HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 5I 1 4.1. WA..
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kids ;vVas, as. s rtotrs as hu tr. c a ' e t
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a. _tnii ,tQ h. r _ .e rp n c,y . read;,_.; .� . p a , ng t �� Hew�td tarittfti , the M,P from
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h ., , . a. .., h !✓t! Instal al ee 1l a t a t r n a lawY C.o at to , , :. '• "The � ... , r 'r
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entraneewa where . tragi entrantwe to: Ha . rhe • as a reed• lje' offer of the. Lone n Hurtiane , . a
' fi fpF Y 8 t..., 0 1ea11crsht a pro re i , xna t tt
p, .ol the g a .,, rt,�t►1k T#,"« . Y 1hI X ..1 , „
travelled sixty .tulles an hoax, „ o last ear, but recently' re.'ect d Society far anlrrtal eo. , trnl serv.tce , . • ' .1
Y a . e Y o Consetxative $#y� says bt �. ,a
b tttvenck bemuse ttf`ny. h)lrt�ane,..; - (All ,+]�yb
fir, Morns., ,said, 1 'think .b,'the tnliltst b ecausq of:4, lack and oundkee er at 0, eq t of v> :>: ,a, �r
Y, rY F P § conservative .economt.all bftt; so to 1 cte t e M w
someone wijl die there If it as. ,not, f monshr a ,�,.., ..
o Y X1,350 der year which includes ne believes is a progressive.2soelal',.' + ,��^�
closed,” In other ustness c u.nctl e a w k wt h ition 1 t.'"' r ; ° at el ;step to the Hausp •Rf .. .1 ,. .
b o on p trol a . ee , t add a olio f - .�,`;a �•><aililai
p . Y Commons in 1958 "Yq;, j0tt :Mr >
, Repve Thompson continued to renewed its contrast: with { " '
work to Cost 56.00 per hour and 20 W
P Mr. Grafftey was iri SeafArth �, Grafftey feels that V. gress ve
,express'.h s. concern about the Bud F-Chamney, Auburn, for cents per mile. Ween sea o s e. o r h` iL ' ” �' ' ► >ld4llt i1CkU,f�sB
effect of closure of the road On the arba a removal at Va astr at Reeve Thompson re rted e y t p ak t Au a , ,f, twcial policies will bring• his party k r
g g m n a.reported Middlesex delegates to the PC , R : y A into the mainstream of, Canadian.
growth expected at Vanastra and an increased rate of $118 per dogs are again a problem at leadership convention that will life. And that's where the -PCs
the danger to. children, week for 260 householders, u Vanastra. xr .'-
g P choose Bob Stanfield's successor "
have to be, he sad unless the CiD•Qi!tATQRS"
Cpl. Primeau suggested that from present $6$. plus $5 weekly Building Permits in January. But no one except .a .R h` want to win only 60 nr 80 seats in IioT5.TJRA,l11CiGA A Q
f G1
some of the Vanastra roads be rate for garbage removal at the Requests for building' permits press representataive attended ,• the next' election.
designated truck routes, only curling rink and $8 at the da care were ranted to John Hendricks, F^
g g Y g the coffee and bookies session. ,
• ;.
g delivery d n centre. Any new R.R.4, Seaforth, addition to barn; Mr. Grafftey says that as prime • u • , . �'�'cvll�+�"��„�����jS'(�1'n,Ai1�1������'��”' ;��!���%�j- , , ` .
allowin ' delive trucks in the an recreation
residential areas along with the householders will, pay at the rate Peter Colyer, R„R.2, Kippen, minister he woujd bring down a��;
cars, of 55 cents weekly, garage and addition to house; Bill' budget giving individuals
Mr. Laurin repeated, "The Council accepted the tender of Ross, Brucefteld, new. house and incentives and providing a '$Z '�
decision is already made„ The Robert Nicholson, R.R.1, moving barn; Edward J. Roberts, billion tax cut. He'd make up the
Ministry' will not pay out more Sebringville, fbr $8,000 for R.R.2, Kippen; closing in porch $2 billion by tightening up v �' THE C A•` e;,
money on a road that we feel is - repairs to Shepherd Creek drain, on house; Joseph Devereaux, administration of the a 'r
not safe. - The onus is on thi the lowest of three tenders. Work R.R.4, Seaforth, addition to barn; Unemployment Insurance
townshipto close u this road. to be completed b Jul 10, 1976,. Herve Poirier, Vanastra, arden got the worst features of both the' P P Y Y g Commission, , abolishing free enter rise and the socialist On Your List
Council on a motion by Passed for payment 'were storage shed; Michael Connolly, Information Canada, cutting the systems. I•;e doesn't think'Ontario
Councillor Cleave ert voted unanimously and to including
totalling $284,606.23, R.R.3, Kippen, concrete manure money the present' government ` doctors cpn expect - a 52% ,
Y g general accounts of tank. c spends an consultants fees by increase in income. "The crunch
Transportation4theMinistry of and $ H,627.8uron county included $levies
on the township 70% and by bringing better' is here ... fee for service (the way,
Communications to h ave the 5th Huron Count 6 Board of Fie Area Board, reported that management into like
prof ors are presently paid) is
Y” P government .agencies, like Air'
Avenue entranceway closed to ' Education, $87,340.06; and Ernest Williams, Seaforth has Canada. ,"We could save $2 Probably not the answer."-
traffic. Huron -Perth County Roman been appointed secretary- billion right ht tfiere,",.Mr. Graffte Mr. Grafftey, who has already
g Y visited 200 of the 265 ridings in
Twin Lane Catholic Separate School Board, treasurer of the fire area board,at. said. g
Mr. Morris said the turning $6,542.05; road accounts, a salary of $400 yearly. He says the economy is the . the country says he wants to be
lane at the western entranceway $7,959.99; Vanastra Day Care The meeting adjourned at 1:15 main challenge facing the n ext Conservative leader and prime '
to Harpurhey off No, 8 highway Centre, $5,654.08, and Vanastra a.m. Wednesday. prime minister and argues that he minister "because I have firm
convictions about the direction in..
