HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 13,
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Contamination, of the •;middle, CMUtr was not ivin a definite Point can t to a :1 goon effluent. for 14neh, tit 's. t? s
8 lie said there is a stencil_ frdasn alternative''., ,� r C 1f A R t sr D A C q U 3./1
Maitland River from Arussels ,is committinent , but that the ,hitt iVleCaul,, chief health, catch ba i s along ai in'the The province had re. a aftn� upG 6o, the ,,admts;3On to ortnEa`�ht�
u to 36,000 times the level that Oto Inspector with the Huron County s•n g i•1..,.nt --,The heaxing continued ditcr '
F n, rlo government s promise to p , .ty summertime. "Tlierets nst doubt commended sewers for the village
the Ontario Ministry of the pay 7S% of the cost "definite) is Health Unit told the OMB hearing n w a I' ' smelling" 1 in " as far back as 1963; the reeve said press time 'Tuesday' at to;pooh,+t 1il�iil 3 ,' 191s,il.
y r m mind h t m,.
Environment regards as safe for there:" that commercial and industrial and what will the cost -be At the beginnint, heatin
Y. e g ..
swimming, the Ontario Municipal 66' Frontage buildings in Brussels Were being helteeve Mccutcheoa tomorrow?" chatrmart Ebers predicted that -..;i ��►��+� ! ' '
'Board' heard here Tuesday Mr.. Latta said the average forced to install temporary remembered that in 1966 the "If we're going to hold our the hearing might run .over until r,104 T ER f 0 A c C O u N xA N,T;
morning, homeowner witha 66' frontage holding tanks 'for s'kage, village got -a cost estimate for commercial area and if we ' are today, with eitizens who object to
Neil McMullen of the Ministry would pay a connection charge of becduse they h!,P no room to put sewers. 1t was $547,Q00 and going to grow, " the reeve said, the sewage, system being heard Tile praictice Wlli cpntinue '
of the environment gave OMB $50.62 annually for 40 years,' a in proper septic tank systems. ••nobody on council could see during the OMB hearing's break then. utider.1hfr Astir# of
members Cornell Ebers QC, frontage charge of $19.80 and Severnuce
sitting as(chairman and Armour once hooked ups a .surcharge of He said the health unit and the id
- hi
McCrae, vice chairman, the 426% on water bills or an average county severance committee has
bacteria counts from water of $127.80 for a total of $198.22 had to insist on two lots being '39 West A1t,re
-e-t ent damoge
samples taken at storm drain yearly. used for one house in some cases office -- 524-2011 Goder'ich, O. nt040 ,
outlets along tite Maitland at If a home or lot owner chose not in Brussels, in order to provide < !► O box 01
F. f)urst -- 524-9b40
various laces in Brussels on Jul room for proper septic tank in
• • • col)rR)y,. C)NTARfCJ
L Y to connect to the system he would P P P W. Vodden- 481,3304
22, 1975. The 36,000 times the pay the first two char ges but not system. � E. Bender -- 524-9642 N7A 4C6
safe level figure was for fecal the surcharge, for a total of Mr. McCaul said in the future
coliforms in a water sample taken without sewers Brussels would
W P $70.42. it's Ministry po )icy to . , •'
at the William St.' outlet. see man commercial buildings Recent investigations carried Dinsle St., Blyth when a vehicle Turnberry Township when his "
connect vacant, buildable lots to Y g
At the Elm St. outlet the total the sewage system during on holding tanks an4 many new out by the OPP Wingham driven by Keith A. Lap of R,R,1, vehicle ft the south edge of the
coliform count was 480,000 per construction, Mr. Latta said, houses using two lots instead of Detachment include: Auburn, westbound on V. sley road • and struck a tree stump. to
100 ml(1000 per 100 ml is unless a council directs one. Seven investigations with 7 Street, slid into the left side of the Damages to his vehicle were w j '
considered safe for swimming) otherwise, because the original Brussels reeve Jack persons charged under the Liquor Riley vehicle. Damages were estimated at $800.00. Town of
and the fecal coliform count was construction is cheaper and McCutcheon said he's been ConAl Act. estimated at $160,00. There were William G. McCormick of
110,000 per 100mi or' 110 times eligible for grant s. interested in sewers for Brussels Nineteen charges laid with 17' no injuries. Wingham and James M. CEA
the safe 100 per 100 ml count. The Ministry will bill the since he was first elected to • warnings issued. FORTH under the On Friday, November 28, Thompson of Bluevale were J A R 1 H
