HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-12-04, Page 1.,.r., ..
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er116th Year FIRST SECTION iA060f RF OTH .GNTA fA T1+A.IAY GMV1RA � .
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(B Wilma Oke) hey tu
was not built b the Ministry and section would
a y Fr ve a h zard # s d tsIV g e the
Y o a o to eri mn all of t+ oad
¢ ' r'"�•p,x . ° a ' } ¢' Tuckersmith Township Council that it does not work (too maty, the children Flaying in thearea. as they w lie to t)oard tit :'scltaal
authorized the closure of the Sth • accidents). He said the only way A 'resident. of Vanastra, at the buSds.
y # . Avenue entrance' in Vanastra to to solve the -situation is to close meeting as an observer, objected • Stpp adasgs
No. 4 Highway at a meeting at the entranceway as the ministry' to the road being closed, saying The man frQM V,atta'sllrA replier
r: r
Brucefield Tuesday. will not spend money on it when he realized the hazards of the . that,;.there `i++as art :atternl7t,p1r1g
The entrance, constructed by there is a satisfactory turning entranceway were serious but tnaddo to get the ;school 0,q, .`
/ the developers of the Vanastra road a fifth of a mile along the was concerned. about the danger .stopped. art ''Several' pcatiotis
complex over two years ago,' is highway at the Vanastra of the increased flow of traffic to Vanastra .to ;aVpld havi00 4. iamge
located on the highway just below sideroad. He said with the children boarding school buses at numtst=r loaeditrg--at, the grope,
the crest of a hill and one-fifth of a ' entranceway located near the Vanastra. store parkitig lot Where'thoy: no
mile north of the Vanastra Road crest of a hill no amount of money Constable Wray said he board the ischool' buses,
intersection with the highway spent would make it a safe place understood there was a discipline Mr. Laurin Said he Q. not '
" an where there are collector and to turn. problem at Vanastra with (Coxitinued 'on Page'S) .
turn-off lanes. Developer wathted - ,
�r�^, The 5th Avenue entranceway Tuckersmith road superin- .
lenient. Allan Nicholson, Baia of • •
was called "a hazardous location y'' / Feder'at
`r. ,. AWL
where four accidents have J Q
the entranceway, ' 1 'dont see
occurred this year;"' by Ontario vtpy it was built. We (township
e Provincial Police Corporal Ray officiais) didn't want it. The
Primeau who attended the council Stratford office (of the Ministry'of
r`+ session with Constable John , Transportation) ,didn't want -it. names officers
uli W'ra community services Only the developer wanted it."
officer, both of the Goderich. Mr. Laurin said tests were
Mervin Smith of R.R:1; Walton Leon Maloney; Cort: 6-7 Donald
/ detachment. made and the traffic count to was re-elected president of the Moylan; ' Con. 9 Gordon
"Cpl. Primeau termed' the Vanastra is less than 1,000 McKillop Feder ign of Blanchard, Arthur Bolton and
Vanastra ,Road intersection ''an vehicles in a day. He said the Agriculture' at the annual dinner Laverne Hoegy,;, Con. 10.11
'ideal situation for turning off the Vanastra Road intersection (on meeting at St. Columban Parish Francis Hunt; Con. 12-13 Robert
r5y highway." which the main entrance to Hall Tuesday night. Robinson; Con. 14 Laverne
Two Ministry of transportation Vanastra is located) is designed to Vice presidents.•re-elected were Godkin and Murray Dennis ; Con.
and comttiunications officials, J. catry 1,000 vehicles an hour. Gordon Blanchard and Robert 1,4N Mervin Smith. '
B. Morris, Stratfor d, , mainten- Reeve Elgin Thompson Robinson; both of R.R.4, W alton; Gordon Blanchard was\'Hamed
ance supervisor, and M. 'P.' expressed deep concern ° that sec. - treas. Alvin Dodds-, R.R.2,
AT LONG LAST SEWERS '—,Employees of Vasto P as' a second represe Fedora tp .
opposite the Geneseo Shoe plant.' The form going Laurin, London traffic analyst, • closing the entranceway would be Seaforth • ' attend }county Federation
Construction, which 'has the . tender for the $1.4 into the ground here is used to shore up trendb.,walls' discussed the closing prompted a problem with growth in Fifteen directors were elected meetings with the President,
million sewer extension in .Seaforth, got into' the so that men can work- at laying the sewer mains in by a request from Tuckersmith Vanastra. He said, too, he was as follows: Con.' 1, Andrew Mervin Smith.
ground on Tuesday when trenches were dug on West safety. (Staff Photo): recently for a turning lane and %%orried that the increased traffic Davidson; Con. 2-3, Ken Scott The guest speaker; John
William Street. Work started at the end of the street, lighting. to oqe road from the homes and and James Delaney; Con. 4-5'
- Mr. Laurin said that the road the truck traffic from the business' Gordan Papple and Lewis Coyne, (Continued on Page 5)
After more than 20 years
c t•t scholarshi s run duf..500 S o
For more than 20 Years every. „estate in a,trust fund, to be used. school got a scholarship. in 1974 across the province were envious
student who;fgra0.Jated ,from fo give $50 chol rships to. all, the final year, there wasn't of SD1fS an'a :he ,,45ys fits
District ,1•figh School and SPHS "grads who went on to enough money left to pay four of graduates got much more award -,
went on to University took a $500 university. About $74,000 was in the 21 SDHS ®grads who Were money than many students from
Scott Memorial Scholarship along the fund left to the school, For• . eligible. city schoois.
