HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 12i<. , ,. �,,,t•f.�� x. • . V :,, ,.. ....,M,.w 4.44.4 m, ,•, , pp v , A , • r , i , W, �" 001th ' a: : t frot rf Cie VD S. RY H N " Ela . �i.�i. , ve • " L v „ Like cancer. veneral �}};�'ease a pimple or soro (a chqu.c..e) at the the thred categor]es you're going Central MRrgage and Housing prgviously ►lnserviced pattks of the isn't one disease but several, point where the germ enters the to be in. orpgratign " announced the ,tdwil. The. loan is for a term of 40 In all its forms, VD Is acqu led bpdy. but. says D , ersa_ , 1n. Therefore, its vitgl to detect ea>Gs: approval . .of loads totalling y � the same way -- by sexual Gaiiiaci about 40 per cent of syphilis Gases syphilis dearly »- not on your a �a only for $1,.004,4`k2 plus $$68,744 it CMiiC grants arta. loans are s , n'`' J • but syphilis and gonorrhea; the there's no soru so it's. possible own protection, but also for that federal grants to the Ontario M available under provisiort0 of the Y syphilis Y inistry of the Envirgninent #o National Housing • Apt for .the 4 two most common versions of She to have earl s hitis without of our children, since the disease disease, are entirely different in ' knowing it, can be ,passed on to the next' askist in the financing of sewage menstruation of sewage collection their effects. The secondary stage includes generation. treatment projects in Seafgrth and treatment facilities totcombat The incidence of syphilis is such symptoms as transient !f you think tyouz may have and 'Hensall: '" ' water and soil pollution.,, i• „� about one-t6pth that of rashes, sore throat and general ' contracted syphilis dont be afraid H nsall CMHC provides Grants are mon-repayable wbila j gonorrhea. Unlike gonorrhea, it's malaise. It occurs anywhere front to seek out medical help. A loan of $705,460 and a grant of: the repayment of 25 per trent 'Of ea not confined to the genital area, six months to two yrs after the sPecific,blood test is the only way $392.956 for the construction of principal And interest on the loans k � fru^�f t� x :, ' ' ,but can, in its advanced stages, initial infection. Third stage of -findin out -- and earl i kt g g g Y three 12 -acre ox'ida tion ponds may be wiaived if the work is • wreak havoc with spch organs as syphilis is when the spirochetes . treatment is the best approach. , # iiIR5. ROSS [SHIRLE7(] CARTER g y'p P Pp with related 'equipment, a `carried out to the satisfaction and k Clinton, dau hter of Mr. and the heart, the brain and the liver really go to -work over a period of The Ontario Ministry of pumping station, fprcema'tns and requirements of the CMHC. �'°'``' ' ``'"°`fir s "' ` ^� • Mrs. Ward nor Clinton,d is frequently Tatal as a 10 to 15 years in the untreated Health's pamphlet, VD - Sexually sanitary collector sewers.. The fir.. f.,,.. „, ', • k x'; :..,. ton, Has Great blue herpns build. their � �«;r•�• .. �>:.�>>t:�s;'i;` result. •• person and this is when they Transmitted Diseases, provides 'just received her B.A. degree P 41 P loan is far a term of 40 years,. j g u h ut 'history man nes# colonies in the treetops. `� g y g Y In Seaiorth CMHC is giving with a major irrEn lish from Sir Thro Q Y Y can fatal) damage the body's facts and inft►rmation about g g `' : sk'•:.<«^'" g famous people have +contracted vital organs. syphilis. loan of $299, 002 and a grant, Canada's forests contain eight Wilfred Laurier' University. syphilis: 'Keats, Oscar Wilde, The important thing to $175,788 for the construction of per cent of the worlds timber Waterloo, Ontario. Jonathan Swift, Napoleon, reme`niber, says Dr. Persad, is This pamphlet i j Mrs. Carter is presentay em- r V111 and syphilis c ses P p t< •s available in sanitary collector sewers in resource: , Beethoven, Henry , that one-third ofa government or physicians' `7 ployed as librarian at Huron P Y 't e t� Centennial School Brucefield. predicatably, Casanova among heal spontaneously; .one third offices, or you can get it by ri; t ; . "' them. have no serious effects, and the writing to the Health Resource ~'f� �4fih. Motor Sports o 3�a Today, we have the means to, other third can lead to chronic Centre, Communications Branch, treat syphilis principally disease and even death. Trouble Ministry of Health, Hepburn t Eg rn o n d v►1 ! e penicillin and tetrac line --• but Repair S e ry i ce f.; p Y is. once you've contracted the Block. Queen's Park, ' Toronto, the problem isn't so much a disease, you don't know which of Ontario, M7A 1S2. " Correspondent matter of trea.tlnent as of ; Carol Geddes detection. It's not easy to tell if Snowmobile 8 Small Engines Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron you've got syphilis, and many Agricultural workers to All Types A FRIENDLY BOY of Sarnia • visited with their cases of the disease are yp daughter and so in law, Mr. and discovered during routine blood • The minute you meet Jim he's your friend. He likes everybody g fi receive i ve t rave I 'grants R@C>i f 