ters for KitehenAid Trash Com - Agar read two podms "Stars" President - Mrs. Ed. Andrews; and Mrs. F. Coleman was Nelson thanked Henrietta and Bill pactors, Food Waste Disposers and 'Love Came down at Xmas Secretary - Mrs. R. W.Kerslake; enjoyed. for their hospitality.* 7♦ Egmondvi I le Miss Ethel Mackay read the Treasurer, Miss" Jean Scott; Mrs. Wm. A. Hodgert gave a 4(I r and Hot-water Dispensers. y scripture lesson and Mrs. J. W. Social Convener - Mrs. James commentary and showed slides of of bows for Christmas or any Thompson' led in prayer. Keyes, Mrs. J.A.McDonafd, Mrs. Africa. These were much UCWi nsta I Is . The minutes were read by Mrs. C. Reith; Supply - Mrs. H Van enjoyed. 11.160 per month R.W.Kerslake and a letter of Rooijen; Mm. 1., Hoelscher, Miss Mrs. W.R.Kerslake thanked installed by Mrs. Strong and write an interesting memory of Janet 'fluff.; Pianist, Mrs. Mrs. Hodgert and those who off i e e rs appreciation was read by Mrs. Crouch; Flower and Gift - Dorothy contributed to the meeting. Christmas Meditation and a Papple; secretary, Mrs. Ed. Ambrose. You • have been a candle -lighting service depicting St. A m bros e"_ - Smith; program conveners, Mrs. "Home for Christmas" was � presented at the Decemberh' lineting of Egmondville U.C. W . h• Ryans P - C o nt:o' r s 'Taking, part were Mrs. Robert �r� "", , . L. Strong, Mrs. Russell Miller; Tyndall, Mrs.Alec Chesney, y' Mrs. F h group leaders, Mrs.Adin Forbes, One Sunday you came b@aming Allister Broadfoot and Mrs. A farewell `art was held in St. party humorous numbers at retain fond memories of St. Lillian Grummett. The pre- Ambrose Parish Hall Thursday entertainments. To you both we Ambrose Parish. sentation was interspersed with • •night 'to bid farewell to Mr. and appreciate your ever readiness to Mrs. Leo Deitner made the carol singing. Mrs. Joseph Ryan who are perform a kindly act to those who presentation of a clock radio and a A poem "The Way of Life" was ',, moving from the Parish. might require it in ' your kindly purse of money. Mrs, Don Nolan, read by Mrs. Charles Eyre, who i A large crowd attended unassuming manner. on behalf of the C.W.L•., presided and Mrs. Elmore and progressive euchre was Feeling that we cannot allow prd'sented Rose with a crucifix, Stephenson' read a poem played with ladies' high going to you to depart without expressing she also said Rose will be missed "Christmas at Grandma's". I Mrs. Geo. Blake, Sr., and men's our feelings in some small way we in all the church activities. An instrumental "Seaforth high to Clem Steffler• Low lady ask you to accept this gift. Joe and Rose expressed their Schottische", by Mrs. .James was Mrs. C. DeJong and low man Our love goes -with it and the thanks to all , including those who Rose, was enjoyed. The -'music Joe Cooper. prayers of your many friends here weren't able to be there'. Father had been composed in 1874 by Joe and Rose were called to the that life amongst your. new Nolan spoke a few words on their Mrs.C.M.Dunlop'. She had lived front by Joe Uniac and an address associates will be most happy. behalf. Lunch was served by the at the' corner of Victoria and was read by Mrs. Leona Connolly. But we hope you'll always C.W.L. She said: L Free Estimates No Job Too Small DAVE HEIMPEL DECORATING Painting, Papering, Light Carpentry, Floor Sanding and Refinishing Industrial, Conirnercial and Residential STRATFORD D. HEIMPELWM. MOSES 393-SS90 (We accept collect calls) 271-6305 I ST. JOHN AMB ULA NCE Standard, First Aid Course (An excellent 8 week course) Timet 7:30 — 9:30 Wednesday evenings. LocatIont S.D.H.S. Costs No charge to _ individuals with a Workmen's Compensation Board No. $15 for participants without a W.C.B. number. Commencing: Wed., Jan. 14 through March 3 Registration: By phone or in person at the Recreation Office prior to Jan. 7 - Limited enrollment. For Farther Information Contact: SEAFORTH RECREATION OFFICE 527-0882 * BUILT BETTER, NOT, CHEAPER B0X'FURN1,TURE* *. * PHONE 5k7-0680 SEAFORTH �A* o., �t/ir- ••yi• fir- alit i1i- itr.• t1i�-.:'�1i'; rti- .il 1.t�t-.rtfi•• i1i�-. ifi�--�*�i' . ti- :� • �?� y+����'�i�•�'3i�-�d`• •;��'.,�Q.•�i� ••n�•''�s �i�•-,rte '�� .gist ?� .n� ��• ' '-�.