HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-05-11, Page 1•
VOL. XX.III.---NO. 1162.
Our stock this season surpasses any of our
-previone efforts, and we are daily reaping
'the benefit of it. The Dress Goods depart-
ment is full of all the leading novelties and
See the colored Gloria's, silk and
double width and grand value, Ex-
orustvn To TIlIS noun. We have never
done as good a Dress Goods trade as this
season. Comment is unnecessary. : Our
Prints are in the lead as usual; the bigg
range, the newest designs and finest print-
ings. Our all -wool De Laines are the
prettiest and cheapest in town. We have
:au exolualve range of Zephyr Ginghams
:and Moline, guaranteed to keep their
.color. A. special tine of ladies' Summer
Vests, 5 cents each, six for•25 cents.
Our Shoe stock is full of the old reliable
•makes; the best assorted stook of Oxfords
:and Slippers in the trade,
Groceries as. usual. The 35 cent Tea,
3 lbs. for one dollar, 5 lbs. for one dollar
and fifty, as satisfactory as ever. Goods
delivered promptly.
*• ae
The ()Illy Direct Trnporters..
To Been, May 2nd, 1804.
Marriage Licenses
'Issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic-
't9ria street,Wingham, Ont. ). o witnesses
• Place Sn Canada to 4
'I BESTfief a Business Edu-
calSon, Shorthand,
etc. , Is at the Cen-
Lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. 1
▪ Unquesponnbly Canada's OreatestCom-
• Inercial schcxes. Cata•o„ues free. Men- 3
• tion tine paper. Shaw & Elliott, Principals.
.O® A.0464�64►+a�®a,s®e,t►4
•of Dr.]�
coned fat.
—Rev. Mr, Ii. ,
Hedy, occupied the p 1pit in the Methodist
church, on Sunday m ruing lest.
---Why buy cheap goods, when you can
get the best for the same money at Mun-
sha v's ?
—Mayor Hanna's anon is still resting
in front of the town all. Is it not about
time it was placed in csition on the park?
—Watches, clooke and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by HALsi:y
PARK, Meyer Blobk, Wingham.
—Mr, Oliver Gilol rist is pushing his
factory building alone. It will present a
good appearance when it is completed, and
add to the manufaotu ing establishments
-Cast' for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
—Mr, Thos. Bell purchased e. very fine
• Jersey bow, the othe day, in Brussels.
—If you are think ng of buying anything
in the China line, ca and see the stook W.
T. Yates has.
—Mr. Geo. Maso is in London this
-week, visiting his f her, who is seriously
.—The Presbytety
in the Wingham Pre
Tuesday next, at 11 a.
—Parasols, a fine 1
and something good.
in the north side,
—Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite
the . Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good
work, always first -claps fit. '
Maitland will meet
byterian church, on
e, something cheep
tnpotted direct.
i o tit HIscociis.
—Rev. I. Hamilton the new Baptist
minister, has moved 1 s family to town,
and will occupy the ho se formerly occupi-
ed by Rev. Mr. Watso , on Francis street.
pulpit topics for
, "The Temptation
"All things made
—The Canadian
contains a out of the
tional church, and
press descriptive of t
pendent is the organ
body in Canada.
—Curtain nets an
gest range in town; 4
to elect•fr
250 pairs e
VV, j, Ch
glove works ' is one
town, there bein
hands employed i
of the business, `�; H
some alteratidns
tate the turning ou
—Methodist Churc]
itext Sunday; Moroi
of Christ." Evenin ,
ndependent for May
Wingham 'Congrega-
appropriate letter
to same: The Inde -
f the Congregational
— number A
um of U
dal atmyres
ed e
near Yletnria street
c rs a beaocommo,
rle can o
once, fEdward strep
—Quite uite nutnbet•
Q a
C v v
nn Friday last. As
enoe to a report of tli
in another column, N
elected to the responai
urer of the association.
f our citizens attend -
retention at Brussels,
111 lie seen by refer.
Davi Bu
ing for 'this seaso
watering early ne
—r' i r, Peter D
auction, .on the n
on Saturday, 1
li has the street water -
o memo
and willc e
t week,
ens will s by public
arket s e; Winghtim,
h ins' , at 2 ji, m., a
meeting, published .quantity of Hous hold Furniture. If you
yor Hanna has been
want bargains, at end this sale.
le position of Treas. •Eggs for Hatching—From thorough-
bred Brown Leghorn Fowl—the best' layer
in existence. Prices reasonable.
