HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-05-04, Page 8• 0 MMeKay--That this Council do BOW ] T 1 J 4, adjaur11 to meet again on Monday, 28th. day of May, in the Town Hall, ',.. Always giving you the best quality (n Teeswater, at 9 o'clock a. m., as a .thhiimg. Every business day in the Court of Revision and Appeal of theassessment roll and also for the trans. :'•. z.tlrwesell you better Carpets, Rugs, action of other business -Carried. ,chrtaias and everything else you need CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. aur 7ourr hoose. Every day we sell you ,HOWICK. *il2ettter quality of Dry Goods, Dresses, The council met atFordwich, April Buttes, Capes, Clothing, Shoe Gloves, 18th, 1894, in Brown's hotel, pursuant • to adjournment; members all present; 4. Etaaier•y, Parasols, than any other house the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of jai. town. It is this continued, persistent, last meeting read and approved. wry day selling better gr ods that Changes in Pathmasters-R. Graham '4J t instead of Wm. Buttery and H. - Merits our constant business increaee. :and wins for no the lion's share of pat. Gildner; J. Bell, instead of J. Scott; Catalogue sent free • A. St. Marys, instead, of A. Messner; ;renege for Fine Goods. For suremoney- Thos. Bennett, instead of H. Willits. Moved by Mr. Doig, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the clerk notify the engineer to take lawful steps as soon as posible to have drain known as THE WING 11<AMI TIMES, Nay 4, 1LSJ&. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Ming buy good goods at M. H. Mo- , Indoo's. RARE DRESS GOODS CHANCE. Tho finest imported Silk aryl Wcol Novelties, on which the price is 90ots.' $1.00, x.125 and S:1.50, seduced to 7fets, iper yard. We have about fifty Dress :Suits of these Fine Goods and just one •dreasin each piece. Don't miss this Knox, drain, running into Grey, cleaned out -Carried. Moved* by Mr. Ferguson,seconded by Mr. Gregg, that the reeve and treasurer t:t allthoriZed to loan out the WO sink- ing fend money on farm property not to exceed 50 per cent. on the cash value of the property. -Carried. copportunity. See them on Monday, at •Moved by Mr, Doig, seconded by Mr. H WINDOWS � Graham,that the reeve and treasurer •' be authorized to borrow sufficient CULROSS. ' _ money to bear running expenses until other moneys come in. -Carried,. The Council met at the Town Hall, - Moved by Mr. Graham,seeonded by Teeswater, April 21st, 1894, accord- Mr. Doig, that as it is not lawful for .ing to motion of adjournment. Mem- horses, bulls, breathy cattle, sheep, bets all present. The Reeve in the goats, pigs or geese to rein at large. their. Tlie minutes of last meeting on public highways throughout this ' were read, when it was moved by P. municipality, and that pathmastcrs '•Kuntz, seconded by J..1. Johnston, and others are• instructed to enforce that the minutes of last meeting of said law, -Carried, Accounts passed •council, as just read, be adopted- --C. Rogers,$15,for repairing culvert Carried. Johnston -McKay-That as the bridge known as the Orange ' bridge is out of repair, that Wm. Reid get the same put in proper re- pair for travel -Carried. Kuntz -- Johnston ---:That the Reeve, Mr. Wel- wood, and J. ,T. Johnston have the Moscow bridge se constructed that it will not give back water on Mr. Roane's property - Carried. Wel- wood-Kuntz-That as the road on '•' the 2nd Concession, Lot 28, opposite the creek, is in. a dangerous condi- tion, that H. McKay incl Wm. Reid get the salve put in_ a safe way for travel -Carried. Reid -Kuntz -That Mr. Johnston have the railing on embankment on the gravel road, Concession 10, repaired as soon as es a cc . t .„,,,,,,c1; T� possible -Carried. Welwood-Kuntz rte have just ooe 'ed out a now and beanti[u �,+ SIAIP.I0N-In Willtrham, on ay,, TO THE TOWN (Ho 1','�INGHAM. stock o[ wall p,r+ors to the vory latest sties and . the Summer to work the farm.