HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-05-11, Page 31 1 'THE W1NURAM TIMES,, MAY 1894, Teach f irts new to Ilse Money, .1 Sit uta $tralgltt, • It ir,, ��"rr'just been my peasure to ell`• !' 'Your back was not made for a - tei'taiii'S+living proof that young girls. barrel Hoop ; so do not curve it can be early taught to'spend money Around, but rather straighten it out, to tlio best advantage, l God made man uptight ; not round • My guest was twelve years of age, ' shouldered, hump -backed, or bending the daughter of refined parents ; the over, feather; a judge. of great reputation in, If yotx bend over too much in your his own state; the mother, thoroughly, studies, get a lower seat. Saw the domestic, but a wise ruler in her own legs off from an old chair, and sit Moine, as I learned before seeing the down so low that your chinwill come daughter. just above the table, make the hind On ,the day of her arrival, m i logs a little shorter than the • fore young friend showed ine a long list legs, and then read and write of purchases her inanlnia had given! with your arms on. the table, and it. het to make: I sighed inwardly as 1 will take -sonic of the crook from your glanced over it, thinking ; "That back. means a day's shopping for lee- and'i One mother, whose daughter was Koh at responsibility'!" The next getting the habit of stooping, used to iuorning as eared were pressing, 1i have her lie flat on her back, without "Timothy ,,. for ! handed Iiliiotlly Quest"to my a pillow, an,lioui t3ac11 clay, while Womanly guest, saying : "the paper- she read to her out of some interesting hangers need so much looking after book. Ina little while she was as you must excuse me." • She looked straight as need be, and a picture of thoughtful an instant, then said ; "1 health and strength. think I will do my shopping this In sante countries the women carry morning and got it off my mind." pails, tubs and heavy loads on their ' "I thought she had more sense," I heads—this keeps them erect. Throw; mentally ejaculated, but said aloud ; i11,a back the arms is pother means,. Really, dear, you see how I ani situat• ofd. keeping straight. Remembe ed; I cannot accompany you; waitpa- youmay add years to your life y tiently until to -morrow." As I pro- standing up straight, and you lay waled, the Honest brown eyes opened not onl`,y�.,have a longer life, it a Wide and with womanly- grace the stronger,'. broader, deeper, iai,ppicr child, in a tone of surprise, said : and more useful life, if yet o about "There. is not the slightest need of with your heiitd erect, clic, expanded your going ; indeed, I do not want and lungs weli,develope . ,. with 'rosy you to,' you are so busy!' ' cheeks. and fresh;comp • tion, than to "But your mother surely expected go about bent over , Cramped up; me to select what she sent for ? stooping, flan chestewll , sallow, nervous "1Vhy, no, she never thought of and miserable. • imposing such a task upon you. I Remember, G do nearly all the buying at home ; right. the babies keep mamma so closely ! confined. , Then she says I can never ! - learn any younger." So emi Stillhesitated, saying: "What Sarmapnri docs a girl of your age know . of ine oitiz 'corduroy' ? I Notice that on our States y y w h i list." Sa Very modestly, slie replied : "Why 11- I know the price and qualityinamina .possesses merit "peculiar -to itself." uses for brother's clothes. She thought I might do better hero." Slow to yield the point, I said : "Where are your samples of -the silks you want -to buy ?" "I haven't any. I know what mamma wants to pay, and the colors she wants, and I must do the best I nude Mian up- onliar to Itsei'. • ntly successful has Hood's a been that inan.y lead- s from all over the United urniah,,�� testimonials of cures seen a,lliTest ruiracuions. Hood's aparilla is not au accident, but the e fruit of industry and study. It HOOD'S Paas cure :Nausea, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion,•Biliousness. Sold by all druggists. A Well -Dressed Woman. It is not so bard to dress well as many women think. The most im- portant thing to learn is to dress ap- call, just as .she would." propriately'and women often appear ill -dressed when they are only dressed Half convinced, I gave her the" name of a raliable firm and awaited inappropriately. To follow the the result with bated breath. Ilt an fashions does not necessarily mean amazingly short til.Ile•i11y young guest that if a thing is fashionable, ,,+one `reappeared, and I ° was forced to must have it, but simply that fashions • admit that the purchases were really are to be used •as •L grade in shaping t 1 1 I t tit o c' 'needs h is Castoria, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cbildron. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic snhstauce. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. $i; is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years'apo h9 Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms Hurl allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach unci llvw©1s, giv ng I1lcalthy and natural sleep, Cast tori:., is tt o Cllildran's Panacea—he Mother's Friend. Ca StOria. "Castoria is an erzccllent medicine for ahil- dren, Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upoa their children." Dn. G. C. Os000n, • Lowell, hash. ., Castoria fa the beau remedy for children of wbicll I t.;a acquainted, I hopo tato day is not far cis:aat Whenmothorn will consider tho real interest of t:x'ir children, and use Castoria in. stead of the v::riousquack nostrur: tswhieh rho destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing, syrup and other hurtful agents dorm their throats, t1}oroby sending them to premature graves," Da..1. F. K renaLoa, Conway, Ar Cdstori'.L. " Castoria is so well adapted to el,!;dren that I recommend it as superior toany prescription known to ria." II. A. Avert tc, lir. D., Ili Go. Oxford ,;t., i roc:,lyn, :v.• �. "Our physicians I.I tau clta::c '., d.•,><rt meat have s1o:=un l:i;ltly of t-... r cnpori• erne in their outside practice wt.a Cautotia, and although wo only have among orr medical supplies what is known as re;;ui. products, yet wo aro free to confess that tl:e merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Mourn floserrAL AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Meas. ALLEN C. SMITE, Fres., Tho Comtaar ComIlnsy, ' Murray John Quincy Street, Nem York City. Adams Proud of His Blether. There are few eminent men who have not said that their success in life was largely.owing to their mother's teaching, and who have not been f proud of the many illustrations of this truth Thc• mother of John Quiney Adams said in a letter, written'when he twos spectacles by a slick old fellow with twelve years olcl: a round, grey head on him as any I would rather see you ]aicl in a ever otivnecl : Are you a male or grave than grow up a profane and feanlale? If so state how long yii graceless boy. been so. Ilad you a father or. mother? Not long before the death of Mr. If so, which? Are u subject to fits? Adams, a gentleli.an said to hint, Iy Blessing to Every Eousehold• IHOLLOWAY'S P1118 'AND Ol TMEN These remedies have stood the tsNt of fifty yr.ttn experience, and are pronounced the t*4 Lirdlai Aamaly use, Punt) the blood, rorrert all Worriers of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND 3 t " 1 1 t t.ta• invaluable In nil euptplaints incidental to females of all ages, t. Is the only reliable remedy for bad lege, sores, ulcers, and old sounds FOR iln0NCUitZS, !3U 'Tn1t0ATS, Geta;tis, r'OLDS, GMT, atF'EUSIATISii, GLADULAII, St1ELLINGS AND ALL S� 1 DISPA5k S IT liAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, NOV Oxford. Late 883, .oxford Street, Louden., and sold by ell hlediellu readers throughout the world. ' I4.% 1'nr,lhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the addreas is. nett 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Josh Billings on Insurance. I ki.un to the conclusion lately that life was so unsartin that the only way for me to stand a fair chance with other folks was to get my life insured, so I kalled on the agent of the Garden Angel Insurance Co., and answered the following questions, whieh were put to me over the top of a pair of ,� and if so du yu have more than one have found out who made you. more judiciously- made than they t ie c of les )es sus ec o 1. s at a time? Dicl*ou ever have any would have been had I aided her. and one's e!rciumstancea in life. The What do you mean asked Air. ancestors? and if so how much? Du, y ar > well-dressed woman is the woman : Adams? tit 1.n re Iiccl nave been yu have any nightmare ? Are yn r 11 Tllecl 1iCartil Sa�'illg : Iu '•• OUR_ Rf 'T��. ILIA s• UNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FI,E li I�' REF'JSIN9 TO TAKE ITS FOOD LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED WHYDON'T�" YOU TRY e4�J1�Qltw.1" IT W HELP WONDERFULLY FOR THE BEST VALUE IN .tu „ CLOTHING, f HATS, GO TO STER'S CAPS, COLLARS, SE IRTS, QUFFS, &c. Cheap for KSS, AT W E• 13 S r 3� E 1 b. ' Featherbone Corsets must not r be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago. The Peatherbone Corset of to -day is as far removed from