HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 14... ........... !.7 o! HE HURON �V�XPOSIITOR- E00101101M �4,� 1015 ............... -for C 11100 want 12, Wanted t9 04-V 14. Er9perty for Sale .14, ftwrty A., COW"s Events Eva* 4. Help WaRtOd - - i A D1- C I -_h..1 4WQRTH Baha'i Community livites y ou to a discussion on Raltais solutions to today's Activity problems. For information. Phone $27-0216. 1-21 1 at NEW Bingo Clinton Hall 8:30 ]Decr4. Admission $1.00 $210-00 PART time sales help including Hully Appraisal Service, 63 Main, St., Whitman,. 527-0574. 1 .2 1-21-1 in 55 calls or less. 1-21-1 Columb an PTA, St. Columban NEW YEAR's eve dance at Brodbagen & District Community Centre, December 31st. Music by Gully the Wildwoods. Smorgasbord ACE JDNE 5 solid state two lunch. Tickets $15.00 p6r couple. Contact George Rock, 348-9268.' I-2Ix2 DECEMBERS Open Dance Country J u stice 4-21-1 December 6 VAN EGMOND Foundation is organizing a bus trip to Plack Open Reception December 19 Creek Pioneer Village, VDownsview, Saturday, Dec. 13. Open Dance December 20. Bux leaving Habkirk Depot 9 a.m. Christmas Dance F 6 1 complete, 345�2184. 12-214 Storm Windows (2) 33" x 48" (2) 35" x 50" (2) 25" x 42;.2 French doors. Call Monday to Friday 527-0692 or 527-1578 between 6 lop.m. 12-20-1 . . Urgent Need wooden cellar table, -dry. sink, iron bed with brass trim, top cash prices., PHONE348-8298 12-21 -tf We buy any antique or household items, singly or' in complete household lots; or sqII by public auction. We specialize in estates. .1. For further information contact ­M%art Melody M�kers" 2. Lo6st, StiaYM p.m. Rebekahs extend a welcome Norm Whiting Auctioneering and Bob Newnham 527-0375 or M . New �ears eve tickets available. WI PART time sales help including �rfiXi for Stile Appraisal Service, 63 Main, St., Whitman,. 527-0574. 1 .2 1-21-1 Saturday. Please apply in person. Columb an PTA, St. Columban Exeter. Phone 235-1964. 12-21-tf Parish Hall, Dec. 4th 1975 at Jack - Jill Shop, Seaforth. ACE JDNE 5 solid state two 14. Property for Sale EUCHRE 1. 0. 0. F. H all 4-21-1 channel amplifier with vibrato 7RE UAC E STA TE LIMITtD Wednesday, December 10, 8:00 2. Lo6st, StiaYM p.m. Rebekahs extend a welcome �o all. 1-21-1 R QEORGE R, E 0 Also two 'foot switches. 'Call STRAYED from Lot 2, Con. 4, TURKEY Bingo sponsored by St. McKillop, 3 steers around 850 Columb an PTA, St. Columban lbs. Phone Joseph �hea, Parish Hall, Dec. 4th 1975 at 345-2159. 2-21'2 8:30 p.m. 12 regular game, and 3 HNSTON special , one share the wealth. 4. Help WanW - Admission $1.25. 7RE UAC E STA TE LIMITtD 1-20-2 BROKER 0 up. 527-0680. 11-21-2 PART time help wanted, nights or A� joint eting of weekends mtLst be 18 years or Huron -Middlesex Federal and older. Apply Box 3209 The Huron Provincial Liberal Associations Expositor, 4-21-2 0 t� -411 be held at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich on Thursday, December 11, at 8:30 p.m. The meeting will elect delegates and alternates to the Provincial Liberal Leadership meeting to be held in Toronto, January 23, to 25th. 1-20-2 Plan .YourWinter Vacation -Now ... Charters ... Flights Vacation Packages Bus Tours NASHVILLE WHEELING W.V. California Florida Brochures on Request GoodTirnes Travel Agency 527-0050 Seaforth 1 1-21 -tf v County Of Huron requires a - SOCIAL SERVICES' FIELD WORKER To complete applications under the various social, legislation to maintain a case load of approximately 75 families and to provide limited family, marriage and employmenf counselling. Applicants should have a minimum of a Community College certificate in social services or equivalent. Previous experience in the municipal social services field would be an asset. Salary range $8,500 to $10,400 presently on a review for January 1976. Excellent fringe. benefits. Car it required. Apply in writing before noon, December is with full resume to: "JAr, J.A. MacKinnon, .Administrator, County of Huron Social Services, Court House, Goderich, Ont. N7A IM2 Or- phone 519-524-2186 4-21-1 Classified Rates' I WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as foe serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS. - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION r- $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per -olumn inch. (Minimum size iry this category 2 inches. ,Accepted in multiples of half Inch.-) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1,50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c. 2.6c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. cancellation of multiple Insertion advertiseinents after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline for classified ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays., Phone 527-0240 �M "W'' W'i and reverb units. Head plus two %Ivjr JU 12 " speakers containe-d.,_,in handsome leatherette cab, inet. R QEORGE R, E 0 Also two 'foot switches. 'Call ab out acres workable. CENTURYHOME MORTGAGE FUNDS 10. Used Cars'for Sale, or documents while y ou waii. 527-1685 after 6. 11-20-2 Large 2 storey' 4 bedroom brick 9 HNSTON P Letter size, 25c each. rooms, -2 7RE UAC E STA TE LIMITtD SIX used auto -dryers from $59. BROKER 0 up. 527-0680. 11-21-2 BOX 249 TROPICAL FISH WEST LORNE.-ON 7619. 1170 BUDGIES CANARIES rooms, and five bedrooms, rpom, study, two 4 piece and one 5 bedroom home, modernliteh-en ipiece baih. Gas heat. Excellent bath 5 barn, Desirable three-bedroom A complete line of pet supplies one -floor brick home on Main and on acres with $treet North in Seafo rth. PAT'S PET SHOP Features include panelled family hiddpn charges or bonuses. We room, laundry room, utility room, J,)U main 3treet plenty ol storage area, full bath 7. Situations WanW up and half bath down, large jot-\ -ter Phone 235-1951 and good location. Price includes ANY full time work, have cashier li-17-tf 2 refrigerators, deep freeze, experience and typing. Phone dishwasher, washer and dryer. 527-0384. 7-21-1 WILLIAM M. HART Salesman Seaforth 8. Fam Stock for Sale 527-0870 or S27-1972 CB GEORGE R. JOHNSTON PUREBRED serviceable age REALESTATELTD. R.O.P. testedHampshire and Head Quarters Realtor Duroc boars also- York x Landrace Full line of CB equipment from West Lorne boars, open and bred gilts. Bob Muntz, Radio Shack, Cobra. 14-21-1 Robinson, 34S-2317. R.R.4, Walton. 8-21xl Royce MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE WHITE faced bull calves. Phone 102 Main St.. Listowel 10 ILE Ted VanDyk 527-1435. 8-21xl 291- 1 4670 L B A T�l 11-19-5 9. Poultry for Sale A 11 Wood Stoves - All Cast Iron Box Stoivs; podrldur&tovi�s­­ k4MBER1EGHbkN Franklin Fireplaces & Acces. Day Old and Started Pullets FAUST BROS.' 82 Albert Street SCOTTSPO ULTRY HOME HARDWARE Phone: 482-9371 Mitchell Phone 348-8703 11-15-10 FARMS LTD. MASON BAEM. Seaforth BROICIMLIMANAGE!1. Phone 52-7-0847 Box 169 1 f%' I . in Contact All, LARRY PLUMSTEELI For All Yo'ur Real Estate Needs Phone 527-0052' 0 1 0 10 Applicators of Roof ing & Siding v Workmanship guaranteed. Free Estimates. Call after 6 P.M. 527-1506 OR 527-1385- Armw"M RETAILERb: 'Art you paying too much Stir paper products???, Give us a call. Compare. prices - we pave YOU $$$. Butcher.;retailers etc. We defiver free of charge or save $$ and- pici up at our war4hodbe. Huron Ice.and raor �Pt�odicts, 11 Sparling Street, Seafbith,, phone 521-1280. HOME and farm repairs, cement# work, masonry work, si)eciar6ing in fire places, chimneys and other odd jobs. Free estimates. For more information please call Stan Kirkham, Mitchell, 348-8797.' 19-20-5 9-21-tf, %Ivjr JU kmutun, MUM 1st - 2nd Copies of your important papers ab out acres workable. CENTURYHOME MORTGAGE FUNDS 10. Used Cars'for Sale, or documents while y ou waii. 2 storey colour lock home in Blyth,- 5 bedrooms, Large 2 storey' 4 bedroom brick COUNTRY PROPERTY 1972 Gran Torino, 2 door hardtop, home, Phone 527-1618. 