—A;: gal 29th ITar�ld :,Pbert, inPtlnt con of --That as the culvert on the 30th , ,p ' : Our Dress Goods, and many important lines in Dry Goods, we at rak bo.tom priers, rans:ins; from 6c per roll up. � llmi]nbCC Of the farmers ill this 1'1Cili- lwbel't curl C(trl'1e Simpson, aged � sideline, Concession 9, is washed out, Ali last year's stook at greatly reduced prices. (live i months and •16 da t3, p :r, ;imported this spring, and our customers understand what that means ns a cal[. Jas. Fos,Druggia ity have not been able to sell their Y that J. J. Johnston have the same I fat cattle yet, as the markt keeps, � T-ArT.EnsoN-in Btu ovale, on 2c5tli Gilt. •to them. (Litended fbr last iesu?:) { rebuilt -Carried. Ii11ntz-McKay- M1. Howard Snell left on. Tlhurs-'very dull. :••'William Patterson, aged 35 years, 10 4Ye sell the best Boots and Slices, heady-11fhLde Clothing. Our That a by-law be drawn up and pre- I day of this week for California and months, 15 days, pared for passing at next meeting of other Western States. We hope he I Live Stook Markets; ------ ,- --._ • .. _ couneil, taking lots 15 to 20 inelu- may have a pleasant trip. -The .meet -1 Liverpool, April 21.-Tra:le has sive, Concession A, from sub -division Ing of the Young Men's Liberal Club, .been decidedly firmer all round both CAMPBELL'S • JUST WHAT No. 3, and putting them into sub- held on Thursday evening of last ,for cattle and sheep, and the demand QUININE WINE. division No. 6 - Carried. Reid- week, was a very enjoyable one. , at the leading- country markets is it wiii tone up your you NEED . • cation. on ;:mppli- 9 MORRIS - FEH. - ROGERS - CO. LISTOWEL. • Adams; F. S., John Brunsdon; Treas., A. Woodman; S. W.,' Nelson Pringle; J. W., John Brown; S. B., Cha. Crawford; J. B.,'George Hesk; Dele- gate to High Court, A. Woodman. EAST WAWANOSH, It will be pleasing to the friends and neighbors and public generally to know that Mr. T. Agnew, son of Mr. John Agnew; near Eelgrave, who passed the Trinity Medical College successfully about a month ago, has again. made another bound by pass- ing the Toronto University Medical College with honor:?, this being one of the highest standards of medical education in Canada. This speaks well fora Huron boy who left his father's hone ,jut seven y ears ago to learn the healing• art. • Mr. Joseph Stonehouse will com- plete Gerrie and one opposite W. H, plete the stone work of Mr. John inGGem Toner,o4, repairing.:ii. Cole, barn this week. -This Inas culvert,; lot 5 and ,i, con. Jnbeen a very fine spring so far and the Warden $12 for keeping John. fanners are all finished up seeding in ' 1 bthis vicinity, being the earliest for JJH•1'.UTH & SON STILL LEAD THE TRADE • —IN --- MERCHANT TAILORING AND CENTS' FURNISHINGS. In �,_A7'S we have the most nobby to be found, our stock is complete. Note a few of our prices: Men's Plough Boots, from $1,00 up. Ladies' fine Button Dongolas, tipped, from $1.00 up. Boys' and Girls' School hoes, from abets. up, and all other goods in that line equally low. OUR STOCK OF VALISES AND TRUNKS is full, and at prices which nmst satisfy all. Ca'Boot and Shoe rel ailing done as usual. Sheep in good demand, .with sales of - butehers at $4.50 to $5, and shippers at „5.50, Yearling lambs in demand, there being. sales at 4• e to 4 e per ib., and spring lambs sold at $3.50 to R:4 each. Hogs firmer, with sales -of 1,000. Choice bacon sold at $4.90 to $5 per hundred; stores at $4.65 to $4.75, ailcl rough at $4.25. Sanders, blind indigent; A. I+'. Miller, scute rears:, - The streams have been Toy- juiBORN. wham cn the 29th treasurer General I3ospitxl, Toronto' lined with fishermen for the past few►`utt. ntthe wife In a1 r.Geo. A. Newton;a $37.90, for medical attendance and days They. report .having caught g b daughter. board for A. Mann; A. Patterson,' quite a number. -Mr. (:xeorge Owens„ •`h AUSTIN --In Lower Wingham, on the $2.50, for repairing scraper; S. Hyud- i left a few weeks ago to fill a positioi'r 2rth ult., the wife of Mr. Wm. Austin; a man, $2, statute labor returned in • as foreman over a number of boy's at Eon, 139:3; Win. Spence, „?, for repairing ,the