HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 11.1'
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Mrs. Hugh Berry a s I1 bol�k A tJtt.,. uokt! ',QtStl zdf
Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Stephen,,,
„ U glia .': xq e# Cbr044, glst�00,
v;stted to Woodstock on Tuesday S
After swaii(nitdver� gGr�Bo
tll>7Re+� tg th.�-'fibU�h !la tXI@
last week. " t
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thomson Chu ,r c h' cele rotes Adven't 4
attended the Mustard -Falconer
Kpdding on friday night in Varna To
United Church. Correspondent personale! The Hensall Women'p. Jnstitute
Mrs, • M: Sholdice, Mrs.E, Mrs. Hilda M. Payne Mr. and Mr�•j Dock Poore, Christmas meeting will be held on
Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hensall' United Church 'was Gayle and Ela}pe of Bryanston December -10 at 8 p.m. in the
ribbon, - Toronto, attended the beautifully decorated for the visited -,With Mr. and Mrs. Karry Legion Hall. The programme for ,
40t#� anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. beginning of the Advent Season Smith- go Sunday. this meeting will be given by each
Kenneth Sholdice, Londog on with a lighted Christmas Tree, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oakes of of the members present � )
Saturday. evergreens,' poinsettias, - a Clinton visited with Mr. and Mrs, presenting a number. Everyone is j
Miss Jane Stephens, Nativity Scene and the. Advent Carl Payne on Saturday. welcome to join with us for an
Woodstock spent the weekend Candles on a wreath. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Castle and enjoyable evening.
with her parents at the Manse. The service was conducted by family of llderton visited with 4-H Clubs meet
1 Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Revl Don Beck who explained the Mrs. John Alexander an' d family ' The sixth meeting of the
x ' McNaughton, Seaforth and Miss old Norwegitan .custom of on Sunday. Hensall 4-H Clubs, the Kneeded d
* Christine McNaughton visited "Lighting the Advent Candles". 7 and, The Dough -doe's, was i
with Mrs. Mary Haugh last week. 'The candles are„purple,'a symbol held at the Hensall United Church
* Mr. R: McIntosh, . Toronto, of royalty and penitence, and theMrs. Iveyon ' November'•• 19, Ten girls
{Fr spent the weekend with Mr. and first Advent candle was lit by
„• Baa at K� answered to the roll call, "The
Mrs. Barry Lindon. Sandra McCurdy.
�hN� f supper dish you made with bread
ease. IJrucefield Oddfellows held a Mrs. John Turkheim was at the
s3 F cel:ebrat�es
Zas a main ingredient". The
organ very' successful card. on g and the choir sang the leaders demonstrated how to
Friday night November 7: The anthem, "How beautiful upon the
s "A winners are as follows: Ladies' Mountains". The ,mhiect of the Q Q make Chelsea Buns and 1
V Vyears Hungarian Bubble Ring. We
High - Mrs. Olga Chipehase; sermon was The Real Light". waited until they were baked and
7. Ladies' Low - Mrs. Pearl Eyre-, Next Sunda the Sacrament of
WHAT TO BUY. Elaine Oke Baker thinks things Y the Lord' y S will then let them melt in our, mouths.
