The Huron Expositor, 1975-12-11, Page 10' ....;:. rm.+nn..*xrvr r`�rN•...•Av^x �m-rerrw, m',.• n. .,•. no-r•e�a=:�;
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1 i't U Q. E"Q611TOR, DECEMBER 11, ,19.75
..", 4-Q ,Qtt►�ngs
`f se'Xrnas lights sparing!
y� 4
' ($y Jack Riddell M.P.P.) land acquisition In the Salt Fleet Health. Mr. Frank Miller replied the • hospital. Another cri:xia the capa43ty'm handle that flow,`
¢ '1 Development at which time the that the negotiations have no would be to determine if Adequate Mr. Mi1I`er said that insofar as ' •' �' �'f
. '!<'he Minister of Energy, Mr. P ,. $ t q •• � ' � ' J . t
vennls'Timbrell, this week in the Director of Land Development really broken down. Mr. Miller alternative h ospital ,facilities operating efficiency, that in itself
r 3
Legislature satA that he, did not resigned because of political said That the stated positions of a were within reasonable distance would be a reason to close a
wt to discourage the practice of pressure. Mr. Sargent stated that 35%u fee increase generatiAg 48% „ �of the facility to be "closed and has hospital. � • ; .
colourful displays of lights in if.the RCMP in Ottawa could raid more revenue, were to the
homes and neighbourhoods at the offices .of Cabinet Ministers opinion of the doctors based upon
N for tiles pertaining to a $95,000 studies the undertook to see Ob i t V a r i eS `f �•
Christmas but -would urge the P g Y �ITte.
economic use of decorative sky shop profit, it is equally% •.vhat it would take to catch up MRS. CHARLES L. BRISTO�V grandchildren, Richard, Glen,,
outdoor lights, He said thbre is a important that a $3 million land' with the level theywereat four or Mrs. Mary Irene Bristow Cynthia and Paul Stewart and Bill
real Beed to prevent the profit be fully investigated. In the five years ago. Mr. Miller said he passed away suddenly Dec. 4, and Catherine Scoit.
g last two ears, Mr. Sargent said read into some of their comments The body was at the Whitney-
hitne -
extrava ant use of electrical the Minister of the da has the fact that they were still willing 1975 at the William Beaumont Y y
energy and suggested that Y g Hospital, Royal• Oak in: her 70th Ribey funeral home where funeral
outdoor Christmas lights be refused access to the tiles to the to live by guidelines but one year. She had been a resident of and committal services weee held
` + , turned on only atter dinner and Legislature and it is time that cannot ask, for 35% and live Royal Oak for the past 40 ears. Saturday, December 6. Rev. E, G.
then switchedoffat bedtime. By Ontario taxpayers hav the same withip guidelines. He said he She was born at Lu know, Nelson officiated and interment ``�r`%>ue,?
a 3 r. rh
protection as matters cannot accept that kind of followed*in Win ham Cemeter>f y y '
A}q y having them on for three or four P P Ontario. Feb. 12, 1906 the Wingham y•> 1,}_;�yf
hours in the eveninginstead of all concern. demand. P
daughter of Wilbert and Ada allbearers were, John Pipe,N���£s�6
' da and night, electricity bills can The Province's - seat -belt Mr. Miller was also asked by Webster. She grew u in Seaforth nephew, of Brussels; Jack
Y g., Y g P a Ns`xrz g $yin r K y s bis k" sK
be -kept down and we can still legislation has received third and the Opposition Members `what attending the Public School acid Coolies, nephew of Blyth; Lloyd
' enjoy the colour and' excitement final readin g•Only R al Assent action the Government would Collegiate Institute. _ Scott of Simcoe; Ros§ Boettger
of Christmas lights. Outdoor is needed to make Ontario the • take should the doctors pull out of Survivingare her hustand, and Ernest Mount 61 Galt
A g f'i'st jurisdiction in NorthAmerica OHIP. He replied that he was not Cambridge and George Has of
decorative lights on_ provincial j p Charles L. Bristow whom -she g g y 3�,�x R„ f}.,�
ovetument buMin s will be to implement the mandatory convinced that there is any married Jan. 30, 1926 in Detroit; Seaforth. '�4 w 6'h, - �?�
;e g g wearingof automobile seat -belts. sizeable chane in the number of5?'f �asz¢,aan! $y;
turned on at 7:00 p.m. and The latakes effect Januar 1st, people pulling out. If the do 2 daughters, Mrs, Wilbur (Joan)r
s;c again at midnight. Mr. Timbrell Y p P P g >' Briggs, Iron Mountain; Mrs. iF�y�
P P and the poli will be instructed there may be problems for certain y g Y Funeral services for the late
said that Municipalities can lay a P Y P Herbert (Mar) Sage, troy and a " tt f ,•ci i
not to lay charges during the first patients. but he did not see that Mrs. Lyle .Racho of Seaforth were
vital role,in making this conserva- g g p sister Mrs. Colin (Dorothy) hn�
held December at 'ori �s s qrq <z'
tion effort work, and that he is month. Reduced speed limits, there is currently a problem. Mr. Hendry of Maberley, Ontario. 5t the Box
'Funeral Home and conducted by
requesting that Municipal being introducedtggether with Miller said the Federal A past ,president of the �ti ai}yf�f F„r
the seat -belt legislation, will Government has a weapon it has Rev. M. E. Reuber. r ,• ry:,r, ">
councils direct that all their g P Clawson Women's Club, Mrs. The former -Marjorie orie Jean Roe,
buildings observe the guidelines probably be in effect on .all said it will use. It is his Bristow was a Red Cross
as well. Although the cost to the highways in the Province by understanding that certain volunteer, a member of Chapter Mrs. Racho died December 3 at
individual, to burn one or two mid-January. A special information will be required of 495 O.E.S., Clawson and the University 'Hospital, London
temporary exem ton from the professionals in Canada, in terms following an illness of several
strings of lights day and night, is P P( p United Church Women of months.
modest and • the energy used reduced speeds "will likely be of their ,change in income and Clawson United Methodist
relatively low but on a province- allowed for long-distance buses change in billing practice. The Church. Temporary entombment
followed in Pioneer Mausoleum,
wide basis, the peak demand on until new timetables and Federal Government said thev Mrs. Bristow rested 'at
connections can be scheduled. would tax any one that broke the Pallbearers were Keith
ti Ontario Hydro represented by the Knisey Garrett Funeral McClinche Donald Coleman, Model CZ04�
these lights is substantial. Mr Although only a few MPP's guidelines, 100 cents on the Home, 420 South Lafavette, Royal Y' SHARP.
actually voted against the dollar, Oak, where a Memorial Service Lionel Brown, Fred Lobb, Peter
Timbrell said he had no desire to g
•r Malcolm,,NormanBrown. Flower
darken the Christmas spirit in any seat belt legislation, many others Mr.Stuart Smith, Liberal was held Sunday, December 7 at
way but the sensible use of expressed reservations and Memberof.Hamilton West, asked 7:30 p.m. bearers were John Racho,
decorative lights 's one example reluctance about the measure. the Minister of Health that as he Thomas Williams; Ken Pethick.
g P The Rev. W. Herbert Glenn of // DIAGONAL "LINYTRON PLUS” COLOR TV
of ho b tter energy In reply to a question by the had refused to inform the House • "LINYTRON PLUS" color picture tube. ,�,
N� g- Clawson United Methodist MRS. GRANT BISBACK
management ractices can be Leader of the Opposition. Mr. of the � list of hospitals he is Church conducted the funeral The death occurred in Victoria 20 • 100% IC solid state modular chassis. .,,��•—
implemented by everyone. Stephen Lewis, as to what' considering closing , on previous service on Monday, December Hospital, London on Monday of • "ACS -3" button automatically adjusts tfie color,
Mr. Eddie Sargent, Liberal accounted for the apparent occasions, could' he at least tell Mrs. Grant Bisback of 83 Brock tint and fine tuning.
g 8th at 11 a.m. ' • UHF 70 Detent Tuner for easier UHF' channel selection.
Member for Grey -Bruce. breakdown v: in negotiations the House the criteria for closing Intermept was in Roseland Street, Hensall. She was 48. • "Split -Second Start" .. , instant picture, instant sound.
' speaking not on party policy, but between the Ministry of Health the hospital. Mr. Miller replied park Cernetery, Berkley. The .former Mary Margaret • Full 26,000 V picture power.
as a private member, charged the , and the Ontario Medical that one of the most obvious ones Shade, she was a daughter of the • VHF dipole, UHF loop antennas.
Bell Telephone Company of Association, the Minister 'of would be'the physical condition of MRS. MARGARET RINTOUL late Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shade of • Walnut grain cabinet.
P P •CSA certified.