Industrial 5ehoal, liihuieo, near \ ASMA wife Bhlevale, on the 27th culvert.. Moved by Mr, Ferguson, Toronto for which lte receives a Sal ult,, the wife et Mr. Wasman; son, secondedbyMr. Gregg,thatthe council' ,, WRia>:1T-In Gorrio, on the 21st ult., ary of $240 per annum, with board. the wife or Mr. John Wright; a son. do now adjourn to meet in the town-1Alex. Porterfield has been awarded MARRIED. •' ship hall on the third. Wednesday in)- the contract of drawing the milk on - " 11ttvicic-GltlawAR-At Cra(5brook,on May next—Carried. time ninth line, to the factory, in rhes "Aril lith, by Rev, D. B. McRae,J. D. W31. DANE, Tp. Clerk. I G. ', place of Mr. G. Owen;', as stetted a Warwick, V. S., to Miss Bella, daughter' ------- 'few weeks ago.—Henry Owens is or John Grewar, both of Brussels: • • WROKETER, a•' g • 1 with Mr. T. Stonehouse fo>r• DIEU. Sand a J. HOMUTH &'SON, W'INGHAM. FUTURE PROSPECTS. Will wheat be worth two dollars a bushel within two years? • We clo not claim to be able to answer the question, but one wlio should be regarded as good authority on the subject, namely, Mr. VanHorne, of railway faine, has spoken quite freely on this .question. Birt there are questions of daily experience of which we can speak with absolute certainty, and of some of them we will have some thing to say here: lst. There are so many people engaged in the mercantile 1 usiness or trade in this country, and the struggle for place and patronage is so great and persistent, that profits in, many lines are wiped out. How, then, can a trade be done that will give to the merchant a living profit, and at tjie same time secure to his customers the very best value offered in any market ? We answer : Import goods direct from the manufacturers or from the fields of production, and we have adopted this course. • OUR ORDER FOR FALL AND WINTER MANTLES AND WRAPS WAS PLACED WITH • ONE OF THE .:BEST BERLIN, GERMANY, 11\NU- FACTURI RS TWO MONTHS AGO. Our customers can rely on getting the very latest TEXTURES and NEWEST STYLES, at the.LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE. - OUR IMPORTATION ORDER for TEAS was also PLACED TWO MONTHS AGO and will BE PICKED AND PACKED TO OUR ESPECIAL ORDER AND SHIPPED DIRECT FROM THE GARDENS WHERE GROWN Johnston -That Mrs. Fizzel be paid Interesting papers were read by reported steady, the in creasing system, and restore the 'j'HISSPRINd;. $7,50', being allowance for the months Messrs. Robinson and Cowan. The in many industrial centresbetokening appetite. of March, April and May -Carried. - President Mr. A. Munro also deliver- a much decided improvement. While The Gest cure for Debility. Wehvood-Johnston- That By -Law eda very able and pleasing address. supplies of mature stock usually. at i No. 6, being a by-law appointing Mr. Jno. Sanderson had a hand- this season show a falling off, the Pathmasters,Poundkeepers and Fence ,some piano placed in his parlor, last wonder has been where they all conte ; . viewers, be now read a first, second, week, of the I-T.eintzman manufacture. from, because there was such a and third.. time, passed, signed a -Mr. Wm. Wilson has purchased weeding out early last spring and :sealed -Carried. McKay - Reid-. the residence of Mr. David Weir and suuuner when- the hay crop was , That the Reeve issue a cheque, has disposed of his own to Mr. S. B. known to be short. The imports of amount five dollars, and that the McKelvie.-Miss Addie Anderson, of American cattle and sheep continue Treasrtrer send the same to the Turn- Wingham, spent Sunday with friends quite as strong, while the refrigerated I berry Treasurer, to pay Jenkins for in town. -Miss Lizzie Brown, of Ford- meat is rather less. At present ! :work done on culvert on boundary with, is visiting at Mr. Jos. Cowan's writing a great clearance of • frozen 1 line Culross and Ttuiiberry-Carried, this week.stuff has been effected and hardly. an 1. .Report of J. Welwood, Reeve, re •t ounce of beef or mutton is in the -orphan children kept by John Mc- I.ONDESBORO. t cold storages at London or