can provide a "Conservative which the Country and the party
�- alternative to Trudenu's should - be going."'He'd be
socialism." neglecting his public duty if he 71.
Mr. Grafftey says he wouldn't d
To the Editor.' cut an essential social programs didn't run because he feels a
Y P g responsibility, the MP, who
in order to get closer to a represents a riding that is 75% l rB FAN
balanced budget. He'd like to see French speaking says. For the we have a multitude
Canadians with "the best medical As PC leader he could help the
and social care services and the party improve their showing in of items that' will make this the
best housing in the world." Quebec of
hard work on_the,
We're,proud of Seaf Orth He says our present medical constituency level", but he's not
system isn't working and that it's promising miracles. MERRIEST CHRISTMAS EVER I . • •
O I1C e readers $ 5 0, 0 0 0 for family COBRA CB RADIOS ANTENNA SPECIALISTS
' eade s 23 Channel Mobiles Bane Antennas
(Continued from Page 1) each worth $9,000, in 1975, 1976 Base Models Mobile Antennas
t On the night of November 22, we had the - Kitchener and pick up the car, By 12:00 the reported 140 submissions in the and 1917, for ARC 4ndustries' at Side Banders Boat Antennas
misfortune of having our car 'stolen from same evening, our car was back in flag contest, and reportted that Dashwood, to aid in repaying
Seaforth's Main Street. The Seaforth Seaforth. We would like to express our Mrs. Gladys Stiles, a county their $50,000 'mortgage. This -
employee, was the overall winner facility is operated by South Everything in C B
Police Department immediately began a deepest appreciation to the Seaforth Police • • •
search of the town, but could not locate the Department for going above and, beyond taking first, second and third Huron and District Association .
t car here..A stolen vehicle report was put the call of duty in locating and returning Prizes. Fourth place winner was for the Mentally Retarded.
out. On Monday, November 24, the car was our ca to us. Elizabeth De`ichert, . R.R.2, A request for a grant to
located in Kitchener on a parking lot. We elieve our town has a police force Zurich. HuronCountry Playhouse in the WL! VWED
Seaforth Police came to our residence at w an all be road of and this is our w There• were nine consolation amoont of $2,500 was not uv wu
9:00 Monday evening after receiving the saying - "Thank You"; ay of prize winners whose names were, approved. • - 4
call from Kitchener. Harr and Dianne Mero not released at the meeting. New olio re ardin the 1
y g policy -regarding- Phone 527-1320 Main Street 5 'af-oath'
' Thev offered to take my husband to Salaries for staff - members appointment of county boards
under the jurisdiction of the and committees where people
property committee received other than elected officials are ,
• raises and adjustments subject to involved, was approved. Adver-
- McKi11'o the l _approval, of the Federall tisements are to be laced, in all
4 �.y
A , & c � '* �!, r W c '} !✓ G, '' � <j t .' jJ : "' rr" t(Cr i u m g 1) Anti-InflaNam review Bo'aM. TW, oounty'n ewsfiapers We first week
rrtt 4 t 6` a e schedule requires that caretakers' in December requesting anyone
/� �+ Moyes, 'st an , and museum staff members start interested in sitting on one of IDEAL ,
new a' I tM e n Manager for Ontario east and at $9,880 and after two years, these committees, or as a hospital
north region Canadian 'Imperial . u g P receive a salary of $10,296. board representative ,if any is '
Bank of Commerce, discussed
Everyone who wants to have a Grey, the three municipalities The executive committee required to notify the county CHRISTMAS
look at the new senior citizens who are operating the apartments Farmer -Banker relationships reported the names of Huron clerk. � -
apartments just constructed "'in along ' with the Ontario Housing includ.ingthe future of agriculture County scholarship winners: for invitations are going out to
Brussels will have their chance on Corporation, are invited to tour and the basic components that go Ridgetown College of .local councils,' asking them to
e Tuesday when an open house is the• building. into agriculture such as weather, Agricultural Technology, attend a session of county council GIFT
planned. Brussels reeve Jack The open house will be on from land, crop management and now Clarence Haak, R.R.2, Clinton; commencing with the January
McCutcheon stressed that all I p.m. 6-ntil 9 in the evening, the the effect of production. University of Guelph, Robert J. session. . The
residents of .Brussels, Morris and reeve said.