Poor Results municipality' for the cost of council in 1964. The reeve said Highway Traffic Act. Maurice Baylor of R,R.1, involved in a collision on
Mr. McMullen testified that 'treating the sewage, Mr. Latta the lack of sewers in the village is Nineteen other investigations Wingham and Darryl K. Baylor of Highway 86, east of the CXR,
the four outlets with "extremely said, and Brussels will recover limiting development and the with two persons charged under Fordwich were involved in a crossing, Turnberry Township, •
poor results", Elm, William, this cost from the payments from. number of building lots available. the Criminal Code. collision on Highway 87, east of No one was injured. Total Notice
Holiday and John Sts., drained homeowners. Mr• Latta reminded On Monday, November 24, Huron Road 28, Howick damages were estiitia3ed at
east, west and south portions of the hearing, attended by about 50George Howson of Wingham w as Township. There were no $1700.00;
the village. Since the four worst people, that larger municipalities �rUaSP' �S involved in a minor collision with injuries. Damages were On Sunday, November 30,
outlets drain most of Brussels, he with better tax bases don't get an unknown vehicle on High%fay ' estimated at 51000,00. Michael A. Lee of Southampton
concluded that sewage disposal grants for sewage construction. Stockyard 86, west of the C.N.R. crossing, On Saturda), November 29, wasfnorthbound on Highway 4,
was a generalized problem within His" Ministry estimates Turnberry Township, There were Robert B. Smith and Rose M. south of Huron Road 16, East
the village, operating costs at between no injuries. Damages were Minoque, both of Wingham, were Wawanosh township when his Notice is hereby given that Bylaw number 95
In many areas the counts $36,800 and $46,350' annually, Report, estimated at $125.00. involved in a collision on Arthur vehicle veered across the
"suggests that raw sewage is Mr. Latta said. "Operating costs On Tuesday, November 25, Street, north of MacDiarmid roadway, left the west side, dated April 8, 1974 prohibits parking Of
being disposed directly" into the are like bacteriological counts, we All classes of cattle at Brussels . John C. McClinchey of R.R.1, Street, Turnberry Township. No struck some fence posts and vehicles on the streets of the town of
river, he said. Fecal and coliform can only give ranges commented' Stockyards last Friday traded at Belgrave was northbound on one was injured. Damages were rolled over into a field. Mr. Lee
higher prices with 1125 head of Sideroad 34-35, north of Con- estimated at $1900.00. was injured as a result of the Seaforth between the hours of
counts are so far above acceptable Mr. Ebers. j - '
level that "it's all dangerous", Mr. Campbell, acting (r cattle and 816 pigs on offer. cession 8 -, 9, East Wawanosh On Saturday, November 29, accident. Damages to his vehicle
Mr. McMullen said in answer to protesting ratepayers questioned Choice Steers 48.00 to 51.00 Township, when he entered the Daniel T. Campbell of Bluevale were estimated at $2000.00. 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
hearing chairman Ebers. both Mr. Latta and Burns Ross on with sales to 52.00. Good Steers . east ditch and struck a tree was injured as a result of a single
'-Wingham lawyer whether other types of sewage 46,00 to 48.00. A steer consigned stump. There were no injuries. car accident on Concession B
R.R.Campbell, acting for • a treatment had been investigated by Howard Martin of R.R. 3, Damages were estimated at Road, east of Highway #4,
Brussels wei hin 1070 lbs sold
number of Brussels residents who
for Brussels. Both men said the
g g51500.00.
for 52.00 with his offering of 20
are objecting to the proposed
three stage treatment proposed
engineer with the Ministry of the
Murray D. Irwin of
sewage system, asked Mr.
for Brussels was necessary
steers averaging 1184 lbs selling
Belgrave and Susan J. Bridge of
McMullen if one bad .polluter
because the middle Maitland
for 50.70. A steer consigned by
R R 4 Brussels were involved in
might put the coliform and fecal
River required a high degree of
Joe Zettler of Hanover weighing
a collision on County Road 12,
counts up. Mr. McMullen said
treatment of sewage.
109Q lbs sold for 51.25 with his
north of Couny Road 25, Grey
that was unlikely in a sizeable
• OMB hearing vice chairman
offering of 6 steers averaging
No 'on . e was injured.
storm sewer- system like Brussels
Mr. McCrae told Mr. Campbell
1060 lbs bringing 49.80.
