HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 2.,n .. .a • :. ,';. .' R :. . � ,; ., .n fir.
' a ` " Since 1860, Serving the Comm 41ty'l4rst
:P0114,04t LA RT0,• ONT4tt1Q,, every Thursday morniq by McLF,AN BROS. PUBLISHERS LTD.
ANI$EW Y. McLFAN, Publisher
DAVE ROBB, Advertising Manager „
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association ,
Ontario Weekly Nespaper Association
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Telephone 527-0240
t'he candidate- came,,a '
the people, d
We not often that a national figure that he says would give Canadians the
visits Seaforth. It was, we thought, an best health care in 'the world.
-occasion 'when one of the candidates He had things of In and value
for the leadership of the 'Progressive to say, but no one was there to listen.
Conservative Party was here We don't know If Huron Middlesex
Wednesday.ConsOrvative delegates weren't
He was available for conversation, 4advised that one of the leadership
although the main reason for his,visit candidates was to be here ...
was'to talk to the local people who Mr.Grafftey was a little vague on
have been chosen as delegates to the , that.
PC leadership convention in January. But. if we assume that they Were
who was the first erson to announce have a good probing talk chance to
Heward Graffte the Quebec MP informed they blew the
P with one of
he was, in running for the leadership the people they could be voting for In
away back in July, was here, but' no January. '
one except the press came to talk'to Another Conservative ,leadership
him. hopeful . from Quebec, Brian
Now we don't know if this bodes ill Mulroney, is in town today. It's a.
for 'the Conservative, leadership• chance for Conservatives 'to carefully
canVmgn in general . or just for consider who they Want for leader.
Mr..Grafftey,. but we think it doesn't We hope Mr.. MvIroney has an
say much for,Seaforth. audience. If not, Seaforth,almost
Mr.Grafftey had interesting things certainly is going to be in a political
to say about howhe ouid get the black book and we'll be lucky if
Canadian economy ming again. candidates, for . the third vice
He is something of an expert on presidency -of the Social Credit party
health care anti offered suggestions come inside our town limits.
Kiiih- sci the 've been good,
m ktters to Santa
At the tender age of $, Susan Ball of Seaforth is a
busy little Iady:A budding figure skater, she attends
Seaforth Public School, sings in her church choir and
enjoys swifnmi'ng..and reading.
Susan Ball, S
Dear Santa:
I would -like a.bar�iie ski village,
gold medle barbie' and some
clothes to go with her. Mabey
some odds and ends in my
stocking to. One more thing if you
can find room in your bag a new
set of books. Have a Merry
Yours Susan Ball
More Ito come
A -men
Fy r '� vw
by Karl Schuessler
sense, ask
now swedenberger. a new
i know it doesn't take much talent
I keep trying. "Have you ever
to stand on a Kitchener main sheet
s. '
--King and Frederick --and stick a
I thinkthe Swedenborgians would
microphone in someone's face and
`' :yes, yes," , says one woman
ask a question.
My• name is Cynthia Dupee. I
' It takes more than talent. It takes
rtfuch the spiritual world, the.
nerve. Some people would say cheek.
"And what's . that?" I ask.
But once you've got your cheek out
away, a pair of slippers, a housed
front, you can start enjoying yourself
nourishment.They just don't see trees
as you listen to all those pedestrian
mouth and ask him something, else,
he waved me off. "That',s all.". He
Noone really .likes to be accosted ' „
rushed, off. '
• on the street--theirprivateworlds
I really couldn't blame him. One
invaded. 'They're busy. Shopping.
right answer is score enough. Why
Making deadlines. Fighting traffic.
take chances with any .more?
Who wants to bother. with ' my
"They're the ,people who have their
own ,community, named Caryndale.
"Have you ever heard of the
They have their own sewers and
everything" the next person told me.
"Sweden . . . who?"