The 1975 SDHS grads' who many years that was' more than 'Should the money have been Hundreds of Seaforth area kids
received their diplomas at com- enough money. Former' SDHS doled out more.slowly and -in
� have had a better chance ata
mencement last month didn't principal L,P. Plumsteel says that to last longer?: university education thanks to r °
t a,
because all of the money. in the at first even the annual interest "It -was a decision we had to Bruce Scott. Most of the awards
Bruce Scott' Scholarship fund•has . wasn't all used up in order to give make," Mr. Plumsteel says. "We came in the last 10 years. In the
been used un. scholarships. to the who went could have made the morie last fifties only three ,or f6ur scholar-
cholar �'y' + ',• s �' ' E
p Y Y
Bruce Scott, Harpurhey born, i:o university. longer by making marks a con ships were handed out in somer, �, ?� ut,� j` • l ' "
made his money in the ;stock Mr. Scott's will directed that sideration, brit that would have '.years.
In 1961 only five graduates
market: He attended the old SCi the funds capital be used if penalized the p esent,students for y g t got h 3jwggy.l 3 u `"k
after elementary school near necessary: Qts more and more future ones." Scott Scholarships. In 1964 there
Brucefield and . when he died in SDHS grads went on to university "it . seeme a shame to 'cut were nine disbursements from
1951 heleft a onerous bequest to the fund's trustees di ed into them off," sat Mr.' Plumsteel, the fund. But b 1970 21' SDHS
g 9 PP Y
3 's , : a
the school, • ' the capital in the Scott fund. who retired in- after 27 years grads were, $500 richer as they
After gifts, to friends, relatives, As long as the Toney lasted, as principal here, "after everyone started university, It was a h
and employees, Mr. Scott; who • every student who had enrolled in was eligible for so long.'?• Mr. province wide trend, There were AT THE HAM AND EGG SUPPER -- A large ladies dig in. They are, left Julie Wright, Kippen and
died at 57, left the rest of his a university fropi the local high Plumsteel says that principals more places in universities and
�� '-; .�, t,•" ��, 5 students were ur ed to fill them. crowd attended the ham nd egg supper at Hibbert Kathy Finlayson, R.R.2, Kippen. (staff Photo)
x � �' ; �, t :. When the fund started paying United Church last We sday. These two young ,
tt out over $1.0,000 in scholarships
r t '
i rte
in one year, it didn't take long for Reeve says } "
it to become depleted. Interest
was coming in from investments, � � • _�•
i 150'000 for-familyfool►s1�but these we nservativeones, yiel ng interests of four ,
F and a ha and five per cent.
x From 1 65 to 1973 the capital in Reeve Bill Elston pf Morris ' percent increase for the per hour plus mileage at ,the date, August 27,' 1976.
trite fund dropped from about Township, . termed a Family Plan- Supervisor of Nurses for the current rate = 17 cents to 19 cents The library board has endorsed
$75;000 to about $16,000.Hing ,and Conception Control Huron .County Health Unit, per mile., a. recommendation by the county
2 A t o h
d ill di
Mr. Scott's will that program grant of $52,500 -for bringing the salary to $17,100 A rural planner is being sought librarian,'Bill Partridge, to make
the first $500 scholarship every Huron County as " foolishness" effective November 1, 1975; and by the planning board. Effective -application for .a Wintario grant
o a : , year go to an SDHS student who
Planners or $5,000 for the strengthening
atastra s re regular session ohiringMrs. ShineY Stee e, audio January1, 1976in
t �k planned to attend University county council. technician, as a full-time Huron County will start at ofthe .Canadians book and "
College att the University of Reeve Elston told council that employee effective' November 28, $15,000 •and after , five years non -book collection. This would
Toronto. Mr. Plumsteel says he $52,500 would "go a long way 1975• service, reach $20,000 per be for a single grant, not a
remembers two or three of these
toward operatiug a hospital". He County councillors aPPTov �d- annum. U der this schedule, the recurring on
being aware, but in recent
was referring to recent rumors the hiring•o an assistant tree present planner will .receive Council gave approval to a
s t;. years a $500 University College that one or two hospitals in Huron commissio-er for the south end of $17,600 effective January 1, 1976, property committee retjuest to
Scholarship- has been accumula-
-' County would be closed, by the the county Salary will be $4.50 and $18,500 on his anniversary engage a staff member, to work at
ting in a separate) fund every Ontario Ministry of Health in the Huron County Museum on the
year. months to come. • cataloguing program. A LIP grant
The Huron County Board of The rant has been awarded to project P
g Wincash w n n e r s. for the ro ect was not approved
Education has gone to court in an i the Huron County Board of this fall. An applicatiort,,,,W,iil,,ibe .
attempt to change the University Health to operate the famil • made for a Wintario grant to
College scholarship provision, p 5 Winners of this week's. of 25 coupons for one purchase.
