HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 174
SVHS girls trumpet band marches on'
I d
rm -et -tion to. International 3cad inspec rq
It's a long road from being a "they don'tseem to mind it a their leader says proudly,
small band organized to play at bit."' Mr. Hildebrand and band
cadet inspections and the rail It's. untgrtunate that tnere bas members think that the invitatidn
Fair, to a spot as the only been no scrapb6ok kept of the to be the only marching band' r.
Canadian marching band in one band's accomplishments over the from Ontario in the big Edison
of the biggest parades in Florida. years. There is some information parade in Florida this winter is a
But that's the road the Seaforth in SDHS yearbooks and we can real honour.
District High School Giylsy are currnt , y
piece together a picture of bigger
Theelputtin as
Trumpet band has travelled since- ;,,,�pnd wider accomplishments every much energy as they do into
1957, and George Hildebrand has year. plaviiig, into a fund raising
-been their leader for almost the The band is the official band of campaign to pay their air fare 'to
whole time. the Ontario PI s
wmen Fort Myers. With the help of a
There were 28 girls in the band Assouiation and alwl�ys:zlays an
in 1957. 63 girlsplay in the band important ' part in the newly organized auxiliary to the
band, they've had a rummage
this year and George says he International Ploughing Match.. sale and a roast beeUdinner.
*44 plans to expand to 70 girls before In 1963. they welcomed Prime They plan A lot more activities
0 long. Minister L. B. Pearson to the,, and are happy to get donations to
00 The, band has played in big Match. the -fund that's been,opened for
parades all over Ontario, the In 1968 in brand new uniforms, /_t the Toronto Dominion
the tri 4
ro"T p
Royal Winter Fair, Niagara Falls the green blazers and plaid skirts Bghk her,.
and in Michigan, But - forms they still wear, theyTef Pierre The band will probably be
S DHS principal L.P.Plumsteel Elliott Trudeau when hi� was here billeted at Fort Myers College
says that at home in Seaforth, we during his first election during the patade and their room
tend to take them for granted. campaign. and board will be provided.
Mr. Plumsteel had a big part in The girls in the band are , In order to make the Florida
starting the original SDHS band tficknamed'"the Saints' , and the trip., the band needs the support
in 1948. "If was a boys' bugle term is taken from their unofficial of the whole, community. The
band, which we, organized to theme song "When the Saints go 0
accompany cadet inspection," . marching' in", which they've give
of an auxiliary to
give band members guidance and
Mr. Plumsteel says, played for as long as local . people moral support has helped. SDHS
A few girls joined the anand can remember.
principal Bruce $haw has been
the former principal says, "we In 1,964 the yearbook has the
investigating the possibility of a'
found they were better musicians saints from Seaforth High" Wintarjo grant and is -getting help
than the boys and more of -them going to the International in from the loc4l board'of education
could read music."There was a Peterborough.At the 1960 Match and MPP Jack Riddell.
certain appeal in those days in in Belleville, the girls stuffed All of Seaf6rth can't go to
having an all girl band,'.' Mr.- themselves throughout their trip Florida in February to see the
.Plumsteel says, as - Seaforth's and made a recording for West SDHS band -march in the third
was one of the Nst. Germany, 'according to a biggest parade in thq state. But
The SDHS Girls Trumpet Band yearbook article by 'Carolyn. donatiopg to the girls in the band
Band member Mary Devereaux looks as if she is wasn't quite all girls for quite a Hammond. will help them to get there and do
quite happy that the International Plowing Match few years though. Until the late George . had. a rest in 1965-66 a priceless publicity j�b for
1950's there was always one male when the band was led by Nancy Seaforth.
will be in Huron in '78. And she proves that girls member. He carried the big bass
Berger, who had been a mernbet
don't mind carrying a bass drum. drum which was thought to be too of the band herself.
heavy fbr iris.
A girl has arried the drum for 1973 was the first year that the,, Photos by
the past IS ye, rs or so with no ill band played in the Memorial Day
effects Ther are two girl bass parade in Inkster, Michigan.
Dave Robb
drum players in the 1975 band More than 200,000 peoplk saw For most of. the SDHS girl's trumpet banal's history, bandmaster George
and'. as Mr. Plumsteel. says, them march in the Inkster parade,.
Hi.ldebrand has directed with authority and leadership. George directs the band at
,.Story by ,the recent International Plowing Match near 0-s.'haft
Susan White
Hi jinks on the bus.on the
band's trip home
The girls in the band share a laugh before they perform
Cathy O'Leary, one of the band's newer members
.gets a moment to relax at the band's recent parade in
Oshawa. The local girls band hasn't' missed an
International Plowing Match since 1957.
As part of their fund raising eff
trip the SDHS band has held
art fOr their Florida Wednesday night they -held a beef dinner at the
several events. Last Legion and served a large crowd.
� iz
616h Stewart, the picture C
of 'concentration as she
,Plays her trumpet, is one of
63 girls forn S.D.H.S. goi6g
George Hildebrand, Tom WilbRe and Stu Coupland �hnok
bn the trip�to Fort Myers in
February. a draw at the' band's fund raising dinner