R. ELraor'r, Wingham.
--Carpets, Tapestry tend Brussels, im-
ported direct. . All wo s and unions cheap.
Carpets cut and match d.
nn c� HIscocxa.
—At the meeting . f Olivette Lodge,
Rebekah Degree, I. 0. 0.F., on Tuesday
evening next, after the usiuess is conclud-
ed, the members will regale tltemselves
with ice cream. [t is expected that a
number will be added t the membership
at that meeting. This lodge is making
good progress.
Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf - JOHN Neuse LF.
—Tho Town . Council
inspected the streets,
lace curtains- •Big- Among other unproven
cents a pair and up.
recommend to be made t
Ona J� kII°scones. of sidewalks on John an
man's tannery and. � from the main street t
and on Francis street,
John street. This is an
is greatly needed.
the busiest pieces in
upwards of twenty
the different branches
is just now malting
his tannery, to faeili-
Street Committee
on Friday lest.
nts they agreed to
s year is the laying
Patrick streets,
Francis street,
from Patrick to
iproVement that
-For• forst-crass tai formg and- °Leap
genet' furuishiu+„s, try Webster d: Oo.
lteenember the place, One (tour south of
of work in'this depart -1 R A Graluutn's gory store.
—Wanted, a boy about 16 or 17 years
age, to learn the printing trade. Mutt
have a good English education. Apply at
the Tares office.
—The regular n;
No. 25, Canadian
be held this (Frill
at eight o'clock.
High Chief Range
will pay the Court
install the officers
A full attendance o
ting of Court Maitland,
Order of Foresters, will
evenicg, commencing
The District Deputy
Mr. John A. Barnard
an official visit and
or the ensuing term.
the members is de -
—Why do you ruin your eyes by looking
at the sun to see Kit is near noon, when
you can buy a reliable watch for $3.10,
from Munshaw, the leader.
. - Go to Munshaw, the leader, for all
'kinds of bar pins, sword handle, Corsage
—A meeting of the uron District Cohn -
.oil of the RoyalTem ars of Temperance
'will be held in Wing am the fore part of
.June. The local Co veil of that Order is
making preparations or the inebting.
—Baby Carriages. A. full line o£ these
articles on hand, and will be sold cheap for
cash, at S. Gracey's Furniture Store,Wing
---This is the earliea�
lit thi section for rear
trees are out in full 1
are veryfavorite
crop this year. Seedi
cattle are out on the
- Dlunsbaw, the 1Sading jeweller, has , A committee, cone
taken a full course at the= Toronto Optical Renderson, �ioe-1
Institute, and Teas all the latest applianA 1
st deficient a esr h .
for testing the mo Y fa
Seating free.
—There were acv
the roll of membersh
reit, NO, 222, Canadia,
Friends, at the meet
ing last. This bring
to about thirty, and
a large number will
big, Which will be 11
next. The Comm'
osiers hall, and wi bold its meetings on
• the aeoond and ins , Monday of each month,
ptimmeneint; wlt1i he month ' of June. This Curtain intro°„+ •�� +��A or -
- a.
. ty is a very ionlar one, as it admits is wanted to help decorate the home. For
'both sexes on 1 tal turns, and the ladies any of the above goods, at lowest pilose, i charged to us, but
at Wingbari a..: •,ot slow to take advantage be sure and call at 8. Groey's Farnham l haandy credit foru
. of the,'beneflts ai ed. Booms, Wie�gleam. get
—Special re -open
Baptist church, ne
Sellery, M. A., B:
the afternoon
pastor, will take oh.
evening services.
day evening. No
charged. A collect
spring experienced
years. The fruit
loom, and the pros,
e for an abundant
`rd d
isfinished g
which r
g services in the
t Sunday. Rev. S.
will preach at 2.30 in
ev. 3. Hamilton, the
rge of the morning and
Iso, a social on There,
3mittance •fee will be
n will be taken at each
service. in aid of the building fund.
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto end east
leave Windham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a.
m. and 3.45 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph.
Good connections by all 'trains.
--Lucknow Sentin
bers uf the Rebekah
ham paid a fraterna
the Lucknow Society
last, rive Candida
the work of eonfe
Rebekah was cond
team of the Winghai
was remarkably well
great -praise from
ceremony the visitor
tained by the met
society to a sumptuo
—Fruit culture is rlore profitable to the
farmer now than his other crops. Brown
Bros. Co., the most extensile nursery house
in Canada, have a vacancy in this section.