Over as she, looks at all the home baked goodies for Lone Hands - Miss Map s upper 11, be Mrs. Daisy Ivey celebrated her
McEwen; , Men's High, 'Bill observed. Unit. 4 of the Hensall 88th birthday last Saturday at the The seventh meeting of the
sale at the, St. 'James' CWL bazaar on Saturday. Pepper; Men's Low Mac U.C.W. meets on Thursday residence of Mr. and Mrs. Hensall 4 -H -Clubs was held at the
There was a huge crowd around the baking table Wilson; Lone Hands - Robert afternoon, December 4. More Gordon Schwalm. Open house United Church on Tuesday i
waiting to buy things as soon as the bazaar started. Dalrymple; Lucky Draw - Ernie members are needed in the choir; was held and birthday cake was evening. Thirteen girls answered 1
Chi chase. volunteers will be welcome. i
(Staff Photo) P seved to ,all attending. Visitors the roll call "Name a use for
during the week with Mrs. Ivey bread other than for toast or
Fire chief resigns and Mrs. Elizabeth Volland at the sandwiches". The leaders ,
Schwalm residence were Mrs. demonstrated Puffy' Dutch Min' I
Winnie Skea, Mrs. Genevieve Cakes which are tiny yeast cakes ,
A ree ii a ngood shape, counc' I hears Wendover, Mrs. Irene Finlayson, popular in Holland. Plans were
Mrs; Margaret Ingram, Mrs. 'made for Achievement Day on �
Elizabeth Alexander, and Mrs. January 10 and plans were also.. ;
Hensall council were told that be held Thursday night and it is installed for Agr'ipress, the new Basically the letters suggested Madeline Harburn from town. finalized for a supper party for
the Hensall arena is now in good hoped a Liquor Control. Board of owners, that lanned' renovations and our closing meeting on Decembe4
P Out of town visitors were Mrs. 2
shape after repairs were made Ontario inspector will soon view Councillor Harold Knight extensions at The Home be M illie Dempsey and Mrs.
this fall. The information came the premises. reported that the Christmas allowed to continue. As yet the Marjorie Banter from
from '„ councillor• Harold Knight Works foreman Ernie 'Davis decorative lights were expected to work is still in the planning HolmesrAille, Mr . Jack Hyde of
during a regular council session ,reported his activities for the arrive immediately and every stages. •A 24 unit expansion is "
on Mondaynight. month to council. Highlights were a em t would be made to have Windsor, Mr. Earl Love of
g� P proposed along with the conver- Hillsgreen, Mr. and Mrs. Al
Mr. Knight said that the arena work on the drain on Richmond them installed for this weekend. sion of 18 units presently for two Hoggarth and 'Janet of Kippen
is functioning, the heat is on and Street which was found to be The lights will cost almost $1,200. persons to single rooms. It was
the portion to be enclosed satis plugged by a hockey stick and Council decided to adopt a policy suggested that septic tanks would Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Taylor of
factory. Mr. Knight said the next other debris. Street patching liias of paying for the power cora timed be permissable until' sanitary Varna, Mrs. Shia Chiu, Cecilia
step would be improvement of been carried out on the east side by the decorative lighting while sewers are available in 1976. , and Nancy of Stratford, Mrs. Jean
washroom facilities. He said that of the tracks. Trees have been the Public Utilities Commission Council accepted the resigna- Glasgow and Colleen of Exeter,
it' was hoped a banquet permit trimmed on Kin Street to allow a has agreed to donate the cost of Mrs. Marion Dougall and Helen
p q p g g o tion bf fire chief Dave Sangster. of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
approval could be obtained so street light to function properly erecting them and turning them with regrets. A meeting of the Johnston of B�ucefield, Mrs.
licensed events could be held. A and . near the Co-opr building on. In the future, the business firemen will be held Monday and
meeting of the arena board is to - where a new service is being community will be responsible for a method of replacement will be Phyllis Mountford of Clinton, Mr.
any additional lighting. Reeve discussed according to councillor and Mrs. Don Coghlin, Debby
John Baker said this was the Murray Baker. and Paul of Fordwich, Mr. and
' policy adopted in most, other Follawin the eneral meetin Mrs. Reg. Finlayson and Michael
vena ga a Ebe pJessl011
downs to a smor�obnrg xtrad� Jenks vias exi
x co denoted # ban $ AP.
1 rte•, , s,:' ;,AoJnmuujties : > council• went, into a meeting of of Staffa, and Mr., and Mrs. HOME 8 BUILDJNG CENTRE
Clerk Robert Hail informed committee -of -the -whole to dis- Desmond Ivey and niece Dawn of
council that a five man crew from cuss employee wages. Sarnia.