McKillop Reeve Allan Fairies, Gorrie; .Roberta Pullman, During the day -long session, "`
The keys to the new building Campbell in his remarks noted Bluevale; Patricia Faber,' Exeter; council heard reports from the Hallmark. (/ (%���LJGC Chest
After more were turned'over to OHC from the that the McKillop Township grant University of Guelph, John E. representatives to the" five county •
contractor yesterday, signifying had been increased from $550.00 " Deichert, R.R.2, Zurich; hospitals, and from the staff at
that the building is completed, to $650.00. Rosemary Newnham, Seaforth. the Ontario Ministry' of _
(Continued on Page 1}' Reeve McCutcheon said. Peter Ray spoke briefly on C.I. Council approved three grants. Agriculture and Food in Clinton
many Seaforth students would be I f b h A.G. insurance; Bill Crawford,
universit bound that they'd n V_ 1.
The Treasure...
48 -Piece Service fpr 8
in Community"' Silverplate '
by Oneida
48 -Pc. Service contains:
were bachelors.
Y y
a out t o
apartments and forms fieldman, stressed the
exhaust his fund curly 30; years
will be available at the open
impportance .of ,keeping . people
ars in
rved in
p Iater.Sl»aforth historian James R.
informed about work
Functional as well as elegant, it
Scott says Bruce Scott was
Representatives from ` the
and sited the Ontario Federation
"virtually a recluse". He was a
Ministry. of Housing and from
of Agriculture in' meeting last
After Bruce Scott died, the
first cousin of Jim's father and he
Brussels and Morris and Grey will
month; and agricultural
sllverplate. Solid wood, walnut finish,
remembers him well. Bruce Scott
be there to answer questions, the
representative Donald Pullen,
and, -his brother grew up on the
reeve said.
.Clinton, talked of crop conditions
by Kaufman Rubber Co., at the
farm now owned by Frank
"it's a good chance for
m the county.
Hallmark Chest no, 33
Reynolds in Harpurhey. The
everyone interested tsee
More than 160 guests attended
brother was a teacher and both
bh;as R
the dinner meeting.
The Treasure...
48 -Piece Service fpr 8
in Community"' Silverplate '
by Oneida
48 -Pc. Service contains:
were bachelors.
a ui tug, esus
McCutcheon said.
The Chest...
Eight 5 -Piece Place Settin s✓
g g
They spent their h °
w ' Seaforth, but both
ars in
rved in
Functional as well as elegant, it
P las one each,
Toronto, Jim Scott remembers
protects and enhances the beauty of
Butter Knife, Sugar Spoon,
After Bruce Scott died, the
In the report of provincial court
sllverplate. Solid wood, walnut finish,
Tabl oon, Pcd, Tablespoon, Cold
Expositor said he was employed
in Seaforth the "person convicted
rich velveteen lining,
Meat F r ravy Ladle, Desser}�
by Kaufman Rubber Co., at the
of driving through a red light was
`°`': '
Hallmark Chest no, 33
Server, Casserole./ Berry Spoon.
time of his death. He had worked
incorrectly identified as Michael
for the Bank of Commerce, in
Coyne of R.R.2, Staffa. • The
Seaforth (perhaps after he left
person fined was his son, Larry;'''
'• •"""""�.:.
Offer also available in these patterns
48 -Piece Service
SCI) and in Windsor.
Michael Coyne.
October 18, thru December 31, 1975:
in Hallmark Chest
Courier Service
t ,
Gas Tax Rebate
Sponsored by Seaforth Optimist Club
Leave Forms in sealed envelope at Optimist
Hall, Seaforth
10,a.m. — 4p.m.
Service charge of $2:00 per return
Service curtailed upon ending of postal strike,
For Information:John Henderson 527-0435
Martin Murray 345-2458
Notice will be given when cheques have
been returned to Seaforth [approx. one week]
Royal Lace", Modern Baroque*, 1250.0
Spanish Crown", Artistry*, Affection". (suggested consumer price)
Hors d'oeuvre Set
Hors d'oeuvre Fork and Coffee Spoons
(iiftV $3. 95
(suggested consumer price)
Phone 527-1720