II Canada with using tactics parallel Mrs. Margaret Rintoul, 67, Egmondville. She attended school .
to blackmail. Mr. Sargent stated Arenaw'anfs PUC wife of the late Chester Rintoul of inEgmondville and Seaforth.
that Bell Canada is Wfusing to Brussels, of 53 West William She is survived by her husband •
service thousands. of Ontario Street, died Wednesday, to whom she was married in 1945
Citizens with telephone service on.• December 3 at Seaforth and by four sons, James A.,
the pretext that they have been „�,,� to r b llcom
pr''o m s e Community Hospital after a Shakespeare and Peter G., Allan
refused their rate increases. He lengthy illness. D. and Kevin R. and a daughter
stated that in view of the Seaforth council's arena named treasurer of. the arena The former Margaret Lauretta Cynthia A., all at home. She is _ CROWN
complete monopoly control that committee. has :a' compromise to fund rising committee, he said, Pollard, she was the daughter of also - survived by a
c Bell Canada enjoys and this suggest to the PUC. Water use at and he was authorized to give out Edward James Pollard of granddaughter.
Quebec basedcompany, sets its the arena was extremely high this Town of Seaforth receipts to Brussels and the late Margaret Funeral service will take place HARDVI/ARE
rates for Ontario in Quebec, that fall as ice melted repeatedly donors who want to claim tax Pollard. She was predeceased by at the R.S.Box Funeral Home, .
unless Bell can provide service to because of warm weather. deductions. her husband and one sister, Seaforth. at 2 p.m. Thursday
enjoy this monopoly, then the The PUC put a meter at the LIP financed renovation wor is Esther Mrs. L. Braddick of ` e e
j Y P Y• p ,k conducted by Rev. Donald R. '
Province of Ontario should take it arena this summer and as a result underway now at ' the arena, Vancouver. Beck of Hensall. Interment will Phone: 527-1420 S O
over as a public . utility. Mr. council received a whopping Mr.Bennett saiid with three men She was born in Gkey follow in Egmondville Cemetery.; \�
Y r Sargen�i conCld'i7ed' that a $627, vbater ill=las! moltith:''Tite npptrtV tI16%tehew-crit;•" putting Township. June 8, 1908 attif +pall'befir9;s�vfitlfbeJ�hn cea, e p h � u 14 "� � g �t `a �
telephone is as important today as water bill at the same time last up new partitions and fire board. married Chester. Wilfred Rintoul Lorne Archer, Clarence Reid, ; .�w` iNMIN
hydro or gasoline' and no one year, when usage wasn't metered The arena committee decided April 4, 1928 and resided in James Brown, Roland Vanstone
should be denied this basic was, a flat $30, there was no sense in giving Morris Township until 1951 when and Leslie Dolmage.
necessity. He stated that if we Arena committee chairman Bill discounts when the arena is they moved to Galt.
have been able through Bennett said they afe suggesting rented for two or three day Here she worked in 'the
technology in this nuclear age to that the arena pay $50 a month for events, and trying to raise money cafeteria of South . Waterloo
put a man on the moon, surely we water, effective October 1, 1975. at, the same. time, Mr.Bennett Memorial Hospital until she
x; can provide our people this basic The arena committee would like said. next year when rentals -are retired. She then moved to CHOCOLATES CHOCOLATES
service and have Bell stop their the PUC to record gallonage set the committee will ll loo look"_at Seaforth in 1970. She was. a
blackmailing practises. until September 1, 1976 and then discounts. member of First Presbyterian
Mr. Sargent als that he the water rate could be The arena fund raising auction Church, CHOCOLATES*
plans to have the RCMPCMP seize the reassessed. scheduled for. last Saturday was Surviving besides her father
file of the Ontario Housing The arena may have to have postponed and . will be are .two daughters Helen, Mrs.
Corp oration,�' dating from 1967 to equipment that uses less water, rescheduled after Christmas, Douglas Stewart of Seaforth and
1975, Mr. Sargent stated there is Mr. Bennett admitted. "We have councillors were told. Wanda, Mrs. William Scott of �•(�
sufficient ev ence that there was no answer yeti The arena roof should be fixed Essex; her sister Frieda, Mrs, To Delw*ht on Chris Morn
?i an overpayment of $3 million in Ernest Williams has been shortly Mr. Bennett reported. Mervyn Pipe of Brussels and six
t —
' Order. Poinsettia and Christmas arrangements to beautify your home for the festive
Azaleas, cyclamen,poinsetta$, pot mums, mixed Christmas pans
Terra riums, 15.00- 50.0°,Amaryllis bulbs, green planters; Christmas cacti, plants,
Christmas arrangements 1000 a-nd up .O•rder'early-for best choice
P�lene7- 12 Jarvis-Stteet Seaforth
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un ur
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Seaforth's largest display of toys by
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