W I and Tu rin l e s the Canadian National Railway
had arrived in town Monday -to
tear up the tracks to allow the
have bowling night sewer .contractor to install the
main along the main street. Dur
to some. confusion, the crew was
Correspondent was served in Brucefield United recalled without completing the
Rena Caldwell Church after the bowling.All work and Mr. -Heil said -the
Members of Kippen East W.I. present are looking forward to contractor could go no ,farther
and their families enjoyed another bowling event in -the near until the problem of getting mover
bowling at the Clinton Lanes on future. the tracks' had been solved. He
November 30. After an invigorat- Personals said the contractor was going to
ing workout, prizes were awarded Mrs. Jack McGee and Mrs. bill the railway•for standing time
to Bob Bell, Men's High score; Harold Errington of Dungannon, sinee he is unable to continue.
Hardld Parsons, Mens' low score; were recent visitors with Mr. and Reeve Baker said some com-
Phyllis Parsons, ladies' high -and Mrs. W. L. Mellis. plaints had been received about
Margaret Hoggarth, ladies' low. Mrband Mrs.Ray Bell, Kathy, the dump being closed earlier
Grace Drummond, was the Jimmy and Jerry who have been than normal on Saturday,. Coun-
A' person who tried the hardestand resident of Kippen for a number .chlor Murray Baker explained
Greg Hoggarth, children's high. of years, have moved to Bayfield that dur to the extreme mud
Each child was presented with where they intend to make their conditions at the dump, it was
a small gift. A po t luck supper home., necessary to close. He said'the
dump custodian told him five cars
were stuck Saturdav and he felt it
Queens way Hap pen i ngs unwise to leave the 'dump' open.
Letters from the Huron County
"Birthday Greetings" to Bill visited Mrs. Siraras.' Mr. and l ningm Department to the
McKenzie who c lebrated his Mrs. James McNaughton visited Hurron Medical Officer of Health
et and the owner of the Queensway
birthday Dec. 3rd. Mrs. Ada Smillie. Nursing Home in Hensall were
Th h h ' e was taken M k S at of Huronviewe
Cay' to
• fNns�st�. � � �� -
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Gettiong.an ideas*,
Here are some super gift suggestions for the handyman (or woman)
on your shopping list.
is Y /s„” from Black Bt
�. ;. Decker
/ \ and
e c urc servtc ar pr read.1 ...,a. +CC
by Rev. Van Essen and his wife of d h h' >r
Visitors with Clara Featherston
were Bill Parker, Margaret
Larson and Belle Reid, Varna,
Mr. andMrs. Stewart Bannerman
of Seaforth visited Mrs.
Bannerman. Mrs. Pearl Passmore
visited with her sister Mrs..
Rev. Marvin Barz, Goderich
visited with Mrs. Kraft. Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Klopp, Zurich, also
visited with Mrs. Kraft.
Mr. andMrs.Hopper and Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Reeves, Battle -
creek, Michigan visited with Lin
Latimore. Mrs. Marion Schenk
and Jeanette Lippert visited with
.Hugo Schenk.
Bessie Bencsik and Elaine
skinner, Exeter, visited Ruby
Miners. Ilia Dunn of 'Exeter
visited Mrs. Vera Lammie.
Roy and Clara MacDonald
visited on Tues ay wit as stste
Isobel Sproat.
Shirley Prouty, Exeter visited
Roy McDonald, Lin Latimore,
Alex Barrett.
Mr., and Mrs. George Parker
flew to Summerside, Prince
Edward Island to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Oren Williams, former
residents of the village.
Mrs. Mabel Gilfillan ,of Exeter
visited over the weeke4d with her
brother and sister-in-law Mr.. and
Mrs. Roy MacDonald. "
Mr. and Mrs.Edgar Munn
returned home after spending the
past week with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Go6ding at Parkhill.
Mrs. Jack Corbett was a recent
visitor with her sister Mrs. Dealie
Adams in Exeter.
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