After one hour I could see I wasn't
"The Swedenborgians," I repeat,
rias .sing information. 'for an
"They're locally gorwn. Their church
encyclopedia. I had "'Just what . I
has been here over 130 years now."
read in the newspapers.. "They
Now of course "no" is a very good
hollered" and "They have sewers
answer. A good honest answer. But
and everything."
who wants to admit -he's a dumfhi --
Another half hour on the street
'e'ven' if it is't4 'a`' tranger.
corner brought me � more.
'do get sortie "no's,;', qnc )ady,
."J. Ogii t know,.what4hey, °believe,_
,sighed '; with '- •regre't, practically
but they're 'darn nice people."
apologized. "I've lived in this place
"They're okay. They're quiet.
ever since it was a city, and I've never
Clean living people. And they mind
heard of them." •
their own business."
Another woman • just shook, her
One woman told me- she wouldn't
head and said, "There's too. 'many
know anything about them. She never
churches . and not enough good
watches TV or listens to the radio.
Another • one thought I wanted -
But most people run for some kind
directions to Emmaneul St.
of cover to keep their I.Q. in tact.
I spent two minutes explaining
"I'm shopping for the days in
exactly where in, Kitchener they were
Kitchener. 1 don't live here." Then
located.., The young girl shrugged and
they explain they're from'
chuckled, "Obviously it's not a very
out-of-town.' Toronto. St.. Marys,
popular place."
Mitchell. And then that's a signal for
But there was one .man whose ,
me not to press any farther. That
answer I liked best of all. He didn't
ends the matter. And now it's my turn
know much about that outfit, 'those
to be the dummy. don't I know any
Swed'enb'ergers, he called. them.
'better? Asking such a silly question to
Swedenbergers. Let's see now.
Cynthia 4
an outsider. If I had a little, more
I'd the locals.
Th_Ve s hamburger, limburger and
sense, ask
now swedenberger. a new
I keep trying. "Have you ever
namel What great hedvenly food.
Dear Santa:
heard of Emmanuel Swedenborg?"
I thinkthe Swedenborgians would
I've been a good girl all year.
`' :yes, yes," , says one woman
appreciate that, For.they do stress so
My• name is Cynthia Dupee. I
eagerly ---after several more tries.
rtfuch the spiritual world, the.
want for Christmas, baby ,that
"And what's . that?" I ask.
heavenly realms and soul
away, a pair of slippers, a housed
"Just what 1 read in ' the. news-
nourishment.They just don't see trees
coat, some pens pencils and a ' I
or birds or streams. They see beyond
pencil case, a birthstone ring,
"Yeah", , says another roan,
those obvious, -physical objects: They
paper, a pant suit, jewelery box
"aren't those the people wh hollered
give spiritual meanings and.
and some jewelery, Sesame
when they werre annexed to the city?".
interpretations to them.
Street puppets, new skates, a
He's like the kid in school who always
The Swedenborgians keep
skating dress, new pants. My
answers with a weak' question
company with angels and .the heavens
phone number 527-0463.
couched in lots of hope.
and the spiritual world, And since
"That's right," I say lending my
I've been keeping' company—lately,
with the Swedenborgians -- for a CBC
"Yeah, I thought so," he beamed,
documentary -- I'll serve you up a few
happy with his right answer.
Swedenbergs next time --some soul
Photos 'b y Rob T e t u •
Just as I was r eady to open my
food with relish, I hope..-'
3-: 3 Letters to
:.. Santa still.
're asking all our young readers to send their letter's
to Santa Claus here to us at the_ Expositor office and well
forward them to Mr. Claus.
Letters can be mailed at the Seaforth post office, or brought
directly into the Expositor office.
Every week until Christmas, we'll print a few of tyre letter to •
Santa and run each child's photo along with his letter. Please
put your return address and a phone number on your letter
to Santa , so tliat we can makftrr'angenients to take photos of
the children whose letters we publish.
Letters are welcome right up until a couple of days before
Christmas. We want to make sure we have "time to forward all
the letters by special courier to the North Pole.