1 4 James St. Seaforth and everybody likes him. Mrs. Charles Geddes and family testing. `! This handsome 1 i -year-old is Anglo-Saxon in descent and has on the weekend, they also visited ns Ralph .Persad, a medical A travel rant for seasonal dark eyes, brown hair and fair skin. He is in good health. He was with Mrs. Cameron's mother, consultant with the Ontario g will la provided. Changes c the F.BRU'GGER " 527-0522 Mrs. James Coutts of Seaforth • Ministry of Health, says that agricultural workers aw well as regulations concerning relocation treated over a year for a punctured eardrum but doctors say he is other changes to the Canada - _ and her brother and sister-in-law every case of early syphilis is a g _grants and asspei4ted allowances « functioning normally.. Manpower. Mobility Program.- Though Jim is average in intelligence he has had some of Walton, also Mr. Cameron"s potential epidemic. In fact, Dr. P Y o provide that: Workers from ARNOLD STINNISSEN g g g have been announced by Robert a remote area who do not have difficulties in school, especially in reading. He is in grade five. brother .Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Persad says, the disease'is more Andras, Minister. of Manpower Cameron of Brussels. serious from the standpoint ofready access to Canada LIFE — HEALTH and ACCIDENT Being a sports -minded boy, he plays hockey and baseball and and Immigration. "The Canada Man ower Services may apply for — Registered Retirement Pensions — �• enjoys camping, 'swimming and hiking. He is an enthusiastic Sympathy goes out to Mr. and potential complications 'than Manpower Mobility Program P Y PP Y g Mrs:Ron the passing of typhoid. There were 421 reported p y g relocation grants after Income Tax Dedactable Registered Scout and stamp collector. His ambition is to be a fireman. Bradyy P g owes much of its effectiveness to commencing employment in a Retirement Annuities z Jim appears to be an easy-going, ha o luck lad but his' father this week. cases of syphilis in• Ontario in g pp Y g g• pW-g Y•,,., „ the fact that the regulations and _ ' underneath his self-confident mannei is a great need for securit 1958; 2,162 in 1974, g new locality, providing they have - REPRESENTING — 4 g y Syphilis, he explains, is caused Policies which govern it are not yet relocated their families. In and acceptance. He needs a family to belong to. frequently amended in order to r p To inquire about ado tin Jim, lease write to Today's Child, Kelps by a corkscrew -shaped organism, q y order for the application. to be Jun Life Assurance 6 q P g P Y' P ensure that the program responds Com of Canada t Ministry of .Community' and Social Services, box 888, Station K, Kelps, forms of seaweed, and called a spirochete, which enters accepted, a Canada Manpower Company - P Y Toronto M4P 21-12. In your, letter please tell something of your the world's largest algae, once the bloodstream and has an to rapidly changing market de- Counsellor must be satisfied thatmands". Mr. Andras said; the resent family and our way of life. major source of iodine and incubation period of from nine to the applicant was not previously TELEPHONE -527-0410 were a ma PP P Y ' P y Y y 90 d s following intercourse with Major amendment to the regula For general adoption information, consult your local potassium; now mineral deposits g tions is the addition of the travel aware of the financial assistances. 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH E ield•those chemicals. an infected person. Workers applying for the home Children's Aid Society. Y Primary syphilis often starts as grant for seasonly agriculture purchase allowance who are i work. This new grant will provide i financial assistance to • persons unable to provide the required Self-help groups m�� rel' ve depression accepting seasonal agricultre\ Proof of ownership within 12 employment in various areas of months s t time g may now Canada where there are labour have this time period extended. The dictionary, defines But depression that persists, The early warning signs may be step toward putting matters right. This provision will be helpful to lack of sleep, loss of a etitr or shortages. depression as "dejection . of the "blue'" that go on too long .. P< PP Sometimes, if you recognize workers who have trouble spirits." general sluggishness in physical. Persons moving to seasonal p .that's when you need to seek • g gg P Y that the depression is mare than a obtaining title to their new home That's something we all feel or mental function. agriculture work of more than one g some kind of professional lift. passing feeling of gloominesswithin the required period. from time to time, and it's Depression can be caused b Some people are better able to week's duration will have their P Y a a with it than others; but for about the weather, or over an travel costs paid, as well as a Amore adequate allowance for co entirely' natural; "after all, if we number of occurrences, such as P argument with the boss, its