Liverpool. Donald, 15th Concession of Culross : Mr. John Lawson is able to be I Heavy consignments, however, are t "I found parties that would take the around. again. -Mr. James Ruddell, 1 on the way from New Zealand; Aus- I children, but as Mr. McDonald was who got his ankle dislocated last fall, I tralia and River PIate, so that the to bring the children in to -day or is able to get around again. -J, 0, higher prices current for these goods I keep the children without aid from Adams has put in a new drain from [ is not expected to hold. Of the pros - this Council, and as this is the second his cellar to the new drain just put "pects generally I`should thick, how -1 -time that this Council has provided ' in by the Council. -Mr. R. B. Jeffrey ever, that a better trade • than last i expected, all(.. so far , beC CC --• : year isto same children h trained his cellar into it - the i e anda5 also n Mr., for� placesP . .. McDonald failing to keep his agree-Mr.Farneolnbe, C. E., was in the ' as Canadians are concerned, should I ment with this Council,1 recommend village on Wednesday. -Mr. 8. Pike, ( the restrictions be removed, the May -1 that this Council take no more action of Clinton, was here on Wednesday. i June sales should be very good. in the matter, but let Mr. McDonald -Mr. John Hill will remove to East Buffalo, N. Y., May 1. -Cat - maintain thein in any way he sees Whiteehurch shortly. -Mr. Obrieu tle-Only some odds .and ends on best. JOSEPH War.WooD, Reeve." • Reid -Kuntz --- That the Reeve's report re the orphan children be „accepted and acted on -Carried. Finance Report --- ,Tames Couch, ',pairing culvert, lot 28, eons. 8 and 0, X10; Dirs.Fizzel, aid for the months day evening, the officers for the pre-; and Heavies, lc lower; best Iorkcrs,1 at March, April and May, $7.50 ; A. sent term were installed and the; mixed packers, generally ,;5 60 to G. Stewart, printing auditors' report, following elections made: Trustees, ! $5.65, a fi;w selected heavies, $5.7O. die.,$15 John Baptist culvert and R. Adams, A. Woodman, B. Laraw-1 Toronto, May 2.. ---•.Receipts at the had lots of ice cream on Tuesday 1 sale; firm. Sheep and lambs --Only 1 evening, the first time this season.1 5 cars on sale all told, hardly enough He will continue to have it on Tues to quote; steady for good clipped. ' clays and Saturdays, if the weather 1 stock; light thin lambs not wanted. keeps warm. --At the regular meet-1Hogs-Ten ears; light grades and ing of the I. 0. G. T. lodge, on 'rues- i Yorkers steady to strong; mediums Tailoring Department has special attention. -Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, &c. The purest Groceries, at correct prices, is the rule of our house. D. M. GORDON, The Anchor House, Wingham, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE THE•' MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY roR MAN OR BEAST. Certain 1n its effects and sever blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN- CURE BwspOxsr, L. L, N.Y., Zan. 16,1894. Dr, B. S. RP..SDALL Co. (ic�dt�nten—I bought a 6DDlondld bay hors? come time nnqgowlth n $pavan. Igothim fore99. I used Kendall's Spavin Cure. Tho t pavan 1s gone now and I have been offered $166 fortho samo horse. I only had him ntno weeks, so I got Meter using $2 worth of Kendall's Spavin Oure. Yours truly, W. S. Manner. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE SURLDr, Man., Dec 16, 1893. Dr. B. 3. EENDAtY,Co. 34rs—I have used your Kendall's Spavin Cure with good success for Curbs on two horses and it Is the best Llnlment I have ever need. YoUratruly, AuOUaTFRSDERY0E. Price el per Bottle. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr.. D. J. IC3r'ND.LL CO.h[I'4IYY1 RNOS UNOH PALLS, VT. 0 BRIDGI+'. WORD, IRON GRATE I3AItS, I 'A.SHI'IItS, op. r ole, Moscow rood, .,37 ; Thos, son; L. D., 13. Lawmen; Delegate, to western ry cards today were t;() car.: COLUMN'S, tandisli, nman and team fixing wash- the Grand Lodge, 13. Lawmen; loads. There was a limited supply I AIR BRICICS, t on cols. 12, $1.; Municipality of' Alternate, A. McGregor. -Regular of export cattle, with quality only antyID .WALK GRATES, rnberry, Culross share of culvert meeting of the S.0. ILodge to night, iareragc. The best sold atlcto•e - t boundary (.f' Uull tori , and Turn- in the Foresters' Hall.'