Selections from the letters to Santa and photos of their m LbO� tali rS Jr`0 ffiy. i d Johhriy''Mil of of R,R.4,
authots will be published in the Huron Expositor for the next Set t . Jeremy ist aQe five in
four weeks.Small fry, get yours in'todayl
Kindergarten and Johnny is six ydars did and In
grade One. Both boys attend Huron Centerinlat
School And 6h jbyy "playing PeMoo 'Socxeir and love
1114 13111ir
�• r
Mg 3 107s'' ,
:J 4'F R : a ainfui 4cc1000 in, the'
man ed 00114 ci ><aet with p
sewmjll of essO..Ca' em.an .and Gouinlocic in this town, HO
was workipg with tin circular, saw when his ha�ud came is
co�ltact atilt: the Ynnplement neapfng two finSexs o?a his right '
Band, 71'ller.outgo#at"ed.,� • q ,,.
'041,Bothe cline there has bash a doubt in tlae rnirtds of rhes
' people of It and vicinity, as to whether 4P•not.*0
would be a.,sta,•ti9?n ofthe London, Huron, W ce Itnilway.'! 4►0'
believe that, the manager of_the Great Western has of#icill
instructed his engine6r to make at Kippen a station stmils,
one at Hensall.
Mr, McKay fromOorrie has been engaged as teacher,10 .
Section, No: 6 McKillop at a salary' of $475• - '
A'young lad, 14' years of age, named Joseph ' Ri 10y. Of
Tuckersmith met with a painful accident, while passWg .l'
teamand one of the borseskicked st riklug him on 00100and
fracturing it,
Wm. Chesney of Tuckersmith met,with.an accident, wt eb'
returning home from .Seaforth. His horse took fright at the
engine and ran • away. The horse' was • caught at .the
Egmggx}}dville bridge. Mr. Chesney had three ribs broken,
TheWachelors -of the town, numbering 40, entertained.
James Thomas at an oyster supper at Rose's Hotel.
The regular meeting of the Literary society of Seaforth was
'held, not withstanding the bad weather. M .Y.McLean
occupied the chair. The subject "should church property be
taxed" was debated. r/
NOVEMBER 30, 1900
The handsome new Roman Catholic Church erected at
Dublin was dedicated. The seating capacity is between 700''
and 800. The pews are of solid oak and the altar is a most
handsome one. The congregation have acquired the residence
of the late Joseph Kidd.
Eli Crich has bought the John's homestead in Tuckersmith
consisting .of 100 acres, for the sum of $5,500.
Thos. Peart of Hensall, has purchased the,laundry business
and good will of C. Ballantyrie.
H. Carter of Tuckersmith; sold a pair of colts to Messrs.
-Ball '& Wright of Hullett.
Miss, Dorrance, who h as taught so successfully in the
school at Winthrop has been re-engaged.Miss Kinney has
also been engaged to teach at No. 12 McKillop.
D. Grummett has' purchased, the Oscar Miller property in '
Harpurhey from James Hugill. The place consisting 20 acres
and the price paid was $1800.00:
C. Jackson, who has been with J. F. D41y and Company's
jewelery •store, has started up for himself in Ripley.
Messrs.: D.D. Wilson 8r Company are now shipping out the
last of this season's, eggs. '
R.' Common, merchant of Winthrop has been around
buying•'dressed fowl' for market. ,
For some time past flocks of sheep belonging to farmers in
r the Cromarty district have suffered wtih ravages from dogs.
The flocks of D. c and A. Wright had a number really
F. Waghorn of Walton is a busy an these days. He.has
dehorned 500 head of cattle within the past three weeks.
` A leading merchant in Seaforth says that he did the largest
business he has done in any one week for several years.
Wm. Shade of Harpurhey was married to Addie
Sparling.Rev. Mr. M usgrove of Caven Church McKillop
performed the ceremony.
A visit to the greenhouse of D. McLennan, would fully
repay,any admirer of flowers.
-John Barrows of Leadbury intends going out to the Rockies
in the near future,
Mr. Smillie of Brucefield left his teach standing on the
London Road and the horses took fright and ran as far as
kburn on the Bayfield road.