? g p p lannin program which has been offset the cost.
)� r since so few SDHS 'students o to p g p g Wincash '75 draw in Seaforth are- Ask Four' partici sting merohant
g so successful in ExeterandClinton n The property committee '
school there, Mr., Plumsteel and Mrs. Leo Kelly and Jean Hoff. for your coupons and deposit
A' ia'' t'xatl in recent months. Plans now are (Continued on page 5)
�i r current principal Bruce Shaw say. both of town. Each wins a $106 them in the specially marked box
; :x• to begin a cli nic in'-Wingham. in his store.
if the board is successful, it would cash voucher which they can
open u more than X10,000 fof claim from the merchant named. Draws continue for the next
it its Ky ��nsk y, In other board of health
si business, it a�'as reported that three weeks, with a rand draw
firH�Mx some other sort ot? scholarship. Huron County's appointees to the Mrs. Kelly;s winning voucher is for $400 in mere ndi�e vouchers �9
Since marks were not consider- i g at Stedmans and Mrs. Hoff's is at „scheduled" for C as eve.
joint Huron Perth Steet'im m
y ed in awardingthe Scott Scholar- Anstett Jewellers. Fs "
, committee, District Health Merchants who are, fKr
tvy'ti� ships, anyone who could get Council Have been named. Ther Wineash coupons are available artici anti in the Christmas
admitted to an university in, are ' Reeve Ed. Oddleifson. at 30 Seaforth merchants. g
Canada or the United Kingdom A� Sraforth program and offer
g Bayfield, chairman of the Huron Customers receive one coupon for Wineash coupons are: Archie's
could get the $50Q. Were the ever%$3 purchase, to maxinwni i c' A e
r � n County Board of Health; Mrs. l Sino o, nst tt Jewellers, Bill ;i a
scholarships abused. SDHS prin- Carl Johnston. -Bluevale, j f)
t a , cipai Bruce Shaw thinks that in O'Shea Mens' Wear, Bob and ���
t a representing the consumer point Betty's Variety, Box Furniture, l'
y some cases they were. The kids y ,a
t of view; Mrs. Gwen Pemberton. Canadian Tire, Crown'Hardware,fi' r `
t themselvex'got the cheques from Bayfield, also consumer point'of .lack and Jill Shop.. Keatin s "
the trust in June and that was it. P• g
view; Dr. 'J. K, MacGregor, Pharmacy. Kna' s, Frank Klin
.•''. �r, •, , In a few cases, Mr. Shaw says, Y• PP $
tvingham, of the Huron county Ltd.. Jim -Crocker family
•the recipient of a Scoft scholar -
Medical Society; Norman '� r=
` k Footwear, Graves Paint .and =
n r:Yy r). tet, n•rt. ship might drop out of university
•: ��c, x *a : x�.;, EIS: ' Gt w� Hayes, Win ham, re resenting Paper, Huron ExpDsitor, Pulsiferafter a few :Y
weeks, et a tuition
g the Huron Courcy Hospital Music, Larone's, Seaforth°LG.A.
refund, and still keep the $500.
�4 h Y , Y Planning Council: Warden Anson Se' orth Jewellers, Seaforth
5,�.,xR, This was rare though. A Y 7Meats. Seaforth Automotive,
' �._. cursor check on the 1973 recip-
McKin]ey;.Huron Count Medical
J k 4 „ a� Officer of Health, Dr. C. F. Mills; Seaforth Imports, Seaforth
6' :y Y lents shows only one out of 14 � P C1�AR�S )EiR k�01D
and Mrs. Jeanne Baker, Clinton, Farmer's Co -Op., Siflcerit
u,� scholarship winners who is not the nursing representative. p • Y Cl'e1k TreasiirLr Af w#titi�k
still at dAiversity. Bruce' Scott. g P `� °1 Shoes. Sills' Hardware, Township vvus e'telt#bd vl0;1 rdh.i.4:
Ui�l?E "Ct•L�' r These two got lrt p getting The first meeting of tfkti ■ Stedmans, Stews $rets vp,
g closer to "their Cards In hopes of ettin a win when he made his will m 1944 steerit4$ committee is planned for Shmen s, Roth's Food Market Gent of the i'�th >�iattibi`,
Sooner at We Dublin PTA bingo on Friday night. Turkeys were the prizes at the well probably did not anticipate that so ,, � Ass°aciation at its aiihuA tkte�(it%g
early Det:ember, John Thortt son •Footwear and y ; .
attehOed fund rdfsing event. Playing, bingo abovv-e ard' $f'il grid job Flanagan. (Cofitinu4ed Ott Pae 5) County cbuncil a roved a 10
P at the Mtt�h�ll" Cotriti'tittitty
- g P1� INTO, 0 � Whitney Furniture. iventre on Tfiursdii