- u Seaforth*PUblic Utilit. Comm' ss•ion y WATER. RATE INCIREASE effective January'1, 196 ' These rates will be applied'on all, bills issued•on and after January 1, 1976. P PRESENT RATE NEW RATE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Flat rate ti 15.00 per `monith 17.50 per month COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS Flat rate $5.00 per month 17.50 per month Metered rate 1 st 8000 gal. at 11.20 per month 11.80 per month 2nd 8000 gal, at 11.00 per month 11.50 per month Balance gal, at 1.80 per month 11.20 per month Service Charge 11.40 per month 12.10 per month Minimum Bill 15.00 per month 17.50 per month COMMERCIAL'and INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS with Sprinkler Systems --- --FlaFlat t rate of 115 per month plus flat rate or metered rate for regular consumption per month OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS Flat rate sl 0.00 per month Crombie Sts., Seaforth. A demonstration on the making It is with deep regret we Metered rate 10 8000 gal. at of bows for Christmas or any learned of your decision to leave r occasion, was given by Mrs. our midst'. Joe, you have matured 13.00 Leonard, Strong. from babyhood to manhood in St. 11.160 per month A full .slate of officers was Ambrose, and no doubt you could Service Charge installed by Mrs. Strong and write an interesting memory of per month includes leaders, Mrs. C. Eyre, the events, secrets, happiness, $15.00 Mrs. Herb Harrison and Mrs.Earl sorrows and progress • of St. Papple; secretary, Mrs. Ed. Ambrose. You • have been a Boyes; treasurer,. Miss Mae stalward link in the chain that Smith; program conveners, Mrs. helped to hold this little parish R.Tyndall, Mrs.A.Chesney, Mrs. together as at one time it was very r L. Strong, Mrs. Russell Miller; small. F h group leaders, Mrs.Adin Forbes, One Sunday you came b@aming Mrs. Kenneth Smith, to masa and introduced us to your Mrs. J. Rose, Mrs.Robert bride, the former Miss Johnson Wallace; social conveners, Mrs. and together you established a Andrew Lunn, Mfs. Kenneth home and raised a family of six. Carnochan; visiting, gifts and Rose, we will miss you in our cards, Miss Smith; kitchen organizations, also your custodian, Mrs. E. Durst; press, Mrs.Erlin Whitmore; official Are you part board representatives, Mrs• of the human race Boyes, Mrs.Whitmore; supplies, Mrs. Cecil Pullman, Mrs. Lloyd or Haney; Manse, Mrs.L. Strong, dust Mrs. R. Tyndall, Christian a Spectator? Education, Mrs. N. Stimore, Mrs. Boyes; pianist, Mrs. James Rose. The social committee served a luncheon of Christmas goodies. - An Expositor Classified will PaRnC/pal pay you dividends. Have you tried ones Diai 527-0240 r heart you kw it's right. Fitness. in youno L Free Estimates No Job Too Small DAVE HEIMPEL DECORATING Painting, Papering, Light Carpentry, Floor Sanding and Refinishing Industrial, Conirnercial and Residential STRATFORD D. HEIMPELWM. MOSES 393-SS90 (We accept collect calls) 271-6305 I ST. JOHN AMB ULA NCE Standard, First Aid Course (An excellent 8 week course) Timet 7:30 — 9:30 Wednesday evenings. LocatIont S.D.H.S. Costs No charge to _ individuals with a Workmen's Compensation Board No. $15 for participants without a W.C.B. number. Commencing: Wed., Jan. 14 through March 3 Registration: By phone or in person at the Recreation Office prior to Jan. 7 - Limited enrollment. For Farther Information Contact: SEAFORTH RECREATION OFFICE 527-0882 * BUILT BETTER, NOT, CHEAPER B0X'FURN1,TURE* *. * PHONE 5k7-0680 SEAFORTH �A* o., �t/ir- ••yi• fir- alit i1i- itr.• t1i�-.:'�1i'; rti- .il 1.t�t-.rtfi•• i1i�-. ifi�--�*�i' . ti- :� • �?� y+����'�i�•�'3i�-�d`• •;��'.,�Q.•�i� ••n�•''�s �i�•-,rte '�� .gist ?� .n� ��• ' '-�.- u Seaforth*PUblic Utilit. Comm' ss•ion y WATER. RATE INCIREASE effective January'1, 196 ' These rates will be applied'on all, bills issued•on and after January 1, 1976. P PRESENT RATE NEW RATE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Flat rate ti 15.00 per `monith 17.50 per month COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS Flat rate $5.00 per month 17.50 per month Metered rate 1 st 8000 gal. at 11.20 per month 11.80 per month 2nd 8000 gal, at 11.00 per month 11.50 per month Balance gal, at 1.80 per month 11.20 per month Service Charge 11.40 per month 12.10 per month Minimum Bill 15.00 per month 17.50 per month COMMERCIAL'and INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS with Sprinkler Systems --- --FlaFlat t rate of 115 per month plus flat rate or metered rate for regular consumption per month OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS Flat rate sl 0.00 per month 115.00 per month Metered rate 10 8000 gal. at 12.40 per month 13.60 per month 2nd 8000 gal. at 12.00 per month 13.00 per month Balance gal. at 11.160 per month 12.40 per month Service Charge 12.80 per month 14.20 per month Minimum Bill 110.00 per month $15.00 per month All water consumption (metered rates) as of February 1, 1976 will be calculated in cubic meters. Seaforth Public Utilities Commission Chairman Dr. R. Whitman Commissioners Mayor E. Cardno Edmund Daly Manacer W. A."Scott