Write thein at Toronto, Ont., for their
1: About thirty mem-
egree Lodge of Wing -
visit of
visit to the sisters
on Thursday evening
]s were initiated and
ing the Degree of
°ted by the degree
lodge. Thee work
one and called forth
1 present. After the
were royally enter-
bers of the Lucknow
s repast.
On Saturday la
while drawing a c
the station to Mess
sash and door fact
feet of lumber at
very large load,
driving on the par
Wm. Blatchford, to keep it from upsetting.
—Mr. Goo. Exte'
medalist student
College, Montreal,
the Wingham Con
short time.
—Rev. Howard
spending a month
the Congregation
Sunday last.
came over with a
in Ontario, and
se, a second year gold
d the Congregational.
ill supply the pulpit of
regational church for a
Fry, of England, who is
in 0,anada, preached in
1 church, Wingham, on
lie reverend gentleman
party who are settling
f he cam secure a suitable
location he may iaaka Canada his home.
—If you want good, healthy plants, of
the best sorts, go to the Iron Bridge Green-
houses. Increased facilities and experience
in plant raising, enable me to furnish a
superior article in plants. Remember the
Lest are the cheapest in the end. The
following are a few of the )°furls grown
Tomatoes, sevetta1 varieties; cabbage, six
varieties; cauliflower, celery, pepper,pansy,
chrysanthemum, geranium, fuchia, coleus,
verbena, jessamine, aster, etc. Come early
and get a good choice.
T. C. GaADAnn, Lower Wingham.
—On Fi sday last,
were let by auction
Mr. A. H. Carr bein
Mr. John Gillespie, There were quite a n unbar of bidders, and
load of lumber from the ootnpetitionwasb -en. 'According to 1
C. Lloyd c&I Son's statutes, the price of weighing has- been
ry, drew over` 3,000 reduced, and cons • oeutly the revenue
one load. It was a from the scales wilt of be so great as in
nd required Careful tha past.
of the teamster, Mr,, —On Wednesday .1
Catherine, wife of Mr
town, passed over to
Mr. Murray hes the
townspeople generally i
meut. She leaves -four
.about eight years and
few clays old. The rem
He all for interment, o
the town weigh sondes
r the ensuing year,
the lessee, at $48.
It was dry pine lun
—Messrs.` Beck
wholesale leather
went opened out
lately occupied as
on :Victoria stree
J. J. Golley's y
firm carries a larg
a good trade,. ha
road continually.
—I have one of t
of • China Ware, D
Crockery in this
have just opened
geodes!, W. T.
—A meeting of.
A r
Turnberry u g
on Monday last, in
the Directors wore 1
a good deal of busi
the Directors of the
rel Society was held
1. All
l to
orman s,,, lo,
eaent except one, and
ass was transacted.
ting of President
t S
i -ant ,
essrs. McKinley and
n membeQs added to
p of Wingham Coati.
Order of Chosen
ng on Tuesday even -
the membership tIp
e prospects are that
added at next meet -
on Monday evening
has secured the For.
tart' Anderson alta
—The Maple
orgnnixed the ebbe
ing officers : A. IT
A. Stewart, capta
retary ; D. McKay,
A. Stuart ahncl F.
mittes..•The club
and w , no doub
among the cl
They expect to
Goderieh club, in
Chapman have their
nd findings establish -
u the brick building
carriage ,show room,
, nearly opposite Mr,
terivary office. This
stock, and are doin
ing a traveller ono,
st, the spirit of
John Murray, of
the great beyond.
sympathy of the
his sore bereaves.
Whiten, the eldest
e youngest only a
ins were taken to
---Last Friday was
> 11fr: rhos, J. Scot
of the Wingham Presby
shortly to. take up his r
—A. non jury sittin
Court was held in G
A number of our tow
The contract fo
across the river at t
been let to :dr. John
The bridge is to be c
of July.
—Thad. W. x. Le
town hall this (Pride
Papacy. the Politician
Prof. Mart.yne, humo
one of his unique ente
the evening.
—Mr. Geo; Extense,
Congregational Coltege
preach in the Coitgreg•
Sunday next. The mo
"Tile Jailer's Question
Evening eubjeot : "Three
subjects are especially
young people.