the old. style, as black is from white. BUY A PMR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. le lab to • t who material the best aterial she can aalittle ined so strange to be treated like aLf ord • and would' rather have one l'girl; at first they would good serviceable dress than two treat isle just like. inannna, sllow,nie ` y what they have and wait for inc to • she is a busy woman, siic will not decide." wear the furbelows which require "No• wonder," I replied, looking constant attention to keep then in into the face of the speaker. "Truly order, and are in anything but good there are girls and girls, and mothers taste when not in order. If she is a and mothers." ';'iicn I questioned woman of means, she will not choose her as to her accomplishment. She the frail gowns Which aro intended said: only•to be used as carriage gowns. "I commenced to buy when I was 'i'hcre are many things, pretty in just a little girl, and now I bay all ( themselves, which are in the worst my own clothes. Papa gives me an taste if used in an inappropriate way; allowance, and I am .trying to save and the woman who is well-dressed all I can out of it to put in the saw- newer errs regarding •this point in hen ings bank." t0i1Ct. • Such a daughter is nicked a trews- - ure. Is not the example worthy of imitation?—New-York Observer. • 'Inc gull sn ` p married or single, are • yu a bachelor ? reading the published letters of your Have you ever committed suicide? mother. 1' t I had If so how clic. it effect you? After Hardly show me anything thinking I „ ' If tins Gentleman ro �L e�, only wanted samples. At home they lattelld m� oil be whcons like a 11 firsts cf , tiIf spoken that dear name to some little answering in ithe the affirmative,above the slick little boy who haul been for weeks away fat old fellow with ,;old spectacles on from. his mailer, his eyes could not said I ,vas insured fur life and pro have flashed more brightly' than did the eyes of that venerable man when bably would x emain SO fol' some years. • I pronounced the name of his mother. I thanked hien, smiled and retired. peculiar manner Grand Trunk Paihvay. t1mh.. T+tuut> il+or.unty , a , iL, 'Hamilton, Ont., writes : "It gives i inetloulubiu. lie Nero and ash tar SleSI. %Vins)nw a me pleasure to inform you of the Soothingsyrup, and tubo no other kind, excellent results I have received from Happy 1SIan, the 'use of your great remedy K. D. . O. Por a considerable time I had boon The happiest man in tit) world to - a great sufferer from acute indiges• day is the successful farmer. He tion ; my body was wasting away sits under his own vine and fig tree, for want of proper • nourishment, undisturbed by the maddening noise which my stomach refasecl,to accept, of the city. Banks' fail, railroads go nor was 1 able to find any remedy into the hands of receivers, booming that afforded any relief, until one of towns collapse and all business stag - my son3'brought home a few packages of IC. D. C., and requested me to try them It is now about six or seven He stood ng, in his For Over Fifty sleara AN sct.D AND WELL -TRIED • 1IESI,EDY.-3G•s. win years S,.othina Syrup has been used for over fifty slow' by ,,tubo,, of mothers for their ehllerc,whilo tnethioe, wdth.porfeetamenss. It soothes tete child sotfens the gusts, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is theh,.st remedy for 1 larrho:a. Is pleasant to J. G. Gibson, Conductor on. G. T. the taste, Sold by Druggists In every part of the Gale. Its colpo is natcs,but the wise farmer can snap his finger at these things. He is monarch of all lie surveys on his broad acres. months since 1 commenced taking, The honesty of his boys and the the K. D. Cony health has improved, purity of his girls are guarded against my weight has greatly increased, temptation, and in them he is giving and I feel lilts; myself amain." . the country its best manhood and 1 womanhood. The farmer is to be A. toll of lure gold is worth $603,d envied, and if he is notcontented 709.21 and ton of pure silver $37,- With his lot he is lacking in wisdom, 701.81. A Inillian dollars in gold coin weighs about at ton and three. quarters DO nbt neY?legit coughs, colds asthma, and brorrehit]s, but euro them iv using Dr.. Wood's' Norway Pine, pecu 1� Twort Dist1n.:;e Re'i• v; d 1n 30 and said: Yes, sir; all that is good 7Vl7itult;s• ,1 it t'a, t s ,it or„ uu% ur tiy'tu- in inc I owe to my mother. paih,•,iu I',i.,r1. r:to-,•at�1• t• o.tetl in :i0 minutes nntl gill l i+ n n,.•.:, IHV 111•- An Dys- neve:; (.N11.... l' ;t )tr.la. l r,�;u,lw'. Drug- , store, \Vie„ Lour. Burdock Brood Bitters cure pepsin. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Constipa- tion. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Biliou'e- ness: Burdock Blood Bitters cure Headache. Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the clogged secretions of the Bowels thus curing Headaches and sitnilar ectn- pityin ts. I don't know whether I like these pictures or not, said the young woman., They seem rather indistinct. But you must remember, madam, said the wily photographer,' that your face is not at all plain. Tile fi •st habitable p'a'let was the fifth satellite of Saturn, according to scientists, \\'stied bc.'?,'an to cool about 5,000 years after the origin of the plan eta � y systt m. • I -have been greatly 'r•vuliled with hearinet,r• anti bad blo';11 NIT:rn'1r twelve 1 astl')(' t t• 111.:,° 13u1'.Ir,t:1. 1;10'1:1 131 tsrn 11) July, 1''5!x3. awl n w, 1•Tannarv, 1893.) 1 an, •t11'rf-t•iiy.'',ir'tt. 11:'Si E l$ `.11>, ti;.u•t+• ,.' (•6t. SPENT) TOUR OUTING- ON TUE GREAT° LAKES. Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It De - Belief in six hours, --Distressing I�fcf• will only cost you about $12,50 from De- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six tfoit; 0.5 from Toledo; $18 front Cleveland., hours by the "Great South American Kid- ' for the round trip, including meals and Hey Cltre.t' This great remedy is a great ` berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travel - ba on the D. & C. floating palaces. The surprise and delight to physicians- on ac attgractious of a trip to the 1ael fnac region count of its exceeding promptness in reliev : are unsurpassed. The island itself is a fns; pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and p ovary part of the urinary passages in andel grand romantic spot, its climate most in- every female. It relieves retention of water II vigorating. Two new steel passenger and paitt in passing it almost immediately. 1steamerslake route, just beensting 300,000 eacllbuilt � If you want quick relief aril euro 'this is , 1,1t per remedy. Sold at Chisaoinl's drub They Aro equipped w ith every modern store. convenience, annunciators, bath«rooms, fl etc., illuminated throughout ley electricity', ' and are guaranteed to be the grandest, The teacher—Johnny, ny, ,you may largest ansafest steamers on fresh water. tell us what you know about the sea Thse steamers favorably compare with son of spring. 'Me Chicago boy--; thee great ocean liners in construction and Spring is aL short season coming I Toledo Pour e Detroit, 1 c r 1Mflc it Actwec n between the first and last' part of , winter. X eat highly praise Burdock Blood •Bittere.becanse it had 11 fair trial to my Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, " Soo," Mar- quette and Duluth. Daily' between Cleve- land and Detroit, Daily between Cleve- land and Put -in -Bay. The cabins, parlors and staterooms of these steamers are de, Syrup, case With wonderful successt My syai,a-; 'signed for the complete entertainment of toothache... -..:Do you sinter wvitit l When a �vo111aIT says to her llus- toms were dropsy, bseltaobe and sleep• a humanity under home conditions; the pal - it ? al.it? Go buy a bottle of PIih-I:illel';hand: You know 1 haven't a bit of lessnese.ntnt Illi theserlisallpeal•ed after til 'equipment, the Iueery of tees. ' 'but .. shotilcl using two bottles of 13urdoolc 131oud point lents, makes traveling on these and find relief in the twvii ileyof an' Jealousy in lily Hat ire, 1 Bitters. I cannot praise' its healing steamers thorotihly' enjoyable. Send for eye—for Toothache it is. a siaeifie. like to know, et., look out for storms. powers too highly. I illustrated descriptive pamphlet, Address "VD/ K. D. C. the quick .reY.ewtbr of it, b. O. Ville Pr`atlurCtd natural sea Cl>;ottGINA l#oz,nzes, A. A. Seto nrz, G. 1'r itis, T. A., D. tA? IC's. 'fnd1gbstiall. tib% or the bowels. Wood Poiritt Seeevflle, N. E. Detroit, lynch. ts. �uy�CD" Vl' ' D.1Y&Cfi • THE ONLY ONE nb'� ° That will burn ..THE OXFORD' • - OIL GAS COOK STOVE ROUGH WOOD atcl C43511. ... Equally Well... Tile OXFORD GDUTE� do it:: Has the Largest Oven.... IS A FARMER'S STOVE is Everybody's Cook Stove. Seo lt, without wick. Makes and Burns its Own Gas From CommonC oa i • Oil. . NO DIRT, NO HEAT iN THE KITCHEN. ()Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents.. Th . ..9 GURNEY URNEY FOUNDRY ODI, Ltd., TORONTO, ' . —PAR SALE Ds QUICKLY YIELD TO .4' Balsam D. SUTHERLAND,. WIh7GHAri1 ONT. SUDDEN CHIL.S & COLDS AT THE COMMENCEMENT Of AN ATTACK TAKE it IttISPOONNI 'Of -+I,I PeS,RV DAVIS' tPAI •KILL ANfDIIIECURE ISMORISUDDLNTHAN THt6,1aa