meals and accommodation will be everyone suffecin from living allowance of dollars, -20 per assume that what goes up must loneliness, bereavement, depression, communication __ helpful to chat with close friends day up to a maximum of three Paid to workers travelli ng in, the come down, a continued state of financial or employment worries, P or family. If you feel that the northern parts of Canada where elation is impossible. marital and ,family difficulties. talking thins out -. is the first days once they have arrived at the g g problems requires medical help, work. area. If the employment is food and lodging are limited. Mr. art4 a counselling sessions with Andras estimates that the �pp® ► o ,��Q * o g g for less than one week, the person �7lII � your family doctor. amended Canada Manpower Your ow doetor,may be le to , will receive a round-trip fareto the Mobility Program will assist some ; , . , - a ... •_ »�.._.._ .;� ' . w . a agr)culture site'.' If the job permits 11.21 lbb0"};:inemp7by�dd''' w iiC�'rs � ieip you gel fo tfie r_d_& o� �fhe a ,. h 1 � ✓4� problem, or may prescribe some the person to return home daily, during the current fiscal year. { ::v, +'' :X . ` `fy;} v �•7 �+' of the anti -depressant drugs' as a the costs of daily transportation temporary measure, refer you Police in Seaforth. report •i "' %v ., ,�$ to a specialist. Anti -depressant ?� • drugs, which have been available since the mid- 1950s, have helped' 40 occurrences J many sufferers. Untreated depression ' is During the week of the 18th ]n addition to thea bove, there perhaps 'the major cause of our November to the 2 December -were three major accidents and current North American suicide 1975, the Seaforth Police one minor accident investigated We have rate -- about 11 per 100,000 of Department " investigated 40 with damages totalling $2,250.00. d r TYPEWRITERS x aton.It �s a so occurrences. hey are as o lows. e j extrr emely common in its less Assist, Public 9 serious forms. Animal Complaints 3 {, from a The solution lies in being Insecure Property 2 j ' honest enough to discern that Police Information 7 $1.25, 1 2 5 depression has gone on foo long, Dangerous Conditions $l Deluxe Portable atChristmas' •• • or has sunk unusually low -- and Assist oterh P.D.PDs. 4 • XX Ljj_ • to seek tretment. Noise Complaints 1 �j to an if you can pinpoint the• cause, Children Complaints 1 i`h �- as, for example,` .in the case of Escorts 3 Electric Portable at19$3recent widowhood, it's helpful to, Property Damage 2 �/ • find someone who has undergone Lost and Found 3 -*j 00" i the same experience, and talk it Theft over 1 out with them. Increasingly, (recovered) self-help groups are being formed Theft Under 2 5 M...4•.44...4. ' for ally very purpose, and you can ;1 recovered) ADDING M usual) find out about them from Missing Persons local social agencies or church s ' groups. Three Persons were charged from® under the Liquor Control. Act. 1 • G' Eight persons were charged 19 9 J ® Add a letter under the Highway Traffic Act.k One person charged under the Criminal Code of Canada. ``";� < 11 KIM CALCULATORS ® Battery, and Electrically operated at $39 N SAFES Keep your records and papers from fire or water damage from $90 to a combination lock model at $225 �' A from, family to greetings Add a fresh touch to holiday greetings. When Christmas cards' are being - written to distant friends and relatives, slip a little something extra into the envelope. Enclose a family news letter. It's fun for the whole family to gather together happy events of the past year. This includes the ad- dition of a newborn, a flr'st grandchild, that long- awaited trip that was taken, marriages, graduations, promotions, awards and In- teresting future plans. Friends will look forward to an "across -the -mile$" synopsis that keeps them abreast of the family's turn of events. And it's easy to put a newsy letter together. Just collect the information and list it under the name of the member it concerns. To reproduce it in the number desired, check with shops that offer such serv- ice inexpensively. They brill be able to print as many copies awyou need, Their should be in a posi- tion to do 'Your `Family Letter" on green or Christ- mas red Ifaper to heighten . the festive holiday effect of , the news -;greeting. McGREGOR Top Quality BEEF - GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Nhole Beef 1.02 Half Beef 1 •03 Price sablElet WbJuatge IRCIL6ES.- CUTTING WRAPPING and QUICK FREEZING Free Delivery Within 10 Mile 'w GRANT McGREGOR ERE No. 5315 .. BY HOLIDAY 8315 — AM/FM/MPX WiTH 8 —TRACK PLAYER AND TURNTABLE. Automatic record changer. thumb wheel tuning. Individual controls for bass, treble, volume and balance- Lighted radio dial and tuning meter. Channel selector lights for 8 -track player. Jacks for headphone, AUX, 4 speakers. and AC. Cabinet: 201/2(W)x 43/4" (H) x 151/4"(D) Speakers: 11" (W) x 151/4" (H) x 61/2"(D) COMPtETE � � �� WITH STAND *00 WITHOUT STAND $159oOo - , M a r N A r r N A