—As will be seen by refe
in another column, Miss Vi
known resident of this to
fortunes with Mr. Walter P
apolis, Minnesota. The Ti
her many friends in town
wishing the young couple
and prosperity.
rbor .Day.
Week 1e
lately cl o a41
rian church,leaves
idence in Toronto. . the prairie, for a p
of the Assize courare- ,)It would
lerieh this week, and we trust it ma
men were in at- purpose.
—We this, week
the foot bridge
cation of the cele
Shit Block has 'Hoosier School -Mas
Foster, of town.
Eggleston. We will
tnpleted by the lat
good instalment of
absorbing interest,
A number c gentlemen in town a
making an .effort . t seenre the forty ace*
of land owned by M s. Wim. Jottneton,,
blit• park ancon res
ake �,splendll p
be 'teemed 1i
, tone.
vitt lectures in the ,
evening, on "'Ghee.! Pers
and the P. P. A." Mrs. Dever, of D
'st, Sae, will give tives in town.
ainiuents during Mr. Clark Elder, w
Ins parentrt in town
student of the on Friday last, to fill
Montreal, will
tional church otes%f1Mr' H. B. Elliott,
ing subject 1s. Sundayed in Kincardi
t its Answer." ! Miss B. H. Reynold
last in Goderi
Guides." The i .' i�'Ir. Geo. McKay,
Ilpropriate for~;
.-merly of Wingham, is
old friends. He
lice to a notice
Maui lobs agrees with l'
a Rush+ I Ald. John O'Donol'
has joined'
general agent of the
rdy, of 1Minve Insurance Go., was in t
Es joins with week.
ud vicinity in ; Mrs. (Rev.) L. G.
uch happiness are on a visit to friends
nnmence the pe l
rated serial: °*T1
r," by R'et F3c$sai
each week' gig.
t. It is a• t'al'e
with a gotten nay
--On Tuesday afterno
e i tor of the 'Mercantile In
in which Mr. R. Green's
arrived in town and. ad
Mr. Green received $600
ing and $180 for lose
furniture. On Tuesday
a c1
• nre�
Gree g
This is prompt payment,
on the . Company, Mid th
here,. Mr•- John Ritchie.
Tlie animal meeting
the Mechanics' Institute
day evening last Th
secretary, t
submitted, tound quite
adopted. The balance
purchase of library book
ed t
were paid, amount
election of officers for
resulted as follows :
president ; 3. A. Mort
Mambo, treasurer ;
Macdonald, R. Vanstor
S. Gracey, director; A
to best assorted stocks
nner Ware and general
art of the county. I
f ne
up three crates o fine
Trs, The China House,
—Beaver Tobac
is the 1'ighest.gi
eaf Base Ball Clnb Was
night, with the follow -
Musgrove, president ;
G. A. Newton, sec -
treasurer ; D. MoKay;"
ngus, managing com-
as some good material,
take to foremost place
f surrotn ing towns.
lay a mate with the
Wingham, on the 24th
o is absolutely clean. It
e stook in Canada and
the only gentlema 1 chewing.
--Our townsm n, Mr. Thos. J. Scott,
took pert in the I ise Nora Clench farewell
concert, lately giv
Argus, of that to
1lin : Mr. Thos.
u last, the Inspea-
urance Company,
ouse was ins, 'red,
sted the claim.
or loss on dwell-
nd damage to his
of this week Mr.
or the amount.
nd reflects credit
r energetic agent
n in St. Marys, and the Robertson, auditors.
n speaks as follows of —I will give yo
f the members of
vas held on Mon -
reports of the
auditors were
satisfactory and
n after
on band,
and all expenses
about $50.'? The
lie ensuinMtr
H. Musgrove,
i secretary • R•
troit, is yisitiiig'rell -
o has been Beit'
r a short time, l
position. in Dialiittl;
f the 'Plies .stk „
spent Saturday set
Winnipeg, for ,
n town calling 011 },,
if the climate ofi'
e, of Stratford;
iiufacturers' Life
wn a few days this
On Tuesday morning, u
t Mr. Wm. Wray's reside
corner of John and Shuler
Robt. Aikens and another
a scaffolding on which they
ing. Though the distance t
not great, Mr. Aikens had his
and right hip bone broken
man escaped with a few serat
ood and daughter
n London.