11-21xl Letter size, 25c each. rooms, -2 House needing repairs on. 5 acres in perfect condition, will be safety checked. 50,000 miles. $2,500 aw I I For debt consolidation I new, with fireplace, f6rmal dining THE HURON EXPOSITOR swimming pool, nice large lot. TE_ F rooms, and five bedrooms, rpom, study, two 4 piece and one 5 bedroom home, modernliteh-en ipiece baih. Gas heat. Excellent bath 5 barn, I -purchases. or refinancing. No 1969 Chrysler 2 Dr. H.T. Bucket 11-21xiff and on acres with RAMBLER Ambassador, V 8, STOVE wood for sale, by tne 20 acres in Stanley Township hiddpn charges or bonuses. We Seats, console , Good condition, I Country living on 5 acres north of 'Blyth, 10ACRES ­ i specialize in the hard to get 527-0925.' 10-20x2 JOHN DEERE 4020 Diesel, cab 11/2 storey brick home, .1 3 bedroom brick . bungalow, __ � SEAFORTH mortgages� Call collect an�time, Colonial style, 8 room brick home and duals; John Deere 5 - 16" rooms, 1�12 bathrooms, new, oil, I REAL ESTATE Duplex on George Street fully I -S79-0100 A973 Chevy Yan, blue, in good bottom plough. Phone 527-0468. furnace; 4 bedrooms, Barn and I i rented. HANNAH FINANCIAL condition, 4 cragers and good 11-20-2 drilled well. livingroom, antique kitchen. SERVICES INC. tires, panelled interior with wall brakes. new,body and paint job, f 3 bedroom home in quiet area in 19 _21-tf to wall car et built in bed and ice tape deck, $500.00. 527-0208 * V I A 11A7 9- t- IM: U :1 country home. Listed at $15,000. bo I x, , roof vent, call 527-1967. 10-21-2 uar-0 fire brick, SLee pli.r,, phone 482-3551., 11-19-4 acres -o an near alLon, with nice setting to build on 30 Sea LL s ome s in m nt condition, Situated on large lot ab out acres workable. CENTURYHOME with,!a workshop. ADORABLE puppies to good Large 2 storey' 4 bedroom brick COUNTRY PROPERTY 1972 Gran Torino, 2 door hardtop, home, Phone 527-1618. 11-21xl 20 acres in Morris Township 1,/2 home features huge livingroom House needing repairs on. 5 acres in perfect condition, will be safety checked. 50,000 miles. $2,500 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE storey insul brick, home, ten with fireplace, f6rmal dining . Phone 527-0083, 10-21-1 at The Huron Expositor. rooms, and five bedrooms, rpom, study, two 4 piece and one 5 bedroom home, modernliteh-en ipiece baih. Gas heat. Excellent bath 5 barn, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-21xtf and on acres with RAMBLER Ambassador, V 8, STOVE wood for sale, by tne 20 acres in Stanley Township .' location ' on Goderich Street on rth wqst of Seaforth. large lot. Priced at $40,000. automatic, power steering, cord Phone S27- back on Bannockburn River. 10ACRES HOMES power brakes, negotiable, Phone ' 1729. 11-21-1 Located in Tuckersmith, 2 acres 3 bedroom brick . bungalow, 34S-2001. 10-21-1 Colonial style, 8 room brick home workable the balance ip hard fireplace, finished rec room. TWO 1969 Chev wheels and snow- in Clinton, 5 bedrooms, 2 full maple.bush. Sell *the marketable' New 3 bedroom brick bungalow 1969 Ford custom 500, 4 400r, tires, 14'� 345-2383. ll,-21xl , bathrooms, dining and timber or make maple syrup in with a fireplace. automatic, power steering dnd livingroom, antique kitchen. the sugar shanty on the property. Wanted brakes. new,body and paint job, MAN'S brown suede coat with zip This is just the place for your new Farm listings, Homes for sale in tape deck, $500.00. 527-0208 * - - - in lining, size 42 worn only a few, GA acres of cash crop land near ' ' country home. Listed at $15,000. Clinton & Vanastra. 10-21-1 times priced reasonable. Apply to Gorrie, 60 acres workable. WALTON Harold Workman 482-76M Doug Hildebrand or phone Two floor 4 bedroom home .,has Peter Damemis 482-9W 11. Articles for Sil-e 527-1880 or S27-1784. 11-210 Community Sales barn, kitchen with modern cupboards, CIaA*Zhw524-KX ANTIQUE dinner service, equipped to handle all types of shag carpeted living room, dining 14-21-1 English china, 345-2184. CHRISTMAS TREES cut your lifestock, office and kitchen room. 4 -piece bath and partly 11-21xl own $3.00, Sundays only, Dec. equipment included' finished rec room in the 15. Property for RMt 7 , 14, 21. 