HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-11, Page 9.0
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SeafortbCentenaires bad a game to pfill out the vrirll Tj�e ,«lgho Culligan sc000'. opal a s 4041 10d i kt1C dt i'1'. O?iti
busy weekend' playing three •teams played fairly evert for the playod"well as Play trake])ed, Vit'{ ��itPxiri� a
games. The local boys collected . first twenty minutes' 'but after e.44, to ond.00 noC"10 t -l4 ?}? A
four out of a possible six points being shorthanded for the first 10 ''The 441 period saw NO ell ale cin a gga):by 1'etP � ite�s�l
and except for some extremely minutes of .play the Centenaires teak the tie at 11.32 as laeunis o Stv+ti)teh$(}- rile ,
poor pfficiating -would have had a broke- the ice as Cam Doig Fisjter moved the �ristfoxs l foal 4 ��t>F .�le]sroB �p�te �ealFotth':nx
Points. finished off a three 'ivay' passing up.. Jamie CaMdwelf then' stollo 4C,",
ers' e1 '.;,stlotsl ?vlail�' :ii1 , `
Mitchell Seaforth 2 play with Jamie Caldwell and pass at 16 Al and evened the eo ares part .Datre,ii mPa Wi4a
Friday's game at Seaforth saw Kevin Bennett to give the local count again at 2 all with an res ed3�titttes,a5uaf►ltt(t.tFelyd'
tis; Mitchell Hawks take boys a 1 - 0 lead. unassisted effort. A couple of bad 17 theme" penaltjes c.�ile4lvhcit
e calls b the offici is 'left th
The second period saw ell a e
advantage of penalties to score c nd per a Match y • eve tually proved verb!
with 39 seconds remaining in the even the score at 1-1, at 14:08 as Centenaires two men short for the Seaforth& Mt. B0'� 4011 ,
The .Centen)rea bouticesl
Saturday. night ]ti'l�ltwllrytlge
ink curls a } Sarn ! a Jamie Caldwell pgtted a oaf tr.�� • . ,.:, : �1
in leading -the, Ceatenaiires •to'att
A team of local curlers, Bob some good curling that day and as • popular .again. If • you have easy .$ . 1 victory . Lou Arts
Wilson, Dave Cornish, Rod Doig spectators are welcome. out-of-town friends whom .you played well in the Seaforth net
and Bob Ste Marie participated in The Bonspiel Committee 'would like to invite, be sure to and on)y a freak goal broke bile
the annual Imperial Bonspiel in reports that their two-day Mixed enter your team early, *Club shutout. Seaforth playing withouf
Sarnia on December 4, 5 & 6th. Invitational is coming up on members may also invite a couple Gord Carrigchan and Rich
They didn't come home with-. January 17th apd 18th. There will of new curlers from our own club. McDonald made up the difference
Murray McClure Bill Henderson Kevin,Henderson pr17es but had a very good time, be two draws; 9 o'clock and 11:30 There will be a poster at the with desire as :he completely n -
' ' There is only one week of o'clack. Two ten end games will club giving details. dominated play.
Dennis Murray, Casey Van Bakel.' Front: Blgln_ curling left in the pre -Christmas be played on Saturday with a A couple of, weeks ago, the Seaforth$ PortStaataley3 g A
Dearing (Coach), Gord Dick, Paul Coyne, Jim draws. dance dnd social evening 'Club received a trophy donated The Centenaires played their
Finlayson, Bob Henderson, Don Henderson (Train- The first O.C.A. event hosted following. by the Broadfoot family in third .game in as many nights
er), Brad Finlayson, and Chuck Dow (Absent). by the local club is the Seniors On Sunday, breakfast will be memory of former ice maze and again came up with a team effort
Subdivision Playdowns, on served and the third games will good friend Wilmer Broadfoot. to hand the Port Stanley Lions an
a s h e rs Sunday, December 28th. At press be played. Prizes, donated by The trophy is to be awarded 8 - 3 defeat. Cam Doig and Jamie
Mtime, 1 had not been able to find Ball Macaulay and Crocker annually to the top -placing team Caldwell lead the locals'with 2
out which team would represent Family Footwear will be awarded in the 'Competitive League. goals apiece as the Seaforth
aregrand our. club. Hopefully we will know This spiel proved to be a huge Sincere appreciation and thanks Club dominated the opposition
by next week. There should be success last year and sh ould be from the club to the Broadfoot : even when shorthanded as the
family for making this award" -=A locals scored 3 shorthanded goals
available. and added 3 power play goals to
"Ro(Ing Scores The ladies club will be coast to an easy win.hampfons
conducting a few small fund The win Sunday leaves the
B,roomball players. , had four raising ventures throughout the Centenaires with a 5-6 record and
p y Sl James Bowling League Thursday Nlghters With two wins this weekend they to The proceeds o
hard fought games to win the Team Standings: � Team Standings: season• p g could move u into a teal jam -4p
"A" championship and' a fifth Up, & Downs, 61; Tigers, 52; Question. darks 36 pts.; Bowling towards decorating. p l p
p g p g B the Way: in the league standings as the
one %r a Grand Championship in Aces, 38; Mis Fits 35; Swingers. Stones 36 pts.; The Corner Ones y y'
Rodney -9n the weekend. Did you know that Rule 2 of the •-..tcgms are very evenly matched
In'the first game C4th won 1 to 35; Down &Out, 31. 36 pts. ;Rocky Bowlers 33 Pts.; p g this season. .