School Board Meeting.;
tile working , The regular moot ly meeting of •the'`.
te, on the School Board wan hel on Tuesday even
streets, Mr.
ing last. All t he me . hers present, ex.
n fell with cept C. N. Griffin. Mi utes of last meet-
•ere stand- ing read and approve ' The Principal's- "'
ey fell was report of attendance for'the month of
nilar bone April, was as follows
he other
DEPT. DOTS. ME s. • TOTAL' AV'ti51,.'-
hes. , 1 13 t 33 30
• 2 21
set the Meeting of Anch
od'ge, Z.O. G. T., last Tuesd
there was a very good attenc
officers for the current term we
by D. Sutherland, Lodge Dept
lows; W F. Brockenshire, P.
of Hope
y evening, 4
nee. The . 5
e installer) 6
ty, as fol- 8 45
T.; Jas. ' —
Wilson, C. T. Miss Cameron, V. T.; M. Total . 236 2
Blackwell, R. S.; Miss M. Etl ng, F. S.; The highest average
Miss Els Baiutolt, Treas.; A. aintou, M.;' The report was a
'Thos. Bell, secoude
Miss Morrison, D. l:l.; Wm. B ok, Chap.; that the chairman b
• k n._hu e was W. F.
Brock S. r
E. Blackwell, Senough slating fa
elected Lodge Deputy for the e suing year. Principal's room. --C
W. F. Brockeushiie and Wm, 'One were Committee reuotume
elected delegates to Grand Lud
number of delegates were eleo
the District meeting. which w
Clinton on the 18th inst.
---1Ir. 3• Lee, representin
Piano, manufactured by the
Rogers Co., of Listowel, spen
town this week- During his
of 1Ir. Halsey Park, (the Cot
for Wingham,) was the centre
and hundreds of our citizen
Lee, who is a very artistic
Morris is already a great succ
by practical metes)! many yea
e'er Fisher, J. R. the cases are artistic in design
, Dr. Towler and fully finished. The actions 0
Bess and Wm very best and the musical goal
instrument cannot be excelled
will no doubt be pleased to silo
of the pians to all who cell on
understand Mr. Lee is likely to
ail brooms, 8115 ; Sara
11 be held in Moved by Wm. Moor
Hiscocks, that the
46 40
62 54
55 47
73 ale
63 ; 5t3
13 66'
3 88 75
7 493 433
opted. Moved by
by Wm. Button,:.
instructed to order
blackboard for the
cried. 'rue Finance
dedpayment of the
a A large following accounts . Win Robertson,
to attend. express charges, �•1
5 c is ; T?.A.MoOlure, .!
arqubttrson, $1.50.
• seconded by J.M.
ep+trt be adopted
--Carried. Moved
d by J.H..l1isc.ockst .w
d secretary be in-
s for the teachers'
for the, month oP'
Board- then ad -
tate Morris and the accounts pai
by Thos. Bell, second
orris, Fetid: that the chairman a
two days in strneted to Issue Ord
t the store 1 sod officers' salaries
a Aril --Harried. Th
]tiny'$ agent P
of attraction
listened to • Experience has ?roved it.
sic by Mr A triumph In medicine was atta•ined when
experience roved drat
The P P
' de would not only stop the progress of PM -
n, dollar for a pound
T. Scott, in his Scotch of tomatoes. Never before have my plants
been in better condition for securing an
a; it 1s ma
experience; monary Consumption, but by its continued
nd beauti- i use health and vigor cottld.heWile restored.
ed ere the i Williams Little Dandelion
ties of the Pills will cure Headache, Biliousness,
IMr. perk : Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once suet
the merits merits you will not use any other. Price 250.
box, at all drug stores.
him. We English White
in town SOils
in the hes fly Liniment in the
ntxdt is the best Family
; world, Institut titre for Sprains awl
Bruises. Beware of imitations. Ask or
Salmon's English ''Vhite Oils.
songs, captivated lie audience. This was
early crAp of fruit. Just to see how early again in a week or so.
his first appearan e in St. Marys, but if I tomatoes may be produced in this part, I graduates who re ,$ived the
ever he returns 1 e will receive a hearty make the following offer : .13y agreement —Among theg
His rend tion of"Look Lomond," with Mr. Reynolds, he will nay one dollar
B. A. degree at 14IoMaster Uni ersity on
welcome. for the first pound of tips tomatoes grown ,
"Come ye by Atho ," "Green grows.. Inc on lanes &Tis: of 1ne; 50 cents fore Thursday of last week, were 1♦ ,+arae Ger.