3 concessions north of basement. Listed at $22,900. 3/4 size continental bed with Clinton off Hwy, 4 (Con. 6-7),' Two storey brick school ' house on -LOTS FOUR bedroom farm house, 7 mi, headboard - good condition, turn east 11/2 concessions. 1A acre of land onWalton Road, Seaforth - 3 good building lots on north west of Seaforth. Contac 527-1356. 11-21xl 11-21-3 new oil furnace. Jarvis Street $5.000 each. No. 8 Bill Whyte, 527-1867, after 6 p.m. GIVE apples for Christmas: G 78-14 belte'd white wall snow 25 acres near Dungannon on Highway west - Lots of almost an acre $7,500 1/2 acre lots $6500. $150.00 per month. 15-21-3 - Macs, Courtlands, Spys, Red and Yellow Delicious and Snows, also tiles, used part' of season, 1 paved road, 11/2 storey brick Kinburn - 1/2 acre lots $4.000, AVAILABLE shortly two bedroom fresh cider, $2.50 per bushel and mounted on Ford rim $40.00. Phone 262-6SO9. 11-21-2 home, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, dining and livingroom, fireplace, Contact apartment in Seaforth. Self ' includes kitchen, up plus containers, No, I potatoes $4.50 for 75 lbs. Art Bells Fruit small barn on property. JOUNT HOMPSON R.R.2, Seaforth 527-0238 contained, bathroom, livingroom. Oil Farm, 524-8037. 11-21-3 FEED turnips for sale. Call 262-6609. 11-21xl 50 acres near Londesboro, 310 DON HOLST furnace. Write Box 3210 Huron 15-21 Sewing Machines 'I acres workable, balance REAL ESTATE LIMITED , Realtors Expositor. x2 pair men's Tyrol ski boots, size hardwood bush, spring creek. 14-21-1 FARM HOUSE with modern FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING 10, never used $30.00. Phone 527-0469. 11-21.1 1/2 acre country property just conveniences in Kippo�fi - Hensall 15. for Rent north of Clinton, priced under area. Phone 262-5988, 15-21-1 Over 100 new and used sewing machines on the floor. TWO male Chihuahua puppies, S25,000, 11/2 storey home, 6 TWO bedroom hpartment heated. Neyv priced from $89.95 purebred, 7 weeks old, will hold rooms, 3 bedrooms, dining and Available immediately. Apply Used priced from $29.95 until Christmas, 527-1686. livingroom, oil beating, financing Box #3211 The Huron Expositor, Choose from a White. EIna, 11-21.3 can be arranged. Seaforth, Ontario. 15-21 -tf Husqvilrna, Ber�irm, Singer, etc., -For Chargex Masict-charge and 1972 Moto -Ski 440 , good FOOD Volt THOUGHT M. Sale or Rent lay -a -ways. condition. . Phone 527-0458. If nobody knows the troubles COMPLETE steel frame building Open 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. every night 11-21-1 you've seen ydu don't likre in a 40. x 100. Arnold Taylor, except Saturdays 9 a.m.-S-30 p. M. FIVE blackboards, 4' x 6', Claire small town. 14-21-1 SEAFORTH,- ONTARIO 482-9155. - USE Jewell wood or coal stove, 20 16-21 x2 Siaw & Save Centre storm windows 343/4 x 64-, oil Modern three bedroom home, on VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SER"CE ALL MAKES Bob Peck VARNA 2621-5748 19-21-tf J CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING Beef.M6ndays, Hogs -Tuesdays ALIS MARKET Phone 262-2017 19-21-tf SERVICE We pick up all'Dead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle and all small animals for a small service charge. We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 887-93 4 Bruss4l2s PetFoo'd Supplies Lic. 519-C-75 19-21-tf 149 Downie Street stove (good shape) 482.9921. EXPO ITOR county road, near Seaforth, immediate possession, use of �tratford 11-21-1 Additional Classified 2 doors south of Hudsoris WANT I - lower part ot varn if necessary. Phone 271-9660 TWO (15 inch) new wheels (S ADS This is an exceptional home, 11-21-3 bolts) for snow tires. Ph inuph, above averagp, well kept. on Page 527-1530. 11-21A Phono 527-0240 15 - 0 f y it 14 � 0