special rules of the Seagram Ladies' high single, Sandra The Pin Ups 25 Pts.; The Mixed Curlingchampionship of This Friday will see f)Ye
0 over Woodstock Oxford Sport, . Johnson, 241, 615. Men's high Frustrations 23, -pts. p P Centenares travel to Xxeter for
the second 4 to I over Welland, single John Hauwert, 288; High ladies' hi h single Jean Cairns, Canada st ales that "Teams shall
the third 2 to 1 over Toronto g g g g be corrtposed of two ladies and their first visit against the strong
W. R. and the fourth 2 to 1 over tripfe,Reg. pick, 701. 252; High 't riple M.A.Weiler, two men, with the men playing Exeter squad then they return`to
560. Men's High single and the friendly- confines of • the
Rodney Roadrunner, the hosting the positions of skip and second, Y'
Y.B.C. triple, Eric Matzold 303, 787. Seaforth arena Sunda afternoon
team. • •> the ladies playing the positions of Y
In the Championship game Team standings; Y. B. C. SENIORS third and lead." Imagine that! In With the Tavistock Braves
Dale Kennedy scored early in the Peacocks, 49; Starlings, 43; Team standings: r1 this day and age of. equal rights! supplyiing the opposition,
BROOMBALL WINNERS =The. Morley Mashers
won the grand championship at a tournament. In
Rodney on the weekend. Team members are, from
left., bac Neil Murray, Garry Bennett, Dale
Kennedy, l5lyde McClure, Danny Murray (Manager)
game to take a one nothing lead. Eagles, 38; Orioles, 37,Kmg- Alouettes, 50 pts.; Eskimos, 36,
Then dater in the game Seaforth fishers, 32; Tweety Birds, 32. Kawasakis, 28; Rough Riders, 26.
got a two men break away, with Girl's high single Christine Girl's high single and triple,
Brad Finlayson leading the rush Cairns, 191; high triple, Patti. Brenda Cooper, 211, 536. Boy's
up the right wing drawing, the ` Scott 507. Boy's high single and high single and triple, Dave
Action at Friday night's..Centenaire game. They lost this one goalie towards him, then passing triple, Paul Ellis, 267, 593. Underwood, 255, 720.
to Neil Murray who scored to
"but won two more Saturday arfd Sunday..; make it 2 - 0. � 4%.
With only two minutes 0 ■L.��' �rr� ice. ���i'�-,��
Bowling Scores
Mixed League
Barracudas, 61; Thunderbieds,
Team Standings:
43; Jaguars, 40;
Gum .Drops, 48; Hum Bugs, 47;
Mustangs, 39; Cougars, 36;
Lollipops 43; Jelly,Beans 37; Life
Wildcats, 33.
Savers 30; Jaw Teasers 26.
Ladies' high single and triple,
: Ladies' high single and triple,
Mary Noble, 254, 712. Men's
Betty Smith, 227, 641. .Men's
high single and triple, Ron
high single and triple, Ron
Beuerman, 273, 703.
Beuerman, 251, 708.
Country Club
Commercial League
Team Standings:
Team Standings:
Corn Blakers, 43 pts; Honey
Optimists 43; Happy Bunch 44
C6mbs, 35; Cheerios, 32; Fruit
Sharpies 41; Penny Pinchers 37;
Loops, 32;. Sugar Pops, 24; Apple
Turtles, 24; Gold -Diggers 23.
Jacks, 23.
Men's high single, P.
Ladies' high single, Karen
Vandervliet 319; High Triple,
Hoegy, 273; High triple, Marg
Harry Laryer, 666. Women's high
Ungarian, 645; High • average,
singleYOnnie Oud, 210; High
Pearl McCallum, 191. Men's - high
Trinle,4lice Van Bakel 551.
single and triple, John Segeren -
Egmondviile Bowling League
268, 661. High average, Jack.
Team Standings:
Ungarian, 209.
FRI., DEC. 12
8:30 p.m. -Girls' Hockey
Seaforth Supremes vs, Clinton
SAT., DEC. 13
2 - 3:30 p.m. - Pablic Skating
7:00 p.m.- Peewee Hockey
Seaforth vs Bayfield
SUN., "DEC. 14.
r 2:30 p.m. - Jr. D. Hockey
Centenaires vs Tavistock Braves -
7 -00 p.m. - I.H.L. action
MON., DEC. 15
4:30 p.m. - Figure Skating
9:60 p.m. - Girls' Hockey
Seaforth Supremes vs St. Marys
TUES., DEC. 16
7:45 p.m. - Bantam Hockey
SepfortWvs Clinton
9:00 p.m.. Midget Hockey
Seaforth vs Clinton
WED., DEC. 17 •
1 - 3:60 p.m. - 'Parents & Pre Schoolers Skating
8:00 p.m. - Women's Broomball
6115 p.m, - Power Skating
7:30 p.m. - Men's Broomball
Sponsored by = CANADiAN TIRE LTD.,
b Seaforth•
• o
tern pull , Rodney scored, then ru� .
There are they pulled their goalie, for a>;i
a attacker putting on the
some things p sure.
YoLlX dressmake But with 'superb goal tending
by Murray McClure the
�i % /� %
r defence held to put Seaforth into �j � � j �j
can't, d0 . the Grand Championship dame r % % j j
Hill. WIN
Pr7R3•/C/PB[1'/0�1 Seaforth won this 3 to 0. Goals / 1111,w j
Fitness. to you,• heart you know it's right. Fere scored by Gord Dick, Neil l
Murray and Clyde, McClure.
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