Damages were estimated at
V has but if the polluter's waste was
that we should assume that the
Two steers consigned by Hilray
the only flow in the drain, it could
Ministry has chosen the best
Farms of Holyrood averaging
Irma D. Guy of Bluevale,
give a high count.
system for Brussels, because
1250 lbs sold for 50.80. Two
Ontario received injuries as a
Mr. Ebers told A.R.Mill, the
public money was paying for it.
steers consigned by Ross Cun-
result of a single car accident on
lawyer for the village of Brussels
Chairman Mr.Ebers called Mr,
ningham of Brussels averagin-'
Highway 86, east of the C.N.R.
and the Ministry of the
Ross's testimony "convincing
1175 lbs. s50
for or ., e
Three 80
crossing, Turnberry' Township,
Environment that the need for a
and valuable evidence" and saiddick
steers consigned by Frank Wea-
when her vehicle entered the
sewage system in the village and
we have to assume that the
of Arriss averaging 1023 lbs.
south ditch,. causing $500.00.
the ability of the village to pay for
Ministry was acting in the public
sold for 50.60 with his offering of
damage to the front of her
the system were the two things of
interest unless Mr. •Campbell
30 steers averaging 1005 lbs.
f �;
nrime interest to the nMR_
rnnlrl nrnve vatherwise_
Selling 9.85. Five Steers
u,.11:e rr ,.r ,.r A 12 1
of the some day
to facilitate sr1ow removal
The bylaw provides for a fine of $5 for tpe' first
,offense upon summary conviction and not
more than $10 for each subsequent offense
and upon voluntary payment prior to the
issuance of a summons the penalty for each
violation is intended to be $3.
Clerk, Town of Seaforth
Mike Latta, senior project
Clear as Possible
consigned oy rimer isanagn of
R.R. 1, Wroxeter averaging -1208
Cargill was involved in a• single
engineer with the Ministry of the
Mr. Ross said the proposed
'lbs sold for 49.90- A steer
car accident on Highway 4, north
have visions of
Environment testified that the
sewage treatment would
consigned by John Nesbitt of
the Blyth C.P.R. crossing,
two piece suits, cozy
province will a 75% of the cost
i P pay
be ade uate'for 1600 people and
q P P
Blyth averaging 1030 lbs sold for
Iylorcjs Tgyosh}p,,rs7 KaNfman,
insulated boots with
of constructing the sewage
would put effluent that was
48.60. A steer consigned b
and a passenger in her vehicle,
of your Cat lovers dreams
come true on Christmas
morning. Stop by and
system. Goderich engineer Burns
clear as Ypossible" into the
Gerald Ball of weighing
Jacob Kaufman, were both
l ::>r f., v:•. :>;,:.:
•, ..x. f
Ross, whose firm designed the
Maitland at the western end of
r 49.0Embro
1170 lbs sold for 49.00 with his
injured as a result. Damages were
� Cars >•:^'•� {?:;{_ .•,,,�•�;••.' •'�.::<{:..
Brussels, said
sewage system for russ ls,
g Y
he would add 10% to his 1974
Mr. Campbell uestione&both
P q
off ringof 94 steers averaging`
estsimated at 51000.00.
On Thursday, 27 . November,
>y? :.. ;<. • f
estimate of , the cost of
engineers about the feasibility of
g Y
981 lbs selling fa 48.15. Three
Carman A. Riley of R.R.1,;;;
constructin the system in 1976.
g y
a package treatment plant for
P g P
steers s' a by John Fergu-
i.ondesboro had parked �iis
YY :<;>.;•
The 1976 cost would be close to $3
Brussels, like the one being
son of Clifford averaging 1053 lbs
vehicle on the north side of
million,Mr. Ross said.
installed in a mobile home park
sold for 48.70. Choice Heifers.
1 44.00 to 46.00 with sales to 47.75.
Working with --the--old $2,7
million estimate, Mr. Latta told
near Wingham called Turnberry
Estates. Mr. Ross said the
Good Heifers 42.00 to 40.00.
To Del*ht
on CnrL-stmas Morn
r the hearin that Canadian
treatment lant was onl about
g P Y
MortgaSe and. Housing one quarter of the cost of the total
Corporation would loan the sewage system and that a
village additional money and collection system would still be
would probably make about needed with package sewage
$275,000 of their loan'forgiveable. treatment.
Of the $3 million burden, only Mr. Ross told Mr. Campbell
about one half million will, fall on that although the sewage lagoon
the village? • Mr. Ebers of the serving Brussels probably cost
+i OMB asked. M r. Latta agreed. two thirds of what the Brussels
On cross examining by Mr. system will initially, "it is ruled
Campbell, Mr. Latta said that . out because the= Maitland at this I A. ` '
A gift
Seaf owth
Women's Institute
h ,
Copies $2.75
Please add 25c for Mailing Charges
ohe Twrou
Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads
When Cat lovers are
sleeping these days,'they
have visions of
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