Rushes O' "etc.; vas excellent, and exlii' the second, and 25 cents for the third, de- son J. Cameron,'liverton; Job NS Grigg,
Ru ,
and t lowness of voice sufft- livered at his grocery store. This offer is well, 'Toronto ; Benl t
forceK T
bited n o'
n Scottish good to those whose puechases of all kinds
Theta ; Miss Annie M. Wits Toronto
f etre
'v :lima g one dol•
dent to i t less than o
wren not los :V[as e
g amount to W. ATc
` )slits 'William �
of ill
P ass
rs. ti�
vocalists in this or ny other land. ler and excludes those buying at hundred
i oted for linens, Table, rates. Those wishing to compete will Ratty L. 9lcNeil, Port .Elgin
=This store is a reretpt of purcltases to cook, Wingham; H. 0. Pries
Damanks, Iiollair, hem prosentwitlltimatoes TarobJ Reeve Guelph ; l;d
Table Napkins. t Iron Biid a Grec nitoti 6
direct. i1nn t His°aaKa.
s, Linen Towels, and please secure '1'. C. Gi1AiIArr,
hy? We importse Lower Win *ham.
--.Next Monday even'ng,tbe 14th inst.,
roux e how
cloy is only Rev. des. Livingstone of Kincardine,
range lioiv closely luso t
"'Ili deliver his celebr ted lecture on
e never say anything "What 1 don't forget f the Wor1d'd
't like but we soon hear
we once in a while ' Nit'," in the Wing atn Methodist
d thing we never beer i church. Mr. Livibt#sto e will speak on
eems to notice it. We the More striking sud nt`ertaininq fes -
compliments and give tures of the• great fair. Wherever this
s, and he takes it as ; lecture has been delis ed the people
have been more tbnn liutited. Doa't
nese, and never thinks
mise this treat. Adin'is ion 100 lecture
d. Bet if we happen' at 8 o'clock sharp.
don't 1'k r'
Tomes° , i testimonials testify to its merits. Money
eat field
refunded if H b
wit. Po I Heaing Bal lam does not do all that isi
, Toronto ; claimed for it.
ar Russell, Dr. IK.ing''s Medical Die cors
Millbrook; Miss fif}nnie Sn• th' Orange' cry is the great blood portlier. t
'Stilwell, OhetL,side; .Miss make the blood pure and keep it pare;.
v}its • Mt. Harry i all foi•rns of stntnaoh
_(( A
Tipftng Was appointed to consider the —The following
track for the fall
grounds. It was
beildings insured,
eorets.ry were in -
of it. 11, hewever
happen be say a go
*of that ; nobody
pay a Man &Millar
he matter. The him a, liendred pu
tintil the 21st a tribate to hie gee
to say something tl
something ho
character, seeltow
gets triad about it.
Dr. King's Worm Powder*
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will cure the worst cold. lfnndredt
P. Wong, Toronto. The degree of Cur 1'ver blesnc It is the best; buy the
B Th. wee yconferred upon t e following
an t
best. Price one dollar a bottle, six bottles
pasters on tlti fieklt-•-Rev. Jane Mcl;wen, for five dollare.
Vankleek hill;, Rev. Albert . Sowerby, 1s'iisilwaaa' ;Lillie Doatiel.i
Aylmer. The degree of D. ., honor's ri1111s.
cause, teas conferred tipon ' eve John �itti,larkoati's `=agl t:lx lw'
Dempsey, Ingersoll.
World's Columbian Bxpoeitica . J)i . i4ing'tt Worm. m. i' 011
Will be of value to the world by illustra,tiegt etlttlttlieltl"te eitliat iC
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au that .., �.. Medical
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nee a reflection on hie ! test War leg. raid eminent physicutna will tell yott
he flares up and All Who are owing Wro... Ridd by Dote or the progress in medicinal agents has been
All kinds of evil are a000unt, :viii pay ih a Baine top John N'ee5 of equal ilnportencc,aud as a strengthening
lands at onto et the will be ut in court I latlative that Syrup of Figs is far in ad-
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at geed we do. 1 \Vet. Babb, Y. S. Vance of all °there,
• Are all relieble- medicines and
case or money refunded, ,