. ---The follow- per lb. The demand for butchers' '{wry. $:r ; 11'wiu Jackson, cedar ing officers were elected by Court , cattle was good, the best selling at Inhaler for tii•:i ettivt rt.4, :;,'+.28 ; C.A. Pride Of the "West, C. 0. F., at their Brie to 31c ; mediums at 8 C to ne, armee, elrrvieesas engineer, Ali. Mc-; meeting last Friday night: C. .It., and inferior at 3e; stockers sold at .may ---that the finaute report as now t Wm. Lee; V. C. 31., Thos. L. Adams;131e to 31c per it,. ; witch cows, $30 td bre adopted ---Carried. Reid -• (Clap., R. B. Jeffrey; It. S., John C.' to $50 each, and calves at *-t to $5. CRI* PINix and WIMP SPOUTS • -AT- THE WINDHAM FOUNDRY. LL PAP'� r �i l .R. I have just received a large consignment of WALL PAPER,, WINDO W BLINDS, &c. In all the latest designs and styles. Also, a large stock of School Books, Scribble's, Exercise Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Stationery, &c. Prices as ,Low as the Lowest: ALEX. ROSS. AL The Popular Bookstore. Wingham. HARNESS AND GOLLA1 S. Having bought out the Ambler~ harness Business and started hi his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGH ' and TRACK HARNESS, USTERS, WHIPS, CURRY C0Afl3S, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e., &e. 1 make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaotion., Give "me a trial and 1 will use yon right. '' 1\TM"C 'i1'01\T i Winghalat, • 7,7r"J VOL. ,.XIII.--. Our stock this season surpa -previous efforts, and we are 'the benefit of it. The Dress Went is full of all the leadi •colors, See the colored Glo wool), double width and gra i8V1 Te THIS SWIM, done as good a Dress Goods r;Ll season. Comment is unit Prints are in the lead as um range, the newest designs ar. ings. Our all -wool De I prettiest and cheapest in tc an exclusive rouge of Zepl :and Mullins, guaranteed .color. A special line of In Vests, 5 cents each, six for•2 Our Shoe stook is full of 1 .makes; the best assorted sto :and Slippers in the trade, Groceries as usual. The .3 lbs. for one dollar, 6 lbs. and fifty, as satisfactory at delivered promptly. iettirtt•^^44;42 ORR ,k RISC The Only D Tns lima, May 2nd,1 O4. Marriage Lleer Issued by FRANK 'ATERSO lt9ria r treet,Wingham, On rregulred. ••004•••••••••••11 •' BES Place get a C11 10 et,,., 1 tral i lege, Toronto, Ont., and Unquesjtonal:ly Canada's ( rnercialSchools. Cata'ogu tion this paper. Snaw 8c Wu 0.04.40410 LOCAL N -Cash for good butter a Graham's market gr )eery. —Mr, Thos. Bell pure Jersey cow, the othe day, -If you are think rig of in the China line, ca . and T. Yates has. —Mr. Geo. Mason is -week, visiting his faher, .—The Presbytery 4 M in the Wingham Pre-byt Tuesday next, at 11 a. m. —Parasols, a fine 1 e, and something good. 1 m • —Rev. 1. Hamilton minister, has moved and will occupy the ho ed by Rev. Mr. Watso —Methodist Chum 'next Sunday: Morni of Christ." Evenin new." —Go to Mnnshaw, thi ]rinds of bar pins, sword pins. `'.4 —A meeting of the 3u .cil of the Royal 'Tem sr 'will be held in Wing at .June. The local Co Inc making preparations nor —Baby Carriages. .A. articles on hand, and wil cash, at S. Gracey's Fur ham. --This is the carnes in this section for ma 1 1� trees are out in full 1 peals are very favors* crop this year. Seedi -1 cattle are cut on the I •yvelm.grown. ' ---Munsliaw, the 15a, taken a full course at t Institute, and has all ti for testing the most def posting free. --There were aevetl the roll of membereh p .cil, No. 222, Canadla rtiends, at the meet r ing last. This bring: to about thirty, and a large number will ing, which will be h d next. The 'Counoi a. . t s s . esters hall, aria wi • the second and las Mc pbt>irnericie( w.th he' *sCoiety is is t'el•y ioult Both sexes on t 1a.1 .tl'd1inga... •tot si of ititlenefliamtts .: ed.