DECEMBER 1, 1950
gathering assembled at the home of Geo. L. Smith
in HuVett when'the neighbours and friends -gathered to spend ! .
asocial time with,Mr. ;and,Mrs.' Robei•I Beattie, who have oi
their farm in Hullett. The winners at cards were - La tes,`
Missy Margaret Case; Lone hands, Mrs. Hugh •Alexander;
`Consolation, Mrs.Stan Garnham; Men, first, John Taylor;
Ione hands, Art. Alexander; consolation, Geo. Michie.
John A. Wilson for many years clerk and treasurer of
Seaforth marked his '91 st birthday at the home of his
daughter,. Mrs. E.S:Little,.,Quebec City. His son, :David 'H.
Wilson is the present clerk and treasurer of Seaforth.:
Dr. E.A.McMaster was elected -Mayor of Seaforth at the
nomination meeting.. He succeeds J. E. Keating. who has
been in the office for three years.
John' Jones, who has been serving with the Air Force in
Whitehorse, Yukon, is 'visiting his parents, prior to being
stationed at 'Rockcliffe.
Francis "Frank" Smith, former hockey player , suffered a -
heart attack and died on - Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H.E.Smith, Mr. and Mrs. YM. E. Clarke and
Mrs. D. H. Wilson were in London attending the installation
exercises of Forest City Eastern Star Lodge. "
Doris Pullman; Yvonne Bolton, June Snell, Stanley K'
Dorrance are teaching in the' Seaforth Public School.
J. R. Spittal moved his family to Seaforth, and is occupying
the residence on Centre St. he recently purchased from Mr.
Culbert. ,
The home of, Mr. and Mrs. Les Beattie was the scene of a
happy gathering on the occasion of Mr.. and Mrs. Stanley
Garnhan's 25th wedding anniversary. Stewart Beattie
presented them with silver tea set for which Mrs.G arnham
graciously replied.'
DECEMBER 1, 1925
Pine root sawing is the order of the day since the weather Y
has turned colder -in McKillop.
" Mr. and Mrs. John° Byerman entertained a number of their'
friends to a goose and 'rabbit dinner.
Mrs. Robert Caldwell of Hensall, passed away at her home
here. .
Sydney McArthur of Hensall ha&the misfortune to get the
end of one ,of his fingers badly crushed.
The semi-monthly vieeting of the Lions Club was held In
the Separate School hall when the Lioners put on a -real
chicken dinner. Lion Rev. Father Goetz entertained the
members with a short talk -on his recent trip to Europe.
There 'has been excellent sleighing in town and country.
The Expositor is indebted to Scott Hawthorne for a
delicious venison steak. -
„,Miss Alma Graves left for Detroit where she will spend the
winter. -
Percy Howe is making a number of improvements to the
Seaforth Cafe.
E. N. Shier of Kirkton has demonstrated that he can raise
good hogs as well as wait ob hig customers and sell stamps.
He purchiised two young pigs, •born in April last. When the -
hogs were seven months old ,he killed them -and when
dress ed they weighed 662 lbs.
St. ,James Church was the selene of a pretty wedding when
Miss Marie•Mero was united in marriage to Joseph J. hickey
of Dublin.
Jerem, .. Miller, 5, Johnny M_ iller, b
Dear Santa: Tob�ggan, Buckaroo, R
Remember Us? Johnny and Viewniaster films, Don't blow
Jeremy Miller. We have been your top, a rifle, Olimpic Ski -Run,
pretty good boys this year. •We Punch Bag,' New Slipper, and
hope that you can come this year' some clothes.
again. We will turn on outside We will leave out. a Cold Beer
light s so you catf find us. and A cheese sandwich and some
apples for your reindeers. We
a We wouids'like lots of things hope this is ,Okay. We'll be
this year. Please bring as many as sleeping in out bunkbeds. Our
you can. Pogo sticks, Eviel stockings will on the liv ngroom
Knevel, a train, Vij $m, in shells. 6. -
the . gag, Ice Bird,Le